CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Feb 1914, p. 8

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LA.K3_OO)UN"TY ugiINT, FRIDY, P 1UAY21914. cltizoshiip than au eqU4i number ofr l those who corniot read auy language. The Immigration COMMISSIOn appoint- x, W ËM AiLL. W a c<In 1907, dOvOted fo r Mto a -l'mg BU astudy of this matter. consdcring a,, -M U TIE USephase* of fitat iret baud. both bahre COt t t eand abroad.* and tiiey concluded and - reported lu favor of the literacy test. conomeaman Thomson Ex- "noftai activi'he niesuebt ai a Toi ipIan8Why HoVoted for the erasupply of unikillod labor. f Immigration Bill. because 1 believe inch a iaw to'ide for -tho beat Intereste, not only of thbe 'TIME TO LIMIT IMMIGRANTS Uie ttaa a nation, but of the PEI lmmgmnu ýemelvsboth those who ane already hore and thase who, Congréurnan From Tenth Dis. uniese somes aucil reetrictive measures n triot Says Immigration is are adoPted, would continue to corne teoaur shores ini ever Increaslng uum. Menacing Unless Curbed bors. CHARLES M. TIHOMS0N. ToTHE PEOPL.E 0F THE TENTH Washinlgton, D. C.11eb. 7, 19114. TbmBmsiert bion iOth e os orVOLO DECISION 1Iqu mnuch Interet, wsiliasscd te thr CAUSE 0F ,COM ENT -0 da" by a vote of 262 ta 126. The bone BlBum>'IEAI of contention ln this bill was the sa-. jFt')JN ALIIelle calied iteracY test whlch providesB 0R Ba that al allons over slxtee.n years of te sec, Pbyslcally capable of readîng, Resident of Baltimjore Who Has! h shall .nt be admitted ta t-is country WaceeaosRi-i- Ide SUnlese theY can read net- legssft-ban 30 W thdFmu atRd a words ln ordlnary use, prtnted in ing Case Writes Letter. 013 PitInly legible type, lu the Euglisb -i language Or ln saneieloter language SE LMErEN FO T.t -or dlalct (lncluidlng Hebrcw or Yid- H LM SME O T e Thils patagraph of the bill containe Woman in East, Who Has a proviso ta the effect that any admis Mno V i NtWe d d sible allen or any alen beretofore or th fVl i NtWed ,ng -hcrcaftcr legaily admItted, or any Their Influence. h clitkeucof 'the tYnRed Staes May- bring o tu or send for li.s father or grand. atioeFh.1, 94. g .father over fiftY-iive years of age, bis E B-o aloe Sun: 191« ofr w1fe, bis mnot-ber, bis grandmnothcr, Or Dear sir: I.address you once more. the bis unarried or wldowed daugbter. tbanking yeu for your response ti r If otherwlse admissible. vbetber such Inquirtes about the Volo mab and for di relative eau road or nlOt. t-be evideuce of your euierprisiog pa- ma An Immigration Bill carrylug some per that secured the conviction of thbe fee soi' of literecy test provision bas glity-some. at least. if net ail. If -dre pM*ed the Sonate four time and the yen Cao îuform me as ho the final .nd Bouae tbree limnes. Sucb a bill was ponlabment of the culprits. I sbould ig votoed by Presiden' filleveiaud ln 1897 like ta know. A penalty of fine and îce et 'whlch Urne the. House paased the lait was Impendîug. But a court sen- t. bill ovcr the veto, but the Senate eue- aofe ode.10ten torl "sad Uic veto. Again a almilar billi Oua Iangas case, It- was practically vu as ed luthie hst congresa an4 nulllied by "parole." W vetded by Presidexit Taft et vblch 'Ta me such crimes are grave, notca tumre dte Seuste paaaed the bill over Onîya -baoiti obig0 thse veto, but tiie Rouie by a very belpless woman Individuaihy, but as ( _80-ow sargin sustainied t-be veto, a dastardly insult ta wamanbaod ev- t 1 tbluir uo one villIclaime that a erywbcre. Even shouid a womau for-u Iitrmc tst f~rs n des ft-cnaget ber womanbaad, no power ln the hi for sUfting ImmIagration. It muet be naine af law or soclety bas s rigbt to admittod that notvit-hstanding sucb a forget It and seek te force bier yet q tes mnny ba mn wiI et-In ndlower by brutal and abgcene violence, t] mey an boneent one wiii be exclud- That- t-is fashian abauid spring ino oc ugly activity within Uic preacut new But the question preseuted hy such century, loa arazing. And we bardly t a bill as this la net- vbcthcr Uic liter- tiiougbt it could Instali it-selin these t scy test, coutalned ln It, la an ideal United States. Maybe. It ta reinote- Be * lrovision, but vhether 'htiUre has 1, duc ta jealous arn, arocsd ha »Wv core lu the deveiopmnent o! our the stubborn and aggresslve sufredb Cl --utrY vheu vo ougt in restriet- lm. movernnt Sruic fcase, '* igiofr th n er ofs ure o!there le actual hostility based upon t- redein:t-b nuii of Imgrants, Box, amd Uic odds, as beetoreaat- 900& bad or IndlIfeVýeot, and if we gant iovrnn Ic re uahe chOcleudeht sncb s trsnoarrvdfor Uic "vote" than that every vomau thenve nus deide betcr ucba aali b8 given a certain regard bet test a iltla Cne ProPoscd lu the bill cause sbe le a wornsn. This need nlot JOu passed, will exciode more immmi- stand lu Uic way of a Juat enfarce. h grant. tbaât are undetirable and leas meut of iaw agalnst- a criminal, but t-: edt-b aedeorsritin.-br fUit- iellibe aueffectuai bar agaloat bru- edOin aeiiod heo!retquction ametaiit-yand Indlgnity. a Looinget-theflrt qeston m- I do net farget that the Volo outrage meut, 1 t-iink anc vba studios the wasacs !butalytOaw M 'ebestiou muet conclude that the tinie as aaeof butaI thikt-ba indiet bas arrivcd, nat te close the gat-es but i bey were ubserintag net ta as one member exPresscd It. te nar- maie .e uenc e te ntsatook rov fie paesaud contraI thefliood. fmoaInltencetoi gnoram sto uner Thbe statitics show an enormous f-rbnd tattoalIyca* neer be vile ln Uic number of people coter.I- Sand ttmalcos. No uc vbeatroit-y lng aur caunt-ry lu recent- years. From nicud av curredo la ha c it-y 1820 ta 1912, Inclusive, about twcuty- wlhe ven habiualre spe acnt he w nine and a bait million imuvgrants woeemen a reverrpte alid tev- Came ln. Durlng the last ten Yesrs 0forwhe are.iti ed wbo mine l t-i tiiat period Qver ubue sud as laf mîl- atereIiw ~tb ey ahre te fl lem C H iO caeneIn -luoheatrs.t e ra ol;teartb wml. In cllerwors, te'crs, and cblefiy the iaw breakerg. As- f - fgures t-cl us t-at nearly one-third of suml~gta-awmnbsfle u- Uic Imn miton fte iastcntrynthe (saclaliy) unpardooaiîie in, yetb baheetdeadmitdtaorcuur uwby sbould ber Presence be cousid-F t-e se dcae.Alrnost a million and cred a danger that inerte ber expul-n a baif carne ta tbis countrv duiring the sian froin the ncilbbarbood, much v Year endi4g Junc 30, 1913. lesd a cruel violence meant ta he a I Sanie restriction wauld scellmt-o be hrand of lufamy thereafter, like tbe needed. MUcb o! tbe argument agalnst mnark of Cain? And wbj* are men,c It u ddre fcsae, thse at ud P-gulty of a rike Bir <sud a far great- judce 0!corse tbas sumy sons cm menace), Permitted ta ive un- Of thc aid vorld wbo have corne ta moîeste<-and usualiy unrebuked-int Anerica lu Past years bave made Omr t-bearne cOmutunlties t-bat- risc up s% countrmy ubat Il ts. But because it savagely ta cast out t-be voman' va& vise ta adopt a volley o! a coin. Itiki adcfa amc a Paratively uorestrict-ed Imm igration 1ctiared> ta uerneneof vlrtasues1 lu car gne y wcnOur couniryinstinct as te the centuries a! mascu-t vaRs uImettled sud the cities smalli line pupsadtteae tmin do«. net folliovt-bat It aould be wise t unarpe atuastielabetmin.tva to continue t-bat paîtr-y oow, wbeu tbe classes of vomen, each o! vham bce COuitrY la settled, largeir sud ewc lut-coda shall exist for hilm, but as( bmaveoDur immense cilles, t-o the con. warrlug enemies. alwaYs'apart. if1 gs«tiOo f vlcb a large percentage of the suffrage or whatever power-can1 thse 1immi1grants o! today are' addig break up t-is assonptian, it wil Let them corne ln and diat-ibutetenprvauI eseeeatin-obh Over Uic rural ditricts. someo e r me aude-men.ebnfcio ebt guet. Tii. answer te that iste-bë. ey anI Reapctul von't stay diatribut-ed. If restrictive -Rse. M. l RRIS mueasures are to be adopt-ed. ablait t-bh 9 E.iltb St. M ARS ook Six Nrs on SaturdaY for Two Local Steamers to Reaoh OpenWatter. ERE MARQUETTE STUCK. te Steamer HeId ail Night in Ice-Freed Sunday Morning When Ice Is Broken. Waukegau. Fcbruary 16. The steamer Maye-ood of the illII teamboat Lin. hnd tue Pere Mar- ette boat bath plying betwcen ke- opba. Waukegan and Chicago, !ought hjsh tee et the cnt-rance sft-bhe Keno- ha barbor for mare t-han six boums aturday in an effort ta get away for àr regolar trips to Waukcgan and %Icago. The two boita batd beeu hock- dIn t-he Kenosaababor sBnce Tues- ay on account of t-be great teeIlfids nt-be lake, but witb a change lu t-be .und SahurdaY morniug thbé captatns fthe te-o vessels dclded upon a uni- ed effort t-o break t-broogb t-le ice and et se-ny. 1tothbhoats steamed se-ny froni tbeir ocks before daybreak Satumday moro ng and alowly ivorked tilîir e-ay rough t-b e liocked harbor. In t-e- eui's t-bey uisnaged te get out tu t-be id of the piemr sud at tbis point pro- ress was blocked -wtb a great ses dice. Maneuverlng like hatticabipa .e te-o steamers started a figbt t- reak up t-be ice fines wbicb continoed luig the enire momniug, Tbcy vere aking progress aItbe rate o! a few et sn bour. but t-bey kept at-L,Hon- ciles o! people gatbered ou t-be piers id along the lakte front ta e-atch t-bs Iht of t-be te-o steamers againat t-bs ce. White t-be steamers ecrs at- rnmptiug ta make tbeim e-ayino thUi )en wat-eu f rom Kesosha t-be newp as receivei t-bat t-he tbree steamers m-use ln t-be tee just off Chicago. bad W1 heen reicaseil andl bailmade t-udr ay t-o the Chicago barber. Once lu t-be open e-st-smUicsteani- ares have n trouble maklng their reg- ilar t-ripa. Bath o! t-be boati carricil big cargocs sud it eas dechamei t-bat isre e-as lit-Uc or no danger of aoy sebus bas aon accont o! the tlesln te lake. Stuck inulice. At-"length. &fier many efforts. t-be two boati succecded in freehng t-hem- Belves f rom Ui c iceln t-be Kenosha harbar and sarteil on their mon ta Chicago. The Maywaooi l a steel boat andila considereil considcrably fasteý ban t-be Pere Marquette, soetil tank te leail, forcing a passage t-brougb te Ies fiehld. The Pers Marquette follovei lu t-be pstb mails by t-be ct-hem baat. The Msye-ooil let-t t-beat-ber boat be- hiud and succeededin l reacblng lt-s docks in Chicago at- 6 o'clock int-be evenlng lt-scargo e-as discbarged t-nil a uce- cargo teken ou. Suuday mornlng t-be retom t-rip t-a Waukegan -s at-artci. Ou t-be eay out t-be Maye-oad sigbtei lJIe Pere Miarquette stock t-lgbt lu Uic iee. The hcîplesa steamer bail 5aiieilta reacb Chicago, baviug stock lu t-be tce ahi rlgbt. It lis claimei t-batt-be psth bhrougb t-beIes mails by t-be Mgy- wodbail frozen and t-be Pers Mur-- tinette a-as unable t-o force a e-ny through. hecomIug stock ont-aide thbe Chilcago barbao, Wiihing ta belp sather Ilu iitreas, t-be captain o! t-be Maye-ood abi!ted bis course sonie-hat sot-bat be e-uld he able t-nmun close t-o t-beat-ber boat By doing t-bis be broke up t-be for- mat-inn o! tce and thbe Pers Marquette e-as able ta free Il-elf. Then, by fol- lo-lug i t-bepetb mails by t-be May- e-rai, il- eas able t-o get io t -eCbl cago barber. The Mayvooil proceedeilan ltc connse t-o Waokegan and bail no fut- ther experience util It reachei thbc local barber. Ice t-o a t-hlckness oi cigbt' or t-en luiches bail formeil lut-he local barberasud nder tuis e-as i great mass of alush tee, It t-oak ha teen t-hree and four heurs ta breal a paspage throug B q t-batt-be locaý docks coold ble meecheil. The actlo o! breakiug up t-be Ice, bovever, cauB cd h t-oe eave t-be barbor aud float aui luto t-be halte.Bo t-bat t-oday Uic hate la quite free. Despite litsmought Passage, t-h May-ood left Waukegan for Kenoshi ln t-be aft-cmnoon Sunday sud returne( bere agalu t-bis morning. Tihe capt ain reports a large oumber o! lceberg float-lug about lut-be lais, aud sayi car. bap ta be talten se that ia colît- ion -lui net take place. GUY Preeman, local manager oa! i HiIlliUno, declares t-oday tuat t-be May vood vouhd bave at-tempted t-o înw. t-ho t-ripa oarler lu t-be eeS bU D ot IMM nboard t-bat otier bots von stucS OUt*de of Chicnag nd the con pany did net, vlsb ta t-aS. any ui neiesa-y ris»a. XïNmw RALLY Nov Tors, Treb. 12.-The omtci booeto tue National Womne ff- roe aissiatIon taday issued a cail t-o tue ismuRast- o! t-be country t-o rally et an oeisar mass meeting 6i Oatnrday, IR" 2, lu cvery city, vii lue. Md hmilet-tram t-be Atianele t-o the Pactille, The sIgnO a .ta be a trumpet- call, ta vhieh auffragiats are t-a reapond by alngliag a hymu. nov beiug vrit- t-su for thbe occoAlon sud ta adopt at tuat time a naUiou-vlde resolution, ta bo ¶vreauted te, cougresa, dcmiiid- Ing political freedom !pr Arnoricen vomen. $12.50 IN-TREAIS. URY AT 1NO0RTI CRlI- CAEiO A T PRESENT A Report to This Effectt- Was Made by City Treasurer at Meeting Monday Night. CI-ARGE EXTRAVAGANCE On the Other Hand Friends of the Administration Deny Al of the Charges Made. Waakegaiî. Feh, 1:1. The -cty o! North Chicago aitht-e presi-ot lime bas $12.51) ln Its treasury. A report- t-ot-is effett eas miade ai the councIli meeting iiouiay uigbt hy Curt- Wacht-er, ciiy îmcasomi-r. Those e-ha are opposei t-o t-hi-ail ministration arc mst-ing couaidemahile s tock o! t-hlm. Tbhey assert t-bat- ein t-be aid adlministrat-ion tumcd the reins o! govermnt ove, t-o t-be ni-a administration iast April t-bat tbere e-as $81,000 lu t-be t-easurî. Tbi-y cont-cuilt-bat ailt-bhissud ailt-bhe mon- ey taken ln sioce theu bas hi-en spent by Uic preeut administration. Ttey- ascribe vaions ressous for t-is con- dition of affaira. one bcbng t-bat- tihi psyroll bas been Increaseil mat-eishly through t-be addition o! Acvcmal clty employeca, Sanie o! these ers pot- ou, Uiey dlaimt, for poli-cal rossons. The dlaim t-bat- money la being apeut- laviably and t-bat t-be tax payers are not- gctt-lng tueir money's vort-h, On tue otuer baud t-be frienda of t-be administration eut-cm a se-eeping de- nial. Tbey declame t-be 0ev cit-y offil- ciels baye nat been extravagant--t-bai tuey cen show value receiveil for ev- ery dollar apeot-. Far instance t-bey point-t-o t-be fact- tuat t-be cit-y streets hava been improveil t a snoticeabît ext-cnt-. Wit-h regard ta t-be tact t-bat tberr la but- $12,0 ln t-be treasumy at t-bs present- lime t-bey say t-bat t-bis onit su unusuai condition o! affaira ln sul city. Tbcy sas t-bat-t-be t-a moud le bcbng coilecteil ait-bhe present- t-mu and thi., amonnting t-o bet-een $8000 VOLOIM T& BE IS I~~~T GEUt o C. (Contiuued 3'rom page One) »oMe o9 them bave been causd-*~ rectly by the gis. Thoer hav eaeu no serions fatal developments auaijet but ve deulred t-o belou the megfe iI aide, tbat's wiy viser'e4 notice oe the cornpauy t-bat vo vonld not be r.-P n aponsible for auythiug t-bat- rnlgbht AICI "If thbe Situation doesn't clapr- U.n*ESoT tPoiCi- t-y scon. I vOnld not be surnrlied tho sa uncerimonlousiy hrokeu up e-heuhheur of e num*er of damane suit-s dren Sat Between RIoh ChIl. tue Volo vomen tocS Mrjs. Richard- being started agaluat-tue eompauy. It soan and rode ber on the rail. seepsa as Ifthte Compnay migbt get dren at the Table. Dunulîl bai made sevoral t-ips ta rid or tue ba lot of ge If it vas -' Chicago since ho returued t- a Lae prodncid as a result- of au accident of'DEMOCRATIC SPIRIT SHOW* oounty and t-bat la webe a relat- e orna sort-," of Mre. Ricbardson tiret av htm- At Lake- Fore«t e-alklng along t-be street loIt-i g et And bcr.'s vhat- tue lake Plorester Ais a Resuit the Poor Little Téta t-be tali buildings. says o! tue stutlowl-tbre: Had Splendid Time-AIi Re- mas Not Sein Hem, Waukegan papera bave been de..- Tblis smre relative deciames e-lth voting a chapt-er or t-vo each dayl ceived VaIentines, poaltivenens tuat- Dunilil bas nat »seneu cput veek t-o tue poor sas ln - Mme. Ricbardson. but at t-be sanie tine t-bat- clty. Conditions ber., are about- About a score of ittle tots fram., admit-ted bhe baid asked hlm for ber t-be saine as lu Waukcgan vit-b t-ee x. t-be Lake Bluff orphanage enjoyed a telephone number. wishlug t-o calber ception t-bat va set- a lit-tle mare corn- pleamant- couple of bouma ou 'riday up and taIS vit-b hem about t-be terrible presseil air t-bat ve bave t- a py for aft-smnoon vben t-boy, rubbcd cîhove came lu wec she ladt been t-bowu as gas, than t-bey do in Waukegae.- it-b e-althy Ilittle Lakte Forest chul- because o! alicged relations wit-b hlm,l dren. Ail uines a! clais ver. fOrgOt-- bis staNid denici o! sucb relations hab& iw c A l~ t-en for t-be time beiug andl ail mingicil iu afetu.o!thir-omversatiou. jIV u ri A E on a camman plane. Hovever. Mrs. itichardson'i; relativ The affair tooli place lu t-be Bai- expined tbat It-eagbemt for hlm B D NT..UCI sy acool e-heet-hc Sindemgarti'n ntt omnct ihMms. lticb beld t-udr annuel vaientlin@prt-y. It- amdsonuunder t-be clmcunmstaiices rî fl iÎ IfldA C e-sdecideil t-bai t-voulil hi-a nice DunnIli seemed aatisfied ta et it go TRAVELED R À D twtbng ta Invite t-hie kîndergarten a! In that maniner. He asked a!t-em the t-be ophauage sud t-is plan e-as bealtb o! t-be litthe aomao e-ho liedt !oloàed. Eâough saientîsea weie been treeteil sîînhmet-uîîy 0,ami tinijsîAlmost Impossible for Teams hrovîcid o hanlhsteeuthe box e-se o! hlm sud bis apparent- kîîîî idg., and Autos to Get Through ncucitheitî-rpas ce bo o! ai hat bail takiemiplace, ,tilicatvs-. forgot-ten. ibat lie liastnt- been n.sav so far 'il'L in Many Places. Oui- o! tir e!-aiîin.-io! t-he affair w hit ie kept- 1ostiii utah lt-h1ie- w---ess tlie-sprvlnkr of efre.hmpntsao- tatis bft-heii- s,-satiousi aff:iir. AUTOS CARRYING SHOVELS. ire cri-arr,, -akite sîcilcri.iî - Ail [ast It develiiîcs t-lai MIrs. iht-aiîrdson t-, down t-,a alarge t-abce. lu omdi-mt-bat io% ini Ciiicago w lt-blier si-item diAiTebl llo no ee t lit' liittle vi.iiors rnil iit- 1-nI cirfertlyu thînt cie lias coultpd a spectalit he- Th 1 ay fî !so e-' h e-as rleciipd t-bai the hist cause lber condition is salditonbave, asd t-be subsequeut- draftlmg l.i t-e e-sy ould bhi-t-n IlstrIbute mem '.0 grosn iîorse o! laI.-, ail datlîîg, she hi-avy einds, bas made- iheîr coiirv t-bat t-bey e-outl occupy places hi'- ihicares troui thle Voho incident,. roads very bard for ose o!fhtrams a tween t-be mlch chilîdren. Thua t-h-se Inaumance Cancellel. wel as sut-os, lu fart-, ns regards au. uit-le t-at-s e-havae bei-n made or- Mmr. Richiardlson admît-led ilînt t-le, t-os, I la almosi irnîtosEiblçe for tini pasb -ednh !Iernnbr iccntarice couîpauy w hidi carmîil a' ta get thmough p-eu onmailns wliere sud fat-bers foîmnilt-beehidren ni' policv on lits store, ame 1111i-19ago aiS ouhd i-xpiertt- iiimn 1- rI eol- smrneo! t-hem million- cancehl l iii pollcy and. thi- ageît- aveu, sires severai tmces nierr. btt-ing a( aîiuitt-ed t-hat t-be compauy fesmeil t-le, For Instance, il,. rosd tîcteemiNo.ilt-hir ehhow. a atî o! the Vtola people ou acrOtnitt Chicago sud L.ake t-luff!Thiursdav aft It la ta t-be cri-dit tif t-bn- i-bct-hlI- a! t-le part the i- lilamdsons bai lahy- enon, especially ni-sm ibe Dutamî dren tbat t-bey inanîfs-steil not t-hn cd lu t-be sacsat-loual case, Wit- biîs place, e-as fIil l vt-h (Jeep d ri!î andt slgbtet'saIt tiof inohbihriic< but store lun eopardy, Richiardsoiii md to scieraI big auton trot-ks werrct-i, k acci-hteil t-be mîar î-hilreun as thpir t-aster, bis auctionusale aîd the", ait- sud hbadlta abord thî,lruas, .-wi altu caci i- I itb er cme h.ans selI start-ed. soinethitug liaîi- I eSta)uoftiiitaîa R c amie as If ttii-y acre ln th-ir ne-t. pemîed e-hici causeil hîluî t-o catIloff niatprlal tniirvthhi, ot mea-if-d 'i-.î s t-hie auctloneer because lie salis, lu t-hi- suas- iear t-hie hira:îd 10- v Wlteu carne t-tmp for t-be part-v n. 'stock e-as hehmîg let- go tar ton cbheap_. sud îIt- eam s ei-aay mu iran-n-m tiebreakni. t-be lit-hie i-ut-ors e-eut bat-k H e thios cîîied t-le sale anudl rol t-eleua i L sr-crto g- n11 t-o thie omît-isne ail ditring t-hi-y remalmîder o! bis stock at- prit-ste sale. ertyvIhlef. u bh ichaca tlie auto badil dbal'imtti dui1tte- Hl-e lias vemy- lit-tle eft- uow. i starteil. , The spîrit of da'imcy manifestée! Relat ives nf Richardlsorn lopn- ol Many autois mwhiinh i. ri fîîrned tu - hy t-hi- si Fori-ah blidren lbail maile ttart hlm up lu business lun(Chicago lun make tripîs mliL th- ountrm. use- thern fieh perf-chlY at sase' I a u-tr o i i-.chains bat-b front sud hack, lut- ci- t-heu lu msuy cases thev ili nortmînakej A marriage license e-as lssued t-o Id'fIA& UisIluProgmesg. !ilccnv autos wer' hall-'IDauiel Wslsh sud HElaebeth Moidor Lv ut ii assimig t-ianis smowg th, o! luglenidi-t-oday, Tbey are tchi' liHiLIIrIuPARK uI laite shore oail. marricd i t Vola Tbumsday, Fi-h. 19. ULTMA UM TO TIE -t>8l autaistse-ho lbail occasion su dafter a short- eeddlng trip vIii ULT MAT M T TH togo ntothecountry Thnmsday weri' maketi br home lu Gary. ild., wbhe 1 CO acue aryiug shavels on t-be aIde no! Mm Valilepîyl NO. 3IIWIE cars. Mud"--sl.igbttnnt-op (tire-for @&sle' Heaît Boar Servs Notce ldepe.ilcut: Mare readema t-bsn ail by aih druirgîste. 50e s udl 1.01)hcper ,,eath Bord Seve Nt c onty vectiies cambîneil, bot-tis. 20t e aT6 uompny m si rC- the Consequences. IS GIVEN 48 HOURS TIME. sud $10.000 viii soan be turn ei over t-o t-b etcty. lu addition t-be ecm Waukegau lant t-be oniy -uth ent-a andl t-ber sources o! revenue shore cit-y sofferlog trom t-be gai, 'a arc coinitn contautiy. dltiou sud e-hile t-bers bas hi-en rnuch In t-be meantime warranta, are li- taIt but lit-tle resu action lu Wauke- lng issucdiebch are payable at t-hei' sarsl fUt iutoflh C. E. Sat-her bant, Sanie o! t-be frienil o! t-be administration ssy lt- landl Park officiais bave laken iii.t-i- Is not-blu e t-oeUc iiscreilit- o! Nort-h matt-cm eit-b iecisIvens sud d;l-te, -Chicago ibat- e-rrants viii have t-o hi-ni iuatYon that a remedy uiust- ho issueil as t-bey say t-bat- mauy cihies founil sud thi-y didu't gie unlmitei speni lait o! their mouey lu advance t, e ueblto u l1iht hy lasultue earants or -vouchers lu Aftet-sh-e Highlandl Park liteo I i anticipation o! t-be mouey a-bleb la t-e>uffereil a few dnys hast- aeek rou> came In. t-be offensive gas t-be mayor sîco Yoe-twiI Sud people lu Northb Chi- healtb coniiaoner, Dm. Berger, vils- cago e-ho viii debal i t-Le condition o!fiit-b te office o! t-le gas cnmîîauy Rffains, somne taklug cliii part o! t-Le sud laiddioe-n t-Is ultliat-um- ailministration anil sanie belng opos "The dit-y of Highlandl Park cocl. Charzes sud coutem-cîîargea gîvea you Just fort-y-eight- Lours bave cmcaed consîderahie idiscussion, ln whlch t-o rem--dy t-Le condi- _________________tion; lu case It isaflot- mproveil OOWIE SERVEU WITi-'SUMMONS. hy t-heu and l miidanger emnoveil, we @hall hold the comnPsny hiable A, GladstoeUne-le, son o! t-be iste for auythilng t-bit may recant- Alexandler Une-le. founiler o! Zion (mnesulug damnage soit-e due t-o CitY, was, served i -t-h s summon» on lctmesor deathi).- Weduesilay ta appear befome Muni- Asteil about-t-be matt-cm, Dr. lier- cipal Junige Newcomer lu Chicago t-o gem salol: "Yen. e-e gave sut-b au ni Show cause -wby le abould nflt- be de- timat-o nsd t-be situation h-anou-, clarei 1m1 cOnt-emPt- o! court, Doweecleameil mucb aluce t-heu, That e-as asa a e-tni-s sacase hifore Juilge 0oWeiluesday t-bat-t-be onde, rn Nee-COMer severai ilsys ago- sud ie -t-be beahfi btaril eas larcuei andl t-cey failcil t-o appar in court. Prmisei os tbey e-ould do iîh ihet- ________________ couil t-aremely t-bs i1t-uation,. 'mev, Stage's Lots Liiersture'a Gain. lt-h ut- Boyton o! l, t-as nîpauY EnglanilS cenaoraip o! Uic drame calleil me by phone sud explaineil caumed ieling ste torD !rom play- t-bey vers iloing ait-hi-ycouhl t- o i- e-mlght t-o novel vritlng. Fielding be- prove t-be $aa, explalning t-bat- bail Lgala bis lilterarylhareer as a dramat-lat. coal e-as t-hi- cause o! it. i- aaid an by bis pollîlcal satires brought It- vas te their ailvant-age t-o get-t-be about-t-be establsmnut o! Uicceusai'- bip lu 1717, thbe bih being lut-oduced suppîy In gond shape sud theret-ore by Walpole, one btf PeldlugS victirna.thcy verseaert-lng evcmy effort. He WIt-b Piaye-mit-ng tUns barreil t- ai, seil on li'iday that- t-be ait-nation 110 tUrnemuie at-lent-ion ta tie naveL shoulil be cleareil111eo!1 om sud op taeuday It bail flt- cleareil Not-Any Use 1The'-.. mucb lun om rity. » "Tiaeare mnorne tuinga," said the Much Affection Thero imanl'-li tte higisbrov. "t-bat- mouel "I vouhlflot- atate t-bat there are e-t'tbuy.,"I le"tbem &are.' ae f ikeahedet -Picil t-be otuer ttu te overlappinsmthe ase.!t1cknterar e.duma cchin, -utthWénonutrin tu e ssbt uvteeaem ] O t ire mextsn o un n7ur 're cases of bronchial trouble vblcb bave 'il tage anizenuoee! ou Ord-been aggravct-ed by the fumes cmit-k ed by tue gai pipes. And no doubi E~~tZ~A 15food tanic compound of cham- F ood T o ne cal inorgain&cemenis of which tht What FOOD TONE wiII do for your hogsr Niake lînie sud rnupcéhi--ist-mî digosti(iti-ninkeu-" liige shoter, atmnniz,-r R.Pf beait hîier-k-"1î. alimenthiry trait tr- (i f autmia. gi-r iiim andd iaî-liiî (if ahi kinîîîs-pr-vents ir-im--p.vrmt-i ,t;a t o " .ameiinlat ie - d liioi-ier-makes s, id stc)ttia. hi i-nteeîa lm an -M,.s'- srele i it - mates st-rnng 5Owar,(jber-<ii thilit-Ici - icn tire -- i ns- Minal di î-l-hoW fr ,iue r-i ht PRICE-1S lb. sack,. $1; 40 lb. sack, $2 50; 100 lb. sack, $5. Orrnie-ow. ttart usîîîg ierv. ihîn't wait outil echoiera attacta o our erd. For Sale hmy Home Lomber Co., Libertyville. FOOD TONE. COMPANY Libertyville, 111. THE MODEL 1CASH MARKET The Best and Cheapest Placle forî First ( la>s Meats, Poultry, Game, Fish and SiilFish Vegetables and Fruits IN LAKE COUTNTY- W.J. MNEPO. I Ponê 87 LIERTYVILLEI Form mer, or HAD enit t Liberti lu&tu am * demi»e ef tue m bu m lm. . t-haru butir. et ho m 17 s-« OveWb Tt not. a ton" 01 3.o Mime la vh ;-ni 1

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