CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Feb 1914, p. 1

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LAKE CoýuNTY INDE PENDENT WAUKEGAN -WEEKLY SUN ~II. XXII.-NO. 23. TWECLVE L'ÂGE LIBERTyVILLE, LAXE COU=T, ILL., FRIAY, FEBRUJARY 27r,1914. ONE TO BIGHT $1.50 PER YEAB iN ADVANCE FIVE ME3N TlK~ OPERATE OWN PRIVATE OP1 NfIN6QU IN WELL KNOWN MAN IS TEÂCIIERS' MEET MuE T A K R'i6.CPLOW AT LAKE BLUFF. STRICKEN AT PRAIRIE VW. M T E T A K FOR UOL M : The Chares Deweys RaIlrh Pooles ANTI"SÀLO N BAT- Newsa was reM.ted in Plalnifteld, PROVES A, BIh SUC. and RbertLeÀYeP.M. I!rena i Tliursday that Williani Wylle, oidest B U I TAl E UP TM À .1,Outying groug of th year round Lakte TLE FIRED SUNDAY .oof WllimWýýye, Sr.,ofPlein. CESS A LK. FOREST LI\.BL F ACE Police HoId Suspects FoIIow- est. They call themuelef ris Large Audience Attended Lo- his home In Prairie Vew, Lake ccoun- 350 Persons Attend the Mid- in Kllngan.RbbryNer men anld take t wth the cherry I- cal Option RaIIy in Spite of tY, on Sunday. Mr. Wylle's left aide Winter Meeting Arranged I MRS. FLOY HAWKINS WATROUS, FORMERLY OF WAUKE- diference of the real ploneer when rpalydanhew.ucocou Shermerville. they are srrow bound and shut In hy Blinding Snowstorm. until >ellterllay. when lie wa able By County Supt. GAN AND GURNEE, IS VICTIM 0F ENRAGED MOTHEIg AT, ONE MAKES A CONFESSION. ml T hilrfrhahve thelr owf snow ENTHUSIASM IS EXHIBITED. izd ebesohlamf. av GOOD SPEAKERS ARE HEARD LAEBUFS OLJS BCA ESH KET N - Iîloli a lg affair. Elght horses _2Nlr. Wyfle le veil known here, hv RULY BOY AFTER SCHOOL AND SLAPPED HlM SLIGHT- hitched Io t are requfldto openi the mIngbeen l'or years manager oif tfe Ca- rM Victims Members of North- rositl b lie culer world. The chlii .SotDrn fLk o okfrwhni'ï,fmu ay Itrsig FauLYFRBIGSUY-COLBADT AEAT western Section Gang on dr'eiitrir Out wth the enow i)]---j Bluff Gave Stirring TaIk for ihe faîlt ho -ras bred anid rafiied Marked the Day's Program L FRBIGSU Y-C O LBADT AEAT Motl a a. ada rocr'hélkd.nolmy crIw the W, Illfitre fie lias Ilfamif'.tof 'even chfl FrTeces f!un ON AGAINST THE MOTHER "" ' l iit"cii Lfeatherhees and l)eweys hih Drew Applause. rFor________of_____y Ile n lus ntir- a a a mn In tht rime cf Frn ioi n ff-Iailm, IKakt i ie olor isloordsonl m 'f iibrother, S. fL. V-tuestates Oeo lems vrasna l"ruik Sîcfi. cri ir ti.' itiiai i l-, i ithe rîpeniri l ra. Tf 'l ie c,îeîltig tit ii) the foital 01ti l at thlie attending ptYiti tan cites esver ci .' fiie ldfilt ,îf.'u ' ilri t t. f iti i rontineniland t ) Cfe girl was witfî ne a.nd f wouldt't rcund"-d lit, f1,5 te iorft i¾î pe o iS' lion t.iin igrti in ii itk'l tantd f.akr r iii f ils rerovery. ttîtNir-Jt,,. io' llfa 'i ýti. tti îîit' ît i tti.h%'aisi e ersha ok lc lice Tii' rl> Tfîî t-iti ', 14, ffolîiiut' 11-1t1 ît, in fr tutdaY , aft'ritt on ont'ii r i o motî ttirh'- of me rof lier for the iront, butlBt arînot lie hill amliush cf a rtq ro;t! s'i jlti tgtangtir AAh1JlU>M N ne î tr i'dît 'i n I C lIRDO~r t' i i, "sol oto tt It l it, it1,. kid tl,c .atitilier iii' ihe Ilyiîîg c of iîllitei.nt trfe-i'."f WOR H MA id It etil [CUTTERItr DR n IFr tir t *t'i' W WII'a flir uttt ft,î,r't ioi atur -i-1im ii '. it ii. ..i Tfîe n cutg moman wa' net knioçked himirrlg ë lirtdII,'fatal s1i1,11, ,il, itIiitraîtFtint'ilefrail, L f l tit r itiliRporei tothe' Eir todna o . , L S A EW T :rio'rj r'A OXL K A ls oi o f ;"lirs ttr tt' the f r.'t iIii t'.ic iegrouird but the iruises tIrat Theacî t: lfi ai iat' or Sfit'r til tip îtîrfîtli,' ilrfh piole' ~ lÂTr rai l on il]- Du, fil st slIlfi irtattter, rti t f id it t a it i int thpi' .t r. - 'file u'î ii-tu al> in Ii 'rr.îîa tuthifi the' ,tronger wcinan adîiînistered to b r a n c b o f th e <C h ic a g o il & N o r th w tl i D i'SS E E S c i It f t e r se a .lo o n s i n fL a k e c o u rt. H ELI P _ I N_ _ c o u tz il y e ea n d or h i r rîti t tla".ii "t brîîfil h a d , fîr li o ntt i t i lt ie r l eîî ' î r e h o l t h u t a y m orl n a b ir ern railiroad. touffi tf fîeerliefd ad %. s ct Drnporpo ' near theIe fuk t iîtun i fi le. T he f ise iA rriv ed a t B ed s ;d e o f M rs. 1 ' raIl T ree dairy i L fake Bluff de- R e p ov ered b y M ea n s of P ik e 'ri teP, norniiig ir ti ra tias difitdlI fîit if. ntiro if ttsîl îrf( t i f a(io li tho glir she appeared ait the e l bo i nl rob lirà w ay ad a hand ar arryl g 1 c a e . N r . D r n a d t i i t ( lto t Fli c i ons.' Iti lw i (t rh i c and lier re fa t es, are the aftern on for a short ti ne. 1Filmore Birdsell, His-Sister, iaef~r.luadri îehti Poies But Efforts to Revive On1e seclict A Ilmoiitnraticn tif TEACHER-Mrs. Wilf Watrous The inatter was reported to the three usntit.%%hofu hall receliteil j tfheharte cf \Vaukegan Feieauie tif kinidergtîrl.'ît ark ,as giveri ai tfhe formenly Floy Hawkinrs of Wau- St'iClbadtonendheoN a rturlhue nsfire wlenJtrat Too Late.ifesftt'fee feaiileiaf Him Proved Futile. John 7 1lafseyshoof by NlisspB3er- kegan and Gurnee. rejiorteit to Mr. SIMP@on totiay, O two of tIre .ictinis resisted, the gang -- ei Saictrse ilî tre mec 'af ire eniitiralare), ass'.iste( o, l iii fs'îep Katf- THE ASSAILANT-Mrs. Frank corilig to Mirs. Watrous; Urus the olendlie Oefeldedatte iat.FORMERLY LIVED HERE. poedb bran iataiefaietHAPPENED SIJNDAY NIGHT. eri. n fHar n frf irfi. Hrl ohr fteby wo 'iage' and counly sohool beada iswl! abot. Tire other la badly wounded. il i) lii ier lieffîcco thaI tifîîr iciii- Thefe r sectionial beli inîed or icanard ail the trouble.tisriope of thie malter and nio doubi The man killed wlas Samruie'!l ~' i -g li ris ufficlent c<"se foîr heir on hafl anîd cons'.ied tif il stuitecf THE BOY-Franrcis Horaî, 12 tfîenboy.willflie ismisseit from the tu, foreman Of 1the 5laloig.n rh 'Mrs. iruseil iveu in Wauke- Idismisîtaf Had Been Stationed to Keep Irt i nc îetra t" r lf erndsno sann6ht'i(,ontly a hoof9 becàuse of thre way ili 11,r a absfcle fl'ai . ot tlrdspefieitîttf he vseren fteîla sesvthlIcn grd sonotofr aced twari a wman eaci injre ma t bs bl licae.,gan Tvio Score Years Ago P.Sot-iBde uMnaer f Channel Open-Exact Facts th aom eah Tbey vere abot fecalîse teyreftilt1ithe Anti S'-aoon league cfIlfffnnf.l As the igrea iittingîf'. titr îirîui SCENE-Lake Bluff village er. the roirbers. Tîteirîrmfailftr, Frantk I --Rernembered hy Many f '.id the pfletial over tht' 'cale are in Tragedy Unknown. t tition the st'reen. a fitltiof iiie Laloe achool. where Mra. Watrous la Helatuisof %Ira. Watrous dedlare Prncipi, dit [out stit 10argue 'sirh 1I cetirg Irto fie filtand aîfdedtili tForest sîhoot e'.îtaiuted fie pilttresl principaf. ii et'lili rot reat satîstied t vti ts tirem. but leaped frîmte faniar on 'tt'intflis lIrt been rec'el ildere ' flt îr ipfi tli uItttti ftr iie 3 li 1 i utd gave the înaineîfcfle artist andfi TIME-Wednesday, February nîlamissal of the boy, but WUIiibegie whlch they verp ridlng andlt'liî ti f ii i' leilatin tffonifieitNe!,.tif tiormeniare' f0have a chance to voteitC i t-r employed by tlîe filue itee 'to-ali a flfecfflils ife. Th irîîk ia'. 12,about 4 'cfocl< . lu arctin agalst firs. Horan for km thre track, sur it.gltihis bie and Iliii n .FillforeIlfirds'ell, a iiter tif i le urged the itrys 10 efertlo'af-a f 1 î~Fux Lake, vas ifrowntetl titi so ieli idoîue l t'Y itl îoi it tuey Tite affair lias 'reaied lte blggest utfack On the Young WOrnan. montba pay. IPage Y~oung, cf Vtaitsworfh. anîd a;1lors 'alo .r'llI stand for womatt ouf I f' îgî aot7octc ale i eert tr he il roninendatlon 'sensationî tf ifie kbltrleflc fasOrdered out of Schoole Thre police belleve lire band of roi- for-mer 'self kircariresIdent of W'ac- ffranc as fie sald lie wotlrfitllerfiavi- froni the 'teathers fresenr. Twerily eter liait. vlaela It deselops from loquiry tral bers who amtrushed tii rsftniwrork kcLan r. l irtIseil motet! frein i thiIs titan counfy option. sfpil Intothe lcy w ctrs 'sînîe ec seripupilfe resîondeit. I-Ms oa atattt ah ers knew lit waa tîsyday. i"rom tie Waukegatr neanl> two scoreyar G. W. Nirroir, of Detroit, a fiefdt gagen itkeep n i hnr!cer At 0:45 the pupîls cf the flnecfrt Ilseerîu ltaItIre boy tu question dictatorial manner several Urnes ho dead man they got $ï,5 aridfroni ftle got ,so 5lm arememiierei bY' nl, 'teerefar>' of lte National Antl.skloon Tteiri cent is ietàg lield ibis after Avenule achool untier the direction cf huaiWa>5beeri tnrulv In school andtfore In achool matters and ttie rejet other $46. 1 the eider residents. She 'sas a niece ' feur'e and lifont John K.1< Woofey, riori.Actirng Croner Eiard lCocrait 1 Miss Margaret Pelas gave art exirfîi" fas -catîsetbis teach ers Iteveery 'sas that. sonte time ago. absbad re Loada Body on Handcar locf frr. lÀirIs Gouto of bere. fira. 'a ere adora tte othpr rpeatuer's. The fîav'îrg fîei summonet! there 10 pre I ticît cf gY unasfic camters and a mand grade. uhtobe evdntc htsecudnta Afler the rfil iers i~t, 'rnipi i frdse 's teath fook place on Febr- reeting ias a iotorit eiiuasllc oe. ite tîîfitia e"efmc rîhe. evtntc htaecodfo -2, ai th age of I years il nineth dl -rie risingandeaslna, feaicreiitifThiMest Par'efesfetunethe langirage infieeasetuaIe ieauedberlagresbr ceese ot n hetngngdessrr loadeit thebo o f threiteait foreman rîonflis. Iteatf ias due f0 a romiipli. ifilt. 0 fgbthife bafle f0 a finish i- e corîtl)t.i-t very year for the last utorningsfrograni wsas tIre fpianoaodo sîhoof. saîrcy lîen bis teac'iers apoke at any lime, on tire handcar andI vorket the car to cation cftiiseasea. Thte creenant tuhich was ecitorseit Seera]f> arits. 1'tlfils ear lie hbhecît rertilred l iiiusfss ieGreen. te filci andtrefielitous w'~M thex bave Reports vere that 'trs, WatroUl tire farm o! Henry Skrtmes. vlio roti A ta> or fao befoce 'tra. iirîlsetî-s buthe entîre auifence, sith righ l lttlufd tilltif l)days.lits dtry r if tefoct-raitn cch o<'retir> at lied thre police. . ieatfî. mord wnas tefegrapheit talber liants ralseit high. 'sas as foiiows: iras t t iiud Itearthue charîcelfil1 fîtitoue hecifsek tma nWenaa ht teasilnthdtr f e lte "Those fil o plîpîet Our car' hrcther ait 'adswortlribtat Iflire 'sant 'WIVth Goda bli e ire ' sf ethis miîcutlfite ti'î'ittlng la taklgpltace er of tlhe rorning. Piesf.L('.Lord <of iuîoe o StV'hnMs ta-si htsr a naprecarlous col cald Principrfîlrig Ibrouih" rrfmrrlnd te tehelferhtlan lieeehotitibal'îîaîtrîefodean by ni,'ari'.o lie f'laaderneplflic shatale Ntirmafy rit-atuai fassrrnrIlaicoasaoungstey goo saucytitlonlfrsm the.atnacih.tSire den I shoot,'ileysait. The Scallatos Jllliift telier binetait hliail possible afle agaîisf the salons. cf a pike fpole n fîItolPr'es. I.or i tscuasei oie uit afto toldit ur o remain Lfter ihese facts, atatlng that tbey gai' ed at tbem. 1 jumpet "y' Mc on a tfrttaInana YfgCrP, reencN u citt e focateit toits> tfit in Scboof Vrork. [le ditcusseillite schoci tas ale 'ishei to 0taiti 10htm. f rerly asexpiaineitabove. Wblie Princilti vas telitng bis sflry ttrtet a rat,'Psgains.l ieath. ;r't'.Ic-ri Tî fec teainein v'u le'<'aimei t itiaie seen the acîidldeî il Telfco headeneqesfioni fronutac pints cf r ec ' 'ecrcinlfct', tfîffe ,le 'sas fakitrg rti* ~.î telephone messagefroînGleceleir'titat heeîîîlcbt reacli bis sistera lied- cf the bfifiring blizzardt 'sas a sur-iapn.ha nearinictn tresBoytcnenta nol' fr'cfo]. tîaotircîa, fn h eaUnth o uocu anneuniet!the arresl cf tac mec, aho 1 Ilehitfore tfeath nf'ertook iber. tIf% mire 10 everi the promotera. 'People acte relaitd.The ganerai opi 'sontlandI Ineecîue as a moîtivet.fie afler the main prcrîon of sbooflihait et the trouble, bas iree» orderei t gave tire raiantsofGeorge Lerrîbari lbiltes acreblililted, hwInever t'. site froîtu iiffererit parts of the toucte stesmedtct l iel ie bat! stepped ftoc saIdt Irat finiucerîtert\tas tlite glu n' e, licou ,Ininisseth te youctgsler rat reniaifi avay fromt the sehool a of 1549 West Ohi stre't, Chicago andI fat t -esetf away 'ahter lie arrîreit. i ere fresent. Zion City sent a large lîlar Itle fiii tetîr unit hait sitpilt tf sonte octnrard reinart antd niakiig 'ait îeyliaimfotfeprtte or John Gordanoe, lirti eur 1'olk andI Alîithgtbut a cciîiîarat e r ld eflegaîlon. Four large bobsIets cf I '11 itife fra,.Iiti'.the ice 'ailli lui1. îbng Itte ccrk.Ille ecîlltic ftic lie Miller streets. Printimi wî'rîl le thept' te actintiit'trsr trusef iat t" tofteaientetAstleyeneritIh jfufi ' iii i e tte ttkfasi, tthe'ife t.1' t' te rivSacyAlageîi a tstIrlenilse tadsba chr evle ji.w ee hv h l rtnri(tu'fl.lti'.rtaîit dail 'acre presentt ut ai tîroru the leadeîr w o a t i ucet al miitiiitttt'. i mît cere nearfis ai t1wi ti' !Ne fiiiedtteattiîn. ft'îl iusur"J ittnitit :oiis, flic hgini ii hik t'tir cf Si "a ous. wbo is exceedini Ieen taken, andt ien t ifi eîf itoti. ~ tue fiuotri iti! L iiir ssthfe ritter of large iantrer con tainlnc tite tri i ri le dt. > r asitand t',e A t heiti r ii(lt% ie ra npi pplrte hardi. hie sait, îfid 'iis'oin offltict'oi h î on i tI stono,'i ituIa îtniare fî lc lite" o t'it' rss' ifcrî'oUpi i't ,' ut r. Tf Ut lu it' tct ltot i ttlt t'oi u't' fieA,, ttrint' ifi) uill fi feets from the awfu ex perine .ah, meg, G'iordtano tarriet a clutb. antid tt ' ttî' a'ant ail tie reut jofr et ,in. îrî'1it. i fu ls' fie a ufi utA i i t tiît.ig' ur itt forne"t itt.r'o tfo ititi fit fnoitit cff ilue Otiier l'ijlisif. el'crtr aher the enragea i ýoth A fê.î, cimiruts t. r 'te, igiilrii M1 tîf. ,' î,m ono o n i tn i 'i'ite audience rose t10 ifcir fiee s t ' tî'.. ii' ufa anI rfim tiadt i i o îî. i t t ti'o titti' ilt it, ' i. .ý, t,,. ittt t,, virrt , r i llet'. nt,_ P'ark prntîce ca oim i un ftill.iti , Inethentrme cf lames Pmtatq, 5ft ut ~ hrocgh the fu'fftiti,utnI if ro sprint for fti- î1.'. 't t-ut,. 't.ît Ion gt e the iititi' ci I rariz hioiolit Caellno 'uorefli. a fifthi Supec-t mas Mtn r iaif romi'o. 111 , oit Apsrit 'S i Titi' tl'.r e tl'sas ma.ri edto Fillmore1 auu if outioî ft l.rn t'li -i' tuf aituof 'm gl.t '. Froilu fit t. ii ut 'ticil, tif, iii'. tufi otut, la., %tuëethe, ru ii 1fin ; -. ...îî't 1f Iti .fnt--nî.- Titi".ion r. 1 -'i ra'ti(i i , t reFitîC o . flit lth, nteaottîlnu i f'.î îîî'c tuas scutut tilt. i itents niari uîlita! on te 'entIer atato , eatin O 1',.'. t ftr as sutr ioti atndt itok sea'cin ltht ,,'front iiffhe att rit o rum 't'.Il t Bi ic i. iti t fat flic utc fe ten \'tîukectîîî ina> tfick tetare fori-the ii. tt t eticli rot r. ut s Iiiiti Liiiftar i a, .1Rulge a-i'.t a rîtarrîrif t' lfie iras 'sefifr, mtt tildf ti l". it' it l , 'i tti'.. tii iii.' for the s ot.lm i ut ii it tii.' motrlu iri.iii, it m' t îîî tt ad i - a I 'i. t' iii tiut I) tiU a , > i t . L A ti 1 1. t , tîml ",'.t tîttfi captureit lr W'lnnetku hiear tint afi. , ind t u' i t t i irrctfd uItli t er tfifs (laiîrtîrtac but at urfl ii,'î lt-oîer lon ' , tt mon ut tlI, hm i t Chief Tels of Co fession Ni t rasf ,i setlnfitin ltKnoxtut tîttir it r i tat pecuilýtr' i iiîrî'e liluttred l w i ),tu ilr ii-l iifi, PI Chie! Tefla of Confeasion ~~~~t elrs. , fi t rt .'o ltIet thi' itiiiiýt., s i. futi i Ii'tmi1,1 'Polata telfrs me. as ceariy us 1I1 ' t.I ,lttOfiftitiFasale t' titti'. tili ltnes il tife riaIt' are i t1iit "îrredl sort i, f ,Lti . '-uith'. îi noth.,otilithe l'an rnske ouft" saIt itte chefo, "t' b ta f ufliti of' t IUit l,,t i ý t" 11). ti i e fî'afihf l Tlit les i nl i Iti' biift rlarîrîr r ii t t 11 ,emet hi a iiili , It vas the two mec ln Shermervîie Ni rt." a lere titIy mate oe li îte rrîtpart cfIfie rtatle are'. couîîg bItttti '(m . it ut' Who tnt the siiootinfi. lie a s udt ot Novenibar, v tf ottheslos lfl> ilsfillbr' ogtit h ih n e ail vent out front Glencce after vork fedcrlieibr8,I ýte nortbern fpart muet do ro un sn'f- their uetîfenrnîoterirbo iras lmuni i L i i, lte. t Itin it ,e- ii rNIti, toitay and 'sers takiuîg a rite on the 'tirs. Bîritsti hait heeti 111aie' ti', iîfense or ttf,' salcon tueters thased Wvîth tiecraie for fîquor and li tandti ii iunrscf tii 'iera, tfîe baritcar when the section tang came [!nat o! January artdlber ueatii outtu iii oneiparetîin 'hi rnimfv more reaîîy basfhall a tchance. lfs o'.ti fîr' 'tiolfer"club, bis boys nit andI caught them., Ilesasys tîat net enexpectet, futhec nerîli. Temeiîttii radi ote ' iA int.ll iii t,,uaeas the irat perfoit started the fight'.' H emp,,thastltze te ftactthat euuch lI lamîtvis fîlCcepat,* , e. Ofi teI'liiriittitrulili 'as ait fi "èr- Pointa vas taken te tîe liospital. M'CORMICK SAYS HE itependo upon wtiether or liot ti' wu-"George ti'.îtirhavtng faliedto L1 tii' su eîîgîîaîît a ot ftct'î tu thr i a adteol agr W NTFYOE E mac suffrage fats Is repealeit. He mal., couine(t ion on account cf tic, fort: o eiltu I vber Itvassalt te aiy ange WO 'T LY VERSE 'l sit a systemnatle figlit fuet lie mate sort.Tiiet tti.titrva grn 'Th'ue reoliîîîîîîts a tottet from bis veanit lay ln the psstbility D onFefi. 19.-Harolit F. McCor te tee î'Tht i la rettriet uîauîuîîoîî1), of neuone..t ore tàt t l reaieI.1Rev, Futitouiti Xin SM. Thatchber tif af ifiulyo pneumonia. .g mtek o! Chicago tentei totniulftVthe 'lftlier taiti his. Duraat erumerat- Chicago ae. 'Ige o' lndll 1hul iliilig iiier ît'lte prrcgcuu Thsoe iiffiy fbas rsantrgti'eceeport lelegraplied frottathat city tîtf ] -(tt..ttiif,, ol enrei riresbspreventeit an explania- lie fa coing tb attempt a flillit a-uro. Id set eraliInstanic fuit fi site sait abl4t> . renl'nIi ,lsoueraf local optitioni.,itri ' uf ii _'ork on(tt e corel0- tien af how Pofats, vas burt, Ho says the Matic inba large acroîtiute ti j fisate coite te fier attentionl. su~e tsonge.. .tlit'. (if w tYok 'ontheocoi'iire r' ire tees rot know. The polce thlnk conîpaniet by paÎsengers and itoitsý '.-tts fintt raerai strcîtg, aitti' otiet Near tetil-, cf tIre meeting c.r', lunIît'.epoe terr, thece vas natuacrel among the gang 'ir 'tteork sait heliedhaitoi n- ruen haie stîrtelliflfît.turf for hec nuej iiuh h init 'il onit to i îig tuf 11cr Oner t!'. over the spoiliaof the robbecy an t tuion tuf ng ro accomplist stici> favl- mien nîed fî and' niilentrerthit a iti hot.iesii'eit nîficfut t,ýio utIsitt i cc i Polais n'as ciased lu, gettinq the a feat talt fait mate no tîte,îîîî t tl iti'efifuti1rey i tire irtusenîl in i lleite a fi xt'mf ti uout eacli mon It ttiii tîlîtmadettehue tartllng sati vount bîfoce ho uîas out of range. tîttlie ira,'. oing'to. "'uketuin. Sfitecîtîlredthta ehe tIresuppot ofil(-anti-saloon"n.ututiti'ltleiitturyan ilsc ____________________lias dviset ber mec col ho (nime toOne !7li ouai-s teîadt9tob' erct'n'tltfeour gongneIs"t Wackean fr an>rea'oui, ue ne aonfitectitîks îe plaedetha~t tut tu tif'. fat ibecri slîust'î'tIe. Acronersijury', in Chcago, in- coud anit)lawieeksaguo. led te 4 Mlb ftrtfortftiuot'd us a remetlon>' the lîtaveîtifgd e quiricg Imb the iteatli of Irena Scar- cihecu 10 ettoere the section crew lu iaîffure otlilg.j1000 a yean fer tii' next five yeacs lantIl(prfsdaa e dyteoiL Inain. a ralîrout secfion foremur. vha junt beenfait, Sfio oserlei tihat asi'elias made isait the un ýforces iredsitaneîutu Jtntproiiittîto f hing foc Pr the ccxt 5 vas shot to e ita by belitapa near The tlire eit conflicting storles, unit a point to go 10 the itoor every tire t vîtia l hct iitoma tis gett ve1 whichto lobat bis geat fie, tt'd tuaI thue hîrits eft e, Sberinerville riear Deerfielit. tLake eatth Is expecleit to beîp convct tihe a car stops le front etflber place, If amolint of tiluiltî - ileii% itlins noir te the farmer by connty, tast Tersitay, belit Ove men others, 'ti orefîf vas nse enragentaiut Illaocee of lber vorkmen as ecalis i"Juitginc freinuwhat sire saIta nteîe utitsh toD tirs granit Jury. Assistant Stats's Gioriinos testîmotiy that lie apat lui hini to iber ln oriter that abs may ses the meeting Sutitay," derlarpdt detit cas ansre ieu for ail vite Attorney O'Brien declares tbat las Giorditnoa face whee the vitnesa lefI vhat bis condition 18. Sire salditnbs Waeksgn- a tiayIt apar ff s a recelv iesge. atatn yuil asIe the iteath Penalty for every tIre stand,.lias enlateit le the figlit vitli ber If Mrs. Scott Vrrand lis mors oppes- tien froinitIre teachers present. one of tIre Ive If they are lnilçteîi. TIre testimnay vas that Morsîli virole bodtysoit soul sud tetenits te> et to tIrs quality Of tire booze salit ln Tire Pisonera are Frank Sîtroil. vas tIrs leadter, Sicol firet! tIr shot remsinîn lit unti a victory bas been Warlesganm erUatetieat ra The teachers turing tlie noce Ihoar (Jaetaao Morelli. George LombUai, that killidSi carlatti, GiOrdîeQ abot von., it la spId bere,'eIvtd ovstte ifrn JoiE tlordlno and James Polato. Scarlatos broirer. Lombendiclrarnled John G. Wooley madte bis appeal t< _________ rooms o! Gorton balsoit the John J. Kf hli io "bld'oasted tes the a club andt Polato earcied tire vie- troue viro have neyer tolIt thIll effeet Indepçndeut reacirnauai po-nts ln Halsey buildings. Tirsas (vo Lke M;iIU t l 1 bd r0lb.d thre ral- ti"a. of the. Ilquor babit. He lsplored -eIAke CountY.(Continuon uPao Elgt) et o' t re et ed ut as- i. et ho ýttuffeti'.t i tt tedIf iti 0% lu becatîre theetearlier hait kept ber »a uifi fii in i".uateIf a itriite tt iftfer su tifo. llovever, a sllgbt abra'. flie itt' im iur fit thefi.' uarî ' e i' n on cithfe young i esclersflisaboya îtu'uf'.tioftet, îroililed ecO(Il1fit ibalt hi' nistalnet a few terrifie blovt,' Iiî,îir at1UtI'as todIoîfun irifuhote. front fier assatiarîl. Returne with MotIrer 1 'trcs.Walroîî s ta a sfght voman, f forait et iiieii t - i t i itu i t ,ii i l) tu ueu gf ic'*1 boIl rt112 prnris.virile tire fi'. îîîîîîer as fit'.l us te "clll ro. aiau1 h atcletlier, flNVS. I-ora lotld ber ma t tîîiu lmîtu jrifindttFie j 'eigits tiose to 200 it ýis tithfici. c frIttn reeit ttith t'etf IetIhat tire fearhen dit flot have nen t of fier xi nnerfaltso'.tîc .arted nidrtch it iance ln tht' battis whicir vas nilfi tuini fuir ift'e sîfol t t.ftleIt'tat- forcedotiton lier. fers, filmthlie affufrlîtho fier ewn bands. Nits. FrankitIf d'en of Lake Blu&f 'trsX't'trcuia tall îiistlceethflictItis niîcrîirîg atuieareit ln corntycourt jif cotf te ni fioc unit nuis teuintu ln andI entereit a plea cf fnot guilty la eont taiy aitl u'. r ur hear oua lut- fie girfl'sicl hitd reniairei to10alk boire îî 11h lier, 'alien sIte saw the Tforaiuu iroafiartdiboy conte toward tlie antîol, 'tii. ifocan asl.ed lier if it ivas brun itîtl fe blua kept thre boy alter acheof tuttdtiidsiapfet bis rcheek. lah Attacked by Woman 'tt Vttatrouau Rho is a 'aoma4o f tut ii istionifior a nil as eiert'bety ln \Viitîegan recalîs. a mont incient. in- tuffensite artd'shoiiy eu-en mannueret > ouîîg Voman. smulingf y aitmitteîf uliat sacli vas- the case, adittng ibat ste iefelievei t tle matter hait been sehhied because tlie boyliait promîseil Fîetter beiravior ln future, She bat ne sooner admitteit the facts than Mra. Horan made a ieap ah ber suri began beatlng ber Mtrs. Watrous salit o! the matter: "She muet bave bit me six diflerent tires but 'I did not eniteavor to re- Ssent ber; I just stocit tiere, amazet tandt let irer etrilte me. Sire finaily de- fsisteit ani t 10k ber iteparture, teîlfg me that Iirait no businasa te iandle ber son as I1dM. My iruabae<'a lIt the case lirîuglit by tire stat. On coin llairît of Mra, Wm, Walroua, LIrIýe Bluff leaclier wvhoe daims e vas wut. tackei t hle Horen voman becairac alie keîît tIre Horen boy' after canto andI fater alappeit bizn. Auket vbat pIea sire vîshei to1 ter. 'tra. Heren Inttmateit grealeat sulrprise a lislog ln court and at. believe for a moment tistIsire dIt EO* unrrtsanrit iaf aire vas there ler. 1 1111a llse turnei t olber hiuabanida»d sait: "Wby thîs muat ire tirat teaclr. matter." seeking ho expreaa gret sur- prise at belng ln court. Thé, ca(rt tIren asheit er virat pi aIre uvsheit to enter mair te un: "Net guilty." Tirs cage (hUas co»$ rup bsfore a ury ie April. )ira. Uoe4M being releaset on bolnds frultbe4Iyi lirer busbant vho vala cout a p' aio teboy vire la tirecuse f* vbole trouble. The youagtu' Ut baektnu te court roone. vti a »W amurkieg aebcashm face go if ho Ioyed bing la tic coue pS.* i Lakre <IOUCtY'abitvelr PBNDIENT, t. 'v ' er attarked her at the %chSl entrana Il li, ii, iiiir iinisiiing viin nýr mnýr

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