LUke County ,ndepefldeft officiai Piper for Lake Caunty. Offie .Tlephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. .#àlerod &% lb. poatoffice st L.bertyvili, IIL., ane old ClasaI ml Mater tm"ed Bve*.v 4ayAdortlalig Rat-s Made KBO*n On APPIliOfl.- IIUWotipTlo POUCE. BOBO0 PER YEAR STRICTLY tIN ADVANOE -b1 - w- D 0h dk- t%. V. W. J. SMITHI..........................................Edtrq5I~ fU~Ilhi F.0 MT ........................................................... Manager North ahore alies have I J.WEBER ........... . ......»........ -....... Readnt nager. PhontitO08 ee$i. twO Weekf t Ma compuyt t, Imptave lb Tw l* iyhowewere handed te Votive S*tuiday down et SPrlngled r ofd t0he gai% Sut, lise no "pikerll for already hem@ out wth a dti, tatino that 1h'« 0n petttiona bave ben cr have a mie tordinaflce and erderlng fils officars le continue errOstlnB vltOil lthe peut week aaklo 0f1h. anfti-emoke ordlnance. Morii ad W. E. Dofvi lmouel and W.d. Det In the death of Charles Philhpa One Of the Most Con- I<pntymbeu petitlons Spicuoua figures of oarly times bas been removed from the teIoo'!ewmo:' commnnity. irow moen held as many offices as lie; few "To the Bouard ofOpBait wore mmre highiy ded by thoso, who knew him. Re 0, Libertyvilie anmd Ly wu 9, " wbo iau be dopendad upon al'ways ad that psaW.* E.* Dvim, Jietiemii vas . m a ~~OO S ~Pleafe cause a sunohîî why ho alwaya iemed able toý get any office ne sought. a suit agabillt the Nort (a corporationi) lu RAmv Waukoeai owcm à duty te north shore citiez thet are auppiied tzy gaz .nilîrîsa canard l b the from the Wawkegeti plant This je the home of the compafly and, as Itl, 1dolpective ga ai ugri th sh ource ot aupply for the other cities, it's natureli that thase citiezlooak $200" Tbrn aàtlank tep te a Wulegan tu esmaume the Initiative ln bringlng about an improvement in for to ta,.. the nature of the qulty of gem furnihed. And, the officiais of the city are endeavori ng nlît. ut ee d as taut an possible te rime ta the occasion. lcpewltiet, ai h of tri _____board wili blek ut., all Zion City, wth its peculiar health laws is a fine place part ut our c tizîe) r for uinalpox to break out!- From the way they run things cuerr-lît monr elle% bill,b thoro ini the matter of health, they might as Well have no ing te)ii tejiîu ena health laws at ail in the state-execeptlflg that they have the1rîvi.i: hrdi killed off aliithe unfortunate cats who happened to live trie bard auj e... tua near the house where the contagious disease has broken made tie individuale aho out. aiaî.ut the. c,,, aiptari etartpd. Thé firpttlu1-id al tp Senator Gore of Oklahoma has been found innocent of board ut heaitii wamtel the charges made against him by the woman who sought to l h.. hboardl. co,be., besmirch iMs character. It's as we tiiought it would be; it's Â<ani Titimî. Irian as it shbuld bo. The whole affair looked like one truniped mai,-" aîîd E. .EleIIori up for political purposes. It just illustrates to what extent Officie of Atto:rney~ Paul some fiends wil go to harm a man in order to attain an end. icietim 904 o copl The average man can stand any sort of an attack except- o, îîî.z.-îî. hi,, rei lflg one upofllits personal character anc3. corne out with fly f-ci- (ilii«i ing colora. Few can stand.attack-s like the-one Senator giîrh a terriile, udor,,tt Gore experienced ard ce me out with as shining colora as lie ] 2'2ge may flout in the faces of lis assailants. ,.,. Wontder if nale, eeing that the tate Supreme court has hehd the an4i semeke ordinante in Zion untaflitittiiaa, the Voliviates wiII atili continuei tc try ta prasecute people who take e puif in the city. The decision of the court la final and ther'i no mare quibbling aver the mattr-anybodly who wlîhes te. may amoke in Zion Cty fram naw on andI, uniemi Voliva pretendr te b. bigger than the Supreme court, they're 1P no danger whatever. The rullng onds a question which heC been mooted in Zian City ever ince Dowie establahed that place. In tact, that wam anecoathte principal. if flot TlHE principal bîua-law of the town fram its inception. And,. it's neai bgen "knack- ed higher than à caclced ht.' An awful blow ta Veuive and a great victary for the anti.Vollv resld.nts who like ta use the weed. In tact, VlIas ilde had a rather unllleant day In he Supreme court Sturday, for, added ta the above came, la the vctory et the Cook factory people In the crusader in- junction procedure, another case where Voives aide lait eut. ga.. u..anLv tvuî v-is au t-Jaiu ru îili~iuu eh th th t, 8t pl 'vOIVA WUD DONIT 61VE SUCII ti TÀKELFtOibOC LARiE VERDICTS IN, TORS W110t00 IT JOLIET IN CASS, Zion City Overseer, Ater As- Dramshop Act Cafled Into Use sailitig Ptysicians, Promises But Verdict Is Practi- to March Against Cook. cally Nothing. Wilbur Glenn V'lva. overseer cf They dont give as large damagea the church in Zion Clly,, deciared dur- indtir fthe drmnihopalit nJlifet me lng an addresp prellmlnary te lis ser- they de lu Lake eeunty. Reedthi ta mon BSunday after¶aoon that hoe would tram Thureda's'eJoliet Heraid: feel Juetlfied in killing any physician cf $5,000 nîro.dames a theaenlf whiseshonîtI vaccinaie any ot is chil- f Ms 70e tpnk dren.was thie uuening awarded a verdict tlrcidnelled cae ht10for $26.i50)agaluet IL. Paloibi. a for-9 luclderng tai. edcl aodai liithemer Joliet saloonkeeper, Ini a suiti Coukteprial plti uarhaiis iuetrouglit îiy the hlaltifi' to recover wona vctry n he uptni cordamag4i- undei iiie dramsbuî ac I in a decishonu ipbidii ug tii' îglit o' et icircuit court. Palonibi aas ah- the v.ou rm, te siok ,,siii ,<latin (iftoed 10 ha vu-sohd lij uor tutheiilinsui the ion ty odinaice,. îd ouit hie,îldauttif, Josepuh Stapen. Twenty-Fve Lote Positions. ska, aluen askod not to de su hy Mrs. lits remarlus on vac înatiiuiirctuorreii Siapenski. aud thiereiuy con trihutiug to the. recelît Kenouia incideutilute the nou-supluort of hier chiltIren. which 25 ZIot<ihap lst their pohiiihu The jury tound net gulty as ho John thrôugh their refusai tO be %acriîated. Plese. unethier partsy defendalît. who Volvadecard h ws gin tohodcooduts a saloon at 1200 C'ollis Voila oclseed hi wus gîn Stree'tl a prayer meeting for the moii aud ieret Pray that they fi ndt ew positions. Nrs. Staperiaka lv is tresent au lu- I helleve luthue sxth command- mate In the anvluni u Kaniakee, and ment, 'Thon shah flot kilt.' eaid tloi- WillIami C. Miooney was appolnlod dur. va. "but if any dector ahootd put ttaat lng the, pregreof the sui as gliard- fithy virus lotoany et my chidren. 1 ian ad Item for the laintiff. would foot. jutlfied in killlng hlm.' To March un Plant Milionaspeut for Soda. Speaklng f thse Cook deeision. \ o-tî tesnmer0 ad aali liva d.clared t'ai courte are liko theluuîe1"t'b e u.ble d'gd butes Su&t le lau MSblcrs thero la nothing certain than 76,001) ad thoy are îaid lo e . about Ihet. ruent an luvetmont et $50.000.000. 'We viii march on that prtntlng Thse annuai receipte et tiesei.sup. plant oseft lboee daye." hoe ald, "sud plies of ioft drinks may total $50,- ean Cook sud hie hoiiheuncip eut o 000000. Bu»day vas lbhe ithteenlb anniver- Kenosh als bldmauy caseseof a! ofthse erganizatlon of the churchIs arna liately and the isalaf le that by' bobn Aezauder Dowlo. oibly the cases whiph de.velnpoi ________________inlu ien ity, vere carriod lu Zien Cea o Eau Coin viiilho on track îhis fron t te othor cily. we*. aWtun up. Lberty ville Lumber Vo.c1 Car et Ear Corn viliie tir rack thlu week. Cali as rip. Liliertyvilie Lumber ladt jbàSdt trender? uSE 011F, C. - Mii Lssa DrotbyJusHrlg M AL M li a daugbter or Clark Joues, a plonger L1D1 I1 lsIaqUt ad bnwcfed,- la -thse tele of T hmes Wiim Uertlngebaw a îrd t fheatb EDWIN AUS1TIN 8UQQISTS wbou $4masied lu 1880. Tbey ball OSMe toe umpel T9 ,brvIl i noroa Im e$ nd notéeue agbter; iue 0f tlb. >. teaIprore lb.he 0 foh, ile the ste mis eble -pffsteettarffle, aIl nUalgla Obleage. d Jouaal patrons. $0 tono~ bety end duse i corn- baving a Pommer borne ed faim seair bonq irylme fur m fmo ri of governiment b. Orayilaisle. édb. wae eeaeed le th. poqapi ti. gi adtad.pulee iho o0f ber salUv.ual.; ed, ealye b ai ber ltsMe beeo -IptIereeLa l 'lu the, terrible Tebvmg.un~ .â< >Amerlcaalflte»al a"fl. elle fiblle tdeped , Mthy BdwlehAutio, o»se" a5 muew el* 5<11,if, be NauIoal irtulated durlug f9»i, Mf o te e « cn f ~,~Llhrary ef Aturican [Jtisature; baeou- «th-. board cf Dymnà&à A uàin. Tht mageetten w» libuto e"evralstaudard biographi. th. Pea. Lyel imad let è». AustIn'a attention vas j cW&sd genfflolcdatvorkWise a.cerTe ti t qe li aou. sllied su %homal ter hy out@lder, ,tmepoudent of tIl Meuenger, Dangbter of toit iaglut h ow* ie s < tootwil ttif, réColumbia; and van .Mgaged on a la@ rfadlng De lu ebowina visilora &round oui hesuli. gusilo elwork aitthe. lima of ber leille ui *c"li oecontreutpd by the deahb vuheb acurred Feb. 22, 1914, ith of th igequiesiu: 4"Wls, iluthe woridd o you eu111,,d The 1Fsmlly Balîor and .Y-l Morris and 1bave meehab daudy îîîwu hanapered i vllaBiographiles ofthb. errlugqjssw, Clark, nith lie'mqe:- zbo. ville' la ceuinection with il. anot?, Kapple aud alIlid familles, traclug ber i te h fle snd lu Thon tii. visîtor gi- on lezplalulaig aneetrY barIs teOli1ver Chsmweil. Tb@. ilbsot, Ga" tO. lis, avlae trîg h xrabîéremuais wre laid go nuit lu Ieo Lakeside whalfforperuonal hY à the extra i ba ~ i.,è eeiesya ietvleMua iti tunauur u tDaemio fre a bt i e e.&. etLbryiI-Mnal ft letribn fthe "ville' ln dropped, liecase cily pu.o. ____________ PO nul te eYteediplei-e oially luiaglue tha& un ro'îîlrîg su spe lâ pruîvldod l.ihertv ville lsy exprot tii lnd a l'arî. NOTICE of the o i>nr.t vo o I lowiath oiit.oit-ihate biiildiîigo, )Itoiii be araudîdale for lia. office of le@ ior a certain allihli&adogon peuple tu mort revPY1an Vuefiloetor at th-o.ming ttepnliun a,, tiu stand a train te wbo's cuiîiîg tii tiien tu prinear,.abadwllappret-lato auj support -yod the villageo sel, ioac or tole ordiri tor liglitninut t<he i. Wm. Wheerlrr vy ueeo01the roda. streeta chat are tîîîiud.-u,iogroî-orv e 20-tf 'Ange lu Ps tueand blacksmith e-bol, as cule kbuminess b..aie accord- withuDot one of the two d,,cri ii.hahuî- TO THE VOTERS OF LIBERTY- eniîodlod in the, tant. havinst anythiîig tii doibut Whittle ViLLE TOWNSIP: tflVcý lindioat tr et nd e chtw tuliavuu, t 1ujl e a cndidate for theo iffice (il irisierantIIli T 'hât le albout what mitetiitV people rcian eruiw>ctor et the iuuilug lliniiiail t nuo ixciorlesiîaginr heu thoeyiirrf iiil.'rtyville, priniarico, and viii appîieîristeaîîv nul] i mhie complint e rompt ut course tîjiar ahîîhave bren ili l support gîcon nif By for ntlti t i bunr rou u id mua hi-tter. Mr. Auptin',, c-lm tI .&mn 'Xî . Tripp. sugfestion thar tie Village ho iniiutrpiiro.I ___________ ptkonb h anu lv u hti.imnlseîiîrî Càdicdate For Gollector. aluonlad -kfur- of governammnt lu. adopîrd, ronld i wieii to iufîîrnîi iiy triiundî tnat 1 viii titx il u trtiiiied ho donc atr the tilaof ut lianginir <he 1 .nî~e uruuir-on ihji i ir. me ithe l W.P.hilo tIr.* Anîtîli ruises itiîugiaurle pruciato ail suppourt giron ni.. iHlClUfiti to goii Iur e ii.prup.i.ed m-hanuo-ui, utlîrs voulu rit.g tiltîîîuhio Ihoýo«trit Witt) h.. rhisîgt in intemonud,, - J1 j Miuilh.iiaiî2. nit iii a iliiuir wotild îîîîthuthprinuih II. listhuof it l.e O CI.IE !o lead ii Otu illage ior Ot, or the..firiii ofi gciVrrI, FOR ,k ntuuîCOi thatho us ~ u<~ud liitheunt l. ifisraned tiy. Ilowéuver, tii <ivOae t, i, uîiuutîiit b flo 'aid lu thrlun o<thb rhîittprt lr u u.jiidciiuoud on ii ~ t <<u, ig U piiritiins litaiton e . o eiwhe-ve ahuuuiaralciuu n ( i w Ilii. liibna vvîuuIl-i lOe ucîNEÂR-CENTENARIÂN DIES ti iýtil'ut- tas ci or uil. tii vii o yi iisty nl o t lijo tru t1wjii.airuuvrlIl i@~ thotivu- ut-S BURIED IIERE tpIl,. îiinuîratii- vitpre utt dis pçunsa aeduîuathnîr asu ili)ii jromia4e ail supjirt iivu nue eet tu' trinr iecr unt oh udanger. The.. tuiilî. iii a. valieS <etroi liie.uio to atteiid h.. child doularii ha t the rhild'e îstckiîs an canard by seorai local phymit-iaus hbave roînteirpd u,,go one itumIeo@ stand sud teau ly thattho qiaaity ot the g<n im îch an w b. daageroue tui the public bealth. Shoîald the cltîiuus of Libertyville starI court prumuediugs nafl as coni- plint@arteBled the gn compan un- debtcdiy ai ait up sud take notice. .aly&I.iihert.vvhlle le goiug alter the t-î..pauy ln a dilloroçut etyle than Noîrth More cibles Aio»% bail a doxen couilaiti aen Blied vitIs the board ut htalth <edueé- lay. SIX INTEESTIM QQUESTIONS TO SE ÂNSWERDI wi lal ah 18 FE * hil b, L ru T Ir À rours. 'il six lectureq on 1h. lolovw- ing auhjeeti hhat-n arranuged for lhe lFiday oeougidnrirîg Lent, stanilu Mi i9 'eleek eharçu. Tbus.lecturew ai* ku b.. deiivered at St. Lawriuect e Epleirpal chnrch, Liberlyvilié, hy vieil- lug speakuu.: Frilay, Feoriiany 27th-"<elat le a Cathollir nilWhist ie a Protostaal" Tus lion T. M. Butter, Holy I3ruia EpiÉcolil iuiihi. Tii.. ev. lioard E. hivutrllriischbreh. Wankcgan. ilriiluy, Starn-h tX*th-li)id Henry ViII Founul a Ciiur-h?" The 11ev. J. H. Edwardu, Churu-liouithte Holy Spinit, Finly. MarM-i 2Orl-l1>i t'lîims Ap- point Hie Own .<uibanadiîrs- "The R1-v. K. 4). Crosbîy, Dineetor uftheb. [Chicagoi Humes for Boys. Friday, Mnarch 2 ïth-"tiov 1)9.. God Gieo Spiritual tjrace?" Tht'11ev. P. C. Wolcott, Trinity Chureb. Highltaud Park. luridav. Aprii 8rd-"How Bld Jeue Christ Wurship-~ The Rev. E. J. M. Nuiltor,. i.John*@ Cbureb, Irvinm Park, Chicago. A queeîhon-houi ilbe provided, 9e Ibal opportunitymua, ho given fer th. muluai diascu etofluaporîsulenW. )ou'lt erugt every Friday eveulug at 8 c'ctock. tommcnaslgttalme we avi St. Lawsrence'@ chî*rcb. There vili h. neither admisslou tee nor offering. NOTICE Tothe tai payera et bIbertyville leva. ohlp, 1 all ho at Croker's store outil March lottl ulect taes. n -23-2 Peter Bock, Coîheuter. la Car et Eer Cor in ll honu rack thie et ek. Caillns up Litîortyvhile Lumber Co. -c-i rl F ~ I 5W~I~ - i You cma try t~sb«atiful Victrola FREE in your own Home. By makinirema11 munîhy payfeute yon wiii seau eau a Vicîrola-the graest et o a Il -mu4ial instrumente. $nod il brings lu, yen thse very boat of mmm eof every kind, sang aud pl&5i lit the very bast vay by the v.ry b"o, artiste. Tbse ideal place te eans the0 usa dances !à un thea home and ber. 1the Vicor im absoiutcly indispmnsable. Price 16,2 5, 4 0. '7à an d S 100 1 w LIBEPrTVILLE... M. B. EGER . ,cRAYsLAKE Buy it Because It's a Better Car Mouil 'l' a $550, car irulruSchanck Bros, Lîbe rtyville 'j Rt 'i.t. Raiof u ti nlaeuuNi-igi, e 2013ark'Rl. (orruan wae hum N 7. 1814. nt Nelson.,1--- dtutt-u,11 ou"rhv', NuvYurk. wbrre hi. ather wa a th..îhîeliet minialer. Re oved hero 'irh, là»uislly lu 1855 lier..ho s n <ittemgageiîn tarmlug. ster reachiug --hooku. The pailhearers ht is 4unerai wordis hi. 'eluil liden of 160. EHl& deah cevrird on Sundajv, Rb. ", r , et'hum bre lu miq:hian. te Otich place he iemowed in 1905, with afi son Chas, fi e rmains heng- a ýrought b&re Tweasa for burilinl the Lakeelde ceuu.ryWedueeday. Re wmi tii he vaI ofeight cebildren. fou et wheoem *,vlv imb: Mis. Mary Brown oftbcioe eiy. tteibRaypf Peabody, .uabe.C. et K as oo, Mlch, uithb wbom ha w»e bv1g at the thus of To tide you , ati âstb. &" Um aNOlle Webb ot Big 'Ibh.,, ost. Remtdee these, fourteen going to ina' gmn& ê ichlen a» elevimu great ogrand- lf11e ta »P. Ray awel» isi@oe hundredth 'sar. bwunit 90 yeam, 3S menthe sud 14 thousand? lauhvuis ho i.W*deth eccurrod. The loberai wag hbtefeom the homeof b ie Lauwbt@f, Mme. Brown, the Rev. W. L. Wbippieotlii alg. C1TIZENSIIP XMTNQ AT TUE M. E. CEURCII At iuuî-u.hip îîucetiîîg vii ho hi-id in liii. M E t ibiunch et Libé-îaviii.. oeil w.- k hiîcdy The ladies î,J tha cioit) .111 îuuot in th& alieriouri as 2:30 fr lu cri uieocceamd i-dîcalio 1u prugram u Ali ladiesane iiivited tu at-,U(l tic- -oi.iou at ahictu tIre. Lae viii pr.-i. cPapera 4masotiug vil-I ho ru-ad auud discussIonsa elnuethods furthle cuîinuuic ru-cý1tiou. lu the eveîuhîg ai iM ot-jouk Idru,. htegalvk ot Waukegari, vuil r-anl a paper ou "The NeawICitizen- lîl"andîlMr@. jus% ai Waukegau, ahIl read ahuIlier on ,Tb@ Belatilua of the Ciizfsuuii u h o hTeupper<ice Causie." Itou-. J. W. Funston, pastor ufthtIe M. E. mhurrh Waukigau, vI ialec mire aun add rsu sthe imaseof lthe day. Mr. Funston attndid the oumubus cou. vutior sud aIbe tlt Washington con- vention aud buas 51.0vielted itocktord, ll., lu invetigal. lb. coudltlofl ondes dry adîmliisration. eoa*IImair.el Worth aSile to bear hIm.. The Invita. lieu la 10 aU le joie lu tise union efort for botter couditiens. TheoDni a th insallmntof t pecial a&»"sà ment No, 1, tiMi.Igiitb lustalimeut of aeoial nesesanteit No. 2. sud thse fourtb iomiaiumont ot spMcal aa.eemenl 'No. 8. are nîîv due sud payable at My offie lu iDocker & Bond'a drug store. R.B oud, Village Collecter. C.16tf 1rou Use This? over to the day wlien you are ire, thereby takiug "if" out o the tune of at least a few POSTPONEMENT RECORD I herelay agrüe .that on . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . 1 wihl be aie asut in gouul licalth, andithticî as able to pasir hue ex- auujuation as, toulay, agreeitig iuicuu<tî,iue lu, c-uuract tuo contaii<, jifctioîis uorntlîer kiniluî of disease, nuir invet wilb any a-ciult, non lîecuulne 1iysical hy i r il uýi - 1atii ires-i t ni y t lii passn g the exaininîatioii- 0f Course you are going to take insurance soife tirne, for, aithougli you know you'll live only once, you'I die only once; but you are not quite ready. There- fore you are anu afterawhlelinan.î You will Insure later-a few inonths hence. Pleaise igu the above and kindly mail to me, and fix the thing riglit Up. ,Yours truly, JOHN HODC3E District Manager I5i~ ~ - - - Try the New Dance Records