T.,AIV wl(' Nnnw INDrpENDRNT, FRIDAY. MARCH 13, 1914. Pagre Twe. .'--..~. IWAUCOD ai lt orget tLe St Patrick'@ tocture jEapp 'ad dance at Lakesîde Pavillon nelt TuesdaY éeoing. Hoory Maiman he t tî iret ai1te week with relatives at Waukegat aîîd Highland Park. B>' T.F SWAN E> W. Brooks tran.acted business at Correspondent and Agent Wankegau the tiret oi tire week. J. E 0anro Elgin, i. spending a te- days with finonde bers ibIs week. iVil Kigg ma,-a boivmp ripto Wark le noarisg comPletion ou the Chicaga Mdonday Bordentnilk plant. the huer beiug Put Andrew lIeer of Evanotan. was ini~ n last week, and the corent Iloors are town Monday eeraute ta Canada. 0W boiug laid. It le exported thre buîld- Bes Alvirdeltrtained amsîlttal frieutd ing a-ll lie ready for occupancy aboaut %Ies@ Engleberry of Liberrtille, Satur-A)t o day. Thre village primaries were held lat Mrs. S .a. Crople>' anti ýlîoe it.ssie Tueeday and prîterd qaîto ociing. and Bow@sepent the week end in Cicogtt 8., vt~es acre ca@t, 73 mon aîd .12 john Bouse. Sr., returned tat acet wamen TlVos le the tiret opptîrtumtY> altr sendng ireaIner îth h. the wamen of aur vîllageo had Wo expr ess altr oendng he intr wth istîele chiîce by balloît. Thiose nomina daugirter, Ms. B. E. Terpning utilPark ted are as tllarre Clerti, E B. Dairns; ILdgs. trusteem, [. C McCruick, J. M. Fuller, Miss@ Emma Fisher oi ivaniae. bas! purcliased ai Bernian Kublen i houans on Seymaur avenue and mioct be r haugeirald goods lin Saturday. Me. w 1) Porteons was takntate I ur village wa s slocked Sundai- maro- ing tii earu ai the gbath aifaoe ili ur reidents, a G.A. R. veteran. Fleuri- M. Davis A detailed accaUni ivili ne foîîîd -- eerfie/d . M1es Katherine M Maanatofi'aukl'gafl, wap the week-end guest ai ber iter. %lis@ Christine Mellahan. Mm rsveing R. Repbm of Chcago, wan the gnest a!Mme John A. Stryker lapi Thursday. Thre Young People'@ MisOionarY cdet>'1 ai tho Cý E. churcli preseoted litile, Harriet Marie Stryker with a sîlver spoan at tiroir meetitig at tire home oi John A. Stryker tast l"riday evening. The Harmany club gave a doigbuful littie informai dancing partY lun.Xnder- sanst hall satîrrday eveningý Miss [thurJohnson ai Waukegan, wae tho week-end guest ai %lis$ But h Boicheli Anthali>'Czarnecki ai Chicaga, ahi givo a lecture in the Assemt)IY hall ai tic Deorliehd Grammar ýctiroal, Frida>' evon- log, Mari-h 13, ou the "Suffrage Mave- mont" under thre auplceo rîf te Parent- Teachpr Assaciation. T'he lecture I lee anti everi-one le arîcotloe Bof ciéeriy/e MRS. JANE SEVILLE DOIS I'ÀSSED IWAY FRIDAY Having siept a Way pcaîefulli'yy an htrr lied @oame time dnring the niglit of FFn- diuv0 a at week Mr@. Joue Seville Davis, iwho reojded wtih lber datîglitr Mre. Edith Warreli an Lotie street, passed ta bier eternal met wthout the kuowledge of alie af ber loved one, fis clii hallîlot heen iii and hll retired il) the evenigig apparantly Weil Mrs Davis was î(pire aun(Ad lady and it wa@ the Cttturof ti tile Eari [Davis ta t i taire othe break fot t lier room overv Imornhig. and on Frid,.voymrniog. alter taking the breakftast ini as nouai, lie hO0- tited that Mrs Davie did hot greet him lu lier nouai mariner and reparted thie fact ta Mis. Warren.,a ha weût ta lier mother'a raom and !fouwîd Ita she hadl pwmeed away, lier fcotor"e lndicating that deatli camt.' ry l pt-cflY. 4 lrm. iDavis was iînr' f ,îi'r mot higli LItLANI)F U L M ENX Digglng horseradish out of thes home garden. cartînguit tes to the neare:st the fleat flnanctai deiof aILeland Stan- ford. i- e ,was a,"An ix Years aid ea t h. time. Alte'r he gtot through the dis- triet schooi hs waried te stu. y aw. but ble nmron ay. le rhopped hie way' ta the bar by 'learig a piecs of woodland for hs laitier. Hers la the eue to his sucress. lHe wU a firait clase "deuer tl - way' Jman. Alter ttelng admItird toeIthe bar lie went tq P'ort Washington, Mtch., where a lire de- , tryd its ail. He then went ta Cll-, fornia wliere lie lecame a merchant. Hia business acumen foresaw the otiglît>'p, wer of a Pacifie rafiroad bind-. rIg the natrin.lile enrineered It and be- aainelits irît Pecdilet. Athî,ugha Insoî l cr.1oadlrtg.business and poli t Irs, lice lits ranch and vineyard ai Pie Alto, nd heetdem ait tht. ho nover torgot the lýo %er of edtiietion as showfl hi- the rTitgf"1:i -ni unteccit>' le founded end osd wilh 20 million dollars lu memoiv or l'ts ho'.'.whoiedied tri Moly>. (;rcei Wit.'Lio-îdStantîti d'e lotirent. 1 lu tt e h e n -- r vh ow d h ie c hu"I î o ' t rail o f fa i itil og.s roti Iy lete, t han tn lite d, it hg 100>'pouce- lit>'. b.' fi a]t ln perîcci ordsr. A "'man".,ut six. lie'va. aaieai t69. ~ CLEARING THE WÂY 14innîtt'ig earIv in lîfe anîd prepartng Uic wtIf fo)r titi- Ilet i(,,>ist what nia't.- Ltanil Staiford si)iucci-sef ut. Ja fo tutXtt5.irtent Her i' 'se s ilous aeaipr o.Ant unuuaityl itsresting jragraintle nday foarded at riteriosa iu lînebrirtg ptepotod hi the puputs tof Miss >'reoçecteti cllzens and liatilived a roadd srosai neryFor Gollector France@ Bedrtatit for the recital waihî hpyadrlitdlie -lrgawy Jeovr E. Halcm eutth weken am a candidate for the oficeti(ltoi aIli e given lu the 'Gramîttar eciool ai a brlght sprit antieujoyed a close in titis c'irmîinity tei j.E.Bocmbsputte ee-edColectratthecokuligimaipulthe Fridai- evoning, Mard 2tltir. lrlendsbip wirbeveryioewa-um shetnewa.thv ysml wth A. B Smithianti wiein Chicago. tw oprtan eire suportTire fanerai was lield front tire hauban pîiway îy emir Gln nzehobe nardb rtwnvo eeulautand ei e iiepprcae.ari Tlie Dorcas 4cdet>' will take arders lu Monda> aiternîton ai t wo î'clock, thie wîl i A. F. Sieldon as pivate soveretar>' and Yaurs iruly, dvance of thoîr next baker>' sale whtiervice beingecauduýtr'd b>' Bey. W. L. loftlae Satrda niht fr a extndI e-5-1 ano S. olb. wlîl b irehtdthetitret Saturda>' aiternoon Whipple A deîgitor, lMin. .1. A McA t- F tlp througit Canada. He expets ta i pi.Tosw FiXhm-Ml U-(.-) eaýenr oatn h returDabout the tirstif Diet mautli. - ~deliecies wiltlplease natif>' Mr.. . C r.unora abler niotrer. Tb@ romainse i AG'SLA E Pettîs. were laid at rest luni.akoside cemeter>'. 1 wlsh ta lniorm my friends tirat 1 will L - - Mrs. Carnel has matie the Grasumar The life's hlstarv of the deceaaed hil bo a candidiale far collectair for thb oira Mrs. Walter Hawtire will eftertaib echool the git of a phonograpli aiicli le given in 0 hes calumus next week. of Fremont. sublect ta the Peoples the Ladies' Aid ai dioner Thuroda>', tire pupils are enjaying. Plants anti primar>' Mari 14, and willh appreiate Mardi 19. prtufes bave alo beon given b>' uther CARDO0F TrIANKS &Ul support glven me-Mr@. Go. Kapple visited relatives lu public spiriteol citizen@.. 'e wlsb ta tbeank irur friends aud Notice of Progressive Caucus P-251 J. L. Sbehert. Autiocb aver Sunda>'. Mn@..Milton rantz entertaine th le neiglibars fur tlirr Lîîdîtesand mail> Noie reorugisen tirat there wil Ed tiarris was a Chicago visitar Wama's Misinary socioty Oai the expres"ions ai sý npathy-exteodde s t .ie acai-us ai the Progressîve voter@ ai recentiy Bethlehem Unitedi Evangelical v-urt-h the tîmeofai ur brreavrunieut et the os0 e Twsi flhryiLk L..IJ - -'A' LOu cronit' aLAKdEr a rerTuesila>'aiteruooii at a ChifieSo tea afaur dear Etlti rtîters. Canot', Ilîlinoils, hirlet tlieTownHall in Mr. and Mn@. Gerge Mitchell wore oi tbe deatir ai Franki Nirlolas, au aid M.RGMniyo teAaa tiethe village ai Litril ville, Laeke 'ttiinty, Evangelîcal chuecir gave an interolitr Illinois. au Fride'. te tlîîteentlî îe>' ClIec, itohirs Tirurida>'. time reident hrs. a.cauuit aiflier mark amang thes Chines CARD 0F THANKSofMnhA.1.»4ntheouli Jamee Townee made a trip ta Micii- E. S. Faulkner entertained frlonds iram lu Chicago wlilch was illuetrateti b>'an w wlhîcta expreetur thanke ta the II acîttit p. lniitîr the, ptrptitof'; gaa lsnt week to attendi Mr. Baokemeyerr. Chcago Sanday. eXhiit 0i Chimese garmeuts. Morley-, neigiriore and iripîtis and iut ail alhoias- notinatiug cndiate for the'foiloiîtiug fanteraI, -jade aruauîeutsaud beautifut eut- îei u lun n uner-cuiet bereavemi-t alters. le Iilcî et the ttort lel'iti Mr. and Mrs. B. Kane epont Sonda>' PRAIRIE VIEW ralirnies, in alicirthe siarti inqteat i tf Mr@..Frank i Sît-ias anti Chltren. ta lie belhi.tpril serentti lVI T at Wm. Brockman's. L...________________ the dragon appoars inice tire loundung oif Sepervisîie. John Botte, Sr ,1I@vsittngattho home Mr» Scott Durand of Lake Bluff, cvll the nom repubi. Mr». Jamres Frîtenir CO-N L PROCEEDINGB. Utlleiftir. oi is daughter, Mr@. < M. Ray. deliver au atidremo an local Option etratiaSCrBth arnsSefIea. Asseestir Mr. Louwelh tri Evanstan, ba@ moved Grace churcl Tirureda>' evening, Mardh iTuuy souvenir packages o! Chosee tee Begular meeting Marcli2'. 19114 [linos Titwn f lerti to ibn faima which be recentl> parraset IW19Ladies are especiallYi- uiled, anud aere dlstribated ta the gueéte. eatd Clevelandi afîsnt Corn misloîtor a!. î1 N o itr t f irom M. A. Woadin. oepeial mounue will lie rendered, Alvin Kuaak retarnet home Itaturîta> The minutes ritftire let inleeinge acre Dirici Mr and Mrns. H, Mille returued from Sundav eveing ftev. E M U rbacir aler afoar itantirs viit lu NeaOrea nd and appra'.ed on motintîf "aîulkuner Olue St-bail Trîs-tri', uilti-ruit Coorado Satard'ay. willl loiver e tereapticon lecture et Palm Bench and Cuira. anti Elsworth. (luit'Sclîttl Truster t,- tili i cotant>' clayton Halchings waae perated on <race chanch, haed aun(Charles M. Sie- Tire Clrirtian Endeavar oi tire Proesi-' Tire îreesurer's anti tIe.rk*i4repotrtsu Andtiflre tiretraisatittu I f -rw-h II'tler Sana>'la auega tin' wel tnon baok, 'ho Hie Stops, teelani ciurchit abul rsinesmeeting et woe read and itudiroul îîy theinaersbusinessas.4May çropt-t oivettîtîr e for a1opendicitueSuua nWuea o' elk ihe clet. hoapital. He ls daing as aell as enu be or What Would J>sus iao?" This î1,-tire home oi Miss Louima Butin, Tuaesyr camniittee andi ecci'ptetioun Moian LA liai(Ia t Lilert ' ville.Iltt letlarli expected. tun. conisqte oi 791 sides andin@ the tiret evenlnt Daoleumieraut iElîsîsoti ahîicihcarried. î2til, A 1). 1914. i itiiiiitir The Ladies Aid ilîl meet witir Mr@. ai a sere of two on thre same subjeci, Misa Rath Lidgerwood waa the guosi A propostion froun Fosetani & Waelsh -FE OFRE i e a ra Thur@dQy a ternoon, M ar di the eco d lecture % a lie give ti a eek ofaiiss G adys Tucker o i Highland Park t tî instail a Ling e vap riz or ton theo Fpr al arEE a m e RthS. te "As the ehetion aiof ticers i. tua Inter. Thîs lecture la free. To appreni- Wedesdaa>'. gasoitte engune mas rendi. Mîoîved by k n .1errou of Shnuttiin liait'ýa b. lde n uqett acm as aie the second lectre yoa muet oseeand Mes. Franki Lasswell ai Chicaga. aadFulnrea hepooiin ge otai oyo terBg11 % ldear Eusetacue hrtert.Dntmisseihen. trewek-ndguviaiMn aIe ielaid on tire table.Motionucarieti llusiraiei Seerti(aaltogueOand atsati. sarI>' au Passible. thewee-etire iio Mr.st. e Movlti by Ttus auj ltaulter tiret anuî1e of tueur farînîta lilanout arsBig Fre Tone, J. ntifaml> spntSchafler. Early Whîite Seet il taîta ba, îre- Fre Toner Jr su faily@peaioder lie place ,fur u i inchr gong cord aofai-or -1t1)husirel l'or actre. aftîo ast week witi r@n. F. Ta-ner, Sr. OOMiss Josie Wootimau enteriaineti tire wîtamileo tu 30 tay@ trial. - orrîcdt' il a gampl-e aoftîelr NpescAlbierta, fauta- Mrw Geo. Ra>' antI Pearl returned front ......"5W".. OL club Tuestia> aiternaan. votîutg are. titan atip.n. at-o, ta ni-or>reail tr af Wateihoo Frlda>'. Mr@. Henry Erueger anti son a! Wau- Miss Eleanaor Meyer waa thre guost ai Movedtilis-Ellsworthnanti oiltlniuaier thisi-ai-r, ahahuys or pliants i. l Mr, and r. . Gtehrke @peit Sonda>' couda. si-eut several days lu Volo lhat Ms îtno iilniPe tiret the last ai articles amket fore h>'tirs oriGardokSeîs autti Nunte r to et akeZuich wek.Modià.ineuiicii lie' let ti tire tire anti aatertiluni of Iarmlng and farua andl gartit-t Mn.r. W m. Bîtuse epent tire latter part Jas. Kirwen aas a Ciicago vioitor on Milss e Maliel anti Elda Ftoreobetgee coiotuttitireuii in-aair waitue>" tbuk seots. It tells hua to gnrose t1i-croîts ai tire aeek waur her daugirier et BeachManda>' eniertaluoti e leur ofthoîn frieud t is enerdeti Ayes-I)olhenmaier, Euse- andîl l aboltthle twtt'lvarf-Ietin .1t Z.tmunrSudy vnig1oth.%ymFukirTti. ridSenti toIria ionri-otîr ocalifi>'.alita Seeti III. ~~~'Mre. Bon Cosmun anti taughtor spent inrSuia vuu e-sàOlne,îin a t as. W'hoTient trlî'y. Spolie. ICrasses,, Mr.Nat a tiredtu tehg ode>' aiti r@.sJas. Kirwan. lairm. Allen ai Lake Forest. as W,, r-il'tScrtri, ltel aiug aleo. <lacrs. AIfoua.i, Pavtitre attd L.iawi Mre. n etirlis ro ineti framtli Lee Humon spet TuestinluChicagot guest et ithe hume of ber bhiler, Wal uter itiitt itFaulkner anti Titus tilat tue '%iture'. Soi 'ttot andouilail otfitr pital ani is muei inîprtved lutLaengeiTiiesdaiItrot oi iesec tuliepiecititiftble fartiand igardç'ti .t'iil oanti Nurser'y The F. N C.ahI it aiih Mre L A.on0 h49itsîs. h-tr- itoia ra e Irl-lt i Co Ili regardms tick-lt. ils titrtit dollars otaail alto Mrrie t AreastQaturday aiernoon., tîte Mr anti Mrs Johnu Walton anti daugir- The Ladie' Aid ioi the Si. Peul iiio aà.rl>' lît-oufl onithé, irit arriedaPirti fseso aàsr.T 14tli. ter, Mr%. Henry Krueger atteudeti thie Evaîîgellelic rcI rettiel theur nuIntîtu at utla a-ebFIEER ta ail aur rt-adi-rs. Write i Mr. anti Mrs Frantk Joson tif Wau- iunerah af the laie Boht. Waltan lu meeting Thiorda>' altemnaun et ti- tlt'i-flla ig bills eac renodoutil The atidresitti- t itins Seoti kegan, @i-ont Sudai ai H. Bertettit V.aukegan hat aeek. iroule ofaIrs.Ire, miSelig il K'i îy thinan6~iceî'îînîuuîiîc andti louse. Shenautdoaf .«, B-oxt1377. Wm.Cuitteer rtîrnett rmnitiIhetoce- %Ir Stackîngwaus a vstar lit uti' lurg Mar. anti M- . Italîhi Kitcito il îltt o',ci tiiUtîtirito iiif l,L-tiitandet gît oirptal tsuidai otie d tIt ws eek. sîé,t e eeraI lay i-ecsîtiîug aihMnr. and i ii l ihdiari cil M. A. Watttiti anti faunilefi lant aeek C. G. Izlisituvieiti ed veini tiei-e nt Mes. (lase a0iluChago itlà- >' ii.- Luuifs-r fî,,tuîndr_.,ý46 73 tfer(Chiceîcag ti-ne tiietili remaneu.un- ee ti itir use îtf les Iiueîîn 'Af.% ',Iuuia .........t;iiC tiiithir eratuiefri-Iti-litftîrutio "hi> iey r tflure attf-tide(th@ilencuter- N~oicte ofI- al Setthemrent, f t t t iti. Laltit.. ....... ........t 75 bave matir fao>' frtcîd i tids ruîg iler fir liLtntant i l a t svilt'.ile e hîtî tî t tie liti Ilthtlinoi, Cîu n tt ii If.a , se t...i...itaI iir4 00 -1 resideutt en', N'ehtiti rtî-their ditrti-lai hrida>' eveuîuug. Tht'>'repot iit ae 1lthife I Corî u unrt il Lake Gt' , ...te -r>'u.. . 1h -, tire, lliti ail itn imii îlîîg ti-oun f h i1i-p i- e i it 're eii e~ Apçil tenlit,, A 1 1114. I' 'tt1îg tt - t..'rs.. I.. 715 uros i their ti-w o ituler tr e îs Rt f N l er 144 n E.tete 'il Heutry- iere, deteamM OIii. i i l I.........ilt.r7,255 i lin['ridai- t-in ,i .M art fi 20thtilaite; Siitiay tLihtar Ltfte Petit-îuticth(il 'LMinutan Birre, wiihow. andîhHciry 1 Sit att.................4 iI The C 5offee bu cliurch here, Mr Sctie tl gîte a ter- 1 Herv [havis, tineofai ur roati comnmîs- Bitere, 1'rati lure, Emma Kinewei.li 1(évle..........tt Want at the Price eah)tieitn lecture auîd tlumitraîed stîngesîtî'lîcre mi.i Autirur erg iir.Mhitlr- tA1.1ai 1efr& I1ut ., You Want To Pay ountil; byOairit!-rofaiMusic in_____the_____ Iiere anti Wiliamu Biene.,bire i au.e, t.tit- relte ...................... 2 20 EvaustonUn tiversity. Ecr>ue slu 'tntr-arins ainhin.noi hl lin Heur>'Biere, iecoaseti . W Btl.e, malt refitue ....... .1 7 Mex-0-ja itan unique bIcot] ritei tii attendt. nuioitiIntt irttm Itsya' lu anti machraiyo are boebi uotiieil Pauil lt"î, furniiore............. 41 Ti0 the wald.lsouscfe rwg Mises Itga Bîlmtroius pendngithe Lee t tastrîctl>' comply whith te aw rn- titti uesge.amnîtaîriiltiTttr['îttgu n-i om4 oustiin sut iru oexo.d inChiciago. ganîhng tle retur of tex Morley. lut tire estate aofHenr>' Blrer deceaseti, mii ,uulItturrv, msar>............. f1) 00 Mr. Jetsoiu, e formner resîtheit f titîsnotices seuttoait b>'State Audtor ou Mirude>, the l8th day ai Atiei. II iSIMILI)i. alary. .......... .. ....Ga 4K)(... ..-.... plae but nira' tf htitkt 'Ilumt. B rad>' iode>' ail irearîlrers are weru- A.. 11914r or asesau hreaffera te hutetîîîer (.X ndi ittr. I i74 00 eti aaay het oe-k Th irle rat tias t ltithe irsi mmm aI oftax money a ra ooteefe m... helt in hicea Saortai- îs dO Ainil 5 aîti he lit Jt>' mrttor ean li e iard, ireitre tire Hîtuitte lIotc t- db Tutu alît huleal[ler Io hel inChcaio atuda- i de Aril15andth lat uly1. able Peri>' L. Perhous. Judjee 'it caîi et(litruii) Miiîiuay, ilanirch t l arriet] C 'unt>' Court, attire Courut Holue üliti' E I.i'îiii 'e ________________________________________________________ ciy O! Waukegeun. Lake Couit.>, Illinisi REPORTOl' CO DITION<i-e treset tir said.Court hb inSaI relui t iail DEMOCRÂTIC CAUCUS. W3ff RPR OlCO DTO OFaCr'ouituasadtorristratur o! caid tu tot îet ii eu'io sii ieiit tmksafh.r £ ~ ~ ~ o u i ae dec a vi e tlo e atp 'lr îl ttî ti lia ru- 2 l l19 4.eee ,th e urî lîî k i a i saf ll, ri THE! CITIZENS' BANK 1dik I -cYuU1th At close o&busness Mar. 4, 1914. tîei fe auirtnn nt ilîe ur iteof flt tmeaursa saths>idiR. whois' LAitii aIT1 81 nay' appear, a an o iseSt5liiuvtii--i doitîr,,Airil Tthr. - laad.I*e t Il. UO (K DtédutarueosoIlinimtelI iàl rrts e.- Cas anaod ecaeitit. 1 u . I'aho, f lîce00 p ature and fexcorel. , 51 t1 ictlt'. . . -9 t Tota 5 .t OS. ......... i 7 t, leiez E l'aise i- of r l tc b- ioarri e tu Itdo lmaly ser rth.* the &bove statefl 1- .tr ut- cd ortt t t tte brut tA.1 y lkowldite s-dOellet. eliV[ Nil E PAY N . t'.ehlee. Bubsribed anrd O o utbOtitCO tietis h dttt yof l ei.A. Il. l9tS. (i. CARILL UIIiitLEY. Noisr ble. PARTNERS AND DIREC TORS: ~. ...Tnip.R. F. Route. Iving E. Payne. Sesi 1M. #iHer. J. L. Taylor. J. 8. GrdIey. Vaartu*W gR.oUUibility Approxinately $100,000.00. Benînmu H . Mller, Admîntraittîr t!of eee t ho esuae ai Henry Berdecoared, -' iî t c~~~-Mare'l1:1 201 - (Plî,îse fi a îigliway (Do rth diet StotITrumtee. FOR COLLECTOR SttiiTru.tee (f)la 1le'n'. I r a caddate for the oailes'Ie2:,.lt Dnîarair CaPlrmittpe. colistor at the comlng prImarie. ofi ihe town of Ela and demire the sUipport oîf Wau-ij for the ad of aur new carpet the votera wblcb willlb. appresrlated. weaver. J. A. Graves on Lncoln and i c248 Fred G. Blau. i tewart avenu". neit wooh. C-i ' --th Q.iitvN.ver ~R30 cets AIUDVCKLE BROS. i an Ire 1i'jare.'l fo r tii' e gouditii j t 's t iit c rrîtes h ir start iig a b.îîk accautît ant i idoitify iij,,hiirelf imt National Bank Libertyville, Ill. Bell The Long Distance telephone is an indispensable aid to the sub- urban amusement- seeker. Before this service was available the sub- urban resident oftcn had trouble getting good theatre seats and restaurant reser- vations in the city. The Longy Distance Telephone Service solves the problern and gives the man in the country an equal chance with the man in the city. Theatres and restaurants now give careful atten- tion to advance orders that corne in by telephone Use the Long Distance Lines CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY, A. R. Andrews, Manager Tolophons 9901. nlilk Producers Attention Ail local organizatioris of the Mil k Producers' Association should snd in the names of their officers and members of the "Milk Board" AT0N C E. PREPARE FOR THE SUMMER CONTRACT PERIOI) NOWI NATHAN Es G(IATZERT Libertyville Illinois C..rp.lgn manager for Lite county, Ili., and Stats of Wisconsin. THE! INDPtNDN-reed bu 5.0 ChI Fi day E( v the ttrw Si Pl TI the bite, Mhe Chic mot voi t halll they a Pa that and System 1