iýAKE COUNTY tNDeÈENDENT,,F'RmDAY, MARCH 13, 1914. D> 0f SIJPERVISORS RE140VES TREA S. b hwrqure mrlyteaserBOARDVOTES TO (Continued Fromt Page One) quoldions about the county Moesb lyy b ofhnd and he has always done lecon DBIIIQ SUIT ON oie h admits the interest l ounr individuals of nioneys in the hands of said Carl P . Yroy, ho et once maires admis-.I '~D C ICVl Westerfield as (inty Treasurer and Ex-offiiej o hs hand0b: le nnitady o thiat te Cut Cllcor of County of Lake; outil the court passes oni the ques- (Continued From Page One.) i AND WHEREAS said Carl P' Westerfield towih o uIamt n hasneiete ad efsedan desne~ wî which many able men are ln doubt He did nlot wiab te jlup on onue and over. Ton ho consst, .efir te flot the otheris."I He fell the county8 refuse. to aecouint with titis Couiîty Board for tboad ho dhav. To Selfair. tu- he udfl h eepeo h sucli moncys and refuse to accounit with titis tion making a bianket Stop to cliver state ln sncb Matters and maoeiteI County Board for sucli moncys so received by hMn .Intea ofersl hi n'es1mteru o fo the offie rth.11 Binging im ut aone. or han ne.If the motion inciuded i as such comîpensation or interes4 and lias lie- 1Ioffered teofurnish evidence, lnot ail, hie would note for il,notberwise. gleced nd efued ad des eglet ad rfus louÂmies) aboutathe Inter et treceIved gleeed nd rfusd an dos iiglet a reuse by formter treasurers bet My orier not. *to pav' stceh nioflevs to saul Counitv of Lake; was flot accepted. Thcyusbouid ln- Mr. Weich., Wauj<egan, feit thet AND HER AS aid arlP. cstt'1'i('(I lude treasrr of the Paat tweuty imte te act waa now and lie said the hias now been called before this Coiutv Board andi In regard te the Inheritance tax bodmnrenttdtoher- hias now leed asked liv tis Board i open minet- question, ailso an Issue before tbis teetion ot determlning the matter board, even annebie mnn like .iudge rlgbl now. He could sec nu rea9un ing to answer the twvo followiîîg question,-,: Donnelly was uncertain about the iaw why estates Where the former treas- "Q.-Mr. Westerfield, it ils not truc finît dur- lu the case and he has takenit un- urers arc nue, dead, shbuud b uov der carefli advisemeut and bias flot vlv ing you.r termn of offive as ('outv Treasiner andi vet rendered bis decision. iHe admits ed in litlgation started te cuver terme Ex-offiejo County Collector since on or about De- tlore ls grave douht as to the lntent of years back.t cember 5, 1910, you have reccived front a batik or , The Inteest matter bas 'flot heenAdratNo bank orfrot iniTiual eerainmoievs s cin- passed un hy the supreme court, If Il was iust about rooin when Brooks bans o frm idivduas ertin nonrs s (t)ll- Yeu wiab, go ahead aud sue, for we muved ta adjouru for dinner but those pensation or interest for the deposit with of- use have nu objections, but Include ail opposiug J&nSited that the motion te by sueli batik or banks Or indîviduals of niiv- other officiais as weil as Westerfield adopt the resolution lie put te a vote. -dont Put hlm lun a traop irst andTemointadur sPttrt front tinte to tinte iniyour bauds as Ctnv fts then sue limr.Thmoint durwaptfrs tirer antd Ex-officio Counîty Colectoi' of the (X'ii- lu a sense. we feel abused, qor we aud It carried 13 to 1.1. the taider- feel tIf lo t fair to place. Wcsterfleld standing belng It was to he up at the ty of Lake? !in he uosttlon au endeavor la beiug afternoon session. "Q.TMr XVstefied, low tuei ~~ llvl made to put hMnlu. "Q.Mr W stefild hw iiuh oue' hve If You are going te igli us in îry- Revise the Resolutton. you altogether since on or about De)tYcmber 5, lug tu oust lmreurm office, wby lhe '«heu States Attorney Dady ap- 1910, during your ternitof office as Cotiîitv Treas- mnuaI aud will fight back; i muai lu- peared before the board Ibis after-' form you Ihat be will refuse lu run lnn i tirer of the, County of Lake received or eolleeted cover the enunty fonds ln case you, byIl u ad hoard, the above resoitutioni Sfrom any and. ail banikinig-instittutiojts or individ Ibtis action, try lu reuove lmrsuadradhruheasdprmsinl naname a successor. H-e Wiii fight lu the revse lac teluconforta le bis ideas aie tu ualsb compensation or interest for the îlcposit finish lu court. how it sbouid read lu properly author- ueb ulbnigintttons Or imdi%- Would Not Be Technlcai S ize hlm lu îroceed. A recess was la- witht us ysc akn ntt i Weki (Waukgau-If Dady starts iduals of any and ail moneys fi.oni tittie to tine it a suit, wouud you mnake Il necessary ken sud, after Mr. Clarke bad wltb- you hads ~ Cu.ny TeasrerandEx-ffiju> for hlm tlu secify au amount of lu- drawn fle original resolution. be sub- yourhand ag'ouny Trasfier nd E -offeio t erest for whlch le sue? (This waitstsltuted Ibis resolution-sud moved lti County Collecetor of the County of lake " the point Dady had made-tlual hoadpin AND WIEREASsaid arl P.Wcsteficld muet know a certain amount lu orderadpon AN W E EA si CrlP W stried te name il ln bis action.) Wbereas, Carl P. Weslerfieid ls now bas'neglected and refused and does itegleet anti Beaublen-No, I would uot lusil sud bas been sînce December, 1910, refuse uîtqualifiedly to aniswer the secontd on Ihat; 1 wouud waive the necesaJty Couuuy Treasurer of sald County of uf speclfYlug an amount.Laean question. Dady-l repeat the question uMr. WLak sud o o i tebad THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVET) that I ýesterfield: ,How nmuch luleresl dld Wee~ hr snwl h ad you gel sine Dec. t0, 1910? of sald Westerfieid certain moneys Carl P. Westerfield, Coiitty Treasurer atd Ex- Wes erfied-Sluce Oct. tsl, 1914. whicbh le bas from lie lu lime dur-! officio County Collector of tlic Conttv of Lake I1 rcel'Jed $61860 wbicb ndttr mliig bis ferro of office as sucb County ougt o b ad ie s erey 'ctovd ron bs agreemetwith the commlltee bas Treasurer received or collected front Baid office of Couxîty Treastirer antd Ex-officio flady-ts that ail you r:celved asbauklug Institutions aud uther per- lulereal lu Ihose rive montbs? sons as lttereet or compensation for Couity Collector. Westerficd-It Is, the use or deposit of moucys ln bis mi,. ~ acton aie a a liîaxfo wt lav' Dady-ýH:O:ny bauk or auyimdix auds as sucb County Treasurer, wilb 1 . s ldual promUsad yuu auy meiMoreluey heated discussion over the qutestion as to whefher Mr. di eil r tudlreclly, le he pald yo such bauiks or Individuals, Wetrieda cut tesre oldb omeld ot lul the future ? Now therefore, Be It Reaoived, ftlat W'eteried a eont trasrercoud e cmpele f IWeterfieldo R. J . Dady, States Attorney o! sald the board on State's Attorney Dady's requcst how-11111(-t Dady-How Mach aitogether stuce Couuty of Lake, ls berehy autborized mnoney lie had received as interest on public fiutds siîîcc Dec .? '. l1au0ruth u19o1he0?uy !Lae Le entered office in 1910. other filan wbat t hiave stated. adilu the uome otf the County Buardî Mr. Westerfleld, on advice of his atttrney, decidi te s r the eterin s eired ut osaid CrinP. o! lakfeluthe mu toý answer'the question, taking the stand tlîaÎthflc poinit 1 the huard. New, myadvice la that frm si aiPWstril m eoud b foghtoutin our. tisbishard bas the rigblto remuove mdiate paymenî lu said Cuunly of! coul befouht ot i cort.im fromt Publile office, as teo abether Lake o! suy and ail suis soutMuuey The matter of hlmt telling the board ltow- iiit intcrest the huard sbhuuid do su or not, ts net whlcb sald Westerfietil bas aI any Le may have -secu.red, came up first Thursday u Ien Mr for me lu say. But youubave dlrectcd limie duriug is termi ut office rcceiv- J., a ctingfor the board, put tfli oinal question fo sud tII 0go attend, but I have t ld od ostîluln o rontas coeanigI- th atngIe sack if t do, not knuwlng tbe sittonorIdividuelasl opna hzjgi and following the passage of the resoluf ion atîthor"i'Z- amourit lu sue for. i have nu way lu lion or luteresi for the deposil with in the beginning of a suit to recover such muoncy-s. )ad'- bcomispetityhnk tote ylie u$m» hOr-syscibuln uîltoao eontenbas beenupalfi hlm.w tomsylhoh$300-itudividuais ut auy and ail moueya conendd h mut frtko twmtl oev ltad hect il may lho $20,000. He claimes then paid of interést before lie could start suit and fie confcîîd- lnterest helonga te hlm and declines frunt flime lu lime lu the bande ut ed te teasuerundr th la, mut aswe suc a ues- ito ansiver how muchbil a. 1fepl he snld Carl P. Wefterflld as (County înut asw-r sch qustwould nul Place bîmn îflu.n bad 1)0- Treasurer sud Ex-Officlo Couuty Col- ion as well as ail others, that the board înliglif pît to hua). sillon hy ausweriflettee questions leclor utsalid County o! Lake. Attorney Beaubien feit oflierwise, iîîsisfiîîg thaf the dig se. 5A~s teo ehr iel e, Sald states attorney la authurlzed board nuglit as well ask hinm wlere lie w-as goîîtg incXt îlled lu the înterest, Il Is a malter ut inthe naune or sald couty o! Lake, Suinie, w atsor ofclthe li wers wht o r reco d halu Cook couuly, Il vas and lu ibe namne ut paid county huard Summr, hatsor ofelotes e wars wht li pas rundfilt tbe tresaurer there turned te lusîllute Say aud ail suiteanad legal them, etc. lie insisted tite board's right tof0 oinpel an1swcrs hack $10.000 luteresl muney. if youprceîg hemy ee uceay to-questions mere]y covered those pertaining fo tfi fîtî1îs dn' re ufor my advice on this mal- pfo tun le rmîîcty of aebloncsby i his cuistody; anîd bis stand was that, tt) admiit a certain fetihe xvIll agree wlth me. I've nul said couiy uf Lake, aud prosecute. sum for iaterest, would at once admit that fte infcrest b1-110 euproll hs atr uowscb suits iftlehodesa eceasary or 0WMr. WNesterlleld fqels luward me advisable util the. 5upreume court ut longs to the countv-whieh is confrarv to bis be(lief 11(mi iiad I carefully kept oUIut fIte dis- ,qustin t bcsefledin he ours. us slun ns to w-bal sIepR the huard thIis state lias reudered final decee or ~qustin t b se'fld l fic ours.Shouud take. judiguuent in sucb suit or suite. The fornial action to remove Mr-. Westcr-fiel l ante Welch (Waukegan)-l wtsh te Pire- The motîion was carrled hy the toi- atter heated argument-, befween fthe affornex-s repiceiî- rsoiuoupadion.r l w oe ing fic bard nd Mr WTeterfeld.lotion . (Then was read the reso- oig oe ing he bardand .Nl. Weterfeld lotonîruvldiog for Mr. '«esterfielda VYesIliruuks, Beruhe. Chittenden,ý FiÇihtIos Sureiy on 1 smuug stIeccaturs, hnwev.er, hetu g remuvai.) Cliarke, Eger, Fieke. Ferry, Kiug, Kir- t3efore xotlug, Brooks said: 1 voted chner, Macîber, Petts, Sorensen, Spel That Mr. iVsterrfltdw-lit oi e- that te resolution whtcil oas ron (iifîr the resoutton aiîtbuciziug the bie- - inqulab the office ut treasurer wlth- the remnovai fealure, would nul pass ginulung of the suit agalual lite îreaa- mari, Strattuti (of Grant), Sîratton (of, ouI a bitter and earneat igbt îs ê% I te huard. rbus, when the roll w tirer on the botefle iba e wass l be Lake Villa), Walsh, Welclî <ut Wau- dent frunt flie statemeut o! Ntr. BeaJd cailed and the vote recorded. lucre gîven a square dent sud a fair Chance; kegauln «t. Total il. bien whcn ne old the huard bufore 0115 lfMach surprise lu the ruuuî. we've get a Ducclus lu starl a suit on1 No-Itroeker. Demoreat, Enîmons, thie resouuion passed ibsi if foccsd On the huard covuutug, the stetîs anîd i durit ttîik flit sucb an un.l tai a trap aucb as the troseiutiîc takien folluw.: ehne utolwudieflwi GgMYr(fFem t)Myr(f vas lrving lu malie, lie wooid figlît bt, ad-,lr. MWestlerfieid, ii t a ~as I tePd tiis ls: there la uoibig ug iW'aukegaiiî> Sînions, Walch (of New- the finish. Dad- Salid the sanie tbiog- tart flit' during your terni utf(itlie. tîluder te prosectutur from goiug lu purt). 'lital. s. That-lue vas ready te fighl lte a finish. ou bove received certain moîiOO s asthe Icesurers bhouks, seelng where Tlie ;îrîrîiiîîiary steps lu the adopt- Aller the -buard sdupited the resiuî- interest frum couniy funds? the muuey bas tieeu put aud Ihen ieofuthe ccisolution and the imfncili- lion Wbtch Dady declared renhux cd 1'«ealerfleid-Yes. subpoena the batiks' houkasut out Wpslerfield fromt office, te mater of DadY--iltw much htave you receix I1 dont lhink Il rîgltltlusait a man te aie ii-p-i fuilloxxing It were seusational a uccessor came up and the questiun cd Sitice l)ecemher toth, 19101? incriminate himseUlu uu cr meeting, lu the extrime. Mr. Brouks iualpted «s le Who SbOuud psy te warrants Beaubten Addresses Board and because 10e la uwllling lu do su, lbe would vole fut sucb a Stop t! al ordered patd hy Ihe huard et tIs AtlY. Beaubten-Westerfield bas ai- lu resurt lu sucb a melhod as s sug-pevu-cohyrauer rels tession, came nU. Dady stated that roady repocled luelite huard the lit. gelsed bêre. rvoscuiyteueswr ae Wuelrield was tmmetlalcly oUIut oretreal paid over aluce Octuher firat W. K' Weiss hing Presenl ini the made dctssidanlt$ lunsucb a suit. omllce. but Meyer o! Premont vaised test, pursuant lu the arrangement supervisors' Meeting vheu the roe- Dady suggesled Ihal Weslorfield be the point that ho Muet hoid until is made wvthtbhe comtnlttee aud the lotiont vas heing dlscussed provldlng cailed hetoce fle board sud a formai MSuessor bâti quuilfied sud Dady later huard tast fait; Ibis action therefure for remuvlng the cuunly Ireastîrer. demaud tfor the inlereatliho made. ogre"fliat sucb was the case and comles as a surprise hocause we tell quielly lipped out, skipped down telu hmd oin efltef tbM Weslerfield could ath11 continue the malter uf the past bad heen takenolte couflty lccasurer's offire and cash-. ec ud olul btefc igulng as lreasurcr unlil bis Succes- care ut;:fihait as our uudersianding od a warrant for $21 vbich vas cam- whicb cacrted. -Mr qualitied. aud thal ut some memhers o! the lngteluihum. He guIlu ahead o! the Arrlxtîîg, Nfc. Westerfieid was rond H. addod thal tbe office o! Ireas. huard. This la an Important matter fn"'în! adunln ot he resolution rit- the Wech bmotion asking hlm lue state gwoe weud cotinu lu e upn 1 Ial sd1Iwlsb lu have Westerfieida aide mxictetesrr eci l. It would not close aI ail, put hefore the public as Itla, au the publie fonds are teUp. ho vlie ii sit btiiîexul r vrIeitr Wooterfleld and bie atorney alilPublic wiil hoe unhlased. fi-e bas ren- back and sMle-be'a geI bis. Two sl îuucy. Jactât thaI the bo&Mrds action dues nul dered satementa o! tbe couuty mou- minutes aler relurning te the su- Wp'eîî tufi-1l rcplied Ibal bis counaci, etad and ho vilIiisal on retaîing eys wheuever the huard bas asked redIs ", :nom. he saw te resOlU- Attorniey tiattbieu, vas lu a suit lu tii. mongys tbeiid lils custody. Il la for thont and vîli contiutue ludo su liin , -i.twhich May rosait l uîIi I-lena ulm l usi -Ques*tonabls vither hoe wîîî relia- And il shouid hie recalied ibat, a terte ndheglid0 -whitmadprfrdnuase- qi an7 maley nov until the mat- the audit o! county records, hoe pro. lhIi.adpeerdfo nwr - N lu decided. Beauhien. ln the huard duced $12,000 lu bis office wbtclui te '"-~Airura Licis, un :lg !'u-,tou until ho hadl. stat.dplain>'li tatinlucase sucb an auditor ball overlonted. Volit o)yOi t . lio~Rw, rote lu Stephen l-I ai t ultrylng te perse actj e ves taken, Weatorfield wuuld conced lho le honest and fair and tA 'ln iainter and proposed 'Culev'it Mc, Westerfield; Il la easy Det 4170up lie counaty tund& peuding bas douesvitat he iîterpreî lte law m1- "t 'l 11MluiThie, t! the huard, lte commilîce came 10 ACTIOift r n U niiircatlng Ihat possibly the car ha& ne vlth a compromise and vo arrang- A IU uiJVII struck the caurhing betoro il atruck: td ~ ~ ~ P E E T matea hrey becuuy a the obetrucloi. The occupants of -eceivedrs here on e fond sncetcy REV NTbas <Nj lte car vere uot ahi. lu tesllfy liat recevedintreston und sine Ot.lhsy iad struck the obstruction lu li. I thought thal malter vas sel- F T R (' question, tled for gond, as I vas then led lu ho- 1OF VIIIL R .CASES Whal evtdentiy caused lthe court bu leve il vas. Therefure 1 am surpris- - take lie case fron the Jury vas Ibat Rd nov at Ibis hurm o! affairs. The Believed Attorneys WiII Get a a s shtewee o urnil . the atbie cuunty haa been getling 2 per coul Decision in Upper Courts tîfied by the occupanîs o! lie car since Ihen. B r cigHr. lthat lie machine vas nut travelling Clark-My onderslanding vas Ibis Bfr cinuee vor Ivel ve mlles au hour sud il vas lnterest malter coui4j conte up auy admitted by sevoral vito vere placed tinte, nu malter wbaî vas dune oit COURT ACTION SURPRISES. ou lbe stand lthaI s machine gulng at Dcl.t. 1. t- Iis speed coutllhe stupîîed luside is lu eplaniu lit voe fr Ie reolu Fe Had- Epeced udgeuvuleplb.This being Irue tho ob- In eplanIn lit voe fr th reolu Few Had. Epectd J g struction cul have been seen lu lion, Mc. Brooks satd: -i ant ging lu WinyttueaoeDd ietoso iecria h ihsu votestoc thus resulution hecause lt'hte oRlasH i- tm tptecrhdteIgt n opens thétway lu atarI sîmîlar sulîs New Evidence Given. the machitte heen bUrning. againet prox loua treastirerx and ltheir 'heu .Iudge Witney rcturued hondsmen. Ixviii hie ittresled tu Il la said lu tic a foregune contclu front ebanihers alter ailtute evidetîce ilearu whciber itlaI the man tis huard alun that as a resuit of the di.sili h ad it ec plut ln.,tuope luthe court la afrer or the principie ltîvoîved iii ut Judge t'harles '«ite-. tri t11king rciin tthuu>itIat lie w-as golug to the malter ut intercal. '«itî thIîs imu- the Edward Ferry case front thit î-iv 1.ltieslu taeIîr tou paascd lts donte xvtith tIteides, oun"rlday atternoun. thal none ot :Li>e 1ltcgui.net tthie jocy. Ail Oece Sur- Ibat ail previous Ireasurers ar, ac- other caaes vbIch were an ouîgrox tthîîrlscdxliwenlie declarel lthaIuîîdec counitahie for tbe inlerest, thal's why lut the Sain@ accident wili lie tc.idlutin the. evîdence ie cud nul admit ut a local vverdict iîcing returned. I vote aye*. the lca ourt untl the uttu'-îeys u luues o c.Frya Dady-Now titat the mton lias car-bitve îilspused ou the iresent case. Th Iony o .Is er i ried, i ought lu kuuîw ioa-muchi lu This,,, set us-an ttedsithe itron,,-,, uicna-a îu1ttfr t r sue for. I aUggeal lthaIlIte huard C Mc. Wcsterfield btore aud that vert questions ho put lu him, asklng Il boy 'mucb Interest lie ltad recciv since hecomiug treasurer, etc. Weiciî i muve thal Mr. Dady aulborized lu ask litin sucb quesîtio as ho vishes relalie lu Interest s compensatIon ou cuîîy fuuds. Dady-Mc. Westerfleld, ilafi nult Iba yu bave received Interest Public fonds since yu lix'ehb treasurer? Westerfield-I declintuluaut>twer1 tii i aeemy attorney. Dsdy How mUcb have yuu roce od? iVeslorfield vas asuent. Dady-WiiI Yuanaver lumurr nturning? Westerfleld Po"iuîly, attd posaIl Dsdy1i hbink Ibis huard bas1 rigbl lu demand anavers tu its qu- Ions sund If ho dues not autswer lte tiis huard bas a ciglîl ti rt-nîiie Il front office. Brouks-t do tbink,- lu tatrness ail, thîs huard siîould gtxe lthe tre urer s chtance tu sec tus attornîey. Westerficid-Mc. ttady. you say kuuo- I cecetxcd lîtcreet, ilieceti W11îY nake mi tell yuu wtîlayen ready know i-ady-We isîîow ,Ûîi reccived fse -we w-isb to knox- Ioxx îtucit, su lu 511110 a suninluthe suit vo si, s tact. Wcl8terfield-AnîI 1the unly uifi, getting such Interesl? flady-i dunI know. Westerfield-il>-predecessor bu ahout huvu for tbu veeksafater vas kuovu that lie vas short ou principal outhie counly's !unds, sumehudy alloweil hlm lu gel ava2 ltaI bits hume, duesu't lu' '«dcli moved and lt cacriedtit Mr. Westerfield ho asked lthe sa queýstions Put bY lMc. Dady ai 10 o'clock Saturday, lu ordi-r ibat migbt cunsull avitlt s attorntey. -Iu cunmenllng ou the matter nuuner of sîtpervlaurs wttu epîoi thiresolullon lunuquestion said in tect lthaIWestet .id vas uutng sui titing wbicii nu other cnunly lciasu of Iakt cut-y lhaut cr duti-bei, -h o as paylng the cuunly 2 percc on lis tfotds since Oct- I. Ttîiy c-la ed tis oas m'icli, lu ls credî t and, Ihelr mindu. oas the resutt ofi compromise afiected list Fail wvîlb cuuniy treasucuer. Seek Back Psy For Poor lls5hit lu ou t%'.tuceslden t ort ?utcAlistcr busîuilal associtioît t beaut nurse MIis iheu, aîiîicarell fore the huard witlî a reqacat ti the huard aUthorize tiaimeul of sc $700 vocîli otrhbis lncitred ihuer l100îsa tu ew ears agu. belore- tîreseol sYstem uder o-hi-ch the p( are cared for ai the liîusiuiîai tieci upecative. The nisîter -ilas retocm-oî to1 1pour dummîttees Whotucofercd e 1the bospital ladies. i Wont' AId caunty Ronds The state aida commuîlee reput il ducs flot fayot glving fluan( 1aid toc building a stretcb ut coud ii, Round Laqto foî bar ut estalltst: pîccedent vbicb mlgl tetl enodl prohients, "s0u inthe geutral propi lion o! the countY giving tons aid lu variuus tuvua, the commit telt 111toohig a propusiion lu pusa vithout turîber deihecatlou, lbeuc delayed any reoummendation on t Wtii Pay For Patients A resolullun vas passed provlding Ibat bereatter the cuunty pRy for ail pour patients aI Ithe luhercular col- uuy aI lihe same rate that uther pa- tients pay. This la lnU lne xlth lthe plan lu mnecely maintalu a systcm lu carIng for ail patients sud as stalod by one suporeIsor "'lt's mecly unak- ing une baud aash theouther'" Augusl Vogi ut Highland Park 1> in the eounty jal. char4ed wllh dis- urderly conducl. Ho vas heid ity a Justice Saturday for a ton days' son* tonite. a i e s t o ! tîc fu u v h c î a i i a x eltu e t f - oa d a n o uu c d t ha I 1.- h -y w o -u-Id tak li- Caliestof he ourwhih hie e e, titi einîS the ujîjer(-(orts. ,anu artcd attdl(lie attornecys <aused i luito lutc t rled ficst lit ociier lit ite i - ivcd migbl make Ibeir tuariiesi Ictit Lu nhî,'z îT A N If the yw-eceailtu uscerice a 1 d Bt ULLEIN RA N be il pcohatîlv woîtld ho au oastcc mtout ios tcr lu present tbe îtior ticet-cases. pigilIlMrh6-vn and Au effort wvos mualle oumaire ast 1Scîîlcd iiMr-b6-x case ottut ofibe lieurv Sine case isst cicaut raticuait it1'inloti iilic n r- true fail. The jury retutrtîd a xerdic t of qulceil after Mlay 1, to iaintain a bul- Ont $600. hbut ibis vat set asid'- hy the tltii hoard u ait alsatitns, anntucing )eul court on the gruund thatItI was ou- lthe ltinteiut arrivai snd departuce iof tracy lu tbe iso- sud ex Idetice, il - evecy passeuger train operated by Itý un- waa tlen declded lu iry theEdw a rd Every station acl also abhali 1w cf- Ferry case., qulred lu post a hulltinttî Ilast 30> celv- The clly luib tis case produced minutes before the Utie outhe arrivai slome evideuce that vas uul hrought of every passenger train. slaling out ln the'Sino case. Auuoug other wh elher or nul the train Is oit tinte -rw things il vas shovu Ibat the curhlng and approximatety lthe lime utfls ar- vas scraped just soutb ufthle Oh-i rival. ThIs rule s annuunced Ioda), hbly slruuliou sud just nurtit ut il md- - hy the sMalle Uliliies commission. theI Lest - bin Baby Chtcks Safe Hae tudy su-bnd a ans_ lhce w,-ks oli-sud lbh- rest ta easy. ituu cari do ut vutu.h i- Baby Chlck Food - ilsl and torie tiattoats i,-, tait ad ati 15.1 .5cm v etifor tprc-- , ira. ta wstosti 1p-r chick. &D adlu..a uirofl .it i oc. Cieurge A. Ca.saov. MetIerof (- ,. tod ..f As-cuf-i ) .,- ritex,- "I hocaly ISal Iaie. .lt Iif Pretta nain Ct,,, i1s- ,- .,l '-hi-lý,,: ite 55,-th".-i v. h . b al theuiolty riser ithe55,Unuîo ite tai,,. tho ,st . .1J -,irt t. .ùitîtof aIdo.,-. uîig Satisfaction Guar-.nterli or Money Back Foc s Jle bx- v5. 1,'lri1ii, Aie&.: ). i 1.;icte-clali, , [;aîivmîkuu; E. Valiul CLCii, iak t-V i la; W ut -IlIil cuatlAn, ,>, hz Bielt-i.u ru CI Bruughîon, 'VtuîIda l - b.L .Itut1111, k. Z rich-t:Win. Eittsloi,. Di)- amonîl Lake; V. Sauec a& Co , Lout-gi rt-.-: iuuisck & . I<tîti,I;tutff:î- Iti Grove; Iliru.hburgur lros., Prairie N't,-v: Gcii. M. Wcîdillur, Aptsk taie lthe g A hog Iiod iouc compunud of chem. 000 "'î 0 le ical unorganuc emenu of whtîh the What FOOD TONE wiII do for your hogs: i1uiik,-nuuu,-. ciid ,tottiîlir , la hti, k --Wn î.î, m$i.r,1t1 t-.îuallilc ls ti-.-.e î-îu s PRICE-15 lb. sack, $1; 40 lb. sack, $2 50; 100 lb. sack, $5. llrde i-r O a St141rt 515i-iu l po(n Iat S it I, li iilcc tt .t,-l.- i i I. i.-t For Saie by Home Lumber Co., Libertyvilie. FOOD TONE COMPANY LieimllII ti, 30i1 bt The Model ted iea Cash Mvarket a I1 Tbe e lost ansi cheispest plau, tutLake 4utîflîx- for iltti-cla>s Meats, Poultry, lame, Fish and Sheil Fish VEGIETABI FS ANlJ FRUITS Mundeeè----and Co. -THE QUALiTY SH-OP-. Phone 307-J Libertyvilie M that ARE boai »ey circi ber,- -the j not telli way eveî can can he 'v ever '50 il yeai bo. $MIt ever ,be e woni ter, in ti vu .An tyvil LouI mot kdî su ai Dbmd t. Cl Wod w- a~. 1 ---- Libertyville, Ili. Liberffle