CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Mar 1914, p. 11

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hsIpof WIUWn Jion Ù butit showed ho usa 'outo: h~" . rlgh. K~ ~d-Jan set down in lbis mind ai ýXaà y .Waq*pi as*ofthie iay Who bave invest- sdýQwe Mde £1H2U of cosqunce l ilntng e.4 àc- 1W~1 le ~i ~ash.ould stop forvard ané-receive the * catua4ka o ti. nany Wbo went broke or became b*dIr b@4t fi'rOugIOthohi. 8.mulm a= W ho bave put thes screws to othern f tiiu<r inuled i the.end. Thon, tiiey ~trh1lcy,~hIybut the, poor oiu lo P dow n it e tntplace stili are heart-broken A ~ul dunm - u saigbands with theinselves a3&.ttoney'ubuid wua ty ibis plan: »é,aâ*An moaI hdividuls ~aukgn phmlclns w laugbing over the explana- uk«i tion iWu dope- thr _ i. - > c " sod*t o hitffl o telon& cmai ao~o tlh418 sta89'Oui in I4w*#."hWie ~u t bsrand t Uwl ud bveben o Buot i onWrwau.gfer the -ation, for POU&ynamite5 s&t off at ote, vould make mrne îoliée u ae orne damage 1 Bat 22 IMIMyy M L>tIS 1~ jy.f. OP 411Z 9 > bmR Mrs. H. C. Edwards Dîed Sud-1 dIyThis Morning *t Five 0, look of HatTrouble 1 WAS VERY. WE LL KNOWN.1 Death Came But' Two Days Aftos' Death of Her.Sigue, Mrs. Chas. Van de Mark the. d.ath of Mmm. i-M. C. £41- WordO thîs mrniflg followlng clo:16Zon 4thé doth of it siU r Is.charse Vende- mark, whose death oçcwrmd on Satlaadoy night, la consdured mont uflumual. Vory, Parmi> .l- deed do two btothmrs or sigters dis wfthin two dy of ach othor. àlole dothe wore considmeroth-- or tuddos. Waukegsn, llarch 17. Mms. Mrgarot Edwilrdm. wife of former Supervisor Henry C. Edwards wbo aitbilat fume reslded ln Orayailke, die.d rather eudalenly Ibis rnornIng at Ovre o'ciock Ibis rnorning ai ber borne, 414 Jackson treet. Deatb was s re- suIt of houri diseuse o! whbeb Mm. Edwards had hoon, auffoing nome lit- fie fîme. Had she ived untll Mardli 20 511e wonid have beon 19 year4 old. r . Edwards was born on a farnu ln Libertyville township juet forth ofi LiertyvIflo. Several years aga, wltia ber bnsband and chilfiren, Ite rmnor- ab otlr yaueers. hîs was dnring .41 ta Wake as.wThise ahe llve te time ber daughtsr ('oma wagsai- teuding bld uochool. Then lb. famlly reiuraed ta Grayelake. lest fail tboy again mored bock ta Waukegan and bad boen living bore ever since. Mir. Edwards bail been trouhled Iwlth ber huart for snime littie tInte and hibail liss eaafld ta ber ied lie- MAIUAM ~IU LI )IJ>IA11~IFL UI(l( tween weie and tbirtoen weeks. Sire EEN ON ~ IIN ION *EA-PR this le bellevod to have left ber heurt Mond y evnig I s. Edwardu TO ilYV U IJ1NIS, COURT BATT LE seemed&ta feel muchbebtteran h aPeuf0118eof the eltugt bs she Voliva Crowd oqi Action in Judge Whitney Rules on point ha:41bad lnnomne te. Memliersof Court t. o W t Annuai City Which VouvaitesSeSe Is moralug etb ve o'eloek usbe wk T1M o n O. lTheIr Favor. and ased berdatisater Cos t turn on tb. lghf. la le"s(han a malnte Vollva's COUnsOL. C. P. Bannes, scor. afterward, aie hmd passed awsv. TREAS. NATTER SQUABBLE. ed a point in tho Zion City. treaeury Alarmed by the sevoe b uro whlch malter titIs monlilug wben Judge ber mother's condition lid aken, Mieas Edwards ran ta f11e home ofa Uncertainty as to Who la the WbitueYaunsbalned thte demurer fled umilibon sud summoued a physicien. Rosi -Trosuo- of Zion C.ty by %M. Bannes ln counectian wtb ' Upc. his arrivaIire dedlared thaf Causes Legal Problem. tbe Love-Thurufon freasuren motter. deafh bail been almoaf loetanfaqeous. ________Love. (ho deposed cîby frejurer of Mns. Edwards wan the sort ot 'wom- Attorney. C. P. Barnes. acting for Zion bad answered to tihe bil lfied!a h ae rinsweee agaInst hi seeking to bave hlmn show gos. lier death will carry sadnesa f0 Tuma lda>.0141 e>ti- why ho 41141 fot (urnithe Cilty fonda mauy homes. à4i 'for maudamue ln the district aven toTburston, wh ad beaunmin- Beides hon husiband. wbo la one court dlrected against John Blas,,. od by the Council as ireasurer mter of lte best kuown mon ln the county. Love hai been ousted-; Mn. Bannes Mn.. Edwards beaves six chirldren, as 105-n coliocton o!f1the township of demurreil ta the snswer and te judge toiiOws: Claire,, Mis. Mande Couleon.. Bouton, roqaeMtIa a court order coin- sustained bisgalumurer Ioda>.. M. HarrY. John. Casa and Russell. liarry #oling Saab f0 turn over ta Irvinig Beauhien. for Leve, lianouti tomlor. andi John reasdo on tire farrn.'lTe J'bu'ston au freasurer o!fZMon. the row ta file an arnendod answer wbiciî otigr@ lire hore. Claire Edwards le Vutais blongiag f0 the City as jas!ho lie i db. one0 o! the best irnown attorneys In 4iolectd b Bah fonttheannal t l fet b th Zin oacila hatWackeaan; Mra. <'oulsan Ile f wt uollecfdThe flanh frinCitelm'irIthe is o' if tir îo oias a it o!f4Attorney Herve>. Couison; Miss 'kboocf>utxetl 1 sa oitCosa Edwanals la a Scbool feacher and R aab boa retffrni tarmi aven the lu ther faror but Lov's couassI Rusueil la emPloyed ln the Secuanty ýéit fuds u Thretn o thegrondedoesn't sa, regard If. The mnandatons 1battit. -Lbt efondst theuit rutosurbm Braud- action hionglfb>. ythe cil>. of Zion -Mm. Edwards' was a sîster of the 1 nth.t o l .u iat t he . asroebad- &galrantLove and the Vingt National laie Mrs. Chartes Vndentark. whoae 5ly th bilai S a in b e 5-s dmale-bank r o!Waukegan wae for the pur- deatt OCClimimalast Saturds>. nîglt. gei tregame. 1pd fose cingte roauner andi the Tlua a double boseavemoat bits tho (ho papV04r10i ank ta tomntheity li.fonds aven ta failii>. 5ithin a perlad of two days. Jade the paPers ade Mn. Thurston. the min whom the TWo Mater survive. on. In Bine le. turnable Mouday noxt at 9:30. thre council« voted lIn. as roa suner after landi and on. ln Fresno, Cal. Fanerai Immediate hoaning thun ixed sbowing formnall>. oustlrtB Love on the grounds Thil-ada>. morning at ton ocloci lit itow Important tho case le regardend that ho 5-as IllegalI>. elected. L.ove Waekegan ett(he homo and oiae au ondluanily a hearing at euch an, ît la realled, refuseil io turit the o-eiack at the M@titodiet cburch in early date luaflot set money ovrr camIng ho had eeon ne- Grayalake. Interment lu the Avonl Daib, as collodior or Beuton tow-- aoed illegally. The bsnk, where Ceafter cometer>., aOItp, of course, bas ail fho fax mono>.thf11 uads uave ieen itela b>. tbe lnhie bissent"loncluduiag (he onZîa reasuner, astced tho court ta Inslruct City bt«est.i. anUt-VolAva man, if uhat tb do wlfh tbe funds and (hoelf (lieretos'.,lit wam expecteai Ibat whon disp>ostion of the question thereforo e > t he lima Camoehé wouldu't recognize in ail important t reaid.nfs of 1the Thuruton as Ibm Mt renieurer, eiimn- Cil>. bocause the fuaims have hin le [Dg fIat (ho o.u og f love Wias il- np for a long lIme as a requit of the têgal maind rogulÏr. :mThestatua o!, disput as la w-ho logal>le lsreasuror the Love-Thurston matter flot barînu 'Of th. Cbty. boen pinsed ou b>. fhe.courts, if 5as Mould gît lis turfilut ovr of (hoCe APPRST AICCAT fuudls, on te groiidattast unies tho VIAP ACS ICAGQ FCCOAST He aponte beld ]iatê lit! Tbrst'HCQton55 ESEN yIei iii. egal reasuror. ilis>WESTERN ire Waul 61 iia able for fundu lb.>. lurned over. Tickets on sale dale>.Murcb 15 to Ait Undir ehl aw, Ait sais Miat the. APil 16. 1914, 10 Helosia, Butte, Nain' Iegaz Iowusbip coleftor muet tarin over Pa, Mîssoula. Sat latto City, Ogilen, . the ae o ae hnMrhIb Pocatello, SanitFnqlaeo. ban Dieogn tase fot nte thn Mrcb11h ,Les Angeles. Portland,-Tacma, Se; rasaIl bisI the case 0f Basb, troaisur-Won-. attle..Spokatee and e nyaLierp mne Secui lafila fxe Mrc 1tbauîl in.ChoIçe or routes. lavtbi sa-oe ~bon hé *auld ire ready ta iset île -1511' p4loe. .FQr.lte.i . - . . ratte V but Iho VolîràaÏeîomnoys declaroke t pns.mDr. ibis ia menai>. a mutuel arrangement dent, ýà ~ldudos not interfère witb tho col- A4Dsu i> W-ho iseter bavlag ltu(ar oaven Ciy taxenta at1 B>. Uja rnp~~~~~n nuaction tarted tg luti*u alsUtA yar ln btllih~obA iO- Write for COp skijaid "Y-wey c '* Cite NOE-Ille6teck f 4aM» SPIT4L IREAD TO AP irais ONil0u 'ee a bat the ElgIn News s"y,% a.e arrival at ite state asylum a, Tueuda>. a! S. H. Kenneidy o! ukogan: tanrne>. Store H. Kennedy of Wau. n arrirved as a patient ai the El- atato hospitai (hi. morulng, as a ilt a! au attomapt la b3ow up the urit>. Savinio hank building, la LCity,. 5-ili a matchelful et dynal T. H. J. Gabagan, (ho muperiaton- t, was mdmaalsbed b>. bothe er delivorea i*%lmto "ntot lhl* ejq e, for tbey fuar hb wi l ýbW 'w wbole town, aven (hors." econdlng o ea state baspitai ph>. ' nu ho la a ild mu¶, , a "" 'à anoaihallIj hý7ý sIt~l & t4y4b~ 41N Representative Floyd S. Munro Cornes Out Strôngly at the Meeting. OTHER SPEAKERS HEARD. (ContrbIMd.) fleorfleid la maklng vgoron, prop- arations for the wmf ant. dry figlif oun ,%Pril 21sf, andl thé drys are julant as a resuif o! a meeting laclal lagf Thursday, cailed by thoL.aaw and or- der league, at whick neanly overy voter, man and women, in the vllage wae present. The Principt4l speak<er was Rtepresentatire hMunro of Ibis distriacl, wbo sai41 lu part: "Tbe od-fassioaed politiefans; was always on the nilddie Bround, neliber In the road or lu tbe flid. Hoe neyer stood on any aIde et I& Proposit ion. be- cause he was boug <o offend some- body If ho dbd. roday yonr public. mon muet deciare tbemgelvel. you muet know where <bey stand. We bave corne ta a difFerent ago. You voterN here at homo bave a rlghft i know wbere your mon stand on a vi- tal question." I donft want yots to fink fbat ili the men on the dry aide are probîbi- tifinlsc-f bey are Botf. There are hunuirede and thouamls of mon uba today tako thtir drinek who vote dry, and 1 sey sncb mniehould bave ced- If. fiutt1i Wsi t t= iW ta"u- about sémetbîng tbat lsa Rgr than ail tbis. Kindaess, a lacke <gffed, of sbi- filpimss, oaerasmn bavlug nomne re- gard for bit nelgbbot anad tayog in help bis nelahbeir. 116 mal14bistory bas a fille ta greattuMstiat was flot founded uPon a voodibnful love for rnankind. Wblile I amn usainetIliQuor, I arn flot agaînst the *laollkeeper.. I fblnk thora e gsoMolng yef in man- kind that la golsg fa set fie theae questions wltbout sUfte and wifhout lte terrible waY -111WhIeh we bave Oftenlîmes settled 0fir questions. f belleve in demacracy. 1 boileve If was tire dawn of hletory. The people bave seffled tbe great questions and bave settied thons i'ftbt. f bsjee the tInteban corne10th fluacountry when woe au ail shaoe bande wli.t everybody, wben wo will be finonde and If I dîffor wtk nifIiownM n a b16 wlth me. If wili bo a différycce 1. fmlondship, and nt marnAI. If we Inae the mistake of a eoin aany- bOdy becanse ho doe nt agroo with uns. we are going tomima titat gros t thlnir, lbe dosîre o ta sere 6ui refliog- mDen and ta maire tItis a bolier court- ýry for aIl." Aitother forceful and convlncing addresa was dellsered »Y Atorney Ebbert of Chicago, whlch wvou great appiause. "If you do nal vote the naloous Ouf la Deerfild ou the 21st et April.' said ire, "you are going ta ho mighty lonesome bere. To suh- stantiate fIat, let me give you a testimonial: In Peonla a fo* weelts ago I tried to tecuro a roman aa drY b0tei. but as f beir rooms were ail flued, te>.sont me fn a wet bote]. As I wam sittIng uat a desit, noar the bar-rooni door, two men, on1e a well- kaown Peoola lre wor. àse tb em- seire near me, and I overbeard the l*ioou ftmn sacto hige equlipobn: 'l #tii bà>you fwenfy-five dollarsto one that Springfild, Docatur, Peoria. BlOOInlugton, Auroreana" Wauke'Mn will ail vote dry- this spng.' Wbny, ma, on dop't know whai JoUr talk- lng about.' protesfed the olten. Reacli- lot latobis pociref, the braver drew forth the manoy. slarnmed It dnwn on the table, exclalmlng, 'W111ion ftek me up?" As bis compani9il walhed awsY, 1 turned to the brewer and said, 'You wore kidding hlm. weron't you, jut now? Holi tumneil ou me as quick as a flash. and anawqrmi. --U make Yau the same bot.' f dldn't liet -1 dldnt want lu lose my dollar.- QIJARATINE I ~flIN7IN PATIENTSmARE O. KL The urnalîpox quarantine was Iifted la Zlon Ci t da>.. Dm, N. J. lo8oSe, *4n city btaltb qffcer, ofdOt'ed Ibe I#n removed and the cît>. 45 1w Oit- t~ly free of ho>. racO tà '-thmdiu. se. The cases were ail oalned un- fone roof nd itlaI a cli( ~ta fihe Vty bitafiofficer <#Mt ýrnt turessand precauttoltS er. hakiea bu aart f0 keep the mdw gerflFon rm0fln . CoePidoring UA illuMoet a >.rad fte big '~ ta seover 1116Zon cr,.- b58um S hcr- ii'- wi'dr.d0ahe et W.aukegan, larcI RV.iONSN1N7.IE lone Pence compasny that speaks for The A ME.people are about 10 bogs inthir srlng camî,li ja fo ARE SERVING MEALS TO Fiteen Cent Lunches fud lt bch 1thioplnIe orty t he-jres chureb and to 11nauguratp the1r do- EMPLOYES AND OFFI. Thspa swrtyoHeblet Mentie science departmnî .commendationi for Rer. .Johnson anad The pastor and peoPle have uimvr CIALS 0F THE CYCLONEi ;s Vifh re showlng dally bow to given UP the Idea of Introdaaclng qi- bPATA IDCLUL are tan th os entho of rk agTh: oral lfntitltoaaal reaures q jti LN TRDCLUSY-,eraý fths h oke h dion with the regular (hUre ral ûk LW PIE-L N O('Yeloracwhio do not QOFO 10 go bomne and to th[@ end flaey havie wn stad O RIE -L ST for lunches and stl11 do otfifrke te Iîy workîng. USE T H E VALUABLE Puat a volad lunch. To get areund thîs Next Sundav, llarch 2.1,inarks (ie the eolored minîsuer and bis wite de- beglDnnlg of a caznpaigra which w li POINTS HIE PICKS UP IN vlsnd a Plan about three months ago Continue until flîs day of dediautlora DWhereby tlaev serve a noonday lunch whlcb han beenl set for Suiffl9y. .. TEACHING THE COLOREO for lftili cents. Tihis meal consiste 2M.b Just one year frorm date of cor i of ail that a l"Indry man desiros. Net- noir atoneo laying. fflc-liri WOMEN DOMESTIC* SC[. urallY fhere are but few frilla but nood substantiel food, weil cooked The varlous Oltê ftFeuc ENCE. i i f will be brougbi into actlive- work 10 _________________ and sufficient quantitles 1 placed aiasln thîn general campaigri. .1senes la June in Rockford, 111. Rev. on the table. "Were gettlng fat on The Christian Endeavor solefy, -lohoson bias been secretary of thie dis. ft.' one of the head officiels of the Wltlt Mr. OPhella Payne as lîresldérnt. trict for sevon yeare and le conver- plant declared today. Othor officiais Wornan'X Mite Mlsslonary Society, sant wlth the conditions of bis pli- than those who have tried the menti Mrs. MRry E. Johnson, presldenî. pie ln the middle northweet. are fond lin thoir pralse and say they Womans Auxlilary Of Cburch Ex- Ife bas been osPeciaily Interested do flot sofow sucb an excellent tension Bociety, Mrs. 'dahel Harrison. in the su burban cburcb and ltiettee meal can be put on for tbe prie, prenident. and Ibis le one of the reanone he bas Rer. Johnson eaY» tIo l done by %len's ltrotberbood, Mfr. Thors. If worked so bard and patlently bore payittg attention fa detaîls and faklng Porter, presîdont. for lte fat six years. Aitbougbhe advaiitage of the Markets. lie says Sunday school. Le-vvs i) . Il. l-aa-a aaald have had aý mucb larger work fbat any bousewlfe-can lower her eurlrntendent. sr-veral yeara ago, ho and bis wlfe are agrocery and Mesat bill by ohservaaîg Asido from theme the chnrch le di- endeavorlag fo work ouf boire a the roise§ tat ho- and bie wîfe are foi- vlded loto two clubs, under tbe leader course which could be adopted lan- 'a*lowlug. l was te work out these raies sbip of caitaîns: dreds of commnie-lhe establsh- so that they May bie fxnparted tb tbe Mros.Niabel HalrîsIFon, captain of ment of flot only dorntlcs"Iente YoungS WoiOfl ubo wili take the do- club No. 1. roomg in the churches of Bmaîl towns misstlc science lessone that are to be Mre. Edlae Porter, caplaîn of cl1ub but to introduce noverai Industrial started meoi thlIhe colored cbjrch No. 2. foafures to occupy the time and at- that be atorted the plan. The patron- Plane a"e li laid and wnrk bas in tention of hie people. Hi-e realîzes age la hrowlng alwoof daily snd prob- a measure already begun. Rer. T. W. tbaf a gigantic effort wil bare tc, be ably wiIIlieho ontinuet indetinitely. Lewis now presldlng eider of éhlu dIs- made on the part of the Fhurches Rev. Johnson *sYs tbat be feels tbat filet, wIli arrive Thursday on bies ec- amýong bis peuple to presorve certain mucla&Pood wiliib e. doe by teacblog ond quarteriy vieiltot the cbumcb and Industriel acfiViles to keep tbom em-. the Young wonua of bis eongregaflon ber people and will romain over Sun- ployed and not become a menace and thoessetiUb.01 flood cooklng q~uitat day. He and Pastor Rer. H.- E. John- a burden. Good cltlzensblp demiands the sainte te .prlsCiples or econ- son will conter upon rnany thinge Ibat mon and women flot only bom OfY' flt nl prtlnng ta bo oa pioyed but properiy employed and be Doubtle43W ubea fbseyoung Women cburcb, but to fte onfîre St. Paul dis- wilIipsy bofb races to work together bave acquir.d the course thsy will tiref and to arrange for fthe prograrn'along tbls ulne. He and bis wlte are bc la vront denaud as servant girls of the disixict meeting wblcb con. worklng ouf sucb a plan af the (y. and cook alont the liortb sbore. liOm OUT OF M1Nt INVESTMENT TMAN lRE PUT IN IT iDenial Made That Steve Ken- nedy Sank Mmr in Mine Tha ,1e oct Out f IL. IDREW $200.00 A MONIFI. Officors of theoaid Eater Sunda>. mine lump fa fhe front toda>. fa don>. the atement tbat S. H. Kennedy 10sf a big sar n loesting lu the Ease ter Sunday mine, the compan>. whlcb Proveil mach a Itaodoo for 80 man>. Lakte counî>. people. "Kennedy made more oui o! that mine than an>. othor porson ln Waa- kogan.' ai41 Alfred Stripe, the preml- dent o! tire compSTiy aetihe prosent flue. "He nover pnt hut about $600 Itito the mine and for two yesrs ho drew ouf a big lot of rnoney. During (ho two Yoars be wae eecretery of tho Mine Compaity,. ie got 1100 a montl cash and $100 lit stock for lis urne and efforts, so you oseoho aid nat put lu mare (han le got ouf." "The D'rue toey Ala uit as god as If ever wasa." eaatiuued Mn. Stripo (tu which the reporter irmly sud fraarkly agreedi. "The 001>. thing la, thre poole Who Put (hein mono>. lu, ili not stick and lot us carry through the plane which 5-oulai have made thIngs al niaht ho th. sud." The. Makb-Up Pieu&. 'Ddyau over help put a puuule la. Set ber' "No; my 5-ife alws»ses. sembles hersait alouR "-judge. An 0141 atone encaia wlhont a lia Mtd cotiailug huma"tblinesMaid Oliver toil thta-imB;sctto eâtibied Uy*.*h.3 alad Lbrd ef' 1eW, l»&rd IL of E£Dr laMd)>waiu sthealb>. workmm tu Bt. Peten'a luno, Leicester. Slad, l Our -Store is Jammùed Anain wlth Meats Of thé very--Best, ai U.S. inspected No. 10. Pail Lard Home Rondered . .. 1.15 Pmre$b Lst flrd, exra fancy ... %yc No. 5. Pail Lard Home Rodrsd .. . .59o Moxley's Special Butterine, 2 iba. -.5c No. S.' Paff Lard Hfome Renoed .. .. 89c IPancyLitte -Pig Pork Loins ...1 PotRBouat.......... 11 RIb Rosat------..12%c Round Roast ....... 14 Sirloin Steak------..14o Rump Rosat------..lcv Porterhouse Steak -... 15o Hamburger-------..10e corn Bf....... lcý Beef Tongues .....- 6 YOUNG CORN-FED POIN. Pork Ljoins ..... 14c Pork Cbopa .... . 15o Potk Steak------...14ci Skinned 0hhs- ...121/2c: Yreah Pionica ..... lljci Pork Butta-------.. 4co Spare Riba-------..lic Ktl. Rend'r'd Lard 121/2c PRIM UTTON. (.Jobn Hoels) Prancy Leg ...... 22 o ,18 .... 5 Choice.Stew --Ac"' Ne. 1 ielieHam .11ell loin Rosat .....i2ysc 'o. i Bolod Samia . 24c Ohould«r Foat ..,. .121/ic No. irHmn9,shieci...20c FAII LAMB. No. i Smokod Butta. - 14C Pore Quarter------..90 Sauor Kraut, qt ..... c Riad Quarter------..15c Prouh Side Pork- . .14c MILK FED VECAIa Sait Pork......... 14c Foru Quartera wbole 12%cOontryROBl Butterine, Hind Qu'ters viiole 12%c 2 ba............ 25e Leg Roast ........c lie k Suago ....... 10 Obolce Chops .......lec Trnk B~a ......loc Loin Rosat ....... 15e Pouash Sansg.....10e Oboice Stew ......lic Bologna Sau8age... 10c Shoulder Rost... 14c Xlnced Hama.... 14c Veal iver .......0eSumner Bausage ...18e Caif Brains 10c Head Choos.......10e wu o* t he OooigJ-aaau# fthe iaalau or LoW PgKoeg:

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