<{:. - CO1N~! U12ç)Iir. RVD)AY. MARM H20, 1914. Edted by F. J. RUCE, Phone Il Ordes-s Taken for Job Wark. Advert sing ratles on application. ýjjuy l1î.,k ioLng.lLake. tràunearted iu..ivei.i-r, liuday. MrmWWi. Jahinsof lurlington visted Irlnds bere the pait week. htiilId meeting wbieb met witb Iiire. Jos.eph Turner lait Wednesday wae very largely attended and inu(-b vas aeeuinplisbed.M we have tbe very iateiit thinir In @tati>nary ranginig iu pricai trou, 25c tu 75a ox. The. R-raIl trea-i)ruce l'rug Co-1 In. Lane of Chicago, wag a guet at the Wz. Elliti ome Bnda. .In.'. Joeeph fchiomsr baA been ln chicag4o the pat we.k on account or the ickness of ber mother. Mir. and Il i. Marquis Sbafler and D. . F. Sbaffer were Chicago vletore lant gaturday. The CommunltY Club viilmOet vlth Mdia Maude Turne? neit Frlday alter- lira. Chester Miler wan a Chicago passenger Satnrýay. John Lougabangb transacted lbusines nt Futx Lake Idonday. 4 MIr.. Geo. Thomson vas iu Chcago !ilunday. Idr. kd Seesholtz and Ilin. Willls lcMillan wo.re in. Ubiago Mi)uday on Word reeivod froîn our frond. T. A. lt-nlde exating that he and Vile vans w.11 and ..rijuyinoe litetli Florjîla. TheY sntl.îîîiît. lavi ng there abOut the tis% ut Alril boIin ule about the .middle ,utlbé. tjît)ntlr. naking several aitopuvere on the way hume. H . , le.veland spent Tiifeeday lD U'hiagu oit buiness. l'ho doubla beader lu basket bail laet saturday evenIug proveil a winn..r for hotb Grayalake teama. The firet gaine îlaysd b tites econd team won agfant the Lîbertyville team ln a @cor@ of 12 to i.Tb@ firet team trlmmed Kenosha in a wore of 55 tu 5. The Ati-Saloon organization I1 bave arranged for bg raille. the -ecnd ue tu ho held u Mareb 2f), Villn 2ev. licOinpi& of Waukegan, wvlllgive ait ai- drss.and ou April 2, Judie Covlugton o! (jeorgia a man of national ablitY vill apeak. Oood maille wvlll ha i evidence at ties. ieetnganda Chicago quartette bas bma engaged for nomsa of tha meeting%. lira. Charlotte Lee and dauigblar. Idra. EIi "nt Wedneaday lu Chicago. The cenîetery aoci@tY yl moet vitis lira. John Wet, Match 26. This belng the annual meeting ail members are requeeted uha prosent. Vstors vol- About turty fromi liere atte St. Patrik's dance ai Round 1, day eveninir and report a fine t The milk dealeràa aeoiation Tueaday. Paul Geir and mdater, ire Jo till vieted friande li thicaa and Saturdty. Tbe d.ath out Mre Hart it miade the ttird deathla l0wi. ite l îpt ecien lutint isi M r, whi ,idî ier hointe with livrei fli.rt and Sirm. liii IVal 0tjri.., Lth havîîîg di-'d lbut tie i,-î4r.rslire. Hart. Srs. lieu rtraug enkertainet sicîi..y of thte CongregationE TîIî-eîlay lternon. Wa have opeued tifunr sîîda tir the oeabuu. Cail in and se lteuall tbw&re-Druire iirug Co. - Muet hae old st Oni oé e) about ene acrc of land and fruit on Weterlleld Place,6 CatI or write leCoudres Brom lake. Phone532. Wm. Jaline of lurlington. t liiî.inemi here Tueîilay. CARD OF IHANKE we n ci to ttîank ou r fri uî.îglluîr for tlîir kîndiiegsei e\premeluinm of eynipathy extel thé ii lia.'of -îir breavement a otfii.out,-ar îîirtlîr, aiotfor th Johin Ha Mm.Mli A March G All through the entire ii March we are goiuig to giv piece of Irredescent (ilassii Bello for 25c, to 50c, II every $1.00 purchaee of Myal, A. 1). S. or Par remedies. Thesec îedicl foremroet amouig al druggi DRUCE DRUG The Rexall Store cudeu tise ,mke Tues- urne. lmt bar.. ae lfaunn us Frîda.v Tlinraday tauilv inu .i.ter, lire. tetiiofu It a short 2uLau~IZmBONDSMEN STEP IN TO TEST'FI3DERAL Mie Ett clavelaîîd of C hicago, alîcut 1T R T C S L E ELiAIN LL few daYm wvlth ber parente§ .Cake Villa T 'w t IS L E A Sin. Lawrence uf Chicago. returtied to pigil.Il.Mul 7 liii boule tha laest of the veek. 1 - ý--1 FROM DKUNI<LN MAN 1 the îtaI t int M d re it nte lira Bertha Larsuuinevmitîng ber - h attn a r parents in llag.. Lake viîinilty. M. Iartlvttlia.. trîiî..d iii.lu.,Bondsmen of Charles DoweiI of fhed theîe ud,il ,utt.rriii. , i i-i A surprise party vas given ' Wiliiier ail d luot of &r.andîlMnrw Ray, nbhu have Wauiconda Are Colecting n uuld kIlla ui tik tfii) u tunui tIhe adParc-y Huok by their yiunit fiande. made tIbeir home luni tre heiaet tnt.years i HÎS Taxes Nowjf-.fýg he at Mia ienetha Wblte returned borne front and have thie fInît if tiie Wnek iioe.d _______ a Taxes utîlNoîhhtrni Chicago 8aturday lhaving epart a week linîk licar thiir frmier home at Mafi ad i(- f l- oato,,o wth ber cousin Vers Kemper. ', br.lr.Ryleape:iî:'.W IFE EXPLAINS STATU2S 0F nlsrof t'lîriis > if) olun ui ti [lii lim. Sarab Dodge of Canada, je visit. We wiph tbern auccemi andllveliiîuîuu' MATTER IN DIVORCE ACT.1 nid:shii tîrtiu-i uiiiin log friende and relatives lu tbls îlcinlly. Mnr. and lir. Bartlett tii our villwl 1m's e ristl Mîiunla îrnirlîîg Mir. and Mmr. J. P. Liâvaeon are ent;r- Tisey bave occupied the tlarby larîti tti Ciaims Husbarid Has Been Uii the s portîiîi-n'. iuil tin ,îelt wlîli taining eompany front Iowa. 1 past jear. fit for Weeks ta Take Mon- file an lIfoirmation i tIo- li îîted lEiermon Ingalls îormerly ut Milîburu. Walter Ilanielm vas bomrnt Evans- G t rtv.Hm. Sac utlvegatrîinnri. u died ut Hutebinson, Kanaas. He was toL a 1v days racenîvanonatieudecou- a aon-inaw outijr. Starkweatber of the tui. i1 lauîîîlng that lier lutisrat. s. hlo leS itti.i'.1iy oftioaci ru un.tirrîr Rockfurd, Illinois. The hurili as at lira. rma Strang and daugliter andiiuir IIiector of the tuaý,iprpfWau-___ -____ tlak Park. . 4" lira, W. White o!fNillburn. epent- la-t ,irdar ii an habituaIil. tubiard and 1 Mir. *nd.lirs. Safiord are Chicago land Friday wth lira. J. Hughes and att =1- . cî.tii carie for thedtai, futids ha- Wheaton viaiore thia vieek. odthe hplay., 1ue r:,; ir ed lu hie custitri t1Iref bReal Estate Translr Mm, Jesesle Yule of Somerei, Wia., v. iraM. John Mitchell ba. i-ea antertii. Iaxi.r.n or Wauconda aliltat ai a CT requIt tIhe taxes are now beriiig accept- !unished Byý site] ber tuotb.-r, lira. Jeeale Straug on e an.Sr. ouu roî u o t .Kutu .sIlg f Lke ounty Tille & Trust Co. Tuesday and Wedneaday. iWisconsin. %Wýaucuîida, one o etuis rnrlîîruî.îi, Mnr..Abat t1tTi Me. Titien (ucrinteed lil a aagnet Glibert visited ber aiter Born, Fiday, blarcb l3th to Mn. and (or-d Auna DovelI. wlfe otfiCharles 1R B. J a.- d t ~ I>iwe. today filet actionî for divorce 1liasonîr Temple Bldg. Waukegan. III. lira. Lena Cuiter at Lake Villa Satun.ra m . HpÇ*,-a aughtan. e lin Crcuit court. tbrougtrAttorney C. Luej hnx day. beapeak for the Young lady a lucky C, Edwarde.- Wm.A. onur ad sste lia. ii future and conratulate the proud At tie Boame tîmne ehe xviiired a writ Win.A. Bnne andsistr lre. iaa aretet flijunctton througl thre circuit Mari h 12, 1914.-OlIver Hiook aud Gilbert attendent the luerat of Mmr. Bart paens.er~k's office on onde, ut Jrîdge Whlt- vIte et a]in1 C. R. Gadedeu: lot 9, at Round Lake Snnday. . Frank Shrvood of Chictago, made a ne>. enjolnlng bon humbancil rorn tak- SicklonIsetok nd13,Grnttoenshudip. short vist lu unr village the nmrt of thue 'ug flt commision ais tari cllecton iro uecluît rn onhp Uis. Mary Eichaffer Is a Chicago ~v eek. the- township and alao f roin disposlng Wi. D. $150. alton thia veek. "7- fut hf is propenty, or frottaîullectlug pa Olliver ilook aud nîfe et ai to Ernîl RUr.Starwester o Rocford iliMra. C. W. Talhott la in Bloomingtoni, meut for mitât from tPrIf aim which tngen, lot 8. bluock 4, Hook sud Ne- Ill eir. trk vagt o .oc r I this vesk attending the @tate R. N. la nov due trom tea Itorden Mllk villes Long Lake subivision. W. soo> h lathi vlinly.A. convention as a uelegate trou, unr Compauy- tD. $750. Ms aahWi@@etTueeday local Casnp. Mns. . oyau tates inli er bllI that Ruby W.Steveus and huebaud et winsHabrpans MWeanlls.P tch oflie marled hlm Oct . 1193, and al to J. E. Brook. 228% aéresie n nec Rutser paen. M.a lr. ac O Dr. Talbott traneactad huslueoo lu the ttîat tiiesechlldrnu se borni otione 14 and 15', E. Auuloch township, Iteeivcnl.cty Saturday. ilt) . .$ 1 Sveral froni thio vlclnty attended the M.Ca.ispedduher n loyud, aged 18; Ella. if; Zella. 14; ruJ. E. Brook apd wîte to (lia... Webb lire.tChan. playlut ankedaillaten and Miltoni, 10; Goldie. 5; Elîîîo, d. 2 îndlxlded hail ut 2281li arresn luSec- he tln a ae Villa Mri@ay &dah Lofbus of Grayelake, vere rSlie tatethat tlîey Iras ea fne iir 4aud 15. E. Antloch tonsuhip. eveniuggueste utflMr. Paul Avery lastThursday. ftar iii nWauconda of titiaicres, north W ri). I$11500. lins. Mcarthy and ber daugbter had asOtrp,1111.btntncumbered fuor $4,000. that r loba Griffith and vif.. to Lakte For- a narniiw escape troua serions accident Gau. Brnett. vho ba@ @peut thsepatfi. o^... good peneonal prorlerty ou ýest uîslverîity, lot t, Adameney Park. a. her soaera avy ecntt.lia.yearilu 1'nngylvania, rturnod tu thie the place, cosiliptlug 0f urif k, machin- Laike Forest. %V. D $10. a oibonmi wyemt..M.vicinity. Hie vît.. and son yull vee ci, etc Elizatbeth Woodbridge est. et ai tu lirCarthy van thrown tront the rlg and lOie adds that ite yean.u ago lie b.. R .1. Dady: loti 1 ho 4, bloc-k il and ber daughter jampedl. neitiser beiug bort. lati-r. r nexesiv use of lliur aird tliat lots 1tol 24, blo-k l? Wahbhurn tThe hure rau along tise aidawalk break- 1ii.f play l)lauuonds ani Hearte s1îiùice heu lie lia.' lbecinireabusive anîd l'uit North (Chicago. Deedi, $3t ingW Sevrts atean inalunggiven Iast Fridav eenanug louc-ai talent u bicene languaga a i-n iidrirklng. f'hitrp Petitclair aud vite tu Arý the -I)gy ad hrnffos an eçutenduul and ptaved tu a ful buse.Nlrs Diteel ecites thatlo-.lirai fieft>- thur, Pettlcir and vite. lot .11. bI and ii..rerepte er..veryiatitac i l i-i ni secumulata stîat tirurunuitv tIi-v 'Nixon's addition tu W auisegaîr. W and he rcvipto ere ery atbdct rraii auad theretore tas a cvlaitu" il)nut hftui 1I-nocît Letiman and seotua friandmce'ene urs-tIf because of fher eilruirt s \1 i(trel 1trormati nouda ife te J.C. OBI ITon rumincllaguo tant veek viaauto tii M ..Unabue to Cottect Money. anid tacolti t.ese: 2ý aires lu SW. Sugaua al ae Smith,. eldeit chld ut 1 inepeut file new bungalowni atlnnd Lake hItem lirriand'i drinkmng liasu umade lîutru W 1t. $iuu rau Gleorge E. Smitrh and Mercy 1G. Loring. vlilelisle eariuig iompletluio. 1ritfi t fort he paît fle%%uic-ik.. f0 rut FVu iuKiiiueî and wltt o W. was~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hu uSln.Ms. uutTiieVlaLru tWueale c.'t the uuuney of Waîimouda wnil luI_. Post, lots 1, 2 andl, bloc-k 3î, yveontaen an-A - ut1s içVlaLmnofWuea ýhI irld corne tu flm eeug tic usas tata Bluff. W.tW $5500. 'Istt9 and rame bers with ber paranutaand r vimiting ber aiter, lim. J. (ILPrulton. tI-cted town collactur lOtie gays: (hban. Gartiey and wife to Robiert Grandmoither Lorng lualMay 1840. Han I ireChias. Keler han gona to Chiago "Dovell ha* been ln auch a drunkenr Letherhee: 17 acc-snecl NE. quarter. home ha@ heen lu Aitlocb tovwnesip inre fraI - we@ ty condition for the Peit tgv veeksa t snection 7, Sbild's township. W. D. forac a tvu ounveeka ehspoay. t bas heen neceiaary lu tae.sali tex $1.620. intnc. s yougvoanmie aedfunda belonglng lu the town collector. Geo. Gartiey sud vI te to tRobert tbroogh the exporiaises o1theis civil vafFtrom hie possession and they are nov Leatberhee: 20 acren lu NE. quarter. and taugbt school lu the varions nearby RSSE In the posiession of R. C. Kent, one ut Section 7, Shiaides township. Q. C. district@ Suis va. marrled to D. J. hhi. bondamen." $2.179. hlutu, lMay 20, 1869. Saven cblldren l'le L %lie'îd aoclety vîli mut vilb She gays that ber busband bas tre- E. J. Gartley and vite to Robet vers hurs> tn thom. tvo o! vhom are lira Howard on Thuradai morulng, quently titneateued te oeil iesroiieis- Leatherbee: 31 acres In NW. quarter+ livng.Sbeite ai, br hme nl= Idàrr 26tiA crdil ivittio idtata and Piersonal prusety; tisat ise section 8. Shiseldatownsbip. W. D. "M lIvng.Shaiodat an om luIl~ M rc- 2hrls Acorialinvtalon .'bas custody orthtie misior chisidren aud, $6.200. Lake vkihity. Marais 12, 1914, vîtis extended tu ail intereited. bavîng bien obliged tu leave ber home. Aidev <artiey and vIfe to Robert hurlai]lionday. liarcb 16 lu the Loon tMr. Brockhu la viiting ber fnend. la nov suppotlns tisose chidren Rt Leatiserbea; Eail 20 acres,. 5W. quai' Lakepoteyfilr.A. W. Safford, pas- lilas Plotti at Freepont, vho in very han ftter's home. hsbegaire thse courts ten. NE. quatr, section 7. Shteld'a toaoke cleyr. o he bewàag.onder ton tise custesdy ofthte ciltdren townabip. W. D. $4.000. torof he hurh u vhch ha a. ai.Il conuectlon vltb tise divorce. Mary Lewis and boaband to Robert mimber, officiating. lm ira lto uuited lira. E. P. Siver and Alîce @peut part Threatenhd Hen Life. Leatierbea; East 20 acres SE. quar- viti hh Uliburu Congregationai church o! tise week lu Waukegan. Mns. Boyau furtiser adds that b er ter, NE. quarter, section 7, Shiseldia liareb 4, 1865. haiug non of a ciam. of husband tlueatened ber file lu case township. W. D. $4.000. sthirtytvo almost ail of then Youg luby Nlis@pnt Tburodayilu the cty. se ever elueed o hINe viti hlm andl Margaret G. Gallup and buehanci tu pepe lirao a aso itte M. A. C. Corna m@peut tise latter part Bteetiare hc araY do asgwiteinlua Rbn eteie.Ws 0ars peope. ev.Broe v. psio atthedrunken itate. Roe rt eer E quarersectincr, tînse. Ber huiband. David J. Mnto. a o! tant wesk vith friende la Oak Park. She anke the courts decreea ou the SE.hquartern, . D.te$4.0cton0. sou. D. Harold, and a daugister, Una lim. Pediey vent to Bloomingtoii on di-once and l aso for a division ut the SieJ' oh n sipWanD.it4t,00 ben Jean, two grandebildren, ouaeaiter and Tuesday as a delagate Wo the Royal Profierty lu onder that site mcy hasts JoLatisrey anrtis 0 esuNoe.t tv ortherasurvie o -valenenryfrtispotu mour;ru hanbas.Nigihr convention. herseiu and lier cbildnen. The 1,tf_ quarter, SW. quarter, section 7, twîi @ister@ baviug pse un halons. -dton concludeti witis tise equet fon Shield's township. W. D. $4.000. lire Minto vas a chrîtian vornan CHANCERV NOTICE. ">5 Iniuncuon retraiulng Mn. mec-t E .Grlyadwf oRbr vn a@as yiere.iieInmmhuch Sat f Ilinoisu, (osutsy utLaka, ss.trornipcying ontrf 0fthe lax fuode tbhe Lieatisirbe:South 20 acre.', NE. quan- gretit.~... lu Stte t .- ees due Dovaîl, tIhe Roden Compai v tan, SW. quartier, section 7, Shielda alttliughi unable lu attend for a nom-. or tLit ni> Otfcr algtit o iemtf o w însip. W. D). $4.000. bar ut yeare. She vas very patient and ici or f aeCutlt-f mpyn in o h al r Mrh1.11.Ws n oben Terni, A. D 1914. ttc ternianid alse peventuug hm 1tnt 1.114 We Eu o inade man ),vriende lty ber pieuuat ad .gans.R ..eler îung tiifrîrri fet.'.Tise irit i... land GuriClub to Elien Hanuilgan. lot siinuiy dieiditiuin.John P oauvR i e ier lg ordered issrred. Mrs. Doveil arnd l1, Cedar Park.,lunsectionl 24, Ejtt ____________________ Trustae, Mary C. 'oolfoib. idividuai- ter non touuk i tic-k to Wauconda liruîtoi ontli W1.$05 ly anud a-. ixecutrix et tire iastus lii and soiîally ait , lu'ttc ea of aarsiug file IohtwsiW1)$1 testament et Cilton S. Weuit'oit, di rjuicton ut lin even on their us- îtes Hanîigaîr to E. O. Wood and r SORTH. tir1, .,'lndjuanrd turIer .ru fi', lt t10, (edar Park. W. D. $1075. ceased, Katbryn Wlal, uts______ CAleuuuki ak.dcuti-r nec-einChiIiitar Wooifolb. anrd uuu s oir eners1,GifGutvCaloan cagi u isi tui-n-i one aya>lat wee. -iL e tire ltomngredecitued propent> cyfS E TE ututuitv aio u ie- Wckean te su if. SC T .L SEviv atltI. lgwo.N' Mrs iuii- Lx ws m %'arpga 1ic, set cure mli tVu i o et $Io -_ir1.-a- ...i-- . .. t, 144FA L..FÇ V. M fiUVs iui u11e n-1 -uir fiii ii i.c-P sitr as Tursay ý'_Northr West Quarter t(N. W, oft e i ti, Aid 1_IL. Tayloir vbo ha@ tiien hairag a flic Northi East Quarter (N. E t14) Ex- iaI hlurchb s-ver.. citait muflnttanatiif 'v nleuîua- calt tic Norths Two l-uudrad Fltty tîminu, in euiievtiat lniproved, four (254) teet ut' the West Ta o a foîttain The friande ut Mies ieydec-ken gaie hurlitundred l Eghty (280) t tcttisae- ,e us. The a surprise party n honî,r ouiher blrthuday of.,caîd axcept tisat part ihen-of con. ast Thunedîy avening. Lier timuthar C. vayad to the City ut Lakte Forest isy9 )od ht-use, T. Heydacker and vile etf Waukegan, deed froin Chic-ugo Titi.. & Trust Comi- plenty ut vins preeent cond ail enoyed themmelvas pany ce trustee, datad Octuber 3. 1910,c Grayeolaki. to thue tulleet citent. Cards evet played and racorded No.. auber 17. 1910. lnu' e, Graée- and a fine lunch erved. Bookt 179, Page 464, as Docment No.y C26.-1t lilas Socle Lux, wbuî han beanu noer 132385 lu Sactien Tus cuuîy-aiglît (28), aniacteul thedoctoroa cae tonsone time, i.. innch Townshipu Forty-fouir (44) Norths,t better. litange Ta ait..(12) East of tie Thîrd1 Mitieshoua Poster han beau cili g a P rinciiat Meidlan , inrLake Counuti, S weekis vacation at home. State ot Illinois. rieiid..ýatid Thomas Stnong and LRoy Itiettyiýrr iiCa1n N 71 an immluau. are thie.delegatea lected Inom MS. W. A. TIere rqnuit ut'lris uitlIras it tubeeu idedu4 nti mp4175 te attend the tate cirîveti tled niuthreoffice oufti' Ciemit ut salu <t tii.. huas tienruît, Nte istlireeturi- ieretiy civ-ý les tiiwerme. t.A. i-eydee-n v as lus SIaukegurtu tînt, 11te tire mii aboi e rained and un- ar irst tat uot tht. veeat kuositdeteudantur tlat ttic ahome îïans ki fn W is maHyekr mtuigte cd (omtlinaut liemtofiune tled hile ry~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~3l Cof-Ms maHya-e l teuiu IeI~u CourpîcIt IniisalulCourt, on state campi, R. N A., tu ekas e- presentatima it Marguerite vamp 1.,1,7. tt hace>detsrcf udta ________________ summous tliereupon l,;sued ont of eaid ift Ceurt againet tise abova narneu defenul- TAYLOR GROVE ants returnacisi on tise firet day of nontis of Deninie Blodan vas a Ciicago caller tihe terni outhtie Circuit Court ot Lake e you a Monda. Coutnty, 1.0 b.. ielu aithtie Court House are that Elmer Hawkins andlbisuoîher viited In Wcubegcn, lu said Laite Couuty, IEE with aat George Levlu'a Sundai. on tisa Finît Mondcy of Octoier, A.' Rerai!, tr ndtr.T.A.oai ilai t 1914, as la by Iaw requlid, sud Mr. nd M@. T A. oganvlei s. fîwlhch suit lae tili pendlng. -ke Darvis Wadivortis Sunday. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, nes rcnk Eddie Cudaba of Nortis Chicago, le Clint. jests. viBtlng hie parent.. Wkiukegan, Illinois, Marc-b tis, A. D. Sre. James Csaiay vîloted ber son 1914. CO. George ut Nortis Chicago, lait ve. Rîce, Loves & ONeil sud A. V.,Smith, 0. A. Siea made a buaines trip 10 CompainantR Solicitors. Grayalake, Waukegan Tuesday. wkly-Mch-1S-2-Api.3. I Laulltsr 46 aurd 47, bloc-b 2, Hayt'e ÀFTER LONO TIME i rcs- butruis inîî, Hlghssood, W. D. $10, \fnrmt 14. 1914.-ida 0. Cronclu. to P f roînctu part lot 20, Martile & ilir.Wu. Lster, principal of tîheturic-i uidvIeFxLt. W Southisechuml N '1;rth Chicago, 1 bas me. W Ined his pnuItion to laite affec tP$ Marc-b 27. Mmr.Lester bas beau c-eun.Hemruir Rturlurdt anud vite Ie F. S. uectîd withtistie tchools of North Chu i- aufortir and ntfe. lot ai Round Lakte. cago ton the past eghgtiiu yenrs. hirQ (, rtt vas lu tue N7, uii eciool for eleven C N. îniati anîd alfa to A. G. yecre, aller a ni t of une yiar spen_ ln Caltonni lire returned to talei BIrown . lot ut nîrtheast cernier Fair- charge of thu Soruth scisoot andl lias ileusianut(] rituiavelne... Highland bien there tý,rr rie hast six )-enns Pars. W. 1). $10. Durl irutat uae hi'baistironghttise ecisool to rat hlaterie oft efitc-tur.,. j .tine ulbti>teJ.P.Exon and nite 11. le nurtuas-ut.i tirnoue andl equnîcud l xiurmi. iii ruirthstest one-furtîu sec- tiy tev u Int irepect. tueur 7, Iuhert3 ilIv etownship. NW. I1. Mn. Ie'ster las enu estate lut..ri-rts 4,0oil. lu Calitorîrîru tiraidernand b~is attelu NistoIuetIlnr>It lion.Il w s t ilmeeto be r-feuni-n lest Juinirrat htribuilding utftherlueurI1 rut11( U Inluiik 16, \VnstbuiitiPark. school ttnd tirut tasvorable coud lu in\n u I(ltN u iii c icao . W t). $600 titider usinr lu r ,oaceriisr er- nuirl.-________ luge caiueuthi'n tu iisve beaulto tise ni quests oi'fî 11w lrteo! tise ditrint l and ha u , i-tri remnainunutii ttur GURNEE 3eprhng uwlit tItieundetandlng thrst ha n-as to e tiretiaceul 1501. ictr tflmTieTii.C. t.T . .ilI hold aa nuuhuta. Nf arc-h. Haevii. iu(,e,,dedisv F. S. r nneîtiuug at thua Gurmachuncli Mare 2.7, fiy, tprtinal ottisa Amtloc- sc-hoosI. Sire lOdwu(k of Waukegam, vii i gîe a Mn. Esuier sua graduate of tiese tate tait omrn wtiivte. Normai unis arï1ty t Normal; ha lias had everl ýars f eXerince:he nEN iM. MLLER. Attorlsy in' an untlrtng xorken and bas beau Adjudication Notice. negarded aes an ecciesfulsl chool mati luhitrNti- 1ttaI.herelin tatntthe Sut- Wvsevîr se litas' bien engaged. mj irer A-1.cuiultratoC nI tce tate il Maie Tise orth Chic-cga Buard fiel WeiiiKathaica tiiu deeaed. miiiattend tteCrtoîmty pieased to sen-uro Mr. EsPey as they Cnuut Lakc Coumilet ai atari tsereîlto e are auxiotis that tise standard o! thiar toiden at the. Court Blonne fle Wauntean, scisool stil not hi alloved 1.0 retro- m ln li 0uitn theil ic icMondaS 0f June grade. nelt, 1914, hntman sd vere ailpansons tavInW Tbh.' cppointrnent, fillng as il dos cli.alugalumt saidEstata are sîtlsied and ne- tise nextý Important postion lu tise Qoeatd to iire"ait the sane tO cald Couvrt fe coOity to tiese uPeInitifidencies of a.llndleatiom. the Laite Sisone ities,, a.' created EIiWAiI W. MIC DERMOIIX Admnnstratnn. quit. au interest amnug thse county Waulietao iii1. Match 18. 1u14. Incisera. lianri 20Z-Apri 3 FARMERS! What is Qat Smut? S Nol tiear,-,ntes aiut & i plat life,.. alleu cli'i uin -iiitiil eîauuinatiuuni t louuk.lIrk, . rt id, hut duiiuug a ur irrîrtirs ranînine on the rate ini t1h tuii tA "ernut." te-eshiammie uet tinl' iS ALIVE anul as sion ias tueorati. gercuuluate, it attai-kse i. Prrîît and l baste the vitalîty uit thce talk ego tisat ther.- is not enuigh lite tii producea alathy stock. It redis- easeul, and vlalabîîîîld lie otate turne to emut. Cil uate have someesuIt. ie. ans a tev noiyi tor îats tu git ornutty: letisy v..atlîer condu- tlone, 2nd, by tise tlunseing ma- chine carrying minit rous yonr ,ieiglibirs, iîy gniu bagg, and li tact, by everything umed un énsut- ty grain. Treat your seedm vus Antl-Smut every measuîo and get Id ut the deî,îity gi-mie. Ta.. evîulîtîîîn ut Anti-Smîît in tise remîit of caretui sIndy nand tests tfor caverai yealri. andl ve vau 1),uitiçeit' vguaranlea il Io prevent siurt tiesefnt vear il h uued. IC ii, rensitire yilid, strengthenà the etîrut and aniîaneac the value of the- eitrav tvo-toid. Sec flint the treatmeut you boy, ternte. trade mark -Anti-Susut" luintit r eul. tillivTIOrS-Beist esilui are oh- tairien ed rciîcn- u10 bu. oi grain AtaI lune.,ufoiuuruli use t ul ote Antl.SiiiV fi, -, qurr i % taerspinltie river & grain. >houri usertoroli r 0eiCmes. ruileandiilie ur imeidiateiy, TtOw a blakt iouer the ringTriait te cesti lb daine wi.,nl.tIcia.1 0 lo24 houri and arc îlot înweul etlituuîî 4 otours mertneai- ment, emptir cn fo.,neid ternie uffl ready roci, itKeep btottie ttorual corimié and Inaà coolulace. ilake 21cr. ouglfy ielore opne. PRICE, $1.00 per bottle Home Lumber CompanyI of Libeutyvillej Your Proposition! Large or ama WilI Be Civen Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand Reai EmIaten Insumec«e tc. UbevlyviII. . BUYWIREJFENCe. ràNOW WLli. timq Iatsom. sty lesow as 12e p«t yod SPECIAL SALE UNTIL MAY lost AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. UBERTYVIL, HIL N better time than the present to replenish your supply of printed stationery, etc. High-class work at moderate prices. The Independent's Job Department BiN M. MILLER. AtIoen.Y, Adjudication Notice. t[uil Ncuiure I,,lierun gveîmlimhait te Sut 111.1 r Esc-r utth mie cc i vi i dTetameiit in Ilrl'Ilie A. Cark. Il emnescd. euhattend lir Ln",inicirt ai ("I'iiitl. ai a terril lu- rie iniîaui the Cort Roue Il. V.eb i i irlîn tnn -i umtefInt hia 0 ill NIrmi.s W nm -m Imwene &ah iuiii tis ii. ra ir- ielm-uOui estaîn- an. tland eireu.ili re, rOe mcett. Dr. N. W. Schellenhergoe OSTEOPATHIC PIIYSICIM4 WAUKKGAN, ILLINOIS Will bell tirs. C. S. hoaga on Orchard St. y Libertyville. on lues. and fridoy. aftermoon Mid evenlag. ý-i Criant for adhmîudiuui.DON M. MILLER. Attorney liEut us t ilu11arr1. Ereni-ti .Adjudication Notice. [ii I la, . mn. tM arriu9. l9ii Marct 12552 Pubiue notice àheted ilivens lthe 5$abU-; eitar A*ignltnaor nf ttee gîte outf ou' Sage. deveamred. ssCI atteindthttc Iousmy <Co%8. BEN iW MILLER. Attofen.Y of Lake Coutity, st a terriatereol tu e l odmC-5 Adjudication Notice. ai Oie Court Hanse i vacimgmi. i i Putir,in oe s hlervus gi ce uai tSe Sut- VCo..tY. -nthe i.Cnt Monday of June uSIr. scicer Adeinuinator niftie -cte ni James 1914. s.heu ail weteeatttie.0.. a bcg Sage. deceased. fl attendîitue tlnunty c-ains agautsaa ina te arcntifleié »à tiioni 0f Lake Cauntaita a terinitiierea requeestoii in ereceet Oie sautme t,,eaid CourtiW to e Pc oiden at Oie Court House tii aukeltai. adliitiuiii le malO Commt. on the tint Moldat oi JunThonîaSaue. Admiiiltrator. Deni. 1914 wteUn ad Wlerc aIl îiercoii, liing seieaili-Marehi- PIu4 claus aitansat sald Eslate arc notfico aud elaeSîilAprhl 53 ecquenticitu Prisent the àaine tri salul Court feriaoi nn adjudicaton,.in nn THOMAS SAGEc, ulnittanr Liave ordera at Ra>-a@ Furnituregtoi». WaukeganIiI.. Macs-h 16. 1ts4. Work dune by Mn.. leilla. c2 e lianes 2»27 Apili _______ Inderteadent reavises ahi points 5tu Independent reachesaUaI pdqtr l ci du itî egret ity r îuarish- crime ili n to 't. i frhends ha Rat'- h, lova, Big 1914 ci a sani- Juins Big lics ru r..- ta. Cana- cader of Stock, 1 compatif dl garden dg c-nope iueo Sued Grasse.', d Lavo ail otiser Nursery alt Who sort. It Write