LAK ,g n MMYAPRIL-3,1914. + FOR BAUE + FOR SALE-Some choie owa Gald inegfedOato,aleo quuttYo! Hsaud1 4eed Wheal. C. A. Bcbmec, Phoué 267-9-.2, Lbertyville.. c-284tf FOR SALE-Nesw 7-room Bfouae and vacant lotqqet Ares. Inquire of WWn. A. Ray, Ares, 111, c-28-tl FOR SALE-WblSe Wyandote babij chiche, lieu. A. W. Baill. Pbone 289-R2. Ares, 181. c-2"- FOR $ALE-Ises O.Dusnbrr's houa.couDivision smiet for 04.000. Au 8-room modern houm. &Il l.provementa. Têmte sitbayer. taquin Edward Ilote. Lihe Vomit, 11.-o02846 IFOR 8AL-i 84p140g baud mad. mlit WM.gou Usgal. fler Bih.. wugo makev, l1%ml..mothmeit of Lbrty. vile, I11. P-28-1 FOR SALE-2 yesr aid Dorbai Bull, good for mwttic. Also quantity oflaver snd tlmoDth ieed, fre ai fouI idi, snd a quantity of eed and coaking potatois. I0 . Epker, phome 267-Md-i ibrtYVili. c-28 2 FOR 8ALE-ýB&rred Rock egge 50c per oettlng. Fred (irabbe, Ir., Ares, 111. Phbone 261 - -2, e 284 FOR SALE-8eeî wheai, no tout eeed. Chao. Stoltiman. P'houe 267-W-2, Liberty- ville. 1>26 3 FOR SALE-White Itupsian liats. Te- c'i.aued, graded and tré-e Irout foui and t'.i. --i ceu, her-,ea -1ee w-,i. *.ý à[ LOST-3 large Turkey Gobblerm strayed or, tolen. GondI reward for nreurno t Q. W. )Martin, wuit end of Lake Care,Ares.111. Phone 814-lt. e-28-1 LOBT-ffl.OO on Mlwaukee. avenue betwree Ga. office snd New berry avenue orbetween. Ulw&ukee avenue aud old dêpot on Opragae lîreet. Finder plesse returs to Independent office and receive rewrard. P-28-1 + MCELNOUS + MONEY TO LOAN-Om lmprov.d rm Mti. J. 8. GsînLur, Fir*t Nbtoual Pank. c-8t. MARRY IF YOU ARE LONCLY-Tbe Bllable Coul detlal sueséeul lub bui large umbet of wW511h7eligibli meini. bits of botb ssii., wl.ahi taly marri. age. Dscriptiou trse.. lra. Wrubêl. Box 26, Oaklaed, Wa. p-27-2 + WANTEP) WANI ED-Ezperieticed aud soher man tai travel a etailion. G. W. Beprgeron, Lbertyvilli. Phone 27"-2. c28-tf WANTED-5 white Ouinies ben@, 12 w4'l bred barred Rocks, alio 3 Touloe glwese. Box 1#5, Llbertyville. P-28-1 WANTE-Have purehaaera for frori 10> to >80 acres farine. Writoe tating al partiulare NSo agents..AddrýesîIlA, itam a o EFrank Hîluli. Prairie View, RALETTETINFR W e.28W2 -26 1Furnished by LAKE COUNTY TITLE &TRUST Ca. FOR SALE-Rues ('omit ltltuil,' InIanu Absîracîs of Iie. Tilles Guaranteed. lIt-de Eggs $1 501 to $3 00 la-c 17,The Masonîc Temple Bidg. Waulegan tir.,da.t lîy.sud paye Whinnem ai Waukegzan l'oltcy situa- lir-iT \i i l. 914--V 1C.Weizell aud luruon, Libertyville. Box :14. Jl4 v I-fei oiohn Wiezll-ti 2ii 7, Sliaa" ee ee e-e- _e Atitî l iljishdtiion. XX 1). $1. FOR SALE-A 7 rîtuioumîae otlirîtati- ltin NMi tu-tniti 1 ..1. tFlirt-,1 , u way. Inquire eut J.IlW uaii. i "t! ut .lutc 4 V iltadliltt. il l 'hkeritig andt i tfi- ta (i. i FOR SALE-A qusuity if cîtrîl wuîîad iA bucitii sulalf lot i-1l, k aud li,çt» Wuu J.i ,hrrik. fR 1 i.slliuthiand Park. N%. B1) . ttt Liwry!l. u hne 2f7-t. 2 e 1 EnliiaieltJ. it(itzastiant iih ist)iil. Lihu.rtyr(lle. ai t, tulient Silitz ant if tc.loto t'21 anti 2.Ielmholz iuit(livieîan, Vu au_ FOR SALE-10 tan sgond Tinitithya«v' %%,.tn B1)t. r baled. R ia.,tsa [oute 21,11 JI.I i lias.ii itoir F, W'.iucke 7 lat e-2s-ti n lutlIik i. t.. tîtdaI-ý. Vaukegan andi ____________________ rai-t of lnînîl asertoti17. Vaulegn autdipirt lois-27 and 2h. ta We lisves anonaher Of futn@lborne@%sforcortiiae-,ladidillti,%Viaukegan. Rendu saleior reut. IDymond &Ausýtin. lilenty- $2ii ville. c-28-Lt Marcit 27, 1914.-W. B. Walrath -______________________andti sie ta E. J> Hockaday; ltI 114, FOR ALEBink Prcero Stllin.Slaw's subitdivisioin lusection 15, Xw. FORSAL-Rlcki'ecitro Sttiiu.Antiocihtownship. %W. D. $300. This lua fine Ideai lima,, weh lrrîîd, Sarat V_ Sioat et al1to(,. J. MatI- perfectlv aoosd sud very genttie. Would non: lots Il sud 12, block 37, Lake vichange for a szood pair ut wares. Bltuff.Q . r.$3000. Atidresa H. ludepenilirul o, 25 1f F. W -Citunc.till sudwlfe La J. (G. ___________________ ieuvrest; loti i 10 10, blockt 3 sud -eepart lasA" and "B", Nîxons atdil FOR SALE-Limiiled suliply ofri ee d lon ta tOakland subldiviiou, Wauitn- o0&%.,i4wediah sect. Nifot tte-e] an. XW. D. $1. lIaised nt]cuHodgkiuîa tarot. idoîreeeÉ'. liermnan Kublanit and wife ta Ero- Hot]gkiue. Area. ['toue 2t;!PJ.. c~--1.2"titislher: lots i5 anti1I,,block 2, Ares. m. W. 1). $2900, C . Natan d alfe 10 J. P. Dovie FOR SALE-Pekîn liaik Egsttýriiiuti-lu iPari soutîiwesi iluarter, section '6, iug $1.001 per thunte-n.ilridte@waiec Iieerfiîcld towansipl. W. D). $11. Poulry arr. Poue 73--2 -24 T. \V. Sinitit sud site 10 Abert l'uuttryl'am --- -------J--îi27 2iucite. rt 159. Sitaw's Long Lake - ------------ îubdivisi,iî \ V.' D. $100. FOR SALE-I grey hors, t-.w14() 4 T.W. Srniiîbandi wife b I-t. A. yeara aid; I grey mare, wau 1.,00. 4 years Kaluiteti 1,,tis;olit.Shirt l.auug .aite alid; 1 bay mare, w t 150(0. 8l years aid;- subdivision. W. D. $100. 1 blck are wt1400 M ear ol; 1 T. W. Samlit sud wite 10 Clans 0. 1 hackmae, t 400 ( jeraaid 1Huiaken; lot 161, Sitai's Long Lake pair good cbesp work hors«i. Have on subdivision. W. D. $100. band aal &l imes ret cowe sud C. E. Smilt sud wifn la Augusi aprlngera. OCal sud oanc me. R. F. Drinks anti wlfe, lot 8, Smta' resulidi- Rou_, Ares. III. -2-à 4 vision of!blaocks 1 sud 8, 1reyer's saub- division, Nor, Chicago. W. D. $260. FOR SALE-i ideboard. BEfrgerator, 0. E. (lottacitaîl to Mary A. Law- Dresser, Kîtchen Cabinet, Power Wssber, reuce, Part lot 25, Assessors subdl- Center Table sud Rockers. Mns. J. R Hytt. c-27-2 FOR SALE-Bleck Leghorn Egge for hatching, flua winter loyer@ansd non settera. You co not go wrong lu ordering a setting oi them. $1.50 for 15 egge. L Peteraen, Route 1, Rtrairie Viw, 111. c-27-6 FOR SALE-900 l. capscity Cres. Separatar, new, cheap; guaraoteed. WiII set up sud stort. Caib or tîto.. Gen. F. Robeuts, Lhertyvillie. 111. c-254-f + FOIR RENT + FOR RENT-S-room Bouse on Firet street, Libertyvîfle, alnmodern im- provemeule. Phone 54 Ovrayslake. L. B. Whitney. c-28-1 FOR RENT-Eighty ares of land near Russell station. Call or write. Mrs. A. Redmond, 733 E. 601h street, Chicago, 111. MWkly 2t + LO3T and FOUND + LOST-8 mootha old Dog lu Liberty- ville. Clar white and light yellaw, white noansd four white feet. C W. Chandler. Gurnie, Ill. Phtone 947-Y-4 Wankegan. P-28.1 tion 21, Waukegan towvnship. W. D. $1. Patrick Corkiîn, Jr.. ta Chtarles Frisch, 72 acres ln 9. E. quarter. sec- tion 4, Cuba townsip. W. D. $2500- T. J. Maginnis ta H. B. Scatt; tract of land in section 31, Bouton town- Bhlp sud ln sectio6. Waukegan town- ship. W. D. $10. Marcci 23, 1914.-Rase Frankel aud bushsud, to Harriet BaiIey, lots 16, 17 sud part loi 13, block 6, Grayslake. W. D. $1, Harriet Balley to Mary L. Druse, lots 15, 17 sud part loi 13,.block 6. Grsyslake. W. D. $1. W. H. Walratit aud wffe te Fred Judd, lots 238 sud 251, Sitaw's subdi- Vision, lu section 36, West Anliocit townshiip. W. D. $200. W. B. Walrati and wife te j. E. Judd, lots 234 sud 23, Biais. Suhdi. vision, lu section 36, West Antlocit towulbip. W. D.1i $200. James Lawrence sud wlfe teO0. E. Gotechaîl, Part lot 26, Assessorla suit- division, lu oorth-went onetourtit sec- tion 21, Waukegao township. W. 1D. $1. MARRIAGE IN IlINSS., Arviti Carlson, Wlneta ....29 Thresa Anderson, Hubitauf Woods 27 Levi Wat, Round L.ake....... .... 22 Ruby Ceveand, <20ta» ... 23 OIassIfIedJAd$ NONE RECEl VEO FOR LESS THrAN 25 CENTS FORMER LOCAL MERCIIANTS LOSES ALL IN DAKOTA FIRE Oyer Cloak and Suit Company Is Total Loss at Mitchell, South Dakota. Waukegan, Mari-i 26;. News of a Con flagration sit Mîlcbeil, .South Dlakotla, witich practlcally l e sirayed the store cf te Oyer ClosE and Suit colopauy. was necelveti heme today. The tire occurred lent Friday evening aod te $5.000 insurance car- rid but meagerly covers the loss. A dozen stores sud buildings were con umed and an entire blocki was wlped eut. P. E. Oyer, principal shareitolder and president of te greup of Oyer cloak and suit stores, disposed of his Waukegsn store about a a ago. F. C. 84idel takIng te Hlgley building, whlch Oyer vacated. He had hein lu business here over s hear. A few miontRsa go a factory tu whlch he was lnterested falled sud h. wasa s eavy laser, Frlday evening'ilire hegan ln a moving pîcture titeater. aud lu the higit wiod spread se ltai ite effiient lire departxoent o! Mitchell was un- able to succeiafully combat I h.'le former VWaukegan man'saIons -lulie nearly $10,000. fil le etlmated. Mr. TPouroier, lormerly a Waukegati theatrical manager, vocal t esc-ler, etc. bas been manager for Nic. Oyen in i. Iowa store. WAUKEGAN AUTO SUPPLY CO. 214 North SL Expert Vulcanizing. Ail Work Guaranteed. FULL UINE of AUTO SUPPLIES at LOWEST PRICES A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOLJ. SPECIMEN BALL-TOT TOWN 0F LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS Annual Election, Tuesday, April 7, 1914 Town Cierk. FOR THE PROPOSITION 0F ABOLISHING POLL TAX AGAINST THE PROPOSITION 0F ABOLISHING POLL TAX I For Scitool Trste (Euh fenm) El MISS E. A. BUSH CITY 0f ZDON IS WINNER IN FINAL MANDAMUS ORDER WOMAN SWALLOWS ACID IN AN EFFORT TO KI1L LBERSELF Physician Is Summoned and He Succeecis in Counteract- ing Effect of Poison. Waukegr, MttNarccit30. In s fit ef despondentu' va \aukegau ahuman au Sunday evenîîîîg rtaugitt to commit suicide b3 u.ail os-ig a quanLlty of carbolic atid. A, phyal- clan was summoned at once sud hec life saved. Her osme lu beîng wlth- lield because t ta snid urle hlaspro- mlsed neyer tu imake sucb an attempt agaîn a.nd It la fiared ltaI publlcity mlght harn. ber business. One ef ber bosadei s sald 10 have dlscevened ber pligitI sud 51 once be- comlug coovinced taI ste was lu a serious condition aummoneti Dr. Her- scileder who mate s quict trip in te home. Powenful antidotes were given and tbeie bad te effect cf checkiog lte action of te poison. Aller siteba" bien declared oui cf danger thé womao hecame penlteut and sald site was sorry ltaisite itad allempted tu take her liteasaid! site did not toow witat bad prompted ber. Site begged thaL nolhing lie sid about thte affair asesite feared It would hurt bier business. schieder declared today. 'I waa ask- nil ta say noatiing about the affair andt i promlsed. If te tacts lunlte, catie become tnewn IL ai not te tliroiugh s.nytblng I may ray. SPECIMEN BALLOT TOWN 0IF LBEIRTYVILLEP, LA2KECOUNTY, ILI, Annual Eleoption, Tuesda3,, April 7, 1913. WILL 1)E(KER, n. ierk. o PROGR[88IY[ For Supervîsor FI JELI TRIGGS For Town Clerk o For Supervisor Fii W. W.CARL Foc Town Clerk Foc Supervisor Fi HENRY B. EE For Town Clcrk [] FRANK E OVERSON [n GEORGE LAWRENCE [n E D. HUBBARD For Assessor For Assessor []riCARL A. SCHRECK n]G. L MOORE For Collector For Collector For Sciloal Trustee (full terni) DSYLVESTER TRIPP For Scbool Trustee lia fîi vacancyl ri DANIEL LEE Judge Donnelly Enters Order That Mandamus Shall Issue on the Zion Funds. FIFTEEN DAYS FOR APPEAL. Love Must File $14,000 Bond in That Time or He WilI Have to Surrender. Jutige i>autnelly Frldtay aflernoan en- tered aat order causlng lte mantismus te Issue In case of the City of Zion Vs . B. S . Love, former treasurer, or- dnrlng hi. te iurn over to 'ressurer Thurelcu. te $13.'700 of clty fonde ite bas on bau d. Titi judge gave hlm ifleen days lu wibh to file the $14.200 bondis fn an appeal to te higiter courts sud ne- doubt. stops wlil h. laiton to Sie If tbtat amm cao h. raised for a bond,1 whereupon the appeal Ilîl be filed. If. wthin lifteen days. te bond lo not filed; then under the mandamus order, Love muet tomn the monev1 ever ta Thuraton. Titis ,ia titecase wherelu lte clly counoeit removed Love f ram office ou lte grounds that be was lllegatty eleàed sud eeated lu bis Place lMr. 'Phursten. L.ove Inaistedit e was le-1 gally elect.ed, refused to recognize1 'Phureten sud Ihen thte Waukegan PFiat National bank filed pgpersa sl- ing te court witether if sliouid luru lte clty money over ta Thureton ori witetiter Lo)ve wais letcally tressurer.1 In otiter words. teliant wanted court Instructions as lu rnsilv titio wss treasurer. TPhe mandamus action lias setileti Ille mraiter so tir ai tite circuit court la concerned. C. P. Barneui apiest-ed for Zion City, Aiex Beaubien f orNIr. Love. Attorney' Besuabien, represenllng Lotie announced Saturday he itat arrangeti for lte $14,200îî bond anti ltai the- apjîcal for lait-e wouid lie iakcn. This stet malens the situa- lioti ait extreinely bail one for, hy îaling te alipeai.lte Zion City funrds ittili art. ied uot. The rooney vls In te bat iIecaure te blis asant tîcen lntructed wahotu ta tortiltiver ta In a final decree. Thle taxe% aîlih ire t iini e eIn wlali al be liedti iii aud ail titis lIme Zion lity lua iih out nioney ta ment rurrent expensen andtihic eigentis loQuireachiig s uttle a here iorntuiling oiut liedoue tola 1eviaie the, sitliution. If the apica] lu takeit, a-t 'l iu tuirtien asu t it il]ibite tttite Morie still i tlli e tied oui,.pending s de i stan whichin îay lie mantiti or yeara, And inthie meautiittînZion liai la exisl a Itbout use or iti money. It certaittir loolin au if Voilas anti hia toiiawerg tere have gaI Item- unîtes into a bati bale just lu order io tiitisfy salpersona] ambition af pow- er lu ouating Love and inslalllng an- alter min of lte'Pollua faction. All tliuî trouble couiti have been svolded if Love had heen teft in.uoffice sari lits etection not rjuestioned. Wile lie lait bis job, bes lied lte councils bondis as few culll have linolied before sud île endi la not yet lu siglit. For Assessor DRALPH W. BULKLEYI For Collector flWALTER A. LYTLE [ J. R. MUL.I-OLLâAND [ZWMWELR For Commissioner ofai Hghways E___1_ For Scitool Trustee (fulIl erm) DJULIA L PRICE For School Trustee (ta fill vacancy) a For School Trusiee (10 fIl vacancy) LII FRAN K SLUSSER [ Jj. W. COOPER~ For Commissianer of l-ighways For Commissioner af Higitays mm LOSI - Three Large straged or stolen. Good re- ward for returnofo them. C. W. MARTIN, Wou end of Lake Lana Phn. 314-R AREA, ILL. DYMOND L AUSMI Loans. nsrance, Reaid Bui i. House Renting. Office in Kaiser Btock. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS., DR, 1. L TAYLOR Office in Firai National flanh Building soia:-l to 3:39 %ud te 4 Mi. tte,x .ý auBroadway. uppuilte Park DR, GOLDING DENTIST Houras 8o 12 S..m-llo P'M. limer iiret National Bank uthe Phone 19-J. "le. Phone 157-J. LîbertvilIe. Illois. DRL A. IR CHURCHILL physicien and Surgeon Office mccc Decjeeea Bond,@'.tir s tors B. m & to leA. M. 1iloi2Ie5P.U gpeclal asaon tu mye. EsINote&"ud limai GLASSES PROPERLY FITTEO Liberfyville. - - llul DI. EL H, SMITH, DENTIOT. 3VEE LAMS 01<?? blIOIIAL a. oum-ti tc 12 a. w. sud lo: ap. sm o)AILY. UfbttyvlllelUo PUBLIC AUCflONEERIN(, Olee..t attention p.d lb arta.U1Ut aucuion sI-an sd beet ceuollea baRil- lng saute. Ail kindi nM borin, wagoua *00 harneis for sale or exrihaup aad ml»Mre. HENRY SMN Ph.... 148 em 48 ZION CWT EL. J. L REDDINi, D.V.Mbi VETERINARY SUESOi GraduaI. Ccage lvêle mN Officta es5 uioO5 I O9= 1 Ave. PRouie 36W. :- rRED GRADI I Rt EXPERIENOEO AUOTNIOWfl 1.1w S" îmodP.kie' . Pet Rde,B equCie coui êa" Messr.ý Talophons 261-L-2. A1s11-. mlu DR. VICTOR C. OFE OSTÉOPATHIC puVIID 215 Madùwaoa BE. kta, M OBce BOUeM 9.2A. IL: 1.4, PL; 74 p y Suodays by Appointmmat (là» H. Je POILÉ:" Glmy terme belors eêga tM tiiauêr.l. m ohli10 Bte mi fore cao 9170emir Individuel sUssis * Talking Machies Au 1" 1 French, Germen, Italiesand Wb«* you sansSa macim eeue sa uenmetka m-W ou Oesal. JA&M SL I,MM 25 West Laie @iL.Om"ss A oiaujyfPosis0ING'Srt mÉu b MI S' naSa pte.. IoSBe rbsin roi s s m LADIES HATS 0F ANY KNaKI nRbda.4,utsu. Detail of Witoiesale Prîces; R-hlock- goe.srsO55sideho"s41"8 lng, Bleachlng. Dyeing, of Panama 5<h Avomus, OUCA4O.IL Haie; Ast for Catalogue sud Prices. BOL aad waems»d CHICAGO HAÂT MANUFAC'PURNG & BLEACHING COMPANY, 12 Mordu LaIX, CoutYs bitwebp-.2 MinIil5..A. A,., ,Wu BtHdg.. Chiîcag. PENDENT. s BEN"i MIL LER. Atten,.y ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Piîi,i' S t 4e - he g-iîv tout tIthe S'i Avriber Aiîiiîtrator .i the Fatain- uf Marie K îiharuia Kli dev-e'tt, ili attencithe County Couzrt,ý niLake lityai a il-utthereof to be hit ien ai te lti in wae i akegai. n sai l'utlînuiithe tnMîday oi dune i-t. 1914.tiM tntla' i it tiltail tFr-ira ihaîinu rhai t a uaiîî't ahi -tati' arretietitoit nuit re qia-tel tii tio aicallet) h, urt or i EliWAtuI, W.tit' FRRMOTI'. Adurinitraîrîr waaku-ail. iiMaii,. Itii e' Math t'iArii GEORGE FINCUTTER [n WM. PETERSON ri CHANCERY NOnCE. State of Illliois, ("oîîntY of Lake, 98. Circuit (Cutrof L1ake County, Oct- aber Terni. A. 1) 1914. John P. ilugti tIl. I C. Keller, Trustee, Mary C. Wî,iiolk, Indlvidual- ly sait(]us ext-i îtrix iof lite la,,t tîullandi itesutamnt of Ci iit n S 'A'iilfiilk, de- cnased, Kathr3 riî WOolfalk, Curtis Blair Woolfolk, anîd uîîknowii o% ler-t of tie foi lowi ng deucrI t il îiropîerl to-a f1: TI ie eut otie-hall (WV t oi t le Northi We.t Quariter (N. w.a of tire North East Quarter (N. EFi. Ex- cePt thte Northt Twu l-undred Fifty four (254) teet of thte West Two Hundred Eighty (280) feet there- af, and except thal part titereof con- veyed La Itte City of Lake Forest by Ideed tram Chilcago TILle & Trust Com- panry as trustee, dated October 3, 1910, and recarded November 17. 1910, lu Book 179, Page 464, sa Document No. 132385 ln Section Twenty-elght (28), Township Forty-four (44) North, Range Twelve (12) Eait of lte Third Principal lieridian. In Lahe Count,, State of Illinois. lu Chancery' No. 61383. The requislte afidavit havtng been fled ln lte office of thte Cdent of sid Court. Notice la therefore heMby giv- en ta tite sald above named saod un- known defendants iliat the above nam- ed Complaloant leretofore illedl hie Bill of Complaint lun sid Court, on te Chancery aide titereof, snd that a summons thereupop i koued eut cf snid Court agaluet lte ahove nsmed defend- ants returnable on the tirei day cf thte terra of te Circuit Court of Lake County. to be held ai th% Couîrt House ln Waukegan, lun sid l.ale County, on lte Firat Monday of October, A. D. 1914, as la ity law required, and wiiich suit la stilI pendlng. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAYi, Clerli. Waukegan, Illinois, Marchi fti, A. D. 1914. Rie, Lowes & ONeil and A. V. Smith,. ('ornplairiaiit's Solît-Itors. ELHANAN W. COLBY, Attorney-at-Law .oney la Lean on (;etodApprouedReal Nsate. Office in Triggs Buildingr. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIR. LYELLFL MORUIS ATTroEv-Alr-LAW Libertyville - Illinois Litre Bahîdin, letlte152-R. OfficeilPicite MARIIN c, DBCR 4TTO5NgT-AT.LA'w . Jiffce Phosie 848, I*. Pbin4aut N,403TH CiiAj.1Lr~ PAUL MAC GUPPI Ai¶ORIEE!AT LAW. pmoNs88 DY. a P. DUTTFIED. TEEMAI!BUSUN Telephoe 140-M st B~ter *"psieilias T My exema. c.., I. de reur ves J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER. 144 Elmweed Ave., WsUbpm. IMIn DR. E. V. SMUT i GENERAL PRAOTICE daîraS8 t. 10 a. M.2 go 4and 7 05 5à Office ave, Ray Furnture Store. I SPECIAL AITrENT104 1M TBE SU LIBERTYVILLE. ILUINOIS .1 -i DIMOCRÉIC R[PU811cgN