CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Apr 1914, p. 2

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a. LAKE OOfl~.WI!Y IN NT, F'RXDY.. ýA»R Si T. F. SWAN Coewr.pondont andi Agent ]RobrtLammesereturD@d Saturday 1 roum1Mobile. Mme.%M WKnfl to sd Mr@e. Loufes Sgsuh vewat3bhcago vlsitors Wednusday. lirm.GossvlUsr. wshma beau spsnd. hug the. visai stwth ber sou, Fred, bas t5Wusd ta ber boues t Loag Gov.. lia.J.- C. Dorter sud doer, 1fr. A. L. 00111er vere Chicago visitors Fridsy uïd Uturdsy of 1"ai eat. * EsU.Wslla@sMdhulIy qmai huday at the J. E. Veile bous. Tb@ GoUdesCousdyCo., le drsvlag gbfod crowds et McBsl's banu ibie lmrbh oi f Ewvatoa, vuela tovu A. FP.Obido. sé 6seh» h.. .m 1 udTueudjb-uWblmp, OC"a114 K. 6. Punes rtmuius Smirdy omt bila visser trip the.sont. Dm177. *0romenut m of 1fr. sud MmT..J. Mbide mss iii a y PBWWf Maeidmt Suudsy ashsruou sien bu bd trousa pony bsova ridingansd flisdseutions eut ilhieb s <sd 011bev uor Injurh& es. asovueuar labo Sas ansd b.d dlemouutmd ta ix sous PMrIof the csddle sud on attempt. Mug tu remunt the mddI. alippoti sud ths boy vas thrown under the bores. hieà@thong t that the.sanial ifuite f1-t §m* jump muet bave stepped ounthe hi and forsa Urne f1. vas fmersthat ne * ld r.oelved ifurnâral ijuries but thia pruved untouuded and lm daivng nitef y. Batnrday ight oeecurred the death of lire Margaret Ltcbllaid sber home on Mlte &ms trestr a short ineé..The fese"af as hafd Tl'oaisalsarnooD trou ber fate resideDce si lutermeut lât UhertYvilfa. Obtuari' wI i Iappear Mmr..Id. Popp la seriously il! with Pueqmoula sud grave tesa mb- e eststafuDe for lier recavery but a pwsset vrltiug ber condition la some-, vbsî fmproied. COUNCIL PROCEEDINOS. SfxtY-lirt retulai meeting ai the bardOttrunsteoaithe village of rea et th vllageuhallMondsy, APrl 6,19i14. PUresastéon, prfflideus; trustaes, Vaille. ?Tpp, zereen, Rf . Abseut- J>evesansd Irving. Vsuise aiof te previon e ulg IMMsrMd sud aPproved ou motion of *MM sud Trlpp. The treasi rsi notawgmla onthiyreport wbich iras suifai by the. jauee commteasu 03spi smotion 01 Trpp sud Vefis. tbltmmmrr thouendr ibus regufarI MMWl erOt vbich -vsnotifiitdd aiU«d - 1motimo f Tipp sud Wells. , Nes&blvah iser rw.d: PalblleServicesCO.. eftreei fgue ... 45)83 W.J. VlIiaMe. street sort... 8 25 lalPb Roue, "Met sort ...... 12 301 la o.o-ladepemieat, publiehîng 1 0 Oea. I.athrop, fabor,. .......... AUltille ver. allosed sud varraule ardu0rsi ra n uhe .treaeurer iu psy- u;a i 01ma Ou mot" Of o! l sansd - t. oIIrug 8 apposaîmeats vers ussle etisa rd for sPrlug aIse- SJbiges, Bd Caudry, Be .&o 11aM, R. L. Dudie; derke, E. EL Dihum, L.O Py .. L Porteom Appoiut.a mtvr.conulrmed ou motion ofi &m"Ifasd Velis.1 0 O oin 01Tripp nsud Rueeithtik Muhig djouruod lu April 22ud. L T. F.BSan. Clark. ADJUDicATrioN NOTICE ?%kae Nuque M bsretn: iven 15*1the 80fr -cIe- Executrix -1ai t in .51sd Testa- MUMOf 0fielbiel Wlekemuhe. ecwd vit! almdiSthecuaty court o! ake coumy. t&i Lsta sieuf -obe -Mlena&M the court H o.e Sentgas.tu ssai00=11. Oi tMe Sm Mod.r et JulY usat, 111j. hue sud ht,, an P««» shavbig c1,i 1 laim&rt id ease aie l "Maiesd requeted to ereset the aue toa s$M& Cintfor sdjudjsstiou CAMOINE tCKRfit riE Eecutrlx Wsskegsu. 111- APr1J 6.19M. Atoll 1017-a Piano 1 unI ng Lm" eorder@atRaye FurDItureStors. VO omdateby LMr. Aden. c-2a-tf DLAMor4 LAKE -The Ilieu Lowele of Irvtng Park, oent Sunday witii Mi. and 1fr.. A. E. iiasswiller sndwsie spent Sund"y as J..(ouvfîler's. lira. Frank Jahusoando daughtsr sud Mis feuBsis Blawe speut lasi seek at H. Batlettea. Frank sud Arhur Rolland voie Chi-. cago vîsîtors Baturday. The Lsdlos Aid wsf11 miet st 1f ta HuiseTbur.dl"a silsoon, April 16. lira. Mnmau peutBSaturdsy sud sonday lu Chicaga. Mis. R. rtfett wsa sLlbryvilfla e suce MIonday. Mfr u r & . lmGo. Geîs, sud Mmra F. Tosusi sud sons Jerry sud RBese @eut guuday st Lako Forset. A. Lossi sud bmlly spoat Buaday aI lira A. Roquas. Wal ter Leuker sud "Iatly sest 8au- dey at 0. Tbatubs'e W. D. laser bas purelissd a fuse ddvitasu. Ume.Gors 1fliciU and Lulla ver. Chltugo vhiora Moadéy. Oesbts Mmlir. F.Towuer's Suuday vus P. CQ Tovsr sud fsuuly sud Cash MaS asossudfy.t Mm r.John Hodge sas su Autloeb vi-r sitor Salurday. Muce Doris Cooper @eut Suuday at Uàbertyville.1 il. sh- 1 . 1 Mfr. aud lirs. Urnbaeb re ntort 119n tbsforaier ,mgmanothsr, i.=BbItsor of Chicago. 1fr. aud Mmr. J. A. Masou mere Chicago vfalturs Banday aud M anday. 1Mr. and Mms.8. 9. KasIor snd 1fr. sudId i. R. A. Knopf attsuded tbii lver -oddfng snversary of Mfr. and Mr@. John RoIUst l8 Chicgo lat Saturduj nigbt. 1fr. and Mm E d Rlteontb"r iof Fuir mont, M Inn., am rlatlug relatIesboe. M. W. Enedliersud sou Ted epsat Offdsy vitb 1Mr. sud Mm ill II Ry at Ares. Mis John licLsugbîîu la quIte ick Mmra.A. Q MRicarde spet Tuesdsy lu Mit ru. si -4qg au a MIesesOivs lima sud Mldred lilas> tbaW ofniN»psrvll e, mapadlug the 555k visit Ibsie p&MeSa, Mr. sud lMre J. Ir. Riumubas. DmsRtze.athaw r vagtamtas thé HsauwllOslOcmes ospilsel lu els go on lioudej for su opsesilo for appendidttie. Prom tbsleut reporta vu Immruth"a a"liug b b.ina Mr froin bof ug out 0f danger, gVest hopas for hie rcovury e bsug entertalsi. The Eme.r preigism sut us noiecSu- Dont lorg,ît the Mater hifall ulb. d"~ atarnoon ai 2:30. Oakland bal usit Monday evsulug. %ari Dalsy. eliet sou of 1fr. and1Mr@.. 1ý GJMMJohn 0.1ev. shm basbee lun tsewestern states for the peut lOv yeara aud ip nov Katharine Amnuu orn Libertyviffa, rssfiing lu Waucou, lowa, ln ta lie Paufl Meyer spaut Sunday. titi relaolth-, Promineni lyoung ladies of ,bat tires sud tileedo le Fairfiefd. City. nie brother Witf 18 goiug ouita R, 1). Cook tisea Lîberiyvilaaller "et as e lisan. Cbî"csgo Wdeesd.y. MsLauffauhurger frain Long Grave. a ruaîr uiesl te vsting ber sitar, MmraPlia iea isdMi.Js orik u ugi- baie. ter Luella of Crystal Lake. are oeading MIr@. Rainey Amea isitedw t-he saab witb Mr. sud Mis. C. L. Pratt. relatives in Libcrtvville Friday and -. Mr. and Mr.Wm. Cark hava renead Saturday. the tlubbaid bouse raceeîly vacated by ILiffisu (islat,,r tram -Framat, j t %r. sud Mis- J. P. Btaek sud viii oun Suedsy with Milsses Barbara snd isae possession. Joeapbîee Arnanuemer. Ou Teesday Waucauda sitnesed ona etuids home er seetou ayI iil-aur viage. The patte apenai at 7 ai ber bone tareo bando:i atigroup oflads erefî Wiifard Shbsrarn s eat pissent ta gatber es tha Wo9irnau ball shars aslstlag Mr. Achera. Ithe drys made their beadquartars sud ýMisa BarbaisaAranu sa, sa Chicago 'aarved coites sud hunesfree toa aUsho, vieitui Tueeday. vnattai îbem Riga vere sent aboutý tosu sud out lu the country to briug in -- the ladyvovters sud thioughoul the day GAGE'S LAKE ~' ý'3) t esttnîty vs, visible. The sets worked more quietfy but tram the sstl ltev. Wffl vas enteitsiued at tha home seernod ta baie usai a gond gsuralsbl ofiC. C. Amas. guaday. wieniug ont by 14 votre. 399 votes Mis. Aunis Ciard of Austin. sud 1fm.. ers cas", 247 men sud 152 ladieo. Ou A..Xlchofas of Libertyvîlie. opent 'Red- ts questian of poilI faithe vote vas uasdsy vitb Mgs. E. Cliard. 2 ta 1 for abofli int . The completse 1fm feDorothy MMrb ln boume or atIcket as elocted inauasfolova: seulse vacation. Supervsor-9. V. Brooks. Win.RffernandWaltr Sith"ut Town Clerb-A. L. Posern.. Smmday lu Wantegan vlth the -former . a ofemtr- . Wbefock. brother, Who la ia the bospiteaithers. HfbvayCtoAWleoa, . 2 b Carlton Amats psdiug a las deys 1 yerotba it.2 be vacaion t hi bou bor. Ughsay Cnaauouer, diet. 1, tva Wrn. Sree sud smily bave mava , yeas-Ray Seymour. ou the faim wvh ble rscetly purehasad of E. . Faultuer. 1 Mimes Llszie Cbard viitadifrieuds mL , VOLO UÀbeîy vile onedayItifs veek. SMis- . AJ. Ilymond le spedng S tes AULMPON s.i: "aya sith ber dstcghtor. Ira. Charles J. B BLAK. Actioeer. Kapple. Little Frada àKappla te ver, J. l. LAE. uctoner. Iaîkmirâ tpromeut sritiag. 1 'viliiesl vithaut roserwe en the aro ReuniEgiseu e aen ils1%mes fnoe rti o! W n ILsab iti Les Huson sud lbaîly. Tusdsy, A pili 14.,1914. comaieucfng et Mie Oao. Bohir asud Mru. 8 J. Wagner lm0 o'cSxP. M. sharp: s'caa2 eme NcBaury Caliers on "as atnrdy. brffera, everycourbas hemu rslsei outh, Mis aeeeey of Ingleelde, vbo bas fIm sud aIl are youg, bellera i% basu staying sîti ber inter, »W las euls --o i nd; gray -mr, t6 yearnid: iHaues, eYfor suverat vees weut $0 th@ bay mare, 12 jears aId;blsck tuars. 14 Pisattyterlan hospfitaf lent Saturday for yaarm aId; trutva«on, mi v agon, 1trestmii.t. doubleansd sngle buuy. doubleansd 1Mis- Frank Birouirnuespmnt Snndayk stnge haresm, plow,barreur, sater ai iremout tenter. (irsamimaHironlmus tunt sud bester, 'ultiratur ourfy uev, fe very Ilas. sfegitcufivaîor. potata biller, 3 mif b Mr. sud lire. S. J. Vaguer spent Lion- tonr, trautr. paite, 2 crase coi sats, dey ai Freuaut Gater. forIe. sioveis. qusutity o! f d Iran. 10 Ouri mllb aulers are hsvfug a bard8 tous slouglibeyinl haie. 10 tons lougab ure ttieut be mttoGrayeako. The3 bay lu stacb, 100 bushele osto, 2 misIs rosis baing simous impesable belvees11 sasi coin, msuy otisr articles to bers aud Orsyelako.3 numaroun ta ntiuon. U[el iterme. Autbauy liatber, Proprietar. W . ou b lepainting ai Waucouda 1 A. . Potiers. Clrk. P-2£4-1 ibis 5eok.c Ild eent reachmaalponsL lAkb ecouty.1 FOR RENT- Sale Deposit Boxes Our modern fire-proîf sul it a ii ttîtùîa.î;î,î I lle* lutest patter rsu ires. a01 Illp rît-iri tr,,:, t! coyenient cce54 la vour tnshîraw:. i 1.1 lcie, nate, dli, t!.. 6. 8- Trip THE CITIZENS' BANk AREA, IL upI, ýR. F. Rous if. Vico Pregideut. E Payýne, Cathier. 1fr. and Mre@iB. E. Bofae attpnded the uerai of Ui§. Boh.a, aunt ILIChicago Weduesda,. Mfr. aud Mms.B. J. Mae vîeited with thelr daugtr snd famil>', Mr. and Mmi B. Boles, 8uuday. 1fr. sud Mmru. ltmsthaier of Fafrbolt, 1fian., violted st the borna of James Atth aualbn owecion thrse on the towu tichot wsrs.Iscted. Thsy sers 11.0. RSch.nb, supervisor; Uncolu Pettls, lown cisit; John Iarolau for comlsslof blghways; sud tvo on thl Iukdigaîtbuk.$bey vwon for for asseso.1 Mrs. Fred Klmbark ai Bav.uavood. vas tii.sousI 0f bér mother, Mie Saasi Adsuts. Tbuisay. 1fr. sud lim,.Jordan sud sou of Mourea, ha. vslldet lte bous 0of C. a. Eseton sUV"e delut 1mi est. 1fr. sud 1Mr..Bd Therrisuvwon lte Sondsy gueula 0f Mr. sud Mmr. Art Tierrien of Sbsrusîvlll. Mfr. aud M Lir.l.à. VoaSd son sud M r. sud Mim A. R. Mubîke sud son Barry. atteuded a receptîonu <Ivo by 1fr.. Mary Mubîke of igland Park,ilu banar aiflier SOth it rhday Saturday. Mm r.Frai Karatebu af Chicago, sas wesk-end guesi of ber parenteê, Mr. sni Mm. Meyer ws the guest ai Mm, P. L. .lorgean of Waukegae, Frlday aud Saturday. Mise. Liflian Egert and lRuth Colline ai Chicago, wsesthe siaL-aid gus.te ai Miissus Mabal sud El da Horenberger. 1 Mr. sud Mmv. Frai Hagi rîsitai 1Mr. sud ire Pbilip Carroll il Chicago, 51,,, Mfuday. W5a i liona,~ l4C .,iw. 1 Mr. sud Lire. Rd Ilielabln.tertaieed a number ai their friandé ai cuerea fsi of clwt/berlyvWle IFr1 day igbt. MIra. Frank Peterson sud -bldren are _________________ visittlg reauîe in Il, ukagan _____ Mis. A. B. MuikeeuiertaîuadMonday CHANGE IN1 MANAGERS 1 attiaruooe lu hounir ai bar motbare8, LMr. Audras, inydar, 8t bibrtbdsy. OF PUBLIC SERVICE CO. Mms. Sarah Adam@ and grand dsugb. 1IN LIBERTYVILLE OFFICE' ter Lois. sere tiahe wt-aid goasta ai Mfr. aud Mis. Rd Adam@sof Orssaka. George W. Sc-hlinir. inuragar for thel Mfr. Schaet ai Sharmervifle, sas the Publie Servicea I'aisesbî le inl' ili guissoai lia. Bofd. Lioeday. artyvifie. fias reagieed is position u Mr. sud Mmr. W. A. W bitfng hlie as reiignaiioe isîlug tal.,'n utai ari j uei week-eud guest Muas Elizabeh etb is. 1fr.dcliiug fad bel] al te 1 Llark ot Irviug Park. tfou sinea ld'1911, camtng bere- rîim i es @Edltb 8tryker ai, Chicago. sas Waubegau tilira ili i liaittt con oerted the. week-end uest of Mr. anddlMir. J..A. vitb the ttaulrgue ilico af' tlii .o.,. Stryker. psuy. Ha tiff tske a 1uaeîtlae titI, a Mr. sud Lira. John Hubu ai e rceiviug psrcutucincma0 uCicg cougistutations ou theui aiofsasou ica1r 0b0iglselaio»isaa Sahdsofaithe loc'al oaRia ha bas made mrnuy Ies Miidrsi Wiiug enlertaineti at Molnde bers, sud ha basaPxtpr-sd a de. 500 Thureiay evenlog. sire taput'licil.vthsik asu usinemss îru The. Desrfaeld basebeit tena viii pay and the pubtîn for tueur bind coopération their frai game wi iii Libeityiille tearn durlug the periad ha serred as manager. Saturdasy, April 18, aiLlbortyville. E. P. McDasd,jo>rmerly sslommse In lire. Frai Boreuborger euteriained a the Waukegae office, bas beau oseignad nuaber ni bar frienis Tbursiay aitr. ta the local office sud li as takau .barga unoon sud avenleg lu honnir ai berhit. as manager. Ha is s a niIlMr. snd day. The oui ot tosu gùuses er. mrs. Mris. Rd McDonliid wuîîîreida au miil. Via. Egsrt sud Mis. Valiara aif Cbbcuo. saukee avenue, sud bas hie stfiiii tir. sud Mmr. Auguat Vinter. enter- mata good le bis uaw position t-) WîlcIi talt about tiirty relatives snd iriends haolias beau prama lad of Chicago, Suuday lu bonar ei A waid. Mr.Blmedi, heDe pstr f heNOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. UniedBlumneif, ii. nvel pastohrgaiofic Independont correspondants lu somne the bd vs ueiial hrc cag ai cacs are gefing their items iu loo late us srvics Suday.for proper handting. W. souiti urge FSPeela Kster musie viiio i e teturs îhem if possible, to have ihem in aur o1thbe service@ lu the Presbyterlau ctureb office bi' Ttmsday. "ls 1fr. C. K. Orabarn sil bave charge_____- 0f theneurvileeuSuniay. Mfr. Jordse, pliugaider aofithe Evaugallcal Association chutcb bad chargenti the meeting Sunday mornleg. Mir. sud Mr@. F. Jacoebe entertaued s number of friouds groin Cicago sud libermervlle, Sunda.v lu honui aitheir sou George. DIES IN ZION. 1. M. MosB passeaaai'ai b13 homo at 3204 Eshcal avenue, Zicu City, ai 3:30 p. m. Api 2, 1914. Ha bai beau oulieig frorn beart trouble. iudigeni- Ion ,menditabetes for a oumber of yeais, but tad kepi op ail ibis Wtuter util the 16th of March (ibis Yeau'>. Hs sUfferad vary lutile sud ramnaiusi touisutous ulitw .o sud coh:hf bonis before death. HaeWa 7 eWors, Il Ri IV viri TO BE BuAtau moutus and 0 UidOys old. Servet! tour dison. Wig.. AprIt 1.-"The use yaarz lu the Civil war. ýirt orrrakeddifies r gus. Beffides a sifa 8e le&vessix 0h11. tii'or eaeki dîhs. r ~ dran. Charles. L, B. ef Oregon, Dors, or dîrti' sîlverware lu botet and of Libertyvlle, Mis. AfaUSwalu sud ntum leIoprobibited."' Miss lunule Aiusworthi cf Nebraska, il and ciber ruies goveiuing thbe Harry of Haticack, MIcb., aud lire, ta an noe cndiion ofho-N.« A. Hoyt oifZMcn City'. Ho aise tri'sud ale oudtlou cf oleavas ane aister. lire. Heaier Scrib. aud restaurants in Wisconsin uer of Spakane, Wash.. aud oue broth. t adoptad it ai spocial meeting or, Elisha Mage of Amherst, WIo. a state board of health on April INSURGENT WOODMEN WIN OUT __________Des NlaIne". Iowa, April 1.-RePOTte ÎNE8OTk.-tîy a farta from tIiý' from the couuîy camps of tan coun- 1 In, eh,,lrî', c ta geutfy roillung ties lo<lay to C. W. Lyonl, leader ni li"avy cay Poil. ctay subsonl, un ltiensurgent Woodmeu fores, mît. l'O fa, land. tvo ta tn mis atd thiat ait had gne frtel- trtwn Jumt auough scod for I urgents. .'lx other Insurgent coun-1 Pici41-1 t-, i.', per crtermsi tip.Rhait tee.rreportai lent ulght. The ae5l, und1 up. Afo Iraproved Min. calntîro ta report iodai' are Decatur, ta toru farina lu tdf sopttiddi& aone di'igate. Bauton. tva; Coder, P, t right prices upoin éay tarmes.! two; Pocsiontas, iso; paie Alto, ne; ti fr particular.. Fosbroka band Wright ane, Iubuque, four; Haisml- su>',t Pioneer Building, St. Paul, iou, tso; Woodbuiy, five andi Jasper, 1. one. THOMAS ALVA EDISON "My corna eprleuce.' soae Bdlsa. lia tat If you gel aomnetltng for nothing, you may tae sure you are on the wrong mmd. If you set th8e reauit sîthout strenus effort, thora in only oe erule, sppareutly.- te foliow, sud that le to cat Il amideanSd beffla &It over againi." .And 10 sccompliahL wh51 h ho lelut ise beau necesairy for hlm te practIce what lie preachea. Att 0f hibits .ho as basa strenuoua Dot eaSy- wi th bis head but wtth hts had& Asnsa emmboy ai twetve. s teîsgisph opeistor ai IfItetis ansd then an Inventer, ho attributés &Httof hie sesat astis,.. mente to hi@ uncegaing Istier. Tte cal: honîsed bamboc vtlch finally mde tis facaudssc.t eloctil Iht a suceSuasm. the roesut o utretcfasearcla ase. pimuns v th othar mutras. Tsphoaeevasph saà pertssted mi equatti' as groat an expendtture Of la1 r Te the uicintated his gréat vorkbog sud larstory le Esat ange, . J.1 LaZY meu DOwTN'çVET YouR XoNRcY in "suid-est" stock or got-rich-qnick echemes. Doposit it with us and get value received in up-to-date banking service and a reasouable inter- est on time snd saviug depoaf ts. First National Bank Libertyville, 111. ~fON WION Save MonieyFECN Special Sale until May 18t AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBEItTYVILLE, ILL ~The EAS-IEST Way 'fake ttt> ê drîîdgery ouît of lîonsework -make 'en oiti ot offly easiier but bette-r. 'Ilie o! I-fteuliiotied hrîkim witlî its atti-,idant d'oud f t-rittladleii dîi.t ha-i latiitri day. for flow flth lhl oustewifte wants thefl dirt tak-sî out if' thet .,hourte and îîot tIlIy M ~ , 'tirred (1ujiandet t-4oa j J/i ýTt1E EUREKA I îauum risaner Mitmlk aif, ytamat- t,-r e bt crsvk or cornerfi tas lf -it gat@a it ansd bolde fi ta lis taken \ ( ,mit and disp,îsad 4iiib a esnltary Oa 1 ~ It iha»ai wietefor vr D~ ~ ~~~~~~w tihîbeeemteafabaravth. kborandapuisratlon i The Ray Furnite o Stor 'hrvi PhoeçLietil e I is WAUKEAN AUTOaSPPLY CO. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Cp'...... kor. 21 NrlGeese t th Exp hetelmso V lcanizi ang. Ail for Ga 8rantd. IWL LIEGA AUTO SUPPLO. IE A TRIAL ORDER WILL CON VINCE YOU. Good Coffee Cob Lu -d tHanlsp d-hr tbtdMard se. sAudlbr l0 cats - 1 - The- Indevendent jeads &II. 1 Independent reader? BE ONF.

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