CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Apr 1914, p. 3

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LAKE COU=NT INDEPENDENT, F1IIDAY, APRIL 10, 1914. £agu. 'oflrflIAI RECALLS WESTERN BOY SHOOTS HlM: ?/ews Ye S OPL IIiL Cake Villa, RAILROAD PLANNE!) SELF IN luS IIAND r -ISM15S CASEJIERE 15 YEÀRS À60 WITII A REVOLVER WII'IOIT P EJU ICE actTha Nothweter Plns on> Laits a twelve 3ear old boy Edtdb .J RGPhoellBH Hendrck sud A. D. tlartley and residlng St Se'.enîeenîh Orders Taken fiai Job Work. - wneeai l. lewr peen alr Extending Spur Up Ravine Greenfield avenue lit North Chicago, Advirtlslng rate@ on application. Late Wednesday evenlng, April Sth. , u brodaBCiao iîeiReal I ln hot hinseif ln the band Wile playlng _____Atrey___mdrakerodo Ciaovste] Rcal ldPa.wlth bis tather', revolvert nSunday tt's ttry )yna a00- bis parents ber@ lait week. atro. h ultpntae h tibiLheore Circuit Judge Donnelly. , ak tMciau PROMOTED BY LOCAL M EN. atron eertdti E. J. Higley ot Chicag,vawulbore ona i"_____ar§_f__ iia, aand, lnjurlng the point. 'bsnesstu king hülmtu set aolde the. judgment oéiig@nt w e eaieTii . revoler was an old one that The bo rculy entered the . sPsndlisrklni. wt ir~Their Plan Was to Extend ah or eenl nee l h a-bad been lying about tb. bouse for wiich as uion di ti. oW oues Of ~TDte~ei- Wnes tainileld aud ires. E. Thayeuila confiued tuo ber home Line to Roundout to Connet norne littie Utie. The. boy bad beau letwuStur on ut thbyatir,.outCoun- Tr" oum Wst " e'> and by is. .wamed repeatedly flot ta touch fitbut munity Club ore. quit@ the.bit o01ith. WITIIOITpREjjUD)ICE.." P. B. Avery-inade a business trip tu Wth St. Paul Railroad. boYllke, ha bad an trncotroilable de. sire to handie drearme. Every lrne *meon. About 500 PenPle verres t The requent of the prosecutor was tihe clty lait Frlday and Saturday. WaukegnApril is fatiier went away froin home ho ta vitussm te a"ar whlch uiited th granted by the. court bouc, the. order Fred Miler and tt.l and Jay Miller ot The annoulacement that the. North:- would go ta the. place wbere the. aid clu ania s..The Coemunlty club against the state's attorney receutty Waukegn, visied their parents boe western I. gurwgon builing "d i faii r ner ta . ac- ,@ a hranch socdety 01 the <onrBtioDal eutered vas setslde and thie case as recetlY. îwlitii track up the. ravine runnbn ta dent happ.ned onu lunday atternoon. church. . started by ilmu dsmissed 'ýwthout Mii. A. <randy o! Lbertyville, @pont the. west sudnuthwest side, toi the.The. fatiier boad fort the bouse ta at- C. 0. Longabaugii and vilteof Chicago, PreJudice.' a day lest week wîth ber triend, ibro. P. purpose of npeulng up th. factory dia. tend a lodge meeting. Tony got pos- spent the. week-end viti -the. aruier's Tius the ltere8t matter will, mot Avery. trict thore, recuits the fact that a aln- sesbisono the reolver andusemibeit parnte Mr ad Ms. oh Logahug. a va execed t wui b. James King aitended the touerai of hie Ilar project only on a bIigger 6cale by painting t at vartous objecte lun Min Jouste Thayer of Appleton. Win.,pouled!te tth, suPrerne court for a fin- aont, at Wadwortb lit Satnrday. was conteibPlated anîd -veit launched the raclai. vistod relatives aid triende ber@ th. ai deciaion. Tbe bellef la te action Ed Mlilngtomi, wovhin brasb chiel "mte 'Malg.o. FInaiiy lie began snapplug tbe trlg. week. ofMr. Dad won taen becase ho pomber l the empoasofaboutverytiraitifswontirut ago triaIger.agLthatOgbappenno ap that aIl a botuton. wee. o Mr Day vs lunite Intii emioyni b. ver liu.tiie Wkukegan and MWestern railroami or two of the cbambers vere empty. feit lhe wouid be beaten ln hie au- let lit veek for bis boume lu Oi,, omany *as lncorporated. W. w. ben lthe boy bard pullemi the triggsr Asae Carpenter and wite bave ntqved tou Preme court on accouuit or the. man w Wb tiegg ubsns, . iacCaec ury 1.e two or three tine ie . nîigined the BarveiWl . hee he wil ak lerin viili be tated the action hope for uithesurcv-es ho dservem In Cooke and George Buîrnit are recali- xplin fa5 empt hebut tbe four tea thoir boin.. gainst -%f. Westei-feld, lnthi.ebape biit venture. ed as amnng the incorpîralors. Tii.expoinfloe h uln tt a pilan of the Company was io build a trigger and the bullet panged cour- Lnv@iOy o1 Authin. er. guelW te the- court tii comliel ito forhi-t-ttoi-n vacation at hie borni.her.. egan, the entrancel]n Waukegan lie. oHi. nother vin was ln another part John Wlcke bhrne laot week over al Interest moue.,itI t tere. M ad ndr.o bulew ireîîg via the ravine sîrici runs under fui th maune ita t hareportand, T. A. Rey. ido anîd w are % Ietd ifore@ictsh iat scoin.other sort or bilsMneî;dr o heml-rt eîîpesee street briudge The cainpany c9he rt a giea ai âpnd j a acionfý cotemlatd y @t Rvenbythe(iodenCoedyCo. Ir, vnmade overtrire, tir the conucil Se- a to tire boys roon and found .&X)m@fnneeat uE-k. vitri acnt.altdiyStates e io ,teioduCmd v cisel'mtoching on the fo ti ekngý Esetr fiît rnis îrrllin,,rr-s'ai Ticaorîý rurtt-i., bt gtire quilter ti.. pîrlîmîar lady at thi.eiintertainmvelit lent ilnaly their planrsdragged and aI1lut0 eeig~ urtirîrneî Ilauis- tonbrlng lire 8pturda v cningi. Ic@. Ketuer wSrrflatthe project m'as drrrpred. Staunch tefo fblond. She sutr- alloti(r Isue.but t act 1.thete lv uer prîchpr given wit thte ast Hopemi for Factncy Deselo ment moned Dr.J. B. Joliey and upon bis supene out l nt o as,, n lThte promoters exirar lvii tiat th arrvaih..administered anti-tetanus Itzail)u soe.av,..îr-rou- l lt10taS n lpurcbtieonigovde and Baby Sadr Wnrrli oldcrn il tes.serum 1o irevent the .danger or logik Mnidr .A.Miller .-lnetaruiti lcbr under thre actnas aketi recenîli rw t rami voTirecolin- t r', lii tbe S* jaw Ti morther. Mcm. enteu ofrMiltoin Junr-îirr1118t artu-r lhe courboard hadll u terite.diamond ring ib the popular ba, - vlaul road ai Rolîdru irr id toug brlng ntue s sou n e utoraly ron 11*s! Wio. th. w-knd.Wetrtied. otiLig Cotnt.The compauy gave rirai road lutn ocn11irprrrrrrwitb the clntre l airetouson.fbutrtbe phyn. e.-ked irraltr r.irstid )l. Vi -terleld grod shows and o? course snld a grrrîd rNrh western and tiie.'i ln Waoke- dtosli.b>sh eo-. Lot Feion o Ctilcgo, tr, once ofinîaîrv dorllars worth ni reinediss 1tai Had their rlans rarrled, Vau- iin h o iircvi Lot Hareîofru r ity ilîgo, su nr-le iiinm ise ometn [Jr.Bari-yrit lîi fI isri, i-iutbt ruîrili fnes andi the.. rs-t ide would EXPRESS CO. QIITS JUNE 30 here loc Initiul ast Fridla. QtII I ~iris b..developed triithî- actoi-y line. ____ MiseItrîit Wldenviilit agi . .>.. L U I~ L W DSWOTH.r It toliami 10 thirk tiraitiie.îroiect Nos York,* April 3.-June 30 was inttewe ii iskizt M S PC A L Irs.George Bout and lutIle soirridfini.if lthe Nortirîr r-tvr r does vu lat tentatively âxed by thtetUnited States TRIES WRECKC, Ae ur ef W.. ae ën iit[w ,rtelr toisard olterrn i flic5- est aide for ceasinglils fieain. Sm Tii.. Fi . ilirLinlo ii-ha, ",îîrtrc irs .lrinHagcfty thýir-iàr ill iihave been taitr timitiago lte companv sîînounred îîîat îîichüAi- a ne i,- iraîcs iii 'di,9.sswE Tr rrig ÀlubeOrnecsn irfr r s r? r iarlt becaurie oftflic .parc..> post an-d li ceý marLI NE f1th, AI.N ti r.anr is. .ri-f . I 1>1 ricer n rrr- i r, I P u e r-- niný,r, -rplanning lryr xr-.,ci ertxdrierhe Tr Bulati eaiv Prff,,it t. O0 NETR IN Ci ari itors lait week. iril rt ta posasiil- tiralit resrea- r.stati- cotrniece comîmrssionîîîiiwoiîid lit et cr. rt titi- lt-ail lirrg ctrîr,-i - a . i fWaukegan whbiýnii irrid lplans orf d irt aniare dvo <rut of b iiuslîe. alcrads irure bé-ri, voir, 2 -%1.arr niforitilitire tri tlurrlvrnaievîtaili-rou otlei editîrforathtirer lii.i puolospaof de Dr oi ofWiintk& wlllok <int ,l o-son122 r -ari nidasb itla,i yti~îwue iiir -t in-, traks 1tiite sire îrti illtire ir- olpdtila h hPcmrrde lic Pi, 1% tiumvf) t tirîeîenk ariilei I-sali-mldvreofirs ok..asortlnmter- -uiltaniiaee -ireî-tsa-srriar mariit l..indîi ii ii, iiiitr l e as i->Tîiurra> l(rititb' iri> fttii ait 1 rssu rrnui i îrun --rs iir -a o ad l iler(,tr r r iv o aroae Its contcact.i fi reutil teusit ic.. i-omm i ai5eb"vp r -ria ing itenîthet-triivrthe a ra id rrtirifirg igrrtiitrgon acqoîrlîatitece lm no court contet over titi-s inveler>- stoirc air il Ixi ivl.-cre n idl]irth(iii- o a v in iig tin *rncirk Fatt levFi s a i iin otarton l N maeun s-ho toid therv *in litai fle lte last of tir, agreemienits uWlinre ofia4 ii i. ,1r h-ecyrklr wok rt ir estecti plans- la\iiitirre spur termina ted oit tiredate mentloîî. ni~~~~~~ ca- ie. i rtr rir tr-nc o itre ii.trahi at î;raî stabe 1, lstai t veL. ir i theravine stated ri-Jîlvel> taI h il cviirtiineiîîg i -iMod ti o b- teL a iss i ra ciPurteir lias gym.. i, Sarr k- "uri ili te plan. lie- vi id lirat'i li. Tiiene,îIIi le 0;riai srvriestn itiridlni-ar sibat hs knowii as tire tIrais lake ican as conipanfion fvîr au eideriy ilady. vo oficiai annuonceîîîvîtliras been S.Jh' v.Lt.Cuc rirîlirof the malter. tirnit titi-conrS.Jh' V.Lt.Cuc ltday rieî-îîg at lite Sfi. Arewtiit eh dudr$rPabna n 'ge fHiliha-trived ilîitîrl.sni-ire s usynshi einle..arl Corner lBroadway and Park place, Mission.Eerynneînordilly uvited. ite tact tiraitlitesigned a statemnfrbungalowi on LivroIani..hlasignue ail overthie ground. LibertYrliller Il. Lt 0. Lierger, pa@tor. Tie M..l-Witrkecs enteirtaiîîed a eofestng Plscnlg lte de ter..tordi. nhat MWi-.lnesdayv occur-uedlie de-nfli glieh serviessëecrrnd Sundayevening - cestesb.ho l it e round guilty. iif i-s Tiiziai Byu, an nid and ris, IilT0FC IP L vening o? every nionîli at 7.30, coin- cardsandavningi 'etbaliat Foui- Years ago itis menth iteii- as secle:d rsidentoitbisvicinity. Funeral îîîeuciug Api-il 12. Wodnesday eceuing arn..sted on the sanie citargteli .. a field iu St.l'atrtck's cboi-cb hatur B YO KA E T Mr@. 1). G. White and daîîghte Atîca tadt placed four ties0on te truack but unrîmornrnng. intrernt ai Mii> Creek BO ONS A E AT .pont Tnseday at rChicago tenuas sistine, he es eredis cyptey.St.LawrneEpiscop'1'hurch asre.itisratuenlite tii-s ver..ared i eteroy. TRACTSenIIt1, riasJI eEuIVARD S. WtMTE. Prest-in.c.barge Mu. v-rabaudagtme itaiectireredln tîie to ai-old au accident TReorgeTTENTIO t ni Cmmaninn v'Ais sus Re:r speuding the voit iu Chicagor.whlcb migbt bav.. coat itwu lises. caîîîug ou îriends in tii rvinltY lait, m.oi ommunion erecy Suday 7:45 Thsre vii b.. Uildreu's special Eaie Huson la the son et Ralpil Huson Saturday. Youngster, Although Possess- Moruina Prayer erery Suuday ezcept .rvrlo u t St. Adrew's Mission Suuday who miakes wasing machines in Mci. Sarah Sitea im verY @si't wti bv 08 .m day ateernoon ut 4:30. Special stnicitg. GiaYalake The. young manritas been pneuinnonia. ing Bune Leg. *Aakes the abuîvdayo:liobl 11:45 a. ni. Everyone lnvited tu attend. worktng on tiie. lecks 1h tarcit lu Pr. 111h..Hoinis dInluW adswoi-th oui etc i o.Eveusoug 4 p. ni. Miss@ Mary Hovik oni Lbertyvilie, «pet mon t. [-usine@@ last Muday.1 etoHiLt.A ol a. l Cmuon90, Tueda evnig wthSils ertaJiestied ttheudonitssconessio la r. Lucas entectained roiolany tront GETS AROUNO VERY SPRYLY ~U Book.Jutc Ic an thcofsins Wisconsin orer Sundiay. Miss Nelson entei-Iaied ner îiëter froinnov of record tu tiie circuit cleiks Anttocit lait Ssiturday sud Sunday. office, Wauk..gan. Pi-entia o!fiusoir Mrs. Minnie Lux and Miss E. Hey- Waukegan, April 7. K FI Church services. Buyheca bx n Lmgetî cboîrriteedeclane lhe I8 al rigitî excepting that docker attended the tuneral ofltoderick "It might hai-e been vois,:' Bo br bx f iget cocisebis seoms to base a mania for tiug Anise at Iosecran', fant Tbursllav. Nol a %ser.v satlsfactory condition. 10-30 Preachiug, Ler. W. L. for Enterut Te Roail Dug Sore.- yig ine vil! sa' . but there are tintes. Wblpple. for ~~to watra brle tgbseck trains. Mrm.RuS sund hMmsMike Lux viit.d viien Il la mont con»oumg, for n 12:00 im. Suuday scitool. TAYLOR GROVE Muse. fiek Brown of Dexterso Corners, matter bey dowuiearted v.emay be 6:45 p. m. Epvorth League. iielin oe ofpax-t Sumdsy sud Monday. Over oui- condition, vs bave but o -0p.m Praine.W.L Mr. Dunîcan o! Wauksgan, baisinoved MisoaneeuiooWakeau look about uns and Osee a hundred ien-o '7:80p .Peclg 1v . Two1ake ila iiWîSîj1~S~Mise aDolieudfuean, vdasitd> Iol hse condition Js a hundred-fold Wbippie. ont on the WiII Starr place wbicbo ilvf)V]li)isrtii. n red br entdy u orse. ft te thise coiton of affaire prchas.d recotly. 1He la Planning On mentioned as lhaving gone vesk. -aitng cbnen itMU? cot.nt10:30 a.Pr msbytring rtices building si n. ** " it reniained "%%et," Tii. vritersa attention vie, attraet- 08 .n.mrigvrbp M Geuoa r. amiioleaniga s th deaild fgurs ii cl ICKORY ed ta sncb a Condition today sud b. 11.45 a. mi. Bible Bchaol. ,eZmona. r. amonnje tiodig a th deaild igues n ei-could uot behp but marvel iiow Bone :45 p. mn. Christ"a Endeavor soclety. ,ber, ssèted by a trained nurse irom'rn. 11111 tii-o Part Two. showv. Mre. [D. Webb and Mire, W. King viii people soient happy and contented 7:310 p. mn. ereinq wvasip. Mr -opia ucao __________etertain lhe Ladies Aid and Cemeter, v-heu intheb.casuai observer fit wauld Vstreaayvlcn JO 'abositil hiago ý;Z -ocletieseou Thuray atteroon. April seemtiat titoy have Ile Ito-look Vet r . M. lays LIIkuRT Pit esi. R Bwvriaufvood savere lait B.SE M..Supe viib.sevd ___________________ Monday.RUSL1. uprileevd Owdto A littie boy, lie could not bave been Havkus nd hiireuvist.. bi Thre iiiliean setr scia luthe Mi-. sud Mus. Ed Mortain and babyvi- mue.titan IennYears nlid, vas roler ZOrin akn n hlornvstdbs Thr sbýa Esé oili hoted Suuday with the home foike. skating alOfig on one foot.bsianclng T)iiie'f caother Sitndav. cioccb neit Sarordas- eeuhingfr. the Iltit, hmeta ela oCUAb e O*Bovard Shea o! Chicago, and iMme.T. sud a cordial tunvitationol triended <, Emmett Klng event Saturday ln Wo-af i uin t asforeias oher coulai b>' ens nii. D.4-Njeeiiof_5Waukegan, ver. calied ail. kesha. eut off aI the- kiiee. At that lie seeni home Sunday ou arcountfte oither Iinnie user.., is borte lrî.îîr .tutnir Friday occuced the sudden iihues sud ed to ge along reOtamkably v-ei tor l f beimig very sck.lkvitemup. deatit of Mm-..Helen Sciiorel at Wauke- euffeming f rom isi terrible atflt ion.S<f glkwt h up.The youngnter ]oetis leg In a rai l IIIU~IIIIl)'IDarid Mur-le spent Suuday s'wit cla- gan. The louerai vas beid Sunday aiten- roand accident viien ie vas hardly V lY"> U~1.U~ tive in auieau.noua tbheHickory church it îtein., lh.te toddhe arondm. Manylimtes ~ auegn.terment lu the Unin r-melery. . hc has bei-ltseen iObbliug around J. [D. Murray and vite mirent a coruphe Mi.and Mrs. Andrews-PoJrren ri@ited tunt tie asorua>'ort >sho berntý' fe o of days iu Waniiegau visltinir bis irot- Thui-sday at Peter Tots. Outil the us dy rotrsk )ateThlieeenet ndhiegn fOMLEYEsh iiiemt ber E L. Murray o? Denverc. TeCvrinî.t ndCicgo t Iou your nets botter, quickor, cbeap-: MinE Arthtur Pedersen spsnt Saturday aud ,He qsemr-ed ho b. avlng .iust a =or than auytbiug sise. Aud dont 1 M ieneluScha!er open% a eit rtiSunday at hi@ tirntther AÂîîid at Lakeiittch f un ansiis psymates v-ho lhadit odHrldfrayaa - days vitit ber parents at Wawatoivsa. Vi -thte use of iîolh legs, but there wer.. iforget to spray Ibose appie trees. Wls..Vila. -Manys-ho stoppemi ta vatci the lit- *wîtb Bordeaux mixture or Arenate Heieu Pederuuen ristted Friday and tle felîns- and utter wards of piC... Tite Eobiad Weals cary aollIiu~ Eia ami naCarlon f KnuihaSaturday viti héer grandoanints. siglttofitis cfld, tnkliug the best of =Povdered snd Liquid Lice Killers. ___ @pont Suudsy wltb tbîir fatber. bis lot. douîitless bas don. mucctu Vo Mns. Pickles Is risitIng et Antiocb. cause oteslufl aterast- TeIn pndnad __ At the scbool truste meetiug Itsa-eraltiwuther codi ton coulm TeId mdn n E1DRUCE6 DRUG CO. decided ho lot District No. 18 eana Editb Pickles lm rîshtmng ber @inter etorf, e cnionoudb fa remal en Pkevile. wrse.Chicago Tribune at peq year I The laxll tor Gryslke t l. Terewer a oruierof nth@î.Aside front lite sentimental sîde of -,asiin in d voien preseub tronu the Bach a sight. fi te is ouderful ta thtnk 5 S) &MLR ADS ELD Eh te oter dstrit. W RRENtlàt anycne could get trouand sa cier.$42 &AILOAD NLL ML tii oh disric. WARENerîy Ou nonfot v-m U oY a crutcb 10o rvelegraphy. Typevri-itng. Station Accraun The Warren Ciuuetery Asociation viii aid hlin. Tite agillty and cleverues liLeucn te business lu oui- nov up-în VICTIM 0F PARALYSIS ineet vîti Mni. Cynthia PotIer Weduee- viiîci Ibis boy i. lek ttp dubt Th Independent and Chi. -.lie heaiquarters. Raitroada have goor 1,loueviii do much t4rrrouter bis bar-Dal InrtL n -asng positiorns. RaiIoad man in chars.geD RDY IH day, Apr. 15. den les, bard ta béa, viien C be-- t .11t .-in. building rit iiWabah Ry. gcr___________ cornes a unan.o aiy nter0can n -ific.t n errurîti rllyou ses . 1 Mehc rî1- îaa SUO. Mrs. H. A. Scovilie,..nee Hu*mtiug. Tii.Illinos public utilities commis- . o iul f~ Wrevh What is( SMITi. ,atseit v a plntgr, wth S-f the iovýt ,,rdcr (A plant lite alled spor...- On taretul exainination it look@ like white inold, but durlug winter tuofthi romnains on the onti la the furrn of "»mu t." deems barmie.. ot IT'Sý ALIVE sud aisoéon, a@ the oat@ germiciate, It attacke the. @Prout aud blais tiith vitality oftheii. talk no tbat %er. las fot enough Ille to produce abeatby stock. Lt lîdis. e.sed, sud whas *hould b. oata turuetu, imut. I oat. have soin. sunt. Ber. am a t.w waye for osa to set smutty: lit, by weather coudi- ton; 2nd, hy the. throohlng ima. icéine carrylug emot troim your neighbort. by grD ainbgouaid In tact. by everytbing used on mmut- ty grain. Treat your seede wisbADti-Smut e..ery seon and get rid or the, PRICE, $1.0 Home Luirib of Lil MtERS! il. Oat Smut? 1deadly fgertm. oThe. evolution of Auti-Sutut la tiie reeiult of careful study sud test, for several years. sud gw ma positlvely guarantee Ilta u preum miut tbe firet par It je ued. 1%. lnereme heMd. etrength.,etW stock and 'enhance. the'valun o the etraw twa-bld. See that tii. tueaimeut ou buy bearg the. trade mark '"Antl-8mut prlnted ln red. DIitECT[0t18-fest resuit. ane o& talned b? clesnlnit 10 bu, orgab se tloe, foi ,hleh use X boitue OI5 lu 2 quart, of uster. 8prlukIs ovni pg irlais. ihêtel over itioroir 2 or 8tbM1, bas m.d i Ue o bmedatuiy. 1'biiw s bzaket over the ba«. Treat the Nl go &ame -&Y. let stand 10 to28 bourg &M drU. CArmoN-lifo.r any reaso 0 are fot .owed irithin 24 houin ftett5ee ment. eniptv on Iloor aud les,. uwn ready to vow. Keep boittiethoroughly cortedand In s.coo1 Place Shake ihor-' Ouahly beoce aulnit P« etbottie eer Company ibel!tyviUe Your Proposition! Large or .mall WiII Be Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand Real Estate, lîsurance, etc. Lbertyville, [Il. Pure BredPercheron Stallion Licen"ed Ilinois Stallion Reaimmrtion Bo&rd- No. 8M* BON LAWRECE NO. 65188 lmat rn-rb os of firot ciasa conformation, with the bqIt of fat boue, and weiglis 2250 Ibo. Sired by the noted imported Boa Marche, wt. 2:300 lbS., and aut af the imported mare Gilberte, vi. 200o Ib.. Ie is one of the best bred Percheron Stade in tues coun- ry, lîeing backed op etrongly vith Brilliant blond.É. TIhere i. ria pr-lit in raising an ordinary colt-only the buet wil pay. Bon L.awrece i. a prepotent sire. Corne 10 my farta and Seo hiS get. Bon Lawrence wMl stand two or three day.- in the week at my farm 1 1-2 miles west of idbertyvile; othS: Lays will miake outaide stands, places announoed latez Pee is $15.00 when mare la known to be in toal. A good son of Bon Lawrence will stand at the farm at SIoQO. Reserve your nm services now. RODNEY FARM J HUOw. r lbPrMntng CLEAN W0RK-ý A FULL CU« ra 1pa -ý 0

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