CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Apr 1914, p. 4

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LARECOTNTV N1WPUMn~wi WPrIA A ~ -T1414.i Lake County IndependentTARTSBRODON Waukegan Weelkly Sun lbI ME'A T Office Tolophone Number 1, Libertyvilis Exchange, lCtnds t b. Pontoffles et Iibettyville, Ill., as Second Clasa Mail Matter 11I9UMf D114; JAUI 1i ON A BÀTILESIIIP t i~n o WR, 1..YPCHTIMATI Mm.. Tm& aiWO APRIL 18,14, HANCÔCK '&,MAR Fseva Blff Ar"iatDsaePeu COAEDY au WRISTUN, S04GING sud TMXM NG Promltq as CARTOONIST Mystic Nu NOVEL-UNIQUERN 2 SDf Novelty Act.. Chang. of Acte &Bd picturs * J. T. ROBERTSON, Prop. YVOU PROTECT YOUR FAI With Life Insurance. Ynshudproteci ypur wîh lealth and Acidlent lnsuromule. lTe Clover Leaf Casoeity Company offers the boit policy et the Iowest price eollgistent vith absointe sefety. ORVILLE L. SMITHi AGENIT Ot&I.Il- APril7--CaimlesCr Uvfbofeseawm today pie a vote lieon loqueets" 7 lua a lie F Mr ~theiay. Tiforces MWu tae of à btter tu la. v-l Mid fi>' luttitlsa 0tr«f»"sita.Place cm Ohi bel s«s.iay of hem vousa. Dit Quesilons the qtmlille.stmofo voS- nta stan ad istassAtuacat. UGKO b 'fAN LIVING LA SOQU.<of LIFE NOW,' WHITEMAN ovelticaSAYS ON WAV Hom Aluiftf, %Wbltemae of Ziejn <'tyi lariBuffalo Wdne»day, enroul.. la 014 dhome fl DIanssille uhete lie 1 ivsrbt r es.i Mr Whlte-mana iia îe leuff I Newii liianeounce that h. la il tes-bing e-lool l ian "Cît>', 111, bas Il,-rI ling a lfe of reclîtude lthe pst two Iaril. liesaystat reuent frret wa#a mîstake due Iplliumîpîu-lon beeanse of bis p career and that b. hsd no diRe, i l etaîlilînghi. 1fnuocano. MII~J I lata dot W0,v1i ?n u(Ilt>' IVILV 1 'vant My Iturfalo friloUs Who hb I confIdent-e In rme 10 mou thal 1 ~selfloading s ritan l!.," nId bMn. Wh Iman, lit LIBlTVILE CIIOLNOiS.SAVOY DINNER, ILLUSTRATED LIR M VILE I LL N M OTURE, DANCING 11I111111 artholjc, the. faurtb grade 1 ber@ le golng ta lme a big haie et the t4acher, vas callpd ihore inoit Frideýy Tovu 1Hallý , .bertYdille on Thureday bmaan of a suinor uecddent which hep- OitIIi. Apei ISîL. There liq to b. a Pffid to ber motber. She vae ibbs av DIlnner, foiloved by an Illstrat.d tu rsturb uutil Wedneday mornibit of lecture on ThilUnh bCosI afLiving, pand tht. vs.k. mi@@ Ratel Butlerbail charge then a dance. Tb@ sixeous dinner là oft b. tonrih grade durlug the absenace ho be Osuvsd for 33~ cents a plats, tb. of#l Weau.uii'-. lc~turelye . as hait 11512eU: Mr. Austin and Mfr. maI. vlited Savoy Cisau of Tomato Soup OchoolaOU morniig on ehi. tion day. 8r aeWaisre Tb*aIlii, toaith iet Bigr*de hook 'à sete vote on the val ai derSvy~nDi quseMo lest Tuéesdy. Tb@ *7i won@&o lmes W hy a vôb et 41 tao 6 We UXé msosid RaoytlaoIilBhs 0d *tii.haer of eeûuma vullu n MO Savoy mam o roquais. tes oftbepoI4, ut9»"plétil làit Savoy Ovni s»d Toude, Pes 11111V Irmour'. Ste. Hamn Mr. Weil& has sufficlently ?ecovsrsd BtDol als trou tii. accident ta bis foot so thhai Savoy Orange Cinas Pebes wOl ab " $o reimé hie du<ls ai. l.e Savoy Measnehio Cherdus School la a foev days. Savoy Colffes Ca"e Official Paper for Laike Caunty. A. Aldersqn, Former Chief Pet- tssusd Ev..'y Frnday. Adertisluit Ratea Made Known on Applcation. BUUUODIPTION PRICE, 41.60 PER :YAR STAICtLY IN Ap-VANCE ty Offieu et -Gr»eat takes Station, Is Asslgned. ......................................... ...Ediior .................................-.... MansgeriON RATTLESHIP 'ILLINOIS.' fa, J.IWESE ........................................... aibîdînt Managr,fhone 08, A. Alderso, uatIl rsceay a chia! Wauk.gand aLak. counityjoins in murnlng for the . '0<Ou of te0avluu551traIang ma- dea* o!lira 8tve.a prlden oftiioatinal . C T.tion et North Chicago, Who recenuiy d" ofans redsitoPhiledelpbia, has U. She la pu e it ntb okai a ery~e u aterred. tu the BateShip'Il- toved by ev toevod o ao rhbto. inois, and, as au oUcer on tbat huai, -- I~hi swon WHil *art on a 11.00-mile Lookhig at sanie of thie Sprlng styles for women' trip.r.Adro etMna o hl dressés, oe u etave p buts.ay, Ilee but out of the adeiphla Ita viil ber huab"nd before viiol lot, Z'd bats to have te, vear 8117of theioeni.Ou.b. arts on the long Journey. She vouan plcked nap a page of styles in a Chicago 8unUay viii likely return ta Waukegan pend- paper adtiMade that remark, "Wonildn't b. ssu i any inff bis return ta the states. OU o thn,,In Me, ne oul- nt tel Wethr awo_ Mr. Alderson will visit England. 0U* f tieii."Iiiio~e, ns CU14nottel vhtiir 8vOFrance. China and allier counîriea In Ma vas ,golng front-vards or coming backvards. Ini Europe and lte Orient before lie Te- shorter vards, 1"tiey're the limit." turnq and ln a letter to hies wle etated that lie expected to caver be- tf eenlly10,,0 nd1,00miles before If Jude Donn l a n ncertain about that treasurer- lie returns. icteru aatter, can it folow that the average layman I1 He expects t0 sail on Miay 7th. to KNO'W that sncb and snch is the cas?. And, 'tii said be gone indefinitei, hecause nmen on thât for hours andi hours at a trne State's Attorney Dady the battieships neyer can tell ishere at variaus Urnesaince putting the matter mnto court, bu thei-rnav bcordered to. ln a beratI7hIg.hb hariet to ô0ftnce Judtgé Donnelly that tleships afloat and Mir . -Aldersons thw urevaDo question -but hat lMr. Westerfield shouU Mfrinde at the station 1ii n ases tuau teintweet money ovpr ta the county-yet the judge envy hlm bis trip. WASN'T convinced. ID our opinion, it vould have been far cheaper for .alceBYRON SMITHI ilVES county, andi far more busiesi-lke and fair, ta have taken T Up *t h lbuitamc tax matter andthieiteest alatter ofl$tm o f LM th. e «»W tt'mm a e ithe smne action ithe. shape of a 1 suit 128ie11lu OrdînarY court procedure. Radt thi been done, FOREST -JHOSPITAL insteati o!f frst a suit on tii. inieritance tax and thena nov action lu a mandanius request i the iterest Mat- Charitable and edurationai instItuý ter, thie tvo Points would have>een decided at once Mi the tions are becueathed more than $12.,-1 Supreme viiehreas nov, tva separate CUM Wn be11111 In thI liisof ti b.I.r.Bvron1 L adin Snmith and Frcderlck WVtlit carri$d UP, entailing extra expense and delay ini gettig Cosbv. shi,h ýrerc flied Monday in1 the Matters settled flnally. Chicago ie the Prot.atç. fCourt. WaUkegaupeople read vith much intereSt in Bunday Alice Home Hospitl. Lake Forest. papers o! Nayor Harrisn's ultimatum ta the princess receives $5,001, lroin the Smith estate. ~ *~.,.*L.~ Mr Smith bad a summner home at thaterIm in thatcity s.h tues tey removed at Lake Forest Mnc the immoral plapu which have been presented there, Trusied e anoessd busines.s as- ho vould forthvith revoke the license o! thi theater ta do- ý-üiates of 31r. Smith, 'ho was pre. buuiu. 'The mnanagement complied vith the order rather identorf ie Northern Trust Comptany.- than lue the&r licenfe. TThe action of the. Chicago mayoaear re Û *ûIv eue«sîg*çt OM la rather tiey i counectian with the incident mi bis four sonas. olomon A.. wajter B_ t Vakg.oudI" 1ia r f" T u ca s ie WherO Harold C. and Bruce D SaIith. They *Muffa orneiai stoppedtheii play vhich tii.y demed value of the Msate la estimaaed atp E EO it1happeuredti rvoi lte ire. Care eCornelia _Sith, lte -IhrNMMe ulM St vusfoumd Uwii.promoters 'Vould eWuti sdth requ ;iaChicgo oveer, ue ff- omeofone-huif of te residuar>- -s - B~W tO go on for a a . but, ArEE estarte. N*p LEA~UUD Iiot Vuko officiais FELT. 'me four son are gi ven $1,50.000 ÀUqplàle ech. one-a-l! of te residuary estate1 ~ 0 Y~ TýA7IC6K B-oii OtU:t and the Incarne of0the teher ~m â~ pp ti eaiI7 u ' W ue~ o!fi- ibal!of t he rellduary esate aller lmt'ÀSALLE COUNTY . COURT DIECIN Lehe County's big veekly-IN.xl PENDENT. A LIITED Every Hour To MIlauke., Ha- cineý K.nod. MmIe cli,.. M a. . t &22 @s d 116." Vie pu. Pesu, hsMa- tisa r*Lham.a7 t vol-I Ilon the 1 q ilounsby beach &ud ber of Iliri ceunthas, <ImuIt luise C(arles B. CsznPbehl, (if l<nkak«, dîed Wednes- day Iuornlni t :3BIC o'lksaI Ili Kanlke. wEmsngency heepgtal. iC@ vas resîlees durlng Most e1 th* nigbt but the end rame quistly. A hal bour before lii- dled hg spolia la hg» vile and Ilathî-r, Wh -be a t hbild aide. aad ilien laupee.d lta untcon- aclouseece Jiesti, elioweg an cIter- allon for gaî %lonis., Lakss blg vsetly-DINDUPWIDEpf Wall Paper lanAl leas t s Itemdsuiso lion nid ii»e lndwilty snd distioctijea thé fie O Noim Pl eu lWoenn eu uu ouabeslai b".. wm bu e eulate 751 our oo.,for S.P iointe rems te bép pmps&dta. .Dyli«tt ve.te nly se sd«o. L-0 .moeelat . ?.hd - LibertyvilleDworatlugCo. PAINTINGasd PAPERHAI4GING TEN DAYS', FREETRAL q YOUcan tryth"sbau tihalVicurolaFM Ela- 70W oOwn Home., By making @yaimaionthy pifonts yen wilil"00nv musical instrumente. A"i it bringu to yda the very but of mode of every kind, sang sud playsd ln the very bout way by the very but artistu.- The lac- i place t0 learu the new dan. ces in the home sud he the Victor là absoluteiy indus- pensable. PriceSIStoSIOo. Try thie New Dance Record wAWu H. B. EGER Tools you will soon need Chathami Grain Graders Hoouier and Vanflrunt Drilla and Seedera Lover and Sprlng-taotb Harrowa Clati Crusher, Walkin«, Sulky and Gang Plows Large Stock Right Prices Ths Jiminr Englleb clame bas jast eau.-This lu téaDes <vanuneder lb. auces meteced the study of Emernun s isays. of St. Lawrence'@ chnrch wîtb the corn- Tii amordited relations bstwsmn the plimneo t t tle-Wedelee Comepany. Uibertyville ba chool and lb. Univ..,. slty ofIlîlinois ba* heen reetablise o a perliedof Iso ypars Dr. Raillai lhe Stale Higi S-hool I"Pecrie- tpecleJ our echool i ee wek. 5<0. (leneral manaer Ste. rna thelb.Mi- Tbe Stalle Fi.-. Ilarehaîl peld a vIis ta -aukee Electric rallroad company our schoal last ueek and ecommoended f(the neggesayatem). <ion at à conter- an iron ire osae once in Kenasha Tliuraday sald among other things according talte Keno. To The OaS ConmMera of' sha News: "that lis company owned Libertyville a right il way betwen eno.sha and IWauitegan and luit there vas an ulti- Somp liaie ago the village board die mate Plan to extend the Interurban corupiaint vilthéb..Star@ public t;tilltleeserIe an Ashiand avenue vîi h a COmmi*aioa of Illiuoloe galn..l lb. North v Shore (asCao in regard ln lhe qnalîty vilev of getting la Ibis private right of ges w" hicIis ,-omnon a, fnrnlsh-' Of siaY. He set no lime limîl for these ieg o thir cetoers u ths ~ proPoseit changes, but lntlmated that TIhe eaid zas eut beîig up tu lh@ stand: lte comPany mlglil gel started on thîs ard called for je their franchievith the work et nearly any lime" vilage and aise xi ring off eci. fumnes as The refereuce le made tu the rlght ta endauger the bhli of ita e lues. of veypechased Years ago by the Cadr date of Aprîl 2. 1914 tii. Coin- Alexander Clarke Iulerests, later pur, mission vrote the vinlage board that the chaeed by thei Beggs people. Mr. a-a ed btteen dis-ket-d for b.anng ailSteres fOrererlY vas manager of the their office ie Chicagoi os Tuedey. A iil 1Chicago and Milwaukee ralroad. 14,1914, et il>o ilika. m. as vbieb, tinte the board was requeegted to be CARPET AND RUG WEAVING r,-pree.-ned and pr~snt its evidenef. Weare prî-pared to weave gpnuine oId- AIsa meetiic iithe- village board lwid lime ltag Carpe.., Colonial llag Ruge, Utiday evpniDig. t1ril ti. 1>14. il vam Finffi Rtggfrut eti wre Iegraiu tir i"titiet] t4, .-1îînaILirtv Bru*eel,% Carlets, l'rtiereo, Poreb viEe. tu goau t .î tr.,-v Niaitfin*oîtliee ii.Pîilîwm, eti- Rad Ra&ge art, ail the rage. asdt] ie s-rai '-oinplaiuto with Pre1,are ragre a@ vitu vould forîr g bd ta Stapl,i-.wahoii euld arrange theor a rpetm Lt tâ-do the e-e svitig and yta te priiper forin to 1îrr--nt to teo ceut i- wi liit. irrpris-d md î W-r itit ha iis-,n Eeryime wiiî las leen mae. -. 1.i ..l -"sr.I oik or La- suSirtd irliont-erinî.-l--on f-i atasI limprove.1I .Now-iîuibliî amioutt <if lihe lir gao furniahed fil f111ordere promptlv and] guaraetee firet r-c1ueegtet attend ta thîs malter aI del v ork. Priqes gladly quoted on once tliat 1helihard rmaylie in Poition irequott (ail %ad »sec onrsamrples. J. ttAforce thiaeoi<mpae3- tu delier vhat, A. Girave«. Lncoln aed Stewart Ave, yaîî are payig for. Do eût nse-er the Libertyville. c-26-lf potal carde »ent jou by tht. comupeus, - but fle jour caanplanl et once ie tb. maner .uKggeeled Ibet ve may sean.,. thse edraeele cf enit actioe. liv arder of vgllage Comesltee Page Four Schanck Bros. Libertyville Ili. HENS Henm can @cratch up more toînato p)lants titan anything that aiu't hens. Makea us laugh when the old rooster finds a wormn and after calling ail the heua around hlm jumt gobbles the worm up him- self. But that la just the spirit of the man Who wo't maâure. Don't waate time over the question why a black hon inys a whit.e egg- go after the 099. When ths duck lays an egg she j nt waddles away with nary a word; but the hen-when she deposits ber fruit, she set@ up a cackle tht announces to the world that something was doing. And this is why there iki sueli a demand on the mnarket for hen's; eggs. It pays to advertise. JOHN HODGE -District Manager Michigan Mutual Life Stands fer the. beat in Lif e Insurance. LAKE COUNTY INDEMMENT FRMAY. APRTL lii 14111 1 re

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