CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Apr 1914, p. 6

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COUNTY INDF 'V.APRI L10 1914. SMANY GET TilEIR $309000BND IS- °D°NNRCEMAPINN MAIL SECRETLY IN SUEWINS BY A MA. Dn« . eN 1 ~~~~LOCAL POSTOFFICE JORITY OF BUlT 57 00,00 n ';Gseu. ++e Tiry 1 - tuhrt@heetiliioU quart. wer. disosan.of+ -neetn act Discovered Although the Nümrber of Votes an Y" ro. a "prn.°f narly++lé AME BIHAR GES ) THS. EXTN I TOWhich Will Cause Preoau. Cast Was Smaill the Female ROAoS LIABLE FOR oNLy $100u ROÀ KA NN JAES ILARIC ES TO WED. R HO. EXONIST tion on Gradys Part. Votes Predominated. BAGGAGE, HIGH COURT RUiLE 2 MP OY ME TSPR VE S AR IN EID I EANTO.HUSBAND VIA. PRIVATE B0X EXPECTED N PIIN. ""'Ct""f**°n, ln .,Apn g a A marriage license WaU issued i hmal.Sxtnu71 ars0 POI I. prexe. ara io $1.n mitig «a Chicago Tue.aday toJJames M. Bil. st re smident of -the National Stone WFEVAaE'LDLIEY.- iy n..O RMATION FROM RELI- 1;hart of Highand Park andXMigs, Ell.. YS. TA coMpan is .u...etthe dIrectrl f edof Adton asd h " a s up.deed td by t.hp 1mea É$LE OURCESHOW THE P** l l""s. °f chicago the "v cetic Trust and 6aving. Fact That Mµny Persons Get 'or t el hr Wud eun.Coutun"a". id uwnder thaRp. "O Mr. Bilhara ls a former Waukegan: Board Fixes Amount of Levy ako hcgwihwl °"oe Mail Seoretly Will Cause Be No Opposition.hnurM e eraw, . enthoughe ,aosbik NORTH-WESTERN RAILl.:Young man. a brailler of Walter B1l headiquarter. in the Fort D.arborn ushe n.l.mitat. Ares.,ad. ROA ISPLANIG MM- araofthewir woka H "-mohe for PresentYear at Samne building. Mr. sexton recenti, ,ur. Care at Dedication. wauk.,an, A,il 6.* *c liasonoth ewavue. mBhttmenra as ea. chased the John sebastian boue..o.By a sare maority of afty..e .n PRoTEIli OLD GeORY CHANCES MORUNUE ,Ni a harness makera; Highland Park, 1 heridan recud and ls now remodeling HAVE YOU, Mr. Husband, a private votes, the $30,000 school bond tssue Fý.aantàbilbtv on oR" havngben n bsies teremu RNYRDNO ROECTE Itfor ccupancy as soon as it la com. box for your Man ai the postic election was carried on saturday aft. gr"de agaiin.tfor h hefromco.. -ro FLATvHEE ANbEXEN-lnar. bHsines here man RIJbe suO R. E E.pleted. Reidents in North Evanston HAVE YO, Mrs. Wife, a private, ernoon.It was a surprising fact that or heprof the inCcfrpcio SIONOF WITH TACKpried o har f hs wddig panereit te, .ge Mr. sexton from that box for your mailiatthe postoflice? more women than mon voted and taintlte t ad.strip.. a, Tennf nr" othn ain enheurrdoff thm Ed orsementlafsthe teasuAits sart.chamirma He was recently cho.en DO YOU, Mr. Hlusband, get your the percentage of opposition on the in a re.lution adopted at th. sne.t-, 1 UP THE RAVINE, THE IM- er re v ons to the aptearance of ed daginst Town Collector Robert gance committe of the North Enai tm afi reenrldeieyrot tof onthepw"o e asmuch. less ti t. Te rea hio " u no PRheEMNTS T COSTE. Mutaw to recover money he is salid t. M. C. A.--Evanston News. , DO Ilir- ie ely a nlli os on hepatof heme. tnighty. The r.oluiaon wa. p-dooh to have retained in excess of tthehDOOUmrs.ifdege yourail t hersheflos ttuehber . .Cgan fB OVER $1100.000 AT THE 6 C MP N T 15«) salari allowed by law. was laPiCER 0Tt rout ele t ., ainlpeieto h VERY LEASTESTIMATE.en by the tomw0 board at the annual1i ARE YOUI' n this list of quitle a Wmn........5 1 .. PAY FOR EXPERTT. i "~'n iel"'d "is ttrri°-et' wo SlO SCIYFA T are roort'on of men and vwo-en E PAY FOR EXPERT ·clock in the Bley laIt house. As-l Ow CIYF S who have privaete mail delivered quiet- Whl little Interest is 7ever mani- Y -0 A SO rnento rw htesuc ist-ant States Attorne.y-ENiL Rup-1 ly and without nise, without otherfesteri a t a school band elfection it FOR in is, te the oeect that the Chicago and IR DB TH CT Y ard, vas instructed to*take all ne. memN ET ERniabers of yo ir famtifly knowing waPhuhttahhenmeoonoe en Nefthwetern r-stroadis to mke ex- io thabout It. the whole secret being tied eas t wudb1 raerta htre ipoeet nWauklegan Mayor Bidinger Conyjnges the fixe'ýd a' the saer amut.-tas last year 01nlY S29.50 ln Fines Was Col- "p lihainso h epoe o re itt e ppsit a notil friuedP in the near future. ilt as gured that whchisbeween .t and $.0 the postoffice, who because of the tila1te ppliio.wulRmtedaiz th'inpevannt wllcot mo Con}þany That Such Prl. ev . »JWip 4,atd as med. ected by Police During the great sect-ec which rthe government 'oalexteint because Il 1% known so ret at the tIMMtcatculatu:on. They are: dure Is Only Fair. of te*boad p"e*senzi Just"c"Month of March. issso nispotldatet enythar e ned w achoole imo FftîST-Efrection of a large round-Weiss.JutieWekrh andIffSpervisor ils securely locked up from o utide 'iraeentsaenee.Ho'n n uo louse oun the fla tb toaake a more Waukegan. Ar!4 ord akgn April ' gossIP? costetyoudpoethma- centra1 point for distributing engines As a1rsul of Mfayor Bidinger hav- Th.eslton-ic a pse The statemnent saoroten made by FOR, the fart is, there is a large "re is wh at the mnembers of the schootlOR and lso o seve a a aair onviced hem f th jusice f nmotion of Jikstice N\\lel-", was 3s the police of Waukegan that the city'list in NWaukegan as well as els-oadretyntofgeou SECOD-Costrutionof a cpur tentions. the head offiies af HERAS sisa a aebe sgtin etreeydywsbrewhPre. husbands and wives being- For a long time It had Ileen known too a Merame o ap hefacor agee tostnd ffthee e n isiued torecover fraim Rotbert E. jout during the past month in the re- placed in theflost of those whlo get that thpe omngdtoniheplorbeca schooldFORi diarüct en the wes sie,. an action curred bY the city recently in bring- Afutaw. ail of the sums and amornnts port submitted by Commissioner Carl mail '"ai' thesertouetereWbecoindorableonbecase consemidenvd of the utm.ostimport- ne an experthere ntocale'the cue leemi n eoPve iiand s e-Atterbery at the counilmeeting last In short, If *you. ar.Huhaadint.eomoarei theinoud mb lutthed o lesa lh rosucn i i n o h : o m ssonift een H ndd ol rv e r h t, show ing the am ount of bus- r see the m ail m an stop) at your ho ne ,ard endeavore d t a figure out som e h B e t T a Acconting to reliale information 1 The miayor pointed out toaager year for thie respective years that outid ne"s done by the police departmtent and you, Mrs.%W'ife, never see thle wa, to get arouind the large expendi- FOR S rieved today bthe Sun. the tCh!- George F. G oodnou htthr a esobr teMtaw as collected the during Marh.This rieport shows that mail man leave anMt.hing altiTour file, -ift ila sthe I wassonl when O xmlanae tan urcm, eag an Nothwstrn ailoadis ee noconro syIt was not a aihsithaenw dVaukegan- duing the thirty-ne days ln the last home for your husband, hassn·t it ei-ithlatthey ei oeIciiorxmratoa rtooradcmlt MaigPlans to extend aEswich'rack r-e w re Mr Gidio. I d si!teCircuit Court of eCmthh btof50wastaen n t the, er occurred to you that your better- Issu,, 'n eeyway lu lu e 11mp eu&retactionisaFfree8, alpi the ravine. The compan ha> hadl said it wasbadl. lin such a case the a' General Nos.6,. andnCnra tto i ie al a egttn alatteps. nC fth lewl eudiie.rewetu u nestn nkeorFRS surleyors here rmakiiiznI easurememýs cit, would have expected to pay for 664each suit being for the recov- This is declared to bean unusuially ofleedirect' tud ,in a four r (oo diio ote ronn .a ri rejha.S and la ig wa propon u cours e i pert. hemaor eintedtout But td an $inisoramount m drall amout. there lhas seldumen p p traer >ouis d J.ilYeomatnt quety ha i idno lakou nt ir. CGoodnon himself. disputed this sIons rover and abiove Fifteen Hun. Ir'to IhePdepairtment by those mwho'tell ehp o av lae col anboho tese MNFCTRN PTCAs aleo 4ayat.dred DoIlars pier year for the respec. hav been hailed before the court1 know whethier suchi is the c-ase--andi iaomodtinsarovr WAUIKEGAN4 ILLINOIS vle Iltgi said the railroad officials have Mfayor Bidin-,er sait ihe hadl done tive years that hie collected taxe,,. not has not exceeded$2 In somne ji still hie has tune a deaf ear to y our haýF i.. b, oýei en h d ta , 1%ý- ý- _ ____ _ not fully decided to put in the spur what any one e!-eii, his public Pos-. including, however. the taxes for the :tweres it has been over $ an000 . enrei FOR. dr ak h of tr ck b t en h e su ve o , er io n w o u ld be ex per -Ped to d o - ha d ye a ,,st rece ived an d collecte d - - an dc h oom h s n l of trc u ette uvyreesought to determiethe cause and AND WHEREAS. in each of said atl times it has been knownrito ex. :"' ' - to, i> a MruilinEma schoo! F.FOR SAO to determine what the improvement remedy the condition. For that rea- . uits, the plaintiff, The People of the ced that amount. ln other ways, as : ButThe fa t i. m n a k g nb oard n e i s bu i ws t pt a This U E O ciag would cost and whether or not the sont he sent to Chicagol and hadt one ofState of Illinois, for the use of the 'well as report bears out the boaset of persons get mail secretiy and if the iour roouibu>a eldigwxres t his haprfc lay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ofteln ssial o uhatebs t odne Town of Waukeza.diis represen tedl by the police departet banbeadbcm ttatitime ner t a snoughldUFCUR Fhn Purpose. Aillthis Information has tigation. When the troublesome con- TEEOEmEI EOXE.sosta hraee u 2duk ulc t iskanowmnvit wouldjareae he aved the iterges ha t wou,)ild ree been submaitted to the officiais and at dût.onsruredIthe expert was again that the starting. brinzing and institu- take n to the station during Xarch sensainanFayaOaiyja.Rv be hagdhd8400ben** the present time they are considera. su one tvaukegan. On, bothi tiOn of sid suits and eachi and ail and Of this number Boeverai were r- How it Happened Elsewhere he cenditionsathe ari on me iFOeRea tig the feasibility. vistg h-wet into the situation very 1thereof is hereby in aillthings R-Petap-nth eleofndý - Nowta h ewWthgnpulsho revr w e arf nd n o1years le pthorougLy and as a result of is ad. proved, ratified and confirmed as foi- p ete tht resth same igenderbe-bottatthe e auenpol staddihoon are vry croed ailso and anrol;1 blii Pian New Roundhouse vice being followed the situation lwas 1Y. completely and to aillintents and igarse oeta nedrn fe saott eddctdi s kaddition olmebilyu o the preblackne That the railroad company lis plan- cleared up and the sulphurous condi- proe ssc ircinoPuhrhemnh aiga aeaeo eskownt ytht xPsmer Grady will sa take f conomy the eent anxCree oko ning the erection of a large rond. ion disappeared. ority couldtbe bhad or could lbe giren than one a day . naPrtb th e prene fte K - me e oo l eati dfortlthei ti n paigr o house on the land It owns on the flats Manager Goodnow admitted that Prirt the institution or starting ofi The report in full, for the month nsapsa authorities who, whien The PerÃtion took placé in the hn north of the pitty is no longer a alise and or ws right in hi@ contetos otADeI UTERRSI-of March as it was received and plac- the postoffice there was dedicated, Washington school between the hourgsPU& ret.~~~~~~~ Tecmayhsetsuvyrhmththwolsethttispaid. Eta-h adEgeeM uyr do i ie at the connel reeting tast "got their fou otat it" in most awful foeadneo audy e. repnec oiie and re@presentatives herseat various|The bill. coming to something Over ts hereby Uthorized and directed tlanight is as follows: shape. FdORfth cho badBceda times and the land has been gn|10 arrivedl Friday and was turned Prosecuate each and all of said suite Staroverý17it In Kenosha. it seems, the posqtmna- iy addfitionaepenneThs reenedlhtchn ove veytoogl.Iati avaor to the gas company by the tutem eof thePepefthe Stat Diorderly ondwet- 10. ter decided to hold a reception fur sm Progressed to such an extent that the "I' found the gas company% ready' vto Waukeg at judgment, and t takerki f'te enra1pbEl;Rveybdy wi odein Information has leaked fromn the main1 do everything in their power to rem- ail necessary stepis and to sue out all1 Drtnk and disordery--14. Invited to Inspect the new building. eRWuegnnggs. Onlee of the comPany and now teslbe. edy the condition." the Mayor said. necessary writs or process to enforcei Vagrants-4. and the Postmaster, to show hiewas a lifil ing discussed by employes -of the 1 -Teythedion ut uycoutiltot-seem ring enst udgmentsand ta Total collected In fines-i9 g good fellow. gave the guelstscarna- BVlRIED IN EAST -----; Mnd. Frmm a source that cannot be to, hit upon the cause. When 1 called ther or different actions, suits or pro-. oalsal ecits 2.0.tionsandtreated the ro yally. Aors l so--nF R S doubted It is said! that if present the expert here they seemed delighted e eigo la law or in equity to reoi- 1entwell ut1Cothlcrowdof vistorstweupT.e IPlans taterialize the work on the and ilbowed him every possible cour- r frons the said Robert E. Mutaw any gI R E O T l obck of the cases where the pi ho e i sson dfeilClin(dedattenie•*• 1• roundhous wl libe started in the near ts.Teaei sesya aadalsm ra ounscllecteA E UTvate mail boxes were visible r h e of., hissn ar oln, in9Sc4, FARM utr.sible for him to get to the bottom of reciel edand retained by him as t" ntllfrl ntirwrs rom the N.aY., Thubor esda . arch 9,194,atatGnme there Iimtter. They are entitled to commissions or emolumentsover = A RMMS riside n othe r ords, fro te1a.m.of Clin ny reos something more than censure for abowe the sUM Of Fifteen Hun Mayrear.1Then'snwhen a riot artnnst 4 GIVEN HONOR$ IN SCHOOL' their eIdenkt willingness to do whais Dollars furouac of the respective broke out.wabrnMy1,83,nPenyv-tonr right." years that he collected taxes in ad' nlà. He Ias a minister of the Chris. Hermital Success of Hattie Blumberg, 4" a" °sd rfec ypoa or T0Rau ARRESTS The boxres in .il poNto neg ae neaditr at Batavia, 111. He prean . LllRIbgF ,s Histrian ReallsTha His WAU*PPe"l as the said Eugene M. Rusm- known to the renters onlyr by nultd ed a number of years ln Waukegan LCRC uge Bitrth, ers Won tHonos Y ardlboidessinproper or necese,.Say Many Are Abusing Priv- hers. BUT,'lidethe fd ce, the Four year, g ewn oSi olv oak desk SC M LEH lge ndA.O inwth ·-e re- t-cheo-ach"box ID with his son, Harry Coillinu and daugh.uctiloD ipe The excluIve announcement in order thCRf g at the clerks may hastly ter, Mrs. Ella Polmetier, Io W, Pho Wednesday's Sun of the aws of 9 ff ers Wide Open. throw the mail Into them. And that's Funeral at hi&sliate residence and ClS ezF .R.A clase honora for this year's graduael L ST Rwhat eau-ed the tronble at Kreo-ha L a g Yfatenrdn"chRch J. C.tilFR.A intg class of Waukegan high school, Atmblsswh eih o"open Temnadw engto"rbassted by Rev. P. Hedrick of the be§2 brought out another most Interestingheupid"admry"hthehg bering" at the namsun the varions Methodisjt church. Interment in Fair 1 t *FOR"S fact, namely: That by Ms Hattieln Again Placing Local School spotx- have incurred the Official dis. boxes. Husbands and wives were Lawn cemetery, Sclo, N. Y. Payables$3.75sdoori, baa. in 9 BfO RoSA Blumberg being chosen by the facul. on Accredited List, State p);easure of the waukegan Police de.oehrispcigte rWe. onhypy.tors.s...Bff(Roc ty ashsoin orhhnr tm rsM p er MPartment and .a a resultarrests are eral wives saw their husbands' names man never has reson to0stopat many J W. H. Gejeen à1ll F R A the fourth honor of the local hlgl Sef, ward of 543iCrn l i e fmade unless the frequent viola. on the boxes and some of the hu- homes 11n Waukegan. 'A ihtCig todp nd be 6** 1col ogoit teBlmeg -av enue flIed a voluntary petition ln tion: of !:he speed ordinance cease ln- bands ssawBsome of their wives' names Sam n ontymachiee bo<iing e FORtSA am The tletternbeloweislself-explanator. ankruJPt(y Monday In the United stan e-r on the boxes. ame niCoutryee thatinr l ee thecon og SIr'Hollst'er. aiý s iicaeiswa t ateoritic ortO.te Te eàdIng on Sundly afternoon 1And, while this fact Is true as re- rpdit2400, welgnes In oherwors, o th fo r e idren ikowli as a high school %visitor It liabilities the broker schedules I, e0 3 was hespoil nice eal endaat - Andi r e sato! Th, etroubl e w a s os ardslWauk e nry t ev n si of rpiiymnn!oru hn s Of Mr. and rs, .1.Blumberg who i: fh- ,whoadetermines whether or no " Oi ing the Central Trust Com- d lug rd ih tai rm e were Fur be a nto fl, e rsn lrmak+esmia n th õ nr+tw s o ev c u le n g p o h v go e t r u h t e W aukegan a Ihigh school salla be accredited to pany Of Illinois, sec red by Alaska residing on Marion street and hot p twe tre n ad r y shotly te ar- Lae c unty .ai arius llostmasersen D sl yR o high school. every One lhas won an the North Cenitral Association of Cl( olldcam.Thear prtoidanroali. Policeman Nelson was sent ceMtion turnedinrt wa mright ardhecountysat uarius tes a veenDeotrinsaou shp atsfom hg(shoseo ttn o l hi ch e overn et e pa rt M ho lsm und r arrest Nleon had up and the fine time ended in a gen- astonishment at the personnel of the+ + + Here theyIlih are, loglgti le hegoenmn, hrged Mr. !adluck, however, for lhe had ntea otusQf aiyj FIRS hy r:this association nmay enter aillprin ci- Seward. A. C. Pirostandcothera wihgoine fairhbefore he had a puncture. ll ve1 dtetoevrce. p or e ho asonahae .th e- all A El IRT-Nathan Blumberc wasipal colleges without exaination. land frauds in Alaska totaling $10000. "Tis speedigmuet stop," Assist- tcas een setaidthate divrsc temesonllyhnd inspea- to travl chosen class orator in 1911. And. is letter: lu . The charges were not sustain . anl e t if utre lnt sid th atoy. "W ae ase r slted re to the quedicov eries c i b xs .hae w en a on t he no tmas- Libety i when he went to Northwestern uni- Urbana. Ill.. April 1, 1914. The men accused were acquitted by - a vlos. Wé aen onteththat o mol - madhen ath re e ptionw in ue sti o undr os h ab e tngazd henl theyi. ePub li c verst y ebitdhighest honora in the Principil W. C. Knoelk. Jury a year ago. Mr. iSeward former. 11wit ruing themo t n ue tswnhee. reltion wastmde. tec fond th who weasdgettidntheir ail10WaNTEM lawléblln .>1. He is now at Township High School. ly was vice president of the Chicago practie, whenever they have beeon ar- r the exerenca OfcePsmer of n thi man o ear. pranevdtyhd10to go Harvard unIversIty. Waukegan. Ill. and Milwauke electreic ral d xreedlma onw chare ooaing the then enyo ha iefano l, P i oststerb e oigauolfriyears. oe b rvc ptiula SECONI-Morris Blumberg was My Dear Sir: was receliVer for A. C , F i and Co spen ed ws. lNiwAwe ar e i tolf t-ePGrady o ef nk gatoi o u bht willnot Ithe enser la lw ed by WNEd valediCtorian of the class of 1911 and On my recommendatIon as a re- Of fthe $11,145 assets scheduled, Co e19m whnever we ndd n t em vio- ermit hie wlf t b eau ht napi dngrh es peo ly ner a tlaysgreat Cm p nybeseewe. he graduaton this year fromn North. 1suit of MY recent visit the council of 0is 8In insurance poliis ,apopreciiate tt entai yWe hive$mo Heoitherboxellnhaest henaeskagorer, epeciallyiat eWa- WNE westernu vniverity. administration lhas approved the re- ' themd i stmeta al a ntheboxeis in qusestin when he kgalofclrks, nenthppeir lnatee.hueo TERmr-Ienis Blumberg cen newal of accrediting of your high A pretty romance culminated at th alld a heionilhuewrig o igmalo rmnn epei h O OTEN IOSLbryi

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