CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Apr 1914, p. 9

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LAKE COUINTY INDEPEN'DENT S~WAUKF3OAN WFEEKLY SUN VOL_. .XLNO. 29 PART TWO - LrBEI;rTyVILLE. I:LL., PRmDAY,-APRIL, 10, 1914. FOUR PAGES $1 .50 PER YEIAR DI-ÀVN ~ E OUST SALOOS; 3 OTiIERS FOR Wu.)" Surprises Created in Varlou Towns Where Bitter Con- tests Were WagIed in Sensa- tlonaily Featured 'Dry-Wet' Flghts. LIBERTYVILLE, VERNON LAKE VILLA NEWPOÀT IN DRY USt-ANTIOCH, AVON, WAUCONDA 'WET' Oustinu of SaIoorts in Vernon Knocks Out Haif Day as an Auto, Resort-Headquarters Newort Decîdes to Rernain 'Dry!' ____ RESULTS IN COUNTV Libetyviiie wenl dry by 114 (Ssas- -Antiecis emalned wit by 38 vote (4 ssioots)- Verts. went dry by il vole& (a Aven remained wst isy 33 (ô s Lis went <et hy 135 (2 siosts). Waucqnds emined wet by 14 (5 esisene. NOwpent romains dry by 54. Laits Viiii went dry by 43 (2 sa-, SUeos.1 Conitteemen: B. H. Overton. Frank Ilarden. Henry Grimm. IN GRANT Supervisor Wili 8tratton defeated Ed. Howard for supervisor, seven ta eue,.tu tact, the republicant candidate anowed Mr. Howard under, Stratton gstling 292 te Howarda 45. S AU unuluai thlng occurreil when Xri. LobmRIusismore, reîîublican ean- didate for clark, tled Wm. V. Jack- son. democratlc, for clark, by a vote of 176 -'- They wili have ta draw lots le see who gets the Job. Mrs. Rush. more was the oniy woman candidate on the ticket. 1James Larkin, democrat, beat Bd-' ward M.uller for assessor 258 to S. John Rosing, democrat, beat Arths- ur Smith for coliector 199 te 121. John Tonyan, dennocrat. beat Rob- ert Mînnehan for commissioner 185 ta 141. It ls noticed that the democratie ttcket, excelging Howard and Jackson Who lied, went through ta viclory. Grant dtd flot vote on the dry-wet issue. LAKE VILLA The Peapies parly ticket wan out ln Laike Villa, supervîsor John Strat- tan being unopposed. He Lot 300 votes. Albert Kappie. for çlerk, de- feated C. W. Taibott. 181 ta 134; Wil- liam Miller beat Percîval Dlbbla for celiactor 166 ta 161. E. A. Wlton, unolaposeil for As- sesson ot 279 vote,. George MeCredie for commissioner got 267-ha wms unopposed; William Freeman for constabla, nnopposed. got 177. Here la the dry-wet vote in Lakte ,Viii' !len-dry, 96; wet, 119. W'omen--dry, 96; wet, 30. Total dry-149. Total wet-192. Wet majority-43. Its rather sîngular that mai. 96 waman and Just 96 men votad dry in this township-it wouid lok as tf every dry wife hsd a dry husbnd~ Abovo las siswnsin substance tise landtas t tey vent ha rite 1)oilsta- outemse o! tise dry-wet figitâ un Laite getiser. cmotla inTuesday's big lection; lun IN AVON short, 14 saloons ver. put of husi-1Tise total val vote vas 18,5 and ta- msa IDnlise conut>. tavs and 23 were tay dry. 152. Avon visicis ncIudes left un business, not Inciuding Grant Round Lakte, thsug rmaina val by 33. visere tisera are man>. saloons wiiciTise towitship ticket vas unopposed did flt vote on the issue, as follova: Clerk-Harry 0O Riais. Uhbertyvtib.. Vernon. Laite Villa and Aaeso-A. W. Hlarvey. Newport ara l. tise dry floswitie Ait. Coliector-Joisa Mason. tioci, Avon. Ela andl Wauconda 'de-. n IN LSERTYVILLE 4669 te renuin vet. Newport. tisetIe libettyvilie. Superviser Eger, on terepublîcan ticket, bail an eany via- «c ow onship visicis vas dry antd tory and carriail tise viale ticket ta vilols voted on tse Issue o! reluvis- victar>.. hmg te vit, vofl. down thé propogi Tise dry-wet vote tn Libertyville lin0f isstgn saity ta verol b>. ctWomen-Dmy, 312; vet . 137. goo meovi>..Y'w pnsos pedil. Men-dry. 341: vOl. 402. sil il vould reaumne val conditions. Toal-dry, 673. wat,59 Tise mt Imsportant change tn the Dry majorit>. 114. Tt Us9lthug sean Ihat tise vomen ae. coent>. vas tise placing o! Liberty- tise tavit, aarried the saloons out a! ville visealiera are nov soate j business, knockisg ouI six saloons saloons operattng In tise village ail o! la Libertyvllle andl two In Roakatel- vbotn yl nov bave t10 fouI o! er. businss.lelow araeaisow tise figures,tise bii5IO55.candidaies appearing it thîsg order: Wiile UÀbertyvilles going dry caus- Progressive. Denncratic. Repubicn: od nome finîlar among thse people of, For Suparvison J. Ell Trlggs. 283; the count>.,fil vas aa much or more W. W. Carroll, 243; Htenry B. Eger, 679. et a surprise vian lise rturnastram For Town Clark- Prank E. Over- Venas sioweil tiat townsip bail son. 199; CGerge Lawreace, 305; E. uono dry. TI<t tavit. Itvisicis many D. Ilinisard, 629. Germa enailles raside. vas gesierail>. For assessor--Cart A. Schrock. 15?: looke "onby te wet as ors . Mannoe, 264; Ralpis W. Blkley, looeiltapn b. iseval as sue 71.1. gnound for tem, but t developi For CollecIor--Walter A . LYle, 267; tise>.ver. vrong for the lovas lurneilJý. R.Mulisolanil, 340>; Wm. Wiseelar, tise %ables and vent dry. Thisa put, 576. Hait Day, tihe taisons auto ceater. <P or commisioner o!fiighwaya No ofcandidate; George tincuttar,.1394; tise map so fan as Uts famous noad. M 'm. Peterson, 58. bous@ ara concernail Tisera ara For sciscol trustae (fulli tart)-. tvo big places rigit aithtie four cor- Julia L. PrIce. 258; isa E. A. Busis, mens and tise piaig o! tise tou Inli 299; Sylvester TrIPP. 570. FOr schsoc]trustee (ta fili vacancyl lise dry clua tmneans tey vilii go-Frank Sinsser. 166; ;J. W. Cýooper, ouI o! business. 281; Daniel Lee, 654. rLaite Villa, vils but a short axis UIN WAUCO'NOA tance as a township et a year or no. In Waucanda tise dry-val vote stand placeil Itsèl! In tise dry calumnt and Its Dry. 182; wets. 196-wet b>. 14. Iwo alons hugareputoutof us- Tise tavislp ticket vas unapposeil ID«e. SuPervisr-E. W. Brooks. NEWPORT TOWNSHIP Cierk-A. S. Pavera. la Nwpot, te dy-we voe stod: Assessor--'C. E. Wiselocit. Mn Nwpr, tie29; -evoet sta9.: CollOctr-LTon Wbaeioait.beal Men-dy, 12; val 79.Henry Stailteldt b>. but one vote. 189 Women-dry. 76; vet. 2. ta 188. Total--dry, 205; val, 81. Comaisanar. dist. 2-RobI. Dow- Majolty-dýry, 124. ellî ItlUsa oticod tisaItisera vere but CoMmmîstoner, disI. 1, ta fliivac- Ivo vomnenIn tise viola townsiip ancy-Ray 8Seymear. viso voted wal t fikate. This us soma- UN ELA It la1urter iterest t,> note tisat In Ela tise vets caried tise towu I Newport tisaeever. Just 81 vel b>. 135, tise vetoebaiisg as toliowa: votes and te total number o! vota- Men--dry. 38; vpt, 216. ens ballots cast Ia tise electôs vas Women-dry. 66; Lvt, 23. ai. TOtal-vet, 239;; dry, 104. Thus, tise town rnanse dry b>. 56. Wet inajonty-135. Titis vastise onu>. townshsip ltaI vas H. C. Meyer defeateil A. G. Bande dry visore tise effort vas mail.te for collectar, 189 1h 161, andthlie ne- velum val; - <aindar o! tIs ticket va, unoppos- Hemelathle.usoppasail ticket lect- oit ID Newport: Clork-Tisomas trang. Assessor-Joisis A.Hoftiait. Colleeon-L.e "y N. Alcocit. Comndiualoner-Tiinotisy A. Kelle>.. Tnute.-George Levis. UN ANTIOCIU lan Astocis there vas no coatest except for collector and cominission- or.,.- Walter T. Taylor deteatail N. B. Prooton for collectat- 409 ta 379; AloI "Little defoated Jobs Bohir for oommlstonas- 423 la 360C Tise lowa romains- vol by 36 rme- Jorit>.. dvidod as tollova:. Mn-dry, 173; val, 302. Wossm-dny, 226; vol, 133.- To*al-dry. 3»9. IotsI-vet. 435. Majorit>.. vit se.' Tise vinxassa hodes lise miovo: Oiesk-Cbain.EleSàcawds. VoPetten. Surpervison-Eltlicite. ,Clerit-Augusl 1'noolcis. Assesor--W. ). @tell. Cammlsainr-J. C. Barabas. Tisale commissionr-Heitry Cor- des. Tnute-J. D. Pinit. UN VERNOU. Tise total dry-vol vole iD Varnon: Dry, 180; vel, 169; dry majoril>, 31 Tise mens voteý-49 totesI dry, 118 voled vol andi 32 did <o vote on lise. Issue. Titasa 32 tlI ma îd for tise val. Thie vomen-Il voteit dry, il vol and O6<st voting couatod for thse vote. Titis lova ticket vas unoppooe vits tise eweption 0f Soisuler vise beatiVwo oppen-oals <o kMgbsi b 4.4 Cupe lrAuh'eos0.Ilsoth. ENORMOUS VOTE 0F WOMEN PROVED THE BI(i SURPRISE Few Conceded That So Many Women Would Vote-'Dry' Majority Is SmaiI. MALE VOTE WAS LARGE.« Instead of Being Smaller Than! Two Years Ago It Was Very MuchUarger. VOTE IN 1914 Dry Wet 1---------------------..401 230 2..................... 280 222 3.......... ........-470 213 4..................... 213 289 5 .....................231 373 6 ..................... 112 279 7........................ 346 516 8..................... 341 236ý 9 ...................... 95 12^ 10..................... 153 519 'Aet maJority-42?. 262 35 I'recincî VOTE UN 1912 79 ..................... WeOt înajorîty-4176. VOTE IN 1910 Precinct i ..................... 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . Wel maJorty 1093. Despîite the tact tisatishe drys vere ahI. ta reduce tisa val majoril>. over1 tise 1910 and 1912 elections. tise re- suit of lise voman vote upon wita titey isailbasail fond isopas o!fznakhng Waukegan proveil a bitter disappotot- ment. The vaman vote sisowad a bat-e maJorit>. o! 381 for tise drys wila dry leaders adilbankai ltilwouid bha ,a least twice tisaI muais.I Titan ton, tise maIe vola vas more1 or lems o! a sunprise. Two yeara aga witli a total maie vote o! 2950 tise vets securail a malarit>. o! 676. Thsis lime l vas prediclail tisaItise inaie vote voulil ha considerabl>. ensiler as il vas faîl thtisIfu>. Ivo isundrail men bail lait tise cil>. sînca tisen. Tise resuitashaoweil tis eartor af titis pradiction for tisera vare 3181 male votes cast aI Tuesdays lection.1 MaIe votera tiis yaar gave tisa vota a majorit>. o! 803. Tise majority a! 381 vlicis lie vomen gave tise drys. cul this majorit>. down 10 423. Tise fact tisat 2525 vamn caât t lieir votes came as a surprise ta tian>. visadi predîcleil tiat tise total aunabar o! women volas vaulil net exceed 1500. Oniy a !ov of tisa knowlng anea isad predictei tisaI lte number voutl ha balveen 2000 and 5500. Tisus white tise vomen poiteil nearl>. as large a vote as tise tavnsis(paven basnisad iD tise past lisemalIe vote Ibis yaar vas tise lrgestInIDtiseiistor> o! tise towntship. Ttlai a notteamble tact tisaIlise voa abowed hlier greatest atrangthInlitlie lents precinot, tise Norths Chtcago yard. An UnusUail>. ieavy vote vas volledI n tite precinct, a majonity of 366 -beig gtven tise vals. Without lisaprecinat tise vels voulil hava van b>. onl>. 56 votas. Tisa firat, sec- onith ird sud eiSisth precincte vare tise onu>. dry 'preclnots ln tise tavu- sbip. Womn votera gava tisa drys a ma- JorilyIn tise fiI, second, tiird, fiftîl, elgitisand anth precincts. In tisa lents precînot tiswevan votad aven visoîningi.fotonlie vals. SOCIAI.ISTO LOSE JMLWAUKFE' Mlvwanitee, WIs.. April 8.--Once> agai yestenday Milwaukee denon- strated tisaI Itleis ot a Soctalist oin- Smnit>.,visen Rayer G. A. Bediisg aotblarttis vas elocleit oves Disil Ifléel, ex-aaor sud lotIe Wbdalt canidate for vice prasident. b>. a zntairity eof 8.00. Tise lanimle for Us41e* deepte tisee reeua .Oo. alies. f ront. &l aides, cerriél laIe ot- à»o--RiIh hm tise entive ItelWsthma tlp~t. leltdlmgconrollr, rv ~si 01>. éte!me'.ansI.thé dlxadai 1 ............ &OU "U41*t*&* *fl% llflU'a 5U<t501 5LUqrI iocc5I ligie> visai lhisar t fur- . 1 1 SBalo Os MTO IVIIIILIN 1 itavi ..VOTE....... Il 2U5 flooiiiilîgton ..... 80 8 8 Canori ....... i 101Of WAIJKEiAN CITY! CARRII3D TOWN FOR DUYS (rystal Lake.......... 1 2 12 Local Oto ertr as 178 Ths tus BUT MEN IIELD IT FOR WMT ......... 7 33 ered by the 'Drys' Now._________ Freepu tt * * '* ». ..4 3 Ga, esbu rg.............2:) -)83 1 ni. m. Gal,a . ý...............) 819 TO CONINiUE THE FIGHT. IN HOTTEST 'DRY-WET'FIGHT EVER STAGED IN TOWNSHIP Ge nev. ..1...........6 354 -___ !Harvrd ur. ............ l 250masTHE 'RY'LOSE B BT MAIi lJO ITY IW U Harrdug...... ) -u Both George Mead and mrs.'D Y' B BU AM JOIY W - Lockport............. 17 21Sy Cmpin WI KEGAN CITY, BUT OUTSIDE DISTRICT, CARRIES 'WETS' Kewar ce ............. A8 1 50 Js a a pin Wl %Mormoilil..... ....... 16 450ý Corne up Every 2 Years. ON TO BIG LEAD-ASTONISHINGLY LARGE WOMEN'S Mount Stî-riJng ........ i 633 Mattoo i ...............I 568 akgnApi Paria .. ..200 Wuea.Arl6 VOTE WAS POLLEU TO INAUGURATE WOMEN VOTING Plainfield ... 5 Th at an effort ouey le made to vote Pontiac........ Waukegan dry at the city election IN THE TOWNSHIP. Rock fard...........i 3998 next spring ls the admission of one ilolivlli-_ .... J 15or the dry leaders today. Ha said RSeling 427........1 1 the wets gainail their principal Stert lgo........8 47Strength ln the tentis precinct adSUMM'IA.RY 0F RYWE VOTE 0F anod tock....... 1..... 10 .338tht ntielv WAUKEGAN TOW'NSHlIP, A.PRIL 7, 1914. o!13 Waujkegan ltseif would lha eas% Yurvliv 23ta overcome. Tie proposition could TOWNS VOTEO "WET" have heen volt]ed n thîs menthir f thse Men. Women. TotalTotaa Touni Nlajority dr3ts h"i taken thea precaution tg file Precinct Dry.W'et. Dry.Wet. Dry. Wet. Alton .1........ 2000 tiroir patillon. They havaent decld Aurra ........... 1600) Pd Jat ohat tisay willi do about the......................... 164 159 237 71 401 230 Aurtorai. ..................«>> <atter naxt Year. but all agree that . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ..100 150 180 72 2W0 222 Dixon .....................328,h apin ilb otnele-3........ ...1V 94 W 79 70 2 Galena....................... 6031 erv two yaars until Waukegan ave,,-...............17 19 28. 9 40 23 Hava aa................... 11 tuallv goas dry 4.................. 102 164 111 1'25 213 289. Joliet.................... .... 2000 Mrs. C. J. Juat, prasident of the - .ieiiî..................... 196, W. C. T. U. andl prestidant of the Feti- )................0 4 2 2 3 7 Mcuiln. .............. rerationvo! Women'a organizations,1 .................... 52 183 60 96 112 279 Moline . . . . . . . . . . . .)1 uny...........767 among tise women andl George Maead . .. ... .. .. . .. .. . .. .....171 229 175 187 346 à16 Rock Island ...............176 assistent sacrelary of the Waukegan . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...185 160 156 176 341 236 Savanria................ . 10Y. M. C. A. an;d field aecratary af thIe .......... 4 9 4 9 9 2 Springfield .................... 40071ocal ')ption campaign, were asked................8 89 7 39 9 12 ___________ for statements thls morntag. Because 76 35 77 24 15 1 îisey tanir sucrit apromittant pert in....................76 31 7-04 13 1 SIX NEW M4EMBERS tuh Imranceh e r ae o! 'FT ..............11189 1992 1453 1073 2M423M6 0F SeRVIO S a disappointedb au, eidno met Jmsorfty of49,3vote .te tesy lni getting thseréa ,be@ OfinU"ontSRbut we 1aI ý'ani woman votera of Waukegan the publie was racconamodated hidt- PV'ITT5PftA1 iuntl Waukeîa:î igoea dry.Tisernl CHOS N TU SDAY wlll .e no lat up-were going ta isam- township, on Tuasday decidad ilta rectly as evarybody called the SUR mer away aithuaiis Intt evarY two the townshsip willIromain wet terri- office for figuras. ve.arga Untfilfinalli, we vili ha ahie ta Tisare ha but Six oew fai-es On aay tisaI theanitire nort ssore ln tory for anothar 18 monthsa at least. Intereit Was Keen thre hoard of supervisera wlip'n It con-.Lak~e coinly fla dry. While tise women by a vote of 1452 eana fo)r lis annual apInz ni eetingi ta elect a cisairman, select commit- "The vote of t ha women was a dis- 1< o po 1iu Intarest neyer bas been so keen in tee et Tia f tses vii ie 1e,1rsaîliiv,ie<'t ta Us.0'e expectad flitis'1 0? 'î a township election, Ili fact, seldom ceecI w ftes llleNýss iairalci andl Hoderidge of Wauke- fuîlh 1S00 womaen Wonld vote dry. tion lown, the man wlth a vote o! 1992 isas a City elootion producedsueb la- gan; the otisar la Mr.. Rockenbacis nt Inateail there were but 1452. Thi tneItret edm f vr ept West Deerfield , auccessar ta C. W. wouid have lîeen sufficient ta swing ta 1189 againat, ralliladt ufficient for- tansa d inteel doif pevaed. "t Pets. andl Martin Ringilahl of IH!rbj the electlon ln Our favor. ln Our the coldhe ballot bohes taailai. bas ld Park. Deerfieid. Gea. NcCuIl.1flext campalgis we wili Iprofit isy a few eattieblobxstarnc tiseriser oen sucis a crowd ln troct of laugh deft alSprto api iî-err hicis entered foin titis ram- 'total nu.jorlty nu)ta tise point vsae ie unm Sto idosver tenden at the caucus andl vas unoîî I aigu. Tisere ta no use ln enumerat- the sale cf Iiquor wiii continua for casefuliy prefl,.rd buletins vers posed! a' tire alectlan. ing tiese mistakes which doubtlese psa]b tf fal Se ost us votas but we willi se thaet the flime being. ptail y aao ! ahI. vorut e tru. (O oreliarry Bangs,W'auka- tlîey do flot mar aur future campiln s. Wbille almoat avery other clty o!frn n hnageln ievlm gan. la aiso a new mamiser. but ha Personalities wlll never enter inotuklnepoe otfi h oue waan't electeil Tîesday. Ha was air- unr ca.mpaign again If ose are abIe ta any size la the state whIscis voted oniTfrain special representatives la ey- - pointeil racenlv toa liii Demrets prevan, i. tire question. went dry. Waukegan re- ery township n Waukegan and every vacancy, the Waukagan tawn boarid Reauathe resuit ln tise citi oft Waitkegan w" saî close Il bas 1)eenI maineil lnatihe amati cias whilcis de- other pracinct ln Lakte county. Tises. rnaking tise apiîoIntmeni.) aiîggested thinaltise drys isold a ciîy cided te sîay osaI. raturns came ln and were issdledý Mr. Pettis nf Weiit Deerfieid, A. P. election and sek oint the civy of And It proveil a figir, la the finish, moat sysem.tlcaly andl accurately,. Sorenson. of hleston. and Mr, Barube Waukegan dry and then attend btue flic th the rasuit uncerlaîn aven afler hanca the public was wel! taken cane o! Dearfiel il.' .ece thse only Tnemher.i; case of the saloonii la the tentiî pre- rayo h eun ea oigl t a! tha aid hoa rd seeking re-alectiiut cinct ai a later date. The lents gavae ayo iertra aa oigl t who met defeat aftr wlnning out la the wets praciicatly ail o! their ma- ta the Sun Office. Tisa women's votes Tise crowd aurgeil about tise @un of- tis pimaries Aliltise Othern were 1 oriiy. Tt woutd ie possihle for us were tise first cUnted and many of ice for hauts, la faot. fil vas afler releurneil, ahown a hiIbifliat wbich i ta vote on tiIs îpropiosition on Alîril the drys, seeing tiseir natunna troin eleven oclocit bafone tise msen and Shows the comilele board. 121 if we adail liai a ptiition but wi tise new votera. tise woman. ahowing oenbgan ta tIm out. Tise vo- B ENTON i ulîd vote un it liii ol voilasif we sa su,,ae i TEr . W erri. baidaver. dvsit-<d. 1 <'sancat Ibits limae lp natiser strong for tise dry isti . enwatchana. isowever, ver. <sot 1. M. mTullie. new. ma iethar or flot we wiii do so but do fait: sure that the total minuit would many, likel>. due ta tise cold wealiser. NEWPORT- ii> ibink we will liecause wbetî we do hlaI their favor and tlie townshipi Hail ft bean a warm nigist, tiser Jame G.Wclc. hldovr. in wa want ta <tean ui) avery sa wauid go weî. i-bwever. the carefulý would have bean many more women ANTIOF'H-bnoa ln tise lerrlt<iry. Il wiidnetd o KMrnet Simotia, lîîldever. lic milciofa i vctory If ive tait sever. figurera, wisan ttîey saw thre totals 0f lu the crowd, judging train tisewvs- GR A >T- ai,,Saloonasla \îîriis Chicagoi mat uver tha wamnnvote drawiing ho a clos.,en Inquirers made aven thse phono William SiraltnIilre.elected> t o Waiikeganiiîoîîîdarv ie predicteil at once tisaItuelic en'si ma- about tire outcoma. LA KE VIT L~A Are Much Dîsapiloinleil jority for wot wouid overiaiance tise Hud Women Watchers John S-rflair ire electd. SS '.1tfT Nîirt wiseosmena. And, sefore tie womn O 1Tse dry4 left fot a single opsl A ndre.w T WIiceisldover. ta flia wlil o! hue rmajorlty. XVe ficmlycmignadtieeoetwsnt dry votes. Two women watebers W Wcel t n, v,îap 4 nie for utw e h ilm u s 'o n- i a s ha t w l , t e m e ' L r d f rer aai n eth e c i s o ! t se polla nd L W G Ü .:? C .UilO U h , n e w . i d e n c a n t i s e w oa m e n v o t e r a o ! t i ra l o n g b eto r e I t a s p p a e n t t i se t e l a c e s . T h a s e i o m e n e n e n t is AEdArdCnrad dldve.ani tiierefore wet-e sirprIsil ta aw oeaiyamjnl.rnIgpulls wisen tiseballot boxe$ vore op- osel,'sodoerat sa i nany o! tham voted! wet. anywhere fram 2.0 tb 450, would hal enail. Tisay Saw tise ballots t>oc.d The f. 11\eer (re-elected). t wîîî aay îowever, flisnt ibis la only given tise wet aide. upofi the table, aaw tham sortait out Jamas G. W'ei'-is (re-eetedh. an Incident lnounr causa. We are go- anil dnew thair owsi chairs Close te JJosnT. toonis re-latei ng ta work for prohibition untîl nolt is r-e su wma ni-tise tabla sa tisat tbey mlgbt see tise 000. Bsinstow (neW). oniy aukegan but liese ate and nfa- teneat tise conteste for tise vasilous mark on every ballot. Ina Holderldge (new). lion are dry. 'As saloonleas nation la townshsip offices, la tact. Il was hardly They Teoi noting tb anyone 015.. I H-I-rry Sang* (new).- 1920,' la ont-mmotea.' recalleil tisaI tise were candidates They made caunts tbemnselvean d SHIELDB9- -In thse fieldl at ail. made up tsefir own totale. Tises.vo- 0.aD.tesaing Ihledr). J. W. FUTNSTON'. jrealdent Wauke- mon, ware sent ta tise pollilng plaffes 3aerKn hl -e) gan MInIstera' Assoclallon-As a rap- Dry-val. that wasaialana hearil, as a ciseckt upon tise judgea and c»rks LIBERTYVIUI,E- rasentatîve o! tise miniatara o! tisé and sîtrazage ta aay, tisats about ail ta prevent any errer front creeping la. ILB. E)'an re-lecteil). cil>. o! Waukegan. I bavaeiseen Sasier ishetélephone calîs ta tise Sun wene: Tisîs showed how tisorougisi> the OUIca 1~REONT. tagîv aom tiougita s tatis re-,,,,~,option torces bait looked aftor ever> H. W. C. Meyer (holdover). suit o! Tuesisys eleclion. s,.t iarsI n n lywtl- top Inthe gi t sso sts iWAUCONDA- Pirai. ot al. let me gay that wa do suea" Few asitai about liseasIper- wet andl dry votes fid beau couatai CU..B rokAt--lcti not couaider this a ileat. except for visors. colleotor. assessar. etc. tisase walchers lotI tsehopollis. CUBA-icher I Weced taukagan. for tise temperance cause, Tise final raturas came from tise FrdKriie r-lce, llaonîy arepulse ln tise van agats ina th uI!j'5!&5ethere ELA- lise sloon. Tise forces will ral>. and PDspintvsr is eat ~ ~ O T A T R lise figit will go right on. "ove wîîî vaseacit on tise vomens vote on VERNON- igbt lh outron tvis ilina, lI hakeq 20 tisa wat-dry Issue. Tise mitiges il >WI A. G. Maetiser (ria electeil). yas an twn' aehatta cut>spteime' oe is o WEST DEERFIELD - yas"sdi o'ttk-aftstconelu ievmasvt s n FOR DO ! 'YF WGeorge Rockenbach (flew). long,.iedyvlise iatts> okts DEREMELD- One intareatîng thIsng about tis menas and In(n lsa vay gaI tise ttalTSD T T. M. Clearit (soudoyer). work la tisat flot a singla minialer non vote an titis question b>. 5:30 o'cS, T ID A. .J. Walshis (e-elected). an>. otiar temperance advocate leab__ln__ Martin Ringdahi (new). ibis figist fuor viat hae can get out of as tisat vas tise heur tise final return ______________ t for hisac, but sîmply and solaly was In tise Stun office. Rather Unusual Action Tka WAU KEGA N. for tisa moral gooid andl spiritual Up- as Resuitit ot vsorConadPoronal i t POL AXRSUT NTO N FIift tiret can coma tâ aur City. TsaT ise tct tiaI Slserofor Cnra POLL AX REU LTUN TON 0Fpeople o! Waukegadimtasterday praved hiailsShOwn tise foresigist ta as thtis In tise vote far and agal ns1 t aboliais- Somomon's words trua. "Wiiera lisera Judgeaste Couflit tise dry-vet vote in Factions. ing ie pal Itax ln Wankegan town- ta tno visitortise people pariais." Pro- firat vas visat enableil sncb quick ing tise VOIT tax 1 n Waukaguan Iown- versa 29:18. Waukekan isas net yet returns ta ho obtamne<l. Tise uiges Wasisiugtan< D. C.. April 8.-QueW ing l, andl 1436 againsL. It la thus receiveil ber vision. But se yl for tise proteat o! Senaton Levis. W1v4 abolisisei by a vote a! 402. God bath decreail il. Andl why noë tollowed bis request and gava pness dent Wilson Ioda>. appoliMsbew- Precinet. For.Agingt. What, wftb tise Czar e! Ruseia for rapiresentatives every possible coun- N. Price as postimostev et Sos 1--------------------...474 166 tise irat lime crylng out against Il- '_________________ upon tise recominendatlon oRe, 2--------------------1..98qs 1 quor ln Russie, and tbe, Buwerar o!f John Sharp WIUUamssof à 3--------------------..228 271 German>. iscomlng a ttal abstainer, expartation o? transportation a! aI- Mn. Prica formerty Iltvedlat .....................217 13S and torbiddîng ls isaseInlise arta>, cohal for heverage purpase. with oine Posîmasten îna 5.-- ................--0 55 vils a gneaaîlaading newapapar, lita already> dry and six statea votIng Ilalie exenciseil hie, prvlunt 6 .-....................107 104 tise Record Haralil declarlng ton trn- November on saae-wide prohibitUon, tisa postmaster vitbmtt em 7.>-.-..................20 272 perance. ansd tise secnetany o! tise navy. vils Illinois dniying out 1100 sau otns endaMtious bomam e ' M .8..................... u 42 Denstela forbiddiisg tise use ofIliquor ln one day. do., net Waukegan se. h>. o! onn dina. tis . ....................-79 76i an>- !ot'm nliste Davy, withi con- tise davnofa a -botter day and a daliv- a candida*. fer tIse Se t1.-.-..................-166 155 grées, dabating tlisemoati tise na- eanna, rom'flta urea.naiithls. lligi Ifea Intim.ied tw a11» *ff -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------oontnalproibiionaaailmnt a sop f lse alon'Tits i vial tiinktit, plie. h. rgor v v* 18 14M* ta MnUtufrat6 ,mie . ot5t.n . of Tesdàa a,.,' o -

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