"OeA F SRIOUS NATUR BY POLICE ~U WHGSHOT WOMAN IS 'LODUNDER ARREST BY THE HUSBAND WHO elHA: ES ASSAULT WIT H âAf~DLY WEAPON- Jge Martin. &lion Martichîs. *go" 6eplacai under erreat by tho1 *glt i olice tmornifi on a otmUU ct hargiriU him wfth an ml5tf*»ltha deadiy -90pn with .hoaêg.t.1 commit greil bod ily harmr.1 11%O wsrrent wn awoen out ble Demi- Blok Lomrik allas Lorritus. WIiOSO ~uI'ws n. .abilOLweik lieiln the Ja~pM.Aiatsrhealital with a bullet in d bl tar thigh Inficted by à re- bWir lu Mm handie ofMartin. Thei çe$arflgout ofthéitewarrant caMO as ~ dmplte aupol. oanto te p- * ie .~If use dolaraitiat tte mat- i~'bai bom ettlee imicabiy and *tttltoWillUb Oc rouocution. fid in $3000Bonde 1,oueok appord ln lthe Plice sta- thon lahi ?.lday aflernaon and aakod - *kat a warrant ha aworni out for the igmt-otMailla. The Warrant was ~~o U tihe mo wms placed under *U bm ornng. Ho was glven ~gauM.laaa herng befora Pot; ,.àwrmtiae Taylar mni at the requost Asf. Ul's Attorny R. J. Dedy, the q lv»as coptlnuod for ten days- '»Bpesworo blzed t $3000 and upon a ÏalUvreo t gel ball Martin was ro- mflded to ail. Ciao la myterlous ybe police decla.re tisat thora are Baï1«o unienta cofnystery connect- IM U't the came which are eory pua- iâàW. Tltyan i more incllaed than 9 u'$ llpr irat theory that tbere $p U0e ack of tbe abaotingta a ste Surfae. Ulstactionan ehogained hi iiobg wllh te vcttm of the shoot- IU as ah. doclares it was an acci- Iut pure and simple ani that Nfar- ia Waa flot ta bIinme. Thr@Meni go ahoot? ,#Iîbfld wbea ho socured the war- gapst hobam lraI 4f rom bis vite 4*4&11199Merlin drew the gun trom W», peéIttadpontedItilet Mrs. tqplk ho asked ber If she ktýsew ho oïàýaiot ber wlth il. Abimai su OtabmyacadInttgte, the buaband, diçe pwandso lte bufet an- wpuld not icuqs te mfaîr bmaumi ront asteing t~~b ak sn'the gun tram bis ~j~tami ialttodi!l il tthe vaman 1, le t he hodi so l gent aif. *à* WouU ot make theellhbtest ox- lMuigu fjorbis unusual tlans. PROMINENT MERCHANTS MÔCME ASsOCIATED IN HEIN LADIES' SUIT STORE A.M.àRUBIN. Mr. Hein annauncos toay Ihat A. M. Rubin, rtle of 1he Globe store, ba* became ascialed wilh hlm ln the lacal mercantile ectablimit- menI. At the aime time an- ncuncemeal la maie 1ha1 s 20 yar foase ha@ been signsi for the Hope and Griffan blcks-lhey annaunce extensive plans for f u- ture ieveiapment. Mr. Hein'. rite ln focal business circica bas been repi and vemy remarkablo for Il yearea go. he cametet he City me manager for àa smalnuit store later branchlng Into the business whlch hi* now r0ebd lte stage wbors extensive expansion ie ne- »ceseary. ,IO$)6OPROTEST IN ÎLLINOfS OVE# DRY-NATION BILLS Illinois Citizens Express Dis- aoaroval in Petitions to i. LSaRsrt OWner, Has Juat Purohae= Them at To- tal Cost of $12,500,1, LA KE HUS MOST BOATS NOW Niclorbamt hans who viel Foi laka tbis summer wlil bave au opportunlty ta, satisty thir desiro, for thîs sort lo at part esnover betoro. Twenty- one n0w launches will ho at the dis- posai of aummer reortera titis sea- son. ThIis unusual arder ban beau placed by J. L ha81w. wb awns a large enamer reaart aetFx Lake. The purchaso of titeso boats ropra- semted an autlay of about $12,500. Al ai tho boats woro purchaod of the Pope boit camit> ot* Fond du Lac. Wla. Nine or them. ropresonting a total value of approxlatetly $5400 woro îhlpped a fow thym &go and are expectei to arrive at Fox Lettr short- il. Twelve otiter Iunches aiilar ta ltes. wlll be shlpped to Mr. Shaw witltin lte.next two weeks. The twentY-one boats are of differ- e ot lengtbs but their average value la. 'about $600 each. The shipient of fte tiret nîno boita consiste of lwo 't9ata elgbteen foot ln length. 4 twen t-two foot, and 3 twenty-sii foo lang. Pox Lake bas always beau noaitd for the nunor af otor boata whicb aklm aver it5lsiminpd surface but the erosent arrincreasea the anrar to unusual proportions. It la report- ed that the remuit will be thît thore willI ho much mtarboat racing on Ibis lakete Iis season than ever ho- fore. la addfition ta the boats awned by meort keopers at Fox Lake thore are alw«Ys ntany motor boata owned by privato, Indivîduala. These boats aro usual> of a mare expansive type and usually are much more speedy than the average boaL ItIlnI.dolarod titat there are more motor boata on lin;. Lake than on practîcal ail of the othor lakrea la the caunty. 'This caunds like a strgng statement buot those wbo have pald visite to various partsaof the country are ready ta bear Il out. «0.O IIUTCIIINSON lIAS RECORD,-IN TUE WIIOLE STATE NOW Develops That by Being Elet- ed Town Clerk 41 Years He EstablishesRecord. HAS CLOSE RIVAL IN ELGIN. r1:.i ua in n.. m:..JfflSL.'2 WU'51.lorder eI House c.llll iEu an i siriar ulllUc 3e &aoofibag to theo sory as relatai Thewr Congressmen. Years - Legal Papr '$ lite ît'. ie Mnr. LAnroit. AMarin CreditsWa -finte tod bt 5:45 o'clack la the mter- Washington, April 14-Petitbons la go to votS. A îew moments signed hi more titan 1 00,000 citizen$ Town Clerit George Ilutchisson, the WMb.r visite 'ho as la bis betoam oaIllinois protesting the' passage Of oudest office bolier ha Lake County ta saisMY ie îro'w tise revolver ands the' 1Hobson. ShePpard aid Wrks ras§- point of service, bas a rival a "deui-. ti@u o ,oýolnt filat diferanl parti abutions. wbk'h Provide for prahibi- I h rivai.", 'bt7lier houY, lelling ber it vas not iOna y ameadmealta the easstîtu- flovover, îfter ail, ho lesnt much lpaded. She vwu fearful but beforo tion. were recebved by mtbr !a ia o ol ho or e -Ssoottiibt ay n'hi »sythe gun the Ililinois delegatian todîti. ba ereaitr ias l ls'*,iWJ6iltmtei aidtise builot truckt There are separate petitionastram qitdealoreng te ers t "de Ila lthe thigIL .Canning lher t drap eu ' h coagressional district, Illaee- Huiere.a lguneili ey as w".of vl a screant. Mainl'portets that te ilabsan resalution lagîlereord-office hoirw:gyso IL taa rug store ani summonadt is ho rought tb a vote et an esriy ls"WSdfim FhSlla vo a eece '.. Brova, vho but!Ibe vazian sre' dateby movillg rlt cischarge the Judil Prictbcally vîithoul OPPOition la the Im0vci latuthe lcapital. There hsi t at-y 'aatilttc tratmlis t'oaidera- fiea oacok a evdh tidtu ianiîethe hoarder for the tt)n. and tht' aîndt'r.. ,r tilii'îttitionv 't e ft capaclty o ,voias isteoiedl Hubn aeTra Ii e Idrt ýlel ri-i'tlebr t of taiCity clçrk tur thlrti-eigbl 'Yoars. HtebndMae iteaatît'tu i' '"AMr. Sylla bas brokea the record la Rt'Pr 'nrcnîtitlrt' Malint sai ttxia Ibis db> la bath capêcities. Ho suc- Immeiiitely opon mrlvbng home lisat t'leresOluiton e uld fltnt loec.eed R.W. Piiohford ai cty and S"iiIOritmig af the affair, Itta le si roihiil 01)bY a motion ta discitarge lto hr.Ib alrhvisbt f '11il . ?ist>nimade a tbreat Ibat ho the cantlllttee. PoWBe fork.mtni luttr miaving heUf WOQU Ii 511Mmmtl H. is itiger Indieat- 'Ailt uaI nsouid arcoaiplbsh vouli the cil ice'oly clerk mince the pUy eÏ tt hoI i W allnt satinflBd vlitte1)0 tautPut te monsure on te is-.vwu hcorç ted onîli the,'couwil' 'iftb Ol f the aflair and feîîevei that chsarge caleadar. where tiiere wouli chou.eAir. Sylla, thon an aldetrman, au thece via somethig back of il ail ho kixtY other tritasores alseai ofJit. bigssuccossor.". wlm IiuP tu the near lragody'. Atilt te dircharge calendar. I helievo ]SUI, belng tibrtî-ebght yearain a .- Then laIe la the aflernoon ai the liai bt'cn reav-hied aboot twico la the ine.,lsn't quite as long as iorty-q'ao 90o9ivng day the baand aiboard- lunt tliree 3etirs. - raid AMr. Malin . îO&and m ai isl' at George 1{utcit- er mt soi aPParffntiy setîie the ILeiresi'aitatiie Ilobrots maue te lason bas ta bis crodit asi lova. dork àstnimicibli. AIttis Unie lb vas statetnt'nt dinrinrg Ilosnenanol s ui iWuoa pvsl.H i ia it'eed tisat If Martin 'oouli liai for paiglu laAI"lannta tIbis resoitution elecii ha f87. ah ihe bai boomuvr- aIlth1h oapitai aidactor buils thal would Ihe brouglît tla nvote durilîg ioleted over stucs.. tIare vauldi e no Proseculion. Thte tills coacrea.Tho edîtor aoflte Laggl Adisor ai police ili*Ut t1ilput an enditutaeInelaadditio0n tu Iis lîlg petitian. (Chicago, a legs.1 publotlon, ha.In. mutt -u lfitireadily agreei ta aembers of the- Illinoist dlgîlnfraiilonthia n tIh a od have recivai t-seerai sulaller poil. the record la Illinois la the mattpir af r,11001% s I la sai Ihal lions against te Il-bialtresoloîlon, ogtar Iafne aoie nlo -1làearnei that the horder 'a pracblcally nothing lias be acl' oao ilg en nw t~d*nae i ananeioal b kl heni rot te atisaloon Iliterests who bas hellifor thit leitlitaiettme. oq.tf tovn anti refsaito make any in lallinois. _________ 'ui.At Once LOurelk bastened -Tu ui alt amrel Iegi . Oh e plc.sation aiebd the var- Ss The a ule, il y a ilstagcuri oithe case 5'W*i <ttt. hamltbot rubsor zpentfMo inlafor ber moiylanconiyour,' on '1#I~ itagli Ibt ven isecas l. Slam aiiliiano wsavaugs'day afternoonandi decidoti that site h. VlUs P Ül ston dais the hughani a«gLagrésulta, wvbib tipplut, e 0f lidonset ta ieJn ciaa ssia "~y a e aetarlllng disciosuresas ft Ai' e rôl rèecon OtUmm"i for ter a>Ja sec vbstber orl irii.WbMlierMs. 1Loureik vilibei *Uw Mluinaou, em o 'ib fr or againît th. hourder Ils soeuRs 1 auk.wv&W ab le viii hmprve umade the, ircal. . ~~aui las E Solioemle, Jiient. If selle ome» iltslpvi K #âau iet u t b t fro t h b t i a a s m l g the r m î e a d te ive a an th r bea ri s; uO v ii h ~'~t 41e ay brugblb a tougt MnY plier plater@ are mtlgao$o "set toamn aiylsî. n e, TIse un1 e gsO$moa *11 na hoî'er iaag Ite i'OnhIng tiuary-tu féel that sIte mlgbt ecas-er witb uSIàIDL ~praPer cire. Abandons Coter.z :eczie:aîîcf Inter- w fcrcncc ln Case, -ic Say& Tl & II u n Il$ York, April 1l5-WhileIa istrict ï EthtmeZ tthç ee2 t at :;î b..a ALL OAI>S <'M D Ilev.i *the confession b>' "Dago Frahk" Cirolici befone lho vent la lb. County Road Superintendentl clectrîn chair vauld aId. ather tbita hiador, the urosecutlca o! former Russell Says This Amount Peolice LIan. Chatiîco ck"r. tue lit. oldB Ape tom'a attobaoéy. jaseph A. Sha>. 'resigo- ed Z _& = ed u ù . W-IGES MOâE ACTIVITY. sel fv' Liebc uablit later BeiiitoitelietienLietein tte'-Ail Are Urged to do Ail They atodum i.a sssrtmeaLt o! mtty Can on Gooçoa ds Day to U0kn~O isiaitaso aiogi i- imp"rov oads. Thirti-five 4atlars an acr for lma- -' - pravementa on the roatis of Lake Ca. Bouton, Mis&, Aprîl 15-Bris lives wore lait la a lire vbieh wreck- od the Main, a fIve-story brick apart rmont lhau»aetaCommonwealth ave- nue and Long avenue, ln the Alaetin dIstrict early la tb@ day. It was fear. ed that au@ other accupant ai ltte building wha waa tnfissing sevoral houri atter theotnre, aima bai bean tout. Aira. C. L. Shackiord and Mrs. Editta' Benie vere kilUedlan ufplub frein windaws. The othor bodies, as' yel uiientlid, vere found whero, it ia Iea!ed. athorg viii ho iocatointh 1 burnoi lntgrimo f lte bulding. Soveral porsoma escapsi tram thoir apartments b> uneans ai ladiors made traus beiciatbei. The Ions vill ruacb $200,.. HUNT FOR PATMONT FUTILE soureh5rmHouas,. uncaver Another1 Mysery: Pind Babeas Sody. Danville, Ill. Avril 15-Th-e arrivaI of Rev. G. W. Patmoant. th i probîbi. tion leclorer, Whoha@ ba bet. isslng lrom Wealville for thirtoon imys; of bira. Elaie Palmoat, bis vife, ai et Rci. C. L. Milton, bis pmi'e.-. aH aif le the ostilite glven. by County i aid Superintendent Chrles Russeil. Thir- ty-five dallars .n am efor theo dm051 of bard rosis 10 o bai wauld beoefît ltse propeity through vhlcb they wali Cmai t tuast ltaI mucb and probably ms.re, acordlpg t10 a rosi- doent of the olty wbo bau boom tudy- ing the situation. Thia stoment oomlng front lihe eaucty rad super- Inlendent boers mare weiglit titan Il wouli front any other source. andIil may provo taho lthe slogan hy whlcb Il la te hope of the ýIroad commis- sioners ai Lake county ta Incite lu- toreat la the cause of gaod roads. Next Windaesday In gooa ronde day In Illinois, The govornr baisnel Ibis date aie for general observance througbaut lte itate, end ln avenY coaty oaIlinais ltera yuil ho me- tivity along Ibis lino. Cook county bas iaaugurated a prize contest for which aay reeldont 0f. the matat] eligible ta cosapote and for wblcb the of5fiaIs have lte assurance ltat there wlll be cotapeltors fram overy part of the tite. The plan la tu aller cash prizes frmt the anas wbo como tram the longeat distance wltb a raad drag. Na ane cao start befara mii- night tonight, and ltoey muat itlva aIl the way witi thle ira«. They are ta reach tior destination ai Wbeel- lng. Cook cauaty hy noon, "wbore tbey IVIlI bave their phcturea lakon aidthe prises awariod. Front here tboy cau atart baik AU a"y timete Iey tee fit, but the agreement muaI beho at they a nasekeatisrred athe' forésthe' vilI ratura thesaime 'wmy they came. bave bons warbing hn thç search la a ît la reported tisat there are a num- ir-su'tary imannor. and more conciert- ed action foliowed. Il nr'ug ic di. ber of Lake eounty tannera prepar- rect rémulte, but diiiuncovt>r ahoîbher Ing ta comnpete for theo prizs. ffermi ciltîary. The Idea aflglnaloi vkl> Soorcbers wai-kiag tt he 0narth the rami officIies of Cook county aa1 cerné noon a nawly tade grave severai resuit of a desira on tiseir part ta miles tram Westtio. It- vas saa4tl. bave the ruamis aitheirs aid sur- but lihe ynoUlifei lte IPaie l pe. rounding courtinea giveca s good drag, vho fouai ltae body at 7moiib9.ld ging. ln conjonction wth this lisore girl taby. nsatiy iresei buriai oaly wlibtiayosccots bimi a foot boiow the surface. Coroner l 11 c a tisencontesla hldand Colo wfll ata ntu liffy. I U ft n n i lgbe ______________The ioad Kôsa orx laa - lIa in- TOWN OFFICIALus INDICTED) faacy ln Laite eounty et the présent tlim but Il la .Ibought that wisat la Waltr Leter of anaaccampllmhed tis sesan vili malte Walter Lptcr , ai P, ai Aleged luat that muc bebtter etart next icar., Holdup Maen Taok Bat. Mt f t i he rami cognebtioners bave Decatur, III., April 15.-Tovis Clcrk annauacod Iboîr intenltIon of offeriag Walter Lester bas beca indicedit'y prises ncxt soason and somo of these the Pana grand jury on charges oai va aalbe ti er tieglecît toproperly pertorta the myoe oaahbe tt er dulies of bit office aid destroying the Vounty Reami Superintenient' Russell electina billots, la onthuslasilc ver lise vork ta ho On thc moramng ai the local option donc on the Laite Villa rami and la electona Lester declarei ho vas held htiatleitlY awatbng the caaslng of up by a gang ai armei mca who re- tise étite forces ta tarI the 'work. Ilb lieved him o! 3,000 ballots, le nol knawn at the préient lime ý! , :wben that viii ho, but prob bi nt ZIEGFELD AS MANAGER 0. K. until'the supreme court bas a lei ron _________the IJunction suit tarted agaînet the But as Hushani, Anne MciiOSays, Me State ta prevent thors frota usilig tIhe a Tac Muces a Susineuca Mn. appropriatiots maie for the purpose ni BaltImore. April 1.-AnnaiHl aldiniç4the iteramis.; gtprely lifled ber eyebrowa i a boei At a récent meeting aI whcbtIsaay wsy vben Iborfoi ai tho marriage et ai the supervîsors aid ramicommnis- Floreaz Ziegtli Jr., ber dibvareni hua-s.ionors of the caîsaty gatherAi lb vas band, la Blle Burke. "Mir. Zefeidelitta mtha soui a lsa a sery, vcry good magor," ase dsforthe ornds th slb di> ïaud, "unI as a hubai"-an oxprea- dn o h odbtI sbri t-lte cpais;e 'ha cn thlnk of nathlasI haitabt likeli thal thoe>'will hte aFn> but bUsînees, b>.ShniRms, buainerm. action taken aiong theRe iUes Until -next year. SAVO CH4RIST,$ comilda le.SuIX yeAM tDISTANT re qms a ns "The second coning of Christ vîlI vaOve olla' vrth of lartt alefrom lte. iruggls..Mi.x alàiti be in 192f,"l sai ' J'*itor" Russoll o uéStcfbi lk one-fotars aimucis su the combination, mvývsl. andti cture gar m«i mii a 1ev drops f aiWte. play of "Création" at lISe Auditorium, BIbi vUS a aatoh cr taclhpick unWu Chicago, SHuaday nfght. I 4'lU$ thi~ion b 1w~i "Creation wuaIn seen days.'- sali " ab Russel.'but iWh.46ya oire 1 Mach 7,900 UhIN1 Othéefà tm5O r, put ua» osteai yen"a long. Evoîntion »Ppiles ta lte tIIiW itiMie nâ thc sot prabei animaIs and even te the 'Java Ma,* e*o~ but uniattaAda'nt.'iÂ4andsi ive, vre S- «Uiteilly crstei mnd voro Put out ,Im wtim P81t- lii E"olu"i of the garden for Satlag farbidien IIbSga-Sf IIIb faim *orSbe k fruit.LJ" ~- la $1altei 9pl~b«b _________ ~ àa 1~te 4~vulkitypu et c DBY CHIC%-1 ar&M 90lnordcrs e In1'#J;att f Overy cay f = i V ai krIiotwe lâeî so OiIý y15bo Qi .liily cbci P I t.9, Us tabts>»gan rfà âb, everv vaek. mile u t or meliha......Y Chicks lùc egcb.egý 1,0 0r45 I~A. Doçttie, RI. e.9~.-,WA*t mm ASTOR ILL At FIANCE'SHOML Doctore Say He la Th sa ted witl Pnoumona-donditlon S.rlOua. New York, April 15-Vincent Aster la serioualy 111 at tho country place of MIr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hunting- ton. whose daughter, Helen, he latoi mnarri on Aprîl 30. He was stricken Tuesday and hi. tenlperature rose te 105. Heolabebtter, but Air. Huntington saad thiatphystianis stiUl regard bis condition as seriaus. The Negw Yarktphysiclens attonding Mir. AmIar sai thst the congestion of one a1 tb* patiente longs %vas acute.. Tbe Paient le asaita be threatenOti with pneumouia. FRED B1ilA WRIT 1SSUEID BY U. S. CT. Concord, N.H. Aprîl 14 '-Harry K. Thaw's applIcation for a writ of ha- Joas connus was grantadInl the Unit. od States court by Judge Itdgar AI- drich today. The court sali. however, that n order would be Isaued for prisoners diacharge tram custody uutil arrano- monts bidbeen completed tetakit the case ta the United Sitates suprerne court an apffll. Those arrangements will be made ai once and Thuw met free. Thaw bas been held ulider the juris- diction of the Init.ed Statem marshail mince ho was deported front C~anada, followtng bise ncave tram 7.atteawan asyium ilsat Auguat. SThe fina briet n bhai of Thaw n la bts tion for a wrtaf habeas corpus and for admission te bail pend- lng a' declalan oen the matter of extra- dition, wmsfIled la the United States District court March 27. The docu- mont laid stress open the cdaim that the statute under whlch Thaw origi- nally was conunitted ta tbe insane asylum at Metteawan, N. Y., la un- canstitutlonal and theretore Il wse nat a crime for hlm ta escape f' peubor e ai sald ah. 'w-ia riai- custoiy; that mn insane persan cia d actress. The Deoota fei bèr not commit a crime snd accardlngly andi gave ber a dollar ta go ta Keno- can flot ho extradlted on a charge of1 sh&. The father tracei ber furtber comtsftting a crime and that Tbaw's north. Moaday aflernoots she výa9 la sanity or tnsanity must ho iecidei ho- cstidla Milwaukeaidlbe fîther fora il eau ho determined thel therer hasteneti there at once andti tok ber la jurisdlctiaa ta extradito hlm. home wlth hlm. William Travers Jeromse, who pro. Mie Bretz leit ber haine L . trli- secutei Tha'w for the monder of Stan- .tog e e ah-' lc 9bs ford White, fought the issuance ai the day ta otbe tthr'm lace 0f hot- writon te grundthatIl wuld "To my dsar parents: 1 have de- nmbke il Impossible for New York ta cýidofi ta end it ail and rallave you of agmin gel possession of the prIsoner. tersoablt ftkn aeo - Me." 'Suortly beloete h b eon laton ut of cbool vison ovorstudy causai SEEKS ÀN llo ber ta became nervana- Wblle lbe ON mther blilevei the chli vaxdemi. lte tither reasonod rlgbUy lit ite SIT HniD WIFE ON i R girl.Iovba b beanager 1 t to p i SOUTISDE RICmoing picture ictreas. bhai run nway Mrm. Isaholi.Lorritue, aged 22, Oh potatoes. vaihai. sa" being lies in the Jan* McAliser hospitel paimed off on loupi restaurants and with à huilaI waund la ber lbbgh, reaiu grocery stures ai new pointons whblie Joe Marlichis, a boarder nt ,t blgh prices. accarding ta mreprt the Lorrîlis home, 628 May virent thal reachei South Water street. Chi- la hcing aought by the police la caga. Monday. The diicoveny vas r rer tbst ho may givo a mare made by a comiagion --n, -Io satisactory version of lte shoot- gought ta accouaI for an uaexpocted iag thon Ihat glivan by the goma increase in lte demani for Trlumvhs. who docls.-es it was an accident a red vaniely of aid crop polalog. ie pure and simple. The huaband, learned that Ibese werm heling haught rDominicit Lorritusa saili to bave I at 65 tu 68 cents a buabpl. vasisa ieciarod Friday night ltai ho 'snd î,acked la hampers. wilcb vere would i i Marichis if ho couid eold at $1.7.' 1 $Z' a hanipor. Esch fini hlm. Thot lhe aospectcd thaee iatauer conaitted about one bissibel. was mare bîck of the affair than The average ratail Vrica af aid Vois- 0;0e8r.d on the surfaco use in- toes la Ivo centsaa und. That af ditti by bie action. new ln 8 cents. eh. Pwil rat dit i a01.I tock OU LAM$a ememen Norwey fMepie aî-Low Prie«l. WAU QÀ IÂAT* ED 1MILWAKE G'iu Who Ldit oieSytg Was Tired ofLiW, is Tt-ne Home by Father. TRACED THROUOH ItHRM Loca PoficeFownd -he, g -Been Put Off Street Car * the. State Une Frlday. itaukeffn, Avpril 14. Helen llretz, 16 yeBTE 014. 1217 Wrlghwoad avenue. Chicago, wbo dis- appeared fram bher home Alpril 10,. md Who was ~ugt bore, l#as been found I- Milw9aukee, Wi. by bar fatitor, AI. bert Bretz. accarding ta a telephone message relovedby ber mother 1 at nigbt. She disappeared afler leaving a note to ber mother. saying sho Fvas lirai of lite. The police and pupils of the Waller bigli echool. wblc lte i'd attuend' , tarled .asehrcbfor 7.1rs. Bretz vas told by a woman living la Wllmetle that a gIMl answý- Ing ber daughter's description bai appllod for work in 1110 sstPurb. When sihe was unablo ta find uytployment sho itoarded an electrlc car. it vas lpasrnod, and ber tather thus traced ber ta Mlwaukee. île rame ta Waukegan on gulndaY aflernoon and securod the assistance of Assistant Chier Tyrroîl. Thtelatter round that the girl bai ridien ai far as the tite lino. luit narth aofZian City. where she was put off beo#use abo bai no more mtnay. The <ater wont train bore ta the sate lino wbero ho found bis daugbtor bai stop- 1 l'à :-.J