CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Apr 1914, p. 11

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T7ArT~ (iflTlW1'V ThT1WPTMT'11~W1' V~Tfl AV A ~DTT i 'i i fluA - t. -. ...... 4~a a..An. S W~JJÂ* t~ ~1t 11.154 C4nClarke Says No Word Ha$ Sëéé Reoeivsd as Yet, Êolloing tatst lp. ~'COULO) SEND 4.00 IAEN.1 %ys This Number Could Be Disatood ltbn .ow Daye if Needed for Navy. INO MRRS. IhIEN Waukegan, Aprîl 1. Spurreti on by the offer o? a e- yard of $100 for suy information, leadlng to lie viereabouts of is. Johni Hemnen, tie Waukegan woman a-ho dtsappeared urytsrloaely on Mfardi 17 and a-io. because of van-. Chicago, the eeanc inl Chicago le ta lie renea-et. Captain icba J. ilalssin of the Cii' TIêCt( nAM RAY BE À 'REALITY AT LOCAL H1. SCIIOOL (By Higl Sciot Reporter. Ithe li=pilMonihl Itere liais beei a uumber of boys of thI Illîool a-bu hase beeu trying toa îrisiîetereet lu a raci best At on- i' tîtteil aa thougit that liey veulîl surreed ti then Il wasedroppeti. YestPrdata lera sas recelved a letter atth Ie school stati ng liaI anattempît vas ta ha ho dis- 10, Sud tound ter, AI. aphione or last ng e ee Pwas p.spils Ch ti. ei for voman ina-os.- t bail SWhen )ymeni tt a-as traceti Bunday lstaLnce e latter' s f ar >f ZMon >e6gaae fathci i lino Ad stop- ruhouse straLnd- ed ber i Keno- further aa W0 father ek ber qi bas- note ve de- you oi ,are of t aken eau$"d le th. 9 dcsd. ut the i9opu a n Ia-ay beiug U3s sud îaoatos reports met, Ci- .' as via xptD" taumba. 0, 1*. bouglit vasieti bh vers - Each busel. Id P'otas That of Waukegany, Amiil M6 Tiat ralier tis ac e suits the Norh Sions Oa» company bas decidý ailno u0Insiât upon the payment for gus for the tva monilia a-len the aui- piturous condlIona1 a-r. go bad. tg lie ltement ai s Waukegan attor- ney.,iHs aya tiat ses-oral csaeesof this kilutilu Wsukegan have been cait- od labils attention, "Bo fer as Iliet goes i knoa- frein nMT avu peraojliobservation," lie declarel. "I Infornbedth Ie sas roui. Ieny liat 1 Imlmiy vauid nat psy for tie gaz dariug lie ta-a montirs in question, That asasm ertireweegs agocand go fan tliey liase taken ne sc- lions 10 calIect. If the> suek ta re- mos-e mY meber 1Inlteudt tago Ibothle courts snd sujair, thutu fi-ensdoiug an. "Tiere le no question lun y mlnd bati liaI i coulti secrie sucli sn lu- lunction as one waa grauteti agaluet the Lake oi-best water couîpany ne- centi>- ln a serY lilutlar actiont"lir gas cOmnIAY Probably walît make a big hsipff a-len ut eonis iii tiest ia-devis I amr cîîîîi hncnîltaitirai -i lîack up.' This saine attoniey waliii mccsîtly msdeal In arltjter niaIste tt cfthe tiuierence l Inte triresor gag there aud bere, He gast le aseti mer as tîseetia lie iti ler biltirhat the me- ter diti ual register ganmuetlî Ith te saine aLove lu use berslire gasile meter t once more than doubled. The San las been asked 1>3 fiaii3 people as ta a-ly tirs gus cempauy le siloa-ed te charge $1,10 lier titausanti fe et Of 555 la People a-ha use I su- tiri-yfor fuel purposes %,Leni the or- ttuance uder whidli the compaisny tg a>Pettu provideB a charge o? 75r a tiioueand for fuel gag. 'Perso0nailY 1 Uae none usgag jet for ligithu.g purposes,ans man saiti, "aud tier S - more vlio do tire éain tfilig. If a-o vers graute thtie rate îe wvilci a-are entitieti we voult ia-I-ý loirIgdIspense vil lie GeeJet sud tifs lie gai for cooklng pai-poses en-I lirell. This la aomethIng Lt e lecou- sidereti la this cautros-ersy,"' Wlmdem of Sleece. *Né cou ou kema- a-at', Lnu ot PM , olt t bi. Il'a aa rcal deSal uts * iik i als lith ta lk Wbely. ~ ~ ~Iia -pouhave plonty 10 apeai 1fer ~ -ptalkta--"Unpa±t'd WaierM," ~ r kHarria. yyil4w =z=dM5Plu5y T Waukegsu, Alîril 16. Wltb thre sunuali moving day. 3May let. auost bere. looaI real eSate iIII <UUUniI jdealers deciare that tiey ai-e belng 1 I L floodeat by people -ha are salous taLT L B ID N neuemare desîrable bouses sad uo. O ilS S A calions. Tbey expert fever ehanges FOiHI E to lie matie titis year lian fan the test severai seasons, ovlug toa jack o f Waukeg.ui, Alîrîl 16. teisrable places, t ContractuOre and iruïîdermt lu Wau- "We rani t egin ta accomuradate kegan ri e iooklug fai-ai-tiJust et ail tirhe eole vi avse matie ne- presant t thle penlng of tirs building qOesat of qir," ou dealer tisclia eBason ou thre finai, o? May'sud tiers "Take a look about the rIty sou-self. te no Indicatelon ot a busy building YOU a-II sBes that Practiraluy ail tîs seaon liers. Contractora are prar- desirahie housesandud fas aIieady are tlesili tînaulmous la derlanîng liaI Oerupîsal anti tire peuple wa-li lse liIlisme la nothing ilu stet lookbaRfor- ,hem are net lht1nkîug et makîug a surit to a husy biuîiding seaxen iu change. It loeks as If inu peîopîle Wsukegan. Buildng iast year va" a-ha vaulat liRe tb maRe a change vîli nat eery lirisk, but itleI saidth ie out- lie uuable te matie 0onthlit ir e ofMay look this year la sien a-anse. and a-lIi have to waitt a ilîle longer " Ihas-e net acect building se slack andthp tie atch heiîr chana-es tb getin l a aogan for a nunthen of years," a boueahRtlaIsuite thoto better. oeeleading contnactar doriared, "so 'tIaty peotIe aho lemme their lionnes iar as I know- bbe addition ta the Ban- frQm Ypar ita ear wiît net 1îpe aile tan veil plant le ihe otcuilidng of an>' do ttts as4 thirt-leanens 1 irtestl o tntcoîtsequent-e tuaîtît'iIfor Iire ily. tif the iret orf a . v TIrsu lliey vill course here im morsetir teo-nrelie- ltîher lisve to e e t-w Ibee trst-e unrvîrk snd riotelling ulantîrd but mos-e out sud itlobokstasa If niant i tr tItS vin net amount ta sen- muer, thern vilI have ta do the formier.;' "If It vers not for tire tact Ibat Reait>' men depiore lIre tact ta! there la more building ging ou lu tbe nwaho hais Mnev te is-est do net chiles te tire auth of Wbukegan i do Put kt tto hausesa or faitlîildurîga. nat know waiai vs oulti do. Soins of 'Pley i gsy there la lie biggeaî sort o? us have lîsen atbie te secren contracta tand niai-se teiallibornea andi lu Leke Forest., lightaud Park aud they 'addtht at If PeOPIe couldtilcter allier illes aioug the narîli shore Sud theinsIelssa tîat liunîiresla vin îw thîs viii gîve as sornelblng ta do baut ni-cuti>' uetocre places aoutli avail th Prospects fan Waukegsu are au>' t tirnselvea o? he opponf anti>. thing but promîinýng" 'Tire av-erage inan preferm; a bonuse As a resait of thîs apîparent deerlli ihat rente tonfi-oui $18 ta $25 sarîoîîtiîo! building the biulding tradean andi theme ame entireIy too tea- of are seeklug emrploymeut lu alier surIr places. As soonu as one of tusse ctties. The>' aS>', liaever, that lie>' places la vacateti there ai-s haIt a a-duid mach preter ta work ln lhefr, dazen Peoplea-ho are asuas taovu nCity. 14' mos-e If You yull observe i-au atl Because of tIre dullusas oflbuildug ses, that liracttcally es-en> vacant operstans last year -coutracture look- boue i he rit>' isaofthe Issa desir- mi fora-antite lucreasti operatlonu able type" this yeai-, Then- say Ilie>'deoflot mMOW 'nieî ststsmet aase matie by aitoth Irav to acdaant fan the siatirneas. en i-ssii>'dealer.,%ai s aisminudeplone the jack o! deairable houssa anti say liaI lu Te awe Mw".lieli- opinionminu aho have iuouey ta Ecouomy, nigitly Uudu'atooi r. lusest caulti do san b geetiadsanlug, qaires careful study sud eenslst«tna&bO >'putllug up sursîl houssa or fiat ien. À knoa-ladg* o,»ajiktprie« buiituga. Sâd mousy value are a«eessufor ait lutelgenul solâull«otho e ees Àw Ilîjins. BUt sime'noiedie ofetIi dosalsat Uce. ( Coagnetseat ionla Te. Mnd Kid *JR - equally If net more IlDitaut, Tb* Wkea M idl4, k&4~#~ "bead ad teart" of tiy MM 18114 coUO tte Uid. lit ïà"hmo be ouetua tir effbrts, Tis, MU% . bu. ail dosa nt SI; 0wtbUe blu"e work La a u. -' - la bis nrom oft a1s ed dramatte Work and the play is lhaund ta b. a good osne. The generai public viil uot b. ailowed ta attend, however, as lt la te b, given for the second nar English studentii and their frlends siens. A large flamber bave exlîressed their degire te attend the perform- ance, but the studentis feel that as ibis lm the first attqnpt te do anything along thîs lins they woiiJd railher have It igiven betore a sei1eëted audience. Then ton, they feel that they could neot cars for the crowd that would be prestent, but ln the future. If this proves, as Huccestiful as la expeted an attemPt aiNl be madle te malle It opecn for the pulic. There was a rehearsai 0f the senior Play In the Nlajestic theater yestcr- dsy afternoon. The cast hav-e lcsrn- Pd their parts and the time is nti%% beieug aent ln getting the correct de- l lvery andi ai ritt. There sas a iîractim eof the <-ortkita Yesterdsy atirnon in the gý tîuîa, im of lthe S t~ There i%,as ,tnie -baIllpract irp e yc terday afteruoîî. Ta-a full traîti-. a-sm out iantilfront the pismenst intil-, calions t liiteittii il be aivIîtiing une. 'rî tir, t gins vilii Fl ayeîi alth tIt-liili ottllege teaut ai 1l. dusO, Allrilt2il'lie tuterest lit alht leties has titkîîîait tucrelaseor laie and ail the ntains are going oniin fine shape. Motto Ad)Oisted. Rew a motte for à NOv Yor*k lob, @W ae.: 'Wine, WOMUan sd Bing IjYou need flot be an adciwnter "to use the COlumna. St t out wMits simplyamci vo SOtelephone this qffce andi the clerk wWf wteyour acL qwant ada are the 1 - Wàýjt fitte îie ~AspUNA COMPLAINANT IN CASE IN CIRCUIT CT. Rev. J. W. Funston Appears as 'Nearpst Friend' of the Lee Opal Family in Court. OVER 12 SALOONKEEPERS. Are Defendant in the $1 0,000 Actio.n-Many Jurymen Are Refused by Attorneys. A -.-- llnw uyg% - made ta orgreaue on iangîilan trac Thire lt«citégett ttthe aiayo-t1= = M.the teasi te take part beini Ties e ecteîentlutIe airl-as ee lid lu the 8earcli sud Waukeganî, Aprli 15.Raie eoaan Wukg. dayet ie >ret LkosNaal rai. i ba deuied n, lic Clmeu rWlth Rev, J.'uaston, pasbor o? The matter vas' tho-nitakeri ap by Ing station ai Nort Chicago. Hu*ansd Mifse Lulu Parka. Chicago police- the lleloiadst churali sud lresîdeut <'o«aci Pchiltsz ili iti the 'elows and dreda of lie oldsr apprentice, semen visr te slurt a thorougli esarch for of the WaseuiMibr'AsoafrcaIdhg enîlraluli aIer lenrbiaoie teIo der istltejion teodsn1aae l icao iablon. ittiug ln as chief cousplil. sclîol sud tle experlpien ifut asade- -ves u radnea fr odea t jUi Numerous cleve have Indtatçd ant, the case of 3lns. Lee Opa! and C rdedte talie one vesk lu whlch te lie Atlantic squadrou liaItla nov tiaI 3rs lie~pnn loardod a tra i er la-o ebtidren, August and Alliert,!i try out and if et the end of thai h*eahllg tovard Tampico, Mexico0, aitti ent te Chicago, Then lots it'aguInat over a dozen saioounkeepers, lime the prospecte far iittling a god for lie purpose of couvpeliing Huerta was declareti that a vornan ansa-erlng startcd Taeeilay ln circuit court, ihovlug ver. good Ih van tiecided bo to lialilie UnIted Bltes liagt. More lier deacrilptlou u cn eaou 1Damrages of $10,000 are aoked for Juin the otber eciooin. lie 160 0f fthe young salions vere ta-o or tires different occasions, M.; because Opas asa mde a drunkard Xalregan bas neyer lad a btgh soigto b Pb114flia ta BI yestei-day Hemmen, alded by menthere of unfit te support bils famiiy. The sChiool track tenasTiiir reptatatiori sud lit la probable, officiais declare, Chicago police force souglit te unsuit la dtroctea againal these mn, Jan hasiug strong footblll, lbasket bal] tisaI some o? tienta-ljI ses service tiown tliose clown. et the lime, bat the brgest ihot of saioonkeeiîers and and baselbal tlemme han rî'aclied es-ery a-tUa lie fleol. The Mn w er. lu a(-rs nabis tu finti anythiug of the property ovuera ever uamed ini aun. hool of lie arthlir-u-lit they charge of Chie? Master In Arus De- voman, action of tuis kfint lu tIre local court: lia vu- neyer bcd! a Irai 1btain. Thisî roa-. Captain IlatpIn lm of the opinuion David M. Lux, Arthur Nauu, Ilia-myJ mesus thal. lb. local teato vwouid lie "We have recelveti no ortiers as tiraI a womein voulti kuca- botter Robinson. Denta OBien, Wm.,ris o? inexperiencsd ir-n ltiroisgl Yet."* asserted CapI, (Clarke of the vliers tea1(oa:i for a voman thoan Kssfes, Leen Van ltalcks, John Lyone Ke7-nosha a la i he sainie position as naval sation today. "but ve are ln aould a maxi aîd for tist reason lie L.ouis Hutli. Wm, V. Heurt, Jacobi the local school lun t s uav te have i-miMossfor unity tetmay rom.e ' Ittaliedti he ta-e Iairea-amen te the Zant, Fred Miler ltreving Co., Frank rîît biati a ti-ack eamr, yeî the Wa- are msklng uo epecl preparsiions, isearch. The), have lieu gIs-eu lu- j- l3Irk, Sarnuel Schwartz, John A. p lgan teaintvaulti net vaiuit te enter golng thnough onîy the dalty routini'; tructiais te go Laes-sery place a-herei Thomiîerg, Etivarti J, Blrk, Jacoli if tley a-ould, -ake a poor sloIeig. of drill, but a-e areIînsîîared te ruish lhsrs a-uld lie teIlis slîtest chance Goldsimith. \evorduug te affichaIs %ie are try several liuudred inuet once Siteuit of tIuding Nrs, Iliemmen anti net te Mr-. F'uston starieti the suit as ig te arrange for the oteot it veulti they ho ordereti' .abandon the seau-ch until tbey either J tlsîr next fienti anti thensfore lei la- ore lime lu May. -lînre Kenosîrae ('apltu ianlare deciaredtitait t liai-e faund bler an are convtincet sire j itttîrg alongaide Mn, Datiy antiNfr.i- 'tse central clty tle ticet souiti bundi-eti ecruits coutiliaie sent fronisnotl n Chicago. Fda-ards vlio are hsudling the plain- 'itiabe beiti there, lie sation ou a day's notice sud blat en-l irlfsmut îedgJ tifs'caeTIrsqaestion Ihen arose as te as mauy mors couiti le sent pnovid- c very effort te ind i bs aifslu ather Call Many Juymen h cîether tbe sobool coulti have a hase faig tiere la s dernantifor tissu Al paxs.He te curyting tiresearcli te 1Il, seeMetiliko s strauge co-iuci- hlai!tesm, Il vas figîtreil out n et lma oul no lia-e ecueilthemore far distant points lu the chiance dent IaI rscognlzed a-et men liapperi- ilat the pe-stice for the- track tearn full course o? training, b.e elalued, that hilis -fs May have gone famIlier ed taelie tirav front the jury box lu %*outi oacur ou aflsmnîootn ethen clian but a-bat they isck liey couîd soon thon s'as aI finil belles-su passible. profusian a-len It carnestae electîng Tuesdtay sud Tburadai. thre tayi, sel Icamu on ehîpboard, Whetisr or net1OptimistirslIre li ois ta lits tîlcor>la jury. asite fon bas hlai! prtiri-. Thua if ordors Si-e eceiveil at lie station viii that "e long as ne clea-tela he îse- j Thre piaiutitfs amonce abjectedte te liis show tiat tessc taesun depenti upan a-lethen or nuta ilthe ab)outa or lier fate Is receis-s t(I ii mauy anti thes ere rejuected vuih1er !uta lie meet the i.tieuii ahI be lattlesahpa lhs-e a ful comîîîement o? ihere ltn ressont lea lielet tat as e1the resait that six ollier minu ers i reîîreaented tI bath as..e hall tssm mn. There lai nuta aanSt the 515': msy sîlî]]lie living, eH peitla cieiatieaiiuj ni ieai1al ia tion Ibut a-ho le net anitaus taase that allier People lias-e been lacateti Abert Larsen. Thîias eenina- ln the as-embuý ronin roi-earvice. atter es-su longer dtsappearances anti Wm. Fechiner. :Ofiithes chool tIrs second y est- Englînli Jlie doeniai Intendtitabalrndion the FredIBowlinrg.i tasses vîlI praenan etfthe acensa Bearcli g0 long as there let a passaihie C'ai-i Soderyuait front litue Casar. lu vii lie tire Oy O À Yn hsîîce. Fred Wiliett. irai dramatie work thai any close or iEt Inlualie. organlatiou or lie achool lias tri- PRFEREI) NOT TO LACK 0f fi-U Wrn Zoehler. dutgeti ln for many er.Tecs O SES 13.d. Armstrong. l8a s SsII esecteil ans anti tiry bas-c 'W L U K §0 . Sayrs. leiest untier tie.dIrection of Mise Sea- PRECIPITATE SUITS W I.CJFI MIU (bas. Stresal, ord, via for vears ha. tsoncnei.,,-i 1 I:n e 1Geo. Stanger. J. E. Jobneon. ýCONTRACTORS SEE SALTEFAL~ ~ WILLIAM J. STONE IChalrman of Scoate Foreign FIGHTUNCL SAM Affaire CommittîecWho lagIl. President Sends Ultimatum to 0 Huerta as Fleet Salis. MAY SEIZE PORTS 0F MEXICO Exfoutive Cite@ the Many IndignIties k soped Upon Nalon-Arrest of 9 Marines and Seizure and Censorahlp of Officiei Dispatchea from Wash- y ington Are Offenses Named. Washington, April 16-Huerta vill sainte the Amerîran flig or the At- - ltic fliet vîll setze Vers Crtuz and sTamipico. Wliat happens atterward dependg on Huerta. Tht la Preaident WIlsons doter- CIm'nation. Leaders ln cangress, a-lin %'nom lie conferred, afireed there wua amipie prcedent for suri action. ileap IndignIiîs Upon United States. Not only the Tampico Incident, but a ong sertes of IndIgnîties offersd ta y te United Blutes tu the conspîcuous y exùIusion of other foreign nations cp 8ressnted in Mexico lias canvluced the epresident and hies advlsers that theý h United Statem bas been singlsd outi1 ,for "anilfestations of Ili i vii and con- 8 The succssIon of affronts con-*2 tvlnced thes fresident that the repre- rss:talîves of this gavernment vers r. belng slugled out for Indlgnites. OfficIaI dîspatches sent to Charge , - 1O'Shauglioessy have been Iiilercepted 3 bv the ellun cen sr. j",~ ' 1, One nea- tac t brought ouît at the W hite Hous cnference vas thaltva - ut tse A merîcan ilns jackets arrested et aTamrpico acre taken frain Ir J 1E" BRADEN PASSES AWAY Ship Orderiy ta Arrssted. Former Drainage Trustee Power In A ships orderly ln full uniform luij Politica of Chicago. Vers Cruz an buainess of the Ui -uted Chicago, April 16. Joseph C'. Rrad- ttates a-as arresled and reieased, en, Insurance breker, former Repabli- a-hile a nominal punîsh nt s-as met- cao politictan aud frmer santary wcd ouIt tIsth local officials, These trustee, died at his home, 3931 Prairia huîlierto anptîbllahed tacts a-ere dis- avenue. Death aas due te Brlgta c!osed ln an omfiaI statemeut. nisease sud lieart disease, auperlu. President Wilson laid hie advieora dirceti, members of hie tamtly belleve. th,t he stands for peace. but le doter- ire eeka aga by an accident at the liuîusd ta force Huerta ta recognhze l'niversity club a-heu an eleiator la 'lie houer and digniy ot the Utnited whtch lis was ritiug droppeil several States. I ihirs. Determinatton of the presideut te NMr. tiraderi was for years S pov.r lie preparsd for auy smergeucy a-as In (Chicago polittc-s. He had Ilvad tu r eeu vihen he aumfoued ta the white îhis city aver thîrly years. He avas h- uis 8enators Shively sud Lodg. sud haro at Joliet, 1W., fitty-Rix years fgo, t 'presentatives Flood and Cooper. and hie father for ysars vas edito, ruktr members of the ta-o congres- ar'd proprietor of a Joliet nevapaper. atonal committees on toretgn affaire. In thils actIon. it wvu botntsd ont, the lîresîdeut vas paving the vaY for su. Q E N W L N P C thorizatton liY congrens of a declars- 4U E L N P C lion of a-ar.IN MU M President Wilson look the ta- oue' S H sîcreansd tWa representatlves fuiiy Int bisi conifdence, and revealed 10 lIrem the Incidents fotlovtng lb. ar- rest of a datacbtent of American bine. Eka ra of Buigarla W I h jackets et Tampico, lie salisequsut densand lry Relur Admirai Mfaya for Vli ohesofar ajapoiagy ln the forin of s salut. eVsi oiitu1 oi ll( olre a1 h. refusai af the Hu-____ erta gova%,nment ta couipiy, As set forth ln a note trausmltted ta Charge Washington, Aprîl 1.-A defiate O'Shauglinessy. announcemeut tuaI Qasen Ellesuorsot Wishe. Congres, te De Roady Bulgaria wviii sit Chicago and a-SU là- Hle. pointesi out that a-tth ather ne- sPect the achools, haspitala and otier lions baving representatives ln Mex- public Insthttions lias been radte b? Ico noure et thons hail foand If noces- William Casper, the special euvoy or i tary to ack for apologies. C2aeen Eleanora, Ail vho sav tIre president said no The qîlesu a-IIlisho n tIreUited @spavaîld lie taken of a serinns na- Slates about fis-e weeks and w-Iil go as tftre, sari as (hos Ianding of marines fer West as Rtochsster. ifin., 10 vieil cr theseling of a toa-n vîtbout lits Niaye Sanitaritini. atlîorlzatlon fron congres She iliti rnasin luntChicago for Bey- The fleet wil!! fot arrive et Tam- crs! days sud wililis snirtained ai pue lîntil nexi a-eek, the bouse of a frlend wliaee naine 114. Western Fleet Aiso Assembllng. C'saper vauld n01 disclose et presogi. The rcampalgu ounIthe eastern casai. ir. Casper vli go ta C'hicago oseI of Mtsulcn vit!lieo stpported liy tie seeli terutake the arrangements for ilockading sud selaure of all the5mtm e isQteenu slay thers. porlant ports on tlie western roasI Ih l it îpptentenîary movemntîagaina;t PRISON FOR FORMER O FFICIAL lit- ogtnerncoast vaqs lesd vieni I t ,-as annoiinced tai liree crînîscrA, J o-ne tran-tiirt and liii colliers lu I'- Fifteen Monthe Oîven Wisconsin Mun ci-îlr i îtîrliait bien rrderpct b saiI on Charge of Embazzlement. fsa -n a s Possiile r NexicanJ taaîo.î, Wl .Api l 16. -William port s.Thit'- a tr vesxels a-ill carry L. t.eemanin, liinier state otîperJn- htiett 1,000 iiîrrînes sud viii relu- tenjdent oet1111111- PrnpertY, pleaded force a fipelcfftotîr cruisers and ane lîtllty toe enlie.ienipnt sud sas sen. tuboat alresdy gtationed lu 'lejican lsnced te Iltîcen untitslu the state waters le lite aest, The torpedo Pgnitentlars-. ilottliîaiS tsan lPedro, Cal., aien ha. The speeî-ic-charge on wliich ho tiesu erd'redIo testand ready to sali 1ýa8 Seutenn.ctsd ,t, he cmeitszaie. nu ahort notice, ment of 0.170 lu the form af tva checks paid hlm, for iassis paper soid MEN VOTE RETURN TO WORK b Ylhu st.tlei, le li-as stîperIn- Declare Off Sinike of 170,000 York- ahire Cual Minera. WIFE MAKES GRAVE CHARGE 1,epdA, FEnnlanit, Apri 16. A ci WmnDelnele.HaariM tornent ofltii Yorkshire cuai miners'WmnDcae HrHt3dMd oýtrikp sas rpaclied vien thesminu er laclimaltiTool. voted tol restîme -ark. Ivsnsv.ille, Ind., Aprîl lO-Arrested Tihe strilierm, numlieriug 170,000, hi' local detectives on a charge of lrti work April 2, demandiug the In- Jinlg a bond aetlHarrisbuî,rg Ill., troduction if a minimum a'age scaîs ý i rs. Minnie lioiiand, ta'ýenty-îihreo A conciliationu bard vas Sppuiiited la c-ars ai, aserleti ler husliand hati dictiss tIre pointa at Issu. and sur"-itîýed her as a decoiy in a bîsekial c ed lu obtalnlug the meusa consent j;here againet prominerit men in 0the le the laking of a ballot. lîhluois city. Bie s issrted lie then lhreatened 10 prcfnssg bngo fîîrtlier wlth tienplan SKIRTS 0F won~ IS TMELATEST Wsukefae. Apeli A %vonîssuis porkets art for e$ ment rallier than for us. Mis tire latealt ashion edilct fions an edict ratihed lu Piccadity. avenue anti NlIchligan avenue. The pocketed skrt ai-edy 4* epffeaed la Paris ad Berin; . glimesof it bas ben seau luin don anti New- Yorkt; andttIlaaIt te appero f llOy lua Ch O.4,. Ci'hcago a-amen are baving their suites tlored tiat as. The pockets lu tie nea- alcrta biaceit precisely as tiey as-e btm vaçed for y«e - l t. trou»m$ mnklut, tbe opeuing oun. lie bSs 6h, pockel mat beiov lise hW. But asalde fromuthlation, rmktlaofi omen are aRot1k. pockeis of men. The pSkofi t b inu are »Mialer, muni amalmler. te conlalu nothilu but lie very 5 baud of lt.e vearer sud. Dperbm a, nickel or a digme, This resictlon im lieie for obvios reasona A vM61tQl vanîl>' boa or a psckae of *eI alliera-ie striklugly govued wouiti "spot] ber ahape' luna anti des loisrsile. Tic .wamin of the peeoà6d t te expected to atro-iaIslong lu a lgent va>', vili lbesbandae.~ lieni lu ber pockelis. ta jues lts t ode liat ,u'ory- mtser tells bei lie niai t larent. MUMMMMNM"M 1 af, ý1- IMR COUNTV'TNDEPENDP,'KT- FRTDAV- ýipl:?Tn 17 lou Waukegan, .Au#~ Potson-hetdtb-wreokint, poign-ts the tss uppit.d qi of the norti ahoe stOa-us îy e$o 9hare Gas CoaMWny. a*écrdiugto stalemnents Wigdeoday of pi'OfIDa men sud a-onîeu vlo have used gag. Thte fume 0f the kas, aftes' t S been hurneti lu a steve or lua1 hurners, areonot 0-ni, ai.t<1 andi fouting ta everything th" 0 1but aise Loxie and lultantmatoei' the, air passages a? the useaMs~ shore residentsaid yeeberdaY. - The tavus have joiued fores« i~ petitioneti the Illinois stute u utilities caunlirsaon for relief. The scond liearng of the took place Tuestiay and re lis-e men and a-amen appeeai laid thelr experiences vith lhe - The hearlng vas contlnued untl l 27, a-len It t. expeated fthat sf~ iundred clsatlsflsd consumera Of gas a-i lgive sireclflc lntanor". M their troubles, Woman Telle Experlence Mrs. Lawrence H. NoeI, one cft mat prominent a-amen of Lakes 13r yesterday told ber experleucea s the gasglunlier bouaeIroid. "The fomes of the gag ver. plasanous snd lie odor no vile i couldn't possibly slay ln th. su." site sait. 'I foit very 5017 M the mald, a-ho Irad 10 voikt Iboe I vent loto the kitcben Jusl fds,,I montent after the gas range héàd boqn lighteil for a-hile sud the fouS the bm-asti gasgSave me a IBB. IL vas sa-fui, Ail the vindov doors bail te liekept open vwtae gag vas barntng, "Tegag aldbeen btter' durà the lent fea- days, but for a cole monîh L t as s a-fui. Ever$yt A tovu Waascom'pliang. Yon COOUl even ilgit the gag, It vag so ba&O" Village Meut ConsPIfil W. F. Cochran, preslo"t orU~ Village of Làbs Bluff, decriei quality of tic gai. lbt lias beau vcry inferlor," '14 nild. ".Nauy bousevives have alsected il gave lt heabd*ei »»un« asud madl elr $iroUàe 4 Ail btse'Windows sud dosrf 1a184, lie kept open wvilele itaahbeing4bou* Comnission ttf lvutiga rub!fc 1'tl!itlc- CcMmmsstouer anaounced liaI before lie c~ stou returusa Sfinal declalon, M mnalter ilb a-ii uiake a theout venligallon o? the e cubr. tsel ~ wih ILia ovu torces. 1 %q iittade of lie gais c.h lias icen made tic suhisct of ce eraile crlticiaîn. The cn*S yU admu.ited liaItiere vas aIISpk»> ths gag, IL las elle ged, buabsU I that Ibis aSa due to an accidtuL, George R, Niciols. su etbiil vlioshome ls ln Highland sali yesterday th1 he le<sc. was ua t ai l snxtoug tu do lie tblng by ls consumera. "lIn February,55 h. muid, sentatives of lhe coutpany app liefore tlie dity coaneil of Hi Park, aud admltted tie pour

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