- pm~* ~I v = -~ Lake Count*g 1nbepenQent llaukegait Uee&I s'un Ater ail, it is a wonder that there are not more holdups lp the country dIstricts than there are. The tirnie is comfing who~ almost every autoist will carry a weapon in the front seatt take off these fellows who make a living off others. While al~ holdups are not numerous, the poice declare tbee re êmoi9e of them due in the next f ew years than have been seen in thge past. Two thousand dollars, flot paid for a ride, but paiàl because of a ride, îs the éhcýwing o« the loge-Morton dam- age case in Circuit court. No, not a came where a persoùl paid $2,000 to b. permitte4 to ride a horse, but viiere blé gets (maybe) tha$ sim B CEhovas permltted tb ride it-and got a broken 1 .asa rmgut.tMuy, thatwas an expensive littie exhibition or Miss Morton. Indications are froin thé number of dry town i Lk cotntynovand l~e aoinoemmnt that officias 'ie$ seeing that the la* lastrlCtWetrcd h o tor o hî ~county, who imder lte lw 1mi a gtte w re uctp- ions fdr liquor for those in . ed w ,lale an unnsu- ntm- bar of teziporgl1y.alch inen who need a 1111h NU"XS-i NAL TRUÂ1UENT. Ïl fact, the physiclana cf ib'esb tovus Iikey *'e1h hae a b*esm number of frienda ii the nearfuture. Wiien au uiiruly boy s1aýs lits father, the father usual givus hlm a'sond thrashing, >one wluch hle will rememnbei and whlch *viire to catis. hlm to show respect to hii suýperiors, eàpocMal thoa)9e ho really are his best friends, litsparets.That s about 'the positionUce ailaa withireferonce te Mxico no. The southeru nrepublichaàý ktoked iteiméle WI the ÉhuIý and should b. made to undor- étand, 11k. tho ë iul b that obedience and restpect to ox eset freil ec ay Too bad that. làake co4t idn't gt -nto this go nocemsry tohav ýe grl wave 'o!road improve ment sweep the conty. L.ake cou#ty today entr upon lii. irst application of thé. Tic. road biHto Its conty state roadi and ville no doftilte stops1haVe boo- declcfM uxPon, il 4i oxetdUg h uzme êoùiit dclalon üil1 b.rendered mre long and tbat'ftpt. B"kdsRussell viii b. able to go abead witlh plans ho bus In Inlnd. NEED 0F BLOODAOÙNDS APPAR ENT. Why would It Mt bÏ1 g4od plan to have the oity and týé county loin In t~mt~ tlbulgapi fbothwl nd.tters who.stei mhb USpdI5~l*~~~ ke no OtbW 2menit ~raoedbythseW~~ oÔuîyne suchanmî Pureutty ey intta in quick cesits-oUd havb 'obtined, nameynthei- stanes- FRST-In tracking Mri. Jon Hemmen, the Waukegaà poman. If two wel-tralned t4oh ids had been obitiabl4 4ulckly he day she dlsapjldidtféy-no doubt wôudh av been able to tran ber. SECOND-ln thé case of the holdup of Sunday eveni between Lake Bluff and Libertyville. The robber escaped after shooting down a young Libertïvillle man. Had the twO houndý been available thoré 'se Dttlie doubt but that a good cIeWà to the bandt *oUld have been obtained. Many cities possess sdob -hounds, trained for. the work and Lake oounty and MWaukegan are up-to-date sufficiently to justify considiering suoh an innovation here. The city might Ptuohas one, the couinty the other, and have b9th available 'Oue by the oounty police and the city police. The city police would Uladly look afler them. With prospects of more holdups, etc., inthe future thar in te past, it la timely to think of inaugurating such a depar- ment as bloodhound-tracking in Lake county. ROADS START WORK eOOMIN# il NSTATU: Governor Dunne Turns First Shovelful o! Dirt on the Lin- coInHighway. LAKE COUNTY 010 NOTHING. No Special Ceremoniès Mark- ed Good Rloada Day in the Lake County Disticts. tonsobiea association of (,h"cgo iteights. A mass meetiug al libe blin lulise Nlasonic Ihall ai oneaoa- civet An tAie'aFtirnoti. It is8rexpt- vd ttsat tel 'sen 2100 and 301H) fata- ers wAtt attend the clebratIons. Oua ut thec feature, tf the Chicago fteîghts reteb)ratlun wAtt be a stone iîauilug contait. Tweniy loeSs nf atone are enterd u tl race. The maso tnt,> s roaS for prizes. M ore tîsu $800 n isizes Ass offered. Pive camps of Illinos consvicts wallA tic set ta aork an stata roa B sesoon as Ie vealier atit tiermît. Presi-! Sent Mdens of the Illinois lHigisaay Wsaskegau. Aprîl la. ' roeen Aso---- anunu The ira srmefu tfeartli on the yeserday. TIsebirt saSeul1 Toda>' marks the first aork it don Lincoin Hîgliay ' ll ho turneS today en a state rosît usder tise ferma of at Moosehoani, Kaise connty. n ilie the Tire biHl. The Chîcago Kotor presesce of Govennor Dunne ans rop- club. thse Plaie t-iguwa>'ComrnAaeAos resentatlves ai good rosdsa rganîza- anS the Illinotislztghway Improvenen1t tians. Tise day lia. been procladMand Association ailb accomPan>' Governor a iolday Au Ilinhois anS aork wAttlieb Dunne. Afton tise oseheart cere-.. ijegun on gondi roadsproJoe ets nmals>'moules h.>' ahlinAsi he roada of parts of Aie state. Ogîs caunt>'. LI". conty dIS not pay muahrat- tention tu Goosi ruade Day,lan tact. Bevidere-trbo Hoono Casent>'Au- tA bas beau regretteS latal>' that «plans tomobile club at the meeting held a'ore nat maS. ta take adtantage of last eveniag ai tise rooma ofthAe (loi- tise day b>' loostissg tiha enthusasen mercial club, dorAdeS ta postpane the fon gooS resda vont. local celbrstîon of good roada day, Ceobration n Chicago Heighte aun ic aS been set utai .nl 16. . Aniother evessî. - lUlie a trilp b The affteons of the Roone Casent>' 100 utmmisrs ai the Hanliton cubi toAgrîcultural soctet>' aresnaling plans Ctsago itelstis. Tha ceiehsationts tahave this near the hast rosnl- taie *l b le sider Utjilsplt>es oftise Aut- aveu boiS is.re. The cabinet baS discussed the sit- uation in a Awo Isour meeting and the cancensus of opinion was that the Washington goverfiment should in- Sist on a.salute. Offic ail said that whie na ulti- matum hai becn issued ta the Huerta gmTernrent the moblization of the fct at Tampica was întended ta put thec United States in a position ta ens- farce anc shoutd the immediate de- velopment m'ake it necessary. John Lind, who was in conference with the president, urged ihat aggres- sive ileasures taward Huerta lie adopted. Huerta AieSalut. In Return. It was learned that Charge O'Shauglinessy hlad reporteS erdier in the day ihai thc Huerta gaver.i- ment liaS pramised te lire a sainte ta thse Doiphin, but conditioned t on a saote of response. The Arnerican governmntili is understaad, lias set forth through Charge O'Sliaughnessy that il wishes a publiç sainte ta the colors wthoui conditions. Plead Withs Huerta to Yield. Il became lcnown that Senar Ai- gara, charge of the Mexican emisassy herc. calied an Secretary Bryan lait Ssturday and transmutteS the apoiogy of President Huerta for the Tampico incident. Secretary Bryan reiterated to Senor Algara at thta time, it was said, that the United States would in- si on the American glag being saauted at Tampico. When the concentration of the flcet is compiete, Admirai Badger wiii have under ha command in Mcx- irani wateti aver twepty big war- siips. He lias unùdr hi& cônsmand at Hampton Roads the batieshipa Ar- kansas (fagship), Louisiana, New Jersey, Michigan, Vermont and New Hampshire. 12000 Mm sWitDe Thor@. A statement issueS by tise navY de- psrtmant at niglit saIS: "Tise campiemnents af the soen bat- SEARCII FOR MRS. IIEMEN PLANNED ON A WIDER SCAU Husband S,, ays es each ed iRadIus of Fifty Miles- Now Going OuI o! State. been abiy assisted b>' the police. New wttli ny brother liera te ateabrge of rny aork for me f1aI le able ta liroaden the scole of my searcli. 1 plan ta go Inta nearli>'@tates. Mrs. Remmen prababiy bad enough nione>' ta tase lier emre lItti. distance If ah. iefl tlera on a train. Whý.e heatn- ed ont an ber waik on the Tuesday afternoon that saclefA #phe tntended ta psy s IltUe hllAiof about nflteen dollars. Ths sum of noney wouid Ïbave taken lier saine little distance.' 4 WEES HAE ELPSE - Were its-w.e s-1-An. arne-- ap--. _______tal or s prtvate homee tr. Hemanen Ah inl<a thaithtie autborîtiss would Husband Called,10 Mîlwaukeý have been notllled but lie says t la f ew Days Ago on Wha~t Ap., passible tisitme lAsweiI and trong peared 10 Be a Fine Clew and may ble ahi. te wark, even thougli ________she may be lie hl> deranged. In sncb an Instance lie thlnks t possible Wsukegan, April 13 that no repart -wuld ho made sud Four weeks bave passed and the thet iherefare notilng wouid b. gain- mysterinus dlsappearance of MNa.eS by ahandontag the searcli ai Ait. John Heniren i. no nearer a solutAo time. tisais ItA ws on the day sihe dise>s."i don't knaw liow ta understand peared; If posatble the nytery AiIVAt,,ha said, "but there are mess> peo- more prafaund. Practloaily everxpie alia wtil aieIn s aligtglty de- possible clewlias been exhaust emntoi person this wa> andi netke wthOut liringing the stlitest trace î'orpr fi.Tle i alttii the issiit amsn ~~re I is t t e>' are dotng thon a goos taira and thse persIstent effrts of the a j so .tbey are, but they should at beasA one nlslit say the searcli waa beAt repart the matte?."1 conducted n a deautory n*oner. He ta .crrYAng an tise hunt asÉaytbadtcsJli ' s pastble. but wth thse eXeuptian Ïa thse police deprtmeia he ie practicâJ. 1 IflLAW ORCUESTRA IY calons. Ater exhàatstng everý clew tlie hundreds of lo.1l...acher'. fhV fÂ1LI alia tramped over every foot a1ýiTO PLAY AT RAWINIR ground for mîtes around n thla vicia tjty. gave upf content ta jot tino salve IfiiTU SJM iU the mystery. - _HES There have tîeen hardi>' s day sincs letsp t Tmic al tta nosin.ho- ni&f- searfaMat i,"te-i 6,300 mon. Tisere wiI li e 2,500 ma-I men lias pot worked on the rase là, mesib avaîlalile ai Tampico as a tend- 1ana wsy or another. Hoelias even tng force. fnhiy equippod for field mer- brouhtlittls brther bore te tali vie. charge ot lits photographie studios 1i "Tisera al ho eleven battlesghipe - t ha iemy e lehapr n Mexican waters. aitîl total compte- rlcia i i> a alu~sec mfent af nearly li1000mon. lnii Aie searci. t "Tlh.eIlancocit ailI beave New Or- ?Man>' timen lie anasbeen ta ChîcageP loups far Tampico tmmediataly with Milwaukee or some other city te a l thse frgi régiment af tise exposition- vestigate smre newciow#. A tea dayi d ary farce of marines tuli>' equpped ago hae lied a picture of bis aifo print.Il for fildt service.adlsta Awaeeper.Tens "The Hancock al siea carry I dl h Nlw a aer.Tenr Iliree-Incli field batter>' and equîp- 5;>' lia receteed word tram sa womni mnt." aho saIaide lelievod eshe lnew i Villa CiaIme Pedro'@ Capture. alara itherislng Waukegan wornaii El Paso, April 15.-Panclto Villea asa stayAng.a and hie rehel arnme retanir Ban Pedro Plie said a aoman 'aho answorasiw Mouds>' ugti-s. Tiey citared 7'OMIrs. iemmn's description liaS lieil piaoniers sit! a message rerelved ln1 Juarez tram Agirrere BenavideasA et avtnç ai lier naît door noiglibor'1 TarenanS aSSaS that sita appotred ta le' ___________somewhai damanted. Mr. hiemnpwt lent no time Is arrIvIng ln ?sIIlauhîeOis OINS GE S LIFsud-eent at once ta the adîtreRs giv-'l RIGONS ETS IFE oulm. flot iy wfa. bu t the wosnai 1 TERM FOIN 1 MU ER bore a strong rasemblance ta lier au t do o lm th oa etdo tor naking the, mistake slip diS." lie Judtsle t msTws floa#M tsfer sais.*"Amst anyonie wouAd have WlhIeIts fe*h it-ut of lier nS ndhad sopda h bitliassep.n question and lbcd bees i ton't - in anS shetered. Plor soente reasoil Alada. It,. Apil 15.-Judge Oim- thié authoritils has net iseels notifieS. Étend aetishe Mercer county court son- 1 itroceeded ta 'tbern 0emf the mat- tenceS Robert Higgina. Who siiot and ter at once. itAled is aIfe at,,Nantis Heniema "Thse tncdent gave me rainews ]est Jannary. ta tisa peitéantani' for hoehwvrfr1cno ewIu lA. Tise indge jave twa r«eassafor hp aeerfracsno epb unit nibleaitisa Seatis iaaaty- thtnk tisatpoasAlt>'sanie on.e iss ftrat. hecause aifKla il ilmepseatakeon my wln l i a milar man. te bara ailtishe detLis af tise trie, ner and lias negieCteid te natif>'tlié and second,.isecause Disict AttOt-neY antiorlies. 1 cannot beiiei'e the~ Wilson liaS asisd loutiitiY. Mrs. Hemmen leavaS nto Aise lakq Ji laFiis, tise sovenAeen-Fear.ald beoue. it seens no ilogical i. stepdaugliter of HAggna. aitis wbom liaSdfnot tise aligiteet, resaun for Sa- Higgins was. nfatuatod andS aoisa s n eié 1ivutae v arata tise "Want yan kilt mainte"insoasleAsIAvetge v lettere. la stAU Ain tise tats home ai or>' fot Of thsé laite share nons 0 Geneva. hore sud arn convisiced Aat the ie ishe prolially wiflnet lie brougbt wouid have preveiated ber getting ié harktet Aledo for trial as au acces- the-aater If oseh b een 80 îueîine4. sonY ta tise crime tib ia tOf aicoUrt.1 know msan>' pope do bttave shq' ie ln the ake but tisan Aat ia.htientrs Enpued te Mchigan GIrl. thing tise average persan thili sofinu London, April IO.-ThsaenggMent a dinappearat 1ce and afier ait tiselie. la annauncol ai Rugis R. Wlson, «* ief do". flt eount ior mucb. retar>' ai tisaAmercleition ai Guatemala, anS Misa KUaine Boule., "Up ta tise présent tino 1 have can- ei Ana Arisas Mi#. Tie marnlap fineS Aie semais tea aradius et à-fti %AItlAsmite place A Ala i lleou ApriImile, ai Waukefals. I bave gosse aval 211. ~~th . k. Aieground qulte theraUgislY. MdS hvé Engisf Opera ana Dancing Features Also on Program for Tisia ummer. Itavînia l'ark's program uft eir- tainment titis siffmen ll ba sup- ploS b>'tise Chicago Symphony' or- rliostm. alià rederlck Stock con- duutina; six aoeks of opera ln Ena ttsli and a Sauce dlverttsernent by Ruth St. Dents. Later Doroti>'Dîcit son and Carl Halsan ai Chicago ai tMonstrais classle and nmodenidanrea. Tise progrsrn In the abstract was ahnouuced yesterSay t»' Louls Eckt- stoîn. -presîdent outhile Ras Aniscons psny. The C'hicago Syilion>' orchestra wtîl ha iransterred tramInls doantoan templie of musir lu htavinia lune .27, Milr Hekstiîn deciared. Miss St. lDen- te wll show flua oriental dancas ar. cangaui for tiesa assi. lginning ou tlia aîentug night. Siaeahilcuntinîse at thea park for two veets, sud ssft-c lier slehartilce Nlias tictaun and Mr. Iteisen viii Sauca, Opeca Begin$ Jul>' 27 Tie grand opera seasun ai lieglin Jul>' 27 anS continue untl the seasun ends, Septemher 7. Orchsestral ros- caris will bie gîven ln the aftanioons. wIAli Josef Pastersiaritronducting, ahicli Mr. Stock la sway. CarIa Nico- sia ofthAe Century Opera campan>' ahil diret the oporatlc productions. Arnong the artliseailibeBtIle La Palise, lv>' Scott, Lena Mason. Louise Le Baron. CarSeita Laibam, Walter Wlseatley, t..onid Soasiaf, LouAs Kreldier, Alfred Kaufinn, Ver- non Balisant, tule IYAngelo ans, William Sehuster. Very, Vary Itselieutt Oroasi an oliserxation ade t Greectl aicis t basbeu proveS Siat tise "usa" comet, Shocovarat! li'an Ar- Sontine astrononer Ae Westpisaias coun- et, Wici retanss ven>' 61 year, Tise faitfistl «e beout! T7h smlug An- stinct tunosaie carnets la wonderfhsi- Punch. . . me Savlns. Dorcaa-"Won't your meeting lie Y«7y laite Af 4l1 tha meulions are go- lt t taiskppart'lu Aise debate' Mrq. rDercay-"WliY. no, Seau' WW. ait 550k i oce"-etg 1 il- '. ' " ýà - isL1 Miel!! IT'B MOTHER-FOUR fLEGSC<VER DADY FLEEI'T II * 1 VU Huddllng cloneoy in ber cage, the er 1everthe ltta.flo-he1son mother snonkey belonglng to L. J. ta be afrald aomebady wtlIi arm >imi Yeoman, l guardlngbe tl of and sei detormtnod they shall not. Wtbfltumt§ Hurât t Salua pr.gwtthael four legs sas arefuliy H%$ ta chactire Papa FbIa aDfue,.lier new baru-bbab; in tact te chan- a set-to with papa mankey who a csare thst aonkep inother would pet las the smre cage ittb bic mate. hir. Up aven a more determlned firlit If Yeoman went into the cage in sepa- ATUJ ff U onMOW anybody aougbt te wrench the littie rate the animaie and papa dld fnot like feiiow froin ber auma, hie Invasion; snarllng and squtnting, ________Tht. betng thse flrst monkey taelie ho msade a dauli for Mr. Yeoman to borninlu Waultg=, it la interestlng Ate show liAe annoyance at hic visît at Prealdent Wilson ansd Cabinet Backs know met bow tihe mother ta carilng such an Inopportune Urne as Juat ift- Demand of American Adia- for lber baise. The "chlld" bors Sun- er the arrivai of a sew member of Twenty 1< gW&rasiPs Wili B. lu ds), afternoon. la about the size of s the Iamiy. Mr. Yeoman had ta take Mexican Waters Wben Concentra- kitten. tisat le, At looks about thit a.stIck and heat papa aver the liead tien la Completes. sze. aithonol the way the mothir severai times hefore ha bcame Buh- cavera t, Mr'. Yeoman bias not "ieimiissive and hie mener ws able to ablet o ta gonB loo 0k at the lttle gral i hm by the neek andi carry hlm Washington. 0. C., April 15.-A reîîow. Tihe motiser ita on lier han - outatie, thus ieaving the mother and Rtnerai concentratIon of the Atlantic chc wth an fouer legs wound abo t habe ail alone In the cage. Papa was tleet ss Tampico bau been ordered by the baby nuao 1ày in such a TMnn r peeved ail day. In tact, h las so0rnad Sccretary Danielsat'àter a cabinet htalbttetpprofIsh 1houtfesaltetimuin metng in whicb Preaident Wilson ta i i iatpjr tAaha alels rt h olm.munn laid before hi, adviaera the neceasity h 'dn. làt a white thselttIe over the tact that others may look for backing up the demanda of Rear.feiiow turn i ed hos sbsS iilti o n i sdne h Admirai ldayo that the Anerican fiag asqu nsbs ey« and then lie cIôsss pieasure and gratification that cornes lie saiuted by the Huerta commander. thon agaîn. Th. motliej's arma ne'- to a parent at sucli a ime. - ï *------ffl u -"Y-ô - 11 omes,.114 Second rttana aples 63nîzed bthalit a tttZsr oSa-ant astirnoon was speut. esat lntise courts.Mran M@.Jh M.N m o Scores KiIlfei. Pibr.gsndPa. Joand Mr. Morne G o lu lisudîng down lits Secision Judge ttauai aas ia maGri bSsions took occasion ta criticlstisa ner. have heen the cuesta aofSae.m action of bath odes. Killîfer wastuar nd 'tSire- Gabreclit for a few randed as a mais wisae word wa of Sa>',. Thase fMiads ara os boi' va>' no velue. whie the local FaderaI ta Las Angeles, Cal.. ahere tisey wii Iague ma&gnatea aere critAcled for return ta meate their future home. making unfair advances ta a mani all Mr. Moore has long been An the em- tvs under morsl If flot lecal obiAga- pla>' af the Untted Blutes Steel cote- tiens ta lits emptoyers. pany An char-ge o( a large ftence. "Nover TouchaS Us.- Herrmanfi. They atarted on their weatword ioBr- Cincinnati, O., April il.-Chatrmin 1ey Isat nîglit. Auguet Ilerrmann of tisa national basobalcommission, vali lte Thomnas llryne lias soid praperty An bhat the reserve clans. hat! beau de- Lakte Forest to Keone W. Addington cl.red unt valid at Grand Rapids, Save for $26,000. tie transten being rue. ont the followiug ,itAmeut orded et tise court bouse Tueady. "IJud*e sessions, lig ila bac" 0on The condition of tA is.hus i omuu tie aId reservq clause, wbicis aas la baby alsicli la lintg careS for et h. KillAfers contrent. The nid resei'sahoapîtalé sa about tisecmne. Athangli clause bias bea e nsee4 and tise neka condition siseros uncisanged t la Aat Ae naw tncluded n coatracts a t togtf a ie greatiy Suferent tram tise ana tn quos- fo lo.lti a Ia t-an in AGrnd Rtaptds. Tise aid reserva Attorney' Charles King la a businles clause wanaIndellnite ln a number ai visitearln Chica today. respects, ahile tise one now n use Ad %olgat lias elgnesi for bis thAj-d As delinte ln every respect. 1 cannot battie wtth Joe RIvers. 1 i comment on the case turtiser until 1l Mrs. WilA Bow$sla. 1I wlth meusies have an appartunît>' ta knowîng Just ai ber boné on Stewart avedu*. s. what th. deciaAan ta in Its entirety." Attorney' David tH. Jackaon of Lakte Glimnere Cohl s àVlctory. Forest was a Wautegan luinltps vis- ('tirage, Apni Il.-Victor>' for the itorlods>'. % F'sderal lpague wase seen b>' President Tecuthuelw aýen ol Glimrnre of h. Federal lbagne lua h or as ani .n oi Judge Sessions' dociaton n tise Kîlil- ed todsy and la beAng gotten n slape (te case handed down ai Grand for the warm ceatiser. Rapids. Thse head of the ,outla" The Infant son of A. J. Tisb fo arganleatîsîn Saclared the part of Athe 302 incoln avenue ahich is nsLo Judgesa decimion walun catIeS tho0 an Monda>'. diedtibsis ftercooli. Pu- nînch rnooted -reserve clause' in- nritso urw teat.,ýe1 vàltd sas a saaaping triumph oerm leteMrs tlaite ai Sew'at af teas organIzed hall and declared the Ktil- Cahi entoa tha Ladies' Aid ai tisa fer casa tnstgnificsnt n rompanison. onratnichcl tt coc "Jndga Sessions' dacision tlirowlng Tlinrsdsy. oî't Aise roserve clause sustaiîss nsa The funerai oft he laie lira. Biar- (:ut contention ihat the organAzed hall man was. liiis mornîng ai nine o*- contracts wene flot equitabhia." de. clark ai the churcli or the Immnacun clared tle t-edersl league liasd. laie Conception; Interment An st.,% - lary's cenlotery. PENSION FOR FANNY CROSËY Tihis ,tternobn t wasa declaresi tisai tirs. Isabllte louneik wia was slic( n AgeS ISynîr, Write? Remembered In the thAgli Is Salug nîrai>' anS proli- Pennsylvanie Women'a Will. ahi>' atil recover providlng na com- Warren. Ps., Apri 1.-Homne andS illtlots fsetIl'i. fnreign mstion activAties atîl profit Tbe lBen Hura are te have s largo b>' the viii of uNs. Eliza A. Hienry, rIasInitiation thîs eventng. Twenty- prohatad lare and dls;poàlng uf an es- [Ive candidates are lan the cias. The> taie salued ait$500000. The Hansmo tl hiaonSMaaeecrs MilssIn -BarS ofthile Presbyterlan NrhCiaoadMlakecut churcli, th@ Wornans Board of For-expect taelia ler. An a boSdy. There eign missions and tise Womsns fBoard atht ba a banquet aud dance foliow- cf Home Missions oiftie United tng the Initiation. Statès are oach given $10.000 ansd$5. According ta word recelved b>'tise GO 18i given ta the PreshyierAan Bioard local palAce. WjIiAa. MeLeod. nm-m of Mnîlustatal Relief.- ber of Co. K. 27Ah Infaisir> formeni>' Park Colege rt Pariteille, Mao.. 18of Fort Sheridan, but now staUassed g'tven $10.,00, anS a pension aif$30 a year provîded forFan>' Crosby. lthe ai ToxasaCity,.Te%., lias doserteil anS i'vrnn composer. Tise Warren Librar>- a reward af $60 ia offeret! foir lii wAtt Profit ta tise citent of 16,000. apprehension. His aife reaides at Hlgisaood. GOVERNOR SUED BY WOMAN Dr. M. J. Kaiowsky aho dAaaoed the case of Auna Ketanteui. tise gir Mra. Lueila West Sas Hosiges Of wbo tht, aftenoon aas asjidged In- Kass Assaultssi Mer. sane b>' s jury n casent>' coqrt. de. Tapota. Kan., Apnil lI.-Gavenor George Il. iodges oi Kansaitvau nase the defeisSant n a clvii suit fileS tn tihe district court liera b>' itrs. Liielta West of Wichita, Kan., ahP dbarged n lier petition Aat tise goy, ci non wrenChsed lier wrîst anS arm and struck hec on the saulder wib5 rhis fiotin Anra aleged sitencaîlanfa lits office aset Weîmoesday. tn tle suit Mri. West charaeStbis. Fivororr Wttsassaitand battery &ianS asteS fer étamages snounting té, tise gi was Insane, the dieaso la ber case tattng the fagul of Partsiaa, aluns caumed han taulie Serangaiou- i>' ai tîmes. WhenAti v as sugMemtW tisat perbapa the girl nmbA t m#mpea undsn treaiment ai tise,&&cal isopi- tai ho acquIesceS aitisousa le maya b. was. cosvinced ail. the Aime Aat bers vas, a ciedacut oca.e0frdamen- tia. Tisun lie aets tisaiAise verdict et the lurs' ioda>' bears out ihIe arig- tuai Sanasis. LAKE COWNTY INDEPENDENT. F'RIDÂY. APRIL 17, 1914. Forr Wl BAS Nettii isegasl lest 1 waegr lIre der The Itistît bor tas sh. tIbe cili Ro thr rs alterv - Tise "un a 4whrt#. . -More isininat thse fither. .4pa'te btAgÎ#, ,,*lm 0t Robert I'sltoa #Pont thse day iaChi- cago ou bualngam. 1 Ms.n. mrr Pencis of %Àke IForeat la vlmting wlth relatives and fronda n this City today. The dedicatlon of the kinnagim of the Y. M. C. A. will bho lid it ténr- row vefllng at elgist oclock., The Kulgbtn of Columbs awil boid thoir card Partyr lla tâta814 p*rWt- sel ball toesorrow evenlng. Tlie (urnee W. C. T. U. wili meat et thse homenet<i. Ni. B. J..ke 'West Wdeday attetuoon. AptIl 22. Th. Swltcbmnen'is Union will glve her annual bail at the Armory, Wed- needay eveuing, Aprl 21h. XMra. P. Tabbert aud son bave re- turned te thelr haime In Hillmboro. Wils,.afttr enjoylug a veit wtth friands and relatives In this ii.ty. NMIsa Mldred Weybe wif entertaîn the K.. K. K. Girls tonrow aftor- noon atilier home, 214 Grand avenue. The meMbem. of tise Baptitt erci wAi boid their annultwtndflsg of thse Ma>' paie In the churclion Tuésday ovening, lXay 12. The regsiar weekiy ratier skating Party wlii beho led this evenlng ai the savat itation 4d anuinlier froin bore Plan ta attend. Mrs. E. A. Mleyer and son have r.- tnrned ta thelr homne on St. James street trampl a few days' vigit with relatives An (hîcago. On neit Suntlay theio Iambiors and tlie Wsukegan team ailPlay soccer football on the Raneier field st Ka- nasha sud ertother great garnela, pro- lsed. The funerai of the late Mrs. Pred Sherman wa. belid tht. marnlne et 9 o'clock frain <ho Churcli ot theisel- Maculais Conception. interment taok place In St. Mary'o cometeny. Mrs. Willam Bain entertained the Young Wonau's Gulld of thse congre- gationai cisurcli hi alternoon Btilier qL S coortam 00*1 itlu LETSPIMME KEEP RAYER White OaaldlnqAg Aiat Organise# Saméalh on Mootad Quaeton, It Or- claOs Outlaw Organisation Don't Corne ln "t'fth Clean Handa-Herr- Mnann and CilIssrt On Findlne. Grand lapida, MjIdi., Apil 1.-r ganIseS laball boreSa YvIçtor>' and ucfcat and the IFedoni leage. awas gIVen aoit and encoura gément Whou United Statea Judie S:»ions of (irand lRaptldaqiis. an band own his declalan on thse KAliforcee. e- Suse t tagraut Aise inunetion agiteS fer by tis a Adependeut baaeball or- <'inisation. but deciared tise reserve clause n pisyerm' contracta valS, for wsnt dlt 'ndtuallti." or for linga ail ote.stdéd Te 7117 Tdlralesgwiub ot Chicato. abîcis laS sgneS Milier ta a contrsct, attempted ta anluA the catcher tram playlng witb tise Pila- atpbas Nationale, but because ci the lact t#at ilie Federala baS gene nto court with -uncisan bands" thse court ruieâ ggaatnst tisem. FgoeraiLaguf ese Vlctor>'. Dtspite tise f»sSing against theni ths )F*deral lbague nagnates tiroughout tise circuit seeni ta tik thet tbey bave scoreS a vlctory, pointing eut tliat la banding Sawu bis Secii tn .ludge Sessions declarod tise reserNa cause ta b. Invalid. As the reserve clause bias long been a sublect of dis- cussion. tise couta rultan setilea thse question n the mnds ai tise ndepen- céat hogise mafnates and Dow, tbey Doint Ont. tisey ara ai liberty ta *top .,,i and sUm u .,n *5inemberaofaor-! i I t f a s 'I ai h il w ' -l