CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Apr 1914, p. 2

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LAKE OOUNTY frDEPNDENT, FTRIAY, APRIL 17, 1914. I WAUCNDA ~'êa penn ai Ar. aud Are. Fred Freye and MAr. sut Mre. Frank Ote8ke aud con o! BarringJ ton, cslled en inonde here Tuesday. ~~Ire - Ar, sud Ars. Emmitt Gearp vielted wltb relatives here the firêt of tlie veek Arsud Ars. E. J. Meyer o! rysvta By T. F. SWAN Lake, ver guosis o!fAr, sud irs. IR.CC Correspondent and Agent Keut Tnesday. irs. Moyer purchmd _____________________the. Chas. Dowsll 80 scre lati, the con. __ Mderetban belng 870 peure. Takse Utp sud e tlc gret olety The eter dance vas atitoldeti bl dramua, «The Maid sud the Minlter." f37 couple. Hapke's orebetra furuicb A .«tary on the divorce question of st I uslc. to-dsg. At the Auditorium, lbertynille, J. L..North returuedt ie i home ia Vedneday, AprIl 22. Sete sale nov el t i. uedy i.,sed BarryLathrpé h"emure a po itinig a few déjebs l ie isparente. VU y the bac n sc rotis ostin The nsw Bordsnt milk plent la mrly vililb. heldn Sciookcompltai sund the mocltluery and tanks Ar. sd lM. V.C. Kniggc @vent Sun-'cellihoeput in thie veek.' "oY ai the S. A. Kuenuer home. Mie. J.»»i. Gres» and Villie Baver i, Mm e Drckmaa of Chicago, celictireuaed loudal huma etirse montbs osfiodbTeotluday. mojoum l la oid. Tbejy broUglt thres 1Er am Ér..~ L.livng let SB=- baby alligetors as souvmenir oheb &Wy vii hr"ltivs et Wadevortb. c»»»y south. Mmi6. o leN10o0Round Leke, ist- Ar, sud Mis. A. Mether vili scoQ ei viiiberedterMis. R. o s ef a uons ta town. bavlmg purebaw dtii. du$ look seli. Poile bouse i Mimas & Raes. Tbey F'. C. bddle epet Sunday wité bis "ad thier farunta Joe. 8. Hans. pareabChcego. Andrev To vers lias reutsd tise Parker IF. A. Bock sud fsmlly moved ta Lister- building sud la haning it remodeled for nIWTlumt vesk. e reteurant. Ws undoratenti a barber Ilir. 8. L. Tripp whO bhc becu qulte Il' frniPalatine wiii Ôpe» a sbop on the the peet vasA bas recovereti. second fluor. m- .augutaste Scidio! Palatine, eqet SondAi vlth Airs. Emma Herecli. berger. fV L Jets Newton vho spent the paet in- toi brs left Tueeday for bic home ini Csu- Grandma Birouirnus died ai ber htome &a. lu Frémont laut Aoudey. Quite a number from bems motoredto M Ar, sud Ars. Albert Miller are the Long Grove Monday ight to attendi th@t. prouti parents of e baby girl humn Satur-, April il. Thie Ladies Aid wlU mee#t iiMArs. J. r iseAuna Compton o! Elgin, visîteti H. Ayasley on Wednesday efteruooutU, with ber mother, Mrs. Compton andi Apuil 12.* d iter. Are. Jas. Ktrwau lasi Sundep, àre. Megdeline Popp Pas.. d away! Monda>' and Tuesdap. geturslay -mrug APrl'l 1 h a!lter ae C.G. Busou le epeudiug the week lu ObOrtlllnes. Ber deth vipes ont tht. lest 'olo. unuber o! the Immediate famiiy and fl.-rMAre. Choitandi Mies tessie of Waucou- 10wed'the death of ber mother by just de, vere visitors lu town MAinday. ons veek. The funeral vas held Tue@- I rs. A. J. Ray moud was ou the slet dsy afternoon from ber late reslidence' lut a lew days Ibis week. vîti fiâterment atLberty ville. Jtr.1e uo u agie pu CAROOF TANKS lest Seturday andi Sunday lu Liberty- CARO0F TANKS ville. i id id r r r a We vish ta express our incere thanks! for thes kinduese o! frends tiuriuig ou recont bereavemeut.1 Tht. Lltcbbld Farnulp Little H lt. A Utile girl cerne dovu xa dessert et a dit party anti sat Dot ta bft Mother. TFila ldsy vwu occupied àM Wug to hi, nelgilorsansd omit lied tggin. the cblld auything. Âfter *»@ Cnses little girl, unable 30 110« ft s"Y longes,, viti oba hbslug t% lmr tiroat, leld up ber plats and sIi: "Dosa sybody vaut a cloua saer, Loe% ig eu-wpMmIN Practics Versus Proachluug. Ou, Young Peuple bave thouglit anti written much un labor aud retorin, snd for aIl that tbey bace wrtten. neither the world nor themselves bave got ou a step. Iuh-.lectua1 tasttng ot lite viii Dot supersede muscular ae- ttbvtY If a manu shoulil cousider the nicatY Of the Paesase ut a piece of bread dovu bis throat, he voulti btarVO.-Emersou. Vos, Misery Loves Company. Evel an editor bbcs simple pIus.a ues, such aus selug unfortunain typo- graphicalefrOrc in olier papes'. for instance.--Ohio Stte Jour&al. ]REPORT 0F CONDITION 0F fiCITIZENS* BANK AREA, ILL At close of business Apr. 3, 1914. RESOt7PCES LL4BILITLY.S Loaânsad t>scunra..... S s.84 er> ,53 CaPital stock vsld ina..... ac 66.0 Cam amsudreerveeebsage.. 9 .391.76 est6.931 lurniture and fxures ... 993.46 CscJ.le'u Checks......... ..... 13.12 TOtal..... .............11439.87 h I. Iln"EPare.»dsheronotlthe ahove usmed Baukh.doueunyverta IVtG. ACan h ie. utMcrbed and imor» tu before me tMtgslothIt ayetApIr .19. EDWARD (0. PAYNE. Notary publie. Trp. PARTNERS AN[) DiRECTORS: M. LTp. R. F. Roues. Irving E. Payne. Sort H. Milier. J. L. Taylor. J. S. Gridley. Prt..,'.' RacPOBàibility Approximateîy S$1t0,000.00. -l -i ---- ---- rlkerfw/ld CARO 0F TI4ANKS We vicb 30 thânk 3h meny frieuiti fur the kintinee sbavn and mympalh.y extendeti dngounr recent bereenesunt. Mr«. B. B. Holtie anti Chilnte.. Indepeudont reaches ail pgnte bu SPESCIMEN BÂLLOT VILLAGE 0P AREA LAKE COUINTY, ILLINOIS Ânnual Election, Tuesday, April 21, 1914 ~xiZ vaue Clerit Q CITIZENS'PROGRES- INDEPENDENT SIVE PARTY 0) PARTY OF AREA For Clerk THEODORE F. SWAN For Trtî'.ees Voie for I un ce WILL KNIGE EJLYNN A. MLRRIE O HFUMANALBRECHT -1 1 'tirs E fleu-rieandi deogbter Irene eP-nt Saturday lu Chiegol. Tih- Euitr.egg buuit et C. C. Aunes vas weilfkittt.nul..d over tbirty beiug preseut. t. 1 ti llju. ,îas enjoyeti by ail. ml îu'iti.m Davidi Carlson anti dau- 9P, r a Istiî 'ilEdua Kappîs o! Wsuko. LIW., 1-Dtu iuuiay vith Air, anti Mms NI r,. W. Bak andi !amlp ver. Wanke. g'rio, IIrsSaturdap. l.Trigg, Sr. o! Round Lake ie leîit- ing 10i, ton JaIs., Jr. Wuxî l.t'dlt'r»pent sunday vill iei hroth,î Sn Waukegaa hospital vba le 'gsing along nicol. PRAIR MWIE S Idrs. Emma KnneKsr spent a leur dayr àlest week et Arlington glglits. Air. aud Mms. 8. B. Kmedier entertatiues AiMr. and Mitr. 8. B. Stanger aud soi Warren 01 Renlais, an Saturday an< Sonday. TNII Mitchell lascponding a lew days lu Chicego. Mr. aad Mrs. B. Wilcoz and sen o Ais, pent Sundnj et Weae Ititzen Cas. Bleedouf entertaeined hi. fathet froun Arllmgton Heiglits on Sondal. Laufa Holtjs spent Sunday lat home. id ,kVWZ StaIY ultisld lier ulster la Chicegolust Frbday ed Seturday. Mr. «ad Mms. WVeie @char and son Vpent Sundn.y es Lone Grove Mr. ead Mms.WiIIGêner of 14« Soms aenst 8»&wemaretu», lb. Ieàno reutse 'tir. a"MuIMe. ubm Ch-...Hozsbosgsr and son A&Ibert qJ011tàSOnday seih Mr&. Heuutbsi t thé Oak Pm* k buta la Chicago. TU esalir. oomualty va.s aoctpd et thse mamomsmeuis of liasMdds ee o! Dam Bitasathows. ne passai-&w"yon TueedY morunga as uDeoo..ho. pital lu Chbes«o viere hbulied busmoper- ated on for eDpendlbidd& HERMAN H. HOLTJE Berama . HloaWiseboimaneer Pair- field, [IL, on MarcI 8, 1860, and died ln Elgin. ]IL. an Mardi 29, 1914, eSter an IlineeswhIcb, extended -over neatiy e yesr. At the &goeôf veyears bo uoved wlth lis parents tu a fartaniluthe vicinity of Prairie Vlew and the onrroundings the boy grow tomauhood, &iwsya Mani. feoting a love for the beautifu lalu God's uarrbed to Amelia Bock, who wmas faithful companion to hlm during bis etire lie. Seven children were given then of whom three hed prec-ded thpir father lu detath. la the lu oh 1911 Mir. HoItje moved to Prairie View to enjoy a weli earued rest from the caret. of fera ife. Last June, however, an lîluece came upon hua and be eought medical treatment in Chit.ago. Some monthe later ho went tu E~lgin hoping to obtalu relief there. But hie 9trength clowlp ehbed awap and bnndap eveuing. March 29th at 9 o'clock lie @OUI toot ttc flight to the realms beyond where there le no eoffering or painî. Be rteched the agle o! 54 peare aud 26 (laye. Hie dear compaui)n, two bangbtars, Bertha and Battie and two tonsq, Frank and Louis remain ta mouru his dpparture. Besides theee there ie a lost of other relatives and friende who @YmPathize very deeplp lu this tonr of Badneat. Map the.God ard Fater ofus ui. who la too wise to err and too good to ho uuikind, speair peece tu Our bette. Fraun everp comes these vorde "ir. 9oltie vafi & g0od man," and vbnt mlore ceni ho deeired hy anyone than sncb an expreseion of reepect? He always ted a Pleeont Word and 13 did ons gond ta converse vitb hlm. la matte of businmes . ase e4lai sud houeet and thisacaunte for thi as et that the L.ord prospered hlm as he did. Mr. Boltje's death nouioulp eauses a vacancp lu bie home, but he shall ho greeti, mieaed t, th" com mnnity, hecause 0f the good edvbeo andi council he 80 nilliiuly gave. But Onur]ose ld bis sain and today vo eau but hope and pray huit we maY lne prepaied 30 meot hlm lu bhat honutiful paradise cf God. Um IcaIehbiledeusatadt tof Highland n Park. vas tii. week-end guest ai her ParentuI Mr. sudlUs. Fred Bideitedt fMesrs. PuaI Oberriter, Cerl LeistY 0o Cbkc«o, audHSery Wilson af Liburty- ville, wsrt"«ss t the home of W. A. r Whilg MoaDaa. Mislm ênor Meyer entertainsti the D&17aisy Orie, Frday evenlng. aThe «U Biges Chi"'gave toir sannuel Buster Mondey dam.Mondy s"eng àet Andsrsm* hall. M M % HreaPeiw vau the.gueot o1 bier mro*laChic~Jago Sundey. Mr. oMd Mr& . ,. Gteer Mud da$W ter Hrit 80 e .,hbs Suday m««*Vf Mr. &"d Mm .Gsojý« Strytor of Chlee», Mms.Fred Ilo dtdînited lier deughter, Mr.L , ResAles of Wilmotte 1Miss Ruth Lldgrwood vau ths gusot of Ums HnseU oD f Highland Park, Wsdneday sd Thorsdny. Mr. anci Mr&. Jeu . lIsesof Chlilgo, vialtedti tir dnçghter, M.. Balpl Klckerbaulker a amiber o! dàe slest vsek. Mr. sud Mr@. JacoliMnter aes recel ring congratulation@ on e son barn Mdonday. Uir. &Bd Ars. Bole« visited their sas lu Chicago Sunday. Fred Kereten of Chicago, vlslted et the home of C. W. Pettits lest veek. Mirs. Sarah Adams aui Lois "pet several daya lest veek visitiug Air. and Mrs. Fred Kimbark. Meuors. Fred andi Elmer Deshaeour of Chicago, vere the week-end gueste of Alvin Kak. Samuerott oft Chicago.. s Viitiiig et the home of George Rocecback. Alvin Mesyer sud Irwin Plegge returned to school eit Urbana alter speudiug their Baster vacation at their homes. Mir. and Aire. Juet and MAr. aud drMi. Carr of Lihortyville. vpet'gueste of Air. and Ars. Oscar Beechamn, ouday. Mesdames Bert Eastoun, Reicheit, Sr., andi Reicheit, Jr.. attended the quarteriy meeting of the Worn'@ Home Mision- arp eociety of the Pre@hyterp of Chicago at the Bohemian Settiemeut Bouse Tburgday. Charles Orsborne preeched lu the Preshyterben church at the Eseter ser- vices. A large choir bas been organizeti whlch yl take part 'lu the Snndey service@. Ars. Sarahi Adams lies receive t he ennouncement of the merriageof ber son Richbard ta MiseMalne Thomnson o! Ch"cag. Mise Cjoleman. a retnrned mioslonary ftrmi iodla lopcak at the meeting of th. Woman's Aiienary socieîy of ithe Preebyttin chu rcl at the home of Airs. T. L. Knaak Thursday alternoon. There ha. been several new arrivais Iately. Arthiu Greevood. a "sopb" enteredilest Thnrsdey. Third grade bas a usv boy. Ernest Mattheve, !ormeril 0f Cbampaign sud Clifford Bock recently o! Ares, entereti fourth grade. We had tire drill Tuesday atternoon &bout 2 p. m. sud got out falnly îepidlp, int grade bas triedti t raise butter- lisud bave besu faily succeesful. One cme ont of!lie cocoon lest veek but hai the miefortune of landlng ou s bot radietor Sunday and burut off, ans vhole vlag. TuWady moruiu& second ans came ont. Encl o! te wlngs are about four hches s'roee and ti laisa combinatlon af dm51 colore. Elgbub grade heti their regular hi- weskly program 15ilday elternoon, ibis time la the nature ofa!un ester enter. talument. They ba-i a class meeting Muouday nigiai and tiocidedti 30change their colorsfrom lavender anti goldti t brao anti galt, aiso vhat clams pins tbey voltiget. Loud soundtisas o! ihunder are heerd, but don't hoe larmeti. it vont rein, thet vas only Art Oreenvooti rollng dovu the clairs. We miglit compare "Mutt & Jef Jr." to a "motor car" vitb t'E. W." as a "Nailer." f4 NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Independent correspondants ln some cases are gsttisig ihoir Items in iao lais for proper hanIlIing. W. woud urge them If possible, tu have bhem n nOur office b. Ta:s.&Y ThO~OR OicenCbie fl hta Th e MOOSE Kthehersan bin e t Olzuy casbtdt the wr ueecr nt e o er th en old tht Th hi loo4ier îin t otnaîi's frî,.nd tii t savesliîer miles of cte ti-eeylng se e ti im right iîtîiler hei baud aud f lo away 'tîth that ctt.rtial trotLlig 'round and 'round, ac an foibt, tO lia mtrade klc-.lîeiu 'tî,rk a drtàigery. f There are forty special chnvenlences iii the new Iloosa- er- 14 of them new-anîi every one uueans jitst that man y JJlesâ etb on1 really cau't alîrccî.te this wotîderfu>lin vention n ii s4von exîîîiic t îliirîîly and 'te ail! te pleased D to have yi aian o y o ituf lhi 'thei liosier su es f m I e of steps I The Ray FurnitureO a and Paint Phone 9 Libertyvi lie ~OOEi EZO~ I Wire Fence Sale Until May lst Money Saving Bargaina IAMERICAN WIRE FENCECO I LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. WAUKEGAN AUTO SUPPLY CO. 214 North Genesee St. Expert Vulcanizing. Ail Work Guaranteedi. PULL UINE of AUTO SUPPLIES at LOW EST PI Os A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YCU. 11Tie Independeut leade al. Iudependent rentier! BE ONit. Two. RUSSELL SAGE. sage ws ue»nora failr 0f six, snd et the &go ot Ilteéen vassworking ln a arocer stor~.etai$400 parmontlu. Dp Sarful aavlug aud buoinese judgmeutt lu srl lite, lio accumuisted enoucli uoner t. aabrk In the Whloieaie Orocery »usines wlth a mn »nsmed B&tec. sud H* dIsO eavln, a out hnot ve$105, Athtereo oot. t1ulSt. W*eits dréd ecom poo. Whre o. mn stas por.therhthâ*alos* &Il.h- odofsaeiga utdrd etrih Y.ou aeila g rot o ti h For Village Clerk DWILL A. RAY Sroie for l ihrr u RALPI- R. ROJJSE DWILLIAM ZERSEN ElEDWIN RODER Xdditiona/ /w of .cibertyi/ Haphe's orchesLra iurniied musicfor a danc at Wauonuda Mndny t.îening. Mr. and AMr@. Robert Sctt rurz»-il TuesdaY from a two mronths tripin the' West, spending an catir, rminthnîi[n1,,)p Angelea. Most everyone who took a li,iIoo loto the barrel in iront of the~ Lyric ha tue Monday, turued their pynni n ail directions to e whether om. one no- ticed the suddpn change cf elor. That dure wac corne "baby. ' '-Terrore of the Jungle- wil l h, hovtn ut the Lyric Theatre Thuroday uigbt, April 23. Usuai prîes of admission. The leadlng part of thio picture s acted by Kathlin Wlliam@ of the Kathiyn serles. WILLIAM B. JELLEY MARRIE» IN CHIICAGIO William B Jelley, second son o! Mr. andliMls. James Jelley of Liberty ville, waa United In marriage with Mis» May fimith o!Chicago, on Wedueeday, April 81;b, the ceremony beng performed et the Prechyterlan manue iu thsit ly. Mr. Jeu.7 iived bers nutil about a year ago wheu ho went to reside with lits uncle InChCbego. He je a brakeunan on $ho Janeevilie division of the C. M. & St. Paul road and bas. many friende liere who, wiéhbhlm and bis bride a happy journeey hrosg lU 1e. Alter a short trip West the couple wili be at borne at 614 Roman avenue, Chicago. LIBERTIVILLESCIOOL NOTES. L--WARREF(ON - ; W m. Lamuenbac retnrned from Chic&,. Mis iElâ Carrollin s@psuding ber vaca- tion at home. Mien Alice I$urke le attendiug the State Normal school at DeKsib. Mien Kate Bndd @pent a few days lu tliego recently. Wm. Kelly. bmrotber of John J. Kelly of tht, place, dled et hie home tu Winntka Monday. ApuIl 6th. Mir. and Mrs. B. Doolttle are enter- baining frienda. Mu,.. Frank Burke snd the Mises Lo(- retta and Gertrude spest Wdenday in Mlwankee. Ruth Kelly, wha hmba een quit@ Ill wlth PDOUMGnII1 a ,somswliat botter thie week. Mns. John McCeau wase elled toChlea- ito lest week by the death of ber brother. Muto. Mary McCrthy baamter, Mrs. Callaben, spent over Sundey blie and aitemded the fumera of Mrs, Sarahi Me. CJan. Mirs. Mary acof of Wanekge. spent Wedneeday hors with ber @iter, Mrs. John Meuiman. The funeral oi the late Mr@. Eenry Aie- Cann vas heid at tii. bouse cf lier son,1 J 3bn. Monday wth Ictorntnn"ait Mrys cemetery at Waukegffl. jlý Wh Lt *Chf Mi Vues Tho s-aller R. Mog gent Mi visit, Mr Waui fier" il. J! loft t I<tll". I, i'W 841pr lài,l Tii. attic have, for et etc. ued 8sorý tIsa busine aBen where dîme. E- A. L~ Mir. 1 go, ans tfgl. 'brothe wm. ville, el a. A llst. Miré. cagu b. brothe ptareut M rs. Ch ceg. John Friday see hlmn ilendir Air. S et the r PORI on jo er the forget vith i o! Loi The Rit

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