CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Apr 1914, p. 6

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Pa" Six LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY. APRIL 17, 1914. --c-- - -~ -- -- .-- ___ ____________ _________ WQu&egQn.Neréal. w SAIMS CLOSED IAURORA, IEWUGA TIÇOT c»NQHAS A DRY SUNDAY. TIN ; ON »M ON, Aurora, lit., April 12. Aurore weni dytdyby the vote ot ite saloon- T~ ~f3MANENT .kepes For ttit tirasUrne years the Bunday cloulng law was observedl. Many Who Predicte Old Con-»pig of the saloons was decid- dition Would Be Resumed ed upon at a meettng of the liquor After Election, Wrong. j Te aion as due to the dry wav: ALL LACE WER CLOED.Aurorawent wet by a majority of Commissoner Atterbery Says t continue vIioations of the Sundsy He Ml See It Is Done so closing law. Long as He Is-in Off ice. Hundreds of persons trom Elgin, _________Geneva. Batavia. DeKalli. Yorkville. Since tihi following article was Pieuno and other cties and villages wrttn It became knowft that near Aurora than went dry ai the John 3eat. who conducta a buf- leCtIon were tn Aurgra yesterday, ftt nesé th e w Goneese atreet but found the salons cosed. vnduct, a arreeted on Sunday for iavlng hie pace open. H: DEALERS IN ICE- as asrralgned ln police court thie caste and wus a rned that If fne CREAM ARE I? la csught in a similar vioation thât.U hie TCIIEI.I b rvoedCLOSELY eut another. William McCanney so aosa givîn a hesring lnt po- lice court Un a charge of having had hie place open a wiik cgc Sunday nlght He wusagiven s slmilar fini and warning. Health Inspector Hicks WilI See to It That ice Cream Carts Are Kept Clean. MUST BE WASHED OUT. Waukegau, April 13.j Those who hat expectet thet as State Law Provides a Fine for "oon as the local option elactiono hd Emptying the Cans Without bien hait that thie piectlce of ailowring thei saloons liel-e to remein open on Cleaning Immediately. Sunday. ver-e surpriset, agreeably or -Weukegsu, Alîril 11). othervise, ahen il vas dIscoveret îî 1eaprahifwre thatthie vet omportume o! the clty Wt h praho amr aU vara tighly -kapt ciosed on Sun- M.eatber wih ushera iin the Ice-1 creani seasen. CittvHealîl I lîpeclor! day. And what le more Io the point Clar-enceCHicks le prepariti te e It la declarefi that this condition la to shtaluesofiecei ei contnue.fromoi-lallug the sdate pure footi fteraI menthe ego' wben Commis- law Nlîlcît oulîlues juet liom the cou- atonir Carl Atterbery gave the order teiners for Ice-cream muet be cleanset- viticli ciosit the saoena on Sundey A tew sweeke ago ci leu State Foot hi announetd that the condition Inspecter C'. J. Kielîquiet vas iln voeatlu b permanent. He sgi& .lie MWukegeu couduchiuîg e thorough in- wonît aie te It that tlie saloons were vestligetion into the saniltary condi- lkept cicaut no long asulie vas In of-. tioîs liera ho vas accompaniet on al Oci. The tact that they have been hie trips by Inspecter Hicks. Ho en- kipt closedl since and are cioset nom, forcit upon th1e local insector et aven aater the wets nave von tne tlîat dînea that oeeof the vioiations ha ight te romain ln business for an- m-ouid have tIi look atter wlth especiel1 Otitar tvc- years atolast, shows fliat vigilance wax thet witlî regard tn tce-0 hoirmemnt exactly abat hi satd and creat» cens. U wvouid appear that salon keepers Dealers o! Ice-cream oflen becomo vie mLny have thouglit that the han crls about the way tbey bondie1 veud hi remnovet aftir election mglit the cana. Many times they are ver-y «.- viii mairo up their mints to ac-- buay whîn one can la emptlod aud cîptthie Inivitable. without giln.g this any further atten- . On Sunday Assistant Chie! o! PO- tien It je plaetd to one aide and a, lice Thomasa Tyrrell pait a personal tresh can la openet. Sometinies a visit te hie diffirent saoons te as- dozeu or mocre cans are alievidtot»lie sure hiuseifthiat they are living up areund for several days before they te, thi ordar. Ho found net a single are plcket up and returned to the Violation. manutacturers- EVerthng tends t» Indicate that Thtis lsan unquesiioneit violation thei saluons ai-i t» be regulatet as ot the state pure foot Iew which Pro- neyer bitons. Net only wWthie law vides that as son as a can e! ICe- wft iiMa ~te cboStng at elîven o'- cet» in emptted It muet ho vashit elock st nigit asdaital day fiunday lie titoroughly andt hon rinsit aitli ciear cari-i eut but titi nov saIon reg- watîr and allowed t» drain eut in- ulatto. erieace viii b. effective ho- steadi of havingthie residiai cf the ici- gtlmligM11Y 1. This yliaiesethe creain rimain lu thora te sour and Iconai te $750 vhich It la axpacteit eventually te, rustthie Ca-t. Witt case aouioffthie Ians deairabua r Alrsdy inspector Hicks. las -turned 080003 a t go ont o! business. Sa- lits attention te violations o! tihi init ioeeipers uni. thie ciause vhich rnentloned and several dealers vhe red" he ti uiner t»thiity vIlIli e make ta business t» oeilItce-creami More carifu about doing soeething thte year round have bien varitid ta, vWhlci miglt cause thiir licenses te lie carefai o! the vay they keep thir lIe rivik sas they will undirstand cans or it viii hi necessary t» arreat that fit vuld tesImtpossble for thet» thot» for violattins.t te aicuni another. It looks as If the Net oniy la the Inspegtor aeolng te r dAY oathie bosely hantlet saloon la it that thit sort o! violation la not PaSt, nîver t» returu. periittedtho extat. but lie ts also 'in- _______________ j isting upon local dairies recalingj TAG THE GROOM WITH tIlk trot» fermera ln dlrty cane. The d airy nlilch tees tItis ta equabby as 'IUST MARRIED' SIGN-HE git i h amr DISPLAYS IT ON STREETS IHTSAKSHR Rober-t C. Weber o!IlIighlaud Park and Miss Jeunuie Nyrîle ef W au- IS COURT'S VERSION. lkegCan vere mrrît Suatay etaite Leipzig, April I.-Whet 4 a kits? Clirlatian church. \'uaokegen. snd When it Io offensive and ahen lu- titeir marialge came as a coenplete offensive. Hera are tite anavers as surprise t» thein relatives and friends, laid dowo by tIse Supreme court O! vhoekSniv notiig o! their p)lana un-- the Gorman empire: tiafler the cerensony lied bien per- "A kIss a reactloît upon the betY fortuit. Hevever. thieir fr-ente "got o! another. even." for, as son as titîyfeunt It 'A kiss always requiresatiti per- out. soinuhoiy pinnit a placard on mission o! the par-son kiasit. the.6 gi'oom' back which reat "Just "Wiîliout aucli perntlaslon oee t»Y m&n~ied," sadthie bridai pair vaîkit Ida oniy if eue la sure efthie othirn dovu troua tbHe <usuesas treets of tactt cousent, as ln the cases of par- thl ectty, treing tii. unintentional nag-'enta. cihitren and lovera. - Meor eerytaoy's stars and amis. à 6If the Mtsseî ta net only coy. but lb.,'wvre eatirsly Ignorant o!thie gravoiy objecte. It ta to e ho simet ieeaof se nany person's gazeuti Hiat thie kips la conitereit an tiiegaI jselly, sitar they luit ru»a<lhe Sgiant.inte-finence vîihtieor lier pensnal 'e--lt. 6e brile apWe the aigu andi qulck. freedone aut a violation of is or lier S'yramovdil ib oner. lTe couplea yul maki their homeI "Anybody ahe inflicta a kias in tucli viii Un bride's parents in Wlauks. 'CI-cmMtancea la guilîY Oe! 9ault ant gan. e~nta battery." :-.-~j-ffl cout,' veakiiescontinet, FASTER SERVICES ILICENSE BOOSTED TO $750. Nov <bat the quauion o! local OV- tien hl iseneei sposit et for ah- othir tvo yiars the saionkeapits INWA~ A~S RAWN have tutuibi theu- attention te an- Schier d-tha putttfglg nt» îtfect The Beautiful Weather Retults of he reoenty passedi saloon rfgula- tioli oe-tttaac. This ordtnance la OUTLINE THEIR PMANS. Beys Arrested by Police for Chicken Thefts Have Made Compiete Confession. The Waukegan Police have Just conipl.ted one of the fineat littie pleces of detective work thât las de- veioped here ln a long time. As a Testit they have arrested four boYs, ranging ftmm fourteen to sevonteep Vears of age, chargtns th- nwlth baiving stolm noamerous cbloma. As sistant -Cbef Tyrrel te convtnced that the youuggters were not arrested a inuent too ebon for lu their confis- a.. the. boys have told of Inten- tions to launeh upon a career of BRE WERII3S SEEK SftIPPINfi POINTS NEAR CITY LIMITS Reports in Elgin That Two Beer Men Are Hunting Sup- ly Stations Near Elgin. SALPONST94 KEEP LEASES. Ouest of Prospective" Merih- ants Indicates Buildings Are Not for Rent. in E " 'Curoh Bei 1effective ", the ntirit5y of May. Its crime. Wben arrseted they vere con- Elgin, April ll.-BOth Eflgin brewer-l principal provisions are as folio«u: stdîrtng the plan o! holding up the les were reportait today to biie se- Largely Atended. 1. Market atreet saloons abolished. pr»porieltor of a Ifttl4 store on South Ing sites for «,ghipptng stations', trot» 2. License goet te $750 on Igay 1, avenue, ocking the mn In the teebox whence they wtîl be able te, supply SPECIAL MUSIC FEATURES. 1014. and ranoacklng the store from top te their beer trade In Elgin aliter the 3. Nuneber o! saoonsrednced to botton. They »Iat hi only reas0en township bicornes anti-ouloon terri. Every Church Had Arranged thirty. they have trot doneseota that theY tory. Special Musicale Programns- could flot agre ilioil the drtalîs of Tt is expecteit that the. Elgin brqw- Fitig ody.SUGGESTS TUDERCULOSIS CURE the Plan, rari lli handie the sItuation hore Fittig Toay. - -The boys gave thoir namnes as fol- sîmîlar te the way the wît Interieate Cincinnati, April 10.-By breatblng Iowa: handled Tt la Rockforld. Conscience and the wetlier motn Ihru edfmsIcPetCss ENS USLae 7 tRcfrtesip on e got together Sunday. The result was "tIlp'oU cdfmsicpel ae RETRBEL zd1. A e'frtestpn on e themot ayll Rste, homot e-of tuberculosls can lie frequently cur- GUNNARD ERICKSON. agit 14. lectet was' elvidere. Ortlers for sphendot ftis in atrd the big r- ed, asys an announcement nuade to- ALBERT NELSON. aged 16. beer were teleplionedt Her aud then Zest church ettendance known 1, day In1 the convention of the Amner- ARVIT THANDER. aged If,. deli-d witliout four of the law. Waukegan In rneny years on Easter cao Chemical Society by Dr. Edward Fotlowlng are the eifgned contes- Seeking Shipping Pointe day. Ciîîdeman of Chicago. siens whlch have beenit ade to the According te goetlp, the Elgli Halelîjha ra eer chirsem-polie by the tire,,iiTree mentlined Eagle bre.wing comp,,any may estsh- e t ring rmor erhnoiy. eefrm E fI1L orish thefr abipliug point" at Po%- eiftrisgemtoe jblntlmorealsweetîy. I MII1Ii H IUJJLConfessbiun No. 1 croft's, forti of tHile city onthie Dun- Eeni the fiwete c one snwead- .TO"I'took chickens belOnglng te Nlre. dee avenue road. or dlreeLtly es In Eert teemfoed to n are g' aylPr - LVL JNelson of Ntott avenue. IEbere were Flanover township. It te eaid thet gen ad dit te beng Ramor estel. re IEDUP eleven cbichaîts. This happened on1 jtbe brewery will erect a large were Inaddtie otpeecteystitepriug Ç RyI ATJIN ApjoliSth, 1914 at nticht. 'Phase we flouse as a shîpplng station. was th most erfectday t s sprng. IT REPU se Id te John Asanus gr Tenth St. Officers of the Elgin National The sun bagan te ine long before ____ On Tuesday nilht. April 7tli. 1914. wi@Iirewlng comipany stated thet thev the nestteofReaster eggs were errang- Once More the StorkHsVs took I fne chîckens belonglng te an lied not 3-et sought a location. There te Job nt eaast abes.hestaod ou e oueo M n egns Armenian onu 5outh avenue. These are rumora that the National corný hhm or adl sbowly wendeti their Mn we soid te John Ashmua of Tenth St. panv vili protaibly locate In one o! chuchgorsin Lake Bluff. About a month ago 1 and enother fel- thîe nearby cities-Pingre tir-ove. Si. way home and also enlnyed a welk ____ lovv went up te Dady's and gel nine Charles, Glîberts. Dundee or Bartlett. lbong Sheridan road end ther RtL N L EED iîcestee W otte e 1 u hî îc ooEtnfo hr avenues.ten !aauena250___ John Aglimiue' Few to 8urrender Leassa the wln euddenly shl!ted from tbe, Coincident That the Last Child ERNEST IRUSSELL. Few Elin saloon kPepers. with southwest te the northeast snd theCofsinN 2dsrbelctnwl sredr cilI caused autoist eto b haen home i ýBorn There Came at Same On Confesion Nq. 2 dnstav lesirele locti ons it so rete an eetin obto ptheir Sil 1.1 . Wed dvtîir eactoe-otou rop- audpedetrauste uttn ~Time as Moon Eclipse. rizlit, Rn-il su ad nv.sPlf stole ten e mer-vhantsa cordlug te v-oesip ceaie eut pullutown their- gloîe. cîiu-eiu frein NP]sou- on NIot ave- lu real eslate cdr-des today l-toe e'er.the uh emalet et at IVilelearet itrooer ai ne, but one gel an a' We ol00t(- ic Accordlng Id the tllî.the major- the re-ainder of the day. wbIle fnot t1ie (-enir foyrreerliheir telesoc 1ci o-.oflie ehî, T e!Tnîl i 1 t% olon keepers ltueteýd itthe eowrv a t1h ai at.wsn on the muon andl unzazed Ibeniselves s treeOfor 5 c Oe dii dotI the mou- îeart of the clty will establlsh ether At t-o oclock lu the after-noon tp'ncreri rcontelmp)l;tionfew eeke 'OribhsTur ¾-I 'O roo rlr--o e'ifiti- r larpe inercury reachedthte hlghest poiut of azotlahv Batunirade lber appe-ar-O o(ri'-r.ri.-lo. the day-6.1 degreefs. auce et *Clinneî IlouRe" In Lake : ( ~'~Sutta m htEgniîIaaevt e , Sree ScnesBriliat iBluf.W re coing te lock film tin ]i 1ý Buildings "Not for Rent" Kniglita Templar mercuedtotethe ;lier mother eut father, NMr. tant o u iuo.o h os8l, pea li elet elr Eplecopal ehurch In the atternoon. j'%Ira.FIl. S. Buntlnir, cait Elizabeth 'let's r-euthie felloNv Thp Arinoulau's have already been eppr-oeched by Their uniforme and white plumes edd- their moonbeem baby sot look frad- naine Is T. Saboujian. 119 South ave- mon. sho deaire te leese the store et a militar>' teuch te the brillient lY Ou the eclîpse, for she wee thelr nu G--buidIns nw ocuped y Pen atreet spectacle. Last year Eaeter ir.t child in sixteen years of marriet INAD RIKON asher, snt by Snow and Mackha t vasspole bve dwnouro! ei lie.Confeeaion No. 3 19asslit that they have been toIt the wa ple yadwpu frin ie-WNe took tan chinkene ou Tues- etoreas ere "net for rent -- and the year before Easter Sunday "ChtimneN- House." their home, has opènet with a snowstorm. la stor-y blended wlth the Mother- day uight frot» Nelsons on Mott ave- "I~ believe thet tifty per cent o! the Crowds assenyblet et the pariest Goose rhy-mee tant the tales of H-ans nune. We toek nîne chickena from saloon buildings in Elgin ahilhai oc- ipsssen cmuno srvcs nChristian Andersen. Borne fifteen Dedî 's one nlght about two weeke cupled by other busineases wlthin six Rmsancommcian sperceslichur yeers -age t vas bullt by t. J. Mur- ago. PWe hed two begsaend wera monthe," teclaret J. V. Mink lu Rhesandockoe t ant calpmanager, hhose hased by Dadys dog. t helpet 1ift speaking of the prospect o! rendIng thidca harclmaaewo e c icesoath fec.Iastebidns O corethrae Tt was ait that mors persone et- I vfe vas bllet throughout the count-th lcesortefne.1w hebidg."Ocusteeae tended divine services yasterday than try as "The Girl villi the Auburn 5-Ittli hm ahen v we re going te meny buildings noe occupled by sa- on the recent go te church Sunday. lair" Her rosi name wast unknan. hold up the Armenian Inthie littie bons which ceult hardby lbe called Every Flowir Dlsplayid T'ebhnse stands at the corner o! green store" tesireble locatIons"' Looking acroas the rowa or bouedt Sherîden road eut Maplle street. As ALBERT NEIISON._________ beeda Hie churclies andtHie the years went on the young couple The tiret three boys wera arrestet oyWieo en biats along the streets "a HIile stand-1 fourni they Ywune net quite setifiet. onu Thursday; '1hander was nt ar- Maen yerite ea tlogue o lng et the door of a conaervatory In Mr. Murdock thought and Mrs. Mur- reeted until this morning. Ail o! vorks titan existing vas publiohait un- whlch every p)lant vas .n bloomi. Upon dock thonglit, but lit vas anme tinme tht» hI li e glvàs a ¶tearlng tomnOr- der the titiseto "Bibliography of roir and the police will aak that tliey Worka Relating te Joan e! Arc." It ne Baster Inthie memory of Wauke- betore thev diacovered thelr trouble,.lie bound over t»thie grand jury Iu contained 667 vera of generai hier- ganttes lias there been sncb a fio-al -1 know the trouble wlth ut," satdhev bod.TyviioaIpe-rh,80 ateatthpstci.- display.*thie yenng ulfe eue day. "W have be----od&.---------o------- - ... 89..* delt i riclJ .M.M 1- h- -- - - -- ri ane uM tnd. la s z 198, Sunmia No particular coteon vire ebovn te be fashion's spring favorites. unlesa1 tesstbiY bines anti itrpIes. W thare1 ever vas sanIeettofceler the« Sunafay1 was a revobUation. And &fietee n-0 sitictien the viarers allvint vslUkng. FI!y Onighta Attend 1 11ifty Koighte Temsiar attendait ait-1 ernoen service ln Christ Lrptsepsb chunch et S3 M Their vte pumes1 and lir-illant uniformes mate a sthinug effict on people along the atreetsas they mrurchoit fret» the haln to tIti an- anal scone o! worshlp. TIti cfurch vwu voîllfilled eut a vary inapreeive service vas renderet. Rictor Ganter detlvering a short attress particular- ly sîguficant t thie Kuiglita ant baud- log the tHilugafor whfch they stand. OFFICER SHOOTS TO BRINEi FAÀST DRIV- ERS TO. A STOP. SUN. Frankt Crawford sud Ar-thur Ras- miussen, aire fnuit$3.00 and colt for tat ant furlous drtving taniMon City. lived liera for elistei» years at havi hai no chiltren. It la because thla house lise no ehimaies. O! course tbers ai-e on@ oet <o, but ne one cao aie themno te uat got amethiy?" Mfr. Mur-dock sa thie point, sut di next day masons ver.buay MaSi- tng a nice big chlumney on titi outaide o! the lieuse vhere It cout beat ho sieen. It vas aucli a chtmney as t», Invite any starS te enter. Before the chtmney bat asaurnet a voro appearance, strangi t» say, tvo little Murdocks vers playing about the house. But soon tit i fLmily was calledtot another part o! the coun- try, eut uew resiets occuplet the lieuse. Otter- familles came eut vent. Al boneiltet hy the biessing that het been placet on "Chimney-house.' Sai-er-al Inontits ago neighbers ne- ticet the chimney on the Buntlnz house bas bean, repeintd. Il hae boon replaster-et sud repeintet. Mr. Bunt- tng wes aIse sein t» go about hum- Ming and with a amibe for ail ho met. Thon scleutlsts announetd an ec- lipse o! the moon andthie eun for a certain Wetoetday. They sait ft 1veult 0e the firat fernme tinte andt W'hen arraguet betre Juitgi 1. H. I erfectly visible te ail. PeoObi evary- Tuttlethie young men pliaitg'ulty t» vitera recallet ligents about thîs thie charge. They vire ttrtvtug là a rare occurrence. They vonderet ahat buggy titrougli thie treita et Zion at g00d tortuneiit vouit bring. - 1: 15 Sunday mernlng eut vire about. Thursday monntng a little kmot or Ing and tveering ant disturbtgthie suburbeuttes gatherd et the Lake poute generaîîy. Bluff station. Tii,' ttscussed thie Assistant ChIot o! Police Handysita ecliPse. Thîy wvei-d etthie poa- as oligedt teOfe a shot te ring ibity ef suci a phnemn and on- tut» te as tautatilb,adIt tt as fount dered ahat l bat ineant. that they hat threi bottle, cf lquor In e short Urne <lie,' Mv Mr. Bunt- lu thie buggy, antdlied evidently,bien tng comlng tova t huea. Thîy no- trinling freely. tiaed that ha val beamîng andtansil- tItg alil ver. lus pockets vers hulg. Sa.bey .,do Yen koow there ise eut, sut ta his hanta ha bld iI- nothtng verse. than the oder that contas i gars. fInmdora, tIret, osptyfles ad Shere la1 And thon ît vas titatthiey knev ne neetof It Barker'i Autiseptie cure ha titis trouble. For sala b,' F. B. Loreil Co. wa the mcon bat broulitt. aie 10 have the noys sent away In a referne edicol asthiey say that If lait lie st» do as they pIssai Hiat tHey utîl follov apparent criminal pro- cliviis. Titi poltce ftelt certain that thie boys woîd have gene trot» one thtng to anothen If they hait net bien apprehendeit. On O thie boys toldthte assistant chie!tHiat the Nelson boy vas Ilts One wto broke lut» hie Edison court station vecintly but the Nelson boy dentei tbtit. Several blauketsansd lap robes ahicli hait bien stolen, tromthie Dady place ver-e recover-ot by the Poli e tay. The Police have seen Aslimus, the man said te have purchasedthie stol- an cbickeot and tey say thay tbtnk ho bough-I them lu goot faith aud paît aIl thiy ver-e wortiî. 'Ple boys representedto1 hruIli tat they ver-e trot» Libartyville. Thle police succeedet ln rouattînt up the boys ln short or-tir. 'Ple day followlng the theft they rrnetet th@ boys and a! ter givtng ýtht» a littbs "sweettng"r ceived the confessions 'The boys dit net ineplIcate Thandit until tItis morning. A sclentiat now telle us titat thte breathing et sulphuvous fumes teaa cure for consomptIon In thie incipint stages anit that ttir one gîta uaed t» the fumes, b. doesn't mnd It. Thus. unbeknovn te ailIo! us or totHiene- saclve thie gag company recently has benugtving muiticel treatinent to gag consumera, teor there aurely bas hein inough suiphur ln thair gas te cure the vorst case o! consuSptton tmag- SInabie, proviting quautity "ï. -et. Wî ton't presfume tltey yull put tol a bltl for metîcal treatotent beeidis the rigular bllI-but, 'they miglit, judgtng fromtite manoerirnt hich corporations whicit gît contri-olof a rutitity titise tays tries te put It oer the public ln rubis, demanda, etc. and twent'y-one opera, and thiecom- pler atatait that ha ceuit bave Incitit. et anotiter 1,000 volumes. Indepeadme mrachos @ahlpoInts ta bwah. Couat7. Bell Y 1fOMAN'S ý imtxl -e(à Is the Beet That Xoeimey Can Buy *y sie ea bucpetent sredâelm rte if [ WOe glaiOu ouan m5Mdmu ouar owu tramastoltu misb pa u lar ea. Lgouis J. Yeowa MANUFACMtLJRROP9TlIA WAMKGAN. ILLINOIS F. BAI RSTOW MANUFACTURER 0OF Marbte and Granite Monuments- Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence àoIlcited 1 16 Gienesee St Wankegan The Federal Junior ELECTRiC Suction Cleaner $3750 Payable 83.'15 dowu, in mothly payaseetsof $ 3.75 saab A light-weight, dependable machine, emhodying n e w festures that increase the rapidity and thoroughnesa of the vacuum cieaning pro- I D.e»amtatometaiOur Di.plY Reeues. Public Service Company OF NORIMN ifliLNO System R etailers' losses3, due to short orders, are reduced by prompt use of Long Distance Telephone se2rvloe-. XVhen such shortages occur, the merchant's o nly recuise is to obtain the missing goods in the Ieast possible time. A Long Distance Telephl-one message us the quickest and most effective waoy of h-urrying, th e si, utMCI-t. CXic.. t> 1 tŽphîî:x~ (Sm -î: j lds0.î.,,î Y ~- i FOR heavj for Il Zelms ço.,l FOR velgli thmre Fart» 690-Y st.i ionu Ltbert Gent 10:30 Bey. E Mon aboya Sund Eue Ail E a. Me. 10:3( Whipp] 6:45 7:80 Whippl Inde bake ( b p l ti t t

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