CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Apr 1914, p. 7

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LARE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRmDAY, APRIL 17, 1914. McCAN WASREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS D SR SW F ADJUDICATION NOTICE. DYMOND L AUSTIN MR MI N W SFurnished by R EE T IE4Pubtije niioti, ilgî l ý1 il a I ~ ILA K E C O U N TY TITLE & T 1IýS T coth, Ubn rt îîîîîîltraturl a il 1Loans, Insura uce, Real Esta t and i I Mas o iTeplesG. W Iiean dciix(lo ','sti o ara +_ u » u w j $ARESIDENT_F:?O. MAbstracTemp l lesGiiauarnî. TIMESBOUND OV. il.ÏWtsonILi, House Rnig aV D ~VÂ CCounty c(ot o ii .k ý 'tîint> .taia Office in Kaiser Brocla. NONE RECEIVED FOR LESS THAN 25 CENTS 1 pi , 94-.J i î E R IN L R EB NDS a ieCoriiiRYIL, LIOS _____________________________________________________ 10Fanie J. Walther, sîîîîth .A feet,i flousett In linid il litiitiLBRvILNI + + F c ~ + ~ + + ~ + + + A g d W o m n W h o e D e t h I a tt 1 3 2 f e e t lo t 4 5 , (r y , a d iti d t o mAo , o n t h e ir t N Ili il d (I9 f J l u it n e n i. 1 9 1 4 . + ++ + Occurred LteFriday P . Mary J.Atinadhrhti[lCla mAt on li, e Ha . :id retîuegted tc, arcuent th, saine Ato'i-t»a Ood OR + 1F *OI + -DedofPnumnu. BrumO anld attfe, eatit Ipar t 29, ng PlceCur.iad cart !tîr ad.lualcatîoî. Morley 10 Loan'on Good Approveil Real ______ ' ubiiiniiery n i oie or.WILLIANI L.WATSON, Estate. IO+R SALE-Some choiWes oa+G+dO RE NT- Modern, p-to-date ilrooruWAS ILLFRSVRTELLIl.S.DA700.JH .POIo,,Ofiei rgg ulig MieSEVERAL, lo unt DfAaYadbumS18pr ot. yo IFE ELS. SAD STRy.. Administrators uth wIll anaaexed. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOI,% Beed Whal C. A. Schreck, Phone Austin. c-29-2 n *Atril 8, 1914.-W. B. Walratb and Ul* aukegan, Illinois, Alîril 6tlt. 1414. 267-M-2, Libertjvlle. c284 1oorn in lreland But Came to wi,e to Ada R. O'Neill, lots 229 and ,Ileydqcker. Heydecker . tony TO LET-On hares 15 acrc.lgood land. Ti at ft Cunr v 30, Shaws West Autiocît subdivision ub ad eeks to Defend Him fr & HeYdtkerAtr -7 ir EL LMORRIS FOR SALE-New 7-roomfBouses audHenry Appley, Lihertyville. P-30-2 Ti ar Vfth Gety TW.D b ain ieRefus-.DJDIAIO NTCE Lb RtYv1ll. A vacant lots at Are.. lquire o W.. A. --er Sixty Years Ago. Gorge Thomson and wîfe, et aI., e tADJman im UblICATINs NOeT IvE. itI vile - Illinois Ray, Ares, IIL c28-ti TO RENT-Boom wlth or witbout Mr to W. F. MacI*chlan, part lot 5, block e titie SnyHi. ubern ietg xeurbo! eth atl t inn e 122 . ficeFuai oad, central location. Inquire Inde. .Brl cCu.wae et ,l.aeîcsbdvso.Gr>tk.W Waukegan. Aprîl 13. WiII and Testament of Noule B. Shute, FOR SALE-Wbite Wyaadotte bay pendent office. P-30.8 ccrred at the age of 78 years In D. $9000., Three times Joe Tamborino, l dffi5êsed. will attend lte County Court chieke. mrm. A. W. BUi, Phone 289-R2, TO-------- mr hme1ijarreton en Frlday atternoon about W. F. MacLachian and wite tu Mao yesrs aid, living et 733 Market streel b.fhLake nt at te Cort Hustere lu MRTNWau.IE ArILc2".8WN TED T ETL 5m oe4 o'clock, was one un Ic heoldeet set- Halpîn, part lot II, bloec 2, Lakeelde deserted Ilewife andl twO amalchli.kegan, In said CoiUutY, ou thetilret j t TTce U RON Icihk uth n w enfz- ve m l f E tiers Ilu Lake eou tM. R ie e lhi mrade Eubdiv ii n, G rays lke. W . D . $1. iîn w th u ra in ay audible pro- M onday of June next, 1914, w hen s uit i ice ~ T R v . T~woe .,8 48R .. P o , 3 jrCqJUS"kW eff 506 pa mot h fuisbe an cotid"t= ber bome ne lake county for over 66 -%ae Halpin to Ilenrietta MaeLacli- test fronts bis0o9 sufferin.g lîttie whcre ail persous havlug daiýms ceting 2%dOrshhe, J.,Ares, 111. seven ta ten moinesud have groude >rars. There are very few settlers lu Ian. part lot 6, block 2, Lakeside euh- wife. Hach i trho ereturned 10 ber agaluel Raid estate are uotlle< andt N03TH CRICAOO. ILLINOIS Phone 261-M-2'. c284 for cilitre ia ciplay lu. Udrs .. , the couuty _whose record dan equal division, Orayake. Q. C $1. ehe exteuiteitopen armasaud welcom. rCoursdt o resjudlcadooRai 01000 11010.indevenadetil. e-80 à beix. Frederlck Mau and Wlfc ta John Car- cd hlm twllb a kilos. But there 1s WALTER SHUTE, PAUL MAC GUFffl. FOR SALE-A 7 ro oues ounBroad- Mr*. MuCau 'n was horu la Ireland alan. south six rode. north anc--hall sncb a thing as goiulg too far. Un-.xctl way. laquire of J. R. Maett. 0.2g.«.+.+..+.+.+..+.+. G.+.+. sud when s young girl remnoveit witbnortbwest one-forth. northwest one- cousclously the hnshand overstepped Waukegau. Illinois, April Sth, 1914. ATTORNEY AT LAW. + MMcELLA & OUS + ber parents 10 Amorira. They Came fourth, section 20, Deerfield township. the hounits of hurusu endurance when wkly.Apr-10-17-24 Uhbeutyvjie. Illinois FOR SALE-A q»nutlty of cord wood . . .+ ..+ ..+.++ . + .++++ s lmmeilately tu Lake county W. D $300.. ho desertei t Ilom for the fonrthLimne ADJUDICATION NOTICE. puOnasa8 sud pnta Wm. J. Hcreek, R. 1, anit settîldlunWsrrentan wbere they T.C. Monroe, ta H. C. Traut, lot 1, on Mardi 25th. Pbi oiel b - làuherW-ie. Plose 267-1-2. c28-tf The pereon who laia package oi en, engagedIn luthe occupation of tarin-OkadsbiIIn ryPae .D h f la-dtcctel h h ube nce eer, tlt at yveaopadesubdvisioo frays of Dr.D. J. wb.eTaarlorhe$cag.inAtmeThestratorbeaAdtheetra.r O.fFhe DET.TP. IB-MpMW veoe e h fieo r .L alrIug. Mrs. McCanu hait li eit there $20b auds of the Police aud a few da sEttle of ROderlck D). Ameýs, iteccaed VTRNEYBRbN FOR SALE-10 ton good lmothy bahay bv ae sud g*rprt vrRic.Sewutewd fte Consumera Comupanyt Ilerrusu agalhc was tracci tu aAlton, IliI. 'heýre wi atenIth Couty our ofLak b"ls. R..IMooe, Ares. Phone26O-1. pyn o 3.lisate Henryr MeCaun whose death nc- lollatz, lots 1 to 26, Villa Rica euh- lue bad accePted a positon. Sieriff County. at a termi thereofta b.h holden &tITA1ir BrAVEvauuÀmaRuÀs rriabt veyrsgo division iu section 21, Antioch towu- Green nient atter hlm ou Suuday and a Coutyou th lirI1Monay1a MidtheCoutHnth se, W aukgu uLheofl.llfo ___________________MONEY TO LOAN-On Improveit roof A couple of wecks aga Mris. Mc- ship. W. D.Il. returned wlîhh bim Suuday niglit> June neat. 1914, wheu andt wlere ail FOR SALE-BSai wleat. noefot seed.ctaI.. J. 8. GsIotLE,gvFiret National Carin esuglt a taprere colil. At the J J.liemube andt aife te 0. S. Ttnîborino was arraiguedIn lupolice Persans hasaing Mlinsagainttsait Telleitituî &i e t 5M a etter Pretrared ltes Chai. Stolzman, Phone26i7-W-2, Liîerly, Bauk- -28tf lime she dît flot fhlnk mnch about .8riiialtîach celait 40 teet wesi 80 feel, court trefore Police Magistrats Naler estate are notîfied sud requested ta MY "Pn". eve, io do o rotr uk. ville. pt-29 2 IL but gradually tL grow worse ultîl lait 1ý. fIleck 6, Exmoor addiioniHtgh Taylor tbis mornlug sund wa l present the sanie la said] Court for ad. e... indication. J. LM . nGraves W. avi nm.rof in hme fitMARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-Ttae It developed ijîto îaîeumonla. EverY- laid Park. W. Di. $600. erver ta lte grand Jury lu bonds of HENRY C. AMES. A UCT ION EE R s ale r rn lubr of fin home forlt'.iiable Conlidentialsueeful clubr bas. thîng possibile was donc te n'ave her '.itharIne Gilland huisiiil. et ai., 85> on a charge of wife sud rhîld Adutînistraior of the Estate of Roder- 144E.lmwc A .,Waeg, fice maeret yud utn iet.large sumeter of wealthy silgible mcm- Ile burt site gri atorse rapîdly and ito i finie Greenslade, lots 3 arnd 4, shandoenet.tek t). Amen. dereiq. d -e s. ei.,d ville. <-24-tf bpesof boet I sexe*, wisbing early marri. llnally passed aiiîv, i1î',îsubdivision, HighîlandîtPark. Q. The wite and tan siall rilîlren 't'a nkegan, Illhinois, Aliril 6tii,1914, "m îr ains I. r aer agr.. Descripîtirrn fres. M râ. Wtrarie, M r r'<al lia asth,cfol bloitg wr1 $1 fitout Tee a n eyder-er & Ileydecker, Atorneys FOR SALE-Surali (;.I)'ry 'a lie 2t;, IOaklandl, Cal. p-2fî.2 chîldren: Thomîias.iFranki, Jofii1, Susati Ojîr i 11 1914.-Charles lîruijain and apparent erîmitv between Ilirm as houea u Division mri-et fait $10(x) An ' A. and Sarlali E, aile fii Mary J. Austin; lot 7, block tîtey uasid sid e.Ou ttechl__________ GENERAL PRACTICE 8-ratoru manIa-rulieesail tpira . nueHierII. Fruit anduillsadte res ttrril. ] ')yOBITURY flN 't'B tsaddition, Lîia n a . ie OeNofthedre .doir 8 tu 10 a msut. Innl andti 7B0ap. ~iis fctaî tt ',aii lia- îl <, frAlin sut besîde the oiber. The other Notice of a Specrai Meting of tht Ollire nue, Rat Furinlure tore. Teear l rrsu t u . IqI r 28 I w -sthe 'îdi t îîYîor prarie taeirR tIt 1,'d t in.,MIan.rli. t . idaf iiao 1, f lirm nsdhuîittilt. îe . . n oîxeld ...î, Noie, akeFoýbt II 1,M- Fvrett Paiie -, aIsled u tîlhe lap o! the father. Stock Holders of Wauconda Lumber 8 PECIAL ArTENTION Ttl THE gj' 111,hi,1 l,('fna .sdniof Id Bumn n hsbndi I ,"liîoiîs a u-' ced dev..i.. and Ful C m ay o Ds lv forfr as 1 Fnefr,\l Complaaablck1,yV elt0 adDisorieolilee LIBFrotEineTYVtme Copoatin.LILLINOIS ILIOI FOR SALE-i gra-y haire., It 14001. 4 asda'vflteh neo p sot!fl, a ,] et h ,cids hek il fVaorr; 1 iia forlatelatt 0(1v s4 aea 'I i tii f lit 8tvi. I. k 1 ) Vci-Ilddt li uc til uit Fonture ime COpoafan + 1Joh. Iat Fra ît idyanie e! be r j J. , R1i lafiedty ie InW O s > . l.IC- ls r ie eid e k. Ni tîa-i of il, i ir . I fil au vopela ol; are tii rar wt 11.10, 4Y isr s * +d r1ýz1ea i e eiiiaic iss n d ulie IIIP lC ilI R .L T Y O yearars WandNite ýathoen n ,iin viD.liili ittance o alteiaoiîtie 'hilaitlait, Inaa.nLakD t,,;1. ,)LaTA Y LO R D p;airr iodeieur, wl:(lI. oretreiri + il+ . .+.-. .+.+.+.. img ,ý!rIlIl i'dxfte sno S Hatlts aud wite toi W Iar1 o uiel sone], ii e r itu tefat do f-ontua le'itîîaiXaîtha Fn ainl akDid lie-i i nai. mara iIth lier Sie i a. Mr Irt 1 an 1, ks su i t i f i i INaurrt . îîîî t tid iie i ner ton he fagtb lit pitj li iitiif_ t uýic tli)(Imp Id i ,- alrsyI. lpini m ai liîiand-s î-sî ine JilF. aNI E O i, .-iar ii.,(r iii and tirls '(Iitt'rili r pri , i n, rtIr rît 1 ' aa D . $257. suilindîîaî Wat r sliolia a latî rata e 0y oung 10 h - rii i I ii, tlri i,- s lltiiîiinerals tii-rera3Ci. alia spîlee r. a il an aa11I. p-274 lrt, au Phonea 27itJri Il.. a l i r i 1t ld if' il ( iist io tiranlîaîîrartil'îîîîelliteen he"ci. t anot unriradwav. epî(,ralilte Parkth ltiîee aea II.h7 ma rs S.h aitara iet, aitm a I iii a- llii Nt f eet $257. tiiu n l and lt a - e ni a le it a a a ll I erttiîg lir i lt. a hi . I i r te R O D N FOR SALE Bliait Le-ghoru i'l(lfo tr frari],lr 'îare 7 hi.c, awiiî trI i N' î.arcî N (rsopo etnui.8tri it' îî.te, Iht ramidlet irie airtî,ii i iDENT18Ti JIî-a1aelaaa liatchinu, fins wlter iayerrsanad niaon E îri-ln at. ' i' riraI to IilW!th s ir ii \oI 0 et.lt29 lci en -aia fat tu îi irbl ai t(2eacrlît.c(',iîl- ig ii. a$e1D.G I.DN il, ail ,t r« lar iront n.'I'f leItlIPe It o ilia eît ilipermtanenit elia- oî 'i l), -i .aî tid I liau i..l'aaa laSeus a12B -It . setters. Yoru 'IBO flia if,, l r g i nra Ill t a-r. rst it ti iitii.w iia ii tl ti r .T I . . tfiite ,tluir fri t. 1914-. Magdalctiîa acihr ratliitLî, aîd E ii l it.piaiir1 & m.] o P orderlng a seslini< rf luha. $1 .50( for t'n .Iîtt Jaiaitl. al iit r Il , uta- n- î Ii lta:en aif (ri îîid s tota Kaaîmeras N orgaîlu s Tiroui in ~ inîcrîîrcîer lte cif e lie i2iaz inà l it i I'i n i n i uit iNationlmai. E-) eggs. L. Peterseni, Rotane 1,litratrir i.I -l-i il. .c2 l N li .: NfIrt. joî in 7 of ' *a irNa i an d f lc lot 1, Siithis renrul (lîiiion tlo iehr triiuaglr, [n o eep bd ted i ar-r tIft ail of lti- toiai, i ar ifait w a ifr iioeIlJ ts P oe1 7J Viewliai 1r-il a"1 tif:airni (iaITh maliaof Ifaparttadfilet Drear'satuhliLlhertviw t-flfeli i lliiols 'a' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i'-t aelie aII 7r;ti rT ios i i ai lhak t D eee a-iio. 'af ui i lglito e r ai Ithe different t ita nadia Lit il litr ait ol tta i ati îy, i u n e a d J h i , I r e t n I o t h c g . W . j ,2 0 cfi i s a tie n lie r !i u h n d h ata d e se rt fo eiti tt. t rlrà a i îl a îî a sal i t iik liid .r r FOR SALE-Lait goot lij, 4 Irllia- , titrI.rr r 3. 3 if ftiiri)i iislaanîl d d fe aro. 1 W.'Af Stiirig, ta Allýe NI. [lia kit-icdliter. \Itisltiurp gatliired in lia-r__III____ _ nlîîaed \n 7-l D ,A . H R H L pupe. W. H. A1pley. p-29-3711 I iturî t. I.iir rr n. Wraic tlli, î trî 15, ta< raat nieîlgr asa ie blS1vc-sertrr 1,Tiîp Physician andt Surgean ______________________ at nljr of.s trir. rri ltg- i.rcu 182 7 eel. lowattILke-lla aira intelliietes tarare ler-ee, a Ertmrri', tirtirfitor FARM FOR SALE-W. F. Hou]etaesia i-ln Mtgr ,2-,ai l Ettint (a',v baa, iJIJ li-Chir i1 enta br iutbîd ' ataiAicil Hiart ClI IoA. à I tua ta77 la8SP.M. '4,e st(lle; 2 ar# cer.Wil onie o EE1Dj ;ClT. T. Snell aîîd alfe to Lake Colttiaffecrtioniaf ifar nia ailer reasii titan (iapuy peatteintnt yets.Nesdho at(iîer 15aces ler.lai cnîdr ii ' " t at in rtpr o Benjamiin HI'MilerAt:> yu reseona lba tifk. m r.festirpariifao tn10, Ib lockUR II Â T E th e rtllre u m ih t have s a nia il a~ 172 4 M ylIai I P O P R Y IT 10. biabeofr FrfrhriuIrý _(ni udiiin o tt hla-k fiatectr.LSSE S PROPERLY IlliEoi staon Write Mrs,.RR P. Blue, 6052 North Presbyterian Services IS À A DIDfIATE Lgn* W, D, 12,1 so, Nri hashiiraitertor ' Liertysalie, - -quitno H r i a eA ve., Chicag . p2 9 4 audav ni tg W rri Aîi pril I, t O-O T E S R R n ' A Reed a ndi aife 10 C . M aIIV kati S e t ibs h a-r I n d erD R uitS M T H FOR SAL1E-4iooda.*un.l'I'iFORgCmareR1(SURlR'BnGt.aie.lot 15 antd nortbwe8t 3o0eted iaitbune it get h<,a nd . .,.-D MT FOR ^LEGoo sond rivng are Volain tai-y buiry.urm v nd haro- ....... r..._ Oak deàk and cbair. Som@s gonîd p<utry equipinenst i e bail eheap. liera. lti low. phone 273J-. v-.29I FOR SALE-art-ridgýe Wyandotw eandi et< Rock ego i 0O per 0etltig of 15. W. Bl. Oehinge, LîbertrVille. p-29-3i FOR SALE-I matehpd team of llackm. coming 6 aud 7 years oni, weight about 2400. well bred. C,. Hi.Smith, Area. p 29 2 FOR SALE-Team of Rorseâ &nd fine hOâvY homce.., 8450. 7 and 9> yeareý. 3000lb.., in spliedld condition; gond for farm work or teamlng. Applr SI Zela f amu n ear Everett or addresa C. Zeles, Everett, Prairie View P. 0., Lake Ça.,III.c-304 1 have nice Fodder for sale cbeap. Came and try t. C. C. Copeland. P-30-1 FOR SALE-Boraes, Mares andl Calte, welahing froin 1000 to 1600 lb.., frona three ta effht years aid. Doyle & Marks Farm. Everett, 111. Phone Lake Forest 690-Y-2. c30-2 St. John's Evg. Luth. Church Corner Broadway aud Park Place, LibertVille. 111. R. . Buerger, peetor. uservice Sand" marning t 10:30 à. m. St.LawrenceEpiscop'1C'hurch BeV. EuwÂnn SB. WHITE, Prieât-la.ebarge Ro)y Communion every Bunday 7:45 Firet8undayin month 1:30a. m. Morning Prayer every Sunday except above 10:80 a. m. Bunday echool 11:45 a. m. Eveneong 4 p. mn. Ail Roly Dey@. Hoiy Communion 9:00 a. M. ]IL F. Church Services. S 10:30 a. m. Preaching, Rev. W. L. Whipple. 12M OOm.-S=tay sébonl. 6:45 P. m. Epwortb League. 1 7:80 p. m. Preacbing, Rev. WV. L. l Whipple. IndePeadent reaches ail ponts inI Y*lke Couuty.c lu Ve-aîlin anal Lrrd'n Irai er. Hyin-Nai 197. i<.-naaîîe seilaîlt ag 8ecîLii au 47. Glolria. Sirptur- R-rdtug. Pi-a've, anadi, i hue i'(yiii Ainieunr-etent. tint (ffertairv. HiiaN.117. Srnian- I sii Nlt ,'pr,,v' 21): 18. Hyrun-N Ilt . tepntR.leadinir-Selecation l]u t Ryrus No. 220. iiariîture Rradtng tPrajer. ABnonatuir-msnatOlerti.ry. A ticîrnu. Hynin-NO 22-2 Sermon-"The Sigu iof the 3a-arlet,' Cloing Hyrus-No. 2213. lleuediction. MOTORMAN CAU(IfiT BETWEEN CARM; IS NOT HURT BADLY Moftormuan Zeli a! the Chicagoansd -Mlwaukee electrlc rallraad was cauglit hetweeu two cars at Mlwau- kee ou Weituesday afternoon andt was eraneezeit QUite haally. At ii-st it WaS thougit lie hait aenlously inJureit but an exaruluatbon sliowstl that lu ail probablity lie hai ttfered no Internai Injuries. Zeli resides at Hlghwood. Just iow (lie accident liappeneit las ual heen learueit but lu saine maný uer Zeil was caugit hetweeu tic two cars as tiiey camae togther. FeIlow tralumen picked hini up sait plaît r(i hiru ou board a special car ta brlng hlm ta te Office o! Dr. Krdght in Waukrsga lte companys PhYsician. Thie ilght of way wss cleaiei t îcai- 10w tIis specill bgel bers lu thîe shortest possible tîrue. Indepeudent: More reaiterstitan al cauuty weoklles camhmucit. 1lot 1Mblock 731, Highland Park. W thie civ 'ithout lier knowledge. The Waukegan Plumber Annuonces D. $10. bunlaan'd denied Ibis unit taid lie liait HisCadiac fo te e- A. H. Stuppie sud alte ta J. m. askeit bis wife 10 srcompany lm but His Cndidcy fo theRe- itdk ,,,intone-hlaI!lot 1I,. hock natalshe lad retuued. publican Nomination. 6, Exioor addition,. Highlandt Park. Thet Tamb)orînos 'aere not s]airs W. D. $850. n traitened circumtancePsThere MAKES THIRD IN THE RACE. e- as a fine -len îliey wre rolling lu Othr To Mn re ame MN RRIAGE IJOLWNSES aftluence, according tu the satemnt Hepburn, Highwood, and John Hister, Elginit.. ..... P,2 uqusuiteret al] o! bis saiali fortune W .RsnRudL. 1Hnttie Riefensuihl, naine.........:14 tlîeli aawyotestrp.A Wm. Rsing Roun Lk. John Hgert, Nijimtaukee........u"he li as adeuon besripd.lIt Lee Mr-D)Oougn, the Waukegau Clara Dawurke, ., ..s-------19 lItI le liIasdtee 'w he wlth lie plm e , b sMax Seho z. Mlwaukee .. ....... 2 1 ntal b s l n te ir lteIe t candiateber. a athericad m 1î sElsils Kruse, saine...........19'o lelIncetrhe caddt frterelaublîcan nomma- liarrY Beakoni. .........-------19 al ore lion for co aui, treasurer, u oîjeu t a Pred. -Milt w ai e... ........ 2 3 raile.slo of tbe prImarles usaI1Albert Nielsan, Racine.......... 26 Oh, My, Veuf fali. Margaret Jensen, salue..........2 iariloser. Lti , -I'ss inad bIla9 entrante litaIltle rare make-.Jsi .Lnon hcg ..22 nj -lht uPiYPkrwl thme Jusîlu S.aUdidateC ...... 5 ulght hetter than alaylng lit wltb au tlieesiafeii attldrthe beothers . Hattie Porter, saine ..............41 «&Y wne. ButrTraussr.lut belug: Jaunes liePiurn. of Hi4hwonad. i Hoard C. Peck, tifllwsnkee..21 nnw tepuîv' yrountv treasurer; NNaf, 1Vioa. Wolf, stinme............. ...18 ADJUDICATION N OTICE liaint losiiig, Iliîiind Ihalue. 1*Ienry Drycu. Lîbertyvitte ...16 Public notice is hereliy giveit that Thua3, wtth threis candidates In the jStelia Matthews, sane........... 32 te Suhacriher AdMînistrator or lte Estate a! Jane Hart teceased it a-Ita. race for the nominiatioan, itlomoksas Sidntey Dibble. Lake Vl&..... 24 tend te CouutY Court o! Lake Coun- If tiers wlll lie a hot fight. The two Mr tatn aie.... ..2 y iatrateeft ehle i can1latc b- Frank Happe, Nlilwaukee ........" the Court Hanse lu Waukegau. in said witres for s along tirna0attî ilu loitrai-Nara Backus, am................ 24 Connty, on lte iist Manday o! June as I the wep tohglt itýIl alýe W. 0.Ric, Lae Frest ...î28n"' 1914, wien snd wliere ail pen- sa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~K1 I eycntonttti.tîfoeW..RieLtk tie .2 aahavîng dalims gainst saft estats litnre Nfr. Nfî Ituinonu a'alt yiîtutaMay E. Axustraug. saine-....26 are nobîfleit soitrequestedto10present thes contetit clianges tic complexionl James E. Sweet, Mlwaukee ..29 tihe saine tb salit Court for adjuica- oftîungs; materially. 1 Msteffen, saie ............. 24 JOlouHAR Mr. McDonragh was a member o!f tolt. WebsIter. Watkeg&u ...22 JOHN W. HRaT, fhe old retnîfilîran reutîlm% toJecale F. Myrtle. saine..........18 Wnee, adii 0. 1914. under the od oirtl î,îî la,î n John Nicholson, NMilwaukee..30 'kly-Apr 3, 1Io, 17. for a number of years. conîing from leona Berunhardt, amne....._....27 the thîrit ward. Waukegata fHe las Frank Ouclieubulsi, Chicago ..25 Stats of Illinois, Couuty af Lake, ase. IlvedIn lu aukegan for 'nany yeara leanor Geditis. tante...........21 lu the Counny Cort.of sait Counîy. Geo. liklîe liti til'Iluthse matter of lte finai settieament of antlis al,') dt- 'aI . i i iiakin',21 1eSII t uni .Kssîî t ty liu .....itt...'...8 dtea»ed: JHomer Knoellcnlai-rg. E1,vaustou ..22 To Thom-askingsmîf I George Ring- li-ard Work. i~Of-dNeil. ,n . ..e.... 2 1ii oryHl, John Bull, Bertha f Juge (o tot tan. ia , is ivin Ells, bisa iw tif Anie E. Kiaumiîî, Judçý tûla ivigtecesei, adont Thomas IKlugsmnili, jevidence)-*1 .ihall fa-a-bi tged If the BEN fi. 'Itmii ,Atrne7, Paul Purfielai, ftiaert Purfisld AunueI wîtnesa atîl kindîI' tidravor Io for- ADJUDICATION NOTICE E. Klsl, Isabelle Ceary, Sautel Insuil get hlmucîf or z, ).- fl1it ultriNoties (therauar, ives titthe tub- sutd1ev. 8 Luttrl, talor lu charge oa[ -er-r-tei th ati n t a %lla t1 -]I t la. itereamed wtîîIllilsaîl. legateer, unier the laut will anid -or-en alitil t~'îth" stuat Ui Craai aI au. lae Count. at a teytalieni aiofAuns E. Kingeunlif, - l~irrm tireof til u, îîî4 î1aa iii (Inurt Hou.es1lu te5aged. (auolu a rti-tiauni latain Wsitaa-gtianiafit tititithie irst Moday Tallenotice ithar n Ifie lStb day of ai.. 1ar1a ,11t arII wtarar su i %a- . Il 1514. nrît heu tor T.e tas ialait, a ii . ' t,î I a- t -,'a ' tra t ,1t s m()()"tîtrataiter ara te[natter rau le letab trcher il a. ~ i .,,I i. . . lt te @&mte J""ead, îe udegn wiliiprepent tar ra l ng fi tir at -l' a n:ttI atiit ilt ,î,ttithle C ut auit o!Lake Coninty, i f17uad 23I. - ïirl' ' alguttis Illinoois lu salit Countj"liIsfinal accu dAyrs 17nu ait2tirs a upo atnItirIîîaa- -a.I. .:. Api b-r7-4 f astreport &S eeutor of sait r@late, days ~ ~ ~ ' sanaîigchutî IIr e-- ~ d Éaut liaIthecsainebe eppraved, Ilat Iliat tIti.>are cmnnu-ailTeo PIANO IIJNING sait tate lie tIer-aret Stttlet anutfle are shedicli:t,, tpyuntersîgneit dici-arget fron, ishIesait arr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~1iS rscirliiii-'t ltt tiîtaaa.I Ialiî wlilci lme andt place vonr trees and Rruibberi-qnluatpao-ini t W raC laa., aaNI r '1, tt notitieil tailie préetn If yriu se diare tuthe b PuPilq the Wl' faim ; ýllu Jtatre ...., iateit Iis ISili day et AprIl, A .1 . o idcnevto.The Independent Ila aitsail,- 1914. it o!~~~ bidSamrale.itirtuel lutî, Exerut. LADIES HATS 0F ANY KIND. Deail of W-holesale PrIes, Re-block- Ing, Bleacing,, of Panama Hate; Ask for Catalogue and Price, CHICAGO HAT NIANUFCTURING & iLEACHING C'OPANY, 12 North 1Michigan Ave., Ward BIdg., Chicage. aALROAD)S ÀaED MLY missou P.1 TrLnRAP-lY scHOOL. rI. i ...ik i ,ul Xi 1le -nDoeyr 1 DENT113T. 3VZB LAIS COUNTY NATIONAL BANX. ouRs-#etc îâ a. 1 tes pô ÜAILY. Ubertyville llak PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING C0--ant attention pal le arrangtiff auctiria n!-aand ut edresulîs lunhandi lOti sanie Ail kitimn inre.wagons sud bruesa for maiti er sar-hange ait ail timea. HENRY SINE Phone, 148 or 48 MON CITy, niL. J. L REDDING, D.V. M. VETERINARY SURQEON GroduaesChicago Vet. Colle"e Office at Residee 779 Grsad, Ave. Phone li36-.. Z FRED GRABB!,. JR.. EXPMERIENCIEO AUCTIONIEER, Live Stock and Farin Sales a Çptciuary For Referece. Conne OuI sud H«,, Me. DR- VICTOR C. HOEFNYER Coffi Trade OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN When Coffees are judged sole- Office Hours, y upon quality ain te cup, the 9-12 A. m.; 14 p .; 7S p . sicer gives yo t the best value pos. Susitays by Airpolulment Ouly I e gr icer in the M ost conven -e ei h n 2 6 Iitlsd thleflat expelvecsitmeof lotIesIdiatru throo!eues. il5tettrm. O L General Anic"ier FARM SALES A pCLy Mex-0-Ja Coffee Oet My ternis betore engagiug voit, ane- flouer ls sehin)g tlii sdIandtI lre.. th do, me0ne8.fge-n 1 v y lviduaî steýution %0 Niai, nt et h .. dd - aoEe- fP.rdAr-My tttstoruers. il@ rim v Q rny ffe T al i n g M a c h in e s A il K ,vdo pta.aa.aia 0agC. . ( Mti1 jFrettch. German, Italien andl 1 111s, Spaniîh Language O uifrt. A R B U C EL E f l f lO * f a l S W - urC I'r t il. ai350 S JAMES 1. LYONS KING'S RESTAURANTt tL .it i Y . I aat 'itaitr'aii eb.tiie de SoedinnerS, .day, 75c 51h Avenue. CHICAGO, IL. iaaîatai tau' l a lorritu - p Tak(*s C ltntm bg ekyI-*

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