CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Apr 1914, p. 11

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Smn Ckver Sye b dis~ M d y -Thisî seasoî piromises to lu asi x' a handsome design of "Middx%'" season in ex cix xx' v mît Indian head, with pointed possible1)0< ause tlw styles et e- skît t effect, having two eekets, ated are so verv deeidedlv differ- plaiwhiite oi colored materials. ent fion w hat one Ias.seen ini thle A truil v good $1.50 middy98 pa st. Me are showing exceii- foi- this great sale, at ...9 c Uus inn, .y "us ln, e0ats of a ve, me ý *à n"s, ýiËus]in eogàbinatiôü ý,çQod sh eé-r inuBlin, with dainty swts of very 8heer muslin, neatu ý4ft or leil, liroiderv flounce and embroidery and, lace patte.rné., ribhom our 98e line finished mitli Nvide silk at ......... ............ ffle ribou.; re .98, at. 1,69 re4te. N O T hv. s ý,rm nt t ata"- m .. t id --0t& actor in thodesirb e nd st 'le eorreetness amnsi,' a ot aeu be or ~t~ 4 ~b~ ,ln raher t-du, extraviggpce, is the secret of the vrfdan becornin articles of apparel that sa many of aur welI dres"sed dp,. Mnvof tbest---tbe vaut maioriv- --. ve. e la the anc !açe hereMhe mqst abt can dWiys be ha& with theteast cxpenditure; the anc Place "dwher your monty lias tb. ' urchai -oerIf -, -iô nnhc. a. .ô.-- -- - --- -. t Ed theV¶YbeautiLul serviceithis stof i t 18at ims prepad te render yau. mg K piatronsL, we r rIw at in wuî DC £ecidedîy ta your intereat to learri of rlpies SIrd HEu ÉUME RUSONS! WHfY YOU SHOULD, EUT TOUIR =T COR- SET AT O1UR STORE. Ftrst -W~e selI Hendci'soit or La Princesse C'orsets titat guaraittees youi the iîost styl- ish, pei'feet fittiîîg eostf. Fior n> iîatteî' vhat youri'size m.i'shape itiax' be, wxvea- jîst the tmode] foi ' <iripar-tietlai' figurec that ivil give yoii the straight, gî'accftil ies Ilie t-ail ing m odles reijuire. - Seconjd - Hendersoi antd ILa l>iifcev (' orsets as- sur-e Yî<uto!' theîloiîgest xxcritg s ervive'evictuise theY aie iliai- ut'goîîd llita- feril anîd aie-eil I(-oit- sfi eted ti-îoligliî<uît. 1'Tîî'<1 - Out'i.'pires 1l(i tiiosi- wel kîiow-tt oi'sets are '4 iio(e 'ate Wlia tai te (ist m, -Hiiîg of W. Bl. -R. & t. lIenîdcrsoîî, la Princesse, La Vida, Tlioîîî1sîîi Gloxe Fittinlg, Biliîîîcr anîd La Victoire. flan a - - - -- xOUu VAN G IT à 400D WAIBT FPOR 98C. The makers have mnade if possibile foi' us to offer the fittesf lot of waists this seasoti at titis remtarkably biw' pîle tfliaave evet' coic to oui'at- tentioni. Theise, waists aie sightiv- harmioiiiouslv, trinuned xxith iieat laces, Iretty emibËoid eries and fie teks, and are exceleéntlIv made. Sucli values, m'e doit't believe have cx'cr i)een equialed; %ve know' they have itever been exelled. At the preseitf tilue wxe bax'e a goodly vayiet v atnd wvith thc iew -oîîqes oîing iii altnost daiïï ý>u .re certain fo f id just the oneyoôu %W»it; real $150 Nvaists lt àt this sale for ............. 78 c% i- DREISE. -You '11 fiîîd o("]on rack'a lot Of i'sses in the new inodels, in silk or xvool serge and oi î01111 i fieat'ly ail the dat'k eoiors; v4lues to $10 foi ,4 TAILORED SUITS AT $998., 'l'lîsc ga'neîtts aie eharacterized 1)v the elegatce of' design ani tue tlîorough ooîîso!'flhcw'ork- mîaîtsip. Ex<'ejt iomal styles in nev e(lofli îovelfv ina.teirfals anid plaiit sergeé. Jackeýts of' stnart two or 0111 blitttoiî ent.aY avfr-ont. Skiiî i nenmx 9 diap<e effeet ; sattin I i 'ed; priced af .....99 CIOATS, $1500 TO $10.00. ilx ofo! a bit 'le. \ ;i-ais or'iginîal atîid ividîtal îoîd- els, ciibo<lxî ttig ;-Il t i : w style teatti t's. Sîo-l tai<îred of elu(gaiitf ovelty ciothis and intported weavvs. Titi 5tV<lest gainents xve lia e evcî' sh<ixvi at tliis hîxv îioe so carly in the seas$10 SERGE AND) POPLIN DRESSES AT $0.98. -8mart î(w Spt-iig <resses, on1e pieve niodeis; the popular kituotta sI,-uve anîd Iow îicîk. Voke and eol- lai' teatl v flutlslteul'itît frillitîg orl- ave. The sua- son 's 1](1wveoloris. Voitî wilI he stjîie to find suicli prett 'vt*vest a1< îîS1-4.11good fttut ,,m 6.98 NEW SPRING COATS, $750. -A t uit-se-lioffering iii iex' ;oiî e ais iii thle îîîo et lctgtis . A xialtit of bî'iglît <-<<h is, aiso thlicmore s(Jtliet' (<11( tastil 'vi iitttul iieoitrasting dt-,fas- cltt-hlis; li an aira * of bcaîitifîi c olor cotinlluaiýt oi is. Easilx- worth $37 tb$4 mlore, ut. . . . . . Our Great Easter Business Proved Our Styles Are Rlght -The business îtseif w-as xonderfitl, but a miioie grativîîg featître was thexvx-or tye V(iepre vd.We lbea-d eutstoîners say: -J iist what 1 've taon looking foi ý'tine and agaiji. Pî'aetiraiilt' eilv wonia n wlîo souglit assuî'cd us site was extremeiy weIl satisfied. Tîjhis praise shold carr1y 'egî wtlîtîose %w hit stili havé bats to bu 'v. -As a spiue -l foi' this great saj e wv offer a l ot of tailored and senîi- tailored lbats, beaittifiilly trimieul with t n ý ers, ribbons, ponponîs,94 v(lvt, tvvaluies uip to 7.(X). Positivel 'v lv 3 .4 8 htvais v vr oferd ata tme wen ou wnt iw ost, for oniy..............3 LGREAT SALE IN CHILDREN'S rAprctty little dress of fine Persian lani, obme skirt ; Naist triîîî- uied w ith valetieiiîtues lae;- sizýs 2 ti) 101 Years; spviea lly l)ri(ed for 800 DRESES FOR£ CHILDEEN 98c -A ieatly mna de iiress of' 4îghialy, peîea le or e I ian ti)]i't v, ini stripe antd cec patternîs; mtade up il, designts thaf ar'e di!- ferent, w i t li tti- inings of brâàid att<l lain inateriais. A geiutiie $1.50) di'ess at tllis gi<at stale -Als<< aboui t (X) (liesses<ot fie peur- eaies lit liglît or d<ai'k eîlors, stripes, plaidls atnd clteek ittatetjais nmade tîp ini a pleasitîg ittauner; should.47 it' 9sv; foi' this sale onlv .. 7 GIRL'8 1NEW SPRING COATS., ('iîlhici ' 2to bit earts o',oveîo'l- tx- elotits, îîclndiîg nman *v sîteýpard( elek;verî' v speciai for titis ( liiu'îi'sblark silk moats, slointig nianY 'nov oit v tr-iiiiîting efes sote silk iiied, Ut oiil% ....49 'lii lie serge coats w iliSilk tiiiîîgs, alsîî sailot' <liais; ii t t *tyles ; a i)aigaiu ut oni. 248 lidrtin' 1<ip( silk<'mats i laek and col1ors, ithl laceecollai' aîîd 59 cuiffs. Veî'v special ut onIlv - . . . -ilats fot' little tots, iii ail the Jatebt Whaîis 'iite and<I ('0>01-, tfu1. lbndtehte uoajs, Ut 041Y .. . If Your Bu Needs a New Spring Suit--Get Hlm One Now -'e 're offeriing otîr entire line of $3 suits for' boys at, tlifi sale for less thail ex et hetîîîu; tle.ieve ini the îCw Spring Noirfolk or' plaii n m'<lof obhltteserge or fatiey lutmixtures, in lsltiig ('01015. rfl1< poîîîiar kuiie-ker pants qtyle; the si zes 11p)tii 10 vea-rs. An especially good suit for, selool wear for- this sale at oilly................ 23 ,If . Anlotîtet' lot, o! Sits foi. boys mni oîw $taud$47 vaIlies. Thèse suit s arc mîade upl of the butter mtaerials, with a botte*r liiing, and consist of alilthe larg- et-, Sîzes t11)tii 1b vears. Soute of these Sitits are real $5 aus at this grevat sale for oniy3.39 -300o paits of focltwear t-onstistiiig of il of oui' oîd loîts.,lit eitheî' higli ort low onit, iii tati or black leatîjeis; mnt differient styles slîiwiî in the lot, iiliiîittoi oi' laie. Tltîse shi<es ar'e made iii <<tii <ir the bcst slti< fai'toî'ies 'and iR I givt aîbsotte satisfaetii; iiostlv- siltaîl szes iii the lorgîl ' %vaO i s $3.00, $3.50 anîd $1t00. AIl iii one lot for' this greaf Sale, ut............ 1.39 ~-,ri i igh gradeTulila Maiioxx-o thon' for' wouienin ua patent leather witlt vliîtlîor' duulibat lieu'; Sp)aîish or kidnleY h oI, xxeht tiîî or' plaini toc. A $4.(X) 4hiov, i; i)i'i< d eiaillx 4 ut - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . 4 Your crf re cheerfully refunded on ail pur- cha»sesof SlOorover I Rcad these O .ver Aprons, full size, per'- cale and gingliani, in black and white check a n d sînali figui'cd patterus, a regulai' 50e seller, at -35C oiuiy .. . . . Sweaters, an odd lot of ehildreiî's sweaters for sehool xxear,gry w bite or red, the $1.0 and *1.25 lUnes79 at on.y...... 9 Handkerchiefs, a very sheer white lineit handlkerehief, w i t hi îîarroxv hemstitched border, 10e and a7. 15e liues, only. . .. 4% Hose, a very fi ilk lîoot hose for woîncn, reinfoî'ced heel atnd toc, double sole; ail sizes in biaek ouly; our 50e line at 38c oitly ......9U .Hoe-lIifant 's cash- mere hose, a fine soft finish, ini black, white, pink and light bine; flic regular 25e 19C Ue at. .... Rose for children in a fine ribbed qualîty that will stand hard usage; the regular l5c line, in blaek i only, at...'* .. 1I for' wom- et, v e s t ini short sîceve style, miedium %veight î'ibbed, îreg- ular 25e Une, at .9 only ...... 9 Gloves of a liglit0 weight lisle, in white only, 2 clasps; 9 25e line at. 1c Sho. PoulBh-We or- fer a iy of Whit- îîore 's 10c liquid shoe dr'essinigs for Petticoata in lîglit bIne and tait giîîghamî or chainbray, deejr ruffle flounce; a 50e value for tlns. 5 great sale. ...6I J Diesses of ginghanî, percales aind ehain- bray in plain or strip- ped materials, neat trimming effects, ail sizes, $1.50 values for thssale Air Waists. Wc wihl dean up ail of these waists o!' fine iaxvus and bat- istes, slighitly inussed from handling. values to 1.49. On oee 7 table at oulv... I I ~ i > ï à m t -- 7,ýý maqw &&%Pb sà%ývv alusiaLmicu amur] jrl l"", M 1%01 m je iRqowlwmpl-w qi M -,%« m %.P v v me a ow -irýCv

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