CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Apr 1914, p. 4

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'âéP ouf 'fIr LK ONY IDPN E T FIDY PIL2.11.*U~' - Lake County Inde pendent',TAKINGIPOSTMASTn IETVLESIOLNTS»CINYFI OB O2 Wa ygn eky u rances Stîtittuin %V" u thtidyBEL» AIJOUST 18 T I ________________________________________Sun_________________s ciats have oililiei'lPgiei1 office Tléphone Nimber 1, Lilienlyville Exchange. ESFO OLTC i-'rtuvrtle ake ocy higrltnajtBoa:d Enee tthé Pomtoitce at i.ittertyniius'. Il., as Second laýs Mi] lMatti-r PRESENT U. S. PLAN "Thé etons have deelieti on thi-r et ëaturday aternoun (cf inst wee a: ____________________________________________________________ _______cotmmencement speaker.apilt OffiiaiPs~er or Lke oufty.Interesting Steps Being Taken [muid Every Fridaky. Adertisiiig Rates Made KItowIJ oiùApplic&t0l rsn diitation SUSIP6tiprON PRICE, 81.50 PER YEAU STRICTLY IN AOVANCÏE b rsn Amnsrto W. J. SMITH....... ....................... ........................................EZditor on M e t Pan F. G. SMITH ................................................................ . MngeI othing has been heard iately of a M. J. WEBER- ........................................ Resident Manager, Phone i ffrt of certain spollnen in lm C ruto put 2400 ataistant post-0 Now that the base bail season is here, one has difficulty i masters back -it oit .I wl eP ,éading headllnes of newspapers where reference is made t recafled httroga"idet n1 the FEDERALS to determine whether the writer means the appropriation IiuI, It was panned ta f new base bail league or the Mexican faction. open to the spoilamon thse positions 1 __iofassistant_ postmnasters In firet and Judging from subsequent developments and from the'second ciass postofices by taking ri natre f he isasewhch ookbi lieDr.Kib tidthetn out af the claasified lisa. Ap-t natue o th dieas whch ookhislif, D. Mbythdparentiy titis purposa lias been aban- Chicago-Waukegan man, was surely a mental engma.- In doned. other vords, bis mind evidently wasn't right in bis batik Addtional citeer la tuund In thse facta mattiers and an examiniation of bis brain, as per bis own' that it 'is the intention of the present ( request i ll likely reveal an unusual condition of 1j5h aioaladiisraio lo olyt ~ '~' bi an b rlatves' tet thteat actuel work tram postmasters nt er, nd5 1rlaivs'coUntnion ta, of every clasa, but et'entuaily ta place ~is bank dealings were due to mental inefficiency rather them ail under menit rules. Titis ptur-t titan exnnnj.l intentions. ptose Is outlined by Postmaster-Gen- eral Bitrioson In Fi recent article inii Speaking about the high cost of living, Mr.. L. H. ts rîuer seWrsin« o! appoint Palmner in a farmers' magaine says this about the cause: maetsv te loadrsiistrauionar "W(ý t1il-ow smads aiid liteoWilson radministrationn ~Wetlîow 'tat sils aîdlili sia. \e iîi~ <ogsamili asserti that "ail posttuasters wr buy hogs. We gi'o't %a t'ds ant i l v tgetab11eýS. \\'attiî jputon notice titat îereonal attention1 l-etfiý-WL\ idli a $*4 îîd. We liuild sehloolhîue îd it otu ue'soydte for a le- iutr 'hjdîîî wa' > 'ubu dtî1w dieaed.Bt~ ~îiîît rioti of eight hours daiiy wouid lie e1 'Ile thedisI(, . Titis announceruent," dFecares NIr. w'trk, anîd pa 1th w H piaiîî \\ ile' i îîtiiet N\as eBi> ii1(~ urieson. "marks tite passing of theË y(X liseare liardtils It looks as if Mrs. Palmer postmastership as a polticai sine- knows what she's speaking about. cure. Henceforth.' ite aida, *'the ex- eeîîtis'e bead of every postoflee iin pepethe U'nited States wi li e the worhiiîc If the United States goes to war with Mexico, the pe postniaster. andi not bis assistant or1 of the world wilI have a novel treat in the way of details of other subordilnate." Titus itl I boit- hattles that may be fought on the seas. For the f irst time since ced. througii maintaining s higi tad wireless was invented, American newspaper correspondents, ard of efficienev andi keei'ng tite'li- tprests of the postai sert Ii( ptirit sitting on deck near the wireless operators of the battleships nîonnt tin aiing appoiittmeitt. itut wilI be flashing cetails to their papers. In other words, they oppn th ie uîs for theti'eenntai clss'i will describe particular shots something like ths-At eight it ation" of. ait ,,pic:t .,t - n lifty-three o'clock, a bWoadside from the - - was tired at ise. the Mexican gunboat - and its turrets on the forward dFottrip tan hmt sstler. The deck were shattered. The next haîf minute saw great tumult ' t hafns wrougt it arked ienefili on the Mexican boat, etc. Imagine getting details of a great bat- ini i crvici' if tite' irese'nt .ttiiiln !le, step by step, by an eye witness, sent off through the air isiratiotin ucceedsI n taking tieti-r even before the srnoke of the shot has cleared away. tlhatiS,00t llrst, second andi tIrilclasq ___________ îostmssirs aut of itoitics. it tvil] lue In ail fairness to Mr. Dady, our state's attorney, we must etitiid lutti' gratitude tif ite ita agree with opposing attorneys in the case heard in Circuit court 1 this week-NAMELY, that it does not seem Iust right for the, prosecutor of the county of Lake, paid a huge salary f or prose- 'A MNJIAJ ETN cuting offenders of the law, to be pîaced in the inexplainableM ETN position of get.tng up in court as a privately empîoyed attorney Of RAILROAD MEN'S , 'and openly admit that defendants in the very action previouisly ftOME FFCR tad vioated the state laws repeatedly, and by inuendo admit HO E O ICR that, as public prosecutor, he had not prosecuted them. Yet such is exactly what he did Friday in Circuit court. We think Board of Managers of High- Mr. Dady should recognize the inconslstency of his position land Park Home Decide to as state's attorney and also as private attorney in such cases. Make Big Additions. It is a case where a man cannot serve two msters with proper attention to both. And, it is a cinch many of the jurymen who At the annual meeting of tite board are on these lquor bases,, because Mr. Dady IS state's attorney 1tmngesa i0'aioa ln *. £... 1 i . CLALA L Home beld ai Higbland Park, Tues.. cannot make t.ueîr minus clear to theîact tat in imese damage, thel4th, plans were dIscusseti look- uase, he DOES NOT APPEAR AS PUBLIC PROSECUTOR, but . ln toward énlarging the buildings as a PIRIVATELY ENGAGED ATTORNEY, wjth no conneotion in the. near future and a Illey am with the state Iaw department. It is a point which the average' paign bas heen starteti among il man cannot get around without difficulty. Therefore, the in-1 classes or memiters In train service to obtaiti funda for titat purpose. direct use of the state's attorney's office, if even by inuendo, Titere are sixty-eight Inrnates cared in damailleactions, duos fot set welI in the public eye and we for at present and only two of whlch believe Mr. Dady ere long wiIl realize the incongruous position are theré by reason or old age. T1he lie places himself in time lie appears in these cases pri- restaecipldad1a!e ata vately when lie is paid the salary lie is FOR BEING PUBLIC itbatiteulanid ted. The officers for thé PROSECUTOR. ______ ensung year. as elected are: t' In their enthutxasm over the anti-saloon crusade and land, Ohio. anti-saloon sentiment which is Bweeping the commyunity < Vice Presdent-Mrs. W. A. Mur- dock, (Chicago, III. and the country, people of Lake county must bie carefuI Secondi Vice Président-W. G. Le. that they are flot led by their enthusiasm into a state of cleu'siand. Ohio. PERSECUTION against saloonists rather titan a desirt Secretary, Treasuner anti Generai for administration of fair justice and fair treatment, based Manager-Jolin OKeefe, Highlandi on the principles of PROSECUTION. Just because a man Trustees Lewis Ziegenfus. C'lin- bas gone into a business which the state has licensed as t, l. iairman; A. Lltawie3'. Pi" ,egitimate, it is no reason why ,without just cause and orI.1I.sceay .E ig Cleve- apparent reason, he automatically becomes the butt of landiOhoa and William Kilputrick, attack for damages of every family where failure to get San Diego, Califarnia. on weil titrougit shiftlessness, laziness and indifference' Sineeof te haome anthets- may produce a home condition whicb clever attorneys may ficient manné n bwhich lie hantiles It picturè as due to liquod indulgence; it must not be lost'and thé canceru hé shows ooaklng sigbt of that possible absolute laziness and indifference' atten thé untortunate men, mates xnay be tbe cause, even as mucli as the other feature. For hlm an Invalualile man ta te suc- in~tnce in cae tred ii ircut curt hisweekft s acess of the home. Ilr.OKéefe bas inÉtncein eautrid inCirmt curt hisweek it it een ln charge for znany yeans, being known facti t5at the wife bas ma.nfestedl apparent indif- oas of thé primée<novera in thé rc ference to ber family and their general condition and tian o! the ne home and ln carry. Waukegan women, in several cases, bave become dis-j lng on théelplans for thé présent en- guste endeavoring to extend cbarity to titis very famîly largement. be»us of the Maiure of the mother wbo spends mincb of Two of caunty Judge Persona' dé- ]W~ Ulz roamlng up and down the streets, as welas the taslons cène upheld iiy the appeilate gtà« to uWtiie vitat is given them; it in even said the vile'court lu its findings announced l'hurs- would ssII tit given ber for famfiy use, and, wben peo- day. Théy were Lelatiko va. Smth, letomm te second turne, they would flnd their donat- 1aa Ar ntl asé,thèe othé r wlna ~iM.telidtb wam for te lntite -Luther casea 01e Tus, isn't it a specific instance of wbeepr un o ie litf ntecs I~auIoo nkepmr are made the "go8.ts1 ini au en- of Hawikns vs. Taylor, a Highland 4mior t. recoup conditions due to other thinga as weil as Park action. ]gv4.r? E ul Salonkper, like a dog or a horse, or in dUMb uzmai, là entitled to fair treatment, based on faca a os, do you know, theré le ,ap "" eua tiis lthun otblng cors, thanu te osir thaA came. luOHbE «R&ào . e -yth t tram.siretired, smeity feet and thîre ia 1"pUbonaly alof lte defedants in thse tMsMn éed oai lu ret.Antlseptie cures S W'e w. lw-ys for a square deal. tbis troublé. For a"s byP. B. LoveiliCo. Secotîtigrade ba@ a ni-w lupil sv-ai '... rnltîeee ta temtwork of~ Mir. Simpeon vhsiteti us tîianuay aller- preparing for thé 1914 coaty faim- shleh taon. viii hé heid t tLibert vlille Augusit Thé 'Baonora" liave uisn awardéd ta the senior el"@. It iii itistoatIy 'ta sottie hWts nattén at ltée end ai the evénit inanth uf thé fourth year lu order thst thse winning plaéés may prepars for tûelé part ai the commence- ma-nE himle.UatiysPayne of Ivanito. waaswardedtirem-t placé. Ber averas" fotamoe our Jéars i. 14,Thé naisthre nem bore ai théei-lasahave an average mii ner theésanie that seond plucs inight have beau awarded toa &iy ai tem. Mie@ Elit Weiskcopf wona sscnd place svlth an average ai 92.99. Mis Pearl Hughes barely feu bélow tisis-vthb au average ai 92 9î2 anti Mie. Emnis Chambérlain had ait averagé juet 0 trille lacer. Saturdav afternoogî, Ajîril 19, the UbUîrty.ville boys teatit jlayeti the [)eor. i-id boys astlihe-fair grounds andi were defeiltetiby ttin- s-tre of 7 le 12 Tttestiay, Aprii 21, titi' litîrtyvtli. boyt. piaveth ie Lake Foret-stl-klips Club andi tiefted tthem 1tI tut Intine wortî-t tii-ll tire flýItinini for tIti' borne t-arn anti Jiîltrsitn itiiieîi I iatsens Ment tii'v.iîîi iîsatt' it ttis sitîs Thte mettre.R H E Laie Ftîrest. ut t-,toto t1 2 3i 1-t9 6 4 Liuet' tiii...t) 1it 2 t t i 4 1-1t lý 3'r&villi batîi'rwi-Pitîtttt..Jolin' sot, Miorris vandîll ag.[Lake re -t bautterie'.-Ciayei@ e tnt ltasîtîuéseît. Stritul ittb.y t IaYu u-tu.... luthnÏÏott7' i'rîtiue 5 SAVOY SUPPER ANO s 1 MIE r nîi mtî'rC- 18 to 21. Thé annut airnwili hé héid about two wéekseaeriien titan leet year, lesit yéar'a fair being hêld Saptember 2 ta 5. Every eft w ifii bcemade te Mate thf. jearSa learill e bsS@ver put on 4tthé faim- éroü%&l, thé lar no aibér of1re.Aîtrao tions te b. thé higgeft feature éverl attemuptéti hère. The traction eominittée vas thé O1rst to e leappolnted. thon toliowed i th appointinont ai a cozmlitteé te revis thé premium liste, whicb are ta unoîrâto radical changes ln thée vai ofInduce- menta for entries. Thé Ilotes clii hé réviaiti anti éxtendetien, aé ta také ln many more éntriés, . and ta eut off a numben ai premiume vhicb have praven to béatf ittie cotteequeum éln pait faire, anti li their place sutititute stronger teatures mantd..fferintgo aiong otherlines. Cîîiittnttees on basebali. rat-p arogratu andtialu aitîté.-nents acre alîpointeti. 1i 'The atmus.emetnt hiau-eo oft tti- cîunîy fair' wiii tl ie)mît un tetneul tiat auv pre-viotis e.'tîrtë aloi]wt hittite(rie wiile ie'îîao îtt' yer.La.t uitîrm fair n as 0111 ' a starte'r of thle îic.-rrted tîtî te fur a buitger anti ietti-r fair anti the pros- uit ortiis nar aret tlîtte tiiw lie wiii ,-xtauntilîtîit etitnti s realy btgwest tairý At.c iti titt.eut it b w h ui it w as thbargeti the -ajîpoilît t în t iif su[arit h. t.dut uatilsti. anttt.ts a .p potnted,ai ithe rconînitteigs iready iii it ing hig plants tii appointt tii y thle betir poîssible persons cho wili actualiy hi- weii verited tii the i'Ostions fit whit., theY arefi, lie appîtiîtei.Titi- stipin LILilKtA 5111 3ULM ~3te-tîients e'ait gretiiilîelip ti Ilîtr - lti,îtla le tpfi-andtifotr tiat rani'st0-ei 'lilir',-t -elt i ti ostllet ut t uîuitttie ril tutue- trS iar.tîi sil-ii theî lTwnt Hall tt ii athta fCriat tutu-s ini tiîîtiîg tti-it de l ittîtrt'i t he L- itair &linof c e t t Jamîer l ttial'es ei i-tiie --ireFood Supervl.sor's Report )f titît. u tt i Iîtru'd tti tliti To i ofîî iiii.ierît- ill.- i.uî Clut of Gil Ii u Thurý'd tt.îy , ~ î i~ ii tigti S ittîtîtît ttîtiîî>îrt tue t fi- iii. tutltîof 1ilie [itter groile iofSalmottttare itt lai Sie i i" ti.'t tt.t t" çtu.isibly 1ttki tii a. [mut làh-ire. o t'uutîn lreîjuîis a gre-ar dhloft tiliduiug aller it im ri'aty forn the marliel. itaitton îtnce jîsciet i s never tipcheu utllit -i-ties lite Consumier. andti tti- thi-e w wastte, nutitng ta ltrow aaay butlthe cans Alil Savoy Salmon are trap -auglut.This assures ail fresit tisit as îliey art, ni-tiler tale nor (Jaad blore they reari the hutt'itering toani. la speaklng aitîtut reduuing thé cast of liv'ingtilr. Vagi urgeti thé haus>tkeépers ta biuy btter grade foodi praducîs as tbey provo more ecanouît.'ai in thé long utit Titis conîti Dot aniy hé iiiutateti cîlli Salmnon but any Canneti Foodi suc us Taiatoes for instance. A can for 18 cent@ belng realiy cheaper than one for 10 an 12 cents. The ive course Savoy Suppér whicit akas merved liy the Woman's Guild ai St. Lawrence Episcopal chut-h hait béén dapated by thé Stéele-Wédekem Comtpany as eaésurprise, proaf ai Mn. Vogis Laiw Cotalf Gooti Living théori. Although anly thé boit gradas of Canneti Food@ hal hein use.dthé actual cama per plste did not sicSét 20 cents. Libertyville bhaokiespers ciii fna doubs gréatly bénilt ire, ths sutertain menOi.epeclally since Wm. Walm-oud has arranger] ta carry a comfplots lino ai Savoy Brandi Foodi Products wbich are guaranteedtu t pleaae or thé pur-basé OBITUÂRT 11enr 'v Harrison Bnlkley was born et Syratut-ý. N. Y.. September S, 1840, anti tii-ut lit St. Cloudi, Fliati, Marci 17, 1914,4.uitaiz73 yetars, 6 murîtitsanti 9 daym o et. lie n'as marriedti la itatia A Bauh'î uin Se1teîuher 1866, et Liberty- villelitSitee dieti January 8, 191.17. To tiis ntunneri' tornflve -iidr-n, threce of whoutu Harry L, Rapit anud Bonace W.. lire iii Shawee couoty, Keasà. tNIr. luiitiey tovedti taIllibaus when siglut ni-ans aid. lu bis early soanhuoti lie epe'ît lire years In Caliionnia, theu tio es -ars Dnnémontho in thé car as a menîiben of the SersntéénthIllinois Cavainy, Company 1. They movedtitaShawnee caunty, Kaneas, in April 1867. and résidét iIn Auburn ant iWlliiam»Pont township$ uutîl hbcwent ta FianIda iove yéars ega. 0s was a mémbir ai thé Méothodist Episcopal citurb mine@ 1875. Marcit 4 hé suffereti the tint otilot eaiofPara- létie strokes that rmeited lu bis deaili Mardbi 7. intirmona vas aiWakarne, Kansas. Hé ýovéi n Llbertyviilé,l.. ilvé brothers, Wallace W., Charlés A., C. C., C. R., and Horace aud two %lestera, Lire. E. Faraum aaliesWr. A. Dnséu. hem-ny, aiea ana stator In Massachuiétta, Mril.8 .Sart 5PIANO TUNING 9Loavé ordere at Boy'. FUuntOZOtéBore. 1Wonk done by Mm-. Aldes. c.28-tf . Tite Independent loatis ail. . 1 ceicg r .......tee ......... 1s4 7 4j A ittint reciivi'ii iriîu Hall Ei-nt 14., fil Sitt î'îeatiiiunt mtei i eývi-tit4e p-eeioug ni-ar finr paymnent o o bn tndetsdnepm anti charge* s ......... 600 04) THtiti>-Tlie mottnt cille-ted anti pai over ta te preoent j supervisor Fby thé toien roi- letr is ...... ....................3t27 Thé amount collerteti anti paît over ta thé prent énperviéat by lteeoéumty collhtetor le 284 13I *T taia, oient ....t........... es ti.t0 Leaving total amount r-'d ... # 12 4 193 Asount Paiti Out 12 0 Alîril 4 North Shore GosCO'... * 2 f0 2L+ Wilbér Meredithb......... 5 0 28 0. C. Dcker........... 4 OIt 2& 0.B. Figer.............. 41001 28 B. B. Eger.............150 D1+ }réd Béikiey ....~......... 4 O 24 0. E. Churchill .... ...... 4 00) 2b8 Dan M arrnln .... 4 10 211,8 Will Scheréc............ 4 00 28 Tom LicBridé ......... 4 00 28ý Wm. Howel.......... 410 28 Gary Fisher............ 4 00 2-1 Ereait Brown ........ 4 JO 28 Henry Carrolli......... 400 28 tiotti & Ca .............. 5 0 -.28 E. W. Due.nlierry ...26 55 2S Howard Bayse.......36 00 June 21 Frankt Nicholas ......171 10 Juiy 2t John gnydam ....24 50 Aug. '15 James Wayne.......... 2 25 1$ Citarléy Woiige ..... 10 '2James Wayne ..... ..... 1 50 -'30 E. W. Dusenuenry ... 4 65 30 Publie Service ('o-.. 4-186 Sept. 2 Lakte 'o. Pub. Ca..... 2 20 2 E. L. Davis ............ 18 00) 2 F. M. Suydanî .......14 (0 2 W. E. Docker ............'il 62 2 C. M. Wiicox........... 16 00) 2 H. B. Eger .............t31 971 2 Lihemtyviile Lbem-Co.. il 28 2- 2 Lyle Mor-se ............1 50 2 W. E. Docker .............. 1 50 2 a. B. Eger-............. 150 Déc. 26 Publie Service Ca.....14 109 30 Public Service Ca ..... s 31 Lake lCa. Oravel Ca .... 22 78 1914 Jan. 12 Nantit Shore nla@ Ca... 1 20 àdam. 20 Libértyvîlle Lber Ca. 34 86 24 Publie Service Coa...... 28 61 31 F. M. linydam .......20 00 31 E. L. Davis---------.....1800 81 . . i ger-----------..... 6 50 31 C. M. Wileuoz---------...1800O ai Léga Advipon Co..... . 7 78 31 Lylé Morris ................ 800o 31 WIliIDckr............... 46 50 ai 3 W. E. Davis............... 300c 8-11 Howard Baye .....41-00 Total amaunt paid out ........... $834 56 Léavlng balance lu hanti of Buprvisar ...................0992 84 Dateý4éntb day ai April 1914. H. B. Eger, Supérvisar. TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL 41 You can try this beau-f tif ul Victrola FREE in your own Home. Iy making smait montlip' paymeflt. yen vili bon own a Xictroil...tbe greatett of al musical instrumente, And it bringa te yen the very but of munie of every kind, enrig and played in the very boit vay by the very buit artiste. The. ide- ai place te leatn thé. nov dan- cern is in the home and here the 'ýictor in absolutly indis- pensable. Price $15 to $100. Try the New Dance Records H. B. EGER Tools you will soon need Chatham Grain Graders Hoosier and Vanflrunt Drills and Seeders Lever and Spring-tooth Harrows Clod Crushertz Walking, Sulky and Gang Plows Large Stock IF IT SRight Prices SCHANCK'S Schanck Bros. GCOD Libertyville Di. BIETTER INSURE YOUR INCOME OBlY a few cets a ilay wîiI pay for a H.-altii and Accident Policy iii the The Clover Leaf Casualty Companyj Writiîîg tlue best Hailti and Accidenît Poiicis in the worl(l. ORVILLIE L. SMITHI, Agent Libertyville. hif. SLake Coutys big veekly'-INE- PENDENT..1 II irage rolir LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, -APRIL 24,1914. i ý-1

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