CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Apr 1914, p. 6

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LAKE COUNTY INEPENTDENT. FRTDAYV. ZPRfL 24, 1914. - -TIIAVCMD~ i~< the tiatt for anather load o rv TH*IIII KS MIYiL. HEM- He drose nearly ta Dead river to Ali 1ni ~e .q w . .1 e ~is'r .N<O. fori W UKgaIri. Same itIle distance. attend of g MEN ISIN DEÀ RIV- lie' hadt Seau on the previous trip.1 ber AMSéehe i walked ail the way there fotde ER NE RWÀU LOU1 I Fnerl'road. a distance of aver tliree dev miles. and GEORGE BULL, LOCAL TEAM - Parrivin aok and Forth lt naFLO A STER, TELLS POLICE 0F says the wornantolowed tesrlr a AT UNIQUE S R ISERVICREINOIUPON, , LIEVED TO BE SoreraEM-Urnes ho »sya hsaw ber a T iTHflif Y EN PAE BACK AND li @ tO nag ati çua ci, ATTuE MON STE Y RVERDANOu tient *benoIi lé ftOroback taard the rl Jame 6.Welc an Ralh jExtremely Interesting Services Grange Farwell of Lake For- Attention Is Drawn to Tbem ATENO ON W CH "icovndthtul soligT Dady, State's Atty., Bring Hedo Su ayMrig t est Asks Circuit Court to Because of Impending War SHE DISAPEPARE-,,L clarec atier his returD frotta tho tilr Personalities Into Case. St Gregorys 5Chapel. Grant an Injunction WihMxc- ain ý AN VSIOR REEN. ELTIE AE NXOU.SEARCI4. an OPPOrtunltY te have a god talkr W'ELCH QUESTIONS DADY'S MN JIOSPEET SAYS TAX IS 100 HIGH. RLTVSAEAXIU. ~tia~wth ienl and 1Tam conivlncodt thatt i PROSEUTIO. Firt Tie inthe Hstor of te Sas Bosaw the woman Just as lie says h: pie ?&EHO 0 POSCUIO. irt im i te isor o te ay Bard of Review Did Not Large NumIwr of Local Young oI. wr. ti. wyrt Openly States in Court That the Ciy ha Sch ercs Reduce Tax in Acoordance Men Stand Ready to Enlist DanelRiver, viii.. ho »aw he Another atatement made by the po- n ProsecUtor, Knowlng Facts1 Have Been HeId Here. With Showing Made. in Case of a War. puce u and devin the river teair. lice ofcer would bellp ta beau-out ut Wauegnmipnl 2. d, H -Fotprifite of vioman on the bsnk Bulî's stDrY. Wben the search on the ea as' And. lterestIng services were lield Sun. Waukogin.April 9f) waakegan, April 16. ber utthiretsy :18 a WRboing condacted. policeman in HvBrtaAtonyRlhD da y marnîng at St. Gregory's Chape] ug ona!-tda utted hc1,arwlhMe2. mpidiBandeao sarcer Nd y Metz snd two or tbree tiier search--mi :av Atat Atrney aesW lh ady a- n Marlon street. A namber of Wau- til-llon action of ranger Farwel and alths-a nutuber of the countrys HWfO¶ eoi.veyml ers walked tf0 Dead river, where tbey ms pani ornd ersa e clchbocom- Iegan people attnde4 and were Lake Forest. va. George Wenban. rio,- biggest battleships steumiflg toward cf the flatu.mng it p.erach Oly saw theImrInt of a woman's cha. ra ch i c p re ssed t w ith h a i nias- sa w . .t o sin c o lle c te r o f Sh ie ld s. p rev e ting T a m p ico w ith o rd e r '- to sh ai h e f t h p s be f er n a n d th e n b a t th e m . T Id s a ".ns er- r ectangd a a ecut o th pesonliPalng tie Interest manifestedr!I the latter f ront colecting taxes from 'city In case the Nlexcans doflta- omntb.hde n pac cici or Fiauwe ec -Ic-h an unusual ceremaav the Sun Farss il on appraised %vallie n11011 ex . lute Old Gîory as a sliglit reparation Itr- ed Most convmncing proof but at the pl glver hi ciqurt nythen ach sal-on equeated aone et those lresent Toc-ed $14.00l. cf tlîe insulta anditidignities tiîey 3. Effort ls made by Assistant tin day. teninwa adteteN cease dhiFcient iof the wopmen wlo w srite an accoui of the affair. ThaeI 1 ae heatuei open it, parents and Chief Tyrrell anfd assistante ta lo- jlw.h saw eachFrinacf Ihe case'ma-whor ltfllw na a enstionaT suit illed in cir-e nda of local ynung Inen who are caeod fmslgvmn n I terw echbrninIt e athes a it If yi ct cuit court liaeethia afternoon. dh-ect- aervcig ou board different lîIilteshIips rvrI 01 So canvinced Je the local assiatant The April î- tue avei ru entr bcon f rpn hiet f oulice that the tbody of the ht vic. tin e asbee sudaulyFsîrthseaiîn tptewete. d .ns Culy ranredCrlIpilesîowoî li ueOcst10 e nt îk p bututwlhotsu masngwms l bDesurvcta hidavoded p ttrg efrethe pub- r alenitan for the Orientais liera andt Westrflelit anit George 1 Werbuin. an eccoacrhter are îjeîîuniîîg I feliceas. isnwmalmIDe rvrttlc tir. are of the opino httemte lapalire fhroughouf the worid, fol- towu cierk of Shields township. Cran sonewali a xious for the safet) of 4 ugsinmd n eev i at ragmnso udyt went hs en 0h15 mornifn tal"on.t- lawiag tha Julian reckoniug if v.a gar Farwell af Lake Forest pravs the their luvoana.sjcd wlth much favor 1ha file drag tflua lbody of watar. FIa securedI s>,p aben tnane i nl roEi. aster day. jadge o? the circuit court ta issuie an Tere are mail> souiing en who are pud1c aait ecnl n boat Hwbas tenIwaona 3ir adysa Clire duaits as Sa Inthtacforeica colonv in Wýau- injunetion natratning aaid callector serviaga ateshius and ssho la ail carthed nerth cf herselbe expiadeit iali oDadrvr M yrl qiriste ttonera rapa.elet Mcckagan everyone uitb gl.adsome beant traim collecting the taxes shichthe tue raulility wili gnoou et thair ral l ivrtteI ii rig hwalaccompHed yrove nt Spooyrrl Opl n tos igitn fr aagsand smlliug face gracIa it bs fellaw collectrs booka show ane due. 'taste of neal warfare Tihe Sun aen- 1tote seurface. 1sait Nck larsnie ThRoertemptad sgainthteu saloonkeapers. 'Ni r. wtli "Christ la Risea, Allelua" Inlais Patitian '.%r. 1arwell sets iteavareit today ta cc-i.:as comileteaainseirci ahndanddte firs taus rnliuc boo a tcot nt Welh o Wakecn ait'tI Nemsceivinz the fratersial accolade ailli a fortb that in 1912. Thomas Appleton lisi of local meri-lijo are seritting li cerda hn1nteratm t o useg to 11enutbero seet d nt Of Springfiald appaarad for the sa- jnYaua response -e lis sen lndead.- was assessor of Shields township. le11 a- a ,sii.mtehrsti lie a wenta lochaltempy cf h o .the ur fi ta e eval loonkeepers ln defandine 1the $101551 There lias a unique celeliration at saý'sthe a,sessor after makia. anl nie buts uîuini liihihe\are secý- , mîssing womafleuri]Dead RhevCr. il acio. t.Grro' ciael 71 arion St.. investigationa Oued the value of bis , mc. Following iý tiii- i-t seciîreîî to icopîlinonthat t)eaitriver is shallos- Ifw~aferMrDsy s o ujars icb areigou ceter for Bal- personail 1ropertv sul.Ject tb taxation date: ecî:udfosoe- at tfIis a m ist-I-p i ii l<et eewer oilytwue vEdIt iis as oflier saloon cases as a katansaand AXnenians-T. 1 ai$SW4ean l~ c.tcdsle0 seucmauileîISS -icia ascr a oor-i hec-r-tof ui V. priataattnne sit lotas rereLiturey ccorintia the Ltin rite lus personal lroîleri! at $120 S21- tiaurice 1- :outh 4 4 - h Pg,in Sîinday stiernoon atuî-r an ccswaai sssxn eeisi teatative af the tates atoc-aeysof- sas Pecfornied b> Bihoîî Gregorlus Thro binaitsectence and b., rc-0 ,aiviînsotiier fuitt-s s Ihîînt for th ie of ~te tu-et deet Tiiere were nîany botes lice but madea certain statemeats that of thus OIt Roman. (atbalic Chcch. on of a rui-îîiterstaading of therc- George Lund. i S S ttissouc-i. \trs Tln tteninipli mahi lsaleareit '1e rtî oIid c-s i deeIx.T h e pu-t we Mn. Welcb tara baosa, as oaaaltterne, FFc- the Oc-t time ia the citys an- quieîents o! las Mn. Farweili aýs PFank AldentiIs, 1;,Neu York, .so iiI'eri,îîîstî npauc-iîlv .pý l-ofriatIi)dehniself -eks sWeataIt 11e a pantbar,- atter Dat>. naIs turIng this Pontifical massa hl ie îgtcteco rie itb the asses - 1 iV aii-~ SS %Nissuri.lazo. Th(esearcb vas coaiucted sys - Ple 1-1111 wsud iliîte sut 1 In> "Tiiesa aaoikeepcruhave opnI7 vdesout Christian sua bas been Su- soc- a sorfi scbeitîle of bis personai -Àprobeciîîuaabotu.tSfle and1c-ilI aiî *tîr- ul"CI - etlie , c -,o d ît deflei the law.thue>- bave soîd ictuor terlac- and actual supplorter of a troperis lie sass niatinceihen le rotdhum nDfrnt '.Shupa ý tina i i 'nd tin- - ro,. - -I.i 1 i,, 'l- ii IfiW,c-i te flis womans busland, tier bave boapital for acari> two score years fbas heen adsisei thIat suc-h a colurse Oes Palm. , . -ni :ý - u,, !î""r'.1-l idIl- jIl i i 1, l'I Efort,10: eertîîs -ttîougbtha wat, kept their places open eenlacs afttradottstro!ec-. itler -ncOsca>-îe laestosa~ r ii uiv îîîrîîîî-lnhen it. bonui ~cth ro îkfileae-eitsuceaulh thue elaven oclock tirait.:flic> lise final soterren perpetuat sows, The uof bis îersonal troplertv lanOShielits Aer>rraxot 'Dsî ie i- aLk i-i- 'cau se f tue otc- vîi htsirbe- kep oen unayaaa iie>bae Hsptat0fFlAugustine, NtinOcilUS. townisbip subject Io taxation on April Enest Jealcis. ail is the prevaiîîag lellef cul Ilîca ue sufache mb a miin hn sipe naite lier huaband unlable ta sup- M'tg.,lias gone ou for man>' >ears do- 1 1911 at $42,1000u)anit the assset Bristol. m ho bave engagedIth 1e searrb The te Wiurfac eluru milhenrles r -prt hls fail simultdM. Daitv. Iug gaad sait caring for the slck aitd-alueatai $14,014lie su>s bc is con ras ha urgai the ianr ta gies -erdict l pt fteladfmsi tl a a-tfitAsso pitn am 'ic- Bristol i, a ieles aueralor former tlory la11e most generally Wl eunTee. for Mns. (itai, dures ait accomîlishes our cOmmOn log ta acf in accordance wtth 15w 0o oe of the battleships. MnI. Aliten acceptaie-b advsfo-atett u- nut lai an ctectIr. uacho"eut ebet* loranBull Gave Flrst Cieia teta vat r. a ic-a am. suaIn ThnI a ht i.Wtl a sater's s-lIt Far ber faitfliul serv-- In realit>- servlng no notice of the So leutrf hae woan ese havek. George Bull a teamafer, who fur-tedt-atfrancWrim- -iaee" tees lu theatords vinayard, Siafer ,figuras lie bas secureit. sas acting>-beaumefitone hvaeauclaethav ushi esaerswtitam a wy aîe I sîlhea th Surace f th f1% lips white as lie aitiressait the Margaret affer uttering lhen final corrupti>- ad maliciously. bren ses ioe omavIe btîmaIthe n-s pOsItiearcîmer ithîtahermnt th e r ui t il.an111 e bottim o? fabriver Jury an hie ees bal cloner as heval sevicewmonebastleliîmplanhelupositveopInion ediiilybatemore Jur atibi 0esba! lositasha s-aw as prausotei tef0tainkof He as iaranger! teapar lic te- 'havdbeaeou the a hat ls flin diapprivnerwasmai made nfrance ta ane o? his closait Sapriar Generat o? the Order of, for Oie boardt of revicw whic-liwasshave year. bor ba Imt amiisait lis firats mademeuts suiT is lnI yoiio ilemr froeda. Mr. Daty. lin. WelcluInlabis Marc>- la tae Old Romau Catholle 1composait af Edwand Conradt, chair. -su. mla db s tet au nt s a Isuccesafu t tIa n ying ta use grap- aeai for bis clients aboutait- church InlaAmerica. This chunciigsmn anditDennufs L. Patnarnad Tetc htwrududywlam sitth sîolcato ent ac tieveMn. amens T)ednî oosen lhmacbolanger tantei -Mfr. Dady-1s paît J5000 as stafals affilateit with tha Oit Riman Catho- praul fuber. on Jul>- 21, 191. a dec-lac-d agiuaf Nlx"co untes, bit- sti levaitl itriv. er. IDnt ie g uhlrert h -attevaoy Of lAkecount>-.The attUes lic chuercl of(Great 'BItain. The On that date e ahasyae hauidtaefore Het allets m ier stl dcal bdyyounge men ilnot liier. avrae seasrcei tbandgiytlua of bis office are se anenous that ha British sŽlurch It vilIlia nremalaberei thOe boardttire real persoui pnaperfr t se mny thtitra. un mn hem.mladi tsapearcntit l sortime e. tceithatuahl aurat requiras taeservices a! sa assistant tsgovaruaie lv b 'the ost Revereuitshw-ta dec-are thair intention o! eulisfing %r.Hme aliiapaeBl holdings lha bas IlaShieldisudmefnanddvshowt-e tafame t iaUe. 1 eiagoaed ta ta l. . at $1200 a yaan. His appearance iu Achblshop NMatlew de jura Earl o!fi hyh arduet fannaval service aitheUtai-t positive tatlic a itsa vaa n te saswenc-igWe oeo ae isdani tiis suit for Ohe purposa o! gettlng a Laudaff wliahimseîf vas clark of<lia bo,#it was nutaigsi a tfas lian beau ieclareit. Tli a Ms, ee as escritomn akeiug aaf motheaorthewil ler es nedcu 1-rtion of an>- Judgment lhat miglit lia t0communion vifi t heEaaternnCath- preseat an that Occasion ha itaclares. ay the>- are wMlmg ~ta lbave thltnpo- lie.way dova Flesrnitoy ad the(ductarsac. collectot. is abslutl>- Impropr. con-.<>11 chncir hy the Prince Arci1isop siaiogl eamatk oe tl tons and lhotu t ulmite the Irisai el- fista Ha saudrtratdwli a heawhlme vrthia aIse lbeag iequtal.ctne sidorla fliehola the smate@ attor- Messasof Bayc-at, 5>-Ia- Thustae vas mae of Oie itatten. I eftlRI-it prahigl i ao litdabd, f l uth iger, salitheîs qmwyofyetike, ount>-. These oute.Ue ld Roman Catholiecmcurcl inluWau- The latter partuo? Augut notice ata a a ur tInbi agaioln aag atha su-od, face Ininste iertaboneriael fusofliatudional>- avit an>- reformeaeg a elcms ait la valcomed by 'vas sarlt ta blni u bcpieat t t an. mN W tade-<a d atwtag a v te, eavi orta feurdaces flit ofithpnovIdilg Mr lins. (tIpalIlu Oua case andt Oe>-con- the othoitox Bulgaras andt othen othan hearing anti ak te aterup- isJJIia1sIth le r sod andpsin flin er l H tematnedaysva la onsiie aaMtoo lne ta tallt about the chiltiren. 1 )rtetai Chitians ivelling la oun agala vîfit Oie board of review but ~ u u description taIllit itdenticall>- vith Oepeato ?vftghratvt -c1b1.tta Yeu that these chultren c-t>. AfttnSluter tiargaretg soluomnthrougli beiag avaY lieha ys ho ddt rILItheLI..11 L thtolis Hmea ant fsdio t Inbisr i n have a ver>- salichance of getting profesion vhicb oecm'red mt befora net learuofo!tOe dtis ntil flie tirat GI voER O AL thtofM s oremetalia ailatIfhaillong iethitV eIgltne-o s> Mortla Intis cea"vhea ifiit the offeratior> f the tmass.Oie Monk- jpaft of September. As woOn a ha fH 1 Il1I l GKAtIiornahMo en.tere ersmailio Oel'ogtho dymiu" bsa le go tbroagh flic bande ot Stat@,s tRacottCypriaen, Who Diegni>-thisI>- bed OCit thoa sta-sblie Ppe.Trt le- SC ED MEà sREsAnalther cl heeW 5'hiCere ef5th on fhe c Dmanul attorney-. a Iawyer, a Metloditt veans ago waa ortiainait tealcosu b>-fer Oie board'nitannulnaco ts bisîlI- thvemal elvs sait B ii'ssf0revsft The ugetian bas liute t Preachar ait a druaken vaman. ArclishojuBonjese lu Colomgba. (7e>-* agesas ta have another heanin but Aâgseasar Duan and bis assistant gienuli e enca alls ett igult ava e Sghagestiona e e xplorieta Mr. Neime Aise Btter Ion, vas promoteate thOe priethonai1s-as tt hasalua. thaLtt Oi ould not W. Il. Siith. arebus>- hasiag persan- beent. The leaders of the seancl saldit dnmiht e &la0lte iver fa an efot e Andth-OeaAttrney Neima of Sping BHe -as for Boreetime a teacher et lia necesar- IPetet adiuynfltatl le tn'Wnttsoto fsy ait mi.Dta Ite rsrfincenlefcasaif fiaIt. r8Ppneaetative oflice Reiscl Inl- Latin and hermeneuties lu theocdes- He nov beans, lie Rays, that fthe Waukegan township aud natitrali>- tic>-practicali>- paassaiif p. Evaryc-si-sthrasmn ovse e temit>- campa1>- tool up 1fr. lasitîcai Saminar>- at Maadana. Ce>--,?louc-t fixaithOe assssable accourt ai thair visita ar e nt lacleit upin s-li ohrds a oiwtu u thunllYlthel ai ! smng y namita bas WeIh'avai o thuglfsha li taeIoni. The Buigarlan c-ub Ina aboity-lhie personal proparfy aftle .Hapleasure b>- the average tax payer. succasasait nov fliaf ail bava fallai eensceada> ta îe loce aliaant Mnr. Dady's part In the assiste!airathebaLIturgy, holding liglit- nosviibes taencjoia the cilcen arecalvai mach lu the samne ta ling an>trace of the missiug s-o eraen>- the n imans basfalat.e salon as no aly hi an bt a>-et taçuara flraugliant thea rrmon>- 'rnt collastiag ilie taxes on ibitis as asbllI coliactor. But Oie> man Blla ac-outrea Inlieiug givea tl onatof htschacus etiliers lha nib asiat n lesltThea pesident cf tie clb. 'Ir Pter amuant rliarging if la excessive. Dooc ti itfor the>- aspect if mare cradut. vui -s aua sfi -t-a "ntubstneferii e-e a l isoî coThe assesser ihus year is unabte to zDetaiias hicb 1the teamatan kcpt ta nead>- las a quantit>-(o! dynamite ou lm sta e's atorney of Lak eomiy; Irmhekelchange be10tfthayrasi state Imself until S nda>- be ause lie sa s- a d. The fifty poun ta o? dynamite ' e ntl se e 'u s i on M - O a tv e baer uI t ll u ici IN r U A N I I K L a >- a ith o u g ît aimu>' P eOff e th a t b is st r > a s d o u b e t b >- m ai fo un î b es d a th e N o rth w atern tra c s us h whola atuecait ecnsee la mIcatpd tbhIiatllarv bgts uanit fraicraul usWh ru Inbo 1e> slait on the pensons!lpric-i- matret sem ver>- probable fliat It 'several itys ago coutltthus ha utît- aen it $5000 s af. thae ilathuaw, t Ii uiruttuac-si nîtc WAS IJKIiJBY f - art>-matter saab unabla ta uîadcr- sa Mrs. Hemmea whoaî Bull Sswiatvn-bnu>.Sm aaear aren lnns. ofte î,le sae lasv. -Stand IVîv ycahinot. if seams that on the atternoan o? Mac-ch 17, the ta>- lu the use o!f tua explosive coutltex- ani. 1 threare 11 Isexeîit for iiuffniugan Illsluoî, MW . EToit o! the .A, i -trinripi ti eIai sincl ast suar oaea ssistaat dit mare a on shiclithe local pliafograters poei oDatrvrl u- u Otsat an>- to ahuîeat andt îrasecute (Ihicago i-:iisromîa tiIcs-esc cmacrimtie-s, îguttots-s-ie u vs eru sa> ubtcaienu hec-ui> a vteirppvefomsfhinftastht f oui lequuaiuff he sfeltand. rstliurcb. Waev Ilikaga. nxth cSu"'--tihat l-raiài Trt, i te pat ~ iersen aitlit Saw Her Near River eovec- the catira ares. Those wbo "Irt l sand u, lcrebeore>-- Ita>- l esalt ii c nfaiaramation cuîut-luu innsslieoailas-oIuiu,-uiouSI ot1opetiatusiulraa*h tptoflcfit 05haaber ficsggsio ralan> ait states that Ilîcstmen hase aoen- t-ailu te csicnfm uation i aicrîsrl lu at lAlt This 'lar if la fthe came ias lasi Sunda>- vth Assistant Chia? o! Po- 1>- violatei thla mv hkleepîng open lias admInlastrat Iu the loca _hnhiî'îTis ~ uprtatupon b>- Drn an off vear wbcu no change ma> te .lic-e Thomas Tynrell, vbo lait the fa i f ii and i s msqaffe el star lheure. b>- seling tea sdruakard viere ton tveat>--five >ers lia sersaîl F-virikMullr an-u aai. oseunfraf-luainsIhesari thasaeti tm taf at - Dila Wut in emect. aind 11>' eaping open Sunitaya. WhaI as ractar beace bis lrasanca viil h e la lilo ,i af cjtu, hflaiots-tadhan e e aiii 1-sltiona on -.>wTîhea unoîtt lthe as t titis U m tthatT e f hflIarlee ne rbas la ha paîdthtat salar>- for if it snft a maflar of lafarea ait importance patrlsIete erit>-an "thetiochatengerf ear uti o e assasi erthf ha edavth aRo ea a uetioted Thme ctha fty eowrple l h tel îruseeufe tham lastesit o! watîng ta membena a! the ichurc-h. Vlaistibiat ,,arsiPamt yasd vol!muade lte ly e vlutheatoss mrsate moe t-aonce eginning questien chn at-l oona a > unfIL u e 1 la iv n a Privat a tee as a au>- r hit t a es - veubos as, e l m n b orth a u t o s m d or h n o c , B g n i g i h t e n t m r ha i e p e i h Ant. te auni oart iaswhch hoit av beu ati h fi aanc ihilI 11 a es, 10 a lorusand eana ago Unil the reaitutment ima hae says hlie it sas- hancoming Uta c-t thPatrt a vathar vas oin- ucuvatO attorney>inla acivil action of tate lusteat a!f aaling $10,000 dam-. Scotrias lie gaina coansge, It ltg smuenet>~.tsnflebufo Iinrra i athoemfaut, tatannwaitholt s o ien. 1W« and s louh t furisRata NotgesKnoIwne boyoe she- icame1-wtalfa-'point r» annRaeaNtc-cati anmre cmeOels oinrnning adatcoltrnit a cldlrizgi naini tomeam ga tud el tofuneas lmvîtI.agesAslstsengduens-'play-asmuMIlas Ifte nocyer hait beas Of courseftue rate on pensonal pro- s-lera flue vafer In fluamarsh btbgnt al a> h ltta o V« Uameafse attornrep s aIl h Ail fiesm, N. Dat>-. listening afflîctats-li1th aLdîseas,1e! Ouachar- lent>- us net Icove Yst-lf woat lha bac-led up 1fiith Oe roativa>-. Hec-a ttrafan iesarcl outi liefo Of ee thn>s e prunY- aetaeta the inanner lu vhicl iebisfriand acter.untîl afan the tate boardt o? ecializa- sellepauset ait than tarning lad ts aon t etatutoappear aI Obe ~e.autrso!Oi outyhae atnJim liaitotarathe lac-I off, vas visibi>- Tielboy>- le! ,re te operfe sa ltifashsisvoluxffî ui tsfnasieNrts-ss ail olie standat i neto cloîa ne- h estUaaI ctio aganatthes monaffetai as a s-llai upantitavuse lnuil- 'c-iîpiettien hohaitta nnuestherate oLes >-er Oefraetroitndacîs Thraasastanaitnectiihuestt Thre ere an>-s-hotit tee o ufemes-hii Ua>- aIt aa lue> fla aie coom ? fla caurfroo. Hac-rs-I huojt u îîi baés mil tine vasvan- hilu or istane. f a ud aîke aPnolutce lstcamatanos-ier nti ie prt> vasledlu>-tlu Publiç Service Company 0F NORIRN UILOS »Acrp Six v H-enry Chriaflena éett heaf l e- .istan baspital Satura- aighl aithi ge of alxtaeu years. He liaitbean iii lere toc- ilve mautha. Lan est emu- r ha vas aparatat opon for appot- titis but flot unf iL a pus case luart evabopet. Ha seemadtotagef aven If .d for a whula vas ail ight. bat foer il tiovolopeit that some ofthOe uison bat vonkot into hie s>-sfam .uslng bluet poison. This bail cana- 4 hlmn ta ho coufluedt thOe ho»pital ) nr sema Urne. Ris homoes-as on icksen stroaf. Waukegaa. lif bas ýe is lddt tfChrist Mur coAr tItis yen stIli, r.ow lia ua encamptients et Dree's laits. bhe choir thîs yoar goets ouf on Jul>- L1h for about ton taya. ocapying 1e Elpiscapal cottage ou the uorth mnk o? Oie laits. Mrs. Chiarles Chrlstansen ws-s mont iceasanO>- suc-priait b>- 50 friands anti relativstrei Watkagan. Chicago ai Grange Hall an Banta> evenng kt ier borne-ou Indiana ptreet The evulag s-a greai>- enjoyet b>- tanc- îg-tbe musicelieiag furniaébyt > Mr. Rater a? Chicago. Lunch s-as enevd ai mitgli t a*Il reportlia%, Ig spauf au cujoyalile eveniung. Mrs. Cluiitiansen, via liasnunt sean lien relatives tii36 yesrs. le.avaa lin a c-ou- pla of yacks for an frenited visit ti,.s Norway. SIîu sas preseàited itiîa beaulifal robe A marralge lieusue was a iseIn l Cbleaita Iatunita-ta Jame stendau, ant Emma Kruger e? Lake Forest, aget 38 aitdlbyaar Is the Best That Money Can Buy 4-c- ýaamîua-,s are tic,uîura.d coplet. - Y ..Yr va li euuspiuit ucfiar-iiîista trý oh -tharse va sit sdur os- Aansd matie aur s.-i 'A ttram -h Si asci 151lt5a c-Rie. Louis J. Yeoman MANUFACTrURINUI OPTICIAf4 WAUKEGAN. ,ILLINOIS f. BAI RSTOW MANUFACTUJMRR0o Marbie and Granite Monumenis Cemetery Work of Ev"r Description Correspondence soicited I116 CGeneseest Wankefra The Federal Junior FiLE«R C Suction Cleaner $37L2 Payable $3.75 dos-n. balace bu 9 moath>- payaient. of $3.75 mats. A light-vaight, depeudable machine, anuboslying n e w fafares thaf incceaac the r c-apidity sud Zioroughnasé of the vacuuma cleaning pc-o- ce@@i. Dceuonsataiona at aur Oilaa onis. ID.- Ql- FOI IIIAI o hic sle ville, FOR ga Slon. 1563 FOF FOR I-ai FOR l'ups. FAR liera FOR iuugg ofàic FOR ilufi FOR hoav3 :3000( forrfi FOR weigi BAB'l ave i-ver>- Doollu kegau FOR EPokin R. E' FOR- FOR: FOR: Ilii FORi GoldeN FOR usith i machli itret tanks. sanger ungleai ROSE Chieag * guanos Lîbertp

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