CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Apr 1914, p. 7

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NMe- it the ben 111 rptenr- e bail ýver It but E tire nyeteur cens- '»pitaIý au on christ aL July upylug nortn c mont de and lalcago aseniug L. The r dane- iéd by ýh vas rt bav t. Mrh. ern ber a cou viil tri witli a LAKE COUNTY JNDEPENDENT, FRIDAY. > DR. KIRBY, BANKER REAL ESTATE TRANSFER I E LAKECOUINTY TITLE & TRUSI I t~~~ Abstracts of Titie.. i>'raa NON IlEVDFO EST N2 ET DIES IN DELIRIU April 13, ,94 r~în~ r 1 NON ROEVE FO LSSTIAN 6 ENS tontiolned [nmPage onu.r Botetein (deceasedi t.o .+.+.. .+.. . . . . .FOR SALE OR RENT-flO secre, one Rosenthal, Franclîs J.Houlilanddan rtlrosl, nortir o!feri irtîrreer + FORa BALE + mile enaa(o! Graylake ilspot. Irving Mi. ODonnell entereil tLe case'.Tlhey, Lake Foi-est. Deoil $327 +++ +++ +++ ++Payne, Ares, Iii. s 11-tf recisteil Jurige lýandie' au(Lority to T. W. Smthi an)dcil>- t',ijit - ... ... ...---- ratha.aattem on (Le ground liar t aliger; lot 60,. Shawe'c tLong FOR SALE-New t-room B once ana 1' * -'- ri H..a, wih vacant Iotaat Area. inqulre otWm, A. 11800, cheaP. Iianionil Lake Hotel,l Ray, Ares, 111. 0-2841 1 Ares, ilI. -Si-tf1 FOR SALE-Barred Hock ega. 50e per netng. Fred GrabLe, Jr., Ares, IIL Phone 26141d-2. c 28.4 FOR SALE-A quanttty o! cord wood and poolà.,W.. J. Schrot, IR. 1. Lth.rogylle. Phone 267-L-2. e-28-tf FOR SALE-1 O ton gond Ttuobhy bal, baud . L. Mous.res. Phoue26o-J.. 0-28-tl DAUY ÇICKS--1 amnb~n evry day for [h.elac4lng vu of bao, chlck,:1600 effl hi evert vWet , 0 eggs for ne Chiots 16ceeh; en@ $100 p L. A. Dolittlt, R2. Tel. 929--3, kenan, Ili. 81-6t. Wli W. bave a aumber of tdue ho.. caleor rent, DymrondA Autin, I. ville. C-2 FOR SALE--Good sraloon u tr ' gan. WiII rive Irimedirrîr-po Sion. For Information cai 1563-M, Waukegan. or rail ai 121 ferson avenue. irst foi kla FOR 8ALE-Sarati G. rusent horre <ru Di viorn t r-t i I c$4 ()o S. rîorri rirrrr'rrii oeeail rpi 'jermàeti' suit luyer i ir4ire Ed Ni-v., Lake Fr, mlt.111. p:w FOR SALE-Ellirr-kIr Ltr.iirExg hauoiinrrz. lne witer laiers auid s,-ttrrs 'nu >55 Dot go ar' .rirdertig a e.tifig iof tIieii. 5, 1-. .ggw. t, PVtiýrerr, îrl .- ý I. Iê'r Ill. ) - FOR SALE-i17t 7,d bu>: ~4 Co jlupe. W. Il . Apie.-i FARM FOR SALE-W. F ut 4<iluer, 11.) sCiee. Clear 'iii ruerj aoy rahriraiie î,ter. Fior luort er rît, i alin write NIce W 1'. Mue. 6û. -JSNo llern.ita>re A ve. , IhîriLgri jp29- FOR hAE-Gnririrrrriiiirg Til buggy, eurm>y and bani- sA--11rit iak d-st and üeirtr i,îîîî.g,,rît jpun ij'Iipm.inlt.. b.-41usd Ctreap lii iow. phone 27:14.2 p 293 FOR SALE-Partrilgê "W'vanotte au [tuS [Rock eggo $1 (0 per #eetng 01t W. B. (irbinge, Liburtvvrilip.jr-21- FOR SALE-Team ut BoHre... cri heavy amnes,, $450. 7 and !j >ear '30000 Ibo., lu splendid-inditiîin; goo for tourn work or teauing. Appl Zeice tari near Everettîor &aréiju Zu-te, Everett, Prairie View P. 0 ,Lek FOR SALE-Horo", Mare, and Cli welghirîg trou], 100<0 tiu 10 lbo , tri tîe.tun '.igbt yëarh obit Doiyle & )Mai Feai. Evertt, 111. lnonat Lake For.s >190Y-2.c-30-2 BABY CHICKS-1 arnboking order everY day for the leadîng varietie o baby chieke; 1,500 egge hatchin .-very week, al8co eggs for settini Chiots 1c each; eggs $1 per 15. L.A Doolittie, R2. phone 92e-y-3, Wau kegan. Ill. wkly-1t FOR SALE-Barrad Rock ehicken an Potin [Duckes gi, 50e per nettng. M r R E. Thoma Phone 294- W-2. 0-311 FOR SALE-Elght borns Power Ras lng Standard Motorcycle 1918 rnode tutly eqippsd.lunue ouly tour montië Prie 8225. Cain h ceeu et My recîdenc ou Cook Ave. J. W. Hart.,p"1-2 FOR SALE-i .uatehed testa or blacks comina 6 aud 7 sears oid, wight abou 2400, well bred, G. H. Smith, Area. c-3 1.2 FOR SALE-Oine grey bornes. 6 year old, weight 1400. Aico o»e almost ne, Kalarnazoo coal stove. lire. wi FOR SALE-A Rood( bornes, fve yesn old, welgbt 1250. J. F. Woe, Area Ill. P-81-8 FOR SALE-Fîre drled Bilver King and Golden Jewsltieed Corn. Frant Vîckery Are&, Ill., Route 8. Phone 297-R-i. 0.31-2 FOR SALE et e Bargain-1 elligLîlj mudei 12 H. P. Stover gacoline engine with shattiug, helting and pulisys.1 6 B. P. foed giinder with levator.1 machine caw, adjuetable table, saws and mitre attachmeste 1 -H. P. 115 V direct current dynamo. 2 compresetr tanks 89 and 60 gais. Ifise 2 pas nger cycle car. Spirit Fruit Society, inglenide, 111. c-31-1 ROSE COMà4 REDS-Eggs troin Chicago, Racine, Aurore and Waukegan winuere. Beat W)ood lune... Fortulity guaranteed. KImbal-Triggs ed ilYard>ý LibertIvifle, 11. 0-1-t! + FOR RENT + TO LET-On sharse15 acre@ good land. Henry Applsy, Lbertyrille. p.8<.2_ TO RENT-Rooni witb or without bo4rd, central' locatIon. Inquire juie. pendent office. P-30-8 WANTEO TO RENT-A loumer Loin iîbln twsnty-five mlles of Evaactou; udi iuns, be urasuei and contian rou tcbing ceven to ton omrnud bave liroundi cotant. for ebildren [o pay iu. Addreuc.l i.P., Per16 Incdevndsnl;.C-80.8-q l & FOR RENT-80 acres near Russel, kjy lt. 111.Address Ma-a. Adeline Red- -s.s moud. 733 East 50th etreat. Cbtcago. m-c for III. wkly-2t iberty.É -28-tf 10 RENT-l4outh aparument iu newt .ssa 1.-met block houne; ideal residen,- toca-t atîke-tran andi riter forf <i5--r,,t Osi, oie suid buildirnig fîir *Waltt 2îritia rght prie.-..1 . (.Pay'ne, Ares, Iii. klylt e-Si t! A- +n ?MCELLAKEOUS +, rimAmrl............... :l % ard MONEY TO LOAN--Ou-imprî,s. -]i etale. J S. laurIrII 'r, Firr.t Nati(i)ml r gs ico Bwiuk. .2r t it -mg iti MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-Tt.r- fiiaiiri,1n:tnt rý umi -rd ýaitiur' eig: .i tret , A, .~r.-, isictritg unît> H1ririni Dr. Kirby wae insane. Subdivision, W. D. $2">'o Makes Wlretapping Confession 'targaret Masterson tu loiru St Judge Landis cOnferrI-USwth Judge mIti: lot 13, block 70, 'Northt <hici Owens, folîOwiug whîch thns county D.~ $1.000. Judge set acide [Le luantty asin enJamin MCWIiIlmr.tri Fredl cation. ThIs give [he fadera i le elm S outh three-elgîith,, aheolute Jurlsdlctton. A srle of hear- hatf lot 1, Northwat (quarter îre< lngs wms held In whlch Dr Kirhy andi11), Ela township. Q- . c.1, M-. Kirby wrr the principae wtt- r. Jt Schaddt et RI to Chartes Ee uece. R vau during titePeriod son; Part block P, HtgitlnrtPe that Dr. IUrb came forth witt. a cou- WJoh.$"0 fessIOn that Ibe hadil een swtndled out 'John reutner to J. G. Blrown; of $20 000 by wfretappers. Of iock 5, .MrvlD'B suhdirision, Theljudge characterise. tlde tory Lake.Q.C$10. se a frarueup and a macs of Perjurp. MaRrte»oacrsnd huchbant He held tbat tihe banker-piry&tctan FYank Luda,: Iota 2 and 3. blocli and hi, 'vife 11adtire mOney and La Nixons addition tO Oaklarnd sut Il e ha aimited time ln wcb 10 te lion. Wantkoffl. W. D. $1. Produce lit ln court. When tbey fait- tu-n A. Cook to J. .. miss; -ed u d eohê entnce thm t annorthwest quqrter, north of rose Isideternalnate tri tnu &JIfor - section 23, Waucoada tow'nship.1 temPt O! court. Pendtng au appeal JDD$1 Loin were relaeil dou bonda. 1 JS. Hase and sefe t'o H. W-C Atter Judge Landi, bail given irIs et ai, Part NOrtirveet quarter, no daclaton holding the Kirbys lu con- Of road Of section 23, Waýueonri toi tafnpt bho rderail an investigation ln. 1Otiti Q.C. I1. to the conduet of the four îawyere APri j, 1914-Addie 'il Enb for tire defeuire ou the' grounil thit uî 10 toEMvna E. Stliteý lots Hier.- hud h-en lîerlury andi suborna- atri2, Hock 7. Bartjets strîrdl,1is liot. of iterîary lu the case. ikFoetW.D$1o Four Lawyenc Are Cîeared Thp four taci-ru trvoivel . Rsi-n MARIA&GE LICENSEs. thal, Ilouiî,han. Oli)onueti and Lantry. ii rFLegatzke. t ti a>.,, went to tlrti tri-forp eFiderai lirdgo fCima r'ru-tsem'o sqitteil) hem of it r ,r, Zlmn. 2i.r ' charge> The larvyers lîrevinuci>' bal)t uit rtr PeLude, garni riq-sesr lire ('hicrico Bar as-ioeationTr t ris reueJohrnson, Cfii rer to , ti t ' to inve;tieate tlprrMaIrrionr <rîsceolo, sapl, (a ýe i'-1 l'i'l-stOfl Lake Po-it ritirrrir11ctrtlIns the- taisver'.fî rr,-XLIoa) rr a îtît iY r-i> re .irrlge a ktt.g rr G rid u cl titi, r,-. 'rr flrîing inrth. irrt i r n Atouisu,, ... Iît ,r n ,-i- aa ',is.lthei ir-Itl. "on the, r tu>iiii 'hic.tu, 'Il.- .P.-,, tiotruui t,- 41Mar. W 1r-. groom) of ni-mn> vdisroverel) ci utilru, , aih, ane .tiare îrîeîe meaganchse pesoual re 'Ileiiue Iri 2;iot k iuirr 1.i tt-Il 2 .Tîeri-r ase ma' .,trengtheri,,l hv1> ttIr. , r i v rda. dsamneba n 1ik d m n h 9e Pro l 't *5-s5555555on5or o5o55555l5s-ni , 1ur . )ttoiritJilittylms otcluthat they cru Col- irruut i tal)b"e tu, rtri-t u rItrr-ruo iilarStrornl'Yur uîr t ,unnuialgard r, vi . 7'1e ucase fi-Y gi-t a verdict. Thug, s.t tI .a icrrî'uni-iii rKr - i r ir) tiretIpit1,,t. ýt s si-en that filie poorest salooukeeh rire iL, itir , n(o ire rît i. 'etnsi t , l reptui-,r i, aid] su> i l, i nuttrtr \.r r XlLtîrbrrg, sarîtii rlwie crmtut crh e js '1.-r~tv oirutiietutiof'uit.'0--' it (urttu i rku i mî fiînut J l.'iidgI tuj, ' Sirfirt, NMItraui,kIn th o4rr tmgh b Js ri- N'., 1 j 1 P Il i a1a t- r unilerît (I i i!ra r.r camen..4 as eas' (oe ollect froma (ia tLe orru i.anutt ota"heltuiluider l, nil u- *5 504111 1-t'il rr. . n h.uutdn1 stIre rtcbesî, -M. irii.I1 r-,utLlo urnuuup,.1lontoir G - -ho n ght ocen hie ownu building. 4 Suîngt. iiu-'dtiirrari a-i e it lI riri l"otrrt f'trrt:u April i r 'n i ii tiidi-. amne _o dat . amiou)Tu-au.v.sI - til) t31-4 lt oni.u 'a, i ut> nr'. ' ru (>rr t 4-7, t 1i111tar ttt crm .1< a J h m sa ir)~~ ~ O rruu 'iiietiurfr',utt\ur utt Iim rilln tut, 'lne Wrro 4SNG ' .r . . . .. .. . . .. n' l ,ur-1ti \trtotioioles Ir f t\trrrtii. niurt, scame .. 11 + A TE uýý r trr Pau] l,( z. Waukegan 1G START ON BIGi TOUR -. . ..HA..D.. TU.MO.IRNar -zsaie T............E24 "Iadsaitio suutcr ON THE BRAIN. itlavt i'uni nr, Milwmaukee. O H:1R HW S 15 ANTED-Experieiuced and mottermari î,îuh Nurra,, carne ..... lia travel a tali n. C.W. crgeriiu, tr.Vu tlltinn T.tirbm tuf Chicago r'Iiar'ist.'nrl.rOs'eo\x Nrh S re uretLa s Liuiertyvitr- Piiomu-278-2. e.2I-tf snri w aukegan, dii- o!ftfunor o!the\*osSd .! tue brain an) mas urenlaîlu' deraugedfo 0 for Winnipeg and r.sî,.r Big Iro WANTEO-Have purebse-ers tfor fraina long penn)d. secording te a report Jiiil 'a.-, U(nicago ...........- iisTwrlCat ,,i If) to 80 acres lainus W rite sîatto il ]o! the nîtoprur cimen oint Pv Prof. Sophile Il. l"orrrttug. camne...........4 Cte oadCat nt partieniars No) agents.. Ardres, R. A., Roenrt Ziit at Wepstev iosî,ttal. Chi- WILL BE GONE'SIX WEEKS. C. Independeut ruSh.. 2.!I cgo riat. Dr. Kirby was boa) o! f E WATliean t ua. the defunt Kirby Sam-Ingg at, À t'XC U IVmportant Booking of Wauke- 113J, Joi.- Heur-r, -.1 ~which ceas Ibrocru into Paninutipey atter a long IlIneos. PIECES 0f NEWS IN gan Young Men in Vaude- nHere ts a report o! tire gnosiin)- SUille-May Hit Coast. unr St.LawrenoeEpiscop'1C'huirch tuge o!f(ire auiopy fIi'bm 'te I Tient.w foun) a tumor lu the SU FRIDAY N1HT Tii-' Northr Shore Quartette left 'M1 Ret. ErIMe ÀrnlitS. 'WHITEr. Pniu-t-tuî Charrge ,flooro!f te tsorrtlr1,tnentricie wtth isSu)ay for a tour tirrough tLe nortir- 2 Baly C'omuniuo every Sudit,7:4- tentonu cf tire Itiral Pentrieles wteiti Brief Reference to Features cri-st, haviug been booke) through a -a m. Firot5aIurujay inmontubàll.90 a . idt andi e'derrcî-ao! marie) pres- Which Make Sun Stand Out t hicago vaudeville agency for a six tr Mîrtn naerevrySndy xu-ltsure o! thui cortex of the brain. Ttcmsek trip tirrougir the varions tm- le abri-e 10:30 a. nista vr hter r-so oa Abave All Others. Porten t cillesa. ng. _____ InTh eat n kdey Tii.-quartette tes, change) ettgirtly Ag udysho 4 .. degnertto Th irantau)itdeyc TireSun A. Er-icoi 4 i. it otir showed evidence o! more recent i n t. rl given te boosting, as Mnr. Voae, second tenor, seas un- I- Ait Hoiy )ays. Hotiy Co'unniron f.t troubleasd tire lunges ee re e ut occatonitl, utlien tLe imalter or able te get sway.EdeBu-,te a.i.a! a terminal affection." exclusive neum s ru Ii h Our readiers get local amateur-professional, toot iis InasteS on Autopsy as lIomlpSrel to rearls o! any otîrrPlace, andi besides inging In tire quar- od M. E. Chu.rch Services. Tbe aitoPsm' wa9 Performel) Py Dr.lclpp- r .itismtau> etL eî opaosut omk r..s teteo met d iao tutlo mk t! 10:3t) s. ian Presching, Ite'. W. 1_-iZeIt o! tir.-pathologiral deparirit ofuto.m iti . rtir iret [O OfltdOi>oragn. up their nunher. SWhippie. Nortirtesiernu tivercit-.. and Dr. Ss>n rentiers tlintinuirie hetng ils The quartette tLus comprises these il- 12:00) m. Suuday .ciio,, Acirlles Davis, attending pbc'ctclan tu 'otes.menchers: el, 6:45 p. ni. Epteortir Ieagurn. tire former Panier. luet 1Prfore iis Fo r san, in Fiday eveuings Second irans an) Isader-charles b. 7:30 p.ini. Preaciing. <dcv. cc .deatir Pr. Kirrw;%aqIs itîent tirat tire SnS 'rlr il a)l tire exclaKennedy. ]ce Wbippie. Sritopsy it. performeil. site lIiIeg, r' Iuî.dtng aMOngfters Piat baee Dtci Hinas. Long ago Dr. Kirh>s came tb me theseeImportantt >l, t tel >n ot,,l Feconil tenor-Rle Burne. 54 Pluiser Rat. an) toI) me that ire feit tere reas er V'auieg.ii . P'r irite.1 teat eve Pirat tenor-Harry Keefe. a, An old stor-Y uned te go around o! somneting rnriicuîîy croug wttbh hrt:' raing: The boys Went directly [o Water, ut a pînîher teho kept s lot o! rata la sairi Dr. Davis."I marie a tiroroui i iu,.NorthuDrkotarîtndnrlggemt un 11).I alw a t and 01> o. ireexannination an) founltiratiis le! t irriai fraruu eour t t Lai e (Ly go te F'rgo aud then lumap te . meMnn.. : r-x'rrurîe.ut innePeg. Thei- routa then takee ,rat vas frlgbtened or forceil te a rmad1mkee uniealeea rIiuPt' u eathlo.,t tiri- Ir to the drain. and Le Lurrovail tbrougb er (han shoul)ire <ire case In a nr- 1-s'ir5air.r . r11rrut5 5as he, thei On West and [bey bave hope. ,W 10Iis librty iru [h. sewer. Of course, rnally irealtiry man of!bis years. . . itriu rrndiuam , u o ,cf wtnding up aventually on thre - iilit Wa& not 1140csary te take tie pipezs "I told hlm J1seas sure tire trouble tlut, >,kiaIa ol-cleCat au t[o places. but theb.iLg bll! came eas In iis irea), but of micou flrstetafîii sneit rî1t o usuuimmr Tire quatet, whlch Las beau organ- ei b, zayow. suspect tiratire 'sas tiren eut!ering um nte i-, ,. utilbeîig f iA aIr- o e emadw ho Ir@ Oy from tum-r!flire. traIn t-te wcra siear n<ut ttr,lune.trip whirnir -ti-late Las been appearing in varione forVouir tona ony stperode or riet, I l luoil, , t, -n uit aci'<' i,-r Patle orYothOny. tin] nl a prldsfo alng lim e iiti'c t', 1. ro-.î,îsterling ,(irihs vaudevile Louse, In and about Ci. A ilty-two-year-old Sydney man la Lefore bts deatia" "" t Niiriai h cage, iras gained a good position tn dead as a resuît of toJuries receive) e'Mtt I id whletryng(Oatm (L ct,'afer Triais o! Unuenat tnteret itte>uru r r r' r ter oerrvaudeville ctrcle.sud for a long [ino Dit lut ueyin terBk' teras. fui ih, Mlaiîs Ire u.,> wa1toiring i granileon perforna tLe tctrials <nrifli,, fed'rl'al c-ourt utl, t, ct rflnrr î,îu varions boottnir agents bave t[ied [o 7. feat. 'Skiuning tLe et" lge ~o! the were o! unusual Interest becaîrse of ofur r niet r th,,.j gelt(hem [te accept a tour. The'yonung most fa&cinating o! Youtirful pastimea, tire trorules lu whicir Ire, hic wife au)d u i.u. ulr urge suit ir,, ', -men couti lot arrange matters te Lut lot us remember, as tee contem- his atlorueve forrul) tirenms o.rc. s.' u tet ae(L tesutl oead[ 4piste oui- gray haire, that It isa yu a nge)yTeyen-n lI-r-firco nd steelM aie -, r ie are 'onfreIuntilnor andthu I7 fui pastime only, au) govern ourselve. emt ty eiealJdg .'t'miAt!.nS rtI ne wih crmensrrte .g rt t' eder, ptorrtricdis ArtIl tg a fine trip [bat Las beau out- re ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vn lîi omnuae int.ta imie ii was rieciareri tIraIDr. CIrurirs nrn r byorISI ceur-nd 'ru i- t,,>,nuuruy illi ue- fr Le1a)theY WittI ha iven _________-SCiry s'as Instatte auru lIis art Y tîony u, uatte veteer,r a chance o! ceîung tire country, taking id To Remeil> Rattlîng Winrdows. qrestioneit1h.- ritIt o!rudncge .n1u, 1... " tnku 1tr hdocun a n u e o! MOnaY for [Lir Do net sîlose Yourseîf (o Le marie dis li h,nr te, iat,'- hit riurtiont Vi 'nfin tu .ian) errureratur effortsan) eujoytng a (rip sebicirfese wateful an) nervous by nattllug tWin- ccIthrthe atlrpotntnuii I i far"cciýr notu "13tn,î,1r r lit-se are rrniorrg %\\rrri.igan men befone Lave beert r dotes or doors ceben tire comb on (bat grouit rr'u'rtrr"','g rciSunprimiieged te Lave ufider aimilar cir-e - your dresser maies a perfei-t we)gc. Ihreratr-en tri- r ' iti- tr.tnSrn r. eastty luserteil an) as eaily remove). ueasevc fo aie ,d, I,,r rvlg. untne.Ilwlgv hramh Especially efrnoying are sncb noises lu pbyiriiauci-pr.eIntlli ta m rorntn- ng rnald urru-Xn-hcel adell u baLtela aud otirer atrange hedroois.but from the rectimnce. "127 NorthirJdgen Il rntltt -'lauI." ntIoneý (bat no minan tht.lun tire future [bey setîl de- in oven thene (hi- conh la ut ban) an) xt'y avertie. Cnt Mi' rill n lit1,, 1 nf)"-tî tr i n(e)anY Imrnot- otit ait them (lime tevaudeville work nm egrual te ai t zes of cracks. nt '%tount Olivet. antrlt ir stl ýI -îrrr wblch tire Srrn'O(ILireebig circuits. ty I nId rut lina te art t ats Sîeys tire ~. ludaçieudent: Moi-e readere (han aitI Inrepeirient reacinea ail pinlts lu cas>' Independent: More i-edex, [han ail cominty weseilies combine). 1Lake County. Doesn't It mci-r ifnebn7 county meeclies combined. S'ALL TIAT'S NEEDED SIS TO FILE À LIEN MIl)h AAINST SALOOJ heri- Local Attorney Declares Poor. t to est Saloonkeeper Is Just as ýgene Sure in Damage Suit. Lake 3,r.BLDG. OWNER IS LIABLE. cg.And, He Has Discovered It Is erick Not Necessary to Start Suit, west iust File a Lien. Two attorneys discustng threeta- rick- tua 0f tihe saloonkeepers' troubles as ark. regarde their liabiltty under the new Iaw wblch o many have calleri upon part lately b ooliat damages because Fox nmre Inveterate drInker has adunItted te bie famlly tilat hae got mont of his d to drink I a certain saloon, were heard kr 5. eSPloitIng one feature of the lac îhdl- which. to data, bas not been de' elop- ed. Part Many of the saloonkeapers of Wau- d of kagan and vicinty have their places W. In buildings owued by othars. The point muade hy one of the attorneys ýok Io tiraIire has found a decislon whicl orth shows (bat In case the saloonkeeper *wu- himsecf le nçrt responetble for the damages placed against hlm ln tires, and cases, tirat the o'Aner of tire builinl 21 la. ]on. 0f course, tiis point bas treeride. ctded hefore, but, lire ates that (he owfler of the building ileo directly rePspr.ibîe that It Ie flot neressary tn hegin a nrew suit ngainst hlm lc L7Coltet the Jdmn given airainst .5tre oman occuPying bis building. 1i satris that ail that Is nueeeAssarv is lv filie a lien azainet the proîreriy in q2(uesrion and Jul)gmeut <s si-cur-il 10 gain,t the- owner c tîhout turîber pro, es cýf law. Thi T J.,t a new phase of the law te- ra. ri 1Pt noce', t has alreays been Poiarli)ourtithaattsatoonkhaepeav W au tegan, Illinois, Aprl 13, 1914. tr10104 14 r 1'* S IT ,u 5C. Heyriecker & Heydecier, Attorneys for Estate. wely Atm 17-24 May 1 J .R D I G ..M Notice o! e Special Meeting of te V ETERINARY SURGEON St ockl 'oders of Wauconda Lumbr Groduste Chicago Vet. CoIl.gê jandi Fuel Company, tu, Dissolve Office at Iecdence, 7 Grand Corporation. Ave. Phono 1136W. Nottre. is Lereby iaiven (<rat a spoeial meeting ai tbe stock buideoeoft aîuirur- du Lumber aud Fuel comurany werit b. F R!D G RA'B B!. JR. helattheoutilcs oftsard tum psy in tirs EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER vîliffe eoa!WancerudaLait, Cîuaty~ Illinois, ou Satur)ay, tire sxteeritiudy Livet Stock and Faim Salen a Specdaky of May, A. [D. 1914,.et the hour Of (une F., Referont. Camte Ou@anad Huai, ?4. o 'c i o c , P . n , f o r h o p u r p u e 0 1a I u it - T l p oeb1 L - . A e , I # a i . m tt luig 10 h o stock ol uers t ie e o h n 20 - 2 . A s, lt a s . questiona ot abau)ouîng the corporate euterprîse, eurrendering the Charter tranehi-andsri orporate sanie unud dis- DR. VICTOR C. HOEFfNEMt 'oIving the sid ecirporatton, Wriui'nda OSTEOPATHIC P14VSICIAfI Lumber sud Fuel Companoy. 215 Madiison St.. Wskeffl, OL, T<'e lorr-gring Inticc le gir-m lu pursta- a su ce o f [ e ro q u n et rf m o r.' ( a n tw o - O f fIc e r, birds of Il ofthîe sto orilerc of aid 9-12 A. M.: 1-4 P Il., .# P. IL - i aoconila Lumte-r andi Fuel Cornpany, Sundaye by Appointment Only j mails in a resolutian o! sai) stock holilaesTlepboaoe38 adopteil May 17, 113.1__________________ Sylvester L Tripp, Edward [efthanps, William A. Schneider. H. Je POI LE Beingraîl o! Iheiireu.orofaald Company. Generai Autoer Benjamin E. M iller, Atty F RM S LI A SC IM r y e-A pril 17-24 M ay 1 <e ni r nisALE So Ae Eng ag L T y-0 e e tlioneer. 1l'e. notirng [o sl and lier.. fore c-ngive my Individuai attmom S&> i nYiy 'ltomters. orasucc Taiking@Machmnles Au Ki& LADIES HATS OF ANY KIN O. F e c , G r an a*i e Detail o! Wlolesale Prire,: Rn Pock. Spnih Leanuag Oflîs.&,c 419, Bîeaching, Dyetug. ni! Panama >vî,ru or nt a a i-ne r'cdMCl p Hate; Ast for Catalogue on) Prices. W>vIiricka6" r i~ceutralmaS.' ci s CHICAGO HAT 2.%IANt.FACTURlNG JAMES 1. LYoNS & BLEACIING COMPANY, 12 \ortI 2bwe1 ake Si., ch*%s Michilgan Ave., Ward PIlg. Ctlcagc, _______1___ KING'S RE8TAiURA"' RAILROADS NEED '1'-Iutlcu ettr-~-obu,<i e uve. sse nir. Learn tire busins..a t r aui (Ie', tta .dsciiesets.r laeit (Iu 'utrîero, ttaitnr.u., ru ..' ' eua c e . tdee Sg-. '- rrîue p'5t>nie truiitI , utr iu~ Sth A aj%, CW - -IL le erurnu,îurîuîungem... ý' >,n" .. . va 4ds-an .br., 8,sA , MISSOUJRI TLLEGRAPNY SciIOOL. Lake Coutys wajyx<sa, PENDENT. - ' orders ~hat üuy motite 51. ro makie o :0ein 9 .ach. viable 1 e 'v r tha Lisess pr-o- Page Seven ADJUDICATION NOTICE. DYMOND L &USnIN Public lr, . . ore, grr et I irai, "lre Sutrr.crit,s ir ,r .îaî,wîtîî1 ILOanS, Inaurance, Real Estalle a"d wyll arîfexe-ri"f lth a,- ~of 'Margaret IHueRnrg L . W a tFc rnn lcî i i l, i tt, h ,ildtIe H u e R n i N l (iUritY inrrî,tîTi_,.k î,trva t a Office in Kaiser Block. terra]iiirer ,uthirrii. l,- hCourt LIBERTYVILLE,.- ILLINOIS-. H01se rIN ,rrk' ri r ai I Cui>> ou tire tirlt MnIhiriivi ,f lrrihe xi1914.À,__ -w lien and r' re- ,rîîpîr-rrî.IIsIra% iu 1 ELHANAN W,' COLBY « I1ain.s agalii.t ,IlidjCstite Iun. riotîrieuAîoue.ha wrd rquestel) 10 unsrit the saure 'o 5îunew sard c-itrIt for aiicat1:r.arr,'Y 10 LOan on Gondi0pproiell. Real WILLIAM L. WATSON. Etate. JOHN E Poi.l'ot< Office in Trigga Building. .,,Adminîctraloru 'mihw ill arrîex-ri LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLINOlb. E. ikegan, Illinois, Ajîril 6th, 1914. lieYdecker & Heydecker ,Attorne$el Ifor ectate. s>kly'Apr 1jr> 1 LYELL H. MORRI ATTOREY-ATLIAW ADJUDICATION NOTICE. LibertyvIIe Illinois Public notice la hereby gîsen rîrat Lirce iButilding. tire Subscriber, Executor 0f ILhe Last 1~! ,c .52.R. 1OSe: Pt. De làf t-Wii and Testamenrt of Nonie B. Shute. deceased, seill attend the County C'ourt ATNc.DOe asof Lake County, at a tero thereof b MATN .DEIE 'w Le bolden aithtie Court flouse In Wau- .Oi~..uu1, Dn kega. n, nsait! County, on theire lIrffi<e. opp. iOta. et. lsct 8$io Ie Monday of June next, 1914, when and l fic@ Phons 848 Ras. Phose6kSO eI where ai] Persona havlng claits eT CIAO ILNI assainlat said state are notîlleil and NMT HCH.ILNI sl requepted 10 prissent the same to sald rdCourt for adjudIcati n . WALTER SHUTE, PAUL MAC GIJPPI. Wakesn jjiol, prjExecuw. ATOREY AT LA. 'P- aukgan.Illnois Apilth, 1914. WkIY-Apr-1-1724 LUhertrpifie, jiutaom sa ADJUDICATIgON NOTICE. -___________ le Publie notice le herebYgilven that DR ,. ys Thre Suhacriber, Adminlatrator of the DE0P.U i MW Eh stale of Roderlet [D. Amep, deceanel, VETEEI1ASY SuEgEcOi ar seul attend lire Couuty Court of Lake £ic'tANT arA?, vu'ruAMA5- County, et a teri therec of 10 hiolden let tire Court fHouse, Iu Waukegan, In Llberyvljo. Ilinuois. se ftd Coonty, on the first Monday of 1,June next. 1914, wheu andi where ail Teleercorep 1431111er Berreer Preured Chez, pe-rsona ha> mg cdemis agaînst said MY capenfte cei tedo cour u-aIn. es tate are nolîlled asurirequested to oz j've leir-sent the ssie -to saîlit 'ort for ad- J Mara e lyjuictin.HERYC.AMS.AUCTIONEER -y rinrinistrator offtie Estate rsf Roder 144Efiwood Av*., Walak.gai, ilime lek 1). Am es. d uceas.-. S em e dore rnsiag y ur data \Vaukea Itlinois, Alîril itir. 1914. 3-t 3t leyderker & Ile3decker, Attornreysr for Estate. wkty 'spr-1(1 17 24 DR., È. V. SMITHI r j GENERAL PRACTICE IEN Il. MILLeR. Attresy, dI-ul- M t010 a. m. 2 te 4 and 7 tleila. la ADJUDICATION NOTICE Once oser Ray funurirra raoe. ir Pst r c \or.e r>àierrO, IVrestirai re ire ., Si-EtIAL ATTENTrO> -orO IgYI .ir ritEc it,,tx rire Leit w iir arrl'er LIBERTVVILLE, ILLINOIS aitesît tti' ,"Irurrîr ua i-r l'aile coarit,r ai a nter, rirecrftc)r, e tieutei ith, Couirt Hruain <r DR, 1. LTAYLOR e Waukexanuir n -rrth :i r. r. îleOrtr S tiiy fcIl .-t. riri 9r1.rrrrrCii ardote. IrtOffice i n Firet National Banke Building lieoraI.srir agiCirr i d earuu eerItre e ocas:-1 to 33? aild to. . ttrcrî as d ( r l ie cte .1r,, rîri-e rri tire t -C rue maildCu rîf- adjudiction. Raeldewt in ruBroadwray. opprosite parki Waulairk .ce,.ii A iep ri 194 A p'or10-1r, n t ADJUDICATION NOTICE. DRL GOLDING DENTIST Pubrlicflotte-a islerehy gimen that Houre 8 to 12 arn-I te 5 î.m. tire Subireriber Adminiritratrix of lthe estisle of Frank Nîcholas, duiceaonrd. liter First National Bank wilI attend the.tourity <Court of Lake <Itlhe Itane 19-J. <tes Phono 157T-J. Couirry. ait a 1.-ri thon-or to b ti-id Lîbertyvije. Illinois eu lit tireCourt floua.-lii Waukegan. lir rail) Ciuflty urftire irtrt Mourlay of June riext, 1914, when aud where DR. A. H. CHURCHILL ail prensons liaviug daims agaluet Raid) Physician andl Surgeon ectale are ir.tIiic-d aird requrasted 10 OffeeoVer lerie. At Bond',oDm«c Slom pretteit (tie sarrie ru md Court for ad-- BoirM to .. a . 7 Io F M. jurticatIon. SMIte tt.enion tu EYe. Eac, Noce and ? MIARY A. NICHOLAS, GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Adrmunistrnrtrtx. Libertyvilte, - - -llisr.i \Vaukegau. Iliînots. Aprit 13, 1914.j wkiy Apr 17-24-May I DR. E. H. SMITH. ADJ UDICATION NOTICE. DNIT Publte notice t, hereby gliven trat DNIIT te Suhcriber Executor of the blet VZR LAKK cocery ATIONal. BARIL w iii a und testam en t of Jo seph Ci o e - 4 ( 2 a m u o S p Whitney, deceased. sll attend te IAILY. Courrty ('ourt o! Lake County, at a Libertyv.IIlIlei terni thereof to be holden at the Court Houe-il Waukegan, irn said County, on the lirait Monday of Joue next. PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING 1914.,sehen and where ail persona hav- Clur-e'î attention plaid [o arvangm Iug claim, agaînst saîi]estate are tic- anetint' 'aI ob sud Lest reutela ad t tIferi sud requestei t o iresent 'h.- ng am . sanie to sail) Court for adjudication.. Ail kiniltir', bore,, wagons a"4 JAMES SNETSINGER, barnees for ale or exchange rt ait titinael LExteutor of tire ist wll sud temîs- HENRY SINE di 1 Pl tri - . 1 'RIL 24. 1914.

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