CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Apr 1914, p. 8

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à"ga ljht mm- -o-- ï RNE SKIPS; TUE ~AJMONY 15NOW LONIiOV E R DUE Loai Contractor Disposes of Hlm Holdings and Departs for California. CASE NEVER SETTLED. Segorte Mantenance Action of Wife Was Neyer Finally Closed Up in Court. Charles Payne, cernent contracter vhosee zyrt4; troubles attractsd so mucis attention and notorlety In Wsn- Isa duriug the pont yeak, bas Igou the ceop," iu ether vends tise nostracter visese sensational chages flslast bis vite snd childreu ereateti a reeticu aganst hlm amoug ie bloseds. bas clearod out of Waukemau sMd la nov nild te be on bis va>' te And, b>' departiag as he bas, It ls »Wsi ho bas placad himaelf lu cou- tout ef cous-t b>' fallure te puy bis vite tise tensporary> allmony Le was erderedt tepuy pendiug declalon of lb. seprate mainbenanire action vhieb vas beard lu circuit court but ilib ludge Whitney neyer finail>' paseed on or entered lu the docket. It develops furtiser tbat Payne bas Dot ps.ld bis wlfa the dollar a day ail- mmy for tbe past seven weeks tbat belng tise amount wbicb the court on- -dred hlm btepay Pendlng tbe final deeilOn as te tbe separate mainten- anc, action. Payne pald the money for a tie but thon Isecame careless and for 7 weeks, bis wife was paîd notblng. Nov she leannabe bas departed. but vison asked about the mater sbe Mabead littIe Interest and ber friands deelare shie la glad thse matter bas 2 ettled ltself as It bas-by Payne leavlng, Perbapa for good. It developa tisat Payne soid bis borae and wagons and ail of bts ce- met cOntractlng toolsanad equip- meut, Il la sald tbat lie even per- mltted binck compaules trous wbom be bought brick, te get Judgment agMins a dozen lots be owns ln towu ttuhl oping te gel bis full ahane out erthtie propenty. Tlhe Judgments thus given. It la saad, canuot affect bh isle's Ittrests. It la recaiied that Payne filed a divor-ce action againat bis wlfe fol- Jevbg turbulent home difflcultias. whlch It developed Inter. were caus- o04 by ' louYOon is Part, bis vlvld lumgimtell8crrYlng hlm te a point vb«O eho sasred seoiigi tiat aven in t"e trial later, Le tiever came down oerth. Never Prooved Charges Re nmade charges agalust bisvrifre vieai ho vas not able te prove in a"Y degreaiettiehe e&lng which MM eIseOre mige Whitney lu the s1hape of a cross bll,. a insici Sah. asheti for separate maintenance. Pre- viens te thse haarth e court boit egdea-ed Payne te psy is vile on. dollar a day Peudtag final action. He diti 80 for a lime, then came the trial snd tise court refusesi Payn. a divorce, âÏttg tisaI the evidence vas mtirel>' InsufiiCient and his cdaims ver. net auhsgtantiated by thse evi. 400ue. HOwever, tise court nover fermai>' uteri thse aspate mn- tenane order sud thus tihe statut la n4 It vas ta the firot place-payne ls eopPOeedte Le paying bis vife on5e dolla a day. Plsn.d Levîng Weeic Ago Il vas repented noses.tine Cge that hovas Planning ou leqvlng thety l> s-d l la admtted tisai Mr. Payne hOrd tbe report but vould net tait. a«>'10c901àste Prevent is gelng, Le- Iievlsg he vas not resîl> planning te Itlaleàsquestion vbether the court Wini tase su>' ation tb hring Payne bsc5 bore or force hlm te puy Use elimoSy lu question. Likel>' su> saetipo tiat Ma>'cons.yUl corne mos-e- IF 4M reqneet of tise vile aud from *Jgt ber Mneaabte, aise la net 11501>'* wseSfon Payne'% reluru, Le- lug 'qIM lin .lot muttera stand as tbsy(m.vare. ~lel rocsfled tisat Payne figurai ln ma-riamu.±onal Incidents aI bie ka -~ ido dies-eut ocons, . bâ. b.dils ses srosted, as II, attervards ,"M»&vises liemson came bteh W4 qtIseniotiser visen tise tler %@OU" abusie.Atos er lef t home, %sJffl lvod attise Allngtou botel. -NPUM dld coiadrable cernent vork liaWaukopu,. building mail> ceusent uMevalks dusIng th, patsî evenal .10Mars.Dlug te Past tva yaara ho - m" i eont estao brick pavlng. la>' M le Nos-lb Chicago State Street J.Nerht S.James Street, Sberidan 'Ï« &ifOm CbSyton Street otiste bsolo& Me did extensive concret. viaNt et, the Waukegan 'valer vorka »4. bol a big Kenosha cotract a eu aertop.NE .AKE tkOUNTY INDBPENNt, FRIDAY, APRIL 94, 1914. AIRSIIP$ WILL RACE AROUNO THfE GLOBE FR01 SAN FRANCISCO IN 1915. A RONAUTS from ail the elviliset nations of the globe wtb every standard type ef air oestt driveni by motors wlI participate lu an séria race mrund the world, wblch wiii be a teature of the aporting events te be held during thse Panama-Pacife Interna- tional Exposition at $lan Francisco la 1915 The race wili start trom the grounds oethtés Exposition ln May, 1915 andI wiii end there Three hundred tbousaud dollars bas beau huug np ln prises for tiis etipendous world glrdling contest. A numberog the world'a greatest avators have signlfied their Intention ef entering the race& The récent flight of Stoeffler, endlng at Muîhausen. Ger- maur. ln wblcb be covered 1,375 miles, convinces aviators tisat long Slghts are a matter of adeéquate suPPly stations. The above pbotogrnph shows thse route around thse vorid and tbe varions supply stations. THE WORLD'S FIRST INDOOR AEROPLANE FLIGHT, PAN- AMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, 1915. THEE oridas first Indoor aeroplmne fllght wuvade84 recently by Lincoîn Beachey. the American aviator. on the grounds of thse Panama-Pacifie International Exposition ln fSan Francisco. starting at ene end of the Palace of Machinery, vhich la the largest woodenframe structure In the venld. belng almost 1,000 feet lu length. Beacbey attalned a terrifie moientum and rose toto thse air to a helght etffty feet. actuaily flylng for a. distance of »00feet. At the apposite end of the building barrlers of clotb were bLd by assistants tu lessen thse impact of thse seroplane. Tbe machine, bowver, provided vîtis a bundred horsepower englue, eatly tore tbrough thse alotis, and th avlator recelved a severe shaking up. The didiculties of the dilit vere lncreneed by the fact tbat thse Interlor arrangement of thse build- ing consiste of three longitudinal alales each aeventy-five font la vldth. antd Dhacisey fieevclown the canter siole. havtng to keep a straight courese la ot prevent thse serepiane frlein triklug the groat celurnsof et ealîs copyright. 1914. by anmaPa Ini ternational ExpoltienCe. COLOSSAL GLASS DOME FOR PALACE 0F HORTICUL- TURE AT WORLD'S GREATEST EXPOSITION. T IIF llhoograpu above ishows the huc, ,seOf Itorticilture et thse Panalna-tPaCilic InternaQtional Exp-j' lrnet San Franclace lu 1915. The building wlll bt <ozstru icIi almogt eniirely or glass. The huge dojue wili be lat fM trii h(-igbht andi 152 feet tn diameter. At niglit coloned seareblighî t. 1i wlwthlu the bUilding WiiI play Upon the liiiiiIe of the dorme, givliii iltIhe appearauc of aL magnîficent sospt bubble. Iridscent witb ail the colora et the ralfbow. Thea building twill coter live acres. 1 ad a braach of contras-I but Ibis was '00 Proven. Attorneay Orvis repra- sentad Skillbeck. 1DYNAMITE 1MYSTERY EXPLAINED; IT WAS BURIFO 9 YRS. A60 Fifty Pound Box of Explosives Given Farmn Employe Many Years Back. The myster>' et the fintilng et fifty pounda of dynamite on tise bank on tbe sent sida of Sheridan rossi oppo- site Wali's place ou Shseridan road, vas solved teday visan James Blan- chsard, who made 1h. discovar>', ex. Pliled le Asitant Chiot Tyrrel boy It happened te Le tiser.. The tact Io, It vos bus-led there 9 years ago, aithîe tinse the C. and M. bulît Il& railirad up pat tise golf grounds. Ms-. Brsnchard 1uade inquir>'ofethUe Raesides sud Theo. Eusesuad femsd tisai, visn thse cents-solom aflulbot thelr von usas- tise golf ataiosi Ue>' hmd a lot et dynamite lotI.fil avlug been uoesi ln blowUaagup stiuow. etc.. lu thels- coustructickvos-k. Thar' gave «me tob Raesade, smne te Ruseansd nomne t s man vho vcated for Ru@s. Thse latter emoloe 10 *elle ta have taken hie packageo a flft>' Pound* le tise hsuk overtooklug the Nortbvestem ru acks opposite Wall'@ sud busled itt lIese ver. il rensalned ever sînce until Mr. Blanchard accc- deutlîl>' dlscovered It; lest Wednes- day. The employe evidenti>' eR Russ' place, fergot thse dynamilte la>' burled thora and never Ceines acis for l.Thus alil Ibe»e le h lu>'there untîl 1Mr. Banchsard bsppeued te no- tice the top of the box prots-iding from the 11111e mound vit ici ed Eas lis raatlng place aIl thon. ese. The ce-incidentai discoveryofethbie e.plosIve luat ut a lijue vlen tise communît>' vas reoioves-lng <nons tbe ecit of the KonnedY-dYnssnlte ex- Sperlenca, madIe il th$ e br naprtantt, s uggestive sud algniflcant. .1 Contras-ton Oscar Sanstrom, for the1 remodeling ofthUe Coon building. ou Genasea atreat, occutsled b>' tbe Wooi- vonth five and ten cent store, an lus- provemaut vbîcb vili represent an expanditure of about $20.000 b>' tbe ovoars of the building and about $7000 b>'tise Wooîworth people lu lixtunas. Tisa work of reusodaliing wilii atart Ma>' ltainsd the Wooiwortbs bave bean assured ibo>' vili ho Lack lu Useir place luside of six veeka. The support floora viii ha completed witb- In bt> mouIhsefron tise tins. von $tarte. The Woolworth store vili occupy the Hîgie>' building, wbare Seldel uev la, dus-lng the vork of lnsproviug tise Coon building. The WooI-worth atone vîli ocnupy ail tÉe finit floc*s. Tise plana rail for au antis-e glass front covanlng vhai nov comprises tise five cent store and tise *oodbutehoe store. The stair- va>' nov Ioadlng 10 Use secondfliber vili Le remoyed te tise nons th oUte -building, for outrance te tise uppor zlom Tisetve upper atonies yl ho made into orne. reema sud Ms-. Mason vise bas chargefetheb. vrk et chauglua the valuable propes-tystateu ho viii have tveuty-ths-ee fine suites of et- ficeasîcvie il teflulisedInlubard veed wvus mubogan>' stalu finish. vils bob sud celd vator connections lu tise varions suites. Mm'sonsud vo- menas roonis viU b, put lu on each beor. Tisese viliL e elgbt foot vin- dova lnth ie offices. It la tisus seon tise plans cait for 1 s moet latomrte rourrangensont ef titis centrail> located building vhich stands airnosi seronse tiseb-et vait it tise Sun office. .Thse buildings have a fronlagaet 40 feot sud is 120 font deep. Tise improvement viii -Irenafons oeef et leder style devu tovu store buildings lnob one of the moat motI- em businesa blocks ln Use city. lu tact. the Iiprovements au pianned viii represent more than bat aven Loenuapent remodellung an>' building ln Use cli>'. Tise propes-ty la owned b>' Mrs. R. W. Ceeu vise fer yeas, vas a uews- papern alntaWaulcegan. Cut Fowers--- Pot Plants Vegetable Seeds ...............m........... . ...... .... .................... u Marlgute&. e.. ........... 2& 5l55 «à ..................... o>s .20e Hyd e . ............................ 5 Sapd g e;d & ................... il y o à V&UIl................ " & I3edding Plants Vegetable- Plants Meredith Flcower,&- Vegetable Co. APPELLATE COURT SEUTLES OLD JOPP Vs. FAIItURN CASE Widow of Man Kicked to Death by a Hiorse WiII Recover .$1 ,300 Damnages WAS SEVERAL YEARS AGO. Case Has Been Bitteri y Con- tested, Seing Carried te the APPellateCourt Twice. Âccording te a decision aunouneed today tise eeIIuts court bas et lest setiled tise fuamme opp vs. Puirbue Case. solde.,tela scase foght as loug or as bittery n this casa bas boom. Thse Case vas arted lu 1907 snd bau bode cailb o te h. ap elib et avieso - '71e netise count Sf th. verdict cet*#IWO in laver of thse plaitiff. -Aterne> E. V. Orvis s-pe. sentedthlie Jel>po. in 1907 Il la .eharted tisa Barthe- mie opp, a Northb Chicago tessuster, vent mb ltheFais-hu n sloon vboro lit la aileged ho Lecame Intoxcsted. He then started tb drive a tease o splnlted herses te bts home. Just wbat happenad utter that la not known ezactl>' but It la believed tisat .lopp felI fer1ward on the whiffle tree. This frightenesi the borses and tise>' began tsi kick. Theln steel sbod font masbed the lctta's hbond b a JolI>. Then Use horses started to run ave>'. Mail carrier Est>' bappened along about tbat tins. and sloppes tise figbtened bonses. He wss startled to flud tise dead man banglug across tha whfflla tree. He reported thse intten bo the autborltles. The wlfe turned thse case over to Attorney Orvis and a joint verdict of $2500 againat Faîirburo the saloon- keeper and Fortune Birothers Brewlng Company, owners of the building. was returned by a Jury iu circuit court. Tise case was takeni b the appel- late court on a technicality and was remnanded for bearing. lu thse mean- lime NIrs. Jopp had rensarried sud the verdict was reduced tu $1300. Fully five yeara ago Fairburu dropped oct of the case adn tbe brewlng comîsauv bave bean figbîlng it oser since. Tbe cost lInbahecase ahich must be pald by Use brewlng couspany amount to çver $500. It lsaflot thought tIsat the defend- anIs bave any chance to flgbt the case further ubas tbey seek to. get a rebearlng. Anothen Decislon The verdict of the circuit court lu tisa case of Sktlbeck vs. Andressen also vas affirmed by tise appeilata cous-t. TIse suit vas for matarlals fuarisbed lu repating tise old Bern- stein fiat building. Andreasen ciml- RENDERED UNCON* SCIOUS IN PLUN& FROM MIOTORCYCLE F. Lionel, Employecl by Tele- phone Company, Painfuîîy IC Injured New Rondout. UNCONSCIOUS A LONG TIME Brought Back to His Home on County Street, WaukeÜan, ianAutomobile. F. Limail yomng, l thee*poy of tise Chicago TeloPhene COuspan>'89as «tllity mun.. as es-oua>' InJuroul visas ho vas tbrovu fro. i maero- cycle viîle ruding in the direction of Lilierty'dlle. Tlh. sacient sPpened Dntas Pendant. Mr. Young vas uQoon- scious teor an hmurasd a hait alter thse asiodeut bePened- Mr. Ymu g bd beau peut Out b>'tise bolopisene empuY taedosie ornevr noas- uhes-lyvle adsud ant rldiu a motos-cycle. He vas rldt ien slofi- 1>' visa tise accident happed. oti- Is-visoe h probabl>' vonld have broit- on bis neck. As ha approacbed Rondoul lie tunu- ed ont for a ilver>' rig. The front vheel of ibis machina strucis a atone or some othar amail obstruction and lite next momtent b olnd plunged ove, tb. baudiebars and truck beadlrat in the roadt. Tise fail catssed blm tb become uncousclous. The man drlylng the liver>' rlg ieap- ed ut sud aaisted hlm loto lis zig. Ho took hlm lu a nearb>' farmnhouse and surarmoned a physiclan front Lib,- ertyvilie. It cas found tIsaI the vIe- tlmi had received a severe eut ontlie aide of the face sud hcnd whlch bail lu ho sewod up. It waq et final thouglis lie bial sustslncd a fracture ofthtie skuli because lie retniucd unconscl Oua so long buvta beis hoedItIse Ilu jury was net su serlous. Aller lis Injuriem lbal been cared for hq waplaced lu ai) autousiobîle aud bsiuuglt 50 bis homne a t315 Norths Couusy street, where halie il holaid cii for ses ral days. LET $209000 JOU TO SANSTORM ON C O O N BUILDINEifi Waukegan Contracter Gets a Contract to Start Remodel- ing Business Block. STORE-OFFICE BUILDING. Waukegan. Aprîl 20, Lewis F. Mason today aunouucad that ha lied ciosesi a contracî witb Bell System E mployees may blunder i n Ltaking orders, handling ship- ments or refusing reasonable credit to responsible customers. Letters of excuse often soothe without satisfying the injured person. But the Long Distance Tele- phone cali, carrying a delicate compliment in the personal con- sideration, assures- a cordial acceptance of the explanation. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Talephone 9901 jobPrmting CLEAN WORK JbA l FULL ON the a lie iu thet *w t dffl or Ji Ths the i élsd dii dryt vte" Tu lolu be Pt teeste tova damte, the a niai uee lev.a 87. The for VI IC Voru P. ( VolsAi At. lie a a àm day la Vai v tio 'QI T'he b>' tul Worth CrowIrg About Co'nparison of resuita ansd pbxcÙts £- fire and after ubang SaUsSeon Guaranleed e r cney Bark Peatte Ice Vinler. P-od.-ZSe .... Ai-* lduft $ stt..: tngigt on Pr.tts. g sil Pratt*160 pfs o truBool For sale by S. L Tripjs. Ares: F. 1). 1 ittersliail, (;rayuiake; E. V.. Wald & Co., Lake Villa; Wm. lslletzrand, Antioch; Blackburn & Brotighton, Waucorita; Il-L lrehiu. Lake Zurich; Wm. Einsmar. 1Di- amond lAke; V. Satier & Co , Tong (4rove; Fansissck & Rsupp, Btiffa- Io Grove; Ilirshburgu-r Bros., Prairie Vtew: (.00. M. WVeidner, Aptakisie F

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