CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1914, p. 1

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1 - la t pricei r out or à si the maa sY IWI fflAfiCHIBALD 5CCREDIE PASSEI 1111 K1AWAY AFTER LIVING IN COUN-' TL1TV 6chibali TO A DAY. AciadMcCredie, oneofo thé ol< es be stkonreeiente of Mill hum ciity io i Stbis home sari] IaturdgY inoruing, May 2ni, hil deatht heing due to advanced age for lie vas within a ev tuonthe o! heini niaety yosrs oId. LESER FOMERMr. McCreie lbai livi l inLak4 COUNTy BOY, $AV* U. I. WILL is relatives deelàra they beliae il BAVE LOVES IN MXC. h aet aecut n dc SATSWI' A FlIN IN IE» The MCredia famlly la one of!the NEW&pApER MANE SAYS MES. in the northwestern portion. SAGES BV WORD AND WRITUNG The wite of the agei man dled soin CAN * AE50 OC, vive: Wrlting unie UDNI.White aod Mre. William Mill. bis own nainror Lasie %lias; Mrs. ). 0 toug. Leslie, B ColWtla@la, Wauicogsu George and John of formerly o f Lake Villa. Waukegan an_________ Llbertyvllle a son of Byra Colbyof Lber.DEFENDANT IN tyville sud broter f MDOGi CASE 15 NOT T. A. Simi, ef Wauke aeetn law iUILTY, JURY SAYS O' te ilx Verdict Was Returned Ater a cn Ame- Deliberation Which Lasted as hoe views ]IL Lester B. ColO. Over Seven Hours. froim a l'oint close to the border lino lu Texas. lis contribiution aoar $1 ,000 DAMAGES ASKED. ln the Iloustun, Tex., t'hronicete o! Airtl 2--t1, a palier of whicb ble 115 one Highand Park Man Asked Of the editors. Mr. t.olby declares that -Truth wiil hie mlghtier thon tîhe Damages for Dog Bite ln- A-nrca odir n sallore; arc flicted Upon His Son. going it IMeleo ('îti- No une doubts that. TbeY vilI go If they are iAfttr a telilîeration wbirch tasted orderedti t. But ItlaI a inighty task '. seven and1 one-baît hours. a jury lu There lie, between Vers Cruz anti the couoty court returned a aealed ver- capital, ivamus sud mountalo ranges. dict Tbursday nigbt ai n1ile-thirty canyons and tunnels and oly a wind- o'clock ln the Higland Park case ID9ratrOM thOug Jugle an boelu which Mr. and -%Irs. Harolti Van lgrallrsdthrug uglsatihaoHausen vro the defenants lni a suit r Nineteen tunnels must 1w Paased for SI,é00 tdamages broughi by Harry thr'ough by any train going trom Lindoloom through bie taitier as hie Coaset tO MexicO City over titis roati. 0051 beet frIenti On a charge that hoe And Iis wll le thougha ho bi een rendered quitte Ii as the re-. conty he nativeshrgbave oeenltilo suit beiug bitten by a dog blonglng that the gringos are devîle. Tbey b', Sto ocl the deedat.Te Jryoon. Ileve that when they como that thoa w 'lokl h atron caPtured wilI ho tleeti 1h kulves The firit ballot stood 8 10 4 for se- and psrbOiled alîvo.i quittai. Ono hy one those vbo fav- Thes have been told that their n orod a verdict were von over util tIve trooPs compare as angols ,,î,h fnaliy the ballot vas clear. One or theee forelgu hoenda who se coming two of the Jurars eviently bai strong to desolate them. Feov cau rend. roil'vctlons that Rome sort o! damages Few reallv bave mucb lpower of sould lho returnoti wbich accounted thought. Il la claimed thal thore are fr t act that a decîsion was not OnlY 3,060.0()l white&sln ail Nlexlco. reacbod untîl late ln the evening. 0111Y estrda th dipathessalt llie alegeti attack by the dog took that nativ.e nowspapers ln .%lexico p c at Soutember. The defonti- Cit wee pintng hatEngand G r sdoclareti their collie dov la in 1e msny. France sud Spain bad leclarod' erolan svygnt.Th war on the United States sud thal the ec edeit bstbat the negrOos OfthlIe Southerti t tes bad LUndbloouî boy vent 1010 the Van risen ini revoit. liausen 3ard tu deliver a Palier to Unted Stales Muet Teach Truth. lune o! the Van H-ausen children. The ('ountlems livem viii bie bat .'merl dog apparenily lbougbt the lioxv as cao ives andi native live-uîîleas the going to strîke the cblld for lie word of trutb la ,arrtod tii the- naîlve snaPPed at hlm. How 111 t li sen to heni "" indbtoom claimis that lie vas put Howwit itho ontb tem'Thcy 10 much expense as a result of dortor muat lie taught that the Ar'îoricaxisbillis and that for a long time the boy are ringlug thoin freedom -not toir- vas unable 10 use hie 11mb. turo anid datit. Already the var $, report vas ecrrent that the de- dopartmenl has Plane for carrying fénse bai agreed to settle out of court temn the truth veIl under way. for $500. Attorney R. J. Dady wbo agu l pirobble ha telv1"Press repremenled the Van Hausens brand- ageu vii fiuremor lareisb Iis'ed iis as a falsehood. He admitteti than in aY var thal bas beaon fonght bis client bi agreeti to psy the doc- ince time began. If te truti Co be1 tor bille as s moral obligation but sent to the natives-soi iIf thoy can said Uundhioom vas not aatlsfied with bo maie ta hliee-victory for Amer- this and tbougbt itewas entîtledti 1 Jean arme wtll ho near and thousands damages. (Of Ilves v ie hoade. Mexicaus lSght- for self Preservation Oftener than for Patriotisin. Prluted circulars wiliehojlt looge To paraphr»ass familiar verseo oer lte Cilles aud wiIl go flutterlng $Pexking Of te average MlexiansÏ down among te bousses. Tbose vho lOve for bis presiient and it patriot- can rosi vilI apreai the word to tomin l defense of Ibose in ecntrol o! those who cant. Henibilla wtil take bis goverament la about as folows: thte placo .of bullebe. Hilie laa love la Ilke bis glove, New Er@ ln Mexico Near. He weari it Bt bis yul. A new rs tn Mexico jsusear. Pro- He'. alwaya trueit ta te newoab. gress laetaIhan. The oid Order of And ho ioeia't Camra spll. Ihinge la eltrUmbllngs ency la Show lm that te United Stt8 taking the placq of lneflecieacy. An. le bss, itaîo peuona iajry sn tbquity loday le wal*Ing ot o! Mou-. teuflandbe illholer -vie Gi e. Modem Idees arO t&klag moat tenaimai vlUboler VI - The situation bas ual risen la a day. tigos i s esl sit rya)-It bas beau slOWlY grOving for a cen- But the-e muet ho methoi lu the tury. It merely haPPons that thet ime manner ln which we go about citaug- ls hero. Ing u lyalt, fom Rert toun. A great duty bas settled upon the Worg Oft mayatv fin teul ert 0us.UnitediState. .To stOp) 00Vw ouli of cerring messages la Mexico. This moto but ta delay an hour. The pres- les hecaue onfew cao n . a.And eut Crisa is ebut an incident lante le aima because printed Word le sure- cycle of lime. The boum o! Ainari- enoub eldone sd a atie lacao cannons lun te harbor of Vers QUIoCkly shot If a handbill-le fou ni Cruz vas but the knocking at the ioor Inbis Clothoswhc those lu omn by a frieudly visitor. lu whicit coman Thel ar, for war It le, that bas Tha Unote'Sas mustsenomes Jet tarted la as inovitable as lite or ieesnaie taess muet s aed om es- îhî This la an hour of great mean- sengrs, stle mesenera hea I ng to the whole vorbi. Some must ItS aMY. Tbe native loves plotting. sufer, dame alwsys sufer. But a Il vîlI nI ble bard to onliat hlm as a great day Io dawotug for Mfexîco sud .Plotter for Insteai of againat the Unît- M exicans. It meaus thaltbe "rovolu- ed States If be la convloced. ldon s year" viticb bas been bbc pro- Varions plans are airoady under ai- grain la Mexico for a century, except Svisement sud Amerlesn arewiness durtug the relgo Of Liiez, an Imperial, can ho depouded uPon ta inti a wsy miitary emporor, muatIlho relegated -The schome can hoe apProacheti front to the past. a thousani 'angles. One picturosque War bas been carrlei 10 Mexico DIan suggeated la te seni Seroplaoos that It May have pecoý-a lastlug- user the ciles as the armIes reach peace. WKe shoulti be proui that wç thier gaes. Theso aeroplanes v-ll are tie measeugera. cary messages o! peaco, callIng on 1110 Pee o lay dowu their arms Iioedn ece l onsl aid accept-unibed States protection, Idpnetmco i onsi uuaraateelag ealety. Take County. COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAr4 MY U LIÉMETYVI1JLE, LAME COUNTY, ILL., FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT 81 ~O PER YEAR IN AflVANCIe. Aflfl CCIDENT SATURDAY IN ZiON WAUKEGAN PIONEERS 33rd Dl now w cnnt ffrdtodup t e, tmoso songe torutulate In hi. mini, novvo anut afardta umpinlahosayi. but before he cao gel Ibem te sîroot. go, legaUly, vbst aivice copyrfgbted5 soute buman ývampire. du -you gIve us?" askoi one of the sa. exercîsiag s pover o! teiepathy, gteola boonmen~. bis thoughts ani selle Ibonto, coin-, posera vho proceodti u gel theta copy. As nuother business as bruugbt np rlghbed aid ben roalîze npon tlimu. tbe board adjonrnei tu Moniay ight oaIfNe sali ho bas allavedt Iis t10 goon tbis weesi. for somne 1111e lime but ltat nov bo - eouli receive roylties for HalfDayHo ,IdeOn. hie vosk." Hait ay Noa On."Doitbseni me te s crazy, bug- Whle Vornon townsip veut dry bouse Institution," ho hogged. "Il'a hy il votes sud te saloons o! HaIt not crazY. la a man bugitonea M Day thus page out o! existence, the hecanse ho vauta lu get pay for bis work?" tact li-' hey bave unlil the lth O! Dr. Anbrose tuok the stand aid de. Matt>Ihere tla extst legally. Thore ta carei be bai exautincd Wlsonaid nu villago board ta Issue a liceuse, hsi taîkoti to hlm. He saibilora ls their permit coming frou thte couuty na question lu bis mini! but that ho board. The state lav. namiug May la o!unusouni mini upon titis subjoct 7tb as the date, tbug cavera RaI! Day. -on other maltera hi- saiti ho eeut. A Waukeg-au attorney declarea the i oh oml nuceo h local option lav provides thal the cd 10 hmanormal. An nuclt e 0f itas county board ahaîl refond an y portion He sai that abîoult îîîî Years ago o! a lcense fee vben the tovo be- Wilson vas struck and îtîjnreinlatlb comes dry. hack by a svltcb engin c- Ho thongitt Lake Villa Granbe Extension. paslhly tbls mightlibu xi- ai somne- In Lake Villa. howvser. vitere lte thlog 10 do vititbis aI- ration. tovu. iucludilg te village. siso sot- ________ ______ ei dry, by 43 votes, te village board la vhlch to vinti up lîir busiuess Weiuesiay eventog, April 29, grant- and they bhug comply xith the sbalc ed te ahort-time license asitet for by law viticit aays titey iase uIti 30 te saloonis ta permittem ta OP'iaya aflor te 7th of XpriltIlu wtlch erale up ta April 7, lte tise ixod by to close up. thte state local option lav._________ The tvo saloonîstsa afeclei arc: Johu McMahou and ltroi Meyer. LakeCountys hbig veekly-fliDu Theae men vere given until May 7 PENDENT. Lawrence Hurlburt Is Taken to Scene and Made ta Compare His Footprints. Rabberi broke mb toe piotograph gallery o! E. Schattsschueider near te Mon City administration building Thursday nlght, stealing toerefrost ten foiing caueras. The tiiet bas uel beau approhoudet but yard bas been sont te the nelgb- horlng police. Tlhis utorning vbsn Mr. Scitattescit- nouder vent te hie gsllerY he fauni that a viniov utai ti- rear o! hie prena- lacs bati beon prleti open. He aiso touni footprlnlv ln thte gardeo anti front s close tnsPecliouî il appeara lit there vere Ivo moentutPlicatet ln the roitherv. itlohoks- as If the mon lîad been iriglîtescît hefore thoy enter-i th place. ai. tIi- iooiPrltîts vere traci-t to an aîîîle trieviiere bhy vldîîtls- ran tor siitcr, The- mon maie a cont- ploIe su ceîî NitIithe photo supplies anti heyonît tlîîr traces ln theogardeui. titey lett nuocl-]ýw ta titeir Itientity. Lawrenice- Burihurt vas arresteti ibis moroIng out a warrant s-vorn out by Mr. Schattîesi n eier on suspicionî. He vas taken-ti ttue Police station soi bis shoes wpird renoovod andi cnt- parei l wth lte-,îîrints aI the roar o! thte studio. Tiîey vore faundtet cor- respond exactly. BOARD Ru R FUSES FI EOEPARTMENT TO SON 0F .Tis issue eontains the (le. GREE BLANK DISCOVEREO IN TO GRANT SA- ASST, CIEFI'ANDYSIDE. linquent Tax List of Lake BACK F OLD FRAME. lb LOONLICE SESbuildigs lathe chlinybnas rod on SCOSoegta~ec hrdnCub of colored umen ai wihtefrm4 lM g ore. mk oa f40U e., hrdnRoadtsi raklnFrIday &pond toi a fire' 1uI4, élIe dowutoi rau acrose a certificate wrltten on Saloonkeepers Make Applica- the lover floor la le M t avo lime ______--_________ arhonbeugg anenyrs tion for Week's Longer Lite, walkbng or ru1i1flISo*n~ the alairs: 1Mentilt <t! atkegan wbIcb certified ZIOn City bus s* tS Polo andKO DO T IE ÇTbal become a member oftIhe 3lnui But They Are Refused. arouni the opamting ugWga vlî the up- iT L OS egroe of maesoaty. Per tloor lsa adoor huligosvlb UhDgiarm mr Thweriiae oete1 sa 'WKAT SHAIL WE DO WITH givos vay s tb grab he ou u 8' la IR Goorgo Dewey, an early resideut and SUÙR STOCK?' THEY ASK. Polo, beiug tera i1teoep the yP. M Iikoly vouli é ho h de greatly by viai troin blowlng ltrougb lte 'IIlJK IA the descendante of tat asrly rami. L iber lyville M on C u l O ff F roM m op alg .de t T ele tiic t hbn it s Business-Lake Villa Men otra bu 'ie stcie.Pr h~Sae rHi-e f i F. lugRIli, father o! Ingalîs Police W. H. HmaaêeO f Zion CiyFr pc tatdi ane Brothers, as secretary o! the local Get* Short Extension, vas ln the uPPeaM f he boZion Late Thùrsday Destroyed Alasons. station and i@ is 1111lire. poar oh d The date vben hoe vas maie a SIPtI At the adjourneti meetingof Ible vilage 00 sonws vlth hlm. lTe boy bai>- Two Hoss degree man vas Marrit 101h, 1907, hoard heu Thureday nîglit ro ast vepk peneti to wsîk 1 -in t tmontm lier,,ad"te MENa o h Hbe the saloon keppri of Libertyrille pro- te iole reste ad ot knovlugIbal MEACED SEVERAL OTHER l'.Ionthe VeOdar A. M. 56.- senteri thoîr application sud bond for the loor tihere vas faise he vaîketi BLDGS., INCLUDING STORE1 Frankilin wascbgo aarep- wealoos lies-,, liut theoldanppilcatio n Il 'ln": Ilgave v»y prorîpltatIng Lke-ture vblch had been glven hM, re- bo rd i o b'ylteinasu uw t loor beloy. Tho e ei aeBluff Fire Department Is ro ngthe lîcture nt tv-o lidcolor- he omr a i orda c)e o lanîIRl-i un bis hade sndknees Cle t cneBtItI ed Ipeople. lte tou'ndiconille back ut Thin frr(' lll'riwscabt10 the - taH of about fftteoletctanti ld oSen u i s the board,. tacked ucare!ully thia î,rd.-r iiitreeidit i alm,,.- naturail, the vwini vas Iinocked on Unable toi HeIp Much. parclimexiî certiftcate. b-r% bouc lîfeent. Iti-r tl.ýý- lerý bLad o J o! b. as- the sayir<gn es. Piremen called île- nul sud the pr-t-ient Iiad rubdo lIe fellov'saldaid it onao1lt 111e utIle juoction t Irstaldln te san affou leic nteractioîî of ! 1h M YFO C bAoe tl Le a!butiese tidt in i-e,î rs ai n hpetEt. & F.aloi te ~& Si putrail-SAEMA OC thene nirrber wrc otenitie entuorl-e of the Zion eders ho w ll t uipedof tie- ap ly a W U E A OS O lie-tel ,,l ~Pai- i-r hlm and later t i- re- fui eae ilhrd tin 5:45 r--idc l il Wu<1h TO tasat blre a rd.uines hîud ho erion. ll ,-a I rgt vli li-Ittîle hatil-t , m'ho arerniostîr !oreign lraisatci i~ t, lîîaîl Trsts Cu an 'mal spot vhlch .-ccnîeîbors vorkin- .. the railroada s, , POLLUTION 0F LAKE uttiîinuiir dth e-ien oti rsti i mtoua(i iF atdthe base o! tire pife Ibhat iaved ithe place front total le- Or-sut~~~~~ I-t,11 -ulueiiiiali-but mil,1, s eclarci ta o utofnu on- Xs ct i itaoriui eai!cnSection un State Law Gives the uîo ii- id tb-îidîi oti-urup then y-r.seliei-tnta. vert- iletrîi' d. a., fuîtivs. Puvers and LakeS Commis- liîîutesvii ilcuadjuru a-n Ir Tha.t t'le ho, -qcsped hein1 killeti Steve Krobowski, six ront hoe, Siiale riiad,- th, slat-iu-nîtutitre t- I r itl tiuihlîlflg short o! s miracle sec part o! contente avBaec. sion the Authority. vaa "ft-tiu~ L,- ltgalIy it l iii,ý ordlrî,ztui bis father vbo naturi Anirew Sc.hwsrtz five rmcm cottage, bti-.iuos thut the old boîard uuight tran- iI [n-cdt h tori allalo! contents etaroyed.. K'otowskl I î h iiu Vikcub oc saut 01 4iig mmurd tat o rport he l1ý rshedto he loo !,lov 1nw..etihthouss. Schwartz je hi&e Vl h l3 f akrnb oc atc.( btus ass u-d at u lLiort al-r hucthe thud. expecteil 10 ibrnther-în-iaw, Pd to rcarrafc-e Its extensive sever so uId i-. uwiu ld ltt-îuptde wtt îdli ii et rna ot Places which caugitt flire but vert vR qten17is te- i c v ronfrontbti vitit ohi andrd. h, n-v m-ibc-svtîiv___________saveti a niv cutulîliVn to aîld ni- th- îlp- iu niblbuioeltrs w-r,- Residence o! John Spoor, E. J. antid -io-ecuîî irllxaruîtlrg S'lien r-vdy si aîi;-urn. But b fore tht-Tp U ITSO LN E agenrt ati.Oîofc utJ0q 'Stnt 5 n ct tnrlittre o ifyg mtotion lu adjoiuru 1555 oti-dor, et-rtrai MooT TO E Gnr sor ndI - queofJhns-m i nexediue fnin 1Ih aonkeprakdtoernMoe thousanda o! dollars? That is us aul e fut- a bou k-prsssbuthoraeil fV A PIE ADepob o!fte E. J. & E. railîmati. Ilon that i is ow hotherlig the iteada a icns fra -a, u tt-prsdi-te t A1D M IJ Ic la sJ lulte ruv utfliuses in whicb tbe ut the- utnlcîpaîily ince It vas luiorinedt tithlat no action wouidi ., tvo v bich wero destroyedevere bo- learnedti hat there tE a section ln the lakeoi hp teheitturdl as hoconeliere-d $ 10090N Dh lA Mcatoti, vere ses oral uther emall ui~U~J~f>U _M8 AGES places, aIl osat of the general storoe tale lave, that statos ini part: lta that the board Lau nu ligaI right to - of lite bamlot alongsie the nortit aide ail streauts or lakes in vttich the do »o. 0f IL, roati. The tw. whlcb vore stateofo!Illinois, or auy o! Ils dil- Aitthis pîlul tii- preidemtt addreoed Harold L. Wilson of Lake For- burnedtoi the grounti, vere rlgbt ai- zens bas sny intereet are nat lu be laJcent 1in tbe store. The tire accord- poluted or tiefiied. by tite doposit or thé board andthki lblithe t-inhors lfor est Claims ta Have Origin- Iîîgly, vas kept fromntite other col- adiion o! any Injurions substance.' theaerte co ounutht-nd forîers u ated Popular Songs. taites aîthougit the store soi postofilce And sblil, tbere la another phase of hfrt c-oeatonofth eibepan'caugbt lire soveral limes. the question vhlclt makea It the more expi-essei a destre that tht- uew huard The home o! Agent Spoor la locat- botbersome, andti iat Is-Doos the show the@ams pinit. JURY OUT BUT 2 MINUTES. oti on the soutb side of lte big eut. section roter to ail bodiles o! vater The uar thtn ajouroti the~ lankutent on vhlcb tbe eiectric ruai that make up the boundarles o!flte Thg o ar mothe hoio C. , hoye ohn etunVritAdu gHmruns to Llbertyville. The bouse vas state or la revise soi bring ont the goiD meber beng . B Boya, ohnRetrn erdct Ajudnq im s fr vay trout the real dire -vhich troubieeome query more cleariy, la Dllenmuaier anti Abert Faulkner. Insane and He Is Ordsered started lunlte Krotowski home, as Lake Michigau Incluiet ln lte bodies The nov meuiheta thon took Iheir IdvoLeh possible lunlte hainlet, yet o!fv-ator lieteti as boing o! Interoit soase sud tbe premident calieti the- huard Committed ta Asylumn. the sparks IliteIet to thte air andti lte alato or lis ctizens? Ir il la, lai ide, to nv m-nît-rt hlngW. loateti user theboig embankutent asoil il yl iean as the nitimate resuit, to oiTeat sheeDaw mtnibe mast lire to il three t1mes. ilowver, the Installation o! an lntercepting Ciîiiine, C. E.oSuthe, Jr.. sod har tbe taints i wva atchinig il andtitey sewer anti a plant for thte disposaI of Wrîahî. The irst îpropoisition 10 coule- braîn but tilat lits tîîougitîs vere ex tincutshei the tire each time, thus te sevage at Ibis clby, If lte sec- ýup was tie- application for saloori stolen by a humai îamîîlre before sv ILthe piet alrthbdesf liecenbes. lie coîtît reali-,e on, tIi-u dt Ihat TeE. J. & E. tieîot also seemed waster liîst pase Ibrougit or border ou TruîeeSitnleniat- moionto heas renîthe a iftili- 10aI sato10Le inthe pettatth!te living aparkis the etato, Waukegsn vIlIonot be atone Trusts Siialeniad a mtionto te asa reuîlu roya nlted i-astnie vmistîclicarniet user the big baur. Ses-- in being forcei to meat the tiemani t-lict-c at ' l vitvf'tthe-fautil tathIbs itors rlaiîn coîurircourt thiseoral limîesitilcaught lire but each tise maie upon Il by the river atdtfaakes trriîory bias bt-tome loîcal option lt-r- mornlog by Harold L. Wilson. 21 teueu uktat ot nicr outso !tlnuvlhogn ritory, the liet-nees Leonlt ranted andi yeare ohd, a Laike Pore t young inan pts,- rc-uted iiith fblilaes belng con- Ization founi Ils hlrth in the sectuon thal the marchaI ho tnstructed lu nutiy vio vsa boing Itridtirrhus sanity. Tbold rte a utd On other subjecîx lie alupearedti ta h re Ia, o! coutrse. nu lire prutet- The cty of Waukegan nov bas tvo aIl saloon kîspers lu close thoîr places normal. Ater retiring ultbook the lion ini the banillet anti the rositenta outlets pourlug sevago Into the faike. at eieven u>clvckIt uî ght aud 10 keep iju-y legs than tv-o minîutes ta reacia bati to gel viîar wter tbe>- couli lu Accoriig bti te section these cutlets theut cioseti. (oue-ofthle saloon mon s verdict that the voufut man abouti huckcts from the noarlîy voIla, vbiclh vouli have lu ho cextralizod au that liiti ske Iht tt-boad gantIhet hoconiuitei10an rlun fr Isln the case o! the tvo bouses vhlch lte sewage couli hoepassei t trougb then skedthalthe bard rant lusmacnyte. Thiaa or uretidue gi agondi start, vas o! little servtce. te sevage plantsandutipuriliot belore insne.Thi wa orere doe. The Lake Bluff lire tiepartinent re- being tiapositet Inlto the lake. The lic-iueo tu operate tht- six isys wblch the 'Wiltson ast in court uîulietly listeuIuga local option lie graultd tht-mbut the toi the testimoox againt btmiailt.IM- eluontiedti 1a cal) tu asaitlbut before cost o! lnatalllog sncb s plant vould urtgi~a moionol ruset-Sutle as llyStaes ttoncîîîay tmnei ~thev arrivet. the buildings bai been lho large.,îîrobabty upvari o! $100.000, putginl amoetionoftcrstei vithout albita t egatne ask hu qedtniurnedt bthte grounti, but If lte von CouilesfroutIhe rivers putto tet nd arred itout& hnabdb areoask a so ueuvionsr. An overbeatot chlmuey lis upposeti antilats coutudsslojt the Iustallatton lîssenting vote, The saloon keopers aWil s aelier asîaovng liaIter. tobave startedth ie ire. vilI hava ta ho dons. WilsTnegidesthf the twwni I1etpofspop. thua refuseti a icoime are. ular souge as somin ltaI orlgiaatdIn lhelit eolln !the lwa t r ieon- Fre Enierlein. his brain:thpoltoofhewerofheCm Peter Boreneen. "Trail of the Louosorîie Pins," ZO A L R Smnelh hc aamtel e James Broya, lun My Harem.'af>agqg opulaonace tho te Iceé "Up the River North tarollna." TeAetin f1h ctwhc cn Chris Boyichon. "On Mobile Bay." i4uffuIEU; ÀTh secpu tion oflteh- twbci cn Behm & Wagner. Wlson saiI vas no trouble for tains troubleome phases to, Wsuke- "Whal shal vodo vitb aur stock? hum to compose theBoesonge. At vprk M N V an CiIII1 ty aela ltea~s sîî river We darenolsitI unier pour orders MANhoo itrBrhohipe e iszi Y as.,vaaauaAîg - . aund inseo commiîssit o0e ltaI ailt etreame sud laktes lu vbich the state1 o! IlîlIols, or any a!fis citizen. basr auy rîght or Interest are net te be pol- I lutei or defileti. hy te dePosit or ad- dition o! auy Iujunlous substances,a sni ltatte saine are ual affectai Injurioualy hy lte ilacharge thorelu Of auy fouI or lajurlonasauh'clanoee. au ltat the flsb or eqnsllc life lis de- etroyeti. And If upou invesllgatiou the commission shall fini that sny o! the streama sund Iekes are so pollut-u Pdtan sd efiled. or ore sffected Injuri-t ouely hy the diseciarglng Iherelü o! auY foui or tnjuriaue substances se Il that the iait or otiter squatic hîife la T dostro> ei. Il sital hothe dnty ofsai Il commission 1e enter an Orler ccm- manding the aitatemeut o! sncb nuis-m ances vititin sîîch lime as may ho C ixci b>- the comniiseiou. . ('omrtiils-iiiier .1. J. flletme ' er, o bei-ilf thte 'trottandsudbîîlic lut-at liroveîiieux devîtrtnîetît of the city uni-v 1,t tel levi t hat lte soi-lion ivili affect Waili-gan. a 1 lîî eIfeel iliat lte la ilv-tIi to-t affl-i the11w eage systes o!riVau th kieznîi. 1,05 cir, 1Iintenî to10looklte th rni te r i t- le saidtlods s-"l believe st thiat Lake'- Michigan la clas;seil as gos- crtiiintIati-r-ý,.oîer vhicb te sîste y( bias no cîîîtrol, bt niai- ho litIlte t section in quiestrion refera oniy te ki navigale streams, vhidi are coo- ltIile4dh, titi- tate. but I intendte bIr acquisnt tii>self of thte rt-ai roference TV of the artic-le aI the earîtest posaible at monent." i IORTY PAGES LAKE- YOL.XXII.-NO.3 'ho 409b or baak. or about iRIE )f J0E ATKINON 0F.ROIuwdU Y VICINITY HAS, FRIO14W*L EXPERIENCE Wrm feAMI- MtAL WHIbR P#.E1UUY dHAD ALWYS BEEM BGEV- TLE-TWO FARU HPMO RUSH TO AID 0F E14,Le1-ý ER BUT THE BULL KEEPS ON GORING ANDO PAWING HlM ABOUT THE YARf3r COdLLIE RUSHES TO RES- CUE, AND, WITH BITES AND BARKS, DETRACIS BULL'S ATTENTION WHILE WORKMEN RESCUE HlM. Wlîbh twe bired men trylng te beat off an enraged huit whicb attacked hlm and ws pawtng and buttlng hhn alout the yard, les Atkinson, who lives wa1th bis mother a mile and a hait northeast ot Rou'ndout badi bi life saved when a faithful coIlte dog. reglv(>nding te the sbouts ofth e m'en and the victlm, ruiahed at the buli, bit his legs and nose and tlnally dis- tracted the animai's attention auffi- t entil v t enable the worlxmen to han- tie Atkinson away toe afety. The experience of the Young far- 1mier wbo is 24 years nid and livsS with bis mother who la the wtdow of Malthew Atkinson. a weli known rosi- dent of the sectlon. was perhaps the most trtgîtful that any maxi bas gone throxigh lu Lake couoty with an en- raged bull andi lived te tell about IL The Inciden t occurrei Wednesday. The buill, slways9 kînti sndgontte. was let Itt the yard where the wstering trough la,( and,. osch niht ho voul walk In, take his drink sand wal quietly back te bis quartere. BsqB Wedpeaiay, as Atkiuson' atOoie. titg for the animal te prcee4i laek to his pen, the animal suddenly turn- eti on him. To.eed 'in Air. Ho tossod the Young fariner mblb. h air but Atkinson fortunatfly lsaniedl on bis kneos when ho bit the. grounn; the bull tossed hlm again. Thtis ime the victim landod on bis bacli a" lthe bull camne alter bIM ,Pawing ai butting hlm as ho lay prostrateoios the ground. The vlettin ehouted al] this tion for heip and two tari bands rushed te bis ald. They endeavoredte t beat the enragçd bull off, seeing their mas- ter urier bis foot wbîcb ho was using to ativaxitago Iu Pawing, Pullfng and poking Atkinson about the yard. Fet a hundred feet ho biadt dragged Voilà- ed andi butteti the vttm. The efforts of the hire.d men Wero unavaiiing for tho bull juit kept on with bisesport. Ail Ibis lime the nmen weres sboottng te a collic dog whicb was about theplace and @MI-. iv. just.aa* the situation was becorn- ln soedangerous that titey tIthe&i m aster s lite was likely te ho sa ci- ficedte btr inability te gel lthe an- imal's attention detractei. bte dog came bouncibg on the icone. He MWv what the trouble was et a glane ad started Il ter the bul.i-t. e bit bis nes as the animal waî beilaig bis bead over the dog's master, thon »a bit bie legs. The madienetibil n- turally vouli tomrnlits attIlsuipaate 111. iog gnon, musai tbe wqràUaMU 49 they kept on trylng te tletràet l animal'@ attention. S" ww~ugb.- that's what bsppened. Turne On OU,. The hull, enraged by thte appeul'. ance of the iogs&d Itsl& ateu"wea witb wbat ho was doing lurtd arn the big collie and starteiaflter bin. The caIllle uniauted aid seefag le, reallIe titat ho wus pu n~e Imvportant part in lthe nuuu=1y. would nip the bouet atft away, ail the time beair OaW* the butte o!flte bull az b. <uihM at him. Man la Reeou.d An'd, the hired mem lb.minute On bull's attention wai eàÏutg« a11W do, made a rush for Milb u àg.mb unable to aid blinseif. &V 'prau mo lte ground. Tiiey quiek& 1 rp' hlmn taelthe fne fe thon jumped toesatety ljhqWW"p, Thé dog ail Ibis tUax, wâs a Ivkii lime of bis lle doiglg thé em.10 bulles rushes and, alter hoMeaW hie master eafely outai. lte feue., ['ollie, as If ta ssy goodbye te l9a hull, gave one teud yelp and lampi over the fonce Bt a honi, eeemiuË gatisfled wlth bis aflernon'. wok. Baiy Uruisc. That Atkinson was not k(ilied s0cm. a mtraculous thlng. Ife vas terrib& brîîised but ho le able te ho up about tho place, Iujured seo adly bowevqr, that ho vili ho unahie te von.- for sonle days. His friands idcare. wouldu't happon once in a titoq«"a years that a man could go titrougla sucb an expérience vititout retding killed. The ltll, borealter, wbleb boa 4«à ýrea*ed an hludly and aiWe a sb Yoredom, about lte yard. yul aow bg1u a,.iag 'put in bis nase mat Ubot banWed ias hecomnes bis ONE TO BIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCk

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