,e Two. LAX C0U1NTy tNDEpENENT, FRIDAY. MAY 8, 1914. game and it won becaussof hum support- that tbe Waukegau boys copped. We L.... fA ONDLAKE j - K ezpetCtO effect an organizatioli this ç al e. and CO have a full fine up la Firt dance of the season at Biertelsé the field nezi Sunday and with Dole'PakPvln.iafDy tua, burliug arm back la diapo and iwo May 9. 0od0 re0 surd good left bandera tbe outiuok for a Mrs. J. C. Bartti @pont Mouday la wlnning team ibis pear te liriglit. Chicago. qur local chool carried off most of 1r n is e.Gbk eePi.d Correspondent and Agent test last Friday taklng six out Of elgbtw '-J riss. he r.lowlig re ilocliMre. R. Liii, Br. sud MissnlicLain were pe 7 winners of wbom we May Jusuatifestinlathb.cipy Wedneda* Mms.LLis Ames o Libertyviliee pent proud: Violet Porteous, lhi wrltlMi Bob Roue motorod to the cty Sun- en NMdai et ths home of9IR. . Doolîttile. Blanche Shaddle, ilnd wrtting; yim. day. c -:ii Day mvdIs i nwrsdneFitzgerad, legeogfapP et Abg Luella Mitchbell. 1penlt Satnrday ln Chi- te thinnéloe subdivision lest week. 2nd geographl Violet Porteaus, lci fo.vi J. W. Itodgmrc0a Racine, la vlstlng speiling; Nelle Runtinatoii, 2nd spelling. cegi opi ua.aoak li nn wftb 1Mrm.Mary Swan.WIIPisweaGylaeviorn jilm George Brown of Wauksgan, COUNCIL PROCEEDINOS. Sondai. wMtd estwsk ituMn su Ma.j. R«slr ,Meetig ofithsBoard ofi rsdma Ot reton.d from tih@ li a E.Aailsi.Truatesofithelag e 1aiArmSbeet lta weckka.omUied iby hagrand CI PeU Bi idfely I betyilevilage hallMondai, Ma 4, 191.4. I ram nMlvi n d Kenntk Kubi. d Pul "ymd tmiy of ÀboPressai , Vaicôn, preldettrstw sp., as B dai wth Mrm Emma Eerach- PWes rvn-,useiUàrlgryhiat w Donaldion wiio «pnt hie vaea- Murrie sud Auibr t. Mi.. ese eu'.dtbsI Cbksou 1CbifflO, câied Tb*iIaIlu'tu 0ai ie provinces meeting hum la lMawood,Sundei. 9 *W*haud hm son Tuccdaioaithls week. w«»r ed sud appraved an motion fi Ru~ th »d M.i Knigevisitait er S bO& Russll sodi!tamlly apst sundai Rasseli sud Irvng. granilotheait Ama Sunday. with reltves le Lake Fore& Prelsst Vatsaon aPPOlnted W. D- Mm K.liiapsat Saturdai suddBanday Doroubsa Holcomb satertalcéd ber Portsaue as treecarrfor tue ie6l Bird et Geo. mtehll&s ,t1sM m Ui.Mrr&Y of Chicago, e few itheappoltusut wu5 canllrmed one 1fr. sud lieS. chneder vIgtsd a.aick &aslet waek. . motion of Irving sud Wel&ls.watLk uic fdy Gcrgs Roma sud femlly of Chicago Tii. treesrer then read bis reglar nus iLi uihFlav *ad Mr. sud Mns. D. A. Aynley o! montbly report wblii wusendlted iii Russell Towner oeebraiod bic aesuii BlhlndPak~apntBoda t th@ the finance commttes and accepled an blrtbday May let by glving a part, ta . H.Aynley ihoms. motion o! Russlsud Knlgge. snttieahrwu bd obooalme. Apl- Mn. . L ewta lei Moagy fr a The falowlng bis were rend: sltun e c yal -]dr uii herLaewnteC At yfron. L. Trlpp ........................ $ 85 sturdai svntalg M y 2ud many o! visi wih br prent siFat-moatpublic Service Co., stréet ligts .... 45 883hiei relatives surprlsed R. F. Rouse ai bis lad.- Lake C. Indepeudenit. printiug ... 9 77 home ai A«ath@ ocMlou belng tiie an- A. L Fry boasparcbasd ithe Marehall T, F. Swan, exPeam 8 to Chicago nlversary 'o! bis brth. Thon prenant bouse in the Ravins Siope subdivision tbres trip@s..... .................. 14 65 frorn away were Mir. and Mrs. B. E. Ter- sud tcok possession let week. Ail bis were allowed aud warrants pening and danghtsr Aile oI Belle Plains A nmbe a reatiesgatierd i ii.ordered drawn on treasurer la payment Iowa, tMr. and tir@. M orton Johnsoani AornuetR.f.ronctie 8athrdy t theo1same on motion o! Russell aud Irving. Ravenswood, 1Mr. and Uns. J. W. Foster bom ofR.P. ous, atuda evealng The presidet made the followlng or Chicago, and Mr. and tird. J. T. Mann to» bel p hlm clebrate a brtbday anni- ponenqtsadigcm tesofLkFrn. veraary. Among tus ot o! town guets ao h in e Oandnromt:s fLi et were tir, sud Mrâ. B. E. Terpning o!foFi tue om ail els nge belle Plein, la., and M. and Mms James â eeAley aSdoWlls, nig l vm Mana o! Lake Forest. Wells, Mrrie. The tirt officiai bail game 0I the Lleuoe-.Irviiig, Allr"clt, Russell. Mms H. . Coon Was a Wsukegsu vis- seeson wes pullod off on the local Fire and Water-AlbreCht, Mairie. itor recetly. dlmoud Suaday and the reultant Iving. Mirs. Ayare o! Ares, @peut lat Thurs- delea a the bands of the Waupernas o! Appointmneats were confirmed on day and Friday witb Laura Sprague. Waukegaa was not a great surprise con- motion o! Russell aud Wells. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Maéon were Chics- sidein; the tact thait ters wes but one Moved by Irving and Russel that the go visitors Saturday and $uay. ma on tiie home teem plaYlag la is presdent tes empowered ta make la- M rs. Cbas. Herschber came home from regular position. That sounde like a quiles relative to èecurlng land for the rom the hoopitail let wesk. Bier many very ach patched up affair sud t installation of a oepiic tank and report friende will bc glad ta kuow aceis mucb coundi nghi sud the tact Chat the ai the neit regular meeting. MotionL improved in lealtb. viitars colected but ton ruas doeon't carrled. lir Vincent Biehop visited relatives me»an liibîi.î arned iiem for the Meeting adjourued on motion oJ lu Cicago Saturday aud Sunday. trauhi te ail bat about tiras were bsuded Iving sud Wel@.T.FSwn lr M FedLbmaatne aue- to tbem. Clristy pitciid a peach ofaI a T F.lSanlr. trFred Ln ubinatiue alnr ICE CREAM vs. SUMMER ITEAT There ie one thing that minîmizes the effect of aummer heat, that takes out that 1 tired feeling" and makes one feel like new. That tlîing is good wholesome ice crear-but we 'would like to em- phasize that word wholesonie. Lots of it isn't and you can't afford to take a chance with that kind und one way to avoid anything but the best is to insist on Area Ice Cream. The wise dealer is the one who wanté to work Up a steady trade and for hie benefit we want to say that Area Ice Crearn je the kind that makee them corne back. AREA ICE CREAM COM'YARE rA BANK lo AIL the PEOPLE This institution is operated for the use of every citizen in this com- munity and we want YOUR ac- count, Ibe it large or small. q.L.Trip OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT THE CITIZENS' BANK AREA. ILL. ppR. F. RousIvingE nt: Vice Prosidani. E. Payne, Cashier. iMyrtîs Richarde o! Chcago. spent Sua- day wltb lier parente. .Lydia Mepersi la quite slck witb the mousle@. Mat Herscbberger hima a noir ive pas- songer Kilt and Jullas RoImers a new Overland. Mr@. S. S. Stanger sud son Warren of Ravina. @pent part of lest week ai the S.E. Knsdler homo. Mm. A. 0. Maether and daagbter Flor. suce are apendlng a Iew daye ai Laies Zurich. Miss Dalsey VanPlew le spendlng the week ln Wheaton sud Chicago and ai- teuded the Commencement of the Chica- go Theological seminary. J. L. Camberlain was a Chicago visi- tan lest week. Mr@. Ueo. ltoinansd chldien of Round Laise, victed the. formor'a parante M. and lirs. C. Dordier Wedataday. -Miss Avis Payne @punithie week end ai homo. Four eighth grade gins@ from thifs cebool atsnded a content et Aea sud ail brought borne ribliaus. Baby Knoi- ker won a blas on avitbmetlc, Cors Joue a rad an wrlting. Mary Godwin a ed an phy, and Eva Kirtingor a red on ling. Tiie cemetery socleiy vii haid bsir enanal meeting sud election of affcr a% the. home aoftira. Augut Virts Tiare. del afiroan, Mai 14. Ail mmbes are nrgd ta ho preeaI. Mm .J. L. Cbamberleanand daugbter won enakegan callers taturnay. 11ev. Carmine sd vif. vers the. recp- lentesof cevermi Mai becieta aturday nlgit. Inuiithe mrly evenlug Mn. Dolph's es. hugx a wil filed bucisi haciot sud leter a goodly number o! other, fricads sud neigubora wsmded Ibir woi to thé. parmonageviiiful u het. Il vas a comploe. unîtilcebut ail wonsla. vil ld nd ud elaed 0*sciai hoar ta- -e&r. Mica Agnes Payas bas gone ta A"a te spend the summer wlt birâ brother, E. . Poyae. E' Mr. Fariner o! Waukegan, wes sen la tuis vlclalty Sunday. MisAima Meyer @pent a few daye at ber home bere. Misses Betb and Emma Cook speat Saturday aud SundaY at their home. Brbara Amanu was a Waukegancaili er Wednesday. Mie. Chas. Fredericks villed relatives in Waukeuan oas da" lest w0ek. Mng. Barney Aran ansd daugiiter .tmella spent Wedneeday at Round Laie. Mr. sud tirse Bl]Fredrieks aud chu.- en of Arlington HelgbtS, were the week-end guesta of Mr. and hirs. C. ~ pettis. Um Elda Honheorger wam the week* id gueci of miiRthbCollins of Chii. igo. The ball bsason yas aPened Wlth là ictory ove? *Healy" of Chicago wlth a sore of i10u,9. Thei. . . H8. pupiic and tiilr peanbts sud the 8Sil grade puplle and their Par- ut&s tteiithd the. pmtteCii5?&@no"f ion recepion st tiie hlgb mebool Balai- day timilng. . Mr. and Mm. Y. M. Vaut and Mfr. and Im. GeorffePettis verse i. anday gua01o!Dr. WilcontaPalestin. Tib@ M. W. A. gave a dance Seturdey euinala Audnon's bhail. Tuecdep tvming aenuber of! inonda gave a pl*ecaut surprise to GWeys sud Raymond Goadme. Firet dane oftiie ceason et Hertel'$ Park Pavilln, Hall Day, gaturday. Ilay 9. Eiood limenassred. Mr. sud Mr@. Rd Therrien had as thoir Bunday nes Wm. Klotcbslaben sud lauiter Minui. of Hubliard's Wood@. Miss Ruthi Lldg.rwood wa@ the week- sud guefit of!Ums azsi Bell of Highland Park. miss Loretta Kroâs spent several daye at the borne or Mise Ethel Zimmers of Highland Park. Tbe Dorcaa soclety o! the Preebyterlan church wlill hold tbeir montbly meeting at the home of M-t;. Fred BEaggle. The Ladies Aid of the St. Paul't Evan. gelical cburch was entertained by lra Fred Horenorger Tbursday. Wedneeday evening Mrs. Tberrien en- tertaîned at a farewell party for Mmrs ltalpb Knickerbocker and two daugli- ter@. A. 2-. Antes had a finger eut off Tues- day wbsn lie caught it 'ni a machine. The village board with the new mcmn- bers met Monday evenlng. Mir. and Mrs. W. A. Whitlng had a@ thear week-end guetm Miss Elizabeth Clark and Mrs. Paterson of Irving Park. Mies Irene Macadie of Chicago, wae the week-end guest of Mise Eleanor Meyer. Dussie Duffy wag the Sunday guet of bis parents Mr. and tirs, Tho@. Duffy. Ray fluthuson tas acepted a position elu the law office of Ed Knox ln Chinago. mnd., ie viitlng ber grandparents tMr. and M r$. W. 0. Beecham. tire. Ed Sherman ls vlsitlng lier ister tirs. Phllp Rommel. tire. . 1. Rockeubacb speut unday vlsltlag ber mother M r§. Whitney ni Laie Zurich. Mire. J. C. Ender entertainsd a aumber of ber friendesud relatives Monday aiternoon la honor of hon blrtbdsp. Velentine Wllks, aged 40, the man who wac prohably fetally burned lu0 aut cccidert et the VulcSa Lonlitfle amlluz plant at North Chicago, lactd Satnrday là 51111lu e precarlous coni, dition aetue Jane ticÂlisten hospital.b The physicien in charge otthe caseb jtated today, that the. grafime of newp skia to the more serions bornai! por- tians of the man'& body may be nocos-c serT. Athough the mafanes? decth e the physciln hec pi givon up hopes f of savlng hi c fe. Mrs. Elizabeth Horon of Lake Bluffà wes tody foned $76 and caste byt Caunty Judge Persoa for attacklng1 ad betta gtirs. loyd Hawkins Watrous at the Lake Bluff echool some motis ega. A jury found Mrs. Horen gulty lest wesiad the. fne wa admlnlsered taday. Attorney Doane for tins. Haren sald lie would sppeal lie case. Beginulng wth Thnrcday nîglit no liquors, wlnes or malt hevoreges may1 be sold hy euy druggilst la Routkord, r ien upon piiysfienal prescription, e nd noue cen h. cald unUli the cana- tcil pesses upan the application for rrnewele. Rociford will ho legelly F"dry" front stem ta gudgean. Inabîl- drugglsts te whom pomit- hall ho greated le nesponsible for iisaiua. tion. Flndlng the motarmeu of the Çhl cago & Mlwaukee electrie lino, whih etnnck and Iujured Mrs. Ida M susel the morning af October 15, 1913, et Racine, guilty of mallalolis vanton and neclless conduct lu operatimis the car, a jury rendereul a verdict glvlng Mrs. Meusel $1.000 demeges ln the action for $20.000. Sarah Elizabeth Warren, aged two months, the danglter o! Mr. and Mie. Warren Flood of Warringtoni, Ill., Pas- ed 5waY et the homle of ber parents, et 11 p. mn. Frlday, Mey 1, 1914. Death wee due to complicattins. "' lAke Cout'c big weekly-INDE- PENDENT. WANTUD-200 BOYS Two hundrod or-more boys uho wani ta, beome Succeseful Mon will b. given the apportuaity tu st.art on request any day at Our Bank. $1 .00 deposited ta your credit in caur Savings Department procures a Savinge Book made out in your naîne sud a Home Savinga Bank la which ta, save yonr dime. aud doUears. IV pay you a per cent on yo'.r deposite sud while they grow you are flot only profiting by your 8ev- ings but you are forming a valuable acquaintano. wiih a trong benk, which will b. of much service ta yon later on. Will yan not accept ibis offer? Yon can bank with us by mail. First National Baii Libertyville, flL Tot aRinIsl tiiis year-4.82 inches. Daiciency-4.00 Of .Ciberlyville Mirm.C. H.ilso sd lutilesno Evanttton, speut Wednce@dap witbfriends bere. Firet dance ofte esamon at Hertel's Park Pavillon, Hall Day, Saturday, Miay 1). Good time assured. hopital, Chicago. sufferiug from a evere ilînesei, sud will undergo au operation soon. Abet W. Litchfield tid bis friende good-bye ou Tuesday explainiag th8t lie would be garnie me time making a trip to forelgu countries. BeHe1f t bers Tueb- day afternoun. couaiy meeting of tbe hîgiway commis. sioners, towuns reand supervisais in Waukegan Tueeday. lfr. Hubbard, wt,. lias elected secretary of the meeting. ast. ed ibat the usai meeting, whlcb will be held ln June, be béld ln Libertp ville sud was auccesîtuin la ving this village se- lecîed for thes usit meeting. Tbe details o! tbe meeting will be iound ln part two. Word reacbed boe thie week Thure- day a. m. of the deaili of Julian S. Spoor o! Livonis, New York, et a Rocheeter hospital, Moaday of tbis wesk, baving besa operatsd ou for appendicitis stithat place lest Saturday. Julianwas the son o! Mr. and tMrs. John S. Spoor !ormerfp o! ibis place sud oi Roudoni, sud was esatsd lanuhe public scbool liere, ths family movlug ta NeweYort corne four years &go. He leaves heides bis parents a wlfe and baby daugbter, one sister. Mir@. C. H. Dibble of f.lvuna, andl one brothor Arthur. The young ma ad rnany Iiendsblieawlio regret ta feara of hie death. EXECUTOR'S SALE To settle ths estate o! Clarence F. Welis, deesend, aties ate reeldeace on ilwaukee Ave., two blocka south of electnic depot, on ISATURDAY. MAY I9, ut 2:30 p. m. To the bihîglesbidder for cash, the folfowlng articles witbont reserve: IWheelbarrow, vise, ladders, grindatole, lewn rnower nsarly nsw, hase, gardon togl, cfouiiia, line o e, vaetritonso rugo ltun, baiets carnetvronls piecea - aifurniture sud housebold fur- nichingsand other articles ion numerous ta mention. Tt la learned tuet wiieu Represenle- tive Thiomas Greham of Long Lae toak hie bride ta, Spriugfield on a woddlng trip recently met Governor Dunne et tho capital and at tho Insist- ent urglng of!the executive ho and bic wlfe weat ta, hie home and speut tue whole evenlng there. Thifsshows tue strang bond ofaindshl p between Mn. Graham end the governor. George H. Duckenfleld af Fox Lake Frlday p. m. filed e bill for divorce egaluet bis wt! e. Harriet Duckeufield, whoresldes et Grand Forks, North De- kota. The divorce is esked ou statu- tory grounds. Fred Gler le named as the men lu the case. Duckeufield declares tuai ho and hie wlfe wer. ,merrled et Grand Fonts on August 6, 1911. D)o you order your priItilg for reasons* * o<f personal friendshipý If so. hdt's hie * frit-nds. If however, yoîî waiît the hest stock and workmnship ypur rnoney will * uy. plus lîighly srtisfactory scrvi-e, * senîd puîr ortlers to the Iiîîlepeîidênt's* Job D 1epartîîîaîît. *Regardlci î.f itrmnal tcnilc-ai in s we l ,>atisfv 3 ou l.ecaum. ur * farilîtîe ar-- th 4st * Bell System R emovals from one location to another break friendly ties. Friendships grow cold through absence. The Long Dista 'nce Telephone is flot affected by location, nor trne. It is always ready. It is the real conserver of friend- ship. , Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrewe, Menaiter Teisphae9901 First Dance t Sea-son IIERTEL'S PARK, PAVILION _________Haif Day, 1H., on Sat. Even'g, My9 Don't Mise the First One j A Gooc inie Aisured- Il c<