LAKE OUNTY INI)EPENDENT, FRIDAY, MAY 8,1914. marks above 'JO l' their final examm wbicb places tbem on the honor roll. Eliner Cook of Chiago, waà a guamt St tbe Orando Book hanme SundaY. Born to Mir. aud My. Gaa. Suilivan, a baby boy ou April 171b. li»meLili Sarmparila&Tonic 10 purify y0dm biood. At itheitexail Store-Druca Drug Co. 0. P. Renehan, tbe genlal proprietor of the Avon Park Rotai, wam caling on 1t1do05in IowO Au55U51 sud 55stWU ba h.bad over 80 people [rom Chicago t ho haut o uthe mwek. asboasabout coin- piaied the rniai oi hie modern emmer cottagsmensutates Ibai ho wili bave ihe bigils mmer business Ibis ysar ln the,hisior.y of bis place aud %bat wlll ha gaing om. Il youuai aulicipatlug buying a talk- Ing machine why not gsi the hat end gsi a Victrola. W. are sole agents for Iis machina. W. mail for camh or gay- mania whieb ever la conveiut. You may take a machine home sud tri l I ycu like. Cali lu aud mes us about Ibis. The Rotalal Store-l)ruzs Drag Co., You yull mie a good lime If you do'i attend thea Mnuet club dance FridaY svening asI the Opera Boute. T. A. Reayuolds, who sold oui bis clotbingasîsre brs last year ta Fenlon & Lewis will open a elothlug store t Lbsrtyville la the near future. elotiing bisîinea. Lake Forest Man Bets on a M. aud ire. John Lee sfticbiagos, are spendiug a few weals as ilssewlld l'lace Schemne Whereby He Wil West ai tawu. Catch Morning Train. Mm. C. Allen was a t'iiaRss vIsitor Tue»day. lusaessi Lake Forest cornes to the H. 4). Cleveland ausd Mark 's-s su front witb the latest lu automobile âttseuded tisa 'erks itsxallîconvnss5tion sappliaisces. Robert W. Leatherbea. îsd bausîset at tise Lavialie liilT.i're- a resident ut reen Bay oad, ta the day. s lventor. but Mmr. Leatherbee dues n'ot propose tou moite commercial cale- S4er-ra ut, amtieslrsssss isswssatten-îsdital of is Inveution unlesthere are filOhomat iskegn Stnlayeviiig.a rea t rny mura towus lise Lsa sire fissem. -enlonandst saugliser Forest. for is coutrîvaure siti oniy Gesraisis ars visting IM assd lire. thal sort ut tours. Feulaisof 'i'saIsls-hass NW'en the hIeak norib aud cist .oissî Nawel i 5l'5t inda iegan 10 bloi;, along ths- nortis lh at ls m sss ui u irai sh~~ti eore suhumba, men who bad been lu . as Tsus-erlias j at-l tis- iîe rie w tht isabiit ut orderirsg thei r cars drsssu biugy. arssuud to the front door rit 7 %15 ani wlhi- i Wîtmssre of Cîivagss. setesi liiug the commutera' sprial aI 8 ms-atiss'@ le-e Sassuday.)1 ocksisdscovemed that taise Forset ms-su Hs5.,k waa tîkers iusts- si kat v-mw e not particssiarly well ad- ibsisis- 'su Weterileld PlissieSudat. aîted for msiid transit usnte irter buttj isi> usuels ietter. monuts.Drifts pilesi tsp alsssg lise Rëv.Whit of ibetyile vas airs-ets from two lu six feet Op.ep andi lsa- ltler firs, uerty i, sns ma ke traffle sirtualie impfossible. itisacau saier itreîe refused ta be diceosir 1evChe-ter Arbur Mlsier ansd wis- ased. itouet er, and liesan lu seartit relurîsesi Tus-adâa Star sesdirsa sersrai for corne plan wheme' bcecould uais days wîtiî riends aI Losusiard ansd tai the train lu bis cusl.omary lime. Fin- Park. aiy lise bit oison tise expédient of Mima itagmsîIeI, w1inss 1snow staitisiiSg bhitclriug a cnowplow ta the front ut lu (irl>sake apient sesaral days of thiie is car, sud Ibreatter et erytbIng m eek lu Chicago. , ent suimmirsgly. Tise îlow was con- Mm. flagedsîmu sf Chicago, wae a guet tructad of corrugated Iran. bilit tu at tire~ Barman irame Suuday. a 'point lu front and curved lu shed Gea. Strang aud lamiiy moved frum the snow.-Chicago News. tirs rear of the sitore bulding tsi theirj iai tsnbve the storme. luInail pobability R. D. Wyn will hab a candidate for Couuty clark at tha Mark Neville sud Monte Allen bave -couorty primai-las nezl fait. Mr. Wyn lluioieîd Ibeir tiret yaar iluhIb iniss dcadldyIbtmva fbi e-boulol 0 Pbarmmay' botb eceving i friands baveasaked hlm ta ha a candi- MER. ÂRIM FOItMALDEHYI)E wil il li on your oata baller. quieker Pr Iban auything aim. Ani forgai la spray those app wiib Bordeaux Mixture orA of lead. Wealaio carry a lul Powdered and Liquid Lice K DRUCE DRUGC Tbe Rexal Store1 Loans, Stocke euildin FurnIts Expeni Nat. C lis Nit Cash1 Cash. -date and ho .aid he bad practically Smade up hie mmnd 10 mare the run althongh be laid be considerad il a little aarly ln tbe campaign te maire the AmuI euch an announcemerqt. County Clerk e, Cheap. Lese A Hendee la the oniy other nd dont avowed candidate at thea preeni Urne. 3pie trees ___________ Arfenate MIl offices of the United States Ex- i lD ofeutpress Counpany on brancb line rail- Kiilers. roads and du elactrie Intarurtan lines =eeclosed ou Tbursday nighl. The CO. uh Mcea. of tbe compauy will ha raylake closed May 30, wbau the compauy wili goou o business ocitaily. JOUHAm, Pirs. EO. ANDERSON. V. Pies. E. c. W! 88 R.Cashe Bank of Round Lake (A PARTNERSI4IP) STATEMENT AT CLOSE 0F BUSINESS MAY 5th, 1914 RESOURCES LIABILITIES s and Discounts-....S 61,*147.60 Capital Stock----------......s 10000O.00 sand Bouds-......14,877.87 Surplus sud Eamniug ..... 18 l3.70 ng Account---------....13,3.98 Individual Deposits.......36,204.43 ture and Fixtures ... 3003.01i Savings-----------------.......18.852.60 nue-----------------....... 1,080.24 Certificales of Deposits ... 42,063.28 City Bank, Chicago.. 19,878.80 el. Banik. Lk. Forest 97.02 Items-----------------.... 74.01 ...................... 4,430.401 TOTAL---------......S8107,923.911 TOTAL---------......107923.9 1 MAY 5th, 19l2-RosourçiWs, 064,251.42; Labiliies, 054,251.42 MAY 5th. I9I3-Resources. 864,220.7 1; Liabilties, S04,220.78 '.F you like up-to-date batik equipment, we have it. IWe can give you any aceount used in the batik- ing business. (Jome in and aiik us how we do bus- iness, how our bati secured and by whom. We will be pleased to answer ail questions pertaining to our Banik. 7o Mnd à bulletin board bas beon iusaliid lu the depot boe, thus enabing the pag- magers to notice un to a tain being d'on timna" or "laâte" s the came may be. Mm. E. A. Brown, wh boas been quita sick the past wmsk in reported mueb botter st ibis wrting. Engm u uiivan bas purcbated a bouse and lot ia Uherty-vilie and will ruove vl ihst eciy mwon. We are orry t opev Nute" sae The fin@ ewsalbmr we bave been enjot- .1 .Cake VillYa A. T. Kapple and lDr. Tahott trane. acted buminemm at tihe eountv eal lasi priday. Jas. Kerr and wil. ws-rs- iu Chicago iat wesk Tburmday. The May Party given by the Commer- cial club was a surees s ociaiiy and flnancially. Mrs. carl boler and the Miem Cajuffl @pent aurday stai uî<ebwîtb lire. F. Palmer. TbeNisse Calugi bave returned te, tbeir bomne la Witewater. P. W. Gray, vile md son and Nias PeariKing of Chlcago, open t the we- eud witb relatives and friende boe. Mr. sud Mr@. <Goa. Winl. 01 Chicago, were amtelofMr. &ud Nm.. Wm. , lis laet Bundai. John J. Langabaugh lraamacid bual- uometaILong Laks Mondai. Mir. sud isr. Fred Kuebker vlsllmdl -r elatIvas ai Ze.da, Wins. laut we. Miss Be*b Krusmnak returned home Mondai alter speudiai everai day. witb irimnds lu Waukegan. Hear Ota Waldman singaîtthe piclurte show Friday ev.uing. Ibm Gurnme higb boal gave a pay aI Otlhe Opera Houae Saturday evening whicb wae wel rendersd and weii attended. "tY idmilh rssIgned is position wiîh thaeoun& Lewis tlrm Saturday aveu- lait and yl move wit b iss amiiy ta Liberlyvilla wboe aha bas accepted a position wilb T. A. Rieynolds ln the tiha salooukaapams lu Ibeir fiht for continuance of existence was today askad Iis question. "~Wat ara tb. saloonmnnwba paamontutfbusinems tunlgbt ln Waukagan as a reut of bheir lîcanses azpirlng. and thosa lu the counly tawns wicb bava vted dry, ta do wltb thair stock utboear aud wbiskey?" Hra's Osvis' answer: Tbayva ail made arrangement@ ta saili Ieir stocks lu Lake ls'rest whera the demand for liqid refraab- meula seerns to ha kaen ail th lima -sud continuous.' Mr. Orvis may have beau Joiing or ha ma nt. But, the fart is voucis- ed for hy anther min who ciaims ha isuows Ibat one mars has beau arrest- ed sud Proseculad Just elaven dîNfer- eut limas lu Laisa Forest for sllilng liquors; sud that suother man bas soid liquor coutinuouaiy for lise last elgbt or nine years sud as yel bas neyer beau touched. ..Shields township is uppo.ed to hdry as a boue. il le a common tbing to sas the Wauisegau bear wag- ons hauling large ioads o case-boear to takse Forest eaeh week.- 0f course itlai ail sant there 'on ordars." prav. luusly given. whlch, Il la sald, cuvars the law. RUSSELL e1 wsy fte0m s Eded by F. J. DRUOE. Phone 11 Orders Taken for- JobWork. Advertlsing rats on application. fi *1~~ The firsi two weelm lu June Nr. Siarlweatber wili baîe luflnag sehool ln the churrb aud ahi iterecmled ara urged ta attend. The Sunday cebool beid lts sunual election of ollisersou Sunday. Mir. G. A. Siver iestmli condined tu ber bed. R. G. Murris- sud tamiiy and David Marrie spent Suuday ai John Bouners. Rutb Wbits- aud Viola steinuretz ut Kanusha csîI Sunday wiîh Myrt Corris. C M ('irbamsasd famjly cailad ais te- latives (u usiy Fransk rss trd bas a rew Fard auto. mobile. HICKORY A. Pediersand ss daugbter were INsu- kegau vstiav stday. Mir@. Wilsont-s-t lasI weei viditing relatives u it,.hiagos Mir, aud lira ti;risu sud David Pulien and wie tlok t t auto tipn ta (lsn Whai WiiI They Do? auweb- -at pt eu But wbat ara the ex-saiuoultate b visiing et T. Wshb ormmriy of Wau- do wltb Ibair stuck?" was trged ut kegan. NI. Orvlis. Mr. and M rs T. Poeai-sn eutertalued "Do yuu reaiiy think tbeyre ail go relatives fonIuIntnoe udy Ing ta quit antlraiy?' musad ha wilb fut isnigo oe udy a ouile. Mr@. Stewart of Gommee, relumued ta Ha wanl on lu, statea tisIno sa- ber home Satsrday having spenl the loulet wbo bas beau isuuwn ta quît pust fis-a moîtisa witb ber diughter, wbera local option bas cary-led. b as tbrown i tpck away-they usually Ni-@. 8. Amas. get iid of lp'n morne mannar. Mrs. Bl. D. lil ierbeck aud son Hollie Under the v Il tg rathar Interest vlialted ai the s-s ruera witb relatives. Ing lu nota' .aat tha keapera. even______ tbougb tbay have a big stock ou baud _________________ bave no right tu sellIti off at auction or any otisar waY, sud tbey can't ra GLRNR maya lt t smre othar place tg mall.L Po, LEGALLY. what sbould they do The W. T. C. 1I wIll hold a Moersa amltlng sud sol-Vabrla qusantie meeting ait tht borne ofUri.Irene Lamb ______ad __________uesion Weduesday aiîs'noan Ma 131h. Firmi dance of the mueant Hrela Mis. J. B. Campbell of Chicago, bas ie- Park Pavillon. Hall Day, Saturday, turued ta ber haine alter speudlng a May 9. Oood time assured. week vliting ber pastiL Your Proposition! Large or amali Will Be Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand Rei Eatt, lasuraacm, e. Libeiyville, II Ili, lui laiel la drlving the resorters 10 tbe IMr@. Jas. King vas calied tu Wauke- lake &round boe. gan rentty by the ilîne@s ni ber daugh- Thinge are sure booming lu Round ter lire. Ot Smsih, wbo il sufferingaa Lake nowi. Severai new buildings are tsrirlapas,4ulee. coumeotromtucio sd hee el l si .Ethel MUIer of Waukegan, visiled aiways someling doing wortby ilfis-r gramdparents bore asni attended tbe mention. \imay party. Jas. Ausanu and 'Misse nnui Kalyer il Mises Msyme, Calbriseand Peari Mlwauke, were United in musrriage in1 ,,,B ut ofChicagos, wriouI for the tbati siyWedneeslay, 'il 29th, aile ' oa sîyFla vetsîss wbie a darseansucupper was give.isata atyFia Mir. Auinarus opaiular bal bere lu Isaior Hierberi Nelson bas purcbassvd a fiva- 'assenger Overlaud. and ie s Gertrude of the occasiaon. We extend raugmatu-N illier a Ford. lations.Frauk Sherwood oai i agss, viaited AlonzoF, îa. a@asrelurned front" hiarents lpver Sundssî sort slay un Texa.shas puchamed th, properly torrmeriy awrsed isy Eugnes'il aud F. M. Hlausis salisi aua 'baui r. lit-a"niotill wilt.1,1in tiris ta Wjnthrop Hans Suda. tbe near futur'.Mr, aud Mrs. R. WtiîtdlIeulerlalued, Au estltauge ha@ anrsoussced the faa't Il Vendland and laaii>% ansi others bhat a new dentisit bas made arranuge 50 listise rity over >Stn1ias' rn.uteta asaieet rayla e etîssî MNri.E. J. Aiken (fa i iaoLavis, there cs a spieudsd apaniug bers for i su h-, busbafid w&H a l.îst1jr ise l ever- 1> 1). S , ijisre beiugnoue norlb.-sits ,r ai vears ago, speut last Thisvsday witis coulis for a radio@ ai teu miles. Lake Vlla tri-ende. Tihe Iiossud Lake Pleassîme vil ist-,t lssld t-s assîual Nlay psty and dauce ut ~ tli s.1tssîtissiLake Opera Hsuse. Satuvist _________________ eveusssgj, May titis. Tiese meseptsassstri Nrs . Wns Sele sii s-if Miiwsu- thc lasd bave a-ways ieen nu) t', '. ý isut îwo weelv, itth uv istr, tanîlard sud the club aettis tim is' Miîr. Martin Chrieteissets sstaks-op ais ui-to-date allssm.lias tosi ape teatt,-r JJh , aiisi.'ou are invited t-sorsti Spokane, ,i .tt .iîvd rltve@- Geosrge tihober hâle jurisseeýd a î Iissrs a few dayvtepeat %N -s. sud lit lu Libertyvviiie, but %i]i-t Jamt, s Auderson osf Lais fnsat tran- moreforat eae th prýnt ý.ais-d busiuess in thiini ssty Tisurs- 0. A. AHowaridisas gons, to i lk Island, ]Il., ts atteud îhe WM1%, iMs- Alises Jasisiesîsu vjs ut tise week rs)svetion there.snistsbrpets __________________Mr assd Mli. Ciareue Ilsnner npent -Suria mitb Mr. and Sirs. A. K.Ban W lAi WILL KELI>: Archbiald McCrdle paseeti a erl Sattsrda 'nvsmning baviuit growu teehie E RS DO WITII STOCK -wstls od age. Mr. ced wior nluet>years af age. The fuusrai was RYheld Mouday iroin the late home witb IS MO TED Q ERY hurilinsuthe Milîhumu cemetemy. The IS MOO ED QUE folio wing ehildreu ire kWt tbmotsru is Question Asked as to What Sa- '0Mmm. )11 Dîsigias ot Waukgais, m Ioonmen WiII Do to Get Bld Wjll Miler and Mr@. David Wbite and of Their Liquors. sons Jtsbn and George oi Ibis vi-iiiy. The tamiiy bave thse sympathies .f the CLOSE UP, CANNOT SELL IT. rommity ____________Mre. Heirsssau it Chcago, le visiiug lnteresting Situation Discover- Mm.- and lire H. B. Toiser. ed asa Resit 0fOperai Nn r. and lirs, W. G. licluire are rtjoie- ed s aReslt f Oeraion iug over the- arrivai of a daugibte bru of the New Law. May 4. Waukean, )ay 4 eo.Ld muuds oi Gages Lake, wacaa Atty. E. V. Osvis, ona of thea'aI- M _________________da Blacksmith Shop Notice Horsethoeing and (leneral R*pairing Prices at TH E MOD)ERN CITY BLACKSMITH SHOP During thie month of May wve wiII shoe a horse for $1.50, four new shoes -Capewell nails and Phoenix shoes. - After June Ist, 4 shoes, $1.60. Location - At State and Broadway, Where-L. J. &Ltirê croses State Street, North Chicago, Iii leOUd GheI Stand. -M 1 fý-A- à- --- 'V.-A-. -A th.f 1 ý' Page DECLARES TIIREAT IS MAILED BY WOMI AN IN CHI. SQUABBLE North Chicago Edîtor Prints a Fac-Simile Letter, Namnes Womnan as Its Writer. FATHER HALLINAN IS CAUSE Priest Who Is Retiring From Church Is Sublect Discuss- ed Back and Forth. Editor Charles Busch uf the North Chicago TIMas.-Revtaw Ibhis weak printe a fac-imlae lettar wbich heana- nouncas ha eca:ilvad this waak, sent te bim ln tha nature of attampted In- timidation or threat because uf pub- lication of certain rafarances to l5ther Hailinan. late priest ut the rioiy Fani- lly cburcb, Northl Chicago. Tha fac-simlae letter read as foi- iows: The Time-Review Mr. C. W. Busch. Dear Sir :-We are very much sur- prised to thlpk you would allies surh an article lu your paper regarding Fther Hallin an especiallv a man with yuur experlence. If vo u aiiow such tu be cupied hy a Waukagan palier It will ba tu your regret as you wili find we will ashow it tlu nterfere with sour business botb paper and prsntlng. Alil I 'wlsb tu sat- ls, this lm a serions ma tter and you had bat- ter give it youm sarions cousideration. This letter la a ressit of a meeting of a number utfulumbars ufthOis par- lsb. Commenting on the recelV uofthlie ltter.'Mr, Busch say s Nî1ýr linsch exe-rts to tom the letter over tu the p ostai authorities for an invastiga- lion- A private detective bas 'been en gazed and we are informed that be bas traced the writiug of the letter te a local woman and tbat there ara four prominent peuple Impicated ln tise open lhreat tl u romthe publisb- ing and printing huslisiess ut the Tintes-Res lau. The letter, it wiil be uloted, lm unsigned and Is the recuit of an article whicb aispearpesi n last tý tk*s Issue of thet Times-îlevi'-w, re- ardiug the resîgnaliots or R-. NiF. fiallirsan n bich was fasorabIe ta hlim Iand onfa varabie to tise clique that ruade his' stav here ssssearable. and inally caused hlm ta resigo bis pas- torat e sIl si t "Tbe lelter lm a violation of tbe 1,nited States isoglailawss and l pu- imitable fi' fine sud imprisoument. 'The mnalter wiii nul be druppad,' sald Mr. Buscb, 'but will ha carriad lu tha limit. Several promirsent pepI wilii find tbemnselves lu difilculty with the faderai taws betore the malter Li cou- cluded.'" The ltter ansd aubsequerst refer- entes tollows tbe publication ln Iast waak's Times-Review ut an art!cle whicb stated that a faw wosnen bad guna ltbthebisbop sud mquested the transerrai of Fathar Hallinan. Il; stated that the niaJurity favorad hlm remalning ia charge of the church but that, wheu ha beard Ibara was dis satisfaction, ha Insisled on laaving. The bishop accardlugly sant hlm back pendiasg appoinîmeut of a new mar. Father Hailinan bas beau in Northî Chicago Up ta yastarday wbrsn h' istel raportad lu have deDartad and the uew man wlll assuma charga Sunday. It was the publication ut thir. ar- ticle Ibat calied forth the ltter wbich Mr. Bosch note declares tha writam of wil ha prosacuted. Aakad -buot il today, ha statad thal ha feit confident bis privata detecliva hast lue ted the culprt but that ha would tatualca auy dafluita slap against bar pending tbe arrivai ot the postal lnspector who was axpactad to raacb North Obicago today. Liaiger Brand Corn la growu axcimvcly for seed purposel from. seiected. seed stock and growan. by men who have had, many yeas of experience growing seed corn. Thi4 way of grow iiig corn cons more money but you get au- parior seed. liadger Brandi corn is ththeet that can be grown, flot the cheapemt. Theo faisure tof a crup of conari s ass big loss to the fariner. Cheaip rn is ta) high at any pries. Why thon taka any chancem wh en you cars buy eeplected, corstract grown Badger Blrand Seed Corn at sncb reastnabie prices' Badger Brand Seed vorn has no eltal and je tihe largest seller ln tb. north ;est. For sale by Ieading merchants everywhere Wanted- Good, middle-aged woman for general housework. Muet be able te do good. plain cooking. Ifamily or three, sinali house, eas g Wfk Mms E. M. Smnith, 308 N. Utica et., Wauke- gan. Phone 2. or çaIl et Sun oMfie, Wamkegan. IBadger Brand Seed Corni 'l. » 1 1