CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1914, p. 37

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tAXE crnq~ i !P~NDENT. FRmAV ÎtÇXY ~ ii~i4~ I Y WE C1I AT T. b. OCaI (holdover). AD~OURNEDMartin Rlégdehl (n.w). Ai supérvisors exeeptlng Ferry, Kng Meyer of ltromont. Mather, ADJCýIRNED MEETING 9F CCUlII.SimnouAnd Walshi were present. TV OARD O 4LOIN COURT I'alk Over Oocd Roads. H OU«i MONOAV Aý. . Tihe' £05roade maLter canaed much 1GICINER KEADI BUYING MiLES $99EI EW,ÇgIANOE$ WIlM m EXCEUTION 00 ALTEAATINO i0A SOME0 H %IMTES i .Wankegan. Mi>' 4,. phiman lamai Wîlch todny an.i Iieîrncsd thé comuites aif tho bainS lai, mptrvirl ra anthé énsulng year. t» huard donving lu adjaurnétises. si ai 10 o'clack. Thé coinmîitee yfrarm-Brooks. Meyer <F.>. ile .ft L rm Udtîé-strtton <O.) ilbv'Peom iAsemflt-TutUie. Ring- ~aetéea<ies.Meyer (W.). Clark. 'kjua"ato-ockenbaeb. TuttI.. itrat. Unr (L, V.> pes and saieriebs-t5mrtov. Fiche. itoèknbaeh. -@lManco-M4eyer 4W..Welctr (W.). ~euiOary-WoIml, W.). Clark. Cennat. iLhonsé-Bmnfl.hi.monb. Wsalh. éeiscsSmh"ssscIaIm-Ermna. Mc- Cr4k.rrgi'.Kinrg. Osr (W.. .V 6CIoa.F'r. @Miaton <O.) s te ança go tri <Da>. P.rehésing-Kiahner. lrrsks. flair. PohIic *uildIngsA renda--irid, Erpnerns. Tulte.. 5,511e Suldings AudtiéO-Ftccke. UnetIrer. Walsh. Ipsaîulaé-Egr.White. Rochcrrbach. Raids and Sldeo-l'erry. Meyer (W.>. FIçke. 14W* Cla4tIa-Clark. Figer. White. &aemp Land-White, Stratton IL. V.). Y.gkn. "Àonamntith CeunI>'rsaurer-' ihugrna. Conradu. Hoidntigo. emlmart viii, Ceints'Cak-stral 105 (L. V.>. Itirschmen.é.ruoke. 111011lemnt wvilS 5faff-Wslsh. flair- stov. Weilh (W.> *Te7Cft ivitl Circuit Cerk-King. tSaiOeny smtérIm-Meyer (Ir.). LCeunty Sanatorium Auditt- -«uare shov vbat Coîmitee thé saài;gn mmbers 5ev: Sai*-Uen E. rmnwnmsAssea- maisFir. (Balance uf Couuty). Ilifrriav-Feec uni salaries. Purcbso- lut,fflU5esent vith r hif., Cm"id-I'uhli' Iulwhihs. Judiclary. iletlaeneni it, couatlsTrmaurer. CiOtm-Btal Charilîs. UseUrina. Judi-, ciart.,. . KM. -Resolutions, fstamé Chamules. 9Ems.Ip socalisme- érra laies.publc BrrIqlMs.dkîCorntys anatorium. ~* P~-Rsdaanfnd tigoo. i'or (W. OPblWPubhIc lrling Auditlng. Feea tud , mandBridgés. Os-FEletions. Countiv ?rm Audit- lng. Poer <BalancéetfCount>>. Net$ddgea-Pnftins, Finance, Settie- mcmii alm.h CiayTneaaunr. IýkéC-uny Satorile.Mlacellaneous Cîmimri. 8Ct'hnehér-Ptirdhtrsnig. Caunty Farro. ietgioqut viii County Clerký My« et P -écint-Late County lian- téluri. Couni>' 7%in. Prhnîini. OdeIW f Wasken-Flnaéce. Roads and ne.a.Eettiona. Masiér-l.aké County Snatonluni. .udthng, etlement w1v iCi-uit CIel-k, Pubi fl idhrg Audltini. McClloph-Poor lWauké.gari. Shields, end brffelS, 8ratontrfi Aiditing. Siilaeluàeauo Cldnms Rl«gieh-Ponor <Balance et Countyl. Sett1*1114lt vii, Cirvuir Clcnk. Eîr-onecus Rlachaéaci-Eiguoetipn. Fecs an Bal- aées 'OmiutIM&a urr.SaaorumnrAuditing i. .ccmse. errat etosOrsé-Cornmy Fi-m Audit- Inu. Poor (W.. 9.&8.)B. Prlntinif. itratten of Lake Vtil-Séttleseul aith fluant>' llsk. fSvamp rAniia. Ehircation. Tuttr.-ltrrmneous iAaae.irremte. l'iî- Waab,-4lcturent î,ih S--e1i,*.Publié li.' Auiitié6 Liten.e. wolo etWéokmsr-JIrdiani. settls-' mn ihShriff. Fnarine Winit--$wmp [inria.'8iaIs Chattics] ttcaeîutup. Belo*, are itbavn thé supervisera of thée ON horlthie nnteg in blact- faceS , héng the tBéa, mémbera ai ilira&nrW. Pêrry. hoidaver. L. . tufttI, nevs. NI6WPOQIqT- . ANTi Wélch. héldoven. Eroe4 pions. oidérer. GRANTýL--', LAKtE '.LA- John .tton (ré-lécted). AVON .i Andre'jT.Whie, hldorer. WARRI 0ee. uIIough. nev. WAUK 'N-. Edwv 4fojud, holtovér. ?héo. Moyen (re-élcteti>. JçeN Wtlch, (roeeécteti). 3Jotin feoEmunti (re-electeti). Gee. *tW <new). - Ira M ridgo Inew). .Mrry ngs(w) s O. D. a (u-u-êletd). jainai Wa(holdovên). IL . (re-léctéi). PREMO H. W. Nefer (haldavér). WAUCON' N.W. Uboa(ré.ilected>. 1qi~4Krélaner (ré-lected) EmtVoq(néelpMptet. discussion. Supérintendent Russell atiroasatil the baard,. télllng ai hth hopes af forming an assaciation of hithvs$' cammissloners ai thé caunty, Posshbly ai thé meeting caltéS for WotnésdaY ai Waukegan. Thé plan la té hava thé assaciatian vbeneat discusuions of gond rond stéps nia>' h tnkeri righi &long. Ho paiS thé chances of Lake' oouit y gettîng an>' crustiet lane frein the glil this year are véry silo,. atthougbhélisvouS filé applca- tich forUmie. Varlb" argumenta vene hourd for aéd agaé thde apparent plan et mnh- tnSS 4 cnt>' aite roaefrom, SCtéte, bi haguntierutood thé mtét cOutam plan ualng that sariof construction. Argument ver, mine agaînat hilb>' White, Brooks. Clarke anti atherji. Bnhrstov feIt permanent construction viapreférrédti tacon- structian vtict voulti véar bot a fév yéars. Tire gênerai sentiment sleéil to e héInit concréte raids becaume ai thé coot. it béing argneti ta vlth the 840.0M0arallablé ln Laté colta'. Il vulti mean but *bout tirce Miles ai nond niar Lake Villa, vheréis many mare miles coulti bé matie of stose rmatifor the s usiné pemae. Setthq g Oam esNw. Mr.ERusell statéti that thé staté enlnéeew are seiting stahes on thé Lake cant>' rondi nov but héctiaésn'ti think an'contracta vilI hé ici unil alter thé Supréme court pease on thé nev Iav. He saud thé plan le for an 18-foot roand. elthér concrté, es- pull on brick, vitti thé itaté board iavrng thé former; thé Plan iurthér Prîvdes for 10 font là center, vhy macadam shoultier te miké thé 18 feét. Thé mntter ai thé county boardi ré- questing the oaté bard ta décidé an atone rn ntihiLakts county fan thé state road Instétioa concrété or any- thlng clo va@ Ift ta the road coin- raittee tu report at thé June meeting. JUrrges Whitney anti Dannélly ast- Od thé board ta vurchapte certaIn'neti éd lav books for the liv tlbrary te comi $300. ReterTeS ta iudlclary com- mîttee ta repart at nexi meeting. George B. Z ~ner of Long Lske anti. FItîl - fléoaima ef Vernon. asketi thé boardti t refunti theîr saloon - éoosé fées vLs a réanît ai Vernon taivn shlp haring gone dry. Iteferredt t Il Atijaurnet i a noon la Jîne méet- hIg. IAIN6WAS SETTER TIIAN .RIDINfiMONDAY WAUKEGAN WOMAN MAS INTER- ESTING EXPIERIENCE AFTER GOING FOR PLEASURE TRIP. (Contrihutet i A tad jolie on a Waukegan latiy i taiS about ovn. It helng srch a bénuilui day yéslenday a promipt ivéryman 'a vile thouglit ta taté ad- vantage by drivlng tri a nelrshbaring cli>' anti InvitéS a irént ta accai- Iran>'ienrisa thestors' gopHsThei mIenS beîng a timîi sort ai créature féir réllvéti at thé homes gooti hehas lac an thir trip there anti theught that race tiannns vérén't a baS lot alter ahi1. But an thé return trip lhé bégan ta show a littié af the spirit lhé passese- ed ant i vth thé approacliof aiech motar cycle anti automobile, this friand bé«an ta grasp a lttie tîgliter ta thé ri'g. Ah îlght bavé heen vel baSl sre bain neansilhted but though bier béant via vent. her eyéslght vas anyttiing but poar. Way up thé roand ai ightéd a siemmtroller! 'Oh. lets turn aroinS anti go biet! Oh! do let ie oui 'tIlI h gaes by! Sa aut abé gai anti fauntivalklng pretty gooti. Af- ter théeani natter vapasséti hy runaing 'an If sométhing vas aiter ber. shéepafn caught up vlth thé dg., taak heart anti Soéidsd ta try It agate,; 4t no sounierldi thé Datiy fkrm beén renched vhéb hère came a runavi> haonse. "Oh! piénsétét me out I vint ta watt home. Yeu can hantije hlatn irzt but [Lni airaIS aofliraI borne!" Hon mrienS assureS boie thère vas na reason ta hée frlgtt- eS, but @she anî>'ansveret Il cant help 'Il. hait hl'ii MI 1gai out 'î going ta valk. *Sbé even refuieS ta rturn to thé rig fan ber punse anti réréassa. ln the course of anutiaur or no aise arrivéS at iber îatbér's ar'. remained ibeéta récuprati. muc ta thé amusement af ber MenS tlhaugh foot-soré anti vian>,tils iup- paseil sheeénJayat ber watt much bervl'Uer ber ride. 11 TO COTEOT ELEcTION. ONgNl IOESN'T --TW0 RISSES COSI On thé grouati that tir.l uinmr IWA1M RIS LICENSE ftgeîîwh1flr 1 ,ttî îREDFORD V59OR thereforé thé votesao 0fs' h. utwerv 140NEY RETIRNED Illégal, thé lndépénden'îîlv. n (tle 15 DAYS IN JAIL are ta cîMtst thé electil he four affici'aia electéti at thi o ec. rt tovri. INTERESTirNd SITUATION DEVEL-et i lélctloaa thére. FORMER SALOONKEEPE9 FINED OpS IN THE VERNON TOWN. Thé lection of theiî' liiiig offil UV .UDGE PERSONS ON MISS SH'IP DRY PROPOSITION. riais, ail af them Thîoisi, are cari MEARS' COMPLAINT. temted: AssIstitnt Suerviser L. Il. Tuttlé. a AIO FOR YEAR'S LICENSE Asséassor-Onia W 1-vil-v "KISSED ME 1WICE" SHE t'ollectr-James J. UCriv I i omoîelêé lgîvîviY SAYS; HE SAYS: 11NOT ONCE" r DECLARES THAT COUNTY BOARDO lvinibért. ______ co W 1 MAS NO WAV TO AITUAN HlM Follavlng te thé lndeiîeitulî-iiî ticket COURT WILLING TO TAKE THE 1 MIS LICENOE FÉE. m ihl thé intiépéndents claîni aboutiEEC F H dLRD 0 1 ~~~~havé tison tiélareéti eht-d: FRGOST A 1 A question contalning extrême legal îl to iprlo hvi oa- FR OST AL véntangfeménta la nov confronting tlie Aieo-J '. Bayai Pnice of tIsses, $3750; or, two hoard af supervlsori af Lake counity. 'ollecter Phlo Burgcv.s for $75. Thé question dénIs vith thé rîgisaift'ommism4ner Hîglisiays W. A. rthe board in ravaelng thé licénse la. Scott. Tîtatsthé saiiiatioii ilaci'ii on ouedto saooneepr I Hat Dy, r. Sorénoon la the Iluiirtrnt for jîmacti this aftcrrîoa.n liy Judegi-Per- oued e a aloukéeler i Hal l)a ,pie-poan of gésîlitait u,rler. .soraIn('ourîty courtviien ho fi ner Vérnan township.i The întiépedits claivni riiet theln William Redford $75 and casts for Thé licénse aa lasuedti t aclik" ain ditatea won a total (if thé mile having takén two tisées froro préîty Dienr, wne of he alon, e a oetvotes culat anti that tiie Tlieacrats i ing oi thé board of auperviera. lat H vire déclaréS éléected beî~l ,cause! MI!-ss Ria Mears, a télepîhant, ollrator Wlnter. Thé Ilcénnecécvereti a peiind: lo tiî' ecuréti a total of vi- male and! aiathie local éxcîtange. af ane yéar. At the saimé tînéliccresîsfinlvotes caîblrréd t lîcifard le in jolileii e lie a il ra viwre imauéd George B. Zlmmer oai long. il 1 ettiCrt1ti mi< Ie nnain foîr 15 days bsecaus.' lie hasiv Gravé anti Fred Pries,' ai Vernoi hsPlce oîvts, l i, iu n tovahl fr tréaim peloi.-îi Hi touiitv court toMrrrî. ' îriailta thei îoney ta psy thé fine. Tiré max- lîcenaea lasueiltoiathé latter geniîle r1he lâné tei. Thiîs i.2 i.'.,so tîîaî uiSr tll oudhv'tî. i mevere ntotpaît fer, onîy a tiapuit irn caue tée suprerîra "urtin thi-en ,as $200. mate t amurépamen. \ariîirneantlmP déclares Il]" 1 i -v ifrage t-Ioîlmadea a,,wafipitig doi-al of, soinslma et dsrey. o t. Cmeeig avunconstitutîonal I in !th iri' rs chairges Ihial lie " onîr aosip éhourdyhia et.théeImeetna oiaslig aifthé candidats 1, i1-p!wvlkiigtramé vlth lber oi Fe'hiary namei gentlemen matie applicatîinelacteti hy thé vontîn', . i If îti,, 2711v ii8.t0In rihe evenIrié and lthat for thé returnn afthéetiepoit mney otsarr tfie]% 1îi3-as wfris'to wokisswifeaî that they bai éntruatei l thili'e aller thé eléction tire ciilv ho .iitils iamillarity. hiav e bhen'declared Piliai I1 vivîilîli old liii' court ilth twasace board, vhlch mové lncidéntally vmas o«c isîémyu - Sili ulct la tWi ics made In préparatIon, for thé pres-' i u iegrasoyamntlidod situation. prema court mlaht rriv' Th'Fai - ai' îlieliv-ad no reasan tc, douhi the NowMr.Dieerwhobas pad trenouincémient that thèse v I ,rées cl i i s ti'stimoîiy. In short, lic déduct- Now r. tené. va hi~ pid licha filat In ~thé contantt i viirrow h'. c i that Redford btiatflot siuck ta thé fuît amourit ai thé lîcénié anti states, Attorrney Beaubien coui a grii titlI i i lits es'Idencé and In ailminis- that lié vas credltéti by thé boardt a irpl;.t-ii h iesae ihpstvn supérsisors la conduct a saloon i n théo'irpriuli toit ie taed th paetiievys township of Fiertihnand for one yaar, n ii iiîîrîlar ta rmall' Rediarîl rializa refuses ia accelit re*rn payment for'ciiolt' nofnésdt bis illcirraa as lie itatés héeîiurchascd lIl ,u'I~lI l i t li sarning fivnigirls it outriglit. Nov thé quéptta iis VOLI I ELLS OF présented ta Ithe board la ti t ual lii , lot i nuIt tilirtée t réets. thé board the rgbt ta reveethe Il THINQS TIAT CITY AridT) wa honivebay tie deeUng o s ces nauhthat théerman bat é1, d as jutée anti Jury, for, In uch a really purchaseti It anti ban inalsaré UIC f fuséi ta accépi payiént for Ih ln ce OWES TO iy c's',, a jury ssiulii hé expécteti. 110v turn As et he mmber ofti-esac, as s jury vould ual hé provitieu turn Ai et té miher uf ue - -liti ('unty otalîi hfîre inné, Redford board bavé nat conaiered a pIan OECLARES HE MAS ACCOMPLISH., h:iii astallie julgi'ta lheur thé cvi- vhtcb tbéy may punsue In the fintter. E AYTIC TE dnradhocsnttituos. lé fact, they are unable to concedîî E AYTIG TES îc'-aaîllecuatt ad a any more vhéreby the>' cm overcomé HAVE FAILED IN. Girl Tele Story. thé inticaclea af the question. At _____Thé girl wsa the flrat wltnaau. Sme preentthematerrese, n he and Hidîî v ait on Aplî I25, whill en- prfetth atesattorreté.l t01ana ilrc',,ritc "vlia of Z.ilrnCity yunii r- riiite homé anire11wWest Sidefront loith *' atorey tay cèlebaivîsîvthlié th Ednniii',rs,cv ' js.irh i in the tulaphiona offece, Itediord Thuraday, MIay lili. la thé dcay whon bls entny lnu the mânistry hy teiillii v e -cotk lier ai the- couni liuse anti Dlener undér the local option Iaw Il a large congrugaiiob at Shilali Tvîh c Ir- aitlie waîkcd alang anti talked ta supposeS ta clasé up biti business. nacle what lie-]iai detne ta redesi-niier ha étiklot ile no lii Il h' t emîn t h éri. Zion Ciy. liat shvv tolt i hm ta, desist anti that Certain county boardnS mrrde-. .f 1 liatîvt tooti lité a rock tivhcantinueti an froro Park avenue caré "théré la nothlng ta It Thefwaîîti bavé beur a vide ojiven tawFi,", whéré lié lives, lnaistlng that hée ac. cuty boarti," tbey Bamy,"rutier v mltIVaIlv "Thé churches coulti tot: campany lier home. itaté liv. can- réturn Diener bha mon- 1siavé ZIn *ily, hecauelé the chunclîv I..ltolt i hm ta thînt afillts vife. but ey anti tht entis Ih."aefla h dcl èel As yéarh huundofathe del)iénerrliaa a charch lie salitiale vouulias-aer rvow af It. flo ceeeti la ny roficianIerthas advertitiia a ,ock socialfor May' 14 le loot bold a! me and kiHsed mc not ecevedanyoffiiainotce hatadmisaion 2 cents. anti 'don't fogéet (unce- and ilien laier lie îlid tiré aime hée wil lieéxpectedt t close bis piacus yaur sae - ,tlilng. 1 trieii ta irevent hlm but an May 7tb. anti. as thé caudfty huard "Goond Lord, lootktiov Upan thi. conta not. I tolt i hm, 'Id tell my atjournéti until June an Msntiay. na I nlirable cliuciv%'au bell hountis. IVlîcollir antI le then tolti aie if I képi officiai notice caricomé tir hlm frai denouince yoîî lit the tnamne afJeevis ivi* i wadk iel hcg the body vhlch gavé hlm hie original Christ. andt1 tlliiyau tai yaur tee*lv cvii.'gise me a goor] tiior' 1 I ld liii permit unless a spécIal session Io cati- thît thé cluIaci ii have gona totael1ii' îîî't vsiant lii haie aiîy attentions deivl."fron iviliiii antilie asketi meaIf1Iliîadt a TIhe situation ai any rata, la extrema- ly iterstintillac. île also look hîîld ofairetut er ly~~~~~ ineatng Aaical vovnelave af Waukeci.'ii ésiliig i' liow aid I vas and'told nir t'omîandary NI).12, K. T. vilii iii1 lied-il ieuîcî1Isaiti1 I v itelîî16. - Yaî ANNUAL MEETING 0OF PROMI. held In Ita asylurt, Tueatiay evénlmg. arc mari- maturcîl Uîan a girl of 16,' ENT WOMAN'S ORGANIZATION May 5th, 1914. At1 that tîne Siîle Hatti IN CITY M ELO ON MONDAY. Knlght Lewis A . llli, Km. Grand l "I tait nry brother about il andtiw _____GêneraI ofairteéGrand Comsmander- ,otdt iepoieadlewsa- Knlgtî Templar ofI llilnois wllllibu es erti.t h oieaniIavsa Thé Waukégan Wmmscu ut préssent ant i n chargéeaifthé vont. i Redford denleti lier statement$. Hé lIta annual business meeting lîonday v aitérroon lu thé club rouaie. Varions reports aéré resti anti acrepteu ahav. lng that thé club hak, bai a vacy husy'« andi prasperous year. blany néw- ho brsi have bpeér, atiteti. The fullowing officers wve elct éd fanr thé ensulng yéar, Prsildnt-.i as Mary Huichîns. lot vice prés-MIss Itia Powell. 2nti vice îrrs-ŽMIss Once Waren. Correspontiîng sec.-Miss Geargia Adams.ofa Ag m Recontilng sec.-Mrs. Ethel B. Mc- KInaure ssFlareptiePenny. ds irdn.u Serg. at Arma -Mrs. A. .1. Jévell.m"mmM @1m Drectors-Mrs. t'. W. Dvars Mrn. u mmoý m Qlol B. A. Munson. Mna. W. P. JoneMine1«6ssbsas u* i Emma ebuanway. Mie. Cyrus Blotig. eoco** M e ett, Mra. Elam Clarké. NIrs.(lintan h a.1 .M e M $o Burnét. Mins Emma meaveasi. Migt Mary Lyon. This 13le h lait meeting mMseaDse untîl Octabér. d waelc but Ae Prier ta thé meeting théré baS béénhWlseawonm sonsfnléntily rivalry for thé office af présIdent. MisasLn A. 7Nlilner héie. Ing one ai thé candidates anti Miss mi. 1111MI î Hutcblrel Bath were asaureti ilongA support. Sbortly hefore thé eléctloll toak place -Montimy aftérnoon Miniim oumC 16411- frmally wlýthdrew lber namé Isald ie héibaheen ta thé city that day, that returnlng home he overtaok bier and walked along wlth lier; that hé mePrely taok hier arm ta help lier acrosa the crosaîngs in the mati; that hée did flot kîss lier: that he sali nothing about lits wlfe and chilti. etc. lie ln- sîsteti lie lîad known thie girl as a m lghbor and thai, lie dld flot shiow iny undue famillarlty wltli lier, Attorney Wélc.h for Redlord put on ShérIff Green, Auhréy Broatibéar, Thomas Snélllng and John Tomloson. a foreman of théeZDon lacé works, ail of whom téîtlfied that hii claracter was gooti. Redford sali hc liaiheén a saloon- keéper for a fcw yéars andi prévious ta that was a foreman ln thé lacé work. Prévibus ta whlch hé vas a fore- min at a textile plant ln Fall River, Mass. Mr. Datiy appea\wed for thesé tate and sald that thé glrl'i ptory couldtifo hc doubted bécause there lvii no mo- tive abowp for bier te tell înch a story If it véré flot truc. Hé urged a auhîntantial fine. "Wé muai thlnk of ltsvifé anti chlti." urgati Mr. Wélcb. "That'i just why h'îIlikély ta pér- juré hlîaeli-to protect hls vîfe," ré- sîîanded Mr. Dady. "Thé gaeévidence cannot hé dis- regard4d, anti 1 amoconfIdes.t thé dé- fendant commîttei an offense anti vîjould bhé ined auhatantJally. mo that otîteri may know that aucti acta wil net hé tolératéd," saad thé judgé as lié llned hlm and ordered i hm commit- ted until thé fine la paid. "If hé goéa ta jolilih cannot get the rooney ta pay thé fine but If ]et out hée will try to do Bo," salidMn. welch. "'I rotaIt consent ta that, but 1 un- derstanti lies réady to leavé town." sald Mr. Dady. and thé court orderéti hlm committed. Wife ln Bad Shape. 'Wliat will hécomé of hlm wilé; ahé haînt aay meana et aIl?" aakéd a nelgbbor af the farolly ai Redford was lad ta Jail. Wbat Me Wéuld Do. £Young lady Visîting her rélatîin eu & atanvnt out lu thé yard ta vateti bar Young cousin play Ivlth' a chlcken. Watchlng hlm Iornseone time ahc askéd hlm: "Willlé. If that chlcken wête ta lay au egg whsi voulti you da wlth Itl" He loakoti up surprlséti. thon snid: "Oh. I'd tell lit to a musé cblckén'& a reoaI en... u'RavmRel. lreund-"Sgo thé éditer ro#eted yFm verses, diti ho?" Poetaa.-'Yo.ý but I Cat aven wIth hhé. 1 r.Sectei hIe aon.." PormUnOnt Poliah te,' Bwve&n Intt af »"Singthe handmils wt og* dlnery blaéklng thora are saveai Mande Ofi lproved pollahe an th» market vhich arm ta héeapplled vith a paint tiruitianti uhicti ke.îpattrant. Pv. for a couplé af vééka. This polWhl aima comes for thé nickel part ai the stara. CLOTflIN6i 0f BOY TO iAIN LIBERTY EFFORT STILL S3EINIG MADE Ill SOL DIERS AT FORT SHERI. DAN TO CATCH DESERTER. EVANSTOA POLICE tHELPED ONE YOUNG MAN FOUNO WITM TWO DESERTERS PROVES TO BE INNOCENT VICTIM. Eimer Schultz, vha vith Harry Pylé. tsi apnisonérsaia Forts Sbert4an. Inducéti William Wray, thefir g8"7. te désert vltb théro lait Saturtia>' mter, naon. succéeteti la mating bieséasape by domuîlng cillan clotblng as waa ausPectét i a thé tuée Pyle anti Wnay vere captureti mnd takén haàk ta ithe fort fan court martial. Thé Evangton policé are thé aiea wbo déiérvé thé crédit for haing cap- tured thé tva désertera. With the deserters ut théeUévisaaa ung ian attIréS ln a aaltier'sg unifarin. At tiret lt vai thoukbi hé vas one o! thé esaped men, but liter h vwàs lemrpoti hé vie a nunaway boy frai Kalma- zoo, Mlch. Hie gavme hienémiea Meadi Pnngh. lté samIShé oa bén captureti by tlu'éé soîdiena anti forcedti tachangé clothing vith ane ai thém. 'Thé man vho tot my clathes vas catIedScheultz," hé tieclaredte t thé police. Harry Tyley andti lliam Wrat ver thé other prisonéra. Théy vere arm-, ed vîth régulatIon ridles vhén %>.- tureti on thé tricha ai thé Nanthvéat- éru Elevatéti rond hy Assistant Objet ai Police Johnaon anti a patrolînofa thé Evanstan tepartmént early Monm- day monning. Lieut. Deiezéset Fart Sherlian vas notIfiéS anti baS thé men takén brick tu thé fort. Thé soltilera refuseS totaith&bout Ibeir escapé. Policeman James Shea ai thé Brvan. ien farce liV thé trio valking south &long the trackis anti ha natifioti Deolt Semgant Demnis M nery. v "Thoaé saIie,, vho eioeped frt" ! Fart Sheridian Siturday .oight .sft maklng their vay along thé North- western tracks nW rMadiffl rgd Bach ai tbém' hak dit n py< YtItM ' vow miv tiare ta do #oanie aOo» n get théî. Senti mare.itien #Ma keep afier théin' hé saud. Assistant. Oblet Joflnesn et trolman Ohéi anti thé> ointoojk th soltilers. "Yau men betier carne ilong, iwM us." Jabnpon saîti. '. The thréé soltlés put dova ihéîn rifles anti iurrendered. itili Soad refilO lt hervl CLOSE 0f VOLLEY in &a lae s IOta ~ ~ Practlcally ail of the men are eaggr BÀLLLEÀO E'WIL !1te eltiier contirue the leagné, or- ai least organIze another association OCI.UK ON TUESDAY Pleiare, exore and éxcltémént a IThé games have flot béée witboeM League Has Beeri an Unusually énJoYmnta teier cîtîméns andi evor Successful One and Has gain, that hall been playoti wuavit-ý Caused Muoh Interest. nese by a lare Qnbér 0 pca tors Who Itla aid, rp,,hng @du- BUSINESS MEN AS PLAYERS. catéIIeat !tr ~obcm Sois af the playera have aisea hé. Business andzProfessional Men eoe vryprafcient in the puattiumé Have Welcomed Opportunity Te hé a auccésafuliplayer of thé' f or the Exefcise. gainé. ane muet bhéln full cnntrol Off ail faculties ai be qulck of mové. Thefinl gme f he ityVoIeyment. Thé haaty îoveîe4tý éLv Up TegeIhé fn ll imé a h y o hlle y , wiîcircamprisea action owitiu "eGM"wlch woflthépY. etiCOfA.thépart af évéry muscle asists gruatiy'7 "Gm"floraith Y M C A nxt in déterminîng thé Worth of tl.ega W Tuéaday évenfr.g Wlllcanclude a » oerole. sertes or athletle eoqçate that bas Thé volley hall léague of thé clty la Çaîîandeti thé éntire atténtion of compaieti of thé fallowirgp*é thé City of Waukegaa. Thé Interest téérna: i thé gamesi bas heen gained îirraugh. Wolverlne*-Ray Fowlér, ('aptaln thé prominence of thé Playere ai the D.%McOInnls. F. Siédel. F. Lyoni faur teama tubt have, made iP thé Goe. Mead 9. Bénn, N. Fnon. léalié are compoieti chlefly0fr men GoPhr-IL Whyte. D. Thompma,- PrOmlnent fil Commercial, Prfsea<iorg C. Wéatérfléld, T . Walton, H. BabCox1<. ai and civié lfO af thé City. Thé. fact J- Brown, R. HOrrégard, W. VaunDe' tbat thé éntrantie Ioto theé aiotta Mark. téams vai niade hy many af thé mii lladgers-B. Thomnpklna. C. Whyte. ln sprit oa i éperimént as mucti as J. R. Davis, Dr. C. S. Amt>rosé. .L reallzlng a néedofa exorcie te théir Whyte. I. R. Gebréctit, J1. Zimmér' constitution, 81016,has brought attéé- inan. Ré,. Brêlas. -. tien ta thé organIsation. M&MOaUO-F. Galloway. J. C. Clark, That thé a4roclatlan vas a decliet Prof. H. Zlmmermanr,~ E. Juil. ILZ succesi bath frOo A Phymical anti ln. Mooré D. Pitt, Prof. 1. W. Bush, A. telléctual ataadntilala thé coeansus C. Wilson.' Of opinion ai thé Ménibera ai thé val. lou$attous. A - greatér nimber -of théro. preséS Sariurtngthé boira af the day b>' proféesional anti com- mercial business anti varny havé fourd i luté pptaiita tgain exer. cîse that vouS rertain the vitait' that thé>' poMsoet ln their youtb. but- thé ,fréquentpt rsice thé, gamea thé éxenclseanti excitinent oaiC1t mî. iras serveS ta tirav thlr nihits ava>' frai Ibél, busîneai varnles antinh- naaom«»aetFIfy. 9'outb Ian'î eoythlng. aithangb 1a là 80 aSci ileher-th»It aihova. N6 doubt. too. if a mmnhua thé innaMa for romiane* je hlm et ufl. ho sa8&Afr:. mantla at ftty as ho vas iltvu W Mve aSPorbusa lais cynleu, ka Ing théeraeaiue tter. eobiaaq. O4 meS véat toam ainalo ai my4&,.e «Mn. Whybunio Prhiemua" b>hylow CL gave. à

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