LAKE COUNTY INDE PENDE:NT WAUKEGAN WJEEKLY SUN ___ VÔL. NXII.-NO. -34 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., YRID.\Y, MAY 1-, 1914. t' 't 'I /l il 31t' sworn te, Inquire Imb Ihe death flue attactrueut aud liey meicame roada In lie couty wiiet eed to De of Mr*. Eart T. Langworthy, on te plan o! enfarciug ther Iustalla- Improveti. He regrts thttt tiere la cati do findt lat the came b bher tdon b>' lam. . not soute a ay (it raisin7 mua-i death while taklng a bath ln a ".My candi! opnton ta titat not a tbnough a mhel tait or otermîse. bath tub ln a renteti flat. towu siaulti Show as beaters to te He says taltich preena metbod of "We, tie jury. findti laI the inettalîet intahomesud rny ugges- titatributip..gthe utate auto tax tan watr aofs"id bath roo m was tior, ta the offIctaIs ot Woutegan anti rost itmprovemt-nt la fan trom at- h.ated by a Garland Gas Heater, IMJ»ertyvlle lis that tiey loae no ttme î,actory. No. 10-J, and %wae Installeti withInlupassing ordinanceS ta have these eut any flue attachment te carry changes matie irmetiately" Anînie Stephenîsoniasa brougit a off tie dead Canon, andi w. be It ta qutte probable that as lhi e n- orecloimure actton lu Circuit court Ileve tisa wiile takicng her bath suit of tieme recommen4aUionst ram agatuit Francis G. Porter. the Deer- *hoi became, nt toast partlally ttc coronnen o! the county liat or- fildt man, mbo ment into bankruptcy overcome witî tisse gases, lost tinnces wîlI be pamedtiboth la Wau recently and mtose famaus dog ken- contraI of hersolf anti fellwibi itegan anti Luertyville. nets wene oid ti honction. ste Is no 'any violaledthte ctty ordi- nauce. Ste miltistlfY, iltaosait, thal ste Ntian out ridtng mith Mn. Sim- oua atiitai iii the mogt natural ssy in the aurîti droppet hen arm aven the tact utflte seal but that sabetat no intentioii of pisciug lb about hemi escart. - Mn. Sinioîts iî oue o! thc most prom- tneat youug nien in ZMon City. His tatter ta a nretit armer anti capital- tt tetnm a direclor lu the banit. He la reputcdti ta thle richest man lu Vton Cty andt one o! the ntcieat iii thie noth. part of Lakte couuty. ft tutti ttGreein sonaay sadSurren-' tienet i trseit. He couteiset that on APril 16 lte sPecunet $125 trait Thornas 10011g Of Detroit untder falie pretenaseî. le gai e lm a checrk ta cash, saying lie iai tuinuislu fle btnk. Sîne taItti. e nayî, is conseIence tas obtttred Ihit su ad Ite imagines tiat eetr niait iiha isaika. hluduthiai Is a uetectici ,rt-ad>' la arrest hlm. He say-t il is fitlsfinît unîamtni ti elSîîeî- tif tGreenn lelemaptedti taDetroit anti expecta attîcers to arrive here aud tati-thie man tack itmliitbern. Independent reater? BE ONF. noon sald to a comnhenon "I belleve 1 wfIi endiil aIL." Rellevedti Iomn meutinel duly at 6 p. m. he @hot hlm- self in thi temple. APEALS TO SUPREME COURT The case of R. D. C'ook agaînat lie- trustenof netool districýt Na. 9 lu- -wiicb Mn. Cook ia seckiug tu cornpetF tie ichool rustees 10 pSy for the lu- tMoi of h daugitter in thue Wauitegaîs tlgh setool totia> mas cariedti a te Supreme court on an appeai. Il mît! establislitlte valtdtty onrtlelgalily of lte iam tuiicti provites lhe trusteme musut do tttls. ýWELVE PAGES i The Survivors ofthIe Fifleentit liii- nats Volunteersi mlii iolti their aunual reunton at Belvîdere on May 23, tii date iavtng becu cliangeti lroh May 24 because o! tht- tact that May 24 talai on Suutiay. Titis la tien. G. C. Rogers' oit reginueul. George E. Joues dieti at hua home ln Ânes, Late couuty. eariy friday. mter a long Illuess. FumeraI frons rositieaçe Suntia>'at 12.30b0Wloct. flurial aI Baninglon. 1a018 bitg wsekl-IDOUFDENT., 1, à' le $1 -W PER YEAR iN ADVANC.L ONETWEGH R1 E PE VER iNADVNC JURY BLÀMES iAS Déal teWRformLatinof te W ELET SI3NÂTOR BY WANT FOX RIVER WILL SUFFRAfiE ALL 0f MAY TO IIALF DAY DROPS ,eform foague of Libertyvili. appear r HETE FRWO o pg oe f at wooftisw«sDIRI O F THE AS F1511PRESERVE LAW BE SUSTAIN= BE QUITE COOL OFF THE MAP BY TlIÊ MAN'S DEATII RUSHES FAR UP ON BEACH. P O 'UI E R Foi river set aide à tfllth: e D, SI T E EO LE Arodf Mwl l a uh red lUn wthe C O NG0 S LO S préserve as hila lreàdy been done ow baroineter and cloudy, murk Mrs.Ear Lanworhy ead nknwn CuseMaks Lae FrstTim.é i'. Iutry of the with the oiher pr~cpal itreams nf Alleged Statementof Attorney weatber conditions wil! attea rn t, May Seventh Off icially Marked When Found-Lungmotor Rise With RushAFuIIy Four Stato Peopi. botallot on thé state with the vi71w of prevent- enalCu sMied Feel- tetittth ot.Dn:lgman the End of the Lirnit AIIow- lng the Illegal tablg Of game $#ah jngs inthe ity.wil or rthe wster~n prt o ed by the Used Without Avail. Feet at Noon. High Office. with Reines wiijcle£8kilos r t be the country, Wcomhsg downpours in__ GA ILD TH OS. Wht eemed to b. a t" w ~ave, ALSO COUNTT OFFICERS. goingGo At prefft.Te tits end the THINKS THE LAW 15 VAL ID. alaalYciItiers. Tii.,. raine wnille LAKE VILLA ALSO QWTS GA FLLD TH Wueg. tth hrorModayanlesw mr Ult is ltrea ofae flt yf colrastatit pstl nole md i,, wtrpeerrrs uy orpanngl aerswh iai lth I trestofP are ot tnights provtded the douda iurDaes nMn he Thought She Was Overcoome or titre fast, the. change in oo Pfllor ray Ellection onfl peme resentative P. e. Seiierd, Charles Said to Have Expressed Opin- disappera,qo elr i M yCte By the Gas and Then Drown- the. lake reauiUug ln at loca; one Nnth-Interest Begins to Clyne and 8seaa<r Stewart of Kne ion Recently About the Promla;te lith te the ninth thjere Are Feoed to Shut Doors smail boat being overturned wîiere Pick Up Now. Couruty. along thé river ln havlng the Probable Decision. 1 i111hi danger of viclent sierras. Thts by Voters' Mandate. ed in the Bath Tub. ît tSd oitn on supports e orn Foi and lie tream of lares miade &__1_____ li!kely be tollowed by a wave o lira EaI T L*gwothy wle o a e ron te ae Faosoein. Pr bhe tiret tur n e b i ttory a ami sait erve =W thug Preveuttng Saloankeepera and township candi- abnormaiiy cotd meather, whtcb wtil Hundreds of saloonsi Illinois clos, LibertYvillemerchaTii wawavendaima ifta!ed at raidock a tate,Ililinais wtt! on Norernbler 3, seling alttgether. The DesPlaine, date, who are dependtng upon the su. )ast approximately unttl the llth. A ed their drics Plday oigt. Titrag ln a ath jwhich the ighthouse keepera have eect a Untted States Senator by the Nlazon, Kankakree and Oter rivermahreme court ta deciare the Womran etorru pertod Ot two or three dayalmire voted ortt of business at the inabthtbSbudy My . nertegov ernment reldences. direct vote of lite ctzeua.Themu. are already protected I itisl; ay. Suffrage taw unconalitutionai. there- tollowed by a retiure teoecier meath- local option electtanm bael a month a Summe rhonie on te btalée of Lake and It caused Conideratie uneaieil Iected et the prirnarjea 1telie held on stream Iu nortiiera Illinois that 1l, ians held iu Lake (aunty on Aprîl -melnth.,ciosed out their stocks. The balaic Kara ner lberyiJle. lthug t tthe laite but bhe flaterMen u-I September 9. So fair tire sénatorial not a state reserve and Ist-ilin thPIare muet interested luna saalment P rOm the ltbte t the 22nd ma, te heldi their grip on lite tii! the lent als liitrouis ie Mr Lagwrth'stalned no damage 80 feranuacan tbe race Io the onlv polttal pot wttch only river that ta betng iihleteri, Of jcredîleil ta Aittoriiey Gcueral P. j.,expected aevere ram stormie. Char. tour of the bhiittiett day allowed by ais ttiraios04-rMrLanwotha earned, hai already bei-n pti t oiing. il.,inth y seintng. The" angli ci- tei uey'h i eged to have expre-at-zdby eai ist iop.1wfrcong Th manvoe nioeît sorelu itnt>. Thef m maiigazolne iaunch owuwd Eiect CorityOf'icerm thatI t i5 un ta thern te pre-crt'btlé d te opinion trt the suîirctuc sharp iigttning lanti thunder. A nteii makes I probable ltait many miii Early iis moriiînu ,Mrý Lauoir. b> lred Godile was the one mtict Of local Interest i- thttcélection ort iî b et ihis river, ltie l'estl iasn court titi!deciaré, ilievulnan ,iiftrag, ofclearing la probable ftmthe lSth neyer be permIttedte borecien. tltn starteti ont o oiebi l -takfront her averturned by the mater ai It a couaîy judge, counti lerk. Sherlff. ýt;.. n nIlliffli. ( aw îalid. ote20thitilct mil I kelv la-t un- Noisy ds-mniratlona mailetthe Suiiiiner hme for Ilirush ed up the beach near L.amrin'scount- superinitee t fchools n ftehe amd re sirleeto otss ud-huttlté2r.Athp a trwl asn o h aonl nn iis store and boat houge. county treasurér, Prituartes forte--rie it wiii be unlawful t, tfit iln,' lied ti court lit Watikegati tr lu îî udfollaw, durlug whrc-h limé rata andi Wet goudailalnboite *n.were sallt aiîu liîg li- liint iin ip et s d The bard coal oat Ctru s mai at nomination tif ail the state s d cuant ab aydevc xcolurt im t plîiîîi ariu eu dan.i î tînerlec tr stor c n-lutin sud penit.a tprice an th lm o tnw rg o r , fiil liju ltg tî-rcl iîît-li-itly ai t e iée 'cooa! dock sud mas about ty atticers tu ie tiecteti, wibh the e xc lnr- d oi sdInrr a 'tt ue lti ttd.îat u a e ia i ~ b T pe lt r s o a bare ta nbg xe cftor ap Iro etipud a cm e tr§e.ît r îiîougt Flc t,- aI-ii e iaki- ite ride. ready ta leave when the wave it;.1-ttlau of titi- t îtierslly ofIlîlinois andthIe sport of ftshing lttIlle Fox FredShefro ihadPr ie Arreillt ti'rlc ite enîî t ai-the s3ofttcoo! boat J. W. Rhodeîs a-i trutétes mitiaré- nominateti u in rsritvtr mai, become a itrtittunle t! < el t Hgiiatire p ark tiof inair Tere I rhbte . ang er pla t aela(ctes.nLaecur inînIt dîrictly lt.wiroultîn titi-t aist athe dock. Ne damage sac -venîîon ai te e u] n Sepleuitîr 9nsunr-c cmfort ta man3 ot Iilufiiii- D lto mîas declarcîl te nc t-- tlt o trnin hav iasseti eastwartj'tucitîdeti cousei ttere, State central. sntitriai anti unitct loti', ut Isaac Walton. toittdilate dîl<-ared irtlit a d e a change to couler wmlii btaîn. Ttc I Jack Dienerai sund Reiiey'i place. l.îlti-d tItiret! ilannitiU tet he Te-ie f h-wtr asluhP crlb-e r-P il is b hoe o i art ictija itajurlt-ofthelit e avotes muat wtli dune w-ita starm perlad ! i-ait Day. ase nthe Plnk Potdile of a o lita it a l O , r t lt n sa c ti s i e l ia i! t et t c m u t n o îb e e s h ie f a n y ilm i l a r 1 t ia t d a t e . s t b u lRD La rID C T I C A I ba A Vo n t h iI t h a n g i g v e ý a e l a e tîtat site Ilîîleîî é)ta-d éei a hoku- a it atoccurrence ln the tîîbary a! local îUnder rio.t Illinis prmar> i jl ROPS DEjADj AS ilaîit. (ilte r-tuait vutes wîticîî IttaJuae. Ttese itorme are Ilkîiy The tma saloons ta laite Villa. liait ail touîîîr Lter aitietsitt iitti it!marinera, for. stile tdai naît-il haie i candidate-s. for onttiatiaui aI Ihe gai ira ijrîi. tbigitneSdtagru cw l atla tr a eun rî-aiîîîe-ari-(it ie wonitan bgait ti fi-e! occurreti betare, seidom. If icr have 1j Irilarlît tuor sncb soite, dtstrict. or ISUEI DEDILTf. iîua ugt xenaitlgtmsî mlgtiiii-i hy asdtew4ter *tu rinu- ni ciont> oNcrs. attnt filie teir îpoilti nt'otire ncenî~t-lé,tdî tif t,_ antiguarded against. caubro!, in Lak<e Vila, the village Stt-ppiutg Ijlta Ilte liai]tenîti itii-i-îi nuctas tuilay. [tiens tnaliini-t-rtIart filt itate 0 o]i, 1T1 KlieDLiE IE icke t tipiiuard receîtIv bal granted au e-- the- odrofr aisud c ttIit nid lit-r lit-iî intntlnsttnt rît-naEii rS L J IIR.1C RIESior ýte t ita-î ti - -tAIteusion front April 30th. te May 7th. '.'-îigaîioîîî t4iliiitg !rit(,hiri, Lanîg- her face in the water ati amci lst!iii ixti dat-s prier lu te daît' ut cidb,t f.iale-.t i ri.ti tri thuit CONGRESSfd 'riat la boa saloons tîcre operaleti wotysapartîu-îtls mite forétitte drowned. t1 itiîrmary. Mrs. Sinion Sorenson Smniles tIiîi'selit-tu il ired a îtîajtîrîty ileti hud ritîtti liieti itt a uiloctiltggan i *'e.the jury, feel that mc t uluil ii leeett o 'u r.. .j, .naîe -i tticq a-is TIM SO,Ç No Boer Poureti Out Iht esiysîfitibr.* eaît tti as fîxture ,inotaibed in ihis way, \uvember *as3.e riui îuBut~l ttirtîe mo-i litere-atittg cae t- AP. N IS> M R nluLakte Cut ntrca tr site muade lier aay té) tht- ballîrouti, , aeamncet ieanirse t a~tîe ic nited ta îtes St- Keels Over in Deati. ut a ilie reIl idlit nalounkeepers IIwIfL as no "paurng o! tooze tb the gut- mîtere sio-tount Irmca Langwortl-î tuîîy reccmmend the village au- aSoir treaaurrsuperîntîndent utf I--lit v ilages mhicîî îoîe<d dry.TîPROIIIO~j~tNea atctekeeseli iyig stIt tr teai artaiy st- thoritiet ta tail. properaci 0 o public instruction. cdent of the su- SEEMED IN GOOR44EALTH -aoooke=iea " flabta bvea ie teywllt as!wa m mergd. rnden ai plubin of his prem cout, hreetruséesof te cre votti aut ythé voirimaen., N -EPLY TO LETTER CONGRESS- nid of their stocks ton they dîint Hastiiy site suîîtînoîtcd Dr. tîtiurcîti kind. Univ-ersity o!fIlînois. - Was in the Chinn Grocery ait1Tireatan suffrage laa. thiev nay.1 MAN FROM THIS DISTRICT dtittplb out. 1i1, who hastenedtet te acce suad ap 'W.Waim1 findt hat this builti District Offtcers-Relreentatlvess AohFida stW en hinasttutaunal. SAE i OIIN is tLk il niVro piet esarîvelie leleptaeia n a cntutdb . .Bt î gneas Itrni eac caugresanal nder te iaw If lese electian con- uow dry as a restait of the locs.1 Oh- Most Immedlabeiy le Waukegan ai er, and th. qastîxtures were disîtit and lau congrsomen-at- HatW slfetd est-i aie not bt-eu filîc thi n thir- Obevrgta uepttnhdttcn llght of Apili 71iandt wfth Lib atiked Larson & lHoliaî te tarush Ibeir put ln by hlm. larel satsentatr luadi!uumîe navs olieChicaongaoacianertyvIlle havignsuedry éon Mmay lungruotor tht-ee lth ail passIble "C. H. AEILfcreman . -l fî.Juta t a engtlita e ltItc u ortnîîîlielt due to lie ne <tause, oufri-te IVRIIbened trict, lkofte appeilabel uta il a e odttathrta h uierecutMl ae1CongnemomnuCharles NI. Thomson of ipeeti. 1"W. a.CARR court lu gelet<etthe appellate dis-érggés Offset tte cuit Of grocenies wauid affect tluet-m.'Uusno umoreeau tlis titi t protestiug againat na- twsnwta oti r r thu Thé. trip sas matie ln ttre auto amt- GEORGE LATON îrîcts, member state central commit- whicb steehbledîurchased ith" ete lied nom as morellthan îbirty <aya dtonal prohibition, the editan of thel saloons and! a tunch of abouttiliteels hulnc atitii alocup mchaier "J. ELf TRIGOS tee. Frauk Chînn groccry et Ântioch Fnlbi- aelapsertisilice lte towonshipidec- fN~ onner keepers are flgurlng on w1Iat "0 minutes. Fromeatout 9 aclocit un- ARTHUR MIILLER Coul,,y Officers-Courily itim, dyMySb r Soemn eoion. gressman slihlm how he stt i the am ando, thebaterals are II noon the luugrnotor waa tseti. but ::C. B. METCALF" 1couuty cdent. supernteutient Rebonds, a farmer mto lices 1l 1-2 milesiloiti Opinutinstif Wattkegai t atornîeysare tic question. Mr, Th....u repliteito 'd mre niterfml r not once was there ail rearison la As stown ty the toregoing verdict shériff. caunti' tneasUrer. east of Bristol. Wîs.- exclaiined: ititideti alu lite probable action of. promptiy, Snd thus la mhat he a wreigwti hywllh orr thint laI sprt t lte nmaieti Ib caoues juy, reidedate hy'Ot I hve u a fu pan h my ut-nîtrem cort n tt munausutlu art ta Tickta geeraiobelite t a Mm he coroner'sj ur Tylopr neir nves- LANy "Ohea,Iheant utng tcr tain n ytolte t ra mltert om tn te aî De n artn.te. Diener Keeps O 'iorthty mas uercomi- lîy the fuietten i Ibelli lnu Uberl -ville]esat CsAoi! ib epe t leibai u e uctt itsu tea Repiyiîqg teyour letter of!the25tî htltit eantr nim oif gas andtirtieur saîtk utder tht- aa- uriay ulgbl.labeti a défecti-ve goal flaar deati thititît t wlii tealtased lu stand.Th ie lu sîtet >ou nequeit me ta expres Ittoesatr.lne fHl tr anti mas dromueti. The' bastraam bel mater tealer focrtticdathof T D C T U O Sems42 it-ars ddtIthdbcMaO i--totsl fclcte tdloîtnm ims yufrouiDay. lma aecenmimai te anid lii--gai lit "c- .lanca orîtl)- mn îe uf o Liber.,tuler offic daugbti-r-iandti tree 'i, lparissof hta pululteîcallun, moît or Ibte sa mater tester ln l ita t prîtidél ith ut tille mercbanî RIER0snsTtc oldcnt tilughter mas mar - tht Ilquor tueas gof the sari enaare not îucrneIing thir leases lobéfor arryng aa- tre pison I tac1aarhlIte lipassage !S0utDIItRS It-OtTY 'ilut-causeilmeIhes aobaieauhopea havtheps sth pruntme osgpsta eeofrnte ui-th riaytp thteecpinSte tati contlé tu e village te gel aitipoiito calto o r ykuock ot hesuffrage law ittiie gariesno rcre ad'%r liir a cuti OM NI IS lieadtug tutii hceenso ftetwH îîîg ut the tiiumluatirtg gi. ltr îa anlfltti oni)s tt a flue -CharIes Russell, County Supt. gtheents au h ti hr du, a couuttt' rese gais rhiio l s-beturetethsre wt ûli toans NIrs. b.aigurthy msas uvconîe b; - te cirri off tthe ti gases ,- ttcTeempétition itouti Watcbittg bîru thmefuesorth leiitr xIaut.j erraé,frntth brnngofga. of Highways, Says Many 'Your egga juai otfset th . - ICTM 0F ZION'S TtcIteill. orut re ce orlet b hy wudIl o u u h ai ttc oxyget lunte rumn t icit T are acmarri, as beatena ut' Autoisis Are Selfish. certes," saiMn. Chtin anti emom îu yuree t ou1etetime mouihate botinMont but lie catiit he line ta go out anti altos-m ttc sainie ki u n Libetille anti - mîlet inluaplroval atter whîch selle ANTI=.IICI LAW ilAUT ma notan butocasa ttha ln oif-sie teyla havlaite bluanre Dofner' Itlle gaiglteicape. lb rnay te tifi- ýakegan' Coroner Taylor tieclarei -Charles Ruait-Il, ocuin y supeiiten- madetieiertmark quoteti. i IlIf1JiU LIiIrmi e.tu a eio ! cer e ée itavugtihebalany e* l cuit le discaven te es! cautteoutlitem today, "aud unicité prccautIons arctdent of goti roatis, ia coasiderlng a Mn. China ruabdter ietiblt, 1 teIitarésridents of Chicago ragaiust nu- ndlcesn' te mthte couuty e Io teath. Sorne are o! the opinion titlat takeu tiere will te more fatlities plan s tiret> te plane tae educate am te alites "Nat a muscle maveti Companion of Assistant Bank étional prohibition. 1 have aiso re- sddeu Itn adI la es passiblyte falwhIcb lins.Lans.Why ît wasbonîy about a ycar eo'automobile drivers lu Lakte Couuty atter emie tel! 10 tcéfloor." Csiro uoRd cu- tevndainal pr ohibition satono h rset morthy ufered ahortiy hilare i. 1 h5t a ycung man by tic anome lateexerctse more cane ln dtitvtng thetr Hen humbanti mss notifiaiti at once Csiro uoRd cu: tentoa rhbto eilto starteti out rnay have cauîeti ber ta Meyen wto mas employeti as a bookt machitnes about the caunty. He aimes andthue body mas taken home. She ed of Embraci ng Him. nom petinfin ta1congress. in coa rnp1 CAVAI -YMe bicorne taiut, but wiile tbcy minht keeper et the Beiey Bremery mam teo iustruct tbern te 'ran out" the ta bellevred te bave <ied frram heart ance wibh the requent acecompanytng l2Vl IIiIIO $M have teen a courtbutony cause the oi'êicome and! diet wkile takiag a maade o! the county by umîng every faîlune. Zion Clt>'s lamons ondinance Pro- ail o! these petitons, 1 have preq-inteti pnesence of gag In the bouse ta suff.-bath in uch the sanie way as lirs. part of thern ratber thoan by keeptng hibiliug suit a mosquito net stock- them te the boume anti they have FORT ENDS-IJFEk cient cause. Langwortiy. SeveralIinstancels lu a bgatent rut anti thereby raking R TIti Laite Counly Gondi Rontie As- luge, short aleeveti andi low-necitetibaron, dnly referreti ta the, commait.. Beaies lber huabaudth te vîctîrnhave been caliedtiebomy attemstlaudeeper and deesper. aoctatiou. receutly arganîzeti, shoulti dresis sud kitssin lu public places on jndicai-y, viere tits légiliation I 1 leave two daughter:. iMr. Langwor- wehaPope hve ae e tial "hersh are rnany automnobie attiri. tm tslmeiate atni ta eari Mangarmle a rst victIxu lu Mise te Poin T belleveM onstituants Itl7 YE Ex-F ýMPYlàUberiyvtli.. theY flot heen r«eumdinluthe nicko!fmaoli."They keep their machies in existe on Steridan mat ir.ea -the Mise Werner wmîlIte trleti ican. ac- Pétitions of this i. ntiou pendîng leg. Shoots Hiself on BeingRe Th fllerii erie&watt bodelt t h. tie.tese ruts Intead Off uing other po>- south limita of ZMon Cty. 'The roati, cortitn to the Police, On a charge of iaation and liaI 1 ounit ta présent tieved of S8 fi~iyLt Presbybts1ebcureb 'rueda, .nornng _It tereally a dannerous propomi-netiot he roati and It lt thua i wbtch te famteti for bte aslntou al. havtnn embracet and kiaaet Mn. Slm- them te coxigrese irrespective of the Friday Nhm (Iy st dtg»* o'Cck. Rev. H. M. Alienrt tion tea how these'beaters in homes tîlaat tmposalble te keep the rndes itesof!lits sunface anti over iwicî ans, assistant cashien o! the , F'rst question of whesther I &arn sympa- cond"ctlimg the servies. Quito a lor. owtliut Proper flues. Tii. city of In gondi condtion. ln many caaes il thouumntisof automobile tourisis. te, tate Bankt of Zion City, whtie in hie Iiy with the stand betng laiton by the CauprésJ. ain~~,~~ç~t, numri e iMone ft he I e. ... Chicago wlhl flt allOw thea. heutera; maly b. mette toughtlesnmemm on iothing o! Laite couuty résidants automobile au Sheridan road. ietttoluenm. -the. 3M1III Cavahr- attended the service. The romraiem erta le Ihistailet Wihout the ps'oper part of drivera anti 1 thiai that aile will page dttt-ng the coring gemmner. Mise Werner mas arreésteti y A. A. WIh retereuce torMy poaition as -Sheridan. PnidaJ lajilt. Soobitfei timn on lb. aine a'ciock train antifueanti the smre law £5 entorcet itn 1 have pointe! out the mistakes to denote atborîbott in the péence Waikîr, City manihai o! Zion. Her a member o! cougrese on thia boiet- anicide. hy shooting illec g thei. take for hurla] ta Hope ttounteemetery ttit ly wlth regard ta ortinialya them that they iii dealat. There oftht hebis, uhiet tila at! la£ ast arrait tas catîset qulte a sUr ln ZMou lotion 1 say I ar n infavor o! IL. heat with a revolver. Scheel wai marti of Cicago. The pator antithe toves useti ton cooking. are ottera mlto act selhilo>' about tt. aiwayms ileti itit mater. u £8inetetiand ti illapossibhie that an effort mili twenty-three yeanoldlinleieandmi ia pailbermsaccompanedthtetbotiy te !IRs "I have tai t hi Mn. Murray, They tae the stand tbSt lit 14rsemien tiat <tntsbed silneappropriaied t» himadtie10test the constitutlonality MAN SURRENDERS SELf5, home mas ln Belleville, Il. The. body lai re.hlng plce.manager Of lie North Shore Gag tte ep luthe rut tliaut Il ls te mate the counîty for tie repair of the spotaofte ciîy ondinauce ln case the po- -8as sippe tactâtit Point tor'biL -Comnpany Iu Libentyville anti he lI.. a aew course andthîey do not show lu question, bas lint in splile la tie lice are able to prove tem charges. W~iliam Ileunane, 2S years aId, of Schuarte hord beeu glomy and de- VERDICT 0F JURY forma me thot the gasg<lonpauy milI auy couatteration for others." ctty o! Watkegau tan over a year. itlaIsnaiti Miss Warner miui deuy Detroit, Nlclit,malitetInto thei office premmeddring the entiire day anti at ,-Wa.l teundaralaneti iuror,. nflt Instali a a eurter t..... the Mr sna.~, ..sellRav t.-..ire--thecageadmIlint out,,, .., . of qh.,f(-.A ---- ONE TO EIGHT