CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 May 1914, p. 4

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LAKE COUNTY" EPNET> PRm4yJMAY 15, 1914 Lake County Inde pende nt ga a edgp ' nelaecks wodar Pvltf rogres. in1916. Waukegan Weekly Sun Aren hy aifedyttat thy landed a Democratic - Presideet? Looks as if they're not. Office Telephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. D Batered at the Patoltice at Lîbercyville, Ill. se Second Clam@ Mail Matter It's true that they're ta.boolug women riding astride mfi Officiai Patier for Lake Comity. in MZon now, but it is flot a fact that they have started put-q <.ud Evéry Friday. Adêti@inz Rates tMade Known on Application. ting skirts on the bill-boards. Hovever, it is ruinored that " sUBSCRIpTioN PRICE. $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANOE t.eyre planning oni putting them onUtblé-legs. W. J. SMITH ...................................................................... Editor 1 Moral',physically and mentally unfit men are sent to M . J WEBER..-........................... Reildent Manager, Phone 68 repréez i1'~sytm accordinï4b William Xc«Kln1eye 8= h Of repreami*swho addréumod the MAJORITY RULE. diglingle'Tai Club Frlday nigl inlSchiller Hall, jÀ The voters of Libertyville, that is, a majority of them, Chcao- "The maxi *ho stands clcuntto the state limua-1 voted that the township should be made prohibition, that, tonalCORmtttee stands the but chance of being elected, tc no liuor houl be old rom ay lt onunti f rergardiesa of bis qualifications. Votera do flot réalie the 1 no iqur soul besol frin ay st n utilfurherpower vested in ibis committee." Mr. McKinley is abso- t expression by the people. 1iutély riight. 'Thé fact was empltaized inost at 81 And, the town should remain dry!1 a meeting of the Illinois Press Club banquet in Chicago a Thé Independent wishes ail of its readers to know! few evemings ago whén a prominent Chicago judge urged wu that it believes firmly in enforcément of thé law and of.ý the down-state editors to remember the fact that bettéri the people's wishes as expressed by the majority. lChicago dOésn't approve of ail of the men who are sent to a. If te popl ofthé ownhipwises te twn e r Springfield as représentatives. In tact. he apologizéd to main wét, they would have voted to have it. BUT, thef thé guésta for thé calibre a-fithe fmlnçwho are sent downa majority voted to have it become dry territory-thérefore theré and begged thém not to lay it up against thé better the*majority's wish should prevail. element for doing s0. -6a Theré's no question but that certain individuals wéré The insurgénts, so calléd, of the Modern Woodmén who dissatisfied because the Indépendent did not corne out and are objecting s0 strenuously to the r4tes which *the héad yenl for a "wet" town and certain ones are dissatisfied be- camp of 'the ordér attemptéd tô put into> force somé time cause we didn't yen for a "'dry'" town, instead Of MerelY ago, appear to be winning ail along the line, but it !B to be w' printing the NEWS of the whole situation, rathér thafi hopéd that when they get into possession of thé adminis- seeking to direct the personal views of résidents in this; trative offices pf the êrder they wlll have some plan for a b ig ord id qu si n W 'v al ysf t is sae o re .rating that w ll be acceptable to th order as a whole wl p l' qu si n andtei dvd a eies c n sl o e a will also satisfy the insurance commissioners -of the c a g d b r u e t f r o g i s.d- states in w hich it does business. Th é W ood xen are no BUT th Jnepedet vsiis t irprss n is benmore exempt from the law of averagea than any other fra- R ore htNW ihtézajrt xrsinhvn ternal insurance organisation and any rates that are not décsvta h tw hudb1ry TSO E based on the accepted tables of mortality are flot safe. Thet .MDMST BE DRY. If thé majgrity at thé propér time history of the hundréds of fraternal insurancé ordérsd vish te return to WET, then IT BR0ULD BE WETI Bt which havé gone undêr shows that and thé heads of thé a the people's will should mile, and no individual should be Woodmen, whoever they are, shouId inake haste te enforcé made thé exception. A commumity can progréss and can such re-adjustmexits as vil make ýhe order absolutely thrive only by law énforcement and this issue is s0 big, 80 stable. Anythig that affects thé Woodinen advérsely is important, that it must be strictly adhered to. little less than a national caamity. Subterfuges will not gol Efforts t vadé thé law can -_ _____________________ not b. put ovér with impunie in our village. Violators-- :of thé prohibition law shoiild bé, they MUST ble prose- EXPERT MAKIGTRIE NMW ROAD LAW cuted. Thé village, state and nation progresses most suc- 1o oésfully when fair lawa are enforcéd to the léttér and!INVESTIATION 0 IS A DELUSION SAYS noneecau gainsay that a néw condition of affairs éstab- I lished by a majority voté Qf thé péople is not fair-for, if1 LOCAL fiAS PLANT' AN EX-LEOISLATOR they want it, they should havé it. N1 Thereforé, before any particular number of violations Commissioner Orvis Says thé B. F. Staymates Declares thée are attempted in Libértyvillé, it should bé rémémbered State Commitsion Has an Tice Road Law WîIi Prove by men who may plan évasion of thé law, that théy may Expert at Work on Job. Expensive to People. .xpect no protection from this papér because, disregard-I Ing permonai opinions as te vhether ornot a dry or a vêt'WORI< WILL BE THQROUGH. SPEAKS TO HIARVARD FOLKS p -tovn la besi, ve're merely abiding by thé décision of thé As a Resuiftof Fils Report thé Déclares thé Good Roads Law F mnajorlty. The officiaise of the village vil havé the héaqi> Cmiso Ma ed W Egnrdbyhi- ty 0o-opération of the Independent la helping enforce thée omsinMyDcd WsEgnée yCia :ne* coàd"tlof affaira vhlch theé nijority'has proclaini- What Raté May Be Had goBak___rets <édias thir desir. We're not catering te, y faction at ail, Wlanlegan, May 11, SuperVinoGra, btgbvey commission- 30 because ere printing a NEWS-paper, and don't intend That an expert lu the employ of ibe ers, farinera, buiness men anrd sany to ester te anybod-vé merély vlsh to be fair and to e ééimonote teePubueic titon commis- others lntteei~tu on d roadesud! thatthé ésirs ofthé ajorty ae carledoutnot ar-mon lis ai preetent sirsaed in rnakithle way to obtaln theni gatbered aet th k eie ftemj iyaecridot o ar-n. investIga the iNorth Shrore thre court hou». at Woodrqicck luit ly, but te the tetter. Gaa Plant lukegan with a view Raturday arternipon to heur B. F. tsubrnttlinta effedrepart back Siaymaiea. tunmer Mditformer rnem- WHY THE BOA"D "KICK.ED." lie wtlTibttaloile0to dtermie-ber of tlie fllnoll eefalaiuregive his bem Iff e beter ble e, dte n pressions of thre proeut Tics rond uliat actior aboutit ho taken. ta thre smre respects thé resolution presented to théevuiagestemtent or Cormmimaoer E. V. Or- lau as Ittg Skirn a>myethe lHarvard ' board Of LibertYVMle by Tmutee balés IF. S3mala, Jr., lau eaklarg of the motter today Mr. Mr. Siayrnst.. came fostifled wltb at th$ laut regular meeting of that body wua- commend- 1 Ov sdeetai'Od thnt the Muteomm4is-'Ifrato bsne yl able one, as it viii no doubt do avay vitb a pmaoUe Of smrn&ermuneiv hneu tire>' of atuitI, a" tians ete obeervatlnI« allowing extra compensation te Vil1a0eotffcem at thé end ti b ave nelvei thre report of tiroir tbrotgh esiem gn sheire.hia exer.made a udtof <god ronds, tiroir ,Of éacbYeur, nov tait i lathoroughly understood tbatl"This expert 4,%a ustfructed to~ utH eaettr thé state law probibit.s such actions. Xi. f8mi, ltp e oa l ~ ~ tilntteineuuftei rt10 I.etei saammi He efetet vent at it a littié too strong la demandlng that 1» Mr. hé it l>~~ ad. »'HO iii 90 1140thre th:t ihosvw»e0pèOethre Tics aw om prao c OSti<. 1,iTCO ihafunirytorouailyl t i r e tirio for gocit rondt, conteuitu Ù y LeMwdthat at the beitemof thé vblé ff r rocema but h. WinI conduet aumarous erC- 9nOtigond al utroai ng 1 te to fInit uhereiu the trouble lies,.l W150 0gctrae dln ha Merey wlshed te go on record as opposing snob pac- ha basc cmpiefltois t investiga tirat the fartueandithtie public bîgir- uo, and vlabéd te carry out his plédgé rlght frýOm thé tion whicir mu> take nome Itile timne vays are s ltirnately connuected am bé5lming tnehe1p givé thé village a business administra- the iSiiaComsionitie .hrotr tyadlesre tin.Whler.Smnale can bé counted upon and truistéd "This repo>rt wlUrnshow the pro.> The Tice rouit law. paseed by Cook IL ,ut nc cesof manufature rrom trhe tari, couft' leglelators, ban hcought Illi- c utsc a thig in ail matters pertainiriy' ulîl show uhere Improvements could noix face tr, face uii an Immense lic affaira, it vould have beu more satisfactory in thé b:rrmade ust wliatIt cosa to manu- debt and the hope that ai soute future end, as thé future vil show, that te ailow a littlé extra b afacrheprct aneceive fo hi date there will be hiait a dozen atone compensation vould be far more économical to thé village nave uno doubt but ibat tiisreport lioulemardit croseing thre Bais, lie aaid. than for each mémber of thé board to brimg la bile for wÎll decide thre que gqIlon as to wheiber The term, "good ronds", lie saad, le onot the commission will establisb an anesîîîeîîc to put the country expenses icurred whilé doing village duties, which vil tire rate whîch the local corporatiom't counnues t0 leep whte tirealts as- 'no doubt have te ble done front nov on. From thé way hé NMr. Orvia eald be did ot know how teiied upon tham a tax border, uhicir, startelandolng thifgs, Mr. Smala vill no doubt prove of long the expert wiii remaimi bers buttIn view of aur already hlgb taxes,' asr adysid It ulîl depend upon hou long wiii be difficnhit te meet. Chinage valuable service te this village and will bé just asrayf isakes hlm to farnllarize irimzelf a to work la barmony wltb thé mét of thé board ase hé is ultbconditions. M.Ovatie t uomnobllatm and bunkers lobble thtie i Acoringto r.Orvs te nIýTice lau uirnougi tire legislature tire readY te "show up" mattérs that apepar te him asbipuos condition la not abm noticeable bankera betng anxlons to secure the of an illégal nature. In thre gas aitirhe pre.sent Urne but bonds of the country counittea. Tira The oaso forthé ttac 't here ta a suttoca±lig oitor ate ite. The omo fo th atackagainstthé résolution WUecribes L h.Tnair e me xufta country liajier, tire farmer anditihe the am.l bibi a ran n o aanttépereon ta choke &d ssait Iaieaalmoat country 'automobile menmi er fot lep i déere f foh t was an and o gnsthe' unbearable 10 remat in n e bouse founit among tino trainiosi of Cicago qWsd hrftfoasoon as it wua wntht t vwiIe ga, la iing. loibYltt ai Spn'lngflit clanamering 7c"900 Of alloving enr compenst4on vas not la accord- for thre bilU to bocome a lau, h. salit. *M "the statutes, thehold-««vermmbéra of thé board à lnasîP*'qtif en e mut ________ ~*e't1eirvilinpsste aboliab thé practice vbhforr cangu-ebwagéa f1«tidm etter. Conee.nlaIsRatine. 3m<fpo$h.*~maiy yaa bclca nacjti mv.$ eined cangus en t « . e rse. True viadosA Lt your ieartihetai ie et talahu b.uiyméaas of repa mm¶irsôf éte d o hadewvitp gond grace in or uheneven' ymork or' toh Ue da -gmCeio tebadf rsuhng crcueaOla 1over. Fruit, ot etoft bollOeguW Presbytertan Servtoes Sunday, May 17th. Mornini worphipl0:45a.m. Mother's Iay Service. Theine, -The %Work of a lutber." 11:45 a. m. Bible School. 6:45 p. m. Christian Endesvor toplc, "Wbat le a Christian Lius" James 1: 19.27. Leaders, Blanebe Triggs and lyrtie snale. There will be no evengervie. St John's Evg. Lut#. Churoh Corner Broadway and Park Placéê. ,lberlyville. 111. R. 0. Buerger, passer. Germen tervicese ery other Suriday morning ai 10:30 a M. Euîicliiuh service evsry second Sunday of the nionth at 7:15 p. in. It.Law-renoeEpiscop'l<1hurch LeV. r .MAR S. WHITE. Pripset-in.char«p HoIy I'onimuio~n v.' -;idtàny 7:45 mi. Firit.,undesy i iii onth Morninir Pra ver evprv Stiniy exeept abo vo 10:30 a. ni. Snnday ochool 11 :45 a. ni. Ail EIî,l'i- Dm. hioly( I'îîîinlitn 9:00 M. E Church Services. 1 0:30 an l'geatinu, ltpv. M'.1, whlpple. 12:00 M. Sunday sehool. 6:45 p. mi. Epworth Lesgne. &:30 p. nm. Prew-hing, Hev WW Lý Loft m, h4e. Rnnday Schodh Teacber-"Now Rate, how did C.od know that Adam and Eve lied esten the &pple frimthe. tree of knowledgFe? Small Kate--"1 dees lie found tl'" "ellng8 in the or- cbard." MICHIIGAN VISIIING TRIP Meail, Pul- 11-11,R, . fa.e Go Mav 19, Tues.. I:3O-. m. JOHN W . GRAY', L>cursiun Mgr. Geo. W. Swigart, i2130 hi National Bak Building . Chicago. MI. $100 REWARD'il Fot aid.ule m oeilthe Slanimip Serub. her; go, If Yom viah, upon rnelpi aoftire prie, wveil ebip you ans b>' p.noeipoe1î pnepoid, anddInuitae a Clana Klug Dlatbesplu Baè free o1 charge. ltRfuM. ber, If yoi have a>"gd labor-maving notion for the bomne, lh le vontr 1001iIn goid, provideit 70e sri, q5n quner of a Siandup Scnibber. QUAKKR VALLEY MEt). CO., Aurora, 111. 82-5t MildWéi,4 4CgUnder Car $400 Dayton lWotorcgde. 7 h.p. $175- '-J Uq 1IN Reading Standard M'rcyj'e Il~ ARE à$7 "QUICKLY"17 sccs'r Mtrcgdle - $90 Libertyville Garage J. N. BEItNARD, Prepý Lsbar7vaD, - - Diluis TEN DAYS' FREETRIAL q YOU Can try thia beau. tif ul Victrola FREEini your Own Home. By Makînq Amal Montiîy p.ynet* you i iii oown a N îcîrol--tI e greatesttaî fl mucl aIintrul lenté. And t brîngs t o i the very beat of n>osî of cvcry kind, Oing and pl*yed in the very heet way Iy the very boat artigtu UThe ide- ai place 10 learri the rew 4Iau ces isn i the homne andmivhe the Victor in absolutely hlidig- pensable. IPrive Su, t10s$100. Try the New Dance Records H. B. EGER Staver 8&Janesvile Buggies are both Good Buggies 50 to select from Come and look them over. Schanck Bros. lbertyviile ni. ', I TWO Of THE BEST SMAII IN. VIESTMIENTS IN TII! WORLD One iii the few centit3 the average mian tpends weekly for newspapers. The other is what it will cost you for a policy in The Clover Leaf Casualty Company. The ainount of the two investments je about the isame. ORVILLE L. SMITHI, Agent UbertgvlUe, Ii. The Boyd Photo Studio 11101 CLASS Portraits and VIEWS at popular prices.. STUDIO OPEN EVERtY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 1'gra1' Ili il

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