LAKE COUNTY INIbEPENDENT. F'RIMALY. MA Y 1I 19 14. WCaa&egan etoNtI confY L ILIR ~ MISS EMMA KLINE 0F CHICAGO GOES TO BRING REMAINS TO WAUKEGAN FOR BURIAL IN MAUSOLEUM ERECTED BY MÉS..WURSTER, BUT FINDS PERSONS WITHOUT AUTHORITY HAD ORDERED HER BODY CREMATED - MYSTERY SURROUNDS THE SUDDEN STEP TAKEN, ,1rqAUSING WONDER IF THERE WAS FOUL PLAY OR IF STEP WAS TAKEN TO COVER UP AN ACCIDENT. - s ~ POPULATION JIERE FOR IRE YEAR ISES PDATI AT 18898 Bulletin Just Sent Out by the Federal Bureau of Census Shows Big Increase. JUSI HOW IT 15 COMPUTED. ,Based on Increase in Ten Years-Eragerly Await, the Sohool Census. waukega, bas a population of nearly 19,000 accarding to an esti- i Mate. h.. fedeal reu of théS1 BUILDING PROS- PECTS ARE BRUGIT AT PRESENT TIME Aive Business Buildings to Be Ereoted Soon - Architeot Asked for Estimatns. TWO SCHOOL ADDITIONS. Prismilo Roof Light as Tried In Chicago to Be Used at ColumbusSohoo. The comlng year vil estabilsh re- Corda. la the amount of building ln the City Of! Waukegaxs. Contractoru throisghot the City are preparing for an amount of actlvlty. that bida fair to, maie the season go down In is- tory au a notable one. The erectiorf of many beautiful reuidences and fine lu of a great factor ln determil'ong the progreus of a êity. lu planned te, taire place thiu ueauon ln Watikegan but that line of Improvements le oniy a portion of the vorl< that lu being con- sldered for many o! the reuldences ln the clty and a large number o! the VICTIMZED BY À Tl1RF W0RKI'NOi TEN XORIII SHORE Waukegan Police Seek Thief Who Stole $5 From Office of Dr. L. E. Thomas. WORKED GAME AT H. PARK. Inquiry Reve"Is Fact That the, Same Man Is Wanted in Evanston and Chicago. At least aoie Waukegan persan was vlctlmtzed on Friday atternoon by toi tir pi sa tai hl f toi hù 00 lo on ha dr ni er hl ex fic il t' t'q nu foi te, ____________a clever thief who bas been worklng-----------------eai --------------usussu nullanus are ta unuergu r.- lx 0 0 () 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0nort aboe ctiesin asy(em et11Cuu. The population for this City niodellng for their betterment. Why wvas the bod% of Mr-. iooooooooooooooooooorh hoectsluaytmtc for the year 1914 la 18.8911, a marked Added to that liq the extensive build- FI o o manner for the. Tast several days. A I avneae i.fgrswlhgv ng operations. now in force In the Alexandr ~urs~ of NVai- e STTEMENt0F Mfi.G.rM. olu offieavf cty in lthe building of additian@ to hi Aleaner urterofWat- SATEEN OFMR, G m oYoung womarý patient i the ofic f 'akea a population of 16,069 the Lincoln and Columbus. uchools hi kegan eremated in bïondon D HARRISON, SISTIER 0F a Dr. L. E. Thomas. a dentiat with of- people. and the factory of the. J. W, Barwell n inîmediately after sie <ied o MRS. ALEX WURSTER. o fices Iu the Strong building, 213 Wila J.Hrs.decoofteCMR1 ,i Saturday, April llth? o 0 ot eee tet a h oa census. bam prepared a report show- No legs. han five prospective bulld- W's hee oi0v.<t' v sIsters body waa cre, o victim. ehe bast a pures. cntalnlng ers of business buildings ln the. city Was thre fol pla o rnated lui Londonî before my 0 $5 ln moneY. From bers. the thie! ing estlmated population of alîcitlies have applIed tu the flrm of C. W. al w-as she iîjurcd in soute o niece. M iss Kline. reached o went ta Highland Park wbere he lu the country whone populations lu Webster, architecte for estimates and pi nianner Wvhich sonie persîtîl. there. Naturalty we ail v.ere 0 committeal two otber robberies. In- 11 xedd800 otso hsr-pas ubro iiesitn for sone unknon reasn o shoked beynd expession o () qurypartaihaveefbeentasetht o t poroadveaut onenerut tlng asesnidrp[ice rearen esare asklnskin Il ovr te cunty t met apoplarfor tbe aubmitting of plans. AIl of!0 desired to lîide before lier o tbink iliat sucli a thlng wouid o of Evanston and Chicago bave beeni demand. Tiiesée estmates are pIW othed ai varesulo d pints ae o etie reai,?oîd e irhd o be donc. If vas th. iast thlng s eeklng tuis particular thie'f for sev lctdavrfu pons n th relaive cold ec ler odý. .in tii. sorld that mve should o ,eral daYsg for a Berlea of thefia be pared primarlly for use ln the cenmuis souti side o! tbe clty. Vay id he Aiereail0 ýbureau ln computing deatb ratssi and The plana for the addilor4s O! tbe Wh i h A eî-nohave expected. 0 bas cotmlitted ln thioe culies. per capîta averages for years aider LincoIn and Columbus uchoola have eJ consul iin London order the . Mrs. Wurster lierself bult o Tii. thief Is described as a clean- een coxnpleted andl submltted. and hodvcm-niaed' o ie nauoi,îîîlu akwkod > Ct yungmanobot 2 3-uraaidtuan the. census year. it la thougbt that the wark *111 be hod ertnaed?0 te ausleui l Oawkod ý cý Yungmanobut 5 yargold isuareport or bllettin shows lie starteal as aoori as the prissent echool Thesc are sonie of the o cemelery witen lier liusband oý He ba pierclng eyes ani a moat ofiaipultnof akenla emtrtriaes Ti.emad questionîs %hieh Mrs. G~. -é o died. and it sas always ler agreeaible personaliti. H.elus soot 1900 was 9426. lu 1911) it wa" 16,069. , ,st of the additions to the, buildings 0lr-snaî te eaie plan 10 b. burted alotîgslde o fi ve fest 9 luches fait of allita buildwl e$00.Thnwadios Ilrisnad t rrltie ,btithr,. 1 never heurd] her andw are a dan Hulocserge quit and Theet dpouain o ta lb.thebuilding wlll follow tie same ofth wllknw ometin botcrmaio O 0ga at.H anmleio 1 e l Ct for the years fottowlrsg tiie 1910 lines or architecture and construction of he cllknoîi 'aîke-o iîetîoi aoutcreuato'îof gay at is ompetin I sey censua i. as fotiowua as tist f ftle original structure. and F ganvmnaeakn i everbod Ii onfldeîîîTelle o t.îîr191I>Population ..... ...2 09 ln bath cases wili b. mereiy a contin- faoctfohe essgelaatbat0 ry juation of the builing. Flreprooti faî'eof te mesagethatbas neyr aueal t o1911t Population .,.1,8 construction, even tu the, addlton of1 arrivedl stating tlîat Mrs. ' I know fuis detail'. peuîding o was very busy when tie Yountg 1912 Population ............. 17,553 iron stanlwaysi wîîî prevaîlthbrougli- .Wîîsteî s îeîîîlns veîecre-o nisfiecesreturn: pie vas due o man entered mv office about tire, mta 93Ppuait.......1.25Ot îody oî ~dl o!lb atenon.50 amîtitok.1914 Population............. 18,898 At the Ltincoln,1 achool building, the mated iuîimcdiatcl% after o daya. ed ont tu se. wbo Il was ahi! told Tii.danenaseaonsWuoegatle bv ud fi~tlooroftei ber dleath, and that wheiî o vi'y the Amerîcan consul lit. hlm tu ait down and Ivwoulal sec hlm Teln rso akgn i diinwl p4 yroft twl: o1 O etl, r Toa ai ot acres as given in tuis latent census h' t '-ihl 01 iv 'tm, J siucrtc ber nieee anîd nephew, Miss o Landau orderedl'ber bodiy cre- o rsnîy" <tdav. bulletin la 3.26o acres, a 1asenent Tii. building wîl! be Emm and lFranîk Klinîeofo aedIciotueran. "M offieaalt"Tvsot it t'I must b. apparent" the report dlvided mbt four ciassrooms aud an m.m o no nble tn Bay wbether aie o lime go tien. vias no one ta wat -h declares. "la auy persan voraeassembiy raom. Chicago axrived in Lonidon, omtf. pa rul.Pnaa~ hlm. Afler a lîttle wville 1 saw hmtetx ti uletin hde r i.toubsaho xeso u they Iound the body had 0 aie' was hurt lu aome manner DIt get up and leave the. waititîg room th eetofe lelr ta h conierd have a floor dimtension of 29 by 60c been crexnated and therefore o andl they cremateai ber body tuo b I was toc, busy to speak tu hil in anv sens. as a cenBs, or as biases! bigli and wfll caeain tv oinonm.0eC the mrel hd t pck o k.ep the. fact; fromt us. She o 1Wlien the. Young lady. upon wlbome Puan etn dInvestigation o! o* the grauind floor ta b. usedl as a B the moelyhaitol up urcitased totickets on a o teeti i huad been worldng, vas ready localcodtiosgymnasiuîm, and the second tary tc the smiall receptacle whichO h tamerP t a eoe h 0to le aveushe foumd that ber pusse gai coa!itionstlat may affect:iie ro:mato Zu:llzed as a s uroom. steaer oewdy oofethe municlpality. A new departure ln the. building o! N they îvere told eontained ber o sent to the. hoaital, I don v0wihsh alpwd ne e a, aatelfrcmungueet-bIi ldspae u urosdd ffshes and start for home at o knas wîîo m-as tu use the. sec- a0was misslng. 1 at once aotified lie Th ocleartmia etdteadtnofheCubs hc i ~mnc, tobri.g th bod to ona descroipemtio roftheal e m vl a mtes a! potulatlaN. It la th ii. llgbt syutem to thet us-o om. Tiie thesold m usoeum whih ~< eacîpton ! he fflo."Pleut and it ha. been siiown by ex- prismatic glass roof light gygteila lu OaO OO O 0oO0 0 0 ored0le r 0e perience ta cames nearer lu accuracy an innovation ln the liging o! Pl fMm-. lVîrster had eî-eetezd000000000000 At Hlgrlaiud Park viiere the tuie! la the majorîty of cases than aluy o<h. acbaol rmomns anal the addition o! tiat, îimerherpesonl upeviionsoie eas aroatthe evldentiy vent after leaving here for er formula, t resta on lie assurnp- feat ue lla chool vlImotan imde berpersnal uperisi<îî suîî at the. robberies liere accurred belveen ta akgnvl aeteol death of lier husband, ber plan being that lier 1)1 'dy shotild sr 'lc a1h vnnto1 ta i.Iceseec enne y nofif ludl ichate oull flive and gr 'l kl h vnnit tthmeainrelu a equ a i. iii a!em fctit n ln C hicago. soid rest alongside hsa irdah N w isedo h ih h h nmrto asutt h n fteet rCiao bntems ivesrutubre ah. od-. iîîtad o tenicheg u.tii.! sîowed the gretesî aarlng. nual increage from 1900 ta 1910. Tiie prLuuatic uystem o! lighttig fi in he asivestuctrein akood-cictî cotaHe vent ta the office or Dr-. Moore.'luInthe prevlous bulletins, viien consitao an arrangement o! pris- ber body in a handsome eatiket as w'as lier plan,, t wl o-awg sept it fie nmatte glass la the roof o! a structure.d ~vil cn-a vrnn otepat vtiiofice ~the cenoues ver. taken exaCtl>' ton The. arrangement o! the panes of!i tain merely the small vase wbich is said to contain bier lb. uank building and talal ber that years apart, the annual increaseevas glass lu ne that aIl haurg of the. day il body in ash form. bisulser-m. in aluthe pa s tudion1 assumeal as one-tenti o! the decen- aou is' t gia the I ntoo f the f The whole affair bas precipitated one of the dec oft ti.Ae e rrpart o! niâl Increase. but, as the turne of tak- rdaylse an shd. Atdnoeer ote l U estthemie biling H mi sala ie- lngthie enumeration tan 1910 vas@roont. Even thougi the sun ver. rnysteries that lhas been developed in Watikegan in many ter biel been 111 for som. lime andl changeai from June 1 ta April 15, the uieuing on one bide of the tva ose-V a day. tuaI physiciarns seeed ta do ber- no lime eipeeai has been consldered as lions o! panes, the llght vosing rmcanest tuaat -~~~~- ~-good. Hoe beaita arage for a 11U.6montus. Theaunal increse truhonvol rfton1. - taIEu onApsil17th cf the. asty éde-1 dontk owvhetrrtherse u oure f t<> et u s ln oueopathy, trou 1900 ta 91 iabndna b d- s ervehtonala. ,r Paute - for Lm So!fl.the umisa, la foui Pla>'or ot. but. Mr$. Warer he -id. Dr. Moore explained liat vidlug lie tta luiceas y18 n To m1tmluavy udt r-eas taeaIlmOM 9aiag tih" alveys vore mmm>' dlamonds anti car- ahe vould bu busy for a short tine m iligthe quotient by 1V' conJuncton vth vlndov lghtingil Un.Wu*« mddid »dmy ILe mny or jeresandl aiked bhlm ta bu seateal until asieuultlliisey im»ng b>' rtiy-maklhg illumfination o! tbe uchoola Umm TbeyJeft inaccordaneWhuieTstla wesbail Ue tole very 1mro0o r i a~excellent nature. a l uiO. W i u r * ner i al l l a cgu u ô . aiy ue a m a n m o e d e r les T h to i e b n i u a t ï t O .IV W a u k e g a n p e o p le a re o ! th e . o p ta- a arcioul> userutloa pla o Mu. ah almysvsned hr necet oue siten retlred to her private «f Ion liaI IlIf ot qut. large enlougb. ~s Wurater tliat ste vont vaut ber atter ber body la came aie ailed ice snd the liii.! vet ta her demi There are many via dlaim tiat Marly J M SIAH niece ta go vieseerar mise utghi i" abead-aie vanted ber to a took $9 1l1 money lu addition ta familles ver, missed lnt the taklng U E À YI vhill aÀr-dua" u takeecha-"eof h-, charge o! ber I-miables. 1 haven.t acveraî littletrinkete a! more or tom a! the federai cennsla 1910 andl for D ADA CII boiv mnd her jeweta'y tasrue avayeheurt viai mie tons n i tW ,value. IisremuDteymaatînhht ii Aii LTiL W»W Nypopulation as given attliaI lime vas UUrSWUU In respectme totatamessage.lte iMcIa.Wursl..r vas verv ealtiy. lTien ho vent ta tb. door o! theii lrg.togh F U NSR C IE Ellue. lefI oni April ltb for London her a"Mets being vortli, Tt la sali. i smvt fie n apn, dD. O Aprîl 15, 1913, . 3',K._lumsteau ___ ekpectbig ha bring lthe body back claseme ha l ai! miS on ilars. As Moore b. vas ging Out for a little comttieted a director>' census of Wou-Dah To Pae Na te Waukegan% for hurlaiIntathe feis]> vdov eofeone of the forernoot thatni-while but would returu inteny egnnigae138asl.pua mauolleui. cal men ot i Orne, ah. inheriteal bis minutes. le apponentiy aid Ibis ta lion o! lhe clty aet taItîme. Wilimn O'cock Saturday Night at ArrIveal tuer., Imagine their eseton- teeste sani euIanor tvelve yeare ag.' als>' suspicion. Haloweil bas heen empîoyed uy the the Hospital in Harvard. Itieint ta land that ber remeina bat ati-r abs- mntrriedl Mr. Mariman, a latie hn vent ta lie studio o!fSrobsctiooîboaid toate lie scbool cen- been crernateai anal tii.>' er, uuahle vel iknvu Waukegau man but ahe! Ammon anal ouli ltaI hils ulster, Ntise sus o! the clty during May anal June F4OW ACCIDENT HAPPENED. ho ascerlain muhi mrrouading hier divonceal hlm saroral ycas a go sald Wilson, vas lakirl a treatuent of Dr. analTtIR coa!ldently expecteai that daeti on viat caumeul lie basty cre- ince. b-n had upent ber thue trplIoone anal that ln tue meantîrne h bis î. e vili i nuw lhe population Was Starting Fire in Locomo- mation o! ber boa>'. J Iag abroaadinal America, lie r. vilsheai ta arrange for a course o! oft hie dlv aithte prssent lIme to be tive When Oi-Soaked Over- Mca. I. M. Harrison. Mna Viur- îeumea ber find hosbasrF nme. piano fessons. White Enm. Ammon over 20,000, Tuis uhoulai be a corsas-ais auh Fre tera ulster. lires un Laine Forest' Waukega er -Remdonce -as001 otokIng ho szole gaverailit- vatîs e entimate if 1he figures secured ls ait ie %nd Tii. Sun Rsýi,-ta atemeut Tee vears &go ahe old b.behornme t1irnet ho va. ablei.nlapIck up by n,. Bmîaiaeraoai'cr ae ay 9yasad tno troim er Ioda>' afles word reareol on mVaghintaun tffl tu Dr. Pclpjboultbe place. Wheu the rahber- rect and liere bau Ibeen the expedted Eugene Dady o! Harvard anal a ne- 'Wsukegan that NIT1S. Wursta-r'u asiesn l sdsne tihe ieh ial al@pettles wve.diseovereal lb. police wO5r Ifreage Iu tic cily during the laut ihew a! States Attorney' talph J, 1" dresaheal NevwiYork. Tt la gIs-eu punch lim, la Wauiegazn slhbourh j lotified lbut no trace coutl iho fouinaivean. The report vhlcb Mn. Mai10- Dedy of Wiauikegan, alleai aturday lam lte omun anal nshws 'berlevtt s cml as ovr a e o! Md fllvwel wiIi have ta makee yul be avaIt- nigit at 5:15 dclack ln tie Harvard tin th faii lamuc atanebel er egui rolicnc a Wukesm -pNafy tif> 010fCtioned eageriy as Waukel5.n long ban de- Hospital ah the result of burins us- oiad vorried oor thehaute vîi t then.or, ber ecat la vlhave ta be ThihlahindlPari chiot of police sireal la gel tale lthe 20.000clama. tabaed on Wrlday atternoon vhU, em- -wiaich the romains o! the Wauke- probati ta in ,Ie qunitY' VAt bus>' on tie telepionke anal no- PlOyed ln a roundhouse. Funeral -<an vouasver. crernateai Inste ofaItIftea lhe police of othor cities la be In Company. pris-ate..Tueaday uornlng at ton iieimg lefI intact ta be brought beci Proeaoumve so~.an0 lie vatcifor tluthlef. Wien la mîxeal ooupany ameaiu cqsaa.oclock. 'te tiesemoleum vilci mie ,htrael! Medcin. e Isa pro&rueeir sW»«c. the Waukegan policesrecelved lie ln- anes andl strauerse ealeVor holeara The vîctlu vas starting a tire lu *U I bllt and plansaed au her OuIt le nOw ouIY' ye14 1atm mince iippo- formation, coupleal villathe tact that 8souethins trouait. Bm avlft h ho;ai alocomotive viol',the. accident bap- 4" 1, a b .. egteasUre "al 4, cure Ws-whAep- arober ie> aitbeen coumitteal bei-e b.cautiooa r loNguoe. 1lent3709 ee.Ti odn ystrt0 bI"auet hadl a minutes rientinceuseCtgbla beliivo! wlu Olm 51551. At lis-Y ut onc notitImal lie police of, betra>' your ignorane gadal erhape of- apenal t wstelu d oe Utut 1 feuloo!lier deai for 1 seeaed ltuiLe-t the - pi-ialta a!fPas-tfle »,e finiti nomeoie.Ra n aal h-Wauaregilanl ossagiltai le irbo td ffl fm omthing vas haci tof it» er r-lîî e-s i ticRvcineadaitWt&>'.I ndtmn I nhth ieo «MM Ws. flerrbsa. 'Tvo of br'e iclîglnd Park picevra-________________o!flthe englue vhere a pile of In- bleis ms- ~ila er mi h. ay er olulco A5ie5la. I lsoael b4' lie Es-araoton police tint Ini eac I nstance bie gaine vas prac- been plaeai. In saturating tie vaste M iemi.Tii. day aie dis&l. To ail aspirant.,fur qlicat m oaees >tOcS"tuie lii.! iad committgd sevoral tically lie sarne. vh eoeel evitim spîlea ~- ai slfea em l~tmrla e cet, li pasiblitaso! av-t j<>~jj. 0fa auflr ntur tire ii.Wauegn plic hae rcel-- orn onhieovealthse sies abtMeVUg he ilée av ie for vilcitu t la ase eteur.aI na ova fîa ng sougnitu îirtae- s noheports o! a ohicerhbe re b o e coneralî ale a nd e e soea qM& à" tod el<pu-Iasrend- p - tico ki. 1,ualeeusibte a 5<." ys- mts Idont kaov vis Tber -W .I1 juavi'L.etsr'. eîecfIt.i, ut* ts-oitfront the Chi.-but tblng it possible 1h51 Ot!,ers uay U.smm"au wvasfor Ur 11 1re 0- -New Tak m. va pi 1A lo-4 wmite h lief hait been have been comitted anal thé tact noS l Idependent reacleae n lpointe ln " *,mpe9-iiy active -ou the nortli aide. yet Inovu1. I Aike Coent>'. with oil 064 grease In iightind the waet lie held i tOo close to hit body and bis ciothing became Igntef.àAfellor ivorkman who stood near hlmi might ha"e si- ingulated the lire had ho exerelsed presmqce Cor mmdandl vrapped amme, arment about Mr. Dady to amother the flamebut lnsead of ttis ho kat bis hmad and trled te beat out the flne lWh a broom. Mr. #ýY himef showed vonder mil Pps.e -«miad for, a man ta klo "ebmemt for.aebu ~Ott out' ho uSought touvrap It Miontilr. 1awer Part. of hie body vhich vas n fire. la su dolng he buramd hl* bads averely. The Pain vas oaaret that he drOPPmd.tu the floor and other work. mon came ta hie rescue but the lov- or Part of hie clothlng burned troc: bis body betore the flammes could be extlngutshed. The bumna extendeal from bie test tu hie valut. He vae ruahed ta the hospital weye eMhing Possible vas dou» uo ave hlq lite but physiclanu tramu te firut declaied le baid prutically no chance of recovery.. Their ef- its for the mont Part vere dlrected Dvward eautng the pain as muncb au possible. States Attorney Dady learned on *riday night of the accident vhich mad betailen bls brothei-u oammad lie bastened ta Harvard viiere he r. amae until the lâst. ln spemklng of te matter today Mr. Dady decigrei tbat no one vas toc, blame fer thse affair-he said It was an accIef&t pure amAlmple. James Dady huad i lted Waultegan en several occasions and lied several trenda--here. SEND LUEIT AND POWUR FRONM E TO BEL VIBR NOW Following Completion of High Tension Wire Local Plant Furnished Currerit. BELVIDERE PLANT DOWN. This Permitted of i Complete i cýt-Plan 10 Have Several Large Supply Stations. lielvidere. Ill., May 11.- Witi tii. conpletion bv lhe Nontiien i Itles Company o! itm uigi tensionlinuertra teleidere to ardnen Prairie, recent>'. to connect wltii lie main lin. ft-ar Waukegan iii varice,. 1inth lu tuis ection, a test vas made last Tues- da> witb reference to the. possubilît>' of funshIng a suffîcient amount o! 'lectrict>' front theig Waukogan plant ta taie car. ofa! Ithe lighllng and power demnjsal. tus point Tii. generatarsa aIthei.plant lbore vene %but dowîî anal lie dorment vas svllclied lu frant tIe i.hi tension lne. From earîy lu the aftennoon Tues- la>' util laIe Wednesday ailli e oe.e- tric lgut said paver vere operatei from the Waukegan plant alone anal the louai has alsa heen caried from tbat point alueast exclusively pince 8W.dnesitay. WIti the finlsiing o! them strip mon- tioneit. theii. h tension lin, has-ing armaximum capact> o!fsaOeO volte, Il sas alecideai te bagin, m6ttest ofseveral layas viti refrence ta tue officencY o! ibis outelde servie fota uspoint Tue fires ove. anked,tl. lballer, aid the fareigu dussent turnea on. E1serything voried ta perfection anal To yoe ecwk e ight biil for Mar as attacld a Coupon, good on proecntatin for .& credit of t.fiipaybma for an Washing Machine of which W* un standard typoe anglnt in pnic.s froua $50 up to $135. Tenui of mie: $10 dowÏn Balmaepmmin Il m.mihil Public Service Company 0F NORTIIEM -ILLNOB Y FONAN1 Is the Best That Money Can Buy <nu tar eiiatiors are ihorougi, and completI la very sas 1e5 'ompelteal ,tiont.U Ir"o Orire. We crli d oUr -n le.nsLd ,nske oUr Owmn frames lunt P cdi artk-utar cae Lsouis J. Yeoman MANýUFACTURNCI OPTICIAN WAUKEGAN. iLLINOis F. BMIRSTOW MANUFACTURDER or Marbie and Grmenu Monumeni s Cemetery Work of Every DescrIption Correspondence Solicited 16Geneset Waukegsn no diference vhatever suas precept- Ili ln the local service. The electric servIee. vili h.a dam- biaiýoebtenthe local plant The Coffe. Y'Tes andthéman ln@ wih atenaton Wagt ut tdS Price as thîe neqinements maieé necessar>'. Thtis gives Belvidene, stele Super- UWatT a Intendent Cainti. au ausouutcly reliahie Mcx-O.Ja le aununique bienai service. It la nov lied lu hy tiis.main e ur swolei.nsetb.,fm.aewn Une wlti a numben o! other plantjs, coantTl5eso PasusaDI the andi If aîiytin.g go.. wrong ber., or Mon"dsrcse gi eesene, a reciprocai sbrvîce la nov Possible. The higi tenaion lin. runa !rou Wauiegan, viiere a ver>' large suppl>' plant la locateal, to Evanstan. Crystal Lake, Marengo anal Genon. vili a Une east from the. latter place ta Hamp- sbire anal one vealtauKingston anal Kirilsad, anal 00w one frorn Marengo to Belvidere. Marengo la oni>' a Il maies a iu, dcu ern Utliit>' plants, wvilci int abusa drink - vostdvsiy amaftba. o! liaI place' menîlaneai bave Norhh- - lie purS>' andl quallty ern UIilIII>'Plants, viesaoi;dovi r wtarsg S last Januan>' Bc far as furalsiig dur- e te'O3aidll-s~ sent le cancernea anal the» pieces M î have since been suppîliea viti igiit « anal power frolu Wauiegan, ~ Pm~~ A general scheme o! lie central Company la ta bave for tits section, - iF 1c3lts anal which applies lao oher secliong P as Weil,biig supply paver stations il ADCLEuns varlouis poînte--one ai Wuiegan, --aN q. one aI Joliet, oeset Sterling anal one ai Blvîdese as the othms logical pointe ln lie square., Prom hies, big sta- tions th, fumerons places ln the strings o! cities sud tlavas on the es-_____________ Circuits dan lie gis-en elîber supple- i mnier>' corsent or lu enttrety as o eCosmi>". big vmmly-.INDE- needeai or deernei ads-lsabie. PZNDICNT. Puta" SLX --c,- W> FOR 5 pani us an 82-4 FORi and 21 IMilve Ubert FORS and p uberi -e 1 Weu ville. FOR 1 PekinJ ROSE Chica@ FOR S milae e Pa113lie FUR à luit St iutiy e ou COui FORt * i n.-M Store. FARM (iliie kîi of S4ttltiIq '>4f,2 N. FOR Si tlu. Ccul ville. FOR Si llrst cl&, saudena. FOR 6e 'aelov 1 Liberty, FOR si ,y' equipi bacS. i FOR S& block ai formoni>' Will s«Il liargain ares., I1I FOR Si due ta Libentyi FOR 5, Libertl lus. Sur nov, 89 electri- I meotq. Eaey ter 605 Oauk FOR SA F. K. Lib*rtys- FOR SA bulle soi souable t N. E. Gui FOR S Jackson FOR Si Colora taken a Colt Me Phov0 a mmI Wmn Hal Agnes Iy Alfredt i Grane S, Julia Dt Victor F Ciarlea Marths Clarence Hase! G Herusu Irene M, Samuel Mlarllua Jens Jol Christianu