CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 May 1914, p. 8

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pe Eight Ilats ...Al1 Shapes and Sizesi AT* ïmsboev vsesuv. m whon, tula- oft à ma lu MW@, L.W. Parkburst, br9l IvdStore Mowi,.: 'TAKING A CHANCE" You take no chances witb aur cigars. We deliver. the goods in brands of quality. We keep a wide, variety of srnokes ranging in price f rom 5c to 25c cadi. If your kind isn't arnong them we'il stock up for you. Corne in and try one of our smokes. F. B. Loveil Co., Libertupville I. CAN AAt 11E PAi"M-PAClFIC INTMRNATIONAL EX- POSITII4 UN F&%*qMC, !9M OrLA t e OisQu*d" a olug dit tUs Panu a.PcoIttaua ci am Vw**» la 1815bisa bois agrove Us giot Stuertm buswjutet 'IM6cab Plaues i t I là a qwm&va buells Z -09Wpt almci apodng «q<* feraigu lupismo. avlig a î 08i esa witb of m lmfam ula begbt of 50 f cit AuS v slgbO*Mbccl of NOOO t VIIIbe thebolrpguo tfl sicOua n mlaummaa exjicsltmoeertlg *ou bm»ucs otMe Bsfat labomals anS cmpichon., sa mbitg or the.Domlnion's rf.urc.c cdl ruetae«« coya ou 10 @11LeI. Si udrl tiousand dollars buahwciny bemu rotaiby «» 0-41-a PaLrb-ut for the bulding cul emhbbts. but à furtiier U sPgrpl"liou-P to p,000Offl, .111b. fmmmu,"I br ils g.,ornmt. Çcucdc t the. Paana-Pacifi Expocition la follewingt the came ,c7IOW ttbui ebtOminetutformer dxpoctionc-uamely, the dlsplay or apdff or «ibte 0f the. naturel producta et the. cpuntry-.gnicul. tuai. botlcultura.olminra. forcat and Osiene-for thc purpose cf sevlog bor clionatie advantageand lbar reourcen to thc grat numben «a pl.e Who wv vct UMeExpoition. Attention vil! b. deveteb U»Ustictldliém. cul Uicrallvcye Vill b. asigned conalderable pcos la Usl bugldi& Preetically the. satire exhilbit of Canada et Uic MssaletC@W sPéatdio.nan k vasucoucled by clU ludges a Dicet elau otdwialy-em m route bem r, owhite mcny nov cul attrc- oumbftWcmm bdog prued lnte Ucarlona provinces. »0 aluNi wu b. e flon *0superrision of Colonel William Uuteb. 6814 Wb@ ui im thUs Dominion goyerumnent. LAKE OOUNTrY ELDER TAYLOR 15 ALLUI)WITIILEWIS TO OUST VOLIVA Leader of Dowieite Faction Joins Leader Who ls Seek- ing to Remnove Overseer. HIS RANK IS RESTORED. Taylor for a Time Sought to Oust Voliva Himnself-Con- sidered It Hopelos. W. D. Taylor, leader of a faction ot Zlonitcs bo ba" emeaaiaelt e l Uce mernd citosoMngs cf Jobn Aciaair DVovriebas nov J"ou forces vW" JO"s A. Lewi b@hoCO"U ta be tic nibttum auocet lteibmý fomulr t o.21& AnnouncMet 09 ibis Soào% lcet 'forcesluacatalumi lu Use ccrnontulie t fUr. Levl ofolci guùb"Uaton, TMe Lcrs c Beau& Ur. Taylor, iuniug lbe Ume ho mciv- cd caler Dr. Dcvi., bail Uicrit aider. Aflar Dr. Dcvic'eatcih i maltained that b. vaW" iche lgbtu succoscar la the position et genel overacer ald because Mr. Lewis claimcd tUicscame nlght Uicrc clvcys hac beumore or lace, bittenudo f feeling betveen Uic tva mca. BOth gathered crouoéd Uiem a group cf foi- lovera. It la possible that t.beycoea- clhlded that uathiag vas la be galuel by indivIdual flghtluf. Taylor evlleutly concluel ha vas the weaker of the tva and for that reason affiliated hîmecîf vlth Lewis lg thc hope that if the latter caull regain ceutpal cf the clty that hc vould ha able tu ho bis firat lieuten- eut. He bas vrltten a letter ta Lewis la vblcbho apologizea for varIous Eiýate- ments ho bas madle agaluot Levis ald sasks t. ho laken unler bis viug. Lewis, ln roplY. accepta tbe tenderal cf fer glaoly and restares him ta the rank cf Eder gand bis vife la that of Evaugelist. lu a statemeut mado a fev lays cge 1evla deciared that ho Intends ta keep up the flght agarpt Voliva vba hosacys usurpel Uie paver in ZMan. He Io fightlng tbe matter lnef Cic courts sud thlnks eventually ho wili ha able ta oust Voiva. HIe fig-e ures Uiat Taylor may beabche la all hom inte c gt. The latter ovident-( ly ban ceuclulol that lone hc vaull b. able to do notUilg but ho appeara la UhinteUt Lewis' prospectq arc betten thau over before. Fllovlng are copies of Uic tva ietters, Uic tirai belng tue letten Tayler s.ri ta Levis cul the lattel Levie neply: Rer. John A. Levia. ien City, Illai. Dear Cenerai Ovenscer. Posces leThea Aler a periodcf six yeana c»pars- tien, yeu ndal1Iere bnougbt together. througlo Uic ccruect prayers aldBec-1 ----ti-u vrk ef c levotel failoven of the Christ, alda a recuit of Uhts interviev of severai heur,, cul oUi- cru Uiat bave follovreff, 1 nov, se nov- on bofore. fui!>' appreciale the force aldpaver of the lasi Wlll of John Alexander Dovie, lu vhlcb you ver. appointaI bis Trustes and Siccessar. us the Canerai OverUýer of the Chnlc- tian Catbelic Apostolic Church ln Moen. I learu csI1nover unlorchoodl thb.. fore, that Il vas the exorcise of tUic auUiority by you, that c large pat et Sbllob Park vas cuvodlat 1910 from belug soelunlor an executiolIn la-a ver of Samuel Stereusoo% lu vhich décision the Suprema Court recog- nisel yenr nlghtald anthonlty, and ectabulshed forser tho vcldtv e! hie Mocyern iaurîncTour Laep asol Immabuth Ue cage knovn u asOte- mnorn va. Lewis, et a. fluprme Court Docstout. Toi. 10, 1110," Illnois R.ý pots 244, page 147. la iov of Our nouent ;Stervw**s cSU a botter unlestad.g caceru. las thosa tega 'claViiel 1 wus 16 ttec tan a thenm peisons Wb"a bars glace focal ont to e b.voljy uarollablo, 1I =cm entraluedlnluthe spirit of tho Master te boiforcira- neas for pubitsMe thos arb" vbich refl«eteous yee r isla fuhegrity, ald Uheautbfltitty oft li lat it III f Joba At«axcdorDe. and la an> vwa> vbatever. enheiber Uhroujix ullaccngte ailmis or ubneugb nome errn or foun *wu, es mer lare bole i to cay thlngu cuit youredf, or any or.u* isétai chenlnet bave hacsl, v e horeby tek ta b. for-. &Iva, an ve enrir. theas viebars trespass agaîrat us. If> vite, Uv. angellst Taylor. beartil>' foin* Me lu the cpirit of tUic coormncaion. alorp have thc antborlty cs the legal heir and appolnted Oversoor te en- force the terme cf thece Leanec. We therfore promicsela sujet yen la evor>' vay ve eau, In carrylng eut the lest WIl of the FIrst Apostle lu the Christian Cathollo Apestollc Church IA mion. 11lthfully yanr servant lu Hla Name, W. D. TAYLOR. EIder and Rvaugelict W. D. Taylor, Zmon City, minois. Dear Brother aldSister te the Christ: Peace la Tbee be Mltlpllcd! Your letten of even date bas been recelvel aldpraycrrully read, aldln renponce yUl say that il gives me great Jo> te f ully aul frccly forgive you. ad t rectore yen tute offices of Eider and Evaxoellet, respectfnlly, ln the Christian Catholle Apostol>k Ciinrch in Zion. W. belleve 1h la the body cf the Christ lu: Uic sens. as taught by the Apostie Paul lu bis Epistle to the Ephosieus, chapteï 4:46. The trne le past fer ccutroversY la exIci hatween the truec cbldreu of Gol, bu~t lot uc proe o thte glor- joug cousummatîcu vhlch means that the Christ bocomec more real ta ui§ vith each rng s uu, This City wae ùounîclby Uic Prophatet fhe Rai toration ais a City of Refuge for the afflicted of Go'idcblldrcrn, canlas a training cchool for Zion vol work. ers,ald chall eha a cCity net on a bill, a ligbt tu thepoeple of the whOe voril. We bave emergol froin "the day of amafi higs." The truUc fin vbicb ZMon stands VI j et couquei the voi for Christ. TIendore, b.e lfuandcalfaliful tsé tbi. Md, adl a VIISiva7011 '1.Cnoers of Ue." To that end vi e11 ven pray. Tours fcthbfnlly lu Uce Mater seos Road Commissioners and Su-! pervisors, With Others, Made Long Trip. COVERED5 0 MILES 0F ROAD Examined Both the Concrete ani Asphait Roads They Enoounterd Enrute. Cbarl« 2. Ruassil. 00111y'%*per- lutealst o« buhwayc acaltel the numé comnmicornera of Loire C@urty te a titty mil. auto Slip Wédneaday attooS for tho purpoeof le~poct- lng thoe @o»damae ud rfgoldleu fW'U ,pnono iw IP»Ymsutorfthe tud - lo Pty nocdoemiornens ssUt» iguKlu 1al1ditis tisi.a se lverai sugorvires cud otbcrs who areItoreetel iu ti .ubject of Lites lu transport tUs part>' voro doitl by Uhefollovln& lise IMfomougl Bosch omarg C. il.King A. T. White C. T. Hsydocker J. L. Svsycr Ec. J. Reydecker Levic Garage. 14. J. White C. C. !dvcrds, William Dietz J. J. Barnstable W. B. Watrous Li. 0. Brockvay Onitfin Garage D. R. Travis It wau an Impressive ciglit ta cee Uie trong string of automobiles start out from thc court bouse and wind their vcy adeug the lake shore. The pflet car led the vcy la the Golf ruad and thon la the Green Bay road, theuce cauth through. Deerfield ta Ra- Viala. Thon the returu trip wac oarted. Mr' Rusaell cîmed ta take the party over tflc hast roacs ta ho found ln the county. He almned ciao to show the rosI commissioneris a varlety of roadc iu crIer that they mlght ludge for themcselves the kind that In thoir opinion are tic most durable ara Most satlafactory. The commisaloners showed much lutoret and frequently as tboy came toa c tretch of road that Impressed ticm the machines vere ctopped and ail got out la InvesUigate IL At the meeting whlch lcla ob. bell lnu Lb- ertyville 'con they loubtlesa yl render Uhir opinion on the matter. Mfr. Russillldd cp idm la show thc members of the pcrty any of the bal strctches o! rond but rather ;to chowvthcm gooal mals acs far as poc- sicble in crIer tiat thcy mlght maire 0comparlsorne for thcmselveat Unu- c3 ual ittres at ba eu stirred up ac *a mie ad it ls declded Ioflnltely Uiat cemething vill ha donc to lm- aprove the road ndsLa ke County. B r r JOHN. A. LUWIO, Cment>' Juge pemm ois 5ursdy mauacs thieaulè c i e eBucati cf Eevlev mcmbcru. The ivo meniera ho asilel vd er. maifollovo: NOPUBLICAN - loba I.UlVeli, HigladPark. MMWOClIAT - Wlliam .J. WArd, Tb@sthird member of the boarla James 0. Welch ot Newport, chair. MMa of the board of cupervlwsOr. Th* merchers of the boald vii bll & meeting shartly et Wh"c time th.> vili organise, autîlie their vcik cul selet someone ta &«i&as lini. Julge Persona, lau slecting the membors erthie boutd, almei te glve ovri>'part of the omut> fair re- tecntation. bMessrs Udeli aldWarl fIII give tre lake spoere pleut> et rePtésfotatien aldMr. Welcb vil reprooent Uiche uatry district&. The Home of Qnity Il ~Groceries 1 appear to much better advmxtobp in yoiur panty tha o Q1r helves. The former àa where they belong, anywy. C4iio Toimatom Club fm»Ous m*.p c&"o Mrly ;u»ePou KAOIXam Iff Ch.. camw Ul. u amaCo oi .m Ptmmto Olivm the MODEL Cash Market rhum. UT-J L.cvl PAN6IELV IA S DAISIES CANNAS FELVERFEW sud other BEDDING PLANTS --fGETrABLE PLANTS TOMAT(MLS CAPBAGE CAV LIFLOWER. I>EPIPER PLANTS I.G I>A.TS PLANT NOW! Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libertyville. 111. OUT 0F TOWN ORDEES GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. PHONE 10 Sure ]Deth 10 Lice mites-ll vermîn an dliss»s germa if youus pm4àtS Powdered Lice KMer A great nioney caver. louty hens csannot lay neither can lousy chicka grow. b-lp. Pkgs. 4Ose. CM IL v" . V-65.0. JR«ua atitut"; ladatM oe4 -gIfaue Gacrâneed or Momeyflash W~ ~ -a Md >'i.l UcP. >V Bc. For sale by S. L. Tripp, Area; F. D. liatteraball, Grayslake; E. L. W#ld & Co., Lake Villa; Wm. 'Hillebrand, Antioth; Blackbnrn & Broughton, Wauoonda; H. L. Prehm. Lake Ziarich; Wm. Eincinan.lDi- amood Lake; V. Sauer & Co, Long Grave; Fanoback & Raupp, Buff a- Io Grove; Ilirshberger Broc., Prairie View; Geo. M. Weidner, Aptakitiie IIALT MIRL WHIO- Internatic IS RIDIN4i ASTRIDE; Manur ZIONITESSIIOCKED Miss Ersla Bull Is taken From Horse While Taking Pleas- ure Jaunt in Town. IS AGAINST AN ORDINANCE. u Measure Effective There Whioh ProMbits . Womnen 'Rlding Expeptmng_ Sldewise. Bane.t*ck rlling by vomen la ta-. booed tu M"ZityCl>. Wbllo t bg& genercily bath kuowrn U* ucý la the cage as a recuit cf an- ordlÏam.ce ilb taalcn, eUi iodla. t4 q1pdînance bas Reyer beufr oufa Ul 0Wlaut wvec vhcuan oc, %U, main metc f the City actride a boyas. Chtet Wclker toppc ed «.mi c"d told ber ch. muet go baci home loq àt ones or "fao. ret.In tact, It slasn cci eh@wuvae iculahUicPolkacEt&-a tion %ad put through »evara question- In# about the matter. it vas explateel la ber that Zioun officiais do not 1ke ta see vOmen amide for Uic reascu that too msr.y of tbcm might ride without altahlO costumes cul Uicreforc, Uic leluc- . ., , tien la that. if thcy diIInet, tao many men woull ueglect their the ordteauce vas passel an maous cga adl hla effective nv It VHs explained te Miss Bull that ch. could ride side-salîle ta ber al content but that astrile sit- titga were net te, be alloed. Bo 4 .- che Veut home, Promlslng ncqu la tempt prosecuticu iulder the ordin- auce. FIAMAY i5, 1914 I TIR INSPECTION of EVELYN TRIGGS PlaOf ote lUstruti rpuwupi mslaisas TUE coeVAToRY OF1CICAGO Phono - - LOflhve 300-R / -S

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