CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 May 1914, p. 3

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LAIKE COUNTY LNDEPEN]JENT, FRIDAY, MAY 2~. 914. PacA Thym. Editsd by F. J. OAUCE, Phone Il Orders Takon for Job Work. Advrtieing rtes on qpllction. BI suap Adro. ivisi et. Si admroi Eplecopel Msson soit Sunday a isîg etil: 15, se. oted on anotiior page. (ualty- Boyd'a tudia-Price rigiit. Se@ H. D. Bold. Làbertyvillo. about owning e Wlsconsi Farim. (Irsyele e oetsty eSety vwili miel -with Mrs. Cebtieuino Murris, llaursday altornuon, May 9>8. Vieitos vîlcome. Jo.. Longabeugh o! Lawrence, Kan., wha iias ho.. spendlng a fsv veeks witb hie brother John, eterted for hie *homfluit Tuneday, vistidg relative@ 1 aud friends et Cbicoo and Sterling enraut home. C.iro Allen traneatted business lu Chicago Tueorday. Giuy Hook of Long Lake, traniactod buslues@ ber., Tueobdey. JleueLotigabaugh transacted hIueineiie at Wauk.,gan and Chicago Weduesdey. E. F..Shlanke and son.o! Haînoivîlle. biave intabjici a mnilkiug maebln.. S.,veral went ta the cty thfir eek ta vîtu.,,,..the f lying machine lighte ly fieaellîy Jatiîu Mioulia trauNeated buie in.'. Chlicago Monbdry. About rive., c,-îk Tueedaày afteriiron triie tire whigtli. blew brlugir t ti ltce a fi re that bail îtart.,d lu tihe Pleterkirt larti. The. tire etdrted initi îth ot ai the baru and ie natkn)own liow tîrglnatedl. Trie. fi r..uaiî w.'r.ail on itie (dloin a çery .shoirt rime arîîl ooir.tir., larue@ weir.. .xtiniguimb. iTii..tire iîad gîît eiîîugli hîw.ver to kiee.e tiie uper etî,ry a . re.k. Mie. Joeqh 'Turner aud daugiîter Mabel [peni laet 'l'hreday n iiC(hicago.1 Mia. llîtiîa Hoot v.abba tChicago1 vl.itîîr lat Thureday. Si. fi.At vell and wit.., whî have mienet1 trie vinter îîî .Jacksanville, tare nîw ilu ('buîagîî and are .xlected ont tua heur m;:îihier houle lin Lake Siuore drivie, hu coîuing we.L. Mr. and Mrp.Wîîi. Elliîe are mipending a few daye ini Miiwaukffe trisveek wb.,ne Mr. Ellim wîli make an addreie at trie N@weîî..per Aesaciation banquet. Herci' Hoîwe anrd taiy of Waukegan, iîted F. H. Kuebker and wie over 8unday.Mn LoIuî al emer iof Waukegen, in opendiug a lew daye wtb relativ.e here. James Taylor af Warrentou. vjeited ut Grayalake Manday. Unr. Clhnt Hendeeof oRlounîd vioited ber mather, Mie. Frank Davis Manday. Yau miei ball the. pleeeuce af tbe good oid cunihîner tliie if vau don t havi a Vctrola lu yaur home. Tri' une ten daY. et ur expouee. Tii Bezalil tr- Druce Drug (;a. Tu Sunday ichoal et theo Epiecapal Misseonuwîli change thir baur of met. f log Sundey mornlng tramn Il 'elaemk ta 10:30. Tiie Minuit Club met limt Tbnreday eveuing with Mie Edith Darhy.* Tb@ reguler metings oft1he club vili h.etiie firet Wie.dey lu eseh mongth. goverel of rayaeke bae hall fane attended tiie gegnse t W&Ukefen 8nn- day. Mie Edith Derby epot Saturday and Snndey et hon home la Wilmot. LMenai Richardson and Archie Moore motored ta Racine on matorcyclo. Sun- dey, vile meking the trip tiioy eav a yauung man killed néer FRenne, hie ilatercYele htting the guard an a treit -ar throwlng himlm m au automobile crîîihiug île heed. fi le noedies ta say that thlo took avay soane oft tub enthueleom for motorcycliug, STOP HF3RF3 STOP BERE and gît your railroad tIckel. vu bave lie. an bath roade. STOP HEBE and leave your leundry. ire have the Berington egeucy.<Goe every Tlmuredav and roture s atuday. Boaet service ID tavu. Phone il aud vi wil eau tfor l. S4TOP lBRE andi bejy our r.adiug moatter, vi have lie lat@ eapyvvriglitid bocks and ail the latet periodlîcaie. STOP BEttE and bey yonr Ie creen. We give von the bst crate and truite. STO7P ÈERIE for a choie boxa!f candy. Wî baeomany- veranee aciioces rom. STOP HERE if yon ventl; a linon ta gond music. We are sole &ante for the Victroia and alvays glad te play foryou. STOP RERE If you vent a good @mmite. The boet brande and many ot STOP lBRE tor postal carde, sauve- nirs and uat, a braud nov ine. STOP ESEig fon your statlonery. W. ' Carry lthe naît uptodete ino tu tavn. STOP REEfon toilit Pr. arations. S TOPrtER o pr d e n -l i eundries. Our rubber deprnent con- tains nDothIng but guarenteed stock. STOP BERE wviie you gît ealisiac. tion or your money beck.. ÀALWAYS STOP et e Rexaîl store for jgood merhaidie. aidgond eervce. - a#ucm DEuG Co. - i. .iIli .Cake v/ia Mr. sud Mn Jos. Poster are r.,celvlng caugratolegbaneon tiie arrivai ai e danghter Snndal May 17. John Phithl su ad R. Wondland toot advantage o!tii. nice. eetber Bonday sud rode by'auo te0Keuoe. ,Waako- gai sudduotse ortb shar. towus.. 4uben Dougla sa a fine nov jae moal Sembler. .M. Kepple and vit.é trensected buci. non la Cêtl agaSturdey. An auto perty n.arly land.d tn tb. diteh 1-Y the Send Leke oemtry gnndey by tlurning out su far sud lied nom@ trouble netting righted. At lest reports Wm. Walier, vho val îaperated au e voek ega lu a Chicago houpital, ls dolng uas visai enu hi ix- tlected. Tb@ Lediee Aid socity met wîtb Mrs. W R. Manzer Wedniiday. The ladiee are prepariug for their aonnuel bazear. Supper va, eerved by Medame Mauzir, Mitchell, ltovling and Wald. HICKORY J. Pedîreen and femliy ai Waukegaii, virseintertained over Buniday et A. Ped- ereen's, M r. and lir. é<. A. Ed vende and son ealled on relativre ber. Seturday. Mr. and Mnm. Frank Webb are @pend- inic this eek with A. T. Savege andl iaiiy Earl Edwarde a! Chicagi>, epeut iSun- day vîth hie famnily et Mapluwood faim. Mr. and Mns. Chris Paulcon and Alfred Pud.,ceeiî and faîuify epent Sunday with the oul fnolak$. Mr. aud iew Peter Toft are reiiing aven a filile ;ourid girl bain Mouday. M ay 1 M I..nry (iciffin and eau John wpre %-er Sudsay vioitiîro ut WiIIiriiii. Mise PPearl Hughesioai ibertynil... viwi ted tii..foreleiait of the w-k wiatii her Piter Mrm. T. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrme. David Puilen acre tiJ gueitm of C. Pollen of Antiov uliSuîuay. Mr. and Mnm.. Brt King aîîd daughters of (iiîiago. elent th,..week end viitiithe fo)uirmparente The Ladîe' Aid eaelety will meet lu the church on1 Thureday afternuan, May 2fti. Ail îtereitcd arec nvited. Mie. schafer cloaeuiber icioal Vitb a picole au Frlday, May 22. Mnrâ E. A. iteevea and teau, J.A. Reevei aire Kenosha vîitars Monday. Mie- 84.C Hrowe epent part o! the. week vith friende lu Rueicll. C. M. Gorbar and lawilyePpent Sunday with Mire. A. C. Corna aaud family. Diavid Munrie vas a Waukegan vietor unm Saturday. SIre. (. A. Sîver le very pooriy. Sh., hiait been canli nid ta ber lied tire., veke. Dr. Young iq treating ber. Ruby Nillie epent Saturday ight and Sunday witb Mie Autn in Mlwauke.. Mr. and Mr@. E. J. Munrie "uet Sun- day la Kinoeha. Born la Ur. and lMre. RImer Curriy a deugbter, May 14. Min EFdna Lui vas a Cbicago calier one day lait veek. Mdedame. J. H. Lui and Minuli Lui %vers Waukegen callere oni day lest veek. A lv iiend@ o! Wm. Wadeil gave hlm a sunprise Iset Frlday evenîng lan hoa of hie fiteenti birtbdey. Cande wvire played and a fine lunch vas servesi after minci the iiendo depatid for home wiehling luin many happy eturuie of the dey. F. G. Cleveland aud famiiy hook a trip ta Chicago Sunday afternuîon un their auto. Ollie HaIneoSBundayes inluWadevonth. Mms Frnk Faster and Mm. (iayley vine Waukegan visitors Friday. B. William@ @pont a fev daye aith the home folk@. Mm. Jane Nemery bai bien visiting tii pait wmekth li enda and rlative@ bore. Mm. F. Fotir vent In Chicago Wed- needay ta attend lie fauerai of a tnleud. lins. Emma Lui v»aeChilcago viil- on lait Fridey.- On Satundey afternoon occur6d the deati ai Uns. Biner CiRrry-, vba had been In very ponr ieath tarn ome tIme. The fun"ralservice@ mer beld Mouday et 10 a'cloek4roui Si. Patdocla <hureî vilh hurilInluthe. MMi Creek cenoety Sue ieave$ ta moumu ber ioee ber bus- bandi, four children. tvo brotbere, tva aisters andi maiy triends. Mmn. Cleytan Lucas entr~aidco- peuy iraiS Cbicigothie Ifn-aaii tih e e. lire. Lynu Vincent oi Guru.., vas in Wedevorth Monday. ;Tiiere wlii b.e fdance May 27th, tu the, Bon- Ber. hall givon by the ban- bail- teaulS t2lomnd Xake ?/eztvsJ Qugity-Boyd'aS tudio-Prigeerlgbt. Mrs. SF. H.Mrin vieilt!d et Ot. Jo., Illih., aCfilerdayo thie visk, viiere the doctor ovni a fruit faim. Chs. Breinerd bai poriiaiod e 1914 Model tive passengr Mitchell car. Edvard Babbllrd, on. of Round Lake formner barbera pld a viel boe Sundey. Hevlng bien la business boe. a vile Ed made e lot af triende vho are et aIl times iiappy lanshake hiei. and. JO@. Amme n iii hold a Dicorattan dancoetihie. hall bore Seturday evening,. Ma*ySIOti. Everyhody cordiellyinvlted. Fred Flary ettended tii bineraI o! Samuil Miaenherg, the ,Vira Crue hero, lu Chcago, Thureday . The May perty igiven bY the Roîund Lake Plesure club et the opera house. lait Saturday wam attend.,d by a fair elzed crowd, about flfty couplle timing prosent. Richard <arinan ha.. purchaeed the. niatorcytie forroerly owned by ti.. lat.' Lfe Gilbert. The Ladîe Pcîgress l Iub met at thm.1 home ot Mre lietmr liary, V.edai-o'day, Ma.y 2tiî MisRuth BIrîmoniî of Wauouda, vai the guest o! i....da White, Satur- day and .undlay. MRLBURRJ SIre iiuy Hughes wai operated on for1 appeindiitiî at the MeAliter liîîiîital May 14, and ie. gettiog alanu îeiy. Jlack (iaiaglier i.. epending a we..l witiih,iî. llit,. Miss \lînnim Cllrîstian..en left lMonday fi Mil%% auler ta epend a few we.,ks. iheo Smithi oî thicago, bi s peîîdinga a e. ii Ilîi millie, liaI'..Younig. Mlr .id Mrs e. llonaid of Wîuuietka lipent meieral deys. with Mr. aînd Mr. Pae 1i uug Miý e. ra Miller r.turned froni th.o lierniari Ameriau hoeîutal ln Chîrago ait Tueeday. Mr. and Mns. W. H. Miller ofai Hghland Park, are spendig a ew veeks with Mr. anid Mr@. John Banner. Ilro. Mary Yuie le .tsying at ber haine at pruent. J. A. 'itrangç had a runavay lat Fr1- day and ewearied witb a lew bruleei. Tiiebuggy vai emaihed. Jîm (laliagiier 0 Solonu Miii.., @pet Sunday with hie parente. Mre. Jo@ephine Matheve I.. viitlng iriendo lu Milwaukee, the v.,ek. Mie. Belle Wateon and Mns. iave Young epenit Saturday lu Chicago. Jeeee Deuman, Sr., @peut Tueeday and % edrieoday witb hie son, J C. Deunan in Wenkegan. ý W. G. McGuire went ta the Jane McA lieter haîpItal Tueedy for an aperation. Mré. C. E. Denmnand Wnn. McOuire eccompaniid Dr. Jeislon ta thi baspîlel. Dr. Folîy performed the operation on W. I. mcGuire. Johni couire ai Antiouh, ipent Mou. day wlth bic brother, Wm. XcGurie. PAUL MACOUPAfi, A*es.un t Lw State oi Illinois, Couati' ai Lake, es.. ln the Connty Court af eeld Comnty. To William Widdovmon, Fany Wid. dovaon, Bniiy Mary Hanserd, Wlliam Henry Wlddovson. George Widdovnon, Richard Samuel Widdov.on, William Charie« Widdovaou, Augustue Gearge Widdaveon, Hornie Meckie, Aile Mackle, Augustue Macki, Ccil Mackie, Ethel Masekie, Frank Ritches, Mrs. BilaisWmght, Mne. J. B. Keller, Freae Hansard, John Hansard, H. W. Haneard, Elizabeth Aylifi, Auguetue Ayliff, Kiste Young, Viola Bayd, Joseph Bayd, Clarnce Boyd. Esther Warren. Mn8. Ivor Thumas, unkuovu hein aif Alfred Wid dovean, decusd, unukaan beire a! Edwin Widdovou dec.,ased, unkuovu hein. ai Sarah Jefferv, dece@aed, heinâ at iv, ar legateis under thie last wil and testament ai Helen Pheipe, deeeased. Take Notice tiat outhie 3rd day ut Auguet, A. D. 1914. at ren o'clock, In tie larenoon on as @oan tiereatter as tii natter cau bî heard, tii undireîgned viii peeint t the iCaty Court ofaI ad County ticîn final accaunt and neport ai executoreunuden thi lait yl and tei- meut of Helen Philas, deciaiid, and aekr that the ame hi approvesi; tiat saisi ietato hi diclaresi e.ttled and tiat tie underasignod h dichanged tom bisi@&id office, et viiicb lime and place yau are uotified tu, hi prennt It yon rn0 deibre. Datai thus.20tiiday ai May A. D. 1914. Bovard T. Maso. and Daniel L«e, Executors undez- tb. lait mIll and testa- ment oi Helen Puelpe. C485-1 The wvll of S'ederick W. Crosby of ime VbFin-gt vas led ti% Chicego 11'r- day, sbowv n iestate 'et *600,, the Na rtiern, Trust Comauny belng oxecutur. The beneiceuea are.: Mrs. Joua . N.Croby. of Lake Ioret. vI- dcv; MnXey IL Ozuey, Jente»lle, VA.,ç àtar. VAUCONDA Mr. &Bd Uts. W. Bae..l..yjr- and tam- ily and Mn. Wilcox ai111 on Max of union. ver. thi eete ai XM r anîd Mm. W m. Bemleyr, r., Sundayý ,Nornan Liodd of Lubertyvilie, was a Weuconde vitor Friday John Spencr and famiiy of NMEeery, visit.d fiaonde boe.Sunday. Mie. WS..$&mg sent Tuenday ln Chii. ca. Mr. and Unr. Emltt (ieary wero tiie gueste. of reltives in <rayolake lait week. Paul Bay of Ubirtyvilî, wae a calier here Tuuiday'. Mrs. IL B. Klubentey of Chicago @pent eeverel dais Ibis eek et the homne of ber parente, lMr. and Mre. Chai. Davlil. Mr. and lire. I. £. Maman violted relative, lu Mcflonry Suiiday. LaOu Gesry of Laèke Zurich was a caller here Mondey. Mr. and Isr. Tboinas Dufi c and Mir. and Mie. Chai. Uody mpent Sunday st the homje o! J. F. floney.- Mr. and Mr@. Jos. TomiskY aud I uclle of Carey vire Igueiteo! M r aud M re. C. L. Pratt the fii a01 the w-. Mm FEarnewortb of! III a&co. vimited friendm ee.,aturday and S;iîday. NIr. and Mrn. Wm. Siur eutertained BLINDPIGS IN LAKE FOREST? NIX! ASK TME LOCAL POLICE If Blindpigs Are Tiiere, Why do Lake Foresters Corne Here >ta Waukeganfor Booze THUS REASON THE POLICE. Likewmse, Why do the Zionites Corne Here to Load up on Ciga nd'Bug-iuice?' Who mas thîre Ire hllnd-pige ln Lae Yoreal' Aad egat- Who May@ thit Mon residente dont use tubacco' Tva intres ruade or. the police reg- later an Saturday ulght shouid serve ta dîspel any doubte that may bc en- turtained on the fifattir. Arreit Lake Foresten Finet we wili eallyour attention ta the case o! George N.- S mitb, af Lake Forest. Smith Ila 54 yîarsa-Id.- He was arreehed on Satunday nigt. aou ten oclock and lîad ln bief possession, among otier things. a jug of whlskey rlatinco tram Mfinnesoita laut e.eek. wvicithi i ad îiurcbaiîd bere sud Dir. and Mr@. L. E. Golding -f Liberty.-vitici be lutended ta takre home. vilie,, epent Sunday witl. relati,,m there. Nov. tie question arises-ir there te i May Maiman entertauined Misses are illud pige lu Lake Forest, why \ aida Knigge aud Julia i i.uuc f Ir- would Smith have ta camne ta Wau- rîîîg Park Sunday. kegariîtaeIlurchase bis liquor. The answer- nay b.. tb5t Smith lias learu- Mr. Aiden oi Waukegaru e. -a (aller ed that the wa-ilekp3, beget, ber., le lure Tuesday. net of the esquirrel' kind found lu .-... Iiiiîe other places. LAM ZMCZIon Vout Iintoxlcated -1 And now e.e corne ta case No. 2. Mr. Huler of D1e@Piain.e.ransscted Thisuis the case af Bd Waltzuleu t, au business in aur village Sahurdauv. lb year aid Zion City yaîîtb wbo vas vreu lBia took a bou,.trip te arrested at midight on a charge of hwuag.u Tueoday. drunkennes s ad dlsorderty conduct. tirs 'iYoung ai Palatinei uiteu i e.hiiTii..lad toid the palice ho was front relativeesud frieude here suîuurdnv. Zion (Ciy aiOs-Iaid bu iadrcam e be. Mise Ilannaiflehlz euht, rîaiîi(irîreîiulfor thp "goad tliior b.. caulî nut get fruiî Chiîugo Sunday. nth luiii ine bItn trousers Palki .t î a large pluig of cbee.lng %Ir.aundtire. Rayer of I uud ina. have u, i i otm aRe a biidful o ai i.. j rt, ntr ile 'i ung Malir li. t..l an.] lI the cose- of lue L.ake Forent mari i uul.juusaseiu hievee S r uj t . ilutook te.o ilieen tii remove hlm ý,unw acnd laînily have iîu'uî ii u ttheir ho the cit2 jail. On.. olficer accoin- tie. re.idenve on laku fruuîîîî îied tiiîs tasn lu(luecase of the i irla.-bal tennpla.yel tule Cicuago Titles on the home grauîîd sunda.. 1 was vcry cnul tiDg geme. tue luome baye woun lu ae,,re o! 5 ta 2. If val the lr.t guile o!" hieoeuasan fuir aur bouye aîud %%as we eH layesi considering the puuurcouuidtuuîn aftbu grande. Thero w e. i i auohier game titeeSuuîday. Miss Mamnie Hokmiyir visited fier grandmotber ah Palatine Tuesday. Atignet Fruîelinh sold e carIa~d if W.isconsin cows at auction Saturday. A. J. Iteditiu,rinu f Oak Park, epen t Sunday antibis suîîîmer home ber@. There ie a ruiîior thet lie Publ1i,' Servie Cao.. lMeuju)lly aur tovu with gai file V0111u139Seea#30. It eertainiy vonld Lie appreiaieu(] by the people ai Olur village. Win Bueshig liaul a uernav escape fnom eciving serious inmuries Lionday morning as he we driving toi towuthie young teani gut f rigiteules and run throvîng Mr. Bueebhing ou& of the wagon, the hors.,..fonde Igr Vnk Park viere they were @tapped. Thu ;wagon aid m1lk can e ve.,badly demagesi. BISN M. MILLER. Attorey ADJUDICATION NOTICE, Public natice ilmiieeeby geon liaIthe Sub- scrter Adudflhitatix of thseslcteis. ut maman B. Holtie. deceefd, will aend te ay Court of! Lake Counîy, at . tein i hrof Stha idi, rit the court oine In vauketn. 1lu..hid Oouaty. on t1he ut monda7 ot July Dcxi. 1914. ehen and cher ail Dirtons hguing claitns agfaluet raid Es.15h are notiid sud reqneesed te erenni tue came te Raid Court for adjudication. AMELIA HOLTJE. Adminitratria. Wake.tau. DL,111113 5114. ear 722.20 Jilune 5 BIEN[M. MILLER!. Atem.y. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. PuiblitcNotice iuN hi r1u r iventbatthie Suh. scruber Exeu-uiiieil heLaet 'viii and Testa- ment ot Diii F Iiiuii,liiaier, deceased. viii attend the hCiouiu%ýut 4Lake County. at s teri tiieioft hbeic,1, ui thOeCouurt Houe in wiriegari. ii in i unir nthe irt Moli of Juiy .,eni 1ý1c e heu and Cher.. cul pelon 1.viîc o u ist îaid eshate ire neihled snd ruuu u lu reeut the camne uu mid Court foricutîuduuîiiou. ANGEDENA iT<il/NiHALER. Exee.oirix Wauiregaii. Ill., itOu Il 1914. e Mcv 22-29 .tni NOTICE] The only thlng the ludopondlnt hatt.eoilîlaSPACE, ltla a known fact that a e ovepaer malte. ncthing off ho subeoelp. tiens thoieelvc-l4t mua deped on theosaie of SPACE. Marly Correpondoate Woehcy tend In Items pertalninbe b ffarg whoe promotere %viii roahilu Profite as à r6eult 0f the advos.. tlstng tii... coltime 11fUrUIah. Suoh Items schoutd and mut ho Pshd for If Wb a"e to Ilve. The. rate le omah-fivecent. par ine.. In futur. such noticles viii ho omtt.d unio..nso%0loit la made, tiai thcy are ta be pild feir. Any affaîr wviiero Odiilen la ohwWgd or prometors v.k a Profit front li, la la *thometBor thinga for vi h rn mmes u Zion ('i11y ,(i lothspent thle uighluthie clty j'ail and on Sunday moniilng each vas fitied $7 ïou ad upon pating It a-as allas ed hi.. rçedomý COMMTE IS TO NAME SECRETARY OF MILKDEALERS, Directori of ttie Xjlik Producers, Association beld a meeting lu Chicago lait Tiursday ta talk aven matterse n- latIng lnth ie selertion of a seeo-etary ta MIi the place made vacant by thi esiguation of Albert E. Jlack afi%,u- tioci. There vire numenone appl- calnts, but hl eeemed difficult tu maire a neliction the matter being finally hurned ovin ta a cOmmtte oMPOeed of E. D. Reese of Dundee, W. A. Go. win a! Crystal Lake, J. P. Couyes af Capron, (ho. W. Brown af Sycamore aRe4 L. fmaîl a! Lake county, Who lect tie secretarY. Amoug tueapplîcants ale. .Jf hIe ut Crystal Lake andi Itle alid jje derstoad that a numben ai tho direc. tors are anxlotîs ta abtain theo services o! wO. W. Conu. Jr., ai Woadotack, but bis cousent viilhi bard taohtala si4ce het position pays but $1.200 pen yian ansi ta thtevork ai sicretary bas bien added vork lu conîcton viti lssuing the Mlk News, thi monthly organ af thte association. TAKES THE STEP TO WREST' ESTATE FROM 'W. 6. VOLIVA Tite t poi)rtylnZion ity valu- ci' litii $.0auîu.0u40 may be affected by tbe filhng Wednesday Ma.,12 lin Chl- ca.o af ueo ameuded bilIls, af evîv befane t.eîlerai iîidge Mack. Tie bills and exhibîte caver 1,000 hypea itten pages sud attack lte ad- mInistration o!flthie etate ai Juin Alexander Doili andi the jurlgdlctlau exerclid iy Federal Judge tandis lu the neceiversilp proceediMg. Sboid Judge Mack rude dversely on the ameudîd bills the cale viii be cannied ta tue United States Circuit Court af Appiale. Tii sali ai lie lace faetary ln Zior, City ta Marshal Ibid & Ca. .by rîcîlvers appoinaei by judgo tamdliv la une ai the points eL-heu.. -- The action le braughl by John A. Levis, vio, As5 executar and luteei undîr tbe vifl of Davie, 1% fltlig 10, obtain posssusio fOI theti sate. Morton S. Cressy and George W. Kretziuer Jr. eppear aej counnel for Levie. "Siiould thi amendod bills be lue- tained, i.Wliur(lien Volîva voulfi be tite o te Po»etyleft by the found. on af loy, City voulfi b. taken tramo Volia andi orderefi vestod tu Levt1" Mr. Ki'etzager asaore. TBF LAKEF COUNTY PitODUCE COMPANY offers to the public for their patronage Firesh Fruiits, Vegetaibles and Produce of A Il Kinds and will cater to both wholesale and re, tait trade. Wholesale orderti delivered t<) ail parts of Lake connty. Daiy Motor Truck Service uetween Chlicago andî Libertyvil.. Office- Libertyvilie Bakery Bldg. Teisphons 38, làbertyville Exchaenge Your Proposition! Large or smali WiIl Be Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & DurAnd Rteel Fotat. lasezace. etc. j,çyihq~~lle, IMI WISCONSIN Attention Mr. Renter! Buy a Farm of Your OwD. Quit paying the'other. fellow hall for rent. HAVE ALL you raie. Own., a f arm in the Clover Beit of Wisoonsin. IWisconisin CÇompared i The ielo sduid velus per ecre ai crope for iOtà as campS. ,d by te ET. S. Dept. of Agriculture et Washington, D. C. WMEAT a . 16.25 46ATB 41 88, Real Bargains in North-Central Wisconsin Farms The liaujîci Iairy district in tIhe banner dairy state in the beetcoaunty aonrortb. Cl'ay Loamn Soil Tlhe Natural home of tiîîîotlîy and claver. Partly cleaed larme et the price oi WiId Land. HZasBulletin No. Il by Loeb-Hammel Realty Ca. (Not lac.,) 206-206 Marquette Will be of Inte'rest See or irrite H.- D. BOYD w.Ui *U«[t ISSAL oeN w OATS BARLET 21 1-01 2 912 26 14 W loa. 341 20 40 84 Il M 25 ' 13 75 SnCana 14i 21-60 21Si 7.3A 5I S7 jýAK COUNTY INDFPE»ENT, FREDAY, MAY 22. 914. Paire Three

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