CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 May 1914, p. 7

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DYMOND L AUSTIN Loans, Insurance, Real Estate ani House Renting. Office in Kaiser Block. L IBE RTYVILL E -IL LINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Money to Loan on Cood Approved:Reai etate. L OfERO e in Triggs Buildi n 6 LYELL H. MORRI rr'rOEET-A'r-LAW Libertyville - tIlinois Re- Phonie 152-R. 4 Omet 1 Phoge M MARTIN CDEC Othie Opp, 18th 8t. Eleetrie station Mfie Phone 848 Re..Pho î.1860B NORîTH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. DR, 0. F. BUTTERFHILD. VETERINARY SURGEON. asisANeT eT Illinis. TelePhon - -.0 ee reae h my epne ever %0odo your work. J. M. Graves 14 Ehnwod Av.,WakeauIlf See me before your date - . 3-1 DR. E. V. SMIT H GENERAL PRACTICE dours 8 toov1 r a y 2 tre ad e 8 . SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TUE EYE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DP, . L LTAYLOR Office in First National Bank Building aoras:-l to 3:39 and ti 4M. itsidebnt ,n Broadway. oppostte Park L1eg ineltino.. DR. GOLDING DENTIST' ove FimtNatonal Bank Ottice Phone 19-J. lie@. Phone 157-3. Libertyville, Illinois DR. A, H. CHURCHILL Physician and Surgeon' gfle over eig A BondergeStre Special attention to rye. mar, Nomeand Taa GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyville, .Il.- ins DR. E, H. SMIfT, DENTIST. aVRn LAIa, coUNTv NATIONAL BAME. ouns-â tc 12 a. m. and 1 1to P.a PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Closest attention paid to arran auctiaun saltè and be.t re.ult. in l Allkids of horses, WaKOns an0 harness for sae or exchange at ail times HENRY SINE Phones 148 or 48 ZMON CITY, ML. J. L. REDDING, D.V.Me VETERINARY SURGEON ofieat O"%70 r Ave. Phone 1i8". t DR. VICTOR C. HOEF OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAIM 215 Madison St., WankeganM 00"eeBourm, 9-12 A. M.; 1.4 P K.;7.4 P.U Sundays by Appointment Only Telopbone 36 French, German, ItaHian and Spanish Language Outßts. yOu W»%t a mbehnor records, «an e. 816-.w or cesram. JAMS 11,ONS A N N O u N2. m SE mN T Dr. N. W.a- i WAUKgEGAN 11émLLeN8 WHIlbcet mÇLbtNs,as mrard %,J uwtyml,. .Tué *WFriày, LADESmATSM OF AY BIG GRI 1 AND D EING BUYS AÀ110RE. TWiiLVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TRATS ndtn a*refi each to be granted so prospiective s ttlrin S U ESTW F R L therowing oenTwnYThousand Acre-of-Ich ter Goria lUnd, whIch te aduirably adapted to the gro wing of01 hefer, seet andrish potatoes, canteloupea, water tetnse crn, oiats, Cotton, hay-in fact, aill@tapie 1cropsS gr Ewn in whi awete.etion.nas wellsa a large variety of semi-tropicalruitP, and the famous immensely profitable paper-hlpea. NONE RECEfVED FOR LESS T HAN 25 CENTS Providinog you are eligible underteea nainepecie yu. o r orfeeda ec:e pportunity tO break away from the drudgery adtoil of a smlluwoage, or workingz for the beniefit of landlords, and go buk i ad of plenty, to which If granted.vou will hold a warrasty deed and airract .John Onan of Oak Street Con- S+FOjR EXCHANGE-i.0-acre baeriez or- The best soecurity est earth In thé earth itsel, and land ls the basis of all wealt. Owners of productive lands are ++++++++++++ .eh.ard. in uGrand Valley, Col., for raieu- heaefiting by the increaing hligh cost of living, wI edgtersare suffering frousIt. siders That He Negotiated m + FOIRSALE, + tete l. Liberty ville or viciity Addam"p IIi 08CR C p0 jy 1DWl ý hiý a Very Good Bargain. .+.+++++. ++++.. +++.. . oit146, Libertyville. p35t2 SURPRISE CAME THIS A. M. L AIl stock takien to peature lesnit ownler's You will not ba requimed to leave your prenentenrn- in this liberal-minded opeunng, similar to t bose of the riait. W. a. Appley. p35t2 loge now. Ail we sait of those to whom we grant treeftsls Northern Pacifie and other rasiliroade when they gra, e nta fth ayHreHe thaest tey plant, or 1arrange1 hasve planted, a erop ofine their fandl, and we expect fto benefit thereby, aswel s tedo h ayHreH Money to ]oan on Lake county land@elat of the above-mentioned prodnete within three yearsafler the one@ who wrill reeive the tracts. Expected, a Funny Long - six pr cent. No comminoion. lnquire wIch vie will have It OPe-rated (harvested and replanted) We have aso, lanned to develop what is designedl to for granten, lu concideration of 25 per cent. 0f the not h e tenet equi ot u-to-dat, cewntific, commer- Eared Colt Came. Independent branch office, Graysalke. clpi t eiedfoth ae ftecos teeyalwng ea amadorc rdln exiotence I t will Consint of six FORSAE-118nouil»wRambl theranz = t purenle his or her present occupation pntit thousand acres, and will bie Included in this opening. AillWaukegan, May 15. FOR SAE-1918nearlyn ske. g. ..... . . ....4.. . . . . . . such grme as they determine just what the yield of thbeil who regIster snd resve. tracts will pet the bernilt of the A few months ago John Oa f 5 passenger, tu good condlitio Mke-ar"s amounts to). Consider w bat this may melan es a experimen t and #ecentiie meuhodin i vovue thereo)n. W hile Onnc us an offer. It wil go very "bep. + 1FOR RENT + source of Incomme, when statistic. wjhow that the yMel of we are arranging to prevent over-registration. we will avoid Oak etreet, a well known Armenian I 32.4 JustMoor U0. . . ... . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . .ne.ceof celery amountied to $L.268 45, and that neman y d isappintments, auch as occurred ln ot her land open. who fôrmerly conducted a bakery on mmr of siell-cared-for paper shell pecans, in full biaring, ings conductedl by the United States Government and rail- the south side#ad occasion to go to i FORSALEAqu&Dtty of crd woo FOR RET-5 rota f hould Dot ite owner au high sas$500.00 per year. We lare roafds, by granting thoft who imgister in excess of the Chicao obuahre FOa AEAqatt fcr odFO ET5ro ltalcnei of the opinion that after It la proven by actual rerette numbetr of mtract be granted, an interestnin this Coom- caot uyahreHeddnt and poste. Wm. J. Schreck,- R. 1, enees on South Park Ave. Inquire aot obt» aindi operating the land that they will need no fur, mercial Tarmt and orchard enterprie, in the hope that they ktnow any mnore about horses than Libertyville. Phone 267.,-2. -82-tl Wol. ReI'se84-111 ther urgingfî, and waste no tMe ln locating In thila nd of inay later locate ln one of our to wn sites. average man who goes lnto the city to enty. We aso, require grantee tu occupy the )and with- Emamination cfithe loaid wl cheerfuHy lbe permitted, takte a pick fromt the big stock yards' Wehavaea nomber of do@ homes for STORE TO RENT-Branc Baery"lathn ers o »Iwe k nme one who will ocenpy lit; an r a o peiof t at tid at Hrownto«p, Wa aCunt. selection, but he fInally chose one sae r en. ymn &Auti, ibrt-Store at Grayalakte. Call at Libertyville The land Included là this opening le located directlyr on whieb ie located on this property, and will iccur as soon that seemed to suit is requirements. ville. c-82-tf Bakery. -85ý-1 and adjoining the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantie Rail- afler thle closing luf registrations an arrangementcabe HrtundoWukgnelat- roadt, about twenty-tieeutiles west of Btrunswick, a thriv- mad& led with his purchaEDt. FOR ALE-arre Rok chckenandFOR RENT-9-room bouge on Park ingetty of ôteen thousand, havingr direct steamship fer. Thé, premencle of thonse reistered will not bie necessary hr ieao elandta ei Du kse . 50e proti g.Ms.PaendHrbtCu, yl. oe vie" to New York and Boston. and excellent railroad tr ans- at Browntown on the opeunmg day, unlemsfthey* v wieh to at. Pekn esegs, perset og r. PaceandHulbu Cortbylet Phne portation facilities to all points. The averagte temperature tnd. for lthere will be ne favoritiainm hownanvne It he had made a better.bargain than hie R E.Thomas, Phone294-W-2. -81-tI 18M, C Gleason. c85ti fors@lx months of the .ear fromt April to October. la 77 will tie conduceted h. a committep selected fo)r tihe purpose. at first had thoughit for the stork .,++ 'degrmee; the elimate ismromt healthful. deligrhtful and and thosme regisitered will hés notified of what thjey haeee whIspered in his ear thant his horse ROSE COMB REDS-Egge froin . g. . . . . . . . . .+ l.....¡ invigorating,an)d there isan ample rainfall of 51 Inches grasnted am soonu as possible -wsso obcm ohr ncgoa ilaa Fu an+ WANTED + 0 ieArM IS FOR MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL RESULTS n nsen te rean adadutrr i ,the "Fine, fine,"' John remarked to him- grurated.Kiital-Tîg@idYad@. . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . A* we are extremely desmiroum ilf hav ing s ettlera locate on a dindiendnce, itwilcontinuetbte hardeýr to s(ecur self. "I had to pay for only one horse gaate.Kma-Tgged rd'this property, and aesist in itm idevelo)pmenFt, and thereby 'Iae nd rnett1 i-tu r .b a iii and I will have tIwo. Somne bargain, T Libertyville, IlL. e- -l WAWTED-l¯Iave purchamerx for fromt greatly merea.. rhe ,value of Wrrudigand interveinnæg u 1 nn ts 'il t on h"-cie laine no el i la, are nhe what 11 i u aie M iemuttgal property.wheb wewi:l hold and to f, r fis e tetrafc a- t nd ar vo arealle -nttp ni ' may a, I, r at, FOR SALE OR RENT--0 acreoe rt refrens. rieraine ajopg tshe Atlanta. Birmingham and Atlantiic Railroadanteean t aar a aa Ery hi morning the stork miiilepeaet of Granlakedepot. .rig la h sfaiia' evicw feliirrnted in grntng- ,m ati, n- rdtaion attahelto thi> ann .oiele rought thli romised colt.-,%Ir. Onan PayeArs. . ;1ý:l Enldependent office, -2t thesel tracts tol thosie whoi regrister iwith us W e almo have 1coid ntrPeqhsge.T i Payne, Area, Ill. edil-tf ~in rmind nsd nepilets which w il ffer South ern Georgia Railiroad-Land Development Bureau cu ntrpeshsge.Te e WANTED AT ONCE-Giirl or womian for sale after fibl. peing. but whivib will nit bIlu-Ided Colorado Building, Washington, D. C. to nivnoyo i aeta- FARM FOR SALE.-125 acrem , clear at for kitc-hen work. P'hone 271-li-2ortcall in lit. We hav e "money-making afterwrard" vonolderations muisition. Tue colt was-a-ente little kn ofsoif,100)adr- und r clItiva tion at Piie fGrove farmn. Hall Day, 111. suhrn1-0i eea ntt æeullw btIl- t e co psd Settlinguof n estate. NMrS. K. P. Bluec-d4tf neistr T - i art e1a1i I, to -wister for -our Fruit and A reu alsi:id a le u - an r n h -i -wh thi rctW atmakes his ears so long-he 02N.HermDitaige A ve , Chicago. WANTED-Girl for general houselwork. a the, nloslk akabt"3r nn Btate wages wanted. Address M rs. AI- Sae -- rsuitr F. Il. Nuo.............- .... .. ........ .. .... .- . asked~ ber, ile.Araej Os ore ar .2 %Kge.- .. . ar-r-n.... iowid idow , r h m .. p......... .... . "Can':t you see," inquired the stork FOR SALE-House and lot with n ...,,, atY"a"i ln', wn -verten acre*s(of law1.iil, om, idStat l."i'- u>. Itou h u b - o te Eecrian Sti Lne eaimnIf, ti onfi r t on lese s e nrime. witht a Max n. -1ur . anditr ofrmat . andprticulroue 1to ght yo bb ko1 heEetic n 8 oLiedp t WANTED-Cutom)ers4. 1 will sel] al] n"n:m n r.. fth., lardt o meit-exac t ,iation on- the Atlanta. r-.'l r tun aa t tanprato f in ould like a little viet. formnerly -known asthe Cronkhite Éhouse .kinds ofilFruit. Shade and Ornamental amen 'ta v ndn oui V- Ad he tok-as-igt1fr-l- WM Il el for cash or instalinient plan.: Trees. Ni the best hardy varieties of ···.nature thoughlethmothrk was a "ht ore"the "braini if takteunat onice, . .,i Trip, sma ll fruit.and vilnes. Flow eriir ala colt b)elonwedl to thic hrhrid el"'". Area, 111. __c.34-i- _ foiagze shrubs and plante; evergreen s,"Wlell, I don't suppose I have any -- traw-- berry plantâ IHardy field grown N. Durand, lot 1, block 13, Wrignit's hiebel in Toledo lin June as entirely kikcmig"Onnrmakd IL FOR SALE-.-5 Berkire brood @ows ta ' add to Libertyville. W. D. $5. EY C ERT L S .insurgent" il l ad vocate the election ,ik mn, Oa eakd ,due t) farrow in July. T C. 7ermen , rose. Have hadl years lif experience My"11-a akwk n fa niere ito eea fi didn't cost mie anything and it surely Lýibertyville. lPhune2!004 2. c-34-t; n i elyuh n i wife etal to Bolefflaw Tomaszedeki W00DM N0FmMETn le- and o stand for other lm- as e wha hadinther h1 ors0u t FO SLEHuwonFrè âret ulvl rglt91 1i-u'lalwti yulot .; block 9, Dreyer's subdivisIorý, portant changes in the rules of the., S H yvle lrelytebffl ltee tzu yo u ríg t an rt.Fla lt y. ou t acgQ . 1 n fte oe il 1fter aill itmight have been worse.- ery ie re eb rreofthagin f d nt al rie a letfto. Noth C cagmpso D. . Brn INfMLDRECEN IS °ta nde": The mother horse seemedIci feel faie8Srah McGavick H as6 roomsiiilw1apprFec'iate YuIr orders andmalle Nelthe SimeonwayD. about it for althoughý' 'et ar a. s i t or dvntg. t eal with me.t son, lut 1j?, Fox Lake sub, in section puty system which will save the order she slooed yabtlth offpir ather h e tra i gt nd a1 e i p G . Rbet,Libertyville, Ili. (Grant township. W%. D. $280f) Local Delegate Tells the Two °1, à0 ayear in each ssiiul tfrtseTtrccdd ments. To Clos. estate. Price $2.500. 3. W.1N.MoeadwetoCR Camps of Woodmen Just1 That the se-ats of the Illinois delega- that althouigh everything did not seema Eany terme. J. E. MiCGaàvick, Executo)r,--~--~¯ -¯. Robinson, lot 150, Ravinia. W. D. HolateiSadsNw n" wililibe contested at the National to be just as it should be, timte might e;05 Oakwood Blvd, Chicago, 111. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS *"' ttr tnd N" am e "aa ra'nyt 'Iele a eyde k-Improve the appearance of her child. p.MsFurntished by NO. CHICAGO CAMP H ERE. gain their seats with little trouble an ^nd as for -.Muley- he seems quite LAKE COUNTY TITLE &TRUST Co. MARRIAGE LICENSES. fromt the preqlnt outlook of the big oblivious of the consternation he ar- FOR SALE-One Mitchell sand one Abstracts of Title. Titles Guaranteed.\m .crsnRcne......5vreeyekrnite aeî in, th"'efaetny"f"the sO etY rival created and ls taking is exis- .lackson car. Libertyville Gar ' 3-tf Masonic Temple Bidg, Waukegan. WEliz. rsneie, RMiwuee........25 MCounty Degter to the Na-e mlbpeas tty eh facion dwihvetence in a quiet,mater-«f-fact manner. L C 3-tfAlbert R. Alorrison, Chicago .... 21 ..about 218 followers on t he flor of - 3- ay 9. 1914---. A. Newcomb Jr, tional Convention. the convention. T D ' FOR SALE-25 tons choice baied to,_M. A. Hoyle lot 4, block 51, North Anna Godgluck, Waukegan% ...... 23 Cook c jrý nith lis membership Ai DE IO S Colorado alfalfa hay. Bargain If Chicago, deed-51767.95. Harvey Jewett, Oshko!lh, Ws..5 At one of the greatest meetings In of over 17,000-Woodimen will be with- taken ait once. Apply Blatchford's C. . Fishback to, W. B. Austin, Jennie Preston, Los Angeles, Cal 50 point of attendance lever held ln the out representation at the national cl elFactory Waukegn Ili.l Frank Satina, North Chicago . ... 27 City. the members of the Waukegan camnp. U DD À NBE (of ea r, ga' lt 2 boc 2, iglad ar. .Mary Muzlk, North Chicago ...... 23 and North Chicago lodges of Modern M4r. Heydecker, who w.ý. go to the Phorp 317. Willy 3t. D. $1. Ae ateWuea ....2 Woodmen, gathered Wednesday even. National campl as the delegate fromnt W. P. Berrong and ife to S. T.AxlJknWaegn....2 ing at Lake ('damp Woodman niall on Lake county, intends to depart froni FOR SALE-Lyon & Healy organ in Atkins lot 4, and S 1l-2 lot 2, section Alma Kowu, Waukegan,. ........ 26 Wlashington street, to hear the report this City, several days before the big YHSÀ E IF fncoditin.M rsK.P. ch ,bel ) ' 'wsi, .D.$0 Fred C. Booth, Highland Park ...92 of the Illinois statle campt, wnich was camp cor.venesb so that he may gain l'ou e n ti.rtle. . . naeDel16, Beneotownship, W..D...20-19 given by C. T. Heydecker, as dele- a better view of the situation and con- R. G.Salyards, Once Editor of Phne28.,Lietyile 35l D. A. Ferry and wife tol Alvy Gil-.DealaellPeerf, Highwoode........ 3 gate to the state camp fromt this dis. sequently be better equipped to give ••, so ract of land in section 7, Ben- CalsPtrMlake...3 trict. .1 the Woodmen of Lake county, the Highwood's Only Paper, Died FOR SALE-Regintered Holstein bul]. tontwsi n n eto 2Nw Margaret Chiristhofsen, Racine .... 28 The report cf 3Ir. Heydecker told in best representation ln his power. Sde1o hrdy and bull calve. -Alsgo somi• horses,. good twnhip.W.D $1..H erman Cero, North Chicago .. . .27 the substance Hlow the congressional • dny nTurdý aige and sund. N. E. Gatzert, phione 41. porta on .A israiwf Katharina Kollman, North Chicago26 cOm tte t of he k I n the0 stateW M NN A L O . c5l to Merchants Delivery Company, lotCoy ovrtnRce.......3 morning of Tuesday May 6. The bodyRECLLTURBLENTTM S. 0000«*.00- ary Nelsor\ Lake Geneva ...... 40 was in 'consultation throughout the FOR SALE--8. C. lihode Island Heub, '9, block 3, Highland Park. W. D. Edmund C. Dworak, Zion City .... 22 whole of the day and how the ses- E IHT W E N Slad a h a h Red Raven strain, bred direct from 10. Helen C. Shubert, Zion City ...... 18 sion lasted well 'into the evening as ESSG T W E N Slad a h a h prize winning stock at New Rork, Bos.- Est of M.%ary J. Mfasterson (deed) Philip Benkler Milwaukee ... 25 the committee wvrested with the prob- invoked Wrath of Highwood to.6 o1 t 125 0ormr (,$1.t ateie iseM in lot 1, block P '··' lemstof the correct eoneuction of, tonw o12,$3 (u.5; 20 or mor 1. to.aterione aere, d, sEmily Young, Milwaukee ........ 19 big state camp .AI U GO S0 Men Who 'Beat Him Up.' Fewcocs,$8 ndup.Ege, 1 fr 5. , ndesos Sb LkeForst dedsGrever C. Lutter, Waukegan.....i.. 26 After a general remnàise of the call- $5 per 100. Duck eggs 5ce each, 50 or $3. Helen Irene Holmes, Waukegan..18 ing to order of the convention by the Mrs. William Cashmore, who resides After talking to hier husband befofe more, 4c. Bridgewater Poultry Farml, . P. Hawkins and wife to Aleir George Manos, Waukegan .........23 stat consul of the order, Mr. 1192 W'est Belvidere Ltreet, had a she went to prepare breakfast Thurs- LietvleWhn 7--. c5f Roertson, N 1-Higlotn7, blk. 8,D.Jetnnie Malon. Chicago ............ 21 commtttoldni te apti n h h close cal] to loing the sight of her day morning Mrs. R. G. Salyards re- FWrennsLadd2toaHighland Park.oW..D Cari Romquist. Milwaukee ........ 32 W. E. Miller of Libertyynte was ap- left eye Thursday afternooin about turned about fifteen minutes later te, FO AE11areMrto o,$500. Clarifia Walemsley, Bayles, lit1.... 28 pointed ten rep)resent Lette County, three o'clock when the lead shot fromt find himt dead in bedt at hie home near Wle., located ab corner of tw o roade, 5% Alexr Robertson and wife to Chas. Il4 ad f their retiremaent itoalconfer-anargnhteedoeftelnetesutlmtsfHghn Pk. failesfromt Glandon on C. Id. &.St. P. R• Cimbalo W. D. $500. N 1.2 lot 7, nNua ,iwue. . 6ence atdetae s.eating and useatinå iln e ybl ihhnrd f h hsca rnucdtedah R ,5 aresclered Lo buldigs.$22block 8, Wrenn's add, Highland Park. Emil Lehtanen, Waukegan ........ 24 ence of the commnitwe the delegates broken fragents.a u ohatfiue uea a- an aere,¼%down or will exchange. B. May 11, 1914.-G. C. Rogers, to G. Ele hfr.nnis.......g in attendar.ce took advaentage of the Mrs. Cashmore hadl noticed a Ig- urday morning at nine o'clock fromt D. Boyd, Libertyville, 111. c85t1 T. Rogers, lots 4 to 9, block and lots ElnA orsm9.......2 recess offered to visit the Government eon ln her backyard and secured the the home. FOR SALE-Eight horne Power Read- 9J0 1 3t 7 bok2 nRgr'uliaPetersn,iaueg..........18 Reareaand . xd o .loh aIr-rifle to shoot It. She cocked the Mr. Salyards was an old newspaper ing Standard Motore ele 1918 model, Addition to Waukegan. Q. C. Ill. John F. Morrison, Rondout ........ 29 was appointed as chairman of the gun and then slipped tn one of the man. At one time he started run- fulequpe.lun y tur 'nts T. W. Smith and wife to D. M. and 'aoieKeiUeryil ...2 committee on credentials and D. O. "BB" ahot. The shoet seemed to be a nling a small weekly paper ln High- fuly quppe. n se nl furmnts.Josephine Shugart, lots 138, Shaw'sCrlnong Lbryil...2 Howard of Round Lake Was appointed trifle too large for lit did! not go lnto wood. He had an exciting career dur- Pie, 225. Can be seen at my residence Ln aeSbiiin .D 10 John B. Kroeyer, Chicago ... .. .....32 o the committeea of rules of thethbarlsithod.ngishrtemasnedorntht on Cook Ave., J. W. Hart. P-85-2 LogLkSudvsn.WD.$0' Jennie Shick, same . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 21 canmp. Both were mnembers or the te re sltsol.Igltssottria neIo nta Henrietta Swanbrough and husband Percy Henneberry, Milwaukee .... 22 Lake county delegation. Thinking that shes might be able to town, for, lit was- at the time when FOR SALE-Fresh Cow. Inquire Arno to W. R. Dalziel, lot 15, Cummings & Pearl A. Taylor Dubuque ..... 19. The address of weleone to the @on. Jar It Into place Mr. Cashmore Highwood was a regular western NMI atPar ve, gbetvl Company's North avenue addition, ' ""' ventioistl was made by the mayor struck the butt of the gun sharply town, so far as outbreaks, etc went., Nagl, as ar6Ae.,Lierty . Waukegan. W. D. $1. Delbert Greb, Waukesha .......... 21 of Rock Island who siartempoded to on the floor. This servedt to dislodge At one time ln particular, Salyards Pho.16...c-8.1e 'an if .F Oline Stuart, Stevens Point......... 18 by State Consul Northcott repressent. A.F hldnadwiet .F Fank Thorson, Chicago ... 28 fing thensSociety. Nr. Northcott referr- the shot which dropped all the way prInted an article which caused a FOR SALE--Single buggy,sgingleharness Nehrlich, lot 54. Ravine Slope subi- 82 ed to the convention, the prlogress of Into the barrel but It fal set off the certain clique of the village to bs- ad osur. Wm. Poster Liberty- vision, Rockefeller. W. D). 1250. Bole son, samne .............. 32which wvias of vital Importance to all spring plunger In% the gun causing lit comle peeved. The result was thtat, vile Pone rey0 . P8-2r, A h yran ubad Samuel Skiar, ZVon City ........ 28|6f the 18J0,000 men, Who Sonøtitute the odshre while he was in his little office one vChn22.p8- aryiA.Shfarnd husb1anbto3,Zelma Gindling, samte ............ 18 memb)ership of the order tn the state Tdhrge.wn itdarigtu vnnaprmnn eleto Catherine Pearsoncar Osoot C16,gob..ock..3,.37 of Illinois, and how the order pro. h u a one tagtu vnnapoietrsdn f FOR SALE-Driving mare coming 4 Lake Bluff. Q. C. $1. Osa loCiao...... tects 500,000 beneficiaries tn the statle and shte had her face over it at the Highwood entered the office, pounced brkesigl odfam ore9 la 1,194-. . udeli adEmma Swanson, same ............ 27and had already paid ont beneficiaries time. The Ilttle bullet struck the on the little old man and "beat him yeaewt I150Ibo. Theo VanderWerf, wife et al to A. J. Dietmeyer, soutth leLevkoMilwauee.......... amo$1 n0000and atil asa m ove i lense of her glasses shattering lit Into up" something awful. He was taken Are, Butterfild Road. p-85-1 part block 31, original Waukegan, east I ulse Poetsch, Chicago ..... 28 the tregaury Of $12,000,000 over and a myriad of pieces. lit Is believed that home and was laid up In lbed for of C. and N. W. Ry. Q. D. $75. iirdHosam .......2 above all patid claimts. FOllowing the haditshte not been wearing the glasses somte times. WIth his eyes battered, Henry Maimain to Anthony Maether HlmeHue ae......2 addrue, the real Work Of the con- the bullet would have entered her his head cut, and generally presenting . . . . . . il . . . il . . .and wife, lot 7 and NW 1 rod lot 6, atrNsupwue . ..2 ehrp fte te f ce e nd perhapis have caused her to a dilapidated condition, the oldoeditor * »MCELLANEM OUS + addition to block 7, wanconda. w. Joe Padrir, North Chicago ........ 21 dentials was read and seati an.d lose the qght of that member. swore that his enemies would pay for * .. . .. .. . .D. $1700. Vrn aesm ......1 unseatIng of delegateÇ began. lit was Pr. Brown was called to the Cash- their treatiment of him. that he would Anthony Mather and wife to J. S.Vrn ae ae ......8at that point that the "Idmstation more home with all possible speed, go after them more bitterly than evter, MONEY TO LOAN -Ovdil Has_2_-1ars1n et .a . etin Harry Schneider, Wheeling ...... 29 delegates of the order, bolted In the The-eyewas bleding-fro the se - c u. he dIdn'. he1kept stIll ad, 1LA1 COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRI.DAY MAY 22 U 194-. Page Seven'

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