CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 May 1914, p. 8

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L~KZ MÂY 12, 1914 in---A Fine New[Une of (Iloves 1 ý"_ 3(j L1 Um -8 tCe. je* t oeel nUV - nov sri - oM sab"04 Oigb.QUahty 8»4 rlt- a" dcothing fSr autoa for b voob«ks, fer ves ONe W. ViiiexLianse pe ve. if tiseta"e Mt rigisi ae u stOr e. ere proud cf t. ffli Mmesof habesaisbely L . WParkurst. Lbertuviile EVELYN TRIGGS PlwO am frte istruIlo THE CONSERVATORY 0F CHIICAGO Phone - Libertyvifle 300-R WtIAT'S THE USE 0F GETTINO IHOT because ocr town has gone dry?. We have'any amount of PURE ICE Delivered tn any quantity st any lime Phaone 41 Libertyville Ice Co. Libertyville The prnce wifl be sucli that you need lmt go to Chiefago or any ouî-aoIcwn 1t1 dt ha andiour lie of p oète. " t)mave bem înluthe rhandite huai- nema wholeaale and rotai1, for more dian 41, 'I We will guarantee al of our ot be as represeinîed. AUl goods miaxod im plain figures and me nc ie iDR. WeAÀ.PI1TO TRAIN W1iCI UIT lnUM TE NEPÉIW Accidents Happmoed at Lake Bluff-Local Man Reoognized Nephew at Uc. Forest. INJURIES PRGVED FATAL Waukegsu, May IL. By a caprice of fate. Dr. W. A. Pit a Wakgai dentfiot, Was on a rail-4 rond train visicis Wednesday evenlng1 fatally luJured his Uitle nephev. Bd-9 ward Ptt, 8 yex, *Id sou of Dr. and Mrm. Henry S. Ptt of Lake Bluff.j Dr. Pt aW the Ultile f orc i ied onj to thse train but ftvas$flot àntf tise arrivai la Lake Forosi several maina- cles later that ho recognfised hlm. Tise 007 diel several bouts laier, ai bis homne. «'Oh goody.' tise elild vblsPered, as he Iooked up lut e s o5f is mothe. TIshX ver. blisla* words. à Uttie laIe: Ise laissea lto uncon-1 ma meouus and isassed avay. The accident happoned nosr the Lakse Bluff depot. Litte l. vaW.. anc eeral companions ver. pmying le- sude the Norbvesteru racks vbo~n train frointhtie sothtis m aiong. The little tllov rau acros tise tracks5lns the rear of tbiu trair.. 1U stood mifi- way beieen tise tvotracks vbere be vould bave been comiparativefy srefe even thougli ho apparently did flot no- tice tbe approacb of lise i:#Zg o'c1o« train oct of Wankegau. Some of hie pîsymates called to 1dm and ho start- ed across the east track. A second later he was struck ana Inrown by the train. A youflg man by thse name of Frank Rosenthai happen.,d lalong about Iis drme and carrled the ,niured lad aboard thse train. He wao tlaceis ton- derly ln one of the seats nm order tbat ho migIsI ho taben 10 the hospi- tai in Lakte Foret Dr. Pitt of Wauketan vas on hie way t0 Chicago on boare tue train but et liraI did flot recognize the boy. p rohably hecause ho never *reamted t vas anyoné ho buew. As the train pulied Ir4 Lakte Forest ho &gain look- led at thse boy anud thon reoognized hlm as hb i 111e nepbew. Plckfing the boy up lhe ste ped Int a n automobile su bdfln ebn to the LaIte Forest bospital vhere Dr. Parmenter attended hlm. An exam- luation failod 10 show tbat any boues vere broken aud t vas tnuglit Ibat ho would gel along al right. About au bour later ho vas remoyed 10 bis bornefn Lako Bluff. nenX carrlod there lu an automobile. lb developed tisat the cbfld had bees fIuured lu- teruaily. Hild death sobk place. ai 12: 30 a. m. to alL Wesaolicit trade from ail pqta of Làke coumty. To out-o(-tywn cuatomerm we wil psy express or parcels postchargea for delivery. We invite inspection of our up-to- date Uine of merchandise. Youra very respewtully, .A.REY OLDSProprietor 11'151h *, 1914 Large Auditorim to Be- Con-t struoted on lýwffield Ave- nlueNea-Sêlmont. Au elaboate ne. auditorium fla 10 b. rected on Ioffeeli avenue usar gelmottt 'ë te gmmenced vus. fin te Den itblrty idm'. The building viii bave a seating caaclty for 7,00U a64 vilI hoa&ail- able for parties isaos, lbeatriCali. etc. A large stage 70 x 60 test viii grace ou.enMd cf the building. The entire sttttctttr. iiicoter an ara of 250x12à foot and viii be constMct- ed aloug «riste sd modern deeins. A large force of waýkueu viii ho en- sed and the oceupletion of the v0!lui viliib hurried &long as rapidiy as possible. Fred Umouge. formerly manager for the Areadia viii be In charge sud everythi!W posible i. make tise lace populatwi ca 0OBtd oct. A Prise of $500 vli be awarded thse openfing evenfiug for the beet namne submltted for Ibis aew building. AUTIIORIE THE BUILDIU6 0F A RADIO STATION COMMANDANT CLARK 0F NAVEL 'STATION RECEIV- ED WORD THAT WORK 0F ERECTING TOWERS AND BUILDINGS WILL START AS SOON AS .CONTRACT CAN BE AWARDED WHICH WILL BE BEFORE JULY 1 -MUST BE DONE BY FALL -THIS, TOGETH-ER WITH FACT THAT STATION HOS- PITAL IS OPENED ON A PERMANENT BASIS, PRO- VES BASELESS REPORTS THE STATION MIGHT BE CLOSED. Captain George R. Clark comman- dent cf the Naval rfng Station. received word this morning-from the ~Bureau of Steam Engineera cf Wasii- lnn tIsa authoriiy h* beon oh- lai ned te proceeedet once wlth thse buildings and towers for a Radio Sta- tion te b. iocated set the Naval Train- lng staion. Thse detaiied%piana are boing prepared, sceording te thse Washington officiais, and proposais wiil b. In and thse contact awarded before thé tiraI of Jufiy sccordîng te prenant Indications. The tact tIsa an expensive wireiess station la mn bu erected together wth the tact tIse largo naval station Isopi- tel wenl mbt operation teday on à permanent buis shows conciuively thai rumors circulated morne lutilelime ago te the effect IhaltIhe big station- was to ho closed by the governmont were wthoult oundation. LA Are Important The anuoucemeut that thse vire :sas station la10 o epiaced there lis c oujution with the tact that' the naval hospitai la tobehoopened per- mauentiy fis taken as s most siguifi- cant fact as fit would seem to Indicate &bat more prestige las heing given thse North Chicago station. This la due doubtiesa 1to te tact tIsat large num- bers nf recruft are being traineri there and the station does flot have to accotit an! other station as lits su- perior. brinnie Extra, a C year oid girl. got her font caugbt ln a car cros1ng of tIse Chicago sud 'Milwaukee electrie at Kenosha Thcrsday. Motorman Frank Gibhis sav ber on' the track, but thought that she was playfing when she slgnaiied hlm 10 stop the car. Wben the motorman realized the trutb fIt wvs ton, late tu stop. TIse foot of tbe girl vas eut off. Her font isad been vedged hetween the board of tIse crossiug and thse rail. She tugged avay ln an effort to release Iserseit. evIdeutly not reaiing boy close tise car vas. Ehe vas stili makiug ber chidish efforts tu es- cape vben the car bore dovu upon ber. Rer naturalI fiutinct forced ber to continue ber efforts toescape from danger aud she svuug ber body avay fronthlie car as far as possible and in Ibis mauner saved herself trom beiug grocnd 10 pieces uder thse vbeelg o! the car. Thse district attor- ney 18sesoking 10 bave fIbbsuarrest- ed but ho vent to Higbvobd aid cn- der iustructilons of superlor offlcers. refcsed tn returu ta ifenosha. Independent: More readers titan ailà county veebiles combined. Annouu.~i is j with pleasure that we announce to the people of LibertivilIe and vicinlty our recont purchaseof the MoDuL 0,A&H MâaJKET, Mundee & Co., owuers, *hich la located ln the. Proct& blk., Milwankbe Ave. SIt wiilb. our endeavor to supply extra good qualile in Mete, roceries, Vegetableg and I9rults. The store ill charge of a eompotent manager and ik wiii b. to jour advantage 10 gAve fs P ijor tnae, as tbrough Our cauh ies oi e au sève you money. W. wiil greatiy appreciate jour patronage and msure pbomp>t, and efficient service to &Il Who viii do their trading at, The Model Cash Grocery&Market .qv-- tractor Wini bave to sturt vors ai one lanorder io geIlishe station. com- Pleten by M51 as fIt Involvos mors vork tita the average person realfis- es. À station such as tise govèra- ment Viens to Put fin las far difforent tissu tiseordinary vireleme Sation for ibis staion muet send a message aver a distance many huadroeaof miles. XItviii reqlre tise stroutest fIu5truffero athai eut b. seured. Tise *"eetovers vhlch vin «etend four hunirei test lnio thse air viii ha quit. an lmposing sigbt. Openîn. et i l4cl iWhite ith. main hospital building ai tihe naval station bas been open forý smre iltlUe imt dld not go into ac- tuai permanent operation cuil iodai. Medical Director Thomas A. BerrYhUil of tise Naval Medicel Supply Depot ai tion fer duty aa tihe head of tise bas- pitai todsy altisocgh fit ta possible ha 1vini MNot arrive cuil tomorrov. ,sur- geon Royan iR. Richsardson, tbe sinlor rmedical officer of tise station bas bad 1tise addltfionai duiy 0f acting as medt-- u 1ca1 director of the station but wfith bthe arrivai of Mr. serrblul b.o ini rreslgn lise medicai dlrectorsbfip 10 hlm. ChrilS.Nwb aatasePast Assistant Surgeon David C.r the station bas been trausferred to, disty et thse hospial. To beautify yocr Gardons, Vases, Porch Boxes, vith bedding plants and vinqs, sncb as 1 GERANIM S LVIAS, DAISIES, CANNAS, FUCHI- AS,ý HYDRàNGEAS, COLBUS, BEGONIAS, SWEET ALLYSSUN, AGERÂTUNMSÂ0BLLEROL VERBENAS, ASTERS, STOCKS, LOBBELIAS, ZINNIAS, PHLOX, BÂLSANKS, VINCA VINES AND OTHERS. Voosr visît btiste Greenhousle vili convince yol thl;it welItave a nice stock o! plants at the riglit price,. PANSIES Tomatýoe' Cabbage, Cau- Vegetable Plants liflower, Peppers E g g Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libertyvilie. 111. OUT 0F TOWN ORDERS GIVEO PROMPT ATTENTION. PHONE 10 Sure Dfflat Lce mites-ail vermin aud disease germe if you use P.wdered LiS iMer " A great mmoney saver. Lousy lens cannot iay neither eau iousy chicks grow. PPie NshyRosi.5olà.th. bm .t ie md doodaplso bit. Ps..55e 55. $00;26 lb. pfl S5150.Rd.... Si~aüti.m G.amaata.d or mo., Saa .L? IR GaS PMU. 180 pffl. 1'bw g S For sale by S. L. Tripp, Area; F. D). Batterabail, t4rayalake; E. L- Wald & Co., Lake Vilia-, W,. Hillebrand, Antiocli; Blackburn &-, Broughton, Wanconda; H. L. Prehm. Labo Zurich; Wm. Einansan. Di- amoud Lake; V. lSauer & Co , Long Grove; Fansback & Rsupp, Buffa- Io Grove; Hirshberger Bron., Prairie View; Geo. M. Weidner, Aptakisie WiiHasten Worki The Wirelern Statiorn Involvea tise construction of twn 400 foot steel towers sud two 2 story brick bulld-, in&* The stter viii barumal. k desigu vith the other buildings at lte station. Itle fislb earnest désire ta have te radio station completed sud In opra- lion by noît fal In order tisatIitMy be put Imb service darims'tise wu- ter montbs. it la stated tisatInfa eotr4ruion Of titis station ibhe ernmoni fis désirons of ezpedMibg th woris as much as possible vhlh miens titat once te coualrutitl voiS fis started I il i l e rumhed te the osrllest possible comPletiOn. -Wil Serve Many PurPs5ei The plan tao reet stjIs a1% l O5 station vas discasmse 6 al M onll NPo but sai ht itinsute ;smaties dzuppe d dnothflag morebs-b bot about fit until ibe giesêt ie Tise, moment titis safc a OU psi fit viii tend to make tis IOrE Obloago naval statioa AbbC tOu> %ava acilvlttes. Net cl! vWIt h direct communication t> gili8c but lcma b. usei la relayMg s a sgoWs beiveen the &Atie oMâiWe1 fe edsls It cmeaumne, sl5O purpose. Durlug thse tinteO heavy flood§ tanvhiu&smSS vqre ot a dtacismmmet c rMi fram the local station veont the»et tube part ta tise ruesofe czr L~ ieograPh iitsm re dovu sud h va fimpossible to establgh comnmunlato vils tbem. If the vlteleis S 5~U had beon fin service aI tisaitUitsl wocld bave been su easy Malter t keep ln constant tonds vils tbeMýý lu fact tise governter feels tiser> ae many purpose, vbicb It viii serve. 1! To 8tan Quito Soon If the coutract- las avardd ou 01, isefore .lcly 1fit vill mean tisai Cou» 1 M. L. SCOTT,P. At LibertyvMle, IDL, wili open Up for business on Wl"ed., May 201914 With a complete stock of Men's, Boys'. and Children's Clothing, Men's and Bouse Shirts of ag grades, Underwear, I1osiery, Neck= wear, Collars, Overalls, Work Shirts and Jackets, lats and Caps,, Men's and Boys' Shoes, Gloves, Trunks and Suit Cases and Le4bin~ tat isuuly kqitrnaFirptlp CIowig Stor e Uboetyvle. NI-1 JE Il of Lit WORK Rgefuse Wil With uti star mion Wh of chies im de Wb"cita 1doutas gises Pr hbsaid t bas ho., tif cbgsfder for tise I ohm tdi 1rne cou watkers, MmestIi tise brici ho fali.. bu the May rai làopait May tise. eV Mr. Inst ef *0. s *htie: vu bthse eyoe fi Mr. lu Womld ai but yodl plalinq b. proix Mdi tiai vitthow.i 1 daWt vs Smach about fit la la me unIon te MM thai thot mat lasuil ft pog*i oi tisi tisa M" sto 09~ a c iod, 1 ýoW be ýj

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