CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1914, p. 3

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LkKE COlINTY INDEPENDENT, FREDAY. MAY 29, 1914- 9rays1ak Edited by F.J. DRUCE, Phonie Il c Ord rs Taken for Job Work. rates on application- ..1,. Qouallîy-Boyd'e ftndlo-t>rlce rgbt.1 Bee H. O.fiyd trt>4ube, about owuing a Wisconsin Faim.f Mir*. Louis. Palmer of Waukegani, la vlatiog UmSu ais Whtehead for a coupla of daye. Mises. Grtrude and Emtly Millier o! 1Lake Bluff wee gusete of friende boes 8unday. Fred Kuebki tranéectsd business ln Laks Zurich the. rsi o! the won . Mr@. E. F. Ibiake la @puding tiie week witb frands ln Fanner City, lu. ire. 1Hoit sud ire. oermeon o!f oz Laie, trauated buelsiebr. Tu»edY. Tib@ mauy frends of N. D. Pratai Evanston, were shoced to learuof bis .deab frontapoplsxy. H. was buried -as Rose Hui csrnmetery IMondal. Mr. and tire. Dîck Wallace are tb. grand parents uf a baby boy, hu lait Friday. Ed Snyder recently purcbasd a Olve psofeuger Ford. John Fredericksonanad Mi". Aloi Hîitat were marrlsd at Waukegan * Frld-sy. Frederlcison les man Who fi worklng on tbe topu Weiliande anse Jssi* ti get masrlied 10 eecape W isecun .marrlage iaws. - Bon, t,, Mi.&ad Lire. Ed Barris at 4baby boy lupt Tburmeay nigbt. E. B. ShýrnmanA Chicago, transacteel buslues. hýre s~aturday.I Gco. liheldorn iai purcbamed a ice .eenger Ihumbler. MrLi. and Lire. Ed Feulon of Waukesha,c .vioited their sc ..and Frank, 0,cr Sunday. Two i 'î.rt raitim k niwn am thle buoines. . o i,,'train tartd h,rils. The £a'w.g o thtIe itev Mt ' aîriving ber, îtalihe eeenlng nt i6:44). 0 Tite train@ on the 84x) inlesnow rua into the Fluth av-nue station. Carence Thomseon and Art Shober ofi Waukegatn *peult Sunday aB t ound Lake and Grayelake. The Minuet luilo wiii hoid a privaIs dane t Hookeo hall Frlday evening. Get youî irut ilowere for Decoration day and graduation at the iezal Drug otore. We sdi Meredth Vegetabie Co., lo wers. rucelrug Go. Very irnpresesvc Ilecoration services were field t the CongiEgatlonal chu icb lait Sunday lu houer of tbe olel sodiere lta (rayelake and vicînty. Chas. Felon tiausaelsd business lu Cbicago hlonday. Mr. and Mirs. CarL.yle Ibruce are tbe proud parents o! a baby boy, born lait Tbuoday evening. Tom Walsh, the busy hardwaffe merchanl, transacted business lu Chica- go Tueaday.ï Tite Vctrola ls a sourse of endies 1 pleainre bta te entire houseboid. Wby1 not boy one now. The Rexali ftode- Drocs Ding Go., sole agent@.9 Wm. Bpringei iransacted business lu Chicago Taesday. MWli Mabel Turner opent Tueday and Wednssdey withbebr.hrotbeî, Dr. Turner andorlo.. Mis Mary Book bon clooed a very * sucosseul terni ecool soath of Lîbertyville wbsee bs bai beau teauina lb. pent few ysare. fihe wl relire fron the educallonal force for a year or so and @ensd ber lime at boutse and lu traveling. Dont% forget we bave soute fiue gradua- tion prestenta for the graduale tibis yeai. Rail MliItore.-l)ruce Drog lCo. Lake Countys big wekly-INDE- PENDENT. STOP HF3RE!' STOP HERE sud get youî iailroad ticket. wc bavetbher n oubotb ruade. STOP BHERE and leaits yîur iaundîy. we have the Bolinglon ngency. Goes every Thuoday and relSîns Saluiday. Bcdt service ln town. Phone Il and w, wi 1ll f li. STOP HERE and boy your reading matter, we bave the labe copvwrlgbted -boots and al the lateet pes-lodîstale. STO PH ElRE and boy yoor tce cream. IWO, gise 'voI tifs bet crsarn and fruits. STO P HElHlE for a chelce boxo!t dandy. iWe bave rnaus vanietiéeste choos. from. 8TO PHF.R Eif you wan tte fieton t Izood music. We are soie agents for the1 Ve trola and aliwaye gladloeplay!for you.9 STOP HERE If yoo wrant a good1 aonoe. Tht best brande sud mauy 0o! *hems. STOP HERE foi postal carda, snyv-1 -tire and pnat, a brand new lins. 1 STOP H EREflor jour stationery. We1 carry bbeusost optodate lins ln town. STOP BERE for boilet preparations. Our Barmony ins le unexceile - kSTOPdnies.Ou for pure druge aud ding éundtes.Ourrnbsr depailmesit cou- haine nothlng but guaranteed stock. STOP RERE wbere yoti gel satisac- -tion or joor money bsckr. ALWAYS STOP a&ta Rexalilsbore foi good merchandlse and good service. DRUCE DRUG CO. IThe Hoxal ionôr Ses H. D. Boyd, Lîberlyvîlle, about Weding bele are soon 10 ring. MiwsaLîllilan Falcb le very 111 at ber booeueat of town. A consultation of doetore was beld the Bret of the ws.k. George Mitcell vlaited bis parente lu Chicago over Suaday. Ray Kerr bai een sendlng lb. palt wosk or no t bis home hoes. Rudoiph Wsudlsud enlertalned bis brocher, Hsrm an sd farnlly of Elm- boni, aoven sunday. Mne. Hooper sud Mr@. Carl Miller tranaacled buenses lu Antloch ondar. Mro. Fred Miller and ie. HÊLevrie 01 Wauiegaus, vlaed Bt B. Millesr*ethe fret of lb. Wssk. Mime Villa Lanon le epending ous. tIme wilh ber sinter, Oro. Lonise Poniton. Miese Margaret Mitchell bai relarn.d 10 ber bomern, uMlnneeta alter bavlng @peut the winter wllb ber brother and lamiy bere. Meurie. c. Harnîlu, R. Mangsr and E. Witon madls à basin,.s trip bo Wauisen uatWes.. Or an sd Lire. Otit Sith of Waukegan, are spending serne tîme wltb Mns. Siiti parente, tir. and Lire. Jamnes King. tire. Fred Harln wai operated on aI the Lakeelde ooeptal lu Chicago on Mouday. At lait report @ho wai doing nlceiy. We hopet10 e.bereSoonlabetter "sath. blie. Magris Letebford of Evanston, le spendlugr ne lime wlth ber sesterhises Mary Kerr, w ho la sufferlng frous a large <arbuncis and bai boeenquit. siet. 8Se~ H. 1). Boyd. Libertyville. about î,wniog s Wisconsin Farm. Dri. Jambson and Messie. Wrm. Strang ani W. B. Stewart transacted blisnees in Chicago Wednesday. M re. Clarence Bonci of Chicago, sisal a he daje witb ber siseur, Irs. Bain. Itobt. Bonner o! Chicago, la tatmng a weks vai-allun wltb ie parents, i. and l irs. John Banner. Mr@. MLiîe Jarnon, DorIs. and Rev. A. W. Saffard calied ai the LicAliter bosptai Friday sae tàrs. ilB. .Hugbse and W. (0. cGuire. Mne. John Bonner leaves nexI Toesday for Nbraita for a tese weeke vieil wltb relatives. tir. and Lir. Je@se Dentuan and cild. ren o! Wiirnette, attendeel the fanerai o! W. O. LicOuire. Monda. The Meabivee o! Mn. ansdtirs. W. 6. ticOnîre were caiied tu, the bedeide of W. G. LcGuire ridiigbt Fiiday and tir. ticOuire pa.scd awey at 8:40 a. m. Saturday at the McAiiter bospitai. Funerai wai Lionday !îorn hie home, Bey. A. W. flaford offielated. He leave. 1to oruhie Io@* bis wlfe, tlwa uttie hblidren, bis father, Wm. McOnire, and nue isterlire. W. M. Bonner. Banial st MUllbuin. Mr. Deuman'e father lof1tfon a ws.i's visit arnong bie relatives on lb. North Shore.- Mmg. R. Guy Hugbee wlll returu borne thie wei rom the UcAliser Isptal. HICKORY Ss H. D. Soyd, Liberlyvîlie, about owning a Wisconsin Farim. Arnong lb. Waukegan visîtors Friday wai Frank Kennedy and famiy, Lins O. L. Hollenbeck and daugbter Shirley. Lii. ud Lire B. Edwarde speut Son- day wilh relatives at Antiuicb. Mr. and Lire. 0. H. Kennedy accom- panied by Lire.E. LMartin and son Richard o! Lilbaîn. vlsiled Bt the home o! F. Achen ai Kenosia, Friday. Miss Editb Pickles visited Sunday wilb ber sister, Mn.s. Tiliobson o! Pickvilie. Many from bhere attcnded the lunerai of Guy LicOire, Monday at Milihuru. Be wae a nepbew o!fLire.J. ticOuire. 0. A. Edwards aud faiiy o! Wauke- gan, atleoded th. cemebery soeiety last Thureday. ENJOY A REAL. SUtMER OUTING Let us belp you plan a Western trip ho Colorado, UtaIs, Calîtornla, Yellow- gt00e National Park, or thse North Fa- cific Coat. Each Isas distinctive ait- tractioni4 Tiere le rotiing to com- pare wîtb tIse'massive mnountaine, giaul redwood lreep, yawnlng ciasma and towering watrtalls whisch are nome of lie thigs liaI makealtrip lu thîs wonderful countryIlinger lu rnemory. Low round trip tares, lu et- tect Jue 1 September. Spienglg_ trait', service from ail points. For tickets and full particulara apply toi ticket agente. Chicago and North We-stern Ry.-]4ay 19 23 Wkly. Independent: More readers bban al Ortyolake 1 counly veefilles combîned. t,?0Mnd t Ses H. D. Boyd, Libeityville, about owning a Wisconsin Faim. Il that wieb 10 loin the musical con- vention remember Il open@ June lot, lu the evening lu the elburch. Lire. 6. A. Siver le) stili confined to the George Wilson bas been entertainlng bis lather for a lew day.. Miss Quayle oqent Saturday nlgbt witâro. A. C. Cornes. libc$bolei cio&ed ber ochool Frlday witb a picuie. She went 10 ber borne lu Mlwaukee on Saturday. . WiII Corins wenl lii Monroe, Wis., Frlday 10 look for Ayrsbire stock, be returned on Salorday. Spencer attid Gilbert Howard enter- tained Irienaki ovcrSunday. Leon _gnd Mlargaret Howard and Lildred Sîver wcnt to Gurne. on Mion- day 10 tbe eightl, grade eanndn Ella, and Esther Carison spent liunday Bt borne. independent reaches aUl points Is Lake CoantY.1 INSULTED GIRLS THERE.CAfLcGUCI IL Quality-Boyd'a Studio-Price@right. ge H. D. Boyd, Lib.rtyvile, about owamg a Wlecouuln Farm. Ths depot hore wlll b. rmdeIed, the baggagle rom wlfi b. made loto a waltlng rom and Oererai other aitera- tiong wIll b. in"d. Work le expecled to commence neit w.ek. Lie.. PiaunatUiIba tart.ed prepara. onu to bulid B new reelmece, bavlng neentlyeold hiebotteeanldlot te A. W. Fox, who returnsd frorntTea a short R.sember that Decoratlon bail Bt Amana'.. SBUdBy @emnin&, LMay 30%b. TL-ket. 75e, sapper extra. Corne and nuit jour friende. Mir@. C. W. Bush and daughter Harries an~ Mn@. Peter Flary were Chicauo ulorsaturday. thbu. Brainard le neariy eetiied luthe new annex, workmen baving llnlehtd îbere lait week. The eloctrie pianos bave been moved out of the saloone boeslu comîîliance wlth the recentiy paised ordmnance. Brown & Sith bas iog lnetaiied one whlh together wlth the buzzand crack- ing of gai englues remiode the visitor of the rnldway as the rouuty fair. W. notice thse base ball seaiou la on iu foul force Bt ail the orrounding towus. Wbat le the matter wlth Round Lake? Wby not start somethiug'. We bave the tîmber. Jon. Amana wiil shirt bis regular Saturday evening partie@ and dance@ on Saturday evening, Joue 6. 1 GURNR See H. 1). Boyd. Lîbertyvile, about owning a Wisconsin Farm. Lire. Roy Yolng and daughter return. Pd tii thele bore ne u Chicago last week alter a two weeks vieit wlth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Keei. Mir, sud ire. Warren Chittenden o! Netbraeka, are eisiting hie brotherj and other relatives. The Ladies' Aid aoi.iety beid a speciai meeting with LMre. Hughes meot Thurs- day alternoon, at this meeting it was decied ho bold their annuai picnic Jly .&tb. Theonexl reguiarrneting ie beodit! Ibte born, of ir@. H. EH. Spouen- burg, Joue 4tb. A number of Woodmen atteuded the luerai of the late Guy LicQuire at Miliburn, Liouday alternoon. Mis. Liora Corueli enlertained ber f riend, Lire. Thorne of Chicago, the past two weeks. Thse closlug exercise@ o! tbe (3urneel ,ehool wsre beld in tbe Quiseebaill Wednesday eveilînag. The elghtb -grade students. from severai district* laok tbeir final examînations nt thse Gurus cool Li.uday. Ulm Btella Uaines le bornq for the sommer vacation havlug cloued a very ouosefuf lerm o! echool lu the Water. bar> district, weet o! Wadewotb. 1Mr@. W. A. Campbell wai a Chicago visitor one a" lait week. K. G. Houasbai goDe to Oconto, W la., for a visît with relatives and friands. Th*. Warren Cernelsry soclety met witb Mre. Roby Hook lait week Wed- nééday. The entertalunment given by the scbool, eaIàted by a double quartet lrom Bouton laet Frlday eveulng wai very pleaeîng. Mr. and Mr@. Ed Ray ent.rtaned a number o! relatives Iroin Waukegan lait Suaday. Rueseli Cali vi@ited at tbe Chithenden home Saturday and Sunday. IRUSSEIL N'otce i iîereiîY given tisat tue under- elgDed, ex-itiuirs under lb. last sili and testamtenit ci Helen Pbelps, eeceased, late o! tii- Uouuly o! Lake and State o! Illînois, cclii aiply ta lIse Countv Court o! said counhy of Lais and state o! Illinole, ut the oeil July tormtbsthreui!, lo be begiîn sud heid ontlhefirist &onday of the rnîîttlî iii Juive A. B. 1914, for an order ti s4i or comnponnd certain weuritîcos0 in sid eutabe, wben and whcre ail persu interestsd rnay appear and @ho w e,3tc.e .f thsc odei hold ue 2 e de. !La .B94 odae eltîtîlî nî b. ade.Ma . .194 E neltoee ndHtsoadT.viiiaoesa Ilatroudr h ut wndT. atsa- ment o!flelen Phelpe, decea3eel. c.30; 2 Arrested by the Police There and Brought to County Jaau to Serve Ten Days. Fred Bond, . tn t lie les a cowboy*" -sd who i i)ri cef lu WiLukegaiý on Saturdiîtiil. tMay 16, when lie was arrestt- I â;,îl placed! lu Jail ou a chârge 01i ing ic nssted alpeu walking borne matiià eoutb aide Young WO"n nWho o0W.-, ted ho bis at- tentions, triedlte sanieo gaine lu Lake Fores.t only qa -a Ilt:lý more strer.- oue 4"aleduring the larli few days andas a resuit le spi-ndlng heu days lu lb. couflty jeu ber, Bond wiII arrested b% two private cItIzenà la Waukegan wben bis at. tentiora ta the. Young woman traerams obnoxlous. ,iNe was turned over 10 lhs police Wbo Placed hlm ln a oeIl. At the hue bhe was attlred lu regula- lion cawboy casturne, lncludlng a wide sombrero bat sud gauntlet gloves. The. fOlowlng mornlng b. was Ouned $10 and Costa and ltefne was suffpeuded p>00bis promise f» leave tosu. iRe c'almed to b. a boime traîner ut Uherlyvîlie. .Apparaily b.must lavec gone dur- ectiy ta Ldke Foreit for on »mnday night b. Ieaped froni em'buait and accosb.d a Young wonian who wa!s on ber way homeg. He lnsilated t:poi% ac- companylng ber home, Wben sell ran be pursued bier somrtie!ttie dis- tance. She repoited ihe mattler ho the police but bie sas troc caksght ait that lIme. On Tburaday affe7noon two Ferry Hall girls were watking tlong when bond stepped out r. rrort t 0ftbemu and songbt la engege th, i in conver- sation. Hu tollowed then some litIle distance, lnistlng libait he be aliowed te waV< home wilh tIrrem The girls regorted the ue'fair io h, Police aud a searcb waq a' once con. ducted for the teliw a ti tho reautl that b5 wae "Spotted". 'As gnon a" b.e saw a policeman hou ever he tool: te bis beels andd ian te'ward a piaIn of woods four or fi,,,bioks say. The police overtook hhiit irte evoode and Placed hlm under arrest. He was given a hearlng i Satiurdai andc Saturday afternoon masibrouught ti tie county Jail berc *,o serve a fen day sentence. The Lzrke Forest po- lice say the feliow told thein lie was a cowboy froin Texas. Tiey say that If be ever appeb ln that City agatn that b, will be rur, out of thp City. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publie Noitice le berebi iven tisai e oti-e se rie, Evecti ie lant WilU and Testamient ot Auguil Priliitz. decessed. ef li attenîd the Couet, court oet Lake (ouet,. art a rerm thes-cot te tehoiden etth15e Couet Ilouse ln îaid Couaty nu thse tint Mondav ef August Sext. 1914. wbsn n sd her-e aIl tieroiî having claie.. asainet said Ritale are nittc andi reiiuested luVintsent theesanie th said] Cour-t for adfludlcatfou. lIjiIE WLPIONxII. E~n Wgukegan. M.i May 25, Mt1 e-M3y 29 joune 'i12 BEN I, MILLER. Atteuey ADJUDICATION NOTICE. opinionî that the man could uat l lv,. Il lu iouth and thioat and the liulng or hite etornacb vere borrlbly burned hyi hie acld. Siiî-e Monday aftsrnoou Leachs bas lpetit hoverlng belveen Ilfe and death afnd 1h -as expected tint tht end would nît- at any lime. Leaclih hd been a resident of Lake cîîînhy for many years and worked lu fis iccinilty lie greater part of the limie. At on. lime be waBaua Inniate of tuie poor faim, lb la tbought that the, faicthtfat he was groa-lng oid and Iiad finadtpasfallut',etflite a-as whal made hlm grow more despouidett dally anid flnalIy resulted lu hIe takîng btis own Ifs. SHiOWS AÀB816 GAIN DURINGILASI YEÂR Oficiai Directory Just Issued Shows Interesting Facts for Archdiocese. GROWTH HAS BEEN STEADY Waukegan Is Considered One of the Most Important Parts of the District. Tii. officiai Caîboile Dlrectory jusl pubulWsed by P. J. Kennedy and Sou, of New York, shows tome lnhere.tlng tacts wlth regard toi hie Chicago arcb dlocene of wblch Waukegsn ta a 1>arL. Titi shows ciearly liaItitere bu~ bean a declded growth durlng the la jear. TIse followlng figures are self-ex. plsaaory: Numb)er Archblshops--1. Number Bishops--2. Number Prlesta-789. CIsorches wlth Resident Priests,- 318. Missions wlli Churcies 24. Total Number Churches-342. Number BemInarles 2. Number Students-362. Nurnber Cellegee--12. Number Academles-21, Parîsiez wlth Scinols 247, Number Puplle-10,759. Orphan Asyluine-1., Number Orphans-'2,378. Population about-1150,000 Caîho- lies. Tic Cicago arci diocete la an ex- ceedlngly large one iu vlew of tb. tact tiaItitere are massy C+f1ollc churches and missions lu Cicago it- self but Waukegan la coîlidered one of tIse most Important parts as Ils Cathollc population ln unusualiy large. Records show tiaI durlng the las&i yesr the growth of the aiol churches lu Waukegan hae becet un- usually large snd this help5 much ln malîluc the showlng for the district as gond as 1h la. KEATHI ENDS SUF- F, zMfiS 0f MUN WIIODRANK ACID Acid Was Taken With Suicidai Intent-Life Despaired of From the Very First. Death Tbureday 'May 2h end- ed the sufferlngs of Nlath Leach, a farrniand. wio îwallowed a quantity of sulpburic acld lu a suicidai atternpt.q Hls destb ocurred at the Lake County1 Sanltorlum. wbere h. was haken after fi bad heen dlscoveîed hy physiclans thaI he had taken the acld. Leacb bad beaen enloyed on a faim ln Fiernont township. Leach was about 5i years of age and iad been employed on a farra owned by Mis. A. Prederlcks, a widow. 0f late i had been notlced that he was growlng despondent and frequently he bad expressed a desire tIsat deah would corne. Hie fiends bad flot ta- ken these expressions perlously. lu tact, they iad pald l1111e attention ta thora. Tbey knewi. waau nI luntIse beet of beallb but dld not suspect for1 a minute that he would really make an attempl upon bie 11f. Lest Monday aflernoon h. aeerned ho be more cheerful tIsans be bad been ln some lime. At 5:30 o'clock be waz seahed ln the kitchen of the faim bouse. H. seemed unduiy nervous. Suddeniy he dîew a bottie fiom bis pocks-t and started ho drink the con- tente. Susplclous of is actions a tioutig wornan wbo was lu the kîtchen ah the hlme sprang foraransd knock- eil thie hohhle aa-ay frontlits lips. but fiot tîftil lie lîad dralned nearly ail of tii conîtenîts.Hie clothîng a-as hornt- eti wiherethe acld splaslîed over It. Vihoîii any delay Dra. J. L. Taylor of Lilîertyvîlle and A. E. Brou-n of \\ iîktegaii Nvere surmred. Ec-ery- e hiîg possible a-as doue for the tel- loa. but itwus seen Bt once that lit- tie cîîîld be done to gave bis lite. He mias lînîught 10 Waukegan lu Dr. Birownis autonmobile and was placed in thie Lake County Sanllorum.. At ie tinte Dr. Brown expreesBed tic Your Proposition! Large nirsussE WiIl Be Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand RWa Fétate, lasnreace1 etc. Ubetyviu% ,II. e -~ **HHêm*0*à****m*m*ilIm m 0 mia Mm Do you order your printing for reasons of personal friendship? If so, let's be friends. If however, you wanit the best Pto4lk and workmanship your money will buy, plus highly srtisfactory servi.ce, seîîd your orders to the Independent's Job Department. Regardies of personal couslderallcns we'ill safy you becaus our faclli"eamare lbu et. International Harvester ManreSpreaders 6Ie HC Lias ' N LS Ic A 0 m si-.&a 00L INTERNATIONAL Harvesterm='a- nure spreaders have a score of good f catures in their constmcon. Each osne lu the result of careful field expenment Aun1H Cspreader islow efoagbfor uaejloedlng. yet it baeplenby of clearanceo sunreauh. Theesnu axle in weu lunder thse load, near weele have %ride rimeansd Z-ebaped lugNi nauing Cood tua"don-u der al conditson&. Frame, whebseandsudail ère parte are of eteeL Aptom t-ud- la adjuated b. 4 bylrediameter sdbeatvturtesih trmg.que and oblel. lteâ Intertnatio0nal mmnr «0adraar bil hava etyies andaiea.lvo bgasdise e n PMU U for Unaul fume aor large. £»Miminatio aturdineesof enstructlcla êmu, dati ~ if vec n.eded. ay atwaybehad oflse&ap Exmie ooeateaspmsdme t 9a, Wrv . hlu t.who sellathea, and»v jota tmoedit cataloges Pin eapple Pres erving Season Orders taken for Pineapples HAVE A CA1ýLOAD ON HAND We cut the prices Hotel and Remirt Owliers Attenioxu Place your Fruit and Veg- etable orders with us and, Save Money. Prices giv. en you with the greatest of pleasure. LakezCounity Produce C 27 35 39 25 22 21 U. 19 31 28 41 42 zi 22 24 25 .1e 22 .19 .22, .21 62 89 .23 .23 . 22 39 .31 .23 .24 .29 .22 .24 .22 .35 .28 .21 , .22 .25 .24 .23 .23 -39 .31 .26 .21 .18 . .21 .19 ..26 .30 .26- . .22 . .21 ..is1 .. 1 Publie hotu e I. heiebr lven tisai thie ub ser-iser E 1aeeutii,-îoitth agtWilland Tesaet 0of Carence F Wells. dec.ased. wi11 attend thee CeunI (Coui-i ofiLais, ouitytias a terni thereof ta e bhoiden nitithe Court lonise lu Waukeffar. lu said Countyon lise llesMonday et Augut next. 1914,ahie and slsere &ail iseons îeieg nliraszst s-idesaaisare notifed aed s-qsiste<i 10 sreseet thse lame lu sald Court tor cAjdcades LILLIE Fg4RDLEY, ANNA J~t9Eî pExecutrices DOR)A MWIELLa Wau céegan. Iii..May 25. Mi1. Miay 29. Jue ',-1'2 SEN MI. MLLUU. Attorey ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public notice là iseebi ven ttsaI tise Oub- Scribes- Admifnstriii ut thse LItle utfIiec IL. Raille. deceased. sl aftt te County Court et Lake (JoutY. at a terzmaflisisul lu le boiden Kt th5e Cour.t Hols nteluWaku.. leeid County, osnîtie t ondai utof Ju eai. 1914. sise usandaSsis m&U personesc avies clirn, îsi,îts aid Ktate are notltied and reiiuested Ii î.eenheiî lsaute lu aid Court for adludlcatioîi ACf If i'iHOLTJE. Adminisirîil. Waueu11efi. Mala 1914. c-Msy 5w 21) Jue ABSNfil. MILLER. Attereao. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. PuLlicleStiv, i.ler-dit siven tbt tee ii seribe, Fs- t -o tise La.9 Wtff à5si -i.ýu ment ohf Pan b Iii7ietthlaer, deeeased.îmi!] attend tise C tub (iout f Lake, ltify. et a luise theri-,,t tii t,, olden et tbe Court Ho, u i WlukeRii,':iClste ts rtboilî ef Joli lc c i ien and irieri oit pessonss , ouit aimeasfaist sald eu.Ate ae Ootited adsui e t'ed In Pissen tise sanie to sad court ., aduidcaion. ANGEIiE\n C KI<TZENTHALER. Eu.e,,iii Waukesao.. iM iayI19114. p-MaY, aro Juii,i TO ALL \VHOM lIT MA'YCONCERN- 9-.ý

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