CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jun 1914, p. 8

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the. rlch anteheo 101 t Auk«m edsflud ___ ulo d", bave paya 4emi!£OIIdo ý Yon vauat to keep dô*îalte n no*," ho ti". a~e olmu i ao wwo *uiW tthlec The HOl omef 1tdiOW 18 "offlbut Wei i iun thtus otrhme e amfH ? vi EJP~W SUfld. sge, AiT M TUa a. n sharlp lookout for tbéu.Ui y h,____________ CAP. OO IIJENPfAISE ""de b ' 'ewe'ii gaveyou mimi I L oUar - wactIns, làâ t «la Myopb;mtin s na wms u am veaout bi Effrts@fLO0OftiUdV t ~~ ~*4! oelerthir ~*brothel', balbM ~W We o"Il standamd brands lan Gro Lu" Il . enu8S re « do ~gi *~o n1udb. o ex-. i Ato7<o ,d 1 PIovWMnu suh Mau ors ofthe Aftenoon. ie vtM ý»pol athe City. Ite th ulloffbisud started for tlie motMetffl buyem - -we, probabîrly. ik of thomlu tDhé 1tocktoed. ne brother motmutr -We a»re re b o sea md S&y SMONDAY., DW4E 1, 1914. odr dys of viatr. but wheu the w1 1094"< halo bi Autmile sud- D.apt. the toLtoaeboat of the af- varmer vealtiser asrta litheoi the rature tripwu alerte& 'It téex- OMM W* é &"0 WM p j e _I&,1 terDmoon MOOrA, f peoplest hthe iiare Cf ten Iootes.Thmraare î.uty 10ctedthhuy WITT Arrive la Wauceg low lm e t ltet ~l5laa illas. basig ana to vitale. the dedicAtOr? af vomen la the City, probablYi até Mthis afhimeOo or toulaht. l o " W*ee lo g e vayour pq«Mim xo : rrciss o ;th ;"atm:a:uadei:: tiis hour, who aMe i, ueed of Iteor EUWs AttrneyDady todéq "mlit- MW authi »Dy bMall, We u mudy esISIX hontefor lrkOi girs," efidatet- tWl'provappsear tat hre <hOpélr l.frL to M. SCO oM. rocha laeadesl eno. dïe givenby 'orne 0f That"Thé RanailiWelch workiug si>.la i tad jury tomtorow moraing the Citra 15Imm orators anid bliin girls homte la a r.,resentation of sud WI I ak that ani~ ndlctmieut b. AS tIR T - Liber te ie orlFieldingcomandr a i is- i..rsof labor nd of much thouglit returned aglat bath the brother and wichogaiaion alaChm ofuzcerpt fromthe addrehof Roy. P.- the ihome. The dodicatory services al<ger. "Thora btu nover ibemaua LTOM EST EM T wero ii.ld ou the lavu on the aqfth religions Institution. aven a churcit ________E TAEMN Ge Q aide of the building. Mule, botl 'n' ln the. City tiat do.eflot repreberi epln e «trameutitansd voYa, appropriate to ln lis erection a periosi of tsars and s.Tmlnadhebote Jn the Eabbath vaa feature of lthe ex- prayer,"-ho nid. MI'5. md etakn bithO-i Joh metties. Thle territorial baud af Chfi- ht"e hrhsaor aea rtTalrodywr hi cu0& ,V - cago accompanled the vocal selec- uhtn i.oucissol at a it alrtdyweeterci." UUI @r~adio floua throughout. Çapt. coo. asslet- ulted Interet lu the.borne vas the. was continued ton deys and th.y w. .With beddng plante and vine@ .4 b Genral leldug pesldd « e it of the openiug word. of the ad- placed under $&M0 bonds, ln d.foult ed b Geera Fildig pesied'verdress of Gen. Fielding. Cleverely the of which fhey went ta jifi. States At- SLIS AS uth xie. Gnrlcmae telclIiutorney Dady la trying ta lndict th.M GERANIUNS,SALI ,DIS ,I teiiadows af the magnillcent Gtia vti toe of therlcteal nd itu or. thse grand jury now ln mut- AS, HYDEAEGEAS, COMMUS, home o, glowing tribute vas ipald by fo I toe011ohrcle nle Ion. thoe n ateldaweand by the ora- gutîî' irte hepeat success that should ln an Interview Mrs. Templifle sid* ALLYUSU.GEETumigo those lon a atte Sdapere attend Ita conduction. "Ttls1 an ave- "My brother John and 1 are the boat ASTERS. STOCKS, LODELIA Comb inion P-numaDUTlc Sweeper tors te the name of Hannah Welch. nue of escape for girls of the clty for of frIends but thora ha never h"' BÂAA S, VINCA VINES ANI 'rHiSwt vitose b fctogmadiee t anythîng wrang ln aur relations. «Trus, cas wfhtly iSwcepm EaRn at teDUNeTLEYwe pgr posbeandefathentp geffrts nthe many temptationsttat SUrrOUfld 5ho aept with me ln Deombr test *ns clit eain ghusne. , mEd EarTe mm tim e ~ue osible aud to ca de trno fothel hm. Tt viilafford vorking girls a when L hati a tore foot and had no- Your visit to the Greenhoume vil Laks seepnga simple task quickly finished. It reaches cal braech of the Voluteers of Amer- dlean and pleasant qturroundlngs body aise ta cars, for me.d ehvani sokfpltat 'e the mos dfficut places, and lintinates the necessity vb ocîe , powto , hich will ttit ihr life cdean- and Bulhdthaesmby n f mvig ad iftngailhevy uritue.Icawh coccvedth prtiseo teonaclyhm reasothendanmye ththey ea brathhirroter movngan litig Il eay urnnae.home for worklng girls and wba bas palaced tnhm otinto t tervatae Shaw, made the campiaint against us l rMLbrSâver of th. Homte-Every home, large orthraugh is efforts seer'. lis greahest gl dI oito ohte hm« l because haels jealous of John and a", Gsat ei.oy iefontBo rdeyadpotcinfotdem elie nte tu-selves ln their vork and te eventu- wanted me ta corne and keep house us danger of ying dust. ture that no eteIsha oad ally demad a larger salary. Any for him and 1 woudn't. i cont te AS heto i h inrof 5501j15501k r-the. skies. needy girl viii be given a protecting why ho waited se, long ta make tihe Hu te cmbiatin ofthePnematc Sutio NczJeandband at thte home. T'h. home Is trU- complaint If he feit we had vioiated ,ombinu.V ation erainasaleaidTiieInvocation of the dedlcatory the laas f min and Ood. Why, 'vae ,mevig ne. er esiy ~~rae onxrcs-Yvs ignuetv ~ ly a fitting monument te the generoas- been away f rpm Libertyvilie ln Rock, t.1a Do t ga-ted. la huying a Vacuum Cleaner, why flot giVOeaies sgve yRv.S .ty elHa nh Wl h rîto lber mem- ford for weks and weeks. ~~<, ~ 5 th '.utiy"s ril n au hmeaturexenefChidester. or>-. in Lakte Forest, then went te Rock. VeSdu rodaflor ffl poeUAmtors Thm, followed a sertes oi songs That ter, la a posslîhility Ile tIe ford. John and 1 wore flot living to- sang le chorus b>- the members of thte addlr'.g af a nlgbt sehool course for gther In Rackford; ho moei> heard AGENT WANED Votinters ad th audince. the Istrution f bokkeepng, ten-what Shaw was golng ta do and ho M e dihF o r& A solo, "Silver Threads Among the() ammeveeredith Flower wfh m Gold" sung ln a clear, sweet toned ograpby and klndred courses lentthe when Tl broke. This le aIl spite-work Libertyville. voie andi vtth splendld 'range b>- near future, vas stated by Gen. Fileld- on the part of Shaw." DUT 0F TOWN ORDERS CiVEN PROMPT ATTI ________________________________________________Miss Theresa Cookt vas well recelved leg and Caitain Cook. by th audiers.General Felding pald a tribut. In Sherlf lImer Green arrived ln b>- fe audtors hi. address ho tite untirlng efforts of Waukegan about 10:30 o'ciock Thurs- ÉV"httecil>- akgn aCpat Co nmkngtebredsy night hrnglng le lis automobile. - ~ ~ It R » , , LE N WOoRe tTa h on ai asgno atas. oofnmlgte oewitbhlm John Wllilson and bis ais- 111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O N 1 'I iii oetlgmreta ms fpossible and alza for hi.s slendld ter.,firs. Jeanette Templîne,visa hadl A FUL ereet an aleya"wer theopeingwark amang the poor of the cît>- of been arresled ln Rockford qn a charge Wauitegan. Reference vas made of havlng Ilved tegelter as man and frequenti>- tbrougboul the atiter ad. ve le Llbertyvllle. The tva vere _________________________________________________________dresses of thie day of the great good lecked up lei the cotant>- jail and are Lm~ ite oca comande o!tbe ol-held pendlog the action af the grand thatthloacomneofteV- jury whlch yull take up the dispositionBei unteers bau accomplishied duriug bis of their case tada>-. State's Attorney>-l man>- years af residence ln ti icty. Dady announced tbat lie vauld ask Au autliue of tbe work af complet- the grand Jury te lIndict botb of - Ingthepayiens n te hme rt hethem. lug ie pymens onthe ome r'. h len Siterlif Green arrtved ln Rock- C Io U s ~ S o repart of Captain Cook vas displayed ford hie found that the siieriff already 11 - heu t vas stated that the home cOst itad taken the couple Into custady. Thtum h ln erection, $10,000 and thiat Hannait seema titat le that cît>- tbey bad made Welch donated $4,500 of fie mouey n ffort ta live togetiter. The girl rp r tha lave ttaof$560 tQbepal ws or legina factory. white ber oôr dCer eta rpI ÀA1LiheutyviU, IDI., ha& opened up for business iiv~ tf~50, ab brother hadt no emplaiment. Te throgh V llors ofthe ocalcom-tayed le boardlng bouses vhicb ver. e arD p rre mander of which durlug lte weei t leeen two adtitres blocks saport. Re arD atm about $210 bas been raised. The lat- Tt la sald they dld filasle an effort I ~isol eua er donations were Ip, formn of tvo ofint avoid detection.Ifyusol e na , $50 eacb. one ef $100, and anotiter re-misn son you want at h celved frem a very vealtby man of the matter. They vere nat manacled the Directory ask for the clty, ln the form aof $10. iiy the sherW hff bsimpl>- plasiet them prt . Rev. C. W. Fuestan cancluded the le the rear of is automobile. They tprtr program hby utterlng benedictlan. made ne mave ta escape, seemingly magma. ~ m a . £LI~ ~whvich was preceded b>- a sitart ad- being periectly vtllilng te stand trial To reach ncw subscriberi viu la coniP1ee te iock of vueums, Boysp. a ddsuimuchvr ceitby on the charge that bas been preferred Directory cait unformatiof drss .lc 1r cedtbi-9ivnagainst tbem. Chilreos Clothing, Men's and. Boys Shiortsan lncluded msny spleï'.dd vieve Tt develope thal the whereabouts af To make a telephone con et--adamrbepointa of cul nRcefr d s aover- mrcaDpatet lb aacterlstlc of the man. id b>- a relative vbo vent fier. and mrilDprmn. f et! grades., Underwear, liosiery, Neck' _ _ _ conducted a personal Investigation. Thuis vas alter the>- lied from Liberty- If service is unsatiSfactory '( eai, Work Shr s a d le tva or tbree weeks ago, alter the onerator; cail the Supi 1416.SIRÀ DIE hbavlng been threatened vitb arreptr ONe for their alleged actions. Telephone operstors are meoo Ja k tsliasansd Caps, Men s and' Boys' À? BER ONUl phrasesrelating .tuictly ro theï i y.u would block.other cola. 'Shoes, Gloves, Trunks &Wd Suit Cases and FRioA v iWÂNTS ALL ZDON PI3OPIJTOACT IN Chicago Telepho Waniteai, PAn. . L Andromw i i i ra. Engene Strang py»iid aa>-t LtTepb U"r1nom. ou .ori t P1,7 '~ ". IuptiuFist Cs (CMb-g'Store The pricos viii b. sncb tb*t you price to gU. We solicit trade from »Poe 80 n to e Cicag or anY ont-of. ail parts of Lake couuty. Tuouotof- t9ustore. that handie oui line of town cewtomers vo viiipaY expre.. gooda. -or parme post charge& for deiivery. I bgve been in the merchandise We invite Inspection of our busines, wholemaie and rotail, for date liue of merchaudise. more than 47 years. W. guaraute al» our goods tb boam represonted. AUl Yours very respectfully, OOde marked In plain figures.and one T.A RENOLSPrOPrietor go ls my«.rspropitorof Rochestu'Clothing C, Gîsysiake day nit at 6:10 O'clock folloving a brief IlInoa. Site vwu 54 Yearm Of ame. Death. ls attriuted to uruaiic poiasilng and a troke Of ParaYBia. Both conditons dev*iol>ed slgt'e- ouuiy lut W.dniedy MOraIng. rOmt fiat fire on ber conditioa, va. r tard"d n extremely ertiml a"udfeW itaies wve entrtalnied for ber recrn' EverytbizÊg possible vge doue for ber but lu spihe aOfaSU her condition apparid ho grawvurvola sfy and on Pday Il va said shevould not b. able ta live titi day ouf. Bther titi uraernie posning or tie stmoit vould have heen ver>-«Moulan aWf self but coming lu unison If prOved too rnuch. lirs. Strang's maidernib a va Evaritta Moot, te beilug àdaughter of tiie]ate William Hoo et Warre township. Mir$. Straag h" made ber borne ln Wankegau fer man>- ears aud mthi leaves mauy varin frienda vbq are saddeued by her uuezpectid deatb. Disidis ber tuaband she lhave. ane son George, vite la emplo>-ed lu the Becurity Savlngs banit. independent: More readers flan al cont, veeKles comblned. --Thi ev ordlnance agahuat amoit- lng in Zmon City vint lato force ah mîdulgit," gnid'Vohiva, an hi addrss- ed an audienceIn ZMon Hoame adi- torium. I"We iad a conferuite. toilai viti thfe attorneyImsD fie couelp. sloIL val , proceid a lîttle difféenta- ly front the mannel in vich vo Pro- ced. la fie first ordilca; tat le, ho p<oceed b>- viat v. cal! aummouoq. la Dlace of a warrant. "IWiat vo vaut you tho do, lis <o diligently laite notice of every pirson *you see smoingl, and ho note lte offeue-ýwbere It la, b>- in com- mitteil, fia nama of the. perSOn, sud if fiera la mn>- ofier persan, wbo vit- nessed, sud bringt hinformation ta the oit>- attorney. ITiat means for every Zion, man, voman sud cild fa b. on fie aleirt! Ton eau be a policeman, sud you eau be a detective, ve vili give titosO 1fellova a chance te, tait. a fev trips suad @pend a few ttonaafd dollars. "iZIen munt naver let up! ýLot us organize a stlnkpot; brigade se that ever- Zios' man, voman and cbild, viieraver you aie a man smoki- ing, vil! yeul ont, "stliiipot! utinkPot!, 1Titere gais a spevlng buzzard and a 'rnuing expenme.of Hom, ir bMore faitcorne. cerIes, Meats, <>anued re umilyi ought bi iv you money. irCt, Pofeh Bel,, es, such as [ES, CANNAS, FUCHI- 3BEGONIAS, SWEERT LLEROL VERtBENAS. B, ZINNIASPHLOX, FD OTHERS. Il convince you that nthe right î>rices. lUES. Tomatoea' Cabbage, Cau- Liflower, Peppem~ E g g Plants, Celery, etc. k Vegetable Co., e. 111. rENTION. PHONE 10 System - - -. bone is out of the f act to the nt. )le to get the per- number gîven. in rthe Information -not yet listed in the on Operator. sitract cali the Com- ydo flot complain to' pervisor. oled ta use only speafie work. Conversation wuth nc Company s, Manage a n W1IAT'S THE USE 0F GETTINO MOT hecause our tovu bai gone dry? WC have any amnount of PUR~E IÇE Delivéred in any quantity at any uie Libertyville 1Ice Co. Phone 41 *Libertyville A N D RE~G et the SATISFACTION IN EVERY STITCH. J. W. ColeIHarness SJiop Ub"ile M GOOD CLAN ATHS IN COfINECTION M o=lN ALYS Am iS>DILES ns M ai i pin cic of Lumtyvvàeý fil.

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