10 5Ufl100 that wiil l à tho~wn the moa lv4y wshdrss it lkis 0vQ beei our pleaaure to show. t tèrn'euliarly originl.anf g.Tepi ei ustoinary in this store' gt AàlnversarjýjRrê f womýn's dresses in crepes, vioflèg ànd ratines, handsomely niade up in the favorite styles of the I -aojplain coors or stjlisha stripe and AiW-!de, ns. These dese will appea you--ô st ogly on acco o i~ the very noticeable $8 look they possesa. Anniveisry IAnnivermsry.Sale of dainty white dresÊesý of flne Sheer materials, I pleasingly flmished with umq4ue embroitlçery .pnd lafe, Idesigna. Sonié,with ovei drapeskirt.s;otheli With k neat ruffle effeet. Otýr h»ue Ôl#.50 values, Au nvt Âuivsrzary Sale of a Inost wondè4uI group of dressies, heatfully made up of imported 'naterials, inclu4ing ni~yof, fine rice clotý or splahed crepe,- bedecked'with ,UUk, of Roman deglgns. ýTbI&bfatures soins of our very « finedresses and mnyst sd $12 dresses will be'sc n . the'lot. We show many new ldea for the lifile f eUow 10 eoifort tiiese warin1day>. eaturing a mighty good lqigws suit o! pure 'whwngte material, pei' .lyfinished. at-wsist eonlar md s. leves of .<obta»tig color mater- £ W.I 13o14reguWaly ïat-$100.Anniversary Sale The very popular Norfolk styles shgwn ithis group, of a finé, ail-wool serge ClOO; in sies 7 to 1Q y.ýar 'Our regular$, e vailles rie. 4;M -îust 'e proper thlug for Suxumer. luI fancy mixtures and solid colors, Norfolk and regular styles IBIDshown; nearly ail sizes in the lot;. regular price $5, AnniversarySaile 3 19 A.pre.... ceptionlly'weýlimadle of mediu * weight mater- iais; fancy mixtures and stripe i lght and d4rk colors. Anni'ver- 30.., s.ry Sale price.. U q Boys' Bloses-A spe- cial purchase of these for Summer wear, ini ligtanid dark patterns offn adras. Made to seil at 35k. For this great Anniversary Sale, prie- ed attwo for 45c; 23c eaeh......... Whfte Petticats-Of a. good, soft fnish mustin; flounces of deep em- broidery designa. Our regular 79e sellers; -An- niversary Sal e 'Mll prce ........ Draws lfor Woui.- Of qood musîi, finish- ed wthvàlencienneblaee or embroidery. Our spe- cio Auniversary 9 ...... 19Cic early ID;'emes1~ o8b them from an exclusive children 's coat> house, at a great sacrifice afid offer al at this Anuiversary Sale to you at alninst half. Ail styles, colors and fabes shoWn, including inany washable materials f OrUamer wear. CSoati aeptC..l4 0"9 Oobm Bio rice . AA $50oa%,Sam ploe.'Ub findthe Mee i 'é iost apjwo- ed o$yWe; wdoe f Mi M bAi or black ouuz or mat fflitU 'impta us ~to )hths té Came can yo«Iook forsué eisewhèré ~yln~ r. The Urne for buylng your stûnioéa '. t ka ëýô m r h - mvail elsewhere.CSo,,comepare andbeft ais are those that býve met wlth'constant approval. The styf: arë'ji *vr$ýk desigus nu>' <)ýf th avër eLt usjhaIi the pleasure of your vis toiorw and convince yýu af oil.*tuesste Axhivresary Uae of sil foular& dresses. W. were for- -tunate enough to mecure 140 of theàe splendd UMMer "'74 dresss frwo-Me o! the.best dres&mnuatu.s inNew York, at about haif thelÇ real value; prettily made with = lace or embroidery at yoke ançlsleeve, skirt With seat x'uf- fie n llht blenay, brown or bla -; uall'polka dot desigus xneluded. Evee. one of them a $10 drqs. One table ol lawu, pique and gingham dremssiu the aea- son's newyest effects, for house and street wear;'uxnew and original patterns shown i the niaterials; they a&re our regular $2,98 sellers. For this great Annivemsay Sale AOnlid- W- Ver hte , e oejoy perfect foot comfort these atiiul Suihm1erd 1119 bad'the plesIsipe ucig sueh "unusual" footwear. The niany styles of pumpe t combination ofleither I ' ýrea e sniartest yet produceed by the shoe idustry.r sincere -wish for tomirrW Wom.u'"s Of~s a or,,"biaek, ýduli Julia Malo'we PuMPB-A mighty stylish or patent leathers. A, vory good,lokn little puxnp that will give splendid satis-, oxford for Summer; -i, lace. ôr býtton faction of duil leather, with self bow. A styles. '1jhese are'odd sizes ai't4roe$3.0 rgar250sle.nnerry£ aùd* $3.50 values. .Anwversaý' - rglar$250 eler.Amivear Sl................ -697 Sale price...........~ .....21 days. We really don't know qi Cver hav- te the strap and ribbon fastens,. sud the The pleasure of flttig you pro»elyis our iftIs'PmI Mary Janej a pair... I&OdIosPat The stylish est heel, fan, Wome's Colonia Pump-4 vyOr' pretty idea in patent or 4u11 ?ea*te; t s uipper with silk broeaded couýxtr. Â Avs Ipauty at $3.50, for this Ait-, are gr niversary pnice .......... gin.t Chidren'OS hoes-Â'well madde4oè, under in tan or black; spring heel, Lld.le button'style; sizes 3 to 8...u ul $M.5 lime. Aniversary pieY i prlce ~se Ieaià $i.OO Drsses, Neweat 47c * .oW 5W te o. ebogttei.froeu a nmmzfacturer -4hat Jý4 reay-nonêy" gt. hema haf vhat they'rç worth anl aà ~sôr custoni, give you the benefit.- Made of ginghaini and percales, stie or plain patterns, -with neat embroidery ef- -,à - \ ecs.Sizps up to 14; Anniversary Sale price ...47 Obidren'a Dreases-Of be&Atiful gighams; showig al bbc new plain and plaid effeets; sizes up to 16 years £là ý-'$2 'values; .Anhivcrsary Sale pnie.......... r --t Ohldren'sýWhte Drease-Of finest giughams and rhami- liàn ;beautiful emübroidery designs, pla" nia- R telais;. the regular $2.50 limes. Anniversary sale eI .Grap of Wlte Dresse- For dress occasion; featur- îi~g sopievery unflsual enibroidery and lace de-,4 4lp luiD ise te14years. Anniversary Sl - '*-s,~* '-1 * - *- -4,- ip and Oxfords-In the.clever and Baby Doîl ideas, 2.'45 tent and Dunl.KI* fMps- colo'nial model; new-, ncy buckie, a jà&...8 -0f ary, eZdurable white Sizes are frm 9toW., They eat Anniversary b4:- hObes-That wifl stand up well the hiardest usages .beig of eather, heavy solez. Sold, reg- at $2.50; Aiuvejsapy Gorst G~ut*-hîslot features some Inighty good patterns ilace Ir elnbroidery desipns, of good chambic; extra speial An iveýp splendid nat* ,in several, very atttactii'e designs ,ofluac.e cm- broidcry; ribon'drawn with rogete.Our 1.49 ie, Auivuàsar'~, Sale prie. Branem o- f,'od with embr Oxder Very op",fo~ -A fine tucký'eml2Iole70 -closed ,hsle-'t 'good qîù ,to verssry Sîceveles st 'e; 14Me yoký. Rigtat the quantit&O8 ail voIved. W tractive and 1~ a rou [4.A VOL. cul NAJ Attorn Dom EGER Progrs Reco * Ck in1811or supervi tend t] îsuperv i and cc held lit ttis yei Theo named Henr Jamie Coun C haire the col ivili be Supe of the Wvi!i be ý'ar1( been p wai no conven o 1 delegal son ho, Ing th. the col carsa facturti est Alv wofid. hou a hoteh ta the on t a drivi In the wlv'r« trip Ur on t takîn whhl, 1 the afl ventior IIPOIL wilI ta et 6 0 Peorla and p: place 1 The routlio taken convec It la e ready tiens 1 The Of the l8m0te of $70 feired MI'ie and of ta the et sa m tnitb 4", The It SMD *ben mon.' &a me; Rob court eut l te m « Wh 250Q beautiful. dresses of fine wash matenials or siie; niany of. our Mnost exelusive <eigne shown in this lot; their dai#4ness ar& distinct- iveness are bound to al .tgouo. Tii. iiecoMd -embreWe V fiteiràsd 1