CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jun 1914, p. 3

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t ~TT~AW TT 121914.t Il Edltidby F. J. RUOE. Phue' l Ou-dou Tale. fer Job Wtk., Adveitaleugrate a s -plemi- t am . D. soji, 1eevIlle, èmin ovulug a WhcauiIârares. Mr. amlie.M. S.,Aewa l ,torii ont rou Chmo SMailvwth their 9103 Huq AUtea M vil, toubuiir enamer borne on Late Share prive vues tber viii pimi thesmmer. am«. C . lmenvWiue -i tulmon" ity, ia., Sunai 'tg premela heo- claureate samafor Ch. irauiatOS elam orthtei. igiehool the-e.à£st"tila a, it ,i W" suporastI - aor elgt ebutubu e C ongrapa" OI bureh .bald flogbSored la baisg tibir Pestas cboem! or i0 oemdnm. dliiaieatan aiof. t"M.Hrl W.. Wuloui Mmd son Rmlph of Zinda, Wi., ver vieor. beMM T.ed@bY. Wm. Brtdsprecb«endma ouet Vag are ependlit a tw daïe lu teei PoiDnd iicwutti. W. print Mud devepe lictnree sUV"v tIums a week. l'or go"d vork mui qui& gservice tue sjour glu. ta Tii Reimil Drug *sors. lim. j. .p. Sherman muid daugtr Baby kt lait Sud" a -itt llber lthîer Ilu Colorado M r. Sherman RacociPsuiji them to Ch iesgo Dr. Deihert Pot[ Ot Winn.ka, wbo prâctice.dentiotry ber on Iiondmy O each week wlll h. marred nist MonIR evecnngat winusntka so Mise Zea Umey, a former teacher aof(Irailmk. jet the home oftheb bride. Bosh are Weil knovu mad popular ln Nortb Shore Mie Aliý rlth. Who bai been tiee.h. ing lu Montana the pait year. le home for lb.emumer. you Set Rliiaiservit@esoi vel BAi Rexali gonds ai The BzajliStore. Drue. MNr. lerry, whu wae taken 10 the bopital ai faukegan Decormtion day le expectd home thie week. Farmere. teware ot hog choiera BoY a eau ut Kreu Dl p and pr-vent forhr trouble. The Rosatil Store-[).ue lrug Co. Leonard Hook bai fluhâhed hI% year's work at Armour's lusîltute and le empioyed ai F. D. Battershull'e store <or te Ui sOmr. Fa Braudstetter of Chiago, epeut Sondaj i wlbi parente. Severa[ of our young peuple attended the hop asilvanboc Tueday evenlng.t On Tneeday atternoon st 8 o'clock at the home of the bride on Lake Shore Drive ocurred the weddlng 01 Mi§ Miutne Druca of tt. sclt tlir. GUY Thbomas ot Mooe Jaw, Canada. The bride le weli and tvorabiy known ber. Oaia llved ber. muet of ber lit. 1Mr. Thomasiss a uraetic busines. man of ,boie Jaw. ot pleeilng mannor. lu the vsek ho bai bien speuidlig la rayslmke bhai made maiy trienda. Theî left Tues- ,day evenng fori, beir home lnuien Jaw, muid chu weri oftrios and gond wlho. judge Persoa Saurday order- id WhiilqznWmb f Lake Forct tU pmy ta supurvioar Kig oif Shields $20 a month until intker notice for ibe aqpport af hie vife anddtive rblîdren. The huahanulsWAbhis sto-mhchbad bien uet for a long Urnue and there- fore he had not heen ahIe ta vOr) inuch. lie feit tat bec4ase hIie sm ach iiae ln that condition, lie ihoule flot hi farced ta pay u0 mucb for thE keep 0t hie fauliy. Lake county's big veekly-INDE- PENDENT.1 VME I! T lDOCE; WEIRER SENT OUT A Waukegan Young Woman Created 'Sensation' at Ou- nee 'for aMiniute.' 'EITHEIRmS '00 U6T OCT' Orerte Tha w et I en Hor anid Sh Deoldedto Go0RIWitHome. Whoewun te'Waukegams Yeuse vines.W, e.a ew nlgitise N»as- anded à daMesnt Ourae. la m»Oh a <seindiav hame.wum Foi, tmi tedamesbeutee dmai whsvemopee me *ehid * te Cmli hereSfreaoe. Cliv a e~ OP e 8 here.blaitt<t evt ite mPPO Por-teioof her body (tu-eu) uWh"e vs. eucoe~d di e rfm Iht grm.d*aCIe ti o f sCIeS ou«"t? Her noms sudb hpw mii- bly it wouidu'tbe piildif lb ver.- but, il actu.âly baPppenei A Wau'cega u ai. escoteiiy à WmnlesaYoIug man, vent ta lhe dance am. accoving tavWa" corne of lhe Gurnee fou$ aIi, "she vetOi ta show us Péofeieainth.Omtry vbat ibe stye ia Mud trelcled style a lttie ton tor dovu the front ar ber auM&omy, go, va just cmlid ber ar4l laid ber sii oauid do oe tiiug or the aiber." And, tbm yauag wons», maklig ho- ileve ohévue burt mud takirg the stand tbat lIe Grnoes <lado't knov rosi style vlou lbey tolk bersit avmy, deciarinu she vauli noeeuattend muother thei bal. She vas tld ehe vme't expectid ta attend aiy mare unies. seemcie fully dreesed bicuse the promatens aift.edance vauied the young folks there aasmbled la upend the evenlng dancing, not iooling! Gurue pjeopie deciare lbey mnaY flot be ap on styles, but they'rc qute weil educated ai,, what le pruper and vhal le a .' CANNOT FIND THE BODY 0f WÀUKE*L 6iANITE'S MO4TIIER Waukcgan, Jonc 4. George Mfounicy on Wednesîlay nigtt received a tleegranm trum bIs brther William vho hastened te Canais v; sena:'aisthe emcii tre de- talle of the. dsaiste n lu hît te Eu- press ut Ireleni va. sunk vhen ch. wasramm'-I by (lie collier Stürstad. Ttc telegram claIe-i thal op la the hresen t ime te ha.flot received aty deflite Informaton as la lie aiseI ie mother wth the excqpion that he nov bas given op hope af fiuding ber among the rescuedaid topai onuy la he able ta recover ber body and bring il bacl home for hurlai. Wth William Mauuiey ls ils ira- ter-in-.lnv and one af lbe Fieher baya af Chicago. The latlersa motter and broîher ver. eccompauiug lire. Maunsey la Llverpoolandsaimet the same fate mc aie aid bundredi af aIliers. The ta - .4 young men vent first 10 Father Point, tien ta Quehec and nov are at Rmouaki Their Investiga- tion hansheowiý ihem Ihal Ibere ln nol Ibhe llghtect hope of thelr fini- ing Ibeir relatives auong thonse bo ver. rescued and they bave ipent their lime tu examînIng tte faces of the unidenlifiei deai. On WedueBday lheî vistei the morgue in Rmousi and afler tuait ai deai bodies Ibat lie tere declared that tber relatives were flot amoflg them. ~4I3~ ! The telegram recelved by George ST O H E R E Mauueey deciared that ih le the Plan STOP HRSEsud gel your rallroad of the Young men to remain in Rim- tîckgel. we have them on bath ruade.' ouski for a time in an effort lu iee STOP BERS muid lemve your laundry, wbat effort la made to recover hie we bave the BorlOgton ageucy. 0(8ioeebdies tram thc sonken liner an th ey every Thuredav and returne Saturday. relz hti hyaefot on the Buotmirvilelntowu. Phoneland we raieta fte r vii eaalifor le.,cee eait, thelime the hodies are re- STOP BEllEmud boy yaur reading moved that they wiii hi buried aimatit matter, vo have the tâte copyvnigbted lmmedlately aM~ they wiii have nu buoke;ànd mil the latet periodîcali. STOP HBESaid bal jour le ream. chance ta maxe. an Identification. Wegie you the. bet creamuid truite. They declare tbat there la an cf- 81<P!' Ellîoracuimcboxofemdy. fort on foot tu recaver the bodies W. bave mail variables ta chocef.. o g I;l otkonasYtJs STOP RE I l jon vautt o ilten u thog tl a iiv uytju good music. W. are sale as 's or thow ibis wiii hi ione. The declara- Vctrol.anmud ai s gaihoiaytryo.lion bal beaiu made thal nu experise STOP RORE uiyan vaula gnd avi aredta do this. The lin. amok@. The het braude udmuio uiuala ai ta'vsBu them. ~~~~~~lieu.Insaowwtrta a Bu STOP REEfor poila cari, sauvé- hillevod ta be the came. She la tarty nir muid Penants, a branid new lien. tet higb and at loy tde the top STOP RIRE for jour sltanéry. We af ber tunnels are discernihie. Whe- crythe mot uPtodate bI" tu how. STOPBERS for oilt p:rmeon». thir the hoast wiii]h raised or wheth- onr Harrnony ulne lu unexcel e. er divers viii hi sent dovu ta take STOP BE for pure druglanad drug out the hodies le not lnown. Hfov- mudrie. Our rnhhier departmiut con. ever If the vork ilaflot donse bon the tains uothing but goarauteid sbock. @TOP BEOIE where jon get salisfac- three Young min viii retorf home ai tion or jour mon.y bâdli. they realize thal rothlng wod ha ,#LWAyS STOP at a ilezail store for gained by uaing ani ndefinite stay good merchandiée.and good service. there. DRUCE DRLUG 00. ' -b B "RmaI Store ' rysai The Independeut iemde amLi = .1 CHARLES ]EL MA ON, Correspionde t - Agent PHON4E 24-J Qnalt-Eoid'i tudIo-PrieS rght. en IL Dý> Sji. Llb"9yUils ot nimAluTwmii btutati got bis car out ami bua iss m » Mi ri-out. the pff voek. Iartla lea fle readi sud wNf gi's I etaif biMamui, Mendi a A. a. Wbte. esack buaer, made a1 tb- , bp 'taeiec~ofWrida1 Cm et tii be'mhgmm on th St. Paulc reltrod VaUbuse 'by a bel bar on car hhCUag huaceh ara Tbureifej. Dr. Mo" wa va uliCadem te voiud.j C. W. Bshb âd lImal attended the ~dia$oB ielse e Lhertivtlle 7tI~a~ vuIg, i. arrisIBush bslug a gramhmti nttht sebooal vltha Work;on th epot beor vas dlecon- tlauui tht. veek havlng run out ot uatefta Upe tiiWarrvaI 0t came the job Ilîl be completid. la t attend iloe. Ammani week-end damme lu isI popular danuicng hall here *viry Saturdoy eviiilug. Seoi trou ber. attended tb. dauice et auiil amud 1 vauhoe, Tus.dmy evening. Bl. ÎW Chttenden vue a Chicaigo buel- neis vietor lait Salurday. lire. B. J. Younig relumn.d trou Fremoni. Nlebrmela, Mondai evemlng amd wili spend some time viih bWr son. Dr. Young. Tom Grey aid tamili ut Waukegan, catied on relative. ber. Suniai. Tte Royai Neighbors bai charge ot the late Mre. Henry Taylore&tuerai Tmieuday morning. Mr. and lire. H. H. Spomeuburg are at theirrnmer bhume at Sand Lale. VanSce Young epenl Monlar ln Chicago. H. D. Hughes bas a mev Ford auto. Mise Josie Bidwcli boa hecu rry iciek vita pueumuni a. Mise Sarah McCanu returued trou Chicago Tuesday alter a ivu veele vieil vitb relativuesmuid tende. Sm. H. D. Boyi, Lihentyville, about aoru-nlng a Wisconsin Farm. ICKORtY mis. Joie AMann ai flebrun, came Thureiay Sa ipend nome lime vilb ber îueler, lire. A. Savage. Webb Edwmudi @peut lait wvil vlth his gramdparente la Wasuegan. Mis. Dors Pedersen viled lait veel lu Wanlegan. mien Edtb Pickles bas rtnrned hume. hmvlig heen Ibree veeks itaithe G. Hughes home. lir&. . L. Holleubeklat recoveyimog tram a severe attac ofnmoralga. Tiie monl meeting af lbe Cemeteny soçlaly ment et tie church, Thuaday, Jane 18. Invitation extended tcaml, L. Voight aid Ifmmiy enterbalned Iriends trou Chicago over Sundmy. ccý yull furuleli tem with a defenie Ir1 case trey are arrese. They are lut- clîmcd ho believe thal Il vili not and au a recuit tbey do not knov just wbat tao. This ruligdues col appiy auj- vbere eXCept in aulisainon territory sucb a, ih ertyvilie, Aîtaiehic, Hait Day. Prairie View or same oftIhe ott- er -places viicb bai-e be-eu vted dry. hn osuetaihese pace the men. who torrneniy conducted saloonne are runnnlng "esoft drink' parlons, selitng two percent" and imagninsteî pvpre pertcctiy sate. Some af these umen di not cre lu give up Ibeîr lo- cations a. th", are ofthIbmImpression that the aupreme court wtIl kriocl out ttc vouai suffragec mv and if tis la dune the eecoat whlch placei Ibese vilae o nuI. Ti lntian il e au nter. eslout. hesdtatny iila an lutsr vht aon viia i . tantyth ese formerastionlw eip aen b es fole le osibe laIti eale tr ry I lauibe tat heaump aigagans rý ites mnonlch agepth aat aree en oaln the cpreofnai h. anti caoon lmv. NATURAIIZATION PAPERS AU BE REVOKED BY U5 se Severai foreig a bruireeldents ai the cuunty are conelderably vonnfid aI Mim. Jouais Pickles guuidmy. ing tbem vîi hvieimting the Iav iu the saie ai liquon have ben, eturu- 9 TAYLOR GROVI ' d against thora as tbîy tear It vill i Oseu. Lewin bai heen an tbe sicl bet. bave an effeet oup thein cllaenaip pa- Theo. Vaderwal ers. in tact tiare Ie oui case vhere h Tbeo Vaderaîlma"i a briP ta a man wbo alriady hbis hieltizeuch!p Chicago. paper. may havet.11m revoked as a lirs.Shelley I. vlsiting ber danghler. nesoîl ut the latiat developuent. s lire. D. Riordan. Federnl examineura via corn, ber. la Albert Leabie le gettlig alung icelY. examine appicants for nalunalizallon Mmr. Archie Webb @pnt lait veek viii papes alwayz are very strict wllb re- ber tathéer. gard la the clame of men vho are al-h Mre. Geo. Lewin Ia entertainmag ber lowed ta recelvi their papers. They brother trou Chicago. are v4ry particlar te luquine itbahIbm Mis. tuez Leable vielted ber iliter, Mmre, act as la vietiier or net tbey have Chas. Cashmor.. lait week. ever -been arnesled for violationofutIheo Se . H.D. Boji, Lîhertyvîlle, about law as Ible In anIimportant Item Iu owuig aWisonsn Frm.decifue wtetber or neot they wili uwuing Wicuucn Fnm.make desirable cutisine. ___________,__Nolt50se r long ago a foreigner I GAG,'S LA=E J ai cosideralie iOlt Iniî usccurtng -J bis citizcstîp papure bicause te va. Mm. E. 8. Faulkner @peutlni tîv dais lndiited and cot1veted on a charge of et Rouecraue lait veel. volattng the 19W vlIb regard la tbm Mr. Kug of Anîlgo, in vt.itlng H.' sale oi Ilquar. Flualiy aller counsid Taylor. enahie ielay ho vau granîci bis pa- We are very glad te bar of île ina- Pers. Ilt 90baIppen. that thii mau pruved condition uf Geo. Kappie, vbho u ne Out11to0 againet vham Indiet- hada êrok ofpaalyie le wekemenl e ve netnried hy. tb. speclal & g o . l n k t a a y s e a 1 e i . g r a ud ju r y . N o v < i a n e n Is o r ry - Mre n .Fa nk D o mo d o i%g co uide nLby be cu e te as ten Mon. ai, Mre FalrsDtthumoutInformei liaI ho stads a gcod Round LIe, er. aereé mIIbehoe chance of havlng bis cltlzenship pa- J. Tiai, Jr, Wdneeay.pers revaIed. Mmr. Paul VanZandtsuad tva cons ot Thene are »Me of lie ter defen- River Forest, epeut une dey laut wo dents tn lie Peuding cases vto have vllb F. VanZandl ami tamill. fnt jet recilvod Ibir cillzeuship va- The fuerai lire.Mm. B-Taylor vwupers and lie, are youeerung whteîer 'beld ai ber hume Tuesdmy rnorning. or rot tei arreet viii bave auytbtifg 3Burial In Warren cemetery. la do vt <thein gSettint ttem. In a Wm. J.- Screck bai a gravel haulng their cuses II, le quille a sorious predie- bee Mniai fan the basimeu f l&0be novameut ta h. tirov u tu.One tUifu b arn vhicbhoh. viii hild lu the near ie certain the y viii have ta assure fture.te examiner- hat tien. viii nult e " .H. D. Boyd. Lihertyvilie, about a repeltiton af the offenhe If tbey are ?vnIng aWt.cunsli Fers. permitted te gel thoîn papers. NOT LLOED TO' SELL TWO PER CENT IN TUE DRY TOWNS At Least This Is the Tip That Ha# Been Given Former Sa- locekeews in County. 1$ A VIOLATION 0F THE LAW.. LoW 14: Measure CluatY C@V*,Thî S Form of SMat Liquor. Up te the preient lime tormOr Oà- ioanlepmlui ai-saioan territot? la j'ltok e hntave feil entirily safe1 li ieIlbg - tvo percent" as tbey vire ai the imprssiocn that Ihere Wvad>ne tbt»g ta grev elae oftiisi- loei to be DnonintOxieaiUng liuasO. A, a etqnorrevelations ltat bAve hem maiet Ce m however.he soi- ionlepesm meolonger entertin $Wh feeingsp iO «M. ,Me klo ption iaw bas ben iiainted On toCathem. il dois Dot MY, thst heY à ae mieoniog as her do Bot gW mmlino-toxlcmtlng bevemr- e. It l eJmefiatly thâtthiby mut ual SemiMWnV"malt. vinons, ii.tief or lrituone ilquors aid the "tvo pr cuet eiily woold came vîth* lu ibis cmlegm7yfor n n wouvud aI- tern$ ho CIa"athal ý"tva per cent" le Sot a Malt liqoor Lîlev,»Isil caritane a certain Proportion Oi ai, cobol. T,. breerlie have been standing back of the. frmer saloonkeePeri as- suriuig hem 11mb they wnuid ses la Il Ibat tbey a"e proiecled lu the sale af *tva per cent." They have declar- ed go long ai they oeilinothing itracg- er tirett heY are enfe but the saoon si La Ht pe r. Tl m oc let th Fi a a ai IN i Weber4Iussey At Ivo O'cbacl un saturday miternuon pr.ti veddlng boul place ai the home J Mr. snd lin@. Wm. Weber aIstand il.e vhen thoin ouby dmugbâter, lm jargarel beemme th. bride ut Rach E. aes»ey. Tihe large porcb fmclng the. bah. a. d.coraed vilhromses ud areum id vai s ici.. 0f lteer.rnanY, bleth va. the double ring cer.mouiy eriormed b heb lie. Hutchison ai the d. E cburch ut Lake Villa. 00t7 the latives ver. pr.oenl, sevorai h.lng er. from Chicago, mien Mr. Wehen' mother, who came trom Boston tor tb. caion. Alter r.truments the happY Couple ft for a weddiDg trip ot Ivo wvile lu th. Ea&u, Iucludlng stop at Niagara Faile aid Boston. Boti are veîl lunov and popular yug peuple, the gruam bavinfi hen la tb. emploi of tht larbaugb Lumben Co., for Borne jean and tbey bave 1h. bout viehos outa boa' tf friende. Tbey yuli go tahoueeptti iu thelr Sue Dev bungfaiuv, wbhlbSA .eing made ready on Main etreet ai e0o1 àit l1e eompleted. Mies Belon hafuord teurned home lion Lay trou Morriîomville, fl., for tb summer vacation. Mis Sagordlei. temeber at lhe Morriuomviit. collage. Mir. and Ifre. talph Wbeaton o C'henton, Ibl., viellai tram Saturd&ý inil Mondai at tbe manie. Meure. Niesen oaIlowa, viite4 troil Saturday ntil Mondai vitb Mr-. an Mre M. P. Chrietimneon. L. B. Starîveather of Rolord, 111 calied on old friands this veil. Mire. JoiepbiuisMatheve bai returue, hme fromt Milwaukee, Wis ehIldr.n'à day viii hi ohierved But lay, June 14, sItbte u"ualmorn nervice. Everybody vclcme. Bey. A. A. Burd of PorUlad, Orfgot queul everal days vlth hie coln rilend. Roi. A. W. gfimford. Mies Minuite Chriatianeon relurne home frum Milwaukee Sanday. Mr@. E. A. Marlin and son Bichai @peut TueidayinluChicago. Jouie Deumai, hmving spent tva el vilb hie children aI Highiand Pari waukegan mmd Wibrnette, reburned i hie @on'@ home, C. E. Deuman, Mouidâ, Miie Vida Jamieun cboeed ber selle year aI Libirtjvillî Wedm.idy. Sec H. 1). Sou. LiberSyvîlie, &bol owniug a Wisconsin Farm. The elngiiig clie vWil give a flue COU- The RuseiU ichool picole va. paît. poued un accoant of the bad veather tram Frlday ountil Tuudây. The Youmu Peophe'. club met wlth Earl Pedley on Frldmy evenlng. A ine lime vs. roparted. Boin Wiual b a trna. e home.lnA. C. Con ispnig e Mre.eAviC. berroîba se tna reotw Nebr. Mr@. G. A. hiver la lrnproving. Granima lienvilla la on lthe klis.. J. A. Reines and son Arvîn are 1n Dakota.i The RussellI hudmiictaul viliibav, their Ciidren's Day exertece Sai Se. B. D. Bayd, Libertyville. about ovning a Wiésnlnanm. Iniepeadenî reacie.aiu poain, I.Cake villa Sieo H. 1). Boyd, Llhertyville. &bout owuing a Wloecoimsn Farm.9 Mmre.P. R. Avey entertelned severai1 motiieré wittb thir cllidren Sturdui afteeaoon st ber home in honor of Uttie luth'. tiret bthdâj. i lire. Fred.Remlia returned bomne Fr1 d*7 fro. tii. Wetelde boapial. W* hop* toausesber sabout &gWu ceon la lier nesa goal beat. Water Daniela ti home trom Evanston Aueam for the. sommer vacatIon. Uns. Hammer of Chicego, w»i tii omet of Mmre ame.Atw* uelmt week. Mr. ad mu lreHenry Cable avent fSua- imj &% Grmarlake villi Mr. Mid lire.(. B. Cmiii.. Mr. mandlire. W4. icha lef t Fridai ho spend tii.e ual(#r wm thef r paretq st summer, lt V.Blehey bau bei. principal of Our echuai tii.past jour, but on mount aoflire. RMiciieje bumti tbey bave iecided 10 locat. lI Coloradov. Mmre C. W. Talbott returuied thie week trua viyel; with relativee Mduid yeuide lui Pontime. Kmli. Noe sStuffînberg le spending orne time ith ber motier, 'Mm eunaes Baruiuimble. lireCVhs. Keller mede a businuss trip to 12gin lait eeli. Barry Wmliace lselck wltb an attacli of typbold foyer. Your Proposition! Large or u«a" Wiil Be Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Duraad RamI Letate, lasrmce, e. L5ityveo HL I ~*~: s i.m mu Do you order your printing for.- remuen of personal friendship? If no, 1.t'a b. friends. If however, you 'want the b@et Ptock and workmanahip yout money Wtf buy, plus highly srtiniactor7 eice", send your orders to the Iud*peiudeàt'a Job Department. R.gqardleeu oi pereonal congiderailone vs'li oatl* I zoe lacliitiei are the.beet. MOTION TO QUASI! THE INDICTMENT YS. BRO. ANU SISTER 9everal Of IhOun againît vbom lu. dictiments ver. relurncd 1.81 veel by the spiciai grand jury vere ar- ritgued Monday hilare Circuit Judge CieCii. Whtney. pahl l Nooe* a"nija. i vilà ver. oclirged *itb larceni 15heiag mIleg.- *1 thej etole cia$hing tram local stores. Peres liai uulty. bSntec vue not imposi tua moun. Da- vy" piemd nat gullty aid Attorney btM Docneron a. appalnteil te de- fend bita. Dam Porceli piuetaigouy ta petit lârcny aidva. ioulancei ta suxty days la the. OMttY Jali"d$1 B11. Aima Radesevie plemded guity te, iercoripmuid recelved a sentence ai one yemr la th. PenîtentiâniHi e cie g iiffnbmvligunmced a purse et Lake j!orei. lteny Bousayei pleaddet lgulity ho the charget frebuus'y maid Attorney Bocer n as âppotil te de fi.d hlm. John Wllicen bun h. ter, Jean ette Tempies, gilet vbo a aSeri- oua charte, blroug h Ciiet Arney maie a motion t « tah e h.ict- mont., The case againeltho men vlia yen cbarged vitnh&bvIng stoien oothins tram saveral local stores aid vho vere cauglit at North Chicago, vwu continued. mndge Whttney munerini that circuit court viii ho adjournei ta Séteimbel' mter nert Mauiday. 1-18T OF COUNTV CLIERIt JURY The jury tern ot ConntY court opine îon Juuie i6th and ail eue$ wict b ave n ual tem iioBed Oai h t ilime yl tien corne to trial, lb le 1 hoorbl thai mauy ot the liquar caees vîli havi hien dipoid Of hY ibat trne. i"oioving le the liet ai Juron VbLo have been iuhpoenaed lu appear bere Çfor thc June tenu aof CounlY court: A.X C. MeNeilb.Beuton. 3 . 1B. Simmous. Benton. D. A. Bergen, BonIou. E. Forman, Bouton. Thamais A. ilagani, Newport. à Earl Craviord, Newport. Chanleg Giffin, Anioch. Fred Bartil. Or., Antloch. Loreli if ualWarren. LWayne Harvey. Avon. 9 George L. Monk, Waukegan. à.Chrue Anderson, WaukeIga. 0William Lange. Wukmulgi. HI.. TordefrWeushoumn. . mer.0 l$affr, @l~Watucga., , J. A. Miler. gWhidi.' Robert Practor. UhurtYVhlle. George Follette. lbertyvile. George Lavrence. Lhhenlyville. WiII Sage, Libertyville. Fred Bulley, Libeityvllle. Henry Lavrence, L4hirtYvMe. Abert Hafer, Frimant. Frank Enigoe, Frimant. Antan Baujuan. Cuba. o Auguit PabIman, Vla. John Vetter, West Buerfield. J. C. Rtbineharb, Beerfiehi. j. B. Mifirystie, Deerfield. R J. Brady, Deerfilid. Mon e iàb" plm , pover lima mon lua o* pumas01 le a duférent mâature. Pucihdby LAKE COUNTY TITLI &TUIWtQ*.lý Absbeâcle aiTille. Tilles "oumrmsa. Mmsonic Temple Bldg. Waulreset. May 27, 1914.-J. E. itoicamiite A. P. Sheldon. 60 acres uorth aiut M 0 Jeiuing Village ot Ares. B. W. 120,000. E. T. Moore and wite ta F. M. Udat aley, 40 acre. lu N. E. 1-4 @«eaIC W - 'Nm a b v n W~ W . D . $ 1. mien, S mueree ièbetien lit, vWmi onsiip and 2 "s t au. Iw0 0f Section 18. Wialqa m vàhw- May 28, 1914-m JL Masser mi itfe ta Norltoru 3LNcieI MhsW Ca. 1 1-3 acres adiJeni C. M_. *W, Ry. aid EM, J. à&MR RY, i et A caga. W. D. $1900. maryBroyn. te red 0. Brevil. acres lu N. E. 1-4 Section U. NWI«ue townsipi, W. D. 11.00. A. P. BemUien aMd viéte 1. A., aid Mary J. Ryai. iots 38, 29 MadI muid lote 40 aid 41, biack 2 Ortie 10 Wm*an. W%. D. $1. May 29, 1914.-W. P. noeme am vite ta Neilie B. ile»a, . . 81ù#W lot 4, block f36, llilgm auiâ âs . Herman Hllali mand vit. e e P. Kasanmr, lot 6, Villa nies, la elle tion 21, E. 4»Uoc0hbtavnship. W. D. Mary J. Dutu-in ta 8. T. -Alliai, malt N. W. 1-4 section 16, Wet oai lA01 daa raad muid part lot 9., eecttaIII, Bouaton townsahip. Jacoh Biumnbierg muid vite Si J301011& Chur*m. ltcs, Ounirad'a subivw l-&* Tiompionsa addition te Iuo W. D. $2,000. lilinisE.XClnitbaid itaumai C 1. D. Sullivan muid vitt. Loti 884» 29> block 5, LenoX subdivleiom, 6 Chicago. - Jane 1. 1914.-E. W I PftM U vife ta P. H. Jurt, Pat lots Il Uns Original Lihertyville, W. D. #11& Joueph Makaveli undi vit tle tsiaus Dembonili, lot Sp b=""k Wasbborui fS~iaseubdivlli,' kegan, W. D. $1. Mater ln Chauicery ta H1. . son, lots 6 and 7, bicel 2., WrlgWS J. TI Jadge and vite ta W. ;-. ban aid' vlfe, lot 2. f icePt W 37 hloeAl 6, Original Wlukegma, $4500. R. W. Hawkins m&»4 vile 'W Piansiebl. lot 2. Havwins sion lu hlockl$3., tglmad 1%,4L Di. 14953. Uizie F. Lainîhere and iueIdbP4A am pics, go AcretulaS. W. ", lion 28, Wauoar4a tovash%" Wi Auna E. A. Baird ta S. T. lot 11, Sebool Trutlei M of section 16, Bcu4tpptpph W. 1. Rye%'.uiauteni lot 6.bock 1, Colmatage- addition ta ako ~P ton Walls aidvfi, -Wes*- 14, block 9. Wmehbu r SMiMu gai. W. D. 8800. June 2. 1914.-Mary 1. -9w mary PaEosenid-» 81300. Heu ~ Hetter ma'vte C n . t=enhlier, lot l Prairis Vi.v. W. D. PNP, A. M. Chrstenem al Vif l GalIvltser, lot 61, it division, village fA MmrE. 2..Patdmison. e I l I tison. iots 24 milà. bloil 1X& Chicago. ieed 81. Ratite of J. B. UtM1,. (la Wml. WUillatoami J.W 141 taocetu soctfftP 23 M&t. *township. diede,. abc.. ce ;H. B. Strichlmd nda 'W. D. lig0. ' 1.

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