FRIDAY. JUNE. i~ wqi& M O i ' uomy, if o're tim dont ffl - ý.1 ëýl , vmtto etamvo , e oeyourmu le TIis oris, over the vire and ..I..t PMN The CUTI for you.PROM admiOELIKQ SERVIEby phono or in PMU bi in Itua vith MouI flH OGRDE EÂII DII1~D~8( Pim nthé lAImAT mintwu. TEST lia wea on oro o ebv o forlada o l f h opeqype lieo oka o naal o Varmn Weatber Shfrts iest sort of covering le flane îao comlfortable tItis 'omfort le a great itemi if yon vint ta ba happy int one of aur light warm vweather shirts and sec éc at rakes. They are dreesy toa 50 yon cari sey accaion aund be sure that i il l fit ii,. them witlî collars or witijaut no you may wear a as yaur fancy directe. t new desiges, plain or striî,ed effects that are maing to tht partie-alarni.. We have also a full hirts in evury popteibi- pitterai that sell for aur Vcash prieai 35c B. Morse & Co. Everythlng for Men UBERTYVI.F LL . Plame 14 o 'ni "J ust before harvest m--the best time o' the year." Corne ini Iet's talk over what you are golng build this laul. IT PAYS TO TRÀDE AT LibertyvIeilIe Limber-Company Dovm by the OId bepot. Phone 47 Been Haro 20 Veuese E. A. BisHOP. Manager k,' "e r .t¼ ertyvi/le ftems- xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx To nsure >ublcation ln the Indepen. dent. coPY met be In the offie no l,,a,, tbm Tuoiday of t*&eh vook. Adver. IlUes. .ep.cll are asked to tait. pertluier notice ta Ibis effect. (Addlig" t ocal-Neye Pages 2o4.B)' ~.p. Scbaae wus asla Utian Grave, L. b.S 09 aiAntimb' 7&4vasmn&sact. les busim hm beraturday. Mies Ulabb Bm anr afWaucoada, le viellàr vitI ber edoter, unr. John lits Frab Nicbolas vlsuted the past ber, &W$ il wit re. 6. H.{Chard sud son mi Auson. , lit. W. 'B. leCWn ele confined ta b. bout, ubfrfgfrom&a evers attack . w ilons vwuln union Grave, Wln., 'lgsedayla Ils latoreete of the lMeredith Ploye & Veglabls Ca.. Tb@ TuIle bapter af tht Westminster Ganild i net yl Mins Eva Du Bois, Tnseday svengn Jujie 16. Mmr. ]EL Wehreaberg and daughter @eutSaisverai dae saiDlamond Lake yulh ber tuather, lire. Gerber. 1fr. and lire. John Dolienmeier and childrsn vlslted Mir». DoleaqWair'a par. ente at Prairie View thie veee. The Women's ']niid viliiMeet at tht reeldence of lire. E. E. Ellsworth on Thasdaî aiternoon, Juise 18. Supervusor R. B.Eger attended tht meetings of the Lakte County Board of Ilnpervisora lna Waukegan thie wvei. The EpWeopal choir vent ta the Eseecîrut farm nourthwent of Lîbertyvilie Thursday eveniiglQr a moonight pieu c I F. C. Smith, who maîte. hie home with big daugh ber as Edison Park, spent the latter part ai Iset veel sa'th relatives litre. bits o Besie Bond l. entertaining a8 her gnete this week thq 1f les Heeln Wagntr and Beesie Duoley of bloomlnig- ton, Il. Stephen Taylor and daegbter Miess Fannie let Thursday fur an extended l"ti M.Taylor'@ daughter, tirs. W. C. Trigge, tht localsos nman, le spending hi. vacation la Wiconsin on a fiobing trip. Mies Hazel Sm"i l nianaging the store du rng Mtr. Trigg' absence. Conractor H. P. Engiebtrry who dld the ailing of the streetebers a ev veeks &go, vas in Grayelake lait vesit vhere ne had the contraet ta ail tht streeta in that village. Warren Bayes ai Racine, and Bavardi Boyee et Kenosha, @peu everei days ai this veek et their home bers, comlng ta attend Ice funerai ai their unt, tire.1 HetnyTaylor.t Mim Margaret mnd John 1reea oi Deorlld. spent gtalrday wilh Fred L Praline. Margaret came toaattnd the counîy cacteut htld at thte chool loues lIai day. Mrt. nd lire. Sidney Stevens andi danabter o ai ett, LIL, wers the. guelteb 01 Mar. and lUn -.EIvat dayi comegber l ~l Mr. Mr@. Steveas t li asister aifMUs. Ellsvorth. The lacal garage aiea repart un exbremely big buiness ver datnrdmy andgunaday. They &tate tIaItlb. cmli for reWraire mm ar envas a evy lIaI eeveral extra banda lad tauh.egegeti to taire cars of the ru. Attotney Aedrsw Cook mnd Win. Lyona ai Waukegec, have each pur- cheeed a @lx-cviinder Suedebaker car, mnd Stanley Raton ai Libertyvhllt mmd Mise Whitnali ai Lake Bluff, bave each bonghî a faur-cylinder Stedebaker. Tht maethly meeting af the Rarnest Workens Senday ichool dais viii De helti Frldmy, lune 1L,eaIthie home aiftire. Hoich an Second street. Every member please be present. irs. Tnlpp vii lell us about ber recent viilta Califorala. tir. and tire. Loufs Kuhîmen . vha have been living at tht S. J. Deinîsia home for tht past ev mocthe, moved tut tht Blttmmn fRat Thutsday ai bIle veek. Mr. mmd tire. Frankt Wilson, moved ra. ual place ota h. houées veeated by Miss B unt and ber nelce, mises Grace Werd an Fret street. There la e conditian onaSprague treet, attention tu vhlch thia paperbuhabeen dlreCted, lIat perlape lo ta aa certain citent flot ths imut ar blasa vIo are resPOnaibis for ils condition, jet Iboft doing the hlcling snenita Ihial lsiatIl village shoulti nol aliow th ern m Bdao bImI etreet ta b. blacked vith vagons. The ettebt that Point la yeI7 VOrrey and forthIe inoet lime vagon@ me OUMbe vehîe. are allove tu t stand ont la tls lîrset mnd Il becomee difQei ali a fis. for anes.utaopasanaîber. Tboeewba abject bu tle cnovded condition af tle treel are analous that the Village pravîde some meane ta do avmy wyul the bloclede. RL D. BOY&. the Wiseonsln ImmIgra. tise AsM4 buOPODed an office la the RamubY blOed. on e or nortb ai J. S. Motse& CV. tore, vhgch v vnis by teb@sLlrrvU&s Deoraîlg Co. lest isauay " r. DoYd le coudno ejteal~~usIagCampalantr ils cl5 Independsat. The, id &y Commleioners, CWer aadhgps~01athe e9tlre coumtq viii bli bdflIrd meeting la LlbeflM- tbis MOOW 'bWv eil iib. la msno*É4 d&7.isa~v Mmsd township aUes, yUll ahieI- a Permanent connU TIi.p ?nçbisufmaLadies' Aidld l bWf i th*i eglrMaaîhly meteting fi hootaie ~ll la. Y. S W Woliww* *lsctsdPreeldonat li F. P. DM.dli ries prefident; man J"..l Kia mm" r là. Olendortwvers .. slected sea y and trenrer. -- lirs, Hery Taylor pemsesdmvy a be r» n mvivt of Llhettyvi1w gIna da? morula of Ibis ve and vas bau-lsd Tnseday moraing lu tht Warren celne- tery yuibte ILR. 1.A. ai lIaI Place ofilmiist tlbgrave. lMr*. TWyor v»ula sister 01 Edward and ClaIces gayes a91ltats plaee. obtuary la ou? neit leste. Abounthe snt velcorne vîttor dnrlng tht pas: West vhen thet hormometer Wau reglsteelmg 90 dtgres i.tht Liberty- ville Ica C's wagon. If thia veatber kteps np Mach longer there viii h. a ehoriage ofles.and tht thonght oft h nearly 41ille z» ometaknow that iîey ca't gsi "Oùi just off the ire," before tL. oupplis eatbaed. M rs. ER BS. Eor and M r. and tire A. A. Gmmdy vent tu Cedar Rapds, lova, m onamomlag tu attend tht national eonVuttian ai tht nder ai Myétic Worktra vhb v as bli therethia veek. 1ire. Eger and tMr. (irandy attended the conventlan sdelegawa i rom the wcompmny ber Iushaud for à pleasure trip. 3 llawcersoidogsdo cal pravide the 1 anices yul mmeulle pntty sban they may face tht proposition ai elther pas- lng a village ileses ta, ktep a dog or tht animas@ Iuay lu-n np" missing Rome fine day, as le village dadae are coceld- trng more drastlc raIes tIan have been laid down bseretofome They contend that other villages bave ordicances pro- vidicg ion dag ieonssei ra. oceto tire1 dollars and tht saine tmeurs shonîl ane adopted bers, Talk about tht "Jajo" lu tht countny. They have nothing an "Ibis"right' city chap. Cu.ning outoa 00e atheummer resort spxeials faut voMi a ieliov aon ane ai[tht cru wded coces e rmirked. "-Oh lo, this le a regui lav owam et tthebg buildings down thesîet," painting tovard ilwaekee avrenue. *'Listen theyv've got a negular eupper bell 100," he volucteered as bebeaMthelb croseicg mienr vhiie the train vas veltlag ta diecharge lame ai il@ pasasaergeat tht station. Boame one D laeumnt told his] that tht beli heoIsad va. a danger signai mI tht croselng and, Dot a supper bell. About the t 51 oint oee cltyr chape kno w ai mnd me sdumtsdup ta is tls vnekly pay.chtck anmmd ir bei. Ont ai tht employes af the 'Chicaga Teiephone Ca.., no dubt viti regret an Instance vhers la. gui; 100 gsy reentiy irbea Mirohal Limhesr ordered hlm tu tiMier vîth li@ matoreycls out la the etreetIlnstead ai dolag en on tls valk, for the Incident iw»a rsortsd at 1h. Opelmeeting aiflbW-vileige board fnesday nilht, whlcb body vill take tht nuatter up 'vith the Toiephone Company. Besides i.lving cthteniarebal power ta, irreet anyone reiusiag tu oh.y fils ardens li was also cuthotleed toa rrestail auta 8peedëre or for imilure ta have autamobiles pnoperly llghted, and ta rarn autoIst-, to keep the mutiler@ closed Whllt driving Ilîrongh iavn. as tht 1[let8 et ines bas becomne e nuisance. *Just a littie maore precaution" nîay Bave a bcdai vident, auimd h',ortb it to.00. Notice af RePeal of SldewaTh Rebate ' At tht nexi regelai =eting ai the viilmge board on Jeu yý69 1914, the ordinance givieg a reb«qfts btre ceaie psr,-square feet ancn w dv il i h. tepemled. Rebat. viiibealoved on vAlhe tîat tht coatreel fi 1ktbefore Iai lime mnd Ilied wvîtlb.vilgeclerk, tb. valkta bo compisteai befors Oct. 1, 1914. E. R3. Corleti. Clerk. Oh -Y, Oh mY. amietlb.ane vI carn ta rontact vîb a pair ai let vlth aneent smtil, vhat wonld ho ay? W. say get Barkers Autleptlc. p. B. Laveil Ca, 1 grtnd soai, sharpenamys, .claeare, skate., aed do roeatlag on furniture, efid add jobs. A. P. Baught, 8'lret street. c-3 7-tf Comin j. lieBd otuf aïbout It Sce oorth wh'dow for<ups. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 8Q. LE~YI. Yaoanube happy and oocteuted ogYs U 5 Pi«s, Tarfe, JailyltoUos ad overwo a it.. W . don't ue fits janmdc s am e os We are honeet. AMa ve ae an . ikeo . gulirly àii. .Why Dot thon, ride wyul Us? w.aealwu aàOam bkAry. LIBBERTYVILLE BÂKERY WEDNESIT AFTW1OON Wodueeday aiternoon a quiet home veddlng gook place vhen miue (racs Ward aud lit. Fred C. Bolkley verse Unied la inarriage et lte home 01 the br[cWdet, nam Huis Raun Fit ost. The bride basnlvsd bearovih her nt for the paut ove Ysear&, oMlng here ira. Wankegan. tibe la a popular young lady, and held a reeponsible position se ceebler la the Chicago office af the Sheldon tichool. The groom je îk weil kDQwû lau"X man, belng tht son of Mfr. and iLs. R. W.- Bulklev, a fatuliy thai le well known throughouf tht county. Alter the ceremocy a lunch was oerved and the happy couple lef t for a honoy. moon trip. Upon their reburn ta LibertyvIlle they wili go to housekeeplng on the Bulkiey homestemd north of town, the parent@ of 1Mr. Dulkley havlng deelded ta mave mbibt io village aud give up tht tarm to their son. Mfr. and' Mr@. Bulkley have thtehel wishes o1 a large number of Iriends. John Nollen of Pella, la,, father 01t President Nollert ofILAite Forest Uni Versity, dIed Sunday in Pel:a, aged 86. On APr1130, Mr. and Mis. Nolisa celebrated their 6th wedding anal. vereary and ail thelr cblidren were Present. WANTED Rug and Carpet Weavlng. J. A Graves, Libertyvlile. -87-tf DANCI1NG At Diamond Lake Pavili. £vrMSsturdayNOÉht oeacgJume Muisa4 h r etyviu eae Five-Pieca Ordasetea. .Ii' INSURANCE HmRETORNAD, LIFE PHONES 154-R AND 50 UBERTYVDLUIO To Temp*-t The Jaded Appetite It je bard to think of thinga to eat those, hot days but te follow ing rnay uuggest somethihg MarshalP& Kippereai Herriag, Plain or ile Toaeot ance, Large ovel &in, Beeclanat Psaamt Batet It'a differeat fra, lb allers tiediunmmd LàiMt, 5 - c Titel Club Sabd Dresale. Fias vlth ël i saIs iiju Fould's Mlacaroi Md m$peuh"ct Can be preparedeo#0 vyg5cm lOc Olives, PlainMndiStffeai u tQueeaeo a a iauilsuUf.5 Welcla Gi-ep Jaulc Lavs Gift« AuM Ef.lybadi Ilhes Il FÎesh Fruit4 and Vegetabios 1~c W. W. CAR1/ROLL& SONS COm*PAN]lv South Store 1 <IV PSTOR AND mis BRIDEDII ECEPI(>NWhen yon have àir. a. M. Alburt, pastor of ttws certain batik la SAFI Lrtyvllle PreshYterlan chureh, aud hie bride Who came bore tram Frsepart, if It will handie youi 011e, Where theY vers marrisd Wedaeew a@ to n>ake your ban &Wy ai st veek, vsre given a big ory and agreeable. receptlon ln the parlote aiftthe Pîeshî. teelma Ohurch Saîarda., eve.lgring It is OUIR policy to elgbt ga tsn o'clock. The reception vwutreiuo orca .Tmy Informai and evsryaas caaght "it be fou ut oa ood chmér and hsartiy veicoe, Ourmethodis, 80 far were extsnd.d . will allow, to oerve t] nidU~s A1~rLTbsy vere made i&W a bc, 'a" fmd o=-aIllsilst extent. Oce o ff ecaly lanatroàél .hsk ta 0* ineerWho<, c une u i We cordially Invit 101,30 "lie ahappy rnarrle i. oubmit your different fnftowdou eSee« our ires sortsed tuathe u.rlng irbereéad ont vstreated ta e u 'I,,wso escgala vs eld aearir Ivo bpdrd mor o tecong -kdlp cow',tv iensde Cam etu veicome the Pastd#« Mmd bie b",ide. âadaige tnedoea #oc, Soi boey mud mv %bat lb.he ,. 940M wgsa alsbsd mporialy camI ' the toupie caget their ovu boussbl igralture lnelalld. Menchers of lb. £buad ration, orglations gcm ils.c a ean llal d lalng. m oMn m sa w é have a 3 I &~ -veddlg prsant, and many allier GEl OUR PRICES 00KE ethy 0-a )f &Il d! it .1 of ' 'm&d &y by ide- dan- bere aidis- 1100. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONIEY, Phono 80 Â Aeistos !Iour I ~To b. Given Awatj IWednesdag, Jane 24tb, at 3 1, am @atiofied yourself that a' ýE you next want to know ir budineas lu such a way îking relation .atiafact- to first utuidy the varions tomers and then shape ras conulatetit bikn hose intoeests tà thé fi- teyou ocIon. ud' it banklng aedw,,' Next Ad ?~oBtaA MWAL v lm 20c JUNE. 1 2,1914.