MONEY TO LOAN -On Improved r-al -cae .8 BIPLET, VirtlNaional FOR SAILE-flôiia àsa loi Wigt*), AR I O R LNL-b block of the Eetric sud Boo Uredffte, "tbl 00autid î club lha forurarly known as the Croalihîta boumlage nember of wWsthy elWiel.mcm- Will »Il for cail or I»t8liO60t' PlS8. ber* of both mixe., wainlg early marri- Bargalu Il taken nt one@. 8. L Trlpp, âge.Dmcrlption triu. Uv.. Wviiiel, Are&.,111. C-84-tI #ox.26, Qmlsd, Cal. p-87-2 qut. of W. 0. MoLlet. LIbriruvIl. FOR AL-ifta' boteulnluRound L.90, uit ,Moro"d statues. J. F. 8»40"b. , ws 167, Round Lake, IIL e-SOS FOR AE.VwtpUlIBl ht va" gou.H.F am., An., IL a. p-SE- FOR SALE-Elgbt ho,.. Powir Rhnd- lni g t.ndmrd Mtore IPU s mOdé1 fuly squipped. lat ualouyfour mouilia. Price 0225. Con biessfu Mt My reuldauci Onl ook Av., J. W. Bart. P-37.2 FOR SALE-Good Crt nearly DeOW. Cmi un John C. Delulin, LIbertyville, F'ai, roiret. pS FOR SALE-ttegistered Hol.t.ol Ili No. W1408, weighs &bout 1400. l'ric. $100. Calispd iààe. A. B. Combe, Round Lake, 111. Phone 10-11L c-38-1 FUR SALE-1911 Single Ex. Good ruuuing order. Ceap. Wii demon- trate. $60. F. il. Suith, Libert3 vtIlle, 111. P. 0. Box 555. p-39.2 FOR BALE-Cloter hay strondin«. lu- quire of Geo. H. Cooper, Lake etreet. Telepboue 142-lR. c-38 tn FOR SALE-Uttîs (Four) floadaier. For demonotration aud partîculai Phone 267-9-2, Libertyvilli. -38ý-tf FOR SALE-ExoptionaiiY good cow,@ tiuernsey, ireeh May 30. 6itas 48 lb,.1 rit-b milk a day. J. R. Morris Eerett, Ili. P. to. Deerfii,'d. Ili. Telepboue, Lake F'oret 797Y4..c3- FOR SALE-Otnt'» driving bons, or wiIl trade for lady '& driver. luquirs at tbis office. p38t3 l FOR SALE-2 cole pup; fmime baled etraw. W. . Appey, Librtyvilis. toge- phous 212-J. C38Uf FOR SALE-dome good bargaini lu vil- lage lot. ta Area. Prim. froru $100 up. WiII Knigge, Ares. cskitf SEEX FIVE MILE DRY ZONEABOUT TIWANIN4i STATIONI, + +ATE WANYIEO-Ravi purebameri for frou% iI&o@Oa mr.faimo.. rt e t.tinge partienlars. No oputi. AUdrv. R.A., ladipindent OMMe. ..t WANT D AT ONCE-Girl or W=mo for hie.awork. Phoiei271.RL-2 or eel at Pi.@(irove faim. Hall Day, 111. WANTD-ltuergi.tred Cheter Whte Boar old enougli for ervice. Phonie 275-iM-I. Thos. W. Eager. Ars, 111. p37.2 WA4TEO.-Cîtomer,. 1 MOl I Ukndi of Fruit, 18bade sud Ornomental Tre«.. Ail the beet hardi varleiles of emal fruit. sud vine.. *oweriug sud loliage ebrube sud plants; evergreeum, strw- berry plants. Hardy fied grown rose. Hae ad yeart of experlence sud ulîl »sIl you hardy varety for thit climaw. 1 lite right bere and elîl useono riglit so I can deal with yon agalu. If 1 do Dlot rail write mue a letter. 1Iulîl appreciat Sour ordere sud make h t t your advanto«e to d"a with me. Guo. F. Robrt@, Libertyville, 111. c-37-tf TOBACCO SALESMEN WANTE- Est.$100 moutily. Expenns. Ezperi. epSo uuueeoary. Adrertieand lait order. from mnerclimt. for Smoking antd Cewlng tobacco. Cigarettes. Cigare. etc. Send s 2cetamp foi ful prieulars. Heutnet Tobaccu Co , New Yfork, N'Y. 0-8- 0 WANTE-ilarried man on u an 8-sert dairy farni. H. W. Buitit, tirayplake. Phorne 54-W-1. ttt WAUKEGAÀN MEN IN CLOSE ESCAPE IN AN AUTO MISIAI R~obert Fitts and Police Magis- trate Taylor Had a Close Esoape Froni Doath. CAR SPEEDING AT THE TIMI Onty the Fact That Curb Wat Rev. McGinnis of Waukegan High Is Thought ta Have Gets Lètter From Daniels Saved Two Men in Car. Saying He Hopes Legisia- Waukegan, Juna 4. ture WilI Create It. Tua rien bai sararr-uv ascsP4 *W'ga*egan. Jurae5. front deaila Wednesda> aer-noni That aither MOarement bas tart- about fine o'clocu uwhan the steertl Pi te ma» .Waukau tp iad teun- slIp d& r' egardions of thce desirea of gar ou theauattomaobile luuhiclitthe: the reauiefte'oftirhe dlisrict te heoaf- uer-a ridilug ecama discouuected c feteu, la evidepitfretm the appear- brolinan sd Oie car, going at a spe ance lu thre ILleULo Tribune thia thtleis atlmated at thîrty-flve mile mornig of! 511 twe Ton of utho tworst-tlree n su anhour. plungai irnin the curl. Tht mnt. etunred lu Ia&ec outy re. car- use cuned and dr-heu b>' "Bob certIyre Téat maiàounkoopord FItta. Palice Magfitrate WIter Ta] uaarest tire naval training col os o a u aigard ihbr the nortl sltore. It iievoioped lu île 1rumottkn iaut l testimouy tht troms placesextithe Oiemure.- largely on tIc patronage of boy i:- They uer-e drivlug outi on Shat prentleo 'Iidanroad aithOe point uhen tiers The Rey. George VeGnuls et Wau- hr un s h ahn er kagau ur-ote a btter settiug forth scapm.A h ahn er the corditIons osesr thlschool te Sec ibis turith- e steering gear refuse retar>'of île Navy Danel@.. le re- ta waork sud the car besama coma catred Oie followug repl>' frorn the agedile. Betcre the brakes could I secrstar-y TIntrda>', Jase 4ib applîie the machine iar-ted suiftl>'1 Resi SIr: 1 beg 1t0 aekuowledge the recelpt ofpour-a relatlug te 1.he es- oue asde outhîe road, strillug il tabl.huieut et a livo mile "dry zone" cnrh uhîch la vory high au tIi. poit arouni the great lskem tralingta- Tht. le bellevei te hava beenaalil h tlen. ,h natter ibat appoals te mved the mou tram er-oua mmiu me trough!, tirere holug ai île sta- tion several lundrod poug men periasidoath. for-boit tIecdur-I le naltlng tbir-fir-t start lu île uavy louer île car vould have cînimb uboin 1 regard as umuda of the us- upen t sud lu ail prolabilit>' u tion ssii froin uboin I vonzHdikete bave pîtcbeii île meu bu the P' ses eorruhtiittg lunnoentdrel>' re- no-vsd. Their habite are not yet tenu ment or tunesd turîhe. ai and doubos mas>'of tibm arc As Itwusm île 11gb durb prevenfi led te takireier firai drinlx b> île île uheel train cnmîlug upein it b temptation te do sa bing ai hand, the machine vont seraping along il I aui sateleii iat thoe etabismemnt ut a f-ve mile "dry moue' srouud tle dur-b for a dtansce of ai leami a hi training station veuld le a rosi IeIP dr-ad feai -betone Ih eould ho rpug towaïd keping the-e pous mon fr-o.ta a top. An luvoatîgtio shole or the lîquor habit andi t eeV% otht ta h rn htehd ht eau ta. I fiînderaf> bope tIat atta ron bsb lih legwsaturo ull i gv6 the natter the crurpled uniier île machlin, I conaiersiion t'midosorves. front axel wusa lest. lmosî doul T. R. Quayle of tic Lake Cousty ar-i tle îooiaud fonder vere ivl Lau and Order Mague aald an effort si aud crushei. luviewofethîe cpi uns madesie thei lat session efthie egiaatura to Dase bill prhtbtig et ulîcla the car uas golug ai t saloons ulti liva mlles of the naval dime of île crash bila men consti traliig station. terecp rm et sam "Aihotial iere wsne aufficentilte acap f-coeauss l numbor et votes peiged te paca theImlsubts bill." Mfr. Qulye sau. "ht neyer vas I lieldeittal> the police msglstr calbed up for a vote.",j la vonier-tng uhather hla e ingi - Not New Muve I owei b>'s anssî. etfn11fortune. Ilblie Botsuan nilrely uow movement vhlol la nov hoing furthered b>' Me- GisrandSii rgeii b>'Dénlels. The ludeDondenitends eail. NONE RECEiVEO FUR LUS TItAN 25 CENTS +..... t+.. +. .. FOR Y SALE + .........4.. . W. baves nunnber otflne hones for mie orent. Dyrond&Attn,Ub-' ville, o-ST-Il lat '.y- tri o» 110 BS CECS ielm aie ?t uu fTnT OIE0 I89tTO an tlo onft.s whotem- 1 IN P. MILLER, Atifoy DYMONM w~ Cotinued tfruruPage "D. M. Ersk îm*. 'n a-üth roh- R S WIL 60 IPer ai meeting of the irockholdore B om ln mitirl4k ErmkfuembrndFlCopay Offie triKaiermBock aerstuntîlatterhates reaaiad. 1s0itheor DRY day E vaie offeofmid Cornpoy lu th. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOI6. lawgy utIl aftr lie lait reahed Ch- 0 Monay anu hndaforlu btIe C as tY TRfSSUM14ER villagof___________nthe_______u cago. Mina Marie Shumer uof North or Mn Chiagole mplyer Intheoffce. litle houd b " f lp mrie asLake ansutata of Illinois, ou tbe C11 icago e empow .ed lu e lif osice.e" vensh u red oe man a>cks' Reorte That No Resori Keep êix teentr day of May, à. 1). 11)14,,at ELHANAN W. COLD "i ddn~ knw M. Eakin ha posibe,'venuiedonfli~~ Ciie~the bonr Of one oç, k p. m.. pursuent Atternay-at-Law le't hecit. u act ithugt al rinds6fîl m man , -'but If esWl aeTk hne to notice given as rFquired by, law, for Muuey to LoSu Ou Gond ApprovedReal aogtalewluinWaulegan untilithey lntgtlwtes h hn o ae fL o. teprof(feDieigtéqeto@.Estate. laloth1,bart jutstte ittrv thn nSae fLiLJr Ie upoe ondaîg li e oOffice in Trigg. Building. hame. IHeadtbant ge ay d n1t beuof courte ail the detalle vill bave to of abaudonlng tbe iorporaîa enterpriie, cot otan çjhl hv t oFINES FAR 100 LARGE. oreueigtecatr rbnhg B LIBERTY VILL E, ILLIN01b. raotvs Fiz much and lst e ieaiter "corporate Dame sud diepoiviug t le eaid. -. reltiesAm.muh ýlý>iedo 6 i, ud$M of Ottrira Declared That Ativities of coIrporation Waucouida Lumber antd LYDLL H, Mo=E D. M. grakine. brthér uf the Mies- '\'o aî, go lHenyC;tnn .îwo o ,. re Fuel Comupany, ai çihbmeeting ail CI ToE.4AW inll mnu.gîttthe entire atternoon -o ay WiN Affect trhe Elnt tecpia tc feadcroain Nnl fday soIng over the Wauiegan died the othor dar, Nid ftri'in Eri-thcailsokOfmdcrpain ietv4 lf1ni.& ma' ok n ecrsadb ilues htttanrd bii cmareta mc antd County Durin3j Year. waa repteiented sud votsd mn pereon ilu'" .ce Buirttine. mas. oua siireord sd iere- ad Mo w los bc suit' do abtout il. avur of the folouwiug resoiuîon, te RC. Pbone 152-4. OcIsn titodotine i ne t i gsl hato l 1told hlm hà? botter getl.t as bon as I 18 Quite gonerailY concerter]that tollowiug resolution iv as unauiuiougiy to cittnu.bislnvUgtlo. ih could, Fie îmade a damamîd for thee wholeaale bateli ut indictruenta re- Iadopted: .pMARIN r Dc. Mcie Cmh.d Chooka. N.o Fsnde it sud got It back lsot long ba2'cere ~tnud hy tie apeclal grand jury fWbria, Wsuconda Lumber sud Fuel One man, boad of a, local manunis- dîed" againat, fîoiNeaerisuad îîîudpîg Companiy lim.cesaasd todo or tranmeit Ofice Opp. IRis St. smwe allttaw Wrilg concerse, le-ssld to bav, cash- *Mot Ss. eHappened biepere la 41 -parts of the ceuuty Witt husite. of&ouy characler, u a o>lc hn 4 ..Poe1O ato for $20forndrthercheckwoB orn 'i b1en fi 1 ' u ijçgemted titt er-«hbave the efféit of pi'atcally toppfng amants of &Dy caracter uow ou liand NIT BCU.LIQ tda tor 00su iree o usainro-elisps Er8e al bdbecOma despondant the iuoasl sale of lîquor lu the entire blonging to it, ________________ huait. This mnu.he aked about sud had i.)ns amway w1il-.imseaf, a cotlmY thi stmulmer. KeePera <of r- Abid Wheoias.,ai]l.ofbt, corporate t te mtte toay Id:'Ildol't urefriand replied, -No, 1 don t tbunk tha-t sote ubo aluasebave feit reason- debt 0f.aiid Company have bat-n fully PAUL MAC GUFPIN 1to ischenatter iodsy aId: "IVnt-are -I think t at hos b~as Flpped aslY mifs Indimposing et lîquoir for pid sud the colrorte li&bilitlie therio ATT'ORNJEYAT LAW. : 6timlcu ateM 1 eltor boteo e -out lu face of thre finauclal situation thioy figured that Il they were detect.- eopletsly diochared, sud the corporate lbortyell. Iful the.InuatMandli fel t a t heuhol he found *hmlt,-fo:* Od tire worst ibat coutld bappen to amansud çroperiy hiritotmoroe g thingPol;."mt4igbencdont ery t im uouldhod ie s mlinfe are won- tu thi isme -baiuvebain distributed PaONU 88 »oM. If Wre lu ,be etuing. why liM The Waukffl, polce avideutly dorii' 50w ubotlter it ilîl puy them arnong thet. persona entilled ibsyctto, os 0fr« »tire alrlv l, owa eau ,have beau saked <p look for Eroklue to take a chance. It i. probable lIaI No- Tiridt#s, Bu itt.solv@dtlat tbe DI. 0. P., eUTD mIED. btatu Mr.I cas't bolievo itouer. for today tbey egstedthat trom wuat al th ie îe rta uill lie absolute'>' -id Wauconds Lumtur sud Fuel Coin- vwi'Mi.AiySue butuha M. Eikne lîlraarutathey rad been aWb -,,learn. he a sadry tl)ilesummor mnd Cbîcago excur- PanY, a rorporatlon, hb.asd theasme la 5AY î ill efY d ai«mater al rgbli erhy odlesclvert and the Pihet0 ^hI Are unaie al In."luthe fraue ofVdl'4tWhcro ielhat îglitMte ~Wh ce- te thela"ar«#i adCoprtonl ireby atorieed vrmAan Bus Ailss r. Surrllead rea do awsy wth hlimoîf. to apoud their summer- vacations uilU ______Corporationi%________atboi e te mIe ug u> ear mze Got $M 0Fron, Bank eliher have to faike their lqnld ce- au@ àcottipiete record of ail Of teBils rpae ta tîves t 1fr.Eraîn are aazad t lucame out today ta' Erskinea1'fresimnuta along ulth thern or willtproceediuss ljakeninluIbis respect verifled Teteamm)onepleiaaMn t re eaedr evon the minuit devalopirents that wrotea acheck 46n the Chicago batik hae towattountil tbey get bock homa. bY bienss'oru affidarit snd attelt. d by ' eV" te do leurr- e. have corne out. Fact la, lha bas beau whare hi ai supposeod to carry fundlS tate's Attorney Dady struck itheBeeayo adcroainudr J eG a e looked upori as a modal mian lu many'fr$6 sda.~eanbntcs-tiret blow agaWt tthe lîquor Interasta @sld aeeret&rye asiguature aud te A UCTIO N EER repetean te enra felngIsfr 26 ad ýqÙegn atk as-curporate at-si of said corporation, tte ERuEun.iAew.,llui repessdt'gnrlalg~~~frhum. The checik wa return. ibis year- uhen lie gave orders ta tha ale14làx vq. &kgm B" that aometbiug muet bave happaued ad Ttafr mkd ufud lty offIciaIs of Fox Lake to Issu- 1usd for record lu the office of the S..%o cbdwe ammklng yoor d"t tohemenu.tslity ta permit hlm to get dLatrmred«Ol nsec oly for tetr f.ya $ere. fIoâo ae(oaj ne hie ~~~Reports are that thera svraait lefat liclatrnof yrIlinuols it hing the couuty wlieri the luit, the apparaut unaxplain&blasit- four separate checks for $2150 ancl Ir-taad of for the aumuher mortbs o lloro ao bosoou t IlE ana10adt veyarlua uding tha bar~ikth îe manufacturer formad ther a ewould, 'as i taifr And ha if Furiber heeoired tnI aid adtottrs 8 tee10a. ,2 to 4 and 7 te 8 p. M boy ofabut 4 sd 0 sd tay arasd othara whoso namas art oui yat arregt If they violatad thea data a reletcas0noie0 iedei- Oce ove, Ray Frîtifure store.. , arvusyaalugmortrmtheir kuown. whlch la vary plain, ou thia point. tijofutid W aucunda Lumbar aud Fuel SPECLAL AITENTION4 TO TRE Ers fa usneshu[ Watch for Word Than the ýotIng di-y ot several suni- Company to ha publisbed for tire@ LISERTVILLE. ILLINOIS Businss Dul Latlyt alo homme knowu toiav thati mer resort places added stIl atiotîtar suceaiewisl LieCoty If la s kuowu tact that real etatelWuea ,- blow Nuw vi*h th(! art aI cf - reavarnahl-Lkecunt buinssInkegangn ndviratylâtiVes of the. mlsiug i -Indepandeni sud Wauiegau Weekly DR. 1. L. TAYLOR busibns lu Waulagauloud, Ici mnit> a tclrd everp mailt auitire pont- I Sal oonk epers ln dîfferent patte of $n"anwpprpitt upbih «ei basbeu ath ul utlaelutc., oie epcting lb get word tram i the caunty theIliquor lrterast bas usuupprrueau bthdOlr aFrat National SakBuilding - urn tepatfe vse hrebi rlu the village ut Libertyvilie, in the nrithbe a rt few aar tar fhilm but tira motlfng cameaietail bareatabdyb .County ut Lake sud Stats of lilinois Oll*i8 .:1 n o n ualbeu cea datstîrrina 110ow- . ytr fh-asr~ brfr A r.titiber of mon wh3 are chargad sud witbin three montite feom t is dat'e Bsldertae 'nu Broadway. opposite P&rk ia ver, %Ir. Er,iunf aaemed ta dolistemtryo bis asnete«r ebara, or aen more than ihe average laas deep at proue tinte as evar. with couducting lind nigs or witlt cause muid record aforeeaid, bearnug L'lcryrvoe. -alo, 1shara of ua Smc Got Money on Bonds. sellilug lllagally Iu Bther wayr hava ihereoo the certficats of ricording loanesît> men. Further- Src the mysterious disaaparauce daclared that the>' do uot lutend ta szecnted by the Recorder ot Deede of DR. GOLDING mor, I l knwn irt M. rsknp f obet J Eskiea rpor bcam itapa an>' chances ln the future, lu muid Lake Count>', to hie ier!In the office DENTIST rditi a faîrîr good tru n urauce - uti, carrent about the City' to tira affect repart hyhaercevc 'n"o teScetr ! tt.Houtes 8 112 tif p.. ness ts re Fiayth hcs iiat hlie as -laed $1,00î automne fnansd these tht-y mitl-couatil- Adopted by 3eaoriproenting ail ut Over Firet National Bank . t rtied Fniw da>' W thatIfeckm totîdsbeloîîging to taePfaatiehi Eiac- erati as license mGpe>btltthe fitg the capital stock .f sait! corporation. Office Phone 1-. i"e. Phono 157.J, .Friday Iant that Mlr. Ersilue startat i rIcal laboratory whichlieh was liold- fiuas that face thenit thiifitiea are And Notice itt Furtber Hereby Oireu Llbertyvilile Illnois gettIag moue>' froui bis frieuds i-l ng in rust. It uas mu that Thomas causlug the maiarity &r them, to ait tbat a complote record of ail the pro- Dvar liîadt advaned the moîîay to mpsud ftaie notice. Tt le probable ceediugs at maid meeting. mgued b>' the DRA.HCHI IL -ont havlug moue>' tntha batik ta back tiret neyer batora lunthe tory of PeadntoR.eCopoaAo,.iile H .iCHsuURCILL up liii cbeek.. Erokine sacurit>'. the county bas thare beau a tîmro y bis suoru aifidavit sud sitsted b, yenmceaoi'uu tr Askd udy hehe h atlatd ht Sîm mdeanefor t bst iwen I willI be no difficuIt to procure the Secritary of @&id Corporaionunder lRturs totO10A. M. 1ltut&S7to aP. la. that ln ail a thousaud dollars uara3Mr. Dw>'er to-ta>'.butS learned that a drink lu msny of the lake regIoua the seai of eiaid wretary sud the sctal attention te £Ye. Bar, Roseand Imua obtainad ln ibis manner b>' the mis,- ha sgjr> Rockfondan sd prohably ' ulai t elll haafter thiI..corponstf seul of muid corpontkýn, h Lbas RPEL FTE Ing man, a local man *ho laofIn po- lhathera s-varat days. MR ilfe hua beeu duî reorder! mD th ecrde'@Libertyvîlle. - - - -Illiois sitian to kuow said:: 'T'i of tha ha- anar, tlid ail site mou about the ofc fLk ony lioe @rqîo u if fwsaconoidarably more thaoi transaction. H T T O INofic fla keonyiioiaiqtudDL EL H.SMITH Iît WHinthetoal" tryhubabydd Isu.eMr that i a tt M»e, > îubsidl disueNr.aIs Datedth!@iiloi day of June, A. 1). 1914. IIEUTIS?. hueFdytatfr. Ereine evi- Ertkiaa the $1.000 as a bcan for t30 CAS5E,0F Ar SYLVESTER L. TRIPP, Proldeut, 3YE5 RLAà" GOOUY ANlàoAlq" 3"& -dently concalvad the plan of "touch- days, taking the bonds esu securiry,'A WM. A. SCHINEIDER, S«cretaýy, ouli--ite *c &1.2 . »adI Io p.6 Ing hie friands" sud front what cae s eeaid. "That wsa about a moutb kD UT1Dl NIM IofÇaucond&Lumberand FuslCompany. DAILY. ont today, hae worked a systamatic or six weeka ago. But le caine 10 uiy PARENTi DIFflUVY1 i of(Corporate Seai.) 0-June 5.12-19 UhRMtYVlI UL.llr.l plan t80 get fuinds. husband last veekansd back: ev-1 In sscI case hae waut to a publi c- ar>' cent of tire mouey wlth Inierest This Is th e Season of the Year Store of Illinois, Couuty of Lake, su: P B I U TO ERN Espirited citizen sud urfoldad aoie aud the bonda were re'tua'ed to him. a Cort0 Llt Cuty O. t.'otatento ad oaim$!e plan ulierab> s cartain prOPeri>' Ha tld my husbaud lac ueuded the When Drowning Is Liable ta tberTarin, A. 1). 1914. suction salléé sud bet reiltla ne Scould lia secured for a low figureansd monay ta put avar a big deal. l'ni Happen at Any Time. James Jennert vs Ida Jonson. Inu lauînd. of ihrnie, wagon*sitm ha carefnlly axplalned how good an aura that if NUr Eraldue diii anythIng Chancer>'. No. 6781. bameau. forsule orexebaugerit ail tucai Invesirnut i would ha. out of the way bie ccriaialy uasa out LIVES CAN BE SAVED. The reriaisite afftdavit hsvlug beau HENRY MRN Iu thim s>' h Is tadmîttad lha mant- of hie mmmd, as is brotîer cuggesta. fled luntaeoffice of th irelrk utf"Iad pFL.«14@ or 48 INCTl ageti to mInue se>'aral ta produce "lui afraid titat If tiIs le Uts case ThiIs le the legiuning of the seaSsit Court, notice fi tIer-efore Iereby glv- cash or checkns for- sumos hicli wera bis mysiarlaus disappearasco uillI ha when the danger ut deatb by drowu- au îo uthesmiIa jenges, dofendaitt )e to e la scii tn aylng down on. oü- claared up, tha saineas »iveral ôiber- lug 1lB more imminent than ai su>' oth- as aforeaald tIat Oie abovi uasnerd J. L REDDINQ5 f.Vs IL in tluna of tîarcbsse. i une r".4- la mysteries bave beau siiîveii lare. I er season Of the yrsr. For the- rea- Complainattlaretofore Biled lifs Bil VMfRINARO SUWOON- tg got $100 lu cas* ~iaGesea mer- mean urougli the meium0f theIaitke, bou ot a e r einmae o wl t.teee-y c Co idthsai out, a o ttia Grdutl. Chiemol. 779= ?y chant; lu anot , gotachoe ý for- for i amn atraid that ublie out of ise aaol aeruekuldao îneymd hrosi ta AeS5Phone51131&. l7Su r $250 fron a miutnfacturear-. mid lha may bave don. sua>' w h t ta do In omsn an accident oftubla curnuona tIereupon lsmd uiiot ut Ae.laidUE-. - And t'ssal th aum ragedirou tnd occuri. Cour-t agaluet Oie abovo nammd defes- sd $A00 t850muithaoal cfosn- hîmealf. Ha certslnly uould do nouh- Man>'drues it- le lmposilk. to, et dant, retnrnable Out IIbm rt day or DR. VICTOR C.H E E .es $100bin'$250,r s tentdotl l log ont of the nay uhîle lu hie right a physIcian -'3 thUae cene lImteilatel>'file ter-u of île Circuit Court of XAkO OST«OPATI4IC t" e aid ierad ouaoldlarets.or>' iid." sud theme deiays o'ien have caused Count>', to lie hbld et th. Court hua. MafimsX S., uiuk@Sau.Ii Ly lu oach case, that la. a dîffereri kind M-.D>a useetyielrd th e tadeath of A victim uho oth-irwlsa lu waukegsu lu mi l aie COustY, OMMe Hours thef an l w o usa nta atIn'sc lat bar hs &Has is Lîk ie mlght bave beeu savEi. Tha mlet ou the tIret Monda>' of Otober A. D. 9s .12 ()L;1-4 P IL. : i P.-w36. the maon wmoney s ippr ceii terp regtlofsihiernds ae i uaesheportent thlug lu xevlvlng a par-mon 1914. asels by lau requlred. and uhicI *nimanby A5elatu.« 0.1 ri-tio moey as pprachd a t sof ndarataudthe lorfca losUta ho apparentl>' bus drowod lelatuimt lais tili pouding. Telepircea L lu banklug hounresad t aa hou fItuas t neaadteqertt ntekeep cool and above ail nat to glva LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, _________________ mii noceemary tb get thelr- checkrs or cash came. Up until tIare la uo chance c' revîr- 01er-k.- ed ai once. Mr. Erskloi îl t'. mid fi) The suprirlteudeut of a large local lng a eqark uftitf e. Waukegan. Ill., May' 20th. A. D. 1914. T ligbahn~ A Iâ t-have sgreii toaspot the option coat lndnstry ioda>' axpremfed great sur- lirehsrI!etflurutcs AblI. iICmaiat5- ie anii advancedi Oie suggetion that île prime ut the 1davelopuiesta lunte case.uthou toa p rcet st ofvie a run lîdîtorbel . SitFreridtsgo li . r acm$i , mlAnudK te man he wua dlccoriug ulthi give hlnalie bad knowu Mr. Brmins, quite lu- ed pereon ublte wuerlug for a physi- Wkly May' 22 29 June 5 12 Spsuî<h Languffl 0010. i. lis check for hait tho ainount, lae tliaely and declar-es htira l dMr. can. Paste h lIn your- lai for vnWiy oi at amcin e eiOd au oBa t. (Erakise) In roturu explaflus that Esimea aked him for spone>' hi do not knou lau cocu pou rnay uLeod wluetkafî-W or Centralie. ra ho would Issue baclia e cklcoveriug uould have gi'.eu Ih tehlm lu a min- t: ADUDIATINeNTIC. AÈOSL, LYOI y, his char, on lte Chles.go ConInental utc. 1i Loosen clothlng. 2 Place patient Publie Notice la bersirv lvis taltirbe uh- sn and Commercial Bnd ingtat ho Trc tact Ibsu R. J. m150 repre- face dovuwi ruîl îad u bsîuhdors erther Executtr ofte Imm WWlanmoiTistaient Basi, adlugoftAuhlisIt Pretu ells dmd. wuattend >e bai lis moue>' thene anti not Iu a sented Borna of the biggest fir-e >.. loir. 3 Witb finger dieaïIntth of f or- th«eCounty Court ot Lakte CousIT, as a ien ANS0UMIR.9 i Wsnkegan banik, tharetore le conhd aur-suce compaulas In thé coutry sud igu substances. 4. Prosse roly on tirer-et lo haSoldes ai tirs Court Rou" a e .AN là, ve- nef cashi big personai checkIn luWan- that the presumpticu lat tif ho baek atndlasdes of client to expal vater-. Waukiegsu. lit aid CouSt, ou th ir 5sMondai Dr. N. , , h IL..r ut Aucltim nt. 1914. ultes Sud aheresail SWÀ M##11u kegan. Ih uathesus checks ou thc pesaci wortblesa dhees osbils par- 5 Dr-su tangue veilIout of mont i fd pem iavIns di= against mald 1.155e ae mnM.Uý" -ý aid Chilcago baMs ethe' uere returned moral frIands bis ac5 teCn th thîe kaep lu ao b>' tylug string orer- t ansd nutled and nqusaed ta nresent tire smntnumilie et mmec. L.augo<m 9àd 5IL ut msrkoii: 4No formoas"' Ad, the checks Irteurauce cumpaules Utrbl at voir- under- louer Jau. 6 'l'ir-npatient onmId Coutforodltdiation. tti Wpiy le whlîcliehosocurei tram the Waukegan 1 gave ruse te ithereport, tisbihack hti lhtly rolleilcoat; under QdRNEWEI>EIo xMdior iice. waukeirau. Il.. May 25-.1914 un- men, ho camîsi sud %:) far as csn bha after-uoou that agents ef the lueur- ibonliers. 7 KuesI at r.atlat'o heurt, c-Wat,2as mue 5- ght loarueii neyer touit auy ut the options suce compsui >i hai corne <o WIIu- grasp aruis 1010w elbowesud iraw BEN iH. MILLER, Attoreye 'ed le sald le expeedsite s'ai. iegan ta assist lu looklnlato bi. af- them aboya patieut's heaiRnscltng ADJUDICATION NOTICE. an-ihi u as the returunto thase check&m taira to sea wmmtbr preintuus tîat foroarui tondit grunud. 8 PuaI the Public Notice Il ee-th, tven tuai tie ut- tle mrrnChicago that c ]le(. attention ta 1bai beau collctai locayhl ad beau arme for-and,cros bent over the swrtaeessecutrces o the laituuî nd Testament eý