CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jun 1914, p. 4

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W%~lu4nA.3 ,iMnIIç&WJIL WaaLegan ýWtiuy Su *fA" TeepbOne Number 1, Lgbulyville lExchafge. eaWI aS %bu Pootomasat Ub.wrtyvtIIe. a. offid CIm .Midili atter Officiai Piper lor Lmke C<»iity. suseSpnw amI miU$1.60 PER VRM fiçnýo IN poADlhl& ............c.......... ......a.............. ........ .. . ........ 4y om Wb"t meh ooou t** o flo ywolntPM" ibsir mom.y laI 11. _________ abi 11$ th tlb. Bqwmm*ou i as lit trsp c; beet l xItb b ue6 a W adry to tory Ji in.Wei asy cia 000, sureIIg o obf a ato lie t«vin vr r rpeop Ito se om t of, à ii Oiors'tosesha Miia iq of atba a q"=o*dtb&trathGe satof Mendai 1*9 #ab ÈUsa? «&ULU, MM iiboresvus ba vtd dr ta Lbo ouay, h.lajrlt b a a rlgi it xet ticm Camrne utblnq p causu id rspouile poor nà neldbg bytmio r otheniue o tne plachne !mac dnry a fo b daju no stated ou he o thefb rs t iaI- fat the pe àe ttlo.Thd, éggoô deodr ie soci . alou-g biaymacaigaiCtarouéroogT'.da_ i bu ir.akot lthe. Lao outy ha..try *tri ect, nt h. straltlnos tipng tas m -I ebod iiad cro balteuaplckaead plortout$ omealune of sornea1 orhieoarors 0f a mwie Woue ld aiuthé viud1- a fewdé b 1sd moa= ,on e r, o ru'. ade Ilne wr S0 beofa'ouarnt road irnool sBayfo 1t s fiih ofi mmto nood h.Ustm i. tars oloaded ami tii asioe bSt vitver *1àtheake tutontryoaditrî ndbthe. béMlgis .utrtiiITepjti gn oplace liipMn. w sTi4 iwnld laheal"ruuashoil ohebo. W. arefulae 1 'or *f lia tersofa, mils. abotevom idia lu or clf otie. caet iii wid =osereIlylaorden. bmalie otieaye to 1b oePangth oad lhtiioso ore lcia dsorTh hInttr UM$dthde lumte traloacyl lo ad folda of a -Yr 1Oe. iane seo bins omna:d frotthle Motoepaced Itmit f orth lt-tii g t ace t of mmd l.gntly Th wourldi uuollums to ftmIti. cor mde o -behlv'i. &. *9tbroé tii, dreaabu dr oanleer mlotIl. ýBU1b9 0 o oflâyen au$o1.1't Ieda al abo- ima he m thweB i éent. a ua mamiù estIma thegne ad e8cteinticy I e i nsad fui oeslofe. "t oufll# t-t htew of muI g nt4âiua is -You Can't Bekst Place- FOR TIE le u lai Town For BFARMu ,I4rware LOW Pdkes Mr. Irun l USTCE te OUESELP, pimu f»buy lm rtools, MSs,,fasî U~ nimesta, hosheli l uteuis, tfrm. etc, here. Toul e M 'Y a Et e CHAPET PMR Our stom e faa KONE m1vs& w.ea" b PAUUELPOST,. Modq mulgbl au-a Who@@snm*n could mat la isaruedi jbcame o rlght- oued at whas ho thoeugt va. a buriar thst ho jumppsd out;of iehIe ld t the 8prilix ,hboei ear ths aId ïdepot, and vithaut etopplug ta drees ho leapsd Imom asu Pper story vlmdaw ta the rgroued. a distance of about iftesu ls,ý and ras Sbrough lb. sireste cad oaly W bis umurwoor, boldlmg 1la bis heud a poekesboe Wbich oftslmsd 016. àT1%6 î". wvoie l M tu have bées ouuDh.3e4*0ou 0f1 MMbu tare B ooth of, b«pd'te 'lodgag in the bolil le tb. eveulm. #ffondima ta bie l'tory h. Vs &.vah.ssd labout 1:30 0'". ~ ~lt&.x'4W4 -0 Wu bIsdoor = y4 w liyaeof ,M4smmdiax that oit lurtbsvholtati uwls'ma vent lu 9»a *fàaâov Ma - liiped thronqh a »W marn, anmd 'e', WMdàd on ah. groufld mburt, = b. i. Bray ab lova vers bo &»W os mth. Lwtrytab sG~ gste la bis thoni marabals romus, vhich la di. As lBe mmm rrv.d tdm.marshsl 804 hlm etors. and mccompamled hlm ta lh. boeo ta net hie Cloho.. At the batelas stimblasofi peeple tria. had be.m avmkened by th* cmaie. af both mosn, ths on. jumping out of the vindo* and the oather fellow v ho lied demanded admitance 1ututthe roui, ver, îuyinq t3 liud the.cames otthe dlsturbance whsmn thoe niabidalppemred viti bis. men. 'Ib« marshal tuid him ta go upâtaire *md put an i. cltie. or go ta bed, but a. the bedregpdour vas bolted lrom the insud, thee mar@haI vomI cros. the etrftt tu the lumber yard and got a "radrmu chat tihe.low euuld get baek ta bit roaua, wlaré- Doequickly dmeued and left vith the marehal ta lakea rouis a; ahe Necatle, ae olava. dstsrmimsd mot ta remalu for tho reet of the mlgbt. The folvi h a cued the dlaturbance by euterlug the botel and demmuding admittauce ta tiie roam cmuid ot ho found, but it iSea5d be la kuavu. (Contributed) Urs. M. B. CJarroll passed away\ at ber home at Reudout. Sumday. May 81. Ou &uguot last sbe adervata se.rious operation et the jaueèIlcAlister asptal amd from that tim, om bad heen dalmg aicely. Evertbimg possible wms doms for ber, but lu spite ai hi belr condition began to grow votman md on Sumday at 2 o'elaci *holamd avay. MIr@. Carroll va. barn in Wuegau, May 5, 181. lier maiden Peame a Kathrmn ileehan, @h. lalug a daugbter of the. lats Patriet liseban., he. md mod ber home lm Roodaunt for inanyy ears aud bad made'many vaM ruresda Who are semssed by,.ber death. Bumidesber biahad she bates one &tauer, tiI.. Limai, Mehan; four daugh- tors, Florence, Mm. Henry Bffert, Mary &"dOrme. and o on s enry. . leumermi va. held a% St. joseph ciiurtch vhsre soieimu biléb mass va. beld vitb bur"ainlitB. Mary' wankegan. Androw St rang, WeiI Known in Cty Énd Coutb*i Vltim of Andre StrMsgà aWeil Imiov and respecled reelde.t f Waukegi nud -0of ethle beel inova remldetof IAie conuty passed away at hls home .807 Grand avemue it 1,30 oclooi thii Moral"g. Deati Wua due te0àacs vers attack of lyphoid fever. He va. 69 yemra of age. The de6eased vas horm lu Lake Couaty and resided lur tMis section un- tii hlm detii. Hi@ poulat mauru earned hlm frlaudo hhroughout týie leugthiand breadth of tie ddunty. THe vas bora and rlieed on a fara 2 miles eaft of bMburu, viere h. reslded for aimoal flfty-five yesra b6fore Coinig tu tio ity.clu, make bis home.' Ho ha. been a reident of Waucoegam for about flre ymar. .1 Aftiiougii alvmys la 1the beut cf health. and suffering fev. days of f il. nms.tbroughout bis lIte, ho fell an e"ay vitiu cf lheravages of typiioid aud trout the attui ort he dleme tu tii. termutios cf Ilby dati hbis decline v'os rauId. H. le eurvlved by Mis vS., and Ivo ebldreu, Mss. WIUlim Nors ia MdMoil airan«. 'b o0f Wsukmpmsa e has umerous 'relative. tlrouuboul the Couty. NeWe s>melor e ti thse ordera aofDem flrtandG *1.Wood- mien. S rumerai W -MMhiUru ohurch, burlal la Miliuri cme ry. > 67 Grand avenue laçt Mouday ~~V iTPIANO Tffl t - . ~Leave ardeo" atlay' 'rmlftrestome Worn don@ by Mr. AIdes. c.87-tf CL EAN .W0RK I~una J Idepeudent: More th ibli 'n.PUL OUT outy veekles Sbad James Rois 0f Lakce Zuefch- WsCaUght «Friday mNt by 'Àut.d Posse et len. frutiere Satufit ilýQ tfor*Out for a RIde Jamm 1 Wu,. Who ;or the talâtes h»a befts orwâlu anmd mW Laie z5rol, weg &n'ut"dlate Pdsem4p 0t given & igaing Saturday sud en'Uat. urday omis, -as brought te W*Ubu- t» m»dI ouled Up in1the coiutr jsfl whme wQItsviib.kept poudng h@,eact,. ton of ue October grand jury.. 14â vas oàoiaff by a posa. 0frnMea vhé "«0dIOA4bislu automob0oea 0d theft took place late Prlda)' evmng. A tanner had drives litoladk. Zurich and b.d placed bis bornea" mdbsgy in aashed linthe. rear ai~~~ h et il 9t0 ge.l it a littie vile Inter be dlscover- e4 Il va. umissing. Thie alarm vwas spreai and gooa n passe led by the, murba of the village wne on, the CIai cf th.e man who had taienthe. ib. hrse vas awned 1by Bruat B&*mae, v i 1e. near Laie Zioell. lit via»M kmowp lu vbich direction the. Sellav iiad gone po autoîpbi loade u fe men were sent out ou the. differeqi roads thnt could bave Ibsen tsien. Doms was avetnien as iie va drlvilg mong use Queuilu'. Corsera. He acted. very mucb aurprised viien the automobile came ta a pause be- aIde the. buggy and the men lu the, manchine peered eharply Ittubis face. "Wiiy. ltraJizu Ross," one. f tiiem declared. Rosa atoutly malntained bis luno- cence,--declaring that he oimpli( ad talion the, herse anu it ror a 11W.l drive." The owner however refuse toanccept tliis explanatian, and lnaist- ed that hc be hound over te the grand Jury. Before golng tu Lake Zurich about a year ago Ross had served a tour- year elstment In the navy. He ia a young fellow about 24 yers aid and ha. made mmny frienda In and near Lake Zurich. TURN FRIUÂT fnIiT Motorcyclist Brow ndm Wom- an CompanioIT Esoape irt a Remarkable Damer. PLOW DOWN A. FEECE PUST. The Holderldge tur, uortiivept et Waukegan on tiie rond tram You*, bouse znay b. termed «Grae" Turn" If accidents continue to there. To date moiiady ha. been agravoyard viétitus.e f turu. but. if hflg i i' lhable ta o etWiWa. The ltest accident tiiere oeccre i"rday niglit vues a motorcyele nameti Brown, wvia IlafmZiou 1É ridiug vlth .au OU" W n outIl rear seat, dld motneme=rt:i. and, dahlhg* off over the. bamtb machine veut e?.. Ivo ditche..tha through Boule laDgrass and I"Sl Plowed thraugoh a fence, inocilg down aast me leasing up thie te1 tor 30 ftot.. The ras t!ght on, the machine iia4 mot been worlmg vell md. iie.h Brown bit thetatut. -ho targtIt wa.* there-andtheii accident followed. The atrange part ot il; vap that th&. machine "atayelon amite legs" ail the dîne uf they came te, the stop. Hf it careeued as lvent daublug over the dftehee the. ridera surely îo4i have been badly hurt. As it vas, b girl escaped unhurt wvile Brov*> merely scrateiied biMla lsightl. 1 t th accident, the hose on the, gtu tank vas broies off sud Brown ha* te ride borneslairty. aImn" hýS youm#- friend at ber home. after vich, bs drove ta ZMon Cite cg Ma return home. And, ta maie ttl ifins clmax t the. eveuing 1e a arrest.d thier riding vîiltbpda uhit. Brown fa1 it~ daY and svS uia lb eu evestf smougb for hum. s e b.tuakit the s obigse bomne »d hs baga ratitar car*, fui about rlding itliately MarMlmg worsb$p- 10:45 0. M. ChlId' rs'e Day. Lii utrlok PasseM.A w-y a Lakce Irezê *aitatm, AWo 70 Years vrg vb" t b. "orbe a a d h e bilMeW 3lbr Caem elrea b.ladb.n l oe 's. vr .u. ltie iqOI 9M>. Dmmdc iesa broter e« Mr&. [SOONER R ATEýR YOU WILLÎ WtIV NOT N You'il cet, th.t. onrwltb oDe'ofthoue: oh. ~iIueYVILLE UNRG WILLIAM A. ROSING Candidate l'or CUNTY TREASURE 8îblec; 13the Dieluion Uelipbca Primarim. SEP'TEi>I~. 94. YOUR SUPPORT RESPECITUILY MUCITED HIlS PLATFORM IFl ebofeu tu ropreseut thse Itepublicam Party fer tb4eslIic. so Couuty Trea.- urer, and Il elected, 1 yleccept asre muneration fer mny w hole time and the beet budealmemd adouimtrative abilty 1 pass, Ibmlqry ailowed t'y the Coun. Vy board of upervl.or efull pay. 1 vill turu lu ta the. Coanty Trea.urer, asmoarn. laga ofith* OSee, every penny rmieved tram Imiereet ou public mon*yý, imber- ftame 15 le«. or amy otbier saure. I belle.e, the ry aliuwed by the Board le ample eompenéatlon and amu vllling ta gîte the von my etatteutios vithout tboughl ai perqulelte. 1 solîcil the fsupport of every wla voler lu lie 50.517 vho vaut. boseet and efficient admin stratbon of the public buela.. WILLIAM A. RfflMOQ. Wbite ouu*ak, aod Arctk Ice &eam Challeuie Charcoal Med .092-gr. 9aranteed Gerden Uose, toc i@t Revonoc and New Perfection Blue flaune Oit Stoves $7.0097.5049.5041Z .-9,nuine. Philadelphia Lawn Mowers 09i. cu$ 6.50 18 Wo.clt. 17.Ô0 fuIS Lune of lammocks H. Bu EGER The Boyd Photo Studio UDERTYVILe, iLLnO 111011CL.ASS Portraits aid VIEWS, at popular prices... Op- aLEWy Dar 1 Sumda "F mesma Dear Sir:- The. fact thaI you took ouIt policy In thie company, proves (») thal you wanted insurance, (2) that yon were ahi. ho pay for it, (3) tbat you were satfrfied with what we had to offer. The fact that you bave no insivrance witji us indi- cales (1) that you do not want life insurance, (2) that you are not able to pay for it, (3) that you are not sati@fied with what we -ha ve to offer. 'Winl you not kinudly tell us the trouble is if you are not a Policyholder? Answer- teIf you w*ill pleame returu thus with your auswer in teaboÔve space, you will flot only be accommodating uî§, but it la possible we can suggest a method by which you may obtain Insurance, if il siiould b. that you deoire to do so. Yuu may be sure that if we can accommodate you In aLny way, w.. saal. KIndly bear in mind that. *tbis Company- le over forty-six years old, strong, 'slid and safe, a Western <Com- pany whose business ls coniducted on the Non-Participating Plan entlrely, no estlmiated dividends, everything guaran- teed, by reamon of whlcb rates are froiu i5 per cent to 20 per enut leus han Partlcipating rates& Be sure to favor us by yoar reply by next .xail aud greatly oblige. Yours truly, v DistricLMm~iager' a.- m -$200 gidard - 175 s a -90 -JOhN MOD&-

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