lA1i rotrNTY 4bTNiYjErp1, rnrn).%Y, .1 UNE 26, 1914. I THE GLOBE.S M ýL WAUKEF9A'S FO&EMOST STORLE 0 TUE.GLOBE The hgi vn for Which EveryoneHfas -BeenWai<àyiwu Wîth SesoabeMerchandise atOf R-ock-1 SA LE DEGINS June 25 SALE BJEGINV% HE .reatest disposaI of seasoîîale needs siec UST one tiînith ini ad-i Our business career of seviitr ee>'ars. A tbis ixatchetl sale wili 7tremendous stroke inteîîded tu w.hip our ix heii the gr sits place( for al dresmaterials and domiues, ihisr h1(1 good 4, -- etc À tIlritio its as to îri b e The mportenBies Are lléundless Are Store-wide in Scope The reduetions represt-rt the uîust radical titis stoi-(ý makes ini its business year-and, thi'r store s udii 4t- ions are alway<s rnatchless; areC ivv er eu,îlled hi its followers. PlCk irom any of'These' 311k1 Dresse *s ($15 an d $16.50 Grades), Svores (f thesv nîu<h s << pu.i 1irs buit a îuruîtlîago. Thle «v iw' sclit thie ellorwr. styles oif the O-;pý'î. Eveî"i' Iittle fasi'on il eit Ilia aîihuîatj' e deliîeatjiii. T'i v~ slac'are suî A 1' -litiii r,> 1 eaeh d î's, of extepjti na l')ie s~e tie s llrrdi.iness of t1iis lot ft S1914 ffi iy r pIreriate it. Deaatiful NewWash Dresses $4 .98 Worib up to $6.98, now . .' A notable w asb di ess hargafir made in ftlu heighit oft the %vwdrcM.slî<i 55 ion This beaurtîiiilut lu- Iiffles iwhite dresss aswell. l ver v' one a uw moirîl Iiii an attractive faslîîou quih <ont of' tht nir- <iiary for- exquîsiteur ss. C!ea-up Lot fup4b to $3 Wash Dresses$l '1 ii ere is a Il d out4dds arir red w ll lîu ( aipe 14<1tre i ri c frlîujîflI, lots of, lit t< idresses, tlîry are roilisisîlly gondiin st- Iv. Ou0rast I10 suit cwM uIL ab$ 500Sui ALL SUIL1S that sold for $ 12.50 to $15 Miarv <I tt ulIiits-go for a live dollar bih inalysoà fi.asiiiiei b;$1.5. No ilise b tell 'o t,,(ig,- exquizite styles liere for thetremeidous ass<rrtiliiti o cmniprehausvc ii scojie for dletails. Just <oine er i st t thein. Suits frin ii Arut- il lfst i piîtale maal«îs t onlv $5.X n Il lhaveto h .< st <ailv tp seeuic the best. Maiîy Wootex Siiit,5 iii t1Iis birg lot. ~ liih Grade Coats (-8 $10 lâ $12.50 Grad1es) 1 UNUSUALIT TH E 'r'SMT FINAL MODLS JREDUCTIONS Here you aie: Coats for the chîling ighits of itow and early fail at a remarkable saving. In coat valnes this is the leader. Investiga-te it early. L O UOCAS(2oVle lu- k-ýto!K, r ,aire extrai A Donhie-Purpose I laac n t A nd for these reasons wc have gone deeper into whole- sale eosts thaîî ever before. It .wilIlho. ewaily ralized îvheîî noting the big bargains ft>.llowîng: Your Carfare P.efuinded On $SPUrcha&ses Our- ltlg&est Grade- SUR1 Dresses Ge ($20 vip (o $27.50- kinds> -v f iniai eht oos(a n3,.diss from our completr Iss rtmerits that seil for ~ý_) m> i 4 2 id $27.50 regularly for,$14.75. Aremarkalhseleedjop it is fi ni, w liah to r Ioose. The major- it' vnf these smnart dresses have been ini our store luit a uîonth; thev having le lrnuglt xciY low antd represent great vallues at their original prices. Extraordinary qe"f Smart Wash IDrose> Values actualix up to $53 are plextif'td i m ss1ei did assemblage. It w-oUld require mueh detad andd space to do~ tht ir snmart styles justice. Ail ta*tes en be satislied, anid those of linîted means wil appre- e ia te. Splendid Lot of VUpi 0 $5.98 Wash -k -4 r T.TL-N xL uTITAT ' IEAIU(I ad$8gadE $ GLOBE M ntUE &To&zllT*iT GuA&ANrxFu TS ADVEKTISING *~ THE GLOBE (nc'f the date usually ol'ethis season-just- ýd at thie astonishing re>, ithi ean be of immediate ordb iarily full. Ywa Tliv ncw tuiîi effeets are. x e s0ar si veix' showîî in this lot:o beautifrîl dresses which ineludes DEPAITMENT % V îhite iniodels. Bolind to at- q tirt i iiiismal buvring interest tis loti. rieof Readyto-sr -$2750 Suits Ma lO 'l thIs sli --tle Ill, t > t ii j*tll n i i ii 1 r. SUITS-DRESSES COATS, EACH IN TWO CLEARANCE ýLGTS. ~\ sw-ee iiî cIi-al] i - (lsigned tlu ttake r «rV ] o fu i r aiig ppaî'l froinoi tiriiiîi ALL S UITS that sold for$18 to$27.5Q $ 10 ~Th igieîh<st gr ade suits ini ur store go to lucky buy- -~ I *~ j s foi i], $1 5< ns of Wooltex ýuîts 4re TVud m i- il îw -sesoji guar tnteed suit A e1t ~se- ler'tioli el' suits ini the iost apprQvcd sye o tUj. sr*asrîîî. ' l ae î irs oîîlv frîr nur best stiits. Y ou can- mot get better srîits mnixxvhîeîe iin Amerieaîî, but you pa as ii hel as tiriple this pucee right now else- vivre in W'irikegati. Ail Wooltex uCoats ($15 up to $27.50 khloè) GUARMITEED E EXCIf4ivý SEASONS j ~ IVI whateî er '.ou 1> oseJroni our béautiftil coatsi the Iatest murl(el sîhilcst you but $10. A bargain' L I NAIii h c n i t br b c i n si e-7 p h as4 z e d 1 Cloarai ts at$5 1 cq»Titât 1914 m