+4444 *..+ + + WANTEQO-save puarebepre for irom 10 ta 80atelam. ViEStati&ng ai partkeulars. No spts Address &.A., hadepans office.C.87.f11 WANTED AT ONCE-Gli or womai for itebsi ort. Phoas271.R-2 or aiJ a$ Pie(Irove taro, golf Del, 111. c-84-tf ai- tiver- ;iitei, lrgln- ýment r Mr. nie 1iL. The City-, k Carl Mai- a bc- TOSACCO SALESMEN WANTEO- Earni$100m.ontbiy. Expene. Experl. enc-. unnecee.ary. Adrerti..' and take ordero Iroru merchants for smoking and Ch.wiulz tobiieco, Cigarettes, Ligars, etc. Sentd a 2e- stansp for flil psrticulars. Hlwi Tubaci-co Co., New Yok, N. Y. WANTED-Good girl for generai houpe- work. Dr. <0. F. Butterild, Lberty. ville. Pitp o)6. c40-tl tWANTED-t>reo.maklig at home. ba. Jdiex .and Childgen'. dreswe. V. C. Wray, ICorner Milwsuk.- and Broadway. L Mrm C.Hpemhaine.) p-1 WANTEO-iip lady, board and cool rtom u i %riet vprivate protestant famii3. Juiy anti Augu*t. (liv. parti. 1cular sae to ii cteof iaulily. .et.Ad(iremâ X Independent.e4i lITS FRIEND ON HIEAD WITH A BEER BOUTLE;_IS FINED Julius Laxon, the Assailant, Spent Night in Jail-Then Friend Seeks Release. SEEK TO SUPPRESS FACTS. Julils Laxon. 616 Cuninings ave- nue,' was arrested an Sur.day by the Waukegau police on a warrant cbsig- lng asanît andbattery sworn out by Guet Kotka. The later cbarged thal Laxon had strurk hbiothe beead vîth a beer bottin, infictlng a rut about tbree luches lu leugtb. An uearly as the police could iesru these two men sud several compati. Ions were walklng toward bote at a late houn Saturday igbt. At a point between Tenth street and May sîreet they aeemed 10 gel mbt an argument sud the attack vas miade, The po- lice arc of the opinion Ibal s kniie Iustesd of a hottie vas used motm the nature of the wouud but None of Ibose wbo witnessed tbe affair would admit thia. Lazan spent Saturday sud Sunder ulght& in the clIp JaIL This rnornlng Kotka aud soie of bis frienda viio apparently iiad succcedcd In couvinc. in& film he should drop thc prosecu. dion appearesi at the police statioh and sought ta gct the afficers ta re. liaue Laxon. The palice bavever declaresi that that voul ie deieatlng the ends oi Justice and declied ta dismins the ruse. Lsxon van given a heaîlng andi vas fted $10 aid cones hicb vi wtb the assistance of bis frieuds pal. Wben isvapaper men songiit ta lu. quire iota the facts lunlb.écase vhick led up to the trouble.1»Lan ad Kotka bath clasel up 11e clams and refused ta diseuse lb. matter. Rame of theïr friends assured reporteras tiere le no uevs in the cas andidnlutuis ay nougbt ta suppreu the . stry. Assistait Chiot Tyrrl declared ta. day tbat if LAxon ever ia arrested au a luke or $mlmlar- charge thai be viI bu given the. maximum penaty. Re says tiiat onlp bp tmpreaulug upan the minds af thene peapbe tbat tiiey muet condurt themselven lit a lav-ablding manner rau they lie preventesi from getting Inta tiiese cuttiug seiapes more frequently. C. T. Heydecker bas ieturncd froni Toledo, 0., vlteic he vent as the dele- gate to the national convention ai the Madern Woodmen af Auerafront ibis clty. He reports that tbe state- vrangllng lInlqbc convention ver-e grosby exaggeîsted. A full report of thq convention vilI be prepired and wilI appear lu The Sun tomaîrow. ~26, 1914. .......+ . s. . .. ?O FOSALE G ......4..... .. W. bave a niumber of dlue born for mêaiurut. Iymond & utin, LàbMt- vinse. c.742 FOR SALE--Get'.drliiuaoreor will trad for lad'@ drive,. luquie at tis OMMic. pagà8 FOR SALE OR RENT-9 rom o ie. ail convmisns, large bain. Corne Ell;butt Court mar Pul ies. B. C. FOR SALE-Ooo d d ieavica i ouSd home,4 pri»rnemaonabl.. Phoneà 46. N.B. Bait. -89-tl I FOR SALE-uswmny Bull. 1% yepw old goM o elr aid buii; also Poland Cliia 8 montha old. lrm Beitb.Gask. Phone 12J.1 Round Lot@. e80-2 a FOR I$ALE-Twenty.Uvs iacres standine tîmothy and dorer. TeIspbon. Liber-t. y ville 276-W-2. W. J. Milo<n. c40-1 . Hotel and Re.lauranrl Pnrnisbings for sale cheap. Litmrtyville Hotel. Liberty- ville. e-40-1 . .++.+.. . . +..+.+ .+ + MIRELLÂNOUS + see H. 1).iioyd, lb..rîyvilli.. about oWninig a Wi.ý,umoin Farrii. Speud the. 4tb ln Wi"mnsiî l.ow rat.-, .uly iri. neeneflfeeneeeeefl.a..e.....e. I MONEY TO LOAN-Oi I, nîprtvëd r.-a etate. J. l îtg; < First Natitnal Bank. ,-37.îf MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-,Th5ý Rlliaitle Ctniîh-mittaIl .(r-eeful eluit'as arge niiii1 isr of veai tiiy t-igzIilt- nueni b,-rs ltt borset.., wî..hinwceatly toarri. ag..DOWerietion Ire-. r . Wut' Botx 2f, (Oakland, Cal. P-39-2 '-I ihlav e ni)t l .uit ti.- nu rsery bu,. ie, s.bu t sou smtili ,ellitiog tihe'ld rlînhie stoi.k iroiu tbe Clark Nurse-ry ('t, , Wate-rloo, NI. IV. H. (ieliige, L.icrt ville. p3912d + LOST and FOU»D + LOST-Wat.-r Pumj )foîr automobile. tutwe-n .uertyviliieand HalltLay. Ri,- tuf, to Lbertyviie Baker-y and r.,ceve reward. *40-1 n-n.a-, LOST-tubb-r-c ase Fountain 1Peu Finder please returun o G. F. Robertm. Division @t., and rec.ive reward. p-40-1 LOST-ltopary between St. Joseph'@ ciîurtb and electrc depot, green beade. Fînder- kiudip uotify phone 224R. c401 WILL ENTERTAIN- SCIIOOL PUPILS 0f MJFYVEARS MiO Miss Jane Jemnison, Aged Pio- nieer of City, Plans Reunion of Pupils of lier Sohool. ONLY A HANDFUL REMAIN. Sctiool Wg.s a Private Institu- tion and Was One of Pres- tige in Its Day. Waukegau, .une 20. A reception of odd featur-es sand anc that viii und the tiiought& af the. guesta rcverb.rating baek for almot bail a century yull taie place ai the. home of Mise Jate Jemisan. ones ai the Mont bighiY rempetel réal, dents of the cdty at 1021 Washingtou etreet, neat 1ifldap afternoou. The reception vilirthei.faim of s renflai co! the former pupils of Miss Jemison, wbo conducted a privai. scisoal In Waukeisnaimoant tr petrsauo. Misq Jemison t pressent dosesDt knov boy marw o f ber pi. pill are reiding in the city or the. vi inity but Itlai believed that thera s Ittle more than a bandfful left q# thé large number of people vha mê ceved their earlier training under the guidance of the. venerable wan. The private sehoal conducted by Miss Jemison vau one of Waukegan's lea4Ag .choolsa ofthat r4ture Ilalits day. Many of the former Waukegau- liten vo have acbieved succeas in the world were pupils at one Umne at the institution. It was cousidcred by maisiaiuth&'l time, ta graduate front the school vas a mark of bonor and the graduate was Imbued vith a confidence that nsually inspires one wbo bas received a thorn ough and llnisbed educatiail. Mary of the tudents have sauutered fortb until they have taken up residencos ln many sections of the country. The handfi of formier pupils, repre- seting those, kuown to Miss Jemison, as ta their viieteabouts ail state their Intention. of attendlng the' reunion and Miss Jemisox, states -that any other of the pupli who are In this section 'ail be elcuine at the reception. NONE RECEl VED FOR LEU 8TI4AN tu CENTS u IE 5ITE TKASFEE Furnlshed by LAKE OOUN rY TITLE & TRUST Go.. Abiraçia of Tille. Tilles Guaranleed. w4aanic Temple Sidg. Wsukegan. Joue 17, 1914-Everets Wîeîn aid wife tao0. 1R. Naereîbeig, Northi 50 test, lot 6. block 2, Wiens addition ta Highland Park, W. D. $1200. Delta A. Wilbur ta . H. WIlbur, North 13 lot 7, bloc 1, Proctors ad- 1111cm ta Qraylako. W. D. $1. brameJert e, artin Mes«c, un- divided 1-2 lot 13, bloc* 4, Waukegan Jftghlsns, North Chicago, W. D. M113e. Fred Pabst advfe tePabst Bt'ew' ifa cMpay. lots 13 and 14, block 33. Chicao Hlghands, Q. C. $1. Belle a. Pitt& ta anule W. 0~ Per- rin, part block 4, Croekette addition ta Wanupmi Q $C1S., Enifla A. Hotari andi huabualta Hluntlu nad lilns club, "Leviojea," lot 1, Wfed 1. Flowfrd Park, Fox Liaie. W. D. $1800. C. R. Carpeuter and i vi.ta Win. Wilmiigton and J. W. Hart, tract of land ln sections 23 and 26, Grant tovnship. Q. C. $1. Spirit Fruit Socety ta Wm. Wii. mingtai aMd J. W. Hart, tract o! laid la sections 13 aid 26, Grant township. Mater ln Chauccry ta George Lut- keihagen, lots 11, 12 and part lot ln. block 6, Pt. Clington Highland Park, Deed $8404.23. ADJUDICATION NOTICE Maser n Cancry o Ry Wlt MÂRRIÂGE LIC}EN8ES. Publie notice la hereby given that uey, Lot 3, Sunderlin firs.t addition to ýthe Subucriber Admnistratrix of the Waukegan, Deed $290265. Frar2< Klemp, Chicago ......2 sai9fCalsAfBclydcae June 18, 1914 <'hicago Titie afd ld ie A. Scterer. Deerfil .... sae....rls .Buklyde2a3 Trust Co. tu C.E E.ri-ieon and ite, Xlert L. Wright North faute. Wls. 47 wlll attend the County Court of L.ake Lots 41 and .55, Wilson's serond sub- Kaithrlne Frey. Hartford ls. __.32 County. ai a terni thereof to bie bold- division al Long L.ake. Deed. $525. Farl Siales. Wilrnot, Wi,.. .... 26 1ien at the Court House in Waukeganr G. C. Lawrence and Miee a 0Nary Paeey. même... . ....... 21 I adCuto tefrtMna wiee a o1Robert Worth... ut M51! aiîke'.... 25 l adCutontefrtMna RIchard Kennedy, W est 107 feet, lx)- iBo_.eSehuit, smrn.....2pi of August axt. 1914 tihen and where 14 and Fast 1I*; Lot laý, Lawrenc's tItanes Bauer. Chi1cag,- ..... 9ail persons havlng cdaims agalnst said sudiisonLae orot 5V 1. it Eleanor Kaiser, smre ...51 estate are notiiied snd requested to C'harles Stein1,anip anti atte t) tu u.o.li W. <Cal Batavia, N _.. 'l4 rsnthsaito dCutfra- A. Reupke, lIÀt 1iJ. Iflock '12, Wash Blanche ('hittenden. Grný .. ...24 peettesai lsi Cutfro burr. Slrings. \\ aukegan . OD.$2001- 1Arlîîr T1iede. ,Mlwa,- . ....*22'judicatin. .iosel,h Sataci' ant ie le ;G..i.ucill_ PilaterAppletlt.3ILUCY H. PLOCI"t. Brown, Lotst ; ani 7, l"eîrs l.akc I PrbtePik. Milwauk"e . 23 AdmiNistratrix C'atherine sidli.ion. Q. C.$1. 'carl Blazer. Appleton ... ....u.egn ii.1Jn9, 11 Thomas ltîjffy and 2.' iii atholiu N'al Szmczak, MIlwauk, c ..2 4 NakgnM.Jue8194 Bso)of ieago, Lo lnVilage or \ Ie E.Johnson, Sani ... .4 Wkl Jue 19 2tJol FOURTH 0F JULY Given by the Modern 'Woodmen of America Meet 1(5 A K Meet Your FO S PA K Your Friendal Frends [jth Us NORTHI CHICAGO, ILL. With Us This is the Town That Always Does what it promises, that always bas the big crowdo, that always has the BIOGEST and B EST CELEBRATIONS DANCINGIN TE_ DANCINPark Pavillon The Largest and Best Enclosed Dancing Floor in Lake County Base Bail, Sp«ts, Races, Cames ,and AR Ktnds Of Amusemùents to 2,FterteinYQOU Music.-by e*Baniis and Orchestra Refrshmntsand meals served On the grounds or you can bring your lunch -basket and «at amid the t&ee and shade TIS WILL BE A SANE. 4th and no rowdyism wiIï be tolerated, JUD6E SMILEY TO DYmONDame rINsée8 JIFAR TH1E SALOON 'HomReatàg. Office in Kmiser Block. CASES IN COUNTY LIBERTYVILLE, ILLNOmý Interrupts Court to Express His Views-Changes of Venue Were Granted by Court ORVIS TAKES EXCEPTIONS. WANTED--Cutom»e. 1 ail au Mode oi rnit. 1111ad& and Orneutai Trua Ail tbe baut hardyvaris"i fe ag fruote and vinas. FIa wering and foli«i sbrubs and plat; evergmens, samw- berry plan ta. Hardy iMed arovuro«so. Rave bail ysars of experlemesaid will all Fou hardy varisîy for xbehinslua. 1 lire rlabt b«Oand wlll ame pu rigbt en 1cau deal wlIb pou sagain. If 1 do Dot Cal write me a lettêr. 1 wiiI appreciats pour orders and make l ta your adraniage tu"dalwitb me. Qeo. F. Iloberte, Libertyville, IlI. c-87-tf waukegai. June 20. Cleeon Hanselman. 19 year-s old. vas arrestcd Sunday afiernon y Sheriff Elmer Green ou a warrant svarn out by hie step-fathei. Fr ed Hanselntan, vîjo charges tbat the young masn stole sume of moncp tram i at varlous tUrnes aggregatIng about $100. The yaung nnvas spend- ing the afternoau on the Edvard Day fart on'lb.' Golf road at the tînie be 'vs-t placed! under ar-rest. Be ivas laken 10 the coulty 1511 whiete he vas locked up. Las-r bel waa given a hearing before Justice ai lte Peace Roy Mason sud bis case was coutlnued untîl tlaerow tuarning ut S o'clock. At that tme lb.' evidence In lte case 'vilI be preaented. Derfmi. . . i.George Gurnette. Mllan'occ ...22 Jennie PYine and buetaud et ai te Mary Pinter, Cudaby, wis ....1 W. E. Morriman, Lots f te 12, Block Arthur Hampel, Milwaukee ...21 1. Dcerfield, and land adjolnlng. I>ee si s Grisius ..... .............21 $2. June 15, 1914.-W. B. Smith and Walter F. Devereux, (Cbicago ...24 vile ta Neilla A. Cashnitre, lot 13 and Pborence aundersou. sanie...21 Southi 10 test lot 14, block 9, Oakland Hald J. GuiSsi, Waulcegan ...22 subdivision, Waukegan . . D.10l. Lois Mltimore. sanie........... 19 J. U. Shaw and vife 10 Annsa Smiîth, Hirimoit W. Deiler, %Illwaukee. .29 Lot 448, Sbaws 20d subdivision an Hattie E. Zabei, sanie.. ......... 27 Foi Lte..W. D. $1. James J. Callaban, Waukegan .... .24 Walter Blute ta Mary C. Shaffer, Helenl M. Wall, saine........... 22 Part bledS, 8.Gftalae. W' D. f*aooOrrin Reslag. Miliwaukee ...36 Auguat Haasoa et al to Emma Bor. Ma"RyIOaBsch, Smrne............2» ansos, 14 acres la Nortbwest 1-4 @sec- tion 9, Avoito-mblp. DIeedsi, $428.1I A large baan Ovned by Charies W. P. Cearan ad vif.'ta vilage ErOvn Of Guru.. vas struck by ligbt. Of LaIE0 Bluff tract Of land adjoinlag sdag during the. mîdst of the storm, Artesian Lake Park, Lake Bluff. Q Sudsr attrnooi. The boit set Ore C. fi. 10 the structure and lnisslt of efforts JUW e14, 1914-A. P. Sheldon and la eztingush the building burned ta vile in I. T. Laagwoithy, lotas n , th$e £rouid. It rantained a large 2, blockL 1, glore Acres. Aiea. W. D. Moiunt of bay. The los& le Placet! lie. jas a$PTqximately $1,000. The boues Est.aiof malrg" ]ÉPOja ldecd) tsi Ki. fUODaI tebmainralier clascly snd tarzyna Kopola, iota 7 and f, bock ff0i1n lad to b. bâie ta confiue thc 11, Dreyers unbdilvslon, ,Northb ci-i.blase ta tbeliarn lu order that uetther cage, Deeds, $1400. af tiiese bouses would take fire. Be- W. B. Walràtb a" id W!te10Amelia cause of bbe strang s'ind sud tic fact e. Williams, lot 106, Shaw'& Antiocb tiiat tbere ver-e mar.y smoulderlng subdivision. W. D. $300. t embers a watcb vas kePt up al nigut G. D. Radkus ta A. C. Eronqueit, ta se. that neitiier of the bouses lots 9 and 10, Fobricbsm subdivision caught tire vbile the occupants wer.' on Lake Marie, . w. B 20 sleeping. There vas no liv.' stockt Nellie Rap and busband 10 H. W. lu the bain ai the tme the boit struek Dabrilgei, Fat 40 ieeî, forth 132 fet. lot 1, Buris subd1ision, Wauke- The. In.lependcnt leaduaail. gac.. W. D. $10. _____ vi. LADIES HMATS 0P ANY KIIII.II bDetail of Whoicmale, Prices; Re-bbmk- ing. BleschIng, Dpeing af Pusamut 1Hat%; Ask for Catalogue aud Peice. CHICAGO RAT MANUFACTUIW<G & BLEACHING COMIPANY, 12 Woeik Michigan Ave., Ward Bid. Chien... Iudependent: More readers tba s county vecilies comblaed. .%at wsu free et asi'e Our' 'an ;IAN ,MOIS Ir Every licitait Waukegai. June 19. mnan 06 on ln inhicb he question- ed the siicerltp o thosefllng lhe pe- Mitas, ,udge P. L. Persoan h ouit7 court this mar-nlng grantcd a change af venue la aIl the saloon cases lu wblcb petiblons bad been filed. The venum charge ls ta David T. Srnlley, cOatp ludge Of McHeuiy cratp, ar- raigements iiavlng bean made vîth that Jurist ta came ber- e ut mauday mornlag and tale up the calendar Of Oun. Next Mî4y moaing Attorney Or- vie vIiI appear before Judge PersaiNs and argue a motion ta quasii in the cama of saouSkcepers vhom be re- presants. It la assumed that If thîs motion la denied that venue changes wilI he asked .and fltee.-caes. aiso ai be turned over ta Julge amilep for trial. There bel been a little doubt as ta a-bether .ludge Persans vould ral lu Romie other counity lodge or vhcth- er be wouid certIfy the cases 10 the circuit court to corne up at the Oc- lttber ternli. The state'.. attorney badl made a vigorous objection to the lat- ter course and the court apparer'.ly 'vas ttuoued by bis arguments. ln rendenitu ghi- elcsion Ibis tomn- mg .iodg, c ~sild ilbiul<1I niav.' e îtrdoned hy '-ottn.el. tii-t tî 'ea te nuîthr of ltuse raies antI tile utilpiasant tas't wblt b couror.'ed thît court lu the dis-1 position of tes.' cases. the aplilca- tions in ibese ca-tes wben lied aiford- etime ni,- t 'vesiditg .lîdge of Ibis court, lu sense a feeling o, relief andi >,et 1 taniiot iî,1t lis nitiru -'.d ').,t lît- reaîline.sandLL..al.. -i4h--atcht bu dufenulantu ;i .tQse îva.tnv tuf i r.ex er saw ' 1% Ino, rerail. liefare t1ýeeras:', t,lotlit 0110 cour., bave '.igned (lie aMditit t sng Iluat i as Pe. Jiî tt -of thia co)urt. tas l. cîvJid! i aialiqt.It ieiuc itîev roulul nil gel a tain trial lu Ibis couîrt. i 111 alimpressed wltlî the eacftuahi ibe four disintenestedliter- sons %%tu signedti iesf, affidavits, E. A. Welcb, . J . Kuluan. Frank Opeka and Thîonias Sneflilu, bre.' of whom I hiave bnown ior mous' years. bave been urgeci or lr.-iîiced or led ta feel Iu sonie oav that tbey sbould sigu these affidas its for these defeîîdanis. Whelber un not these asinsib ave been sincere ln Iheir belief or wbetb- er their lelief. as stateti lu these ai- fidavits fias been suggeated by count sel In the case. i do not know, but If the latteris nluithlb.' adt. 1'vbsîtatosay ot Ibis tune that 1 ishia that every inmuter of Ibis focal bar wouid nOlmi- prove fils conception ai tbe ethirs of oic proession ltaI aI îo lime woUid it b.' ixtssf île for clients to sign amf- davils sa unfounded ln fact as the affidavit.s lnithese cases seen toanie 10 be. tluwcver, on the' shôwing made ln the aplications snd. 1 tlîiuk Ilis cou- ceded by the states attorney, tbese applications arl the affdavits oufilIc bere comîtly 'it thlb.'statut.'. t bave no afternative than ta grant this change of venue on tbe sbaving made. Il sîrsears troini the applications on file Ibat Ibese applications are not ilIed fon tbe ptîrpose of delay and, that the ends of justice niay be fully met. those guilty, if Ray, puniabed.anid the Innocent, t! any. may be vindi- cated. lbhe court 'vill grant Ibis change of venue and transier Ibis. and the succeeding cases, lu vbicb lb.' ap- filkallons are nov on file. la the Hon- orable D)avidi T. Snilley. County .ludge of NicHet.ry County. for trial la IbIs count on tbe stale's altorneys trial ca!ec.iiar, conimenclug next Mouday niornlng aI ten o'cboct. and 5fr Clerk vou msy enter tbe tollowing order lu tbis sud the followlng cases, In whlrh the motion or change o ivenue la made: "Application granted. and venue change(] te David T. Srnfley. Coun.tY Judge oftSicHeniy Couuty, as Presfd- lnit Judge, far trial in ttus court. coni- rnuing June 2ud. mast., at 10 o'rlonk a. mn." Attornep Orvis too eZceptiOn ta the statenient made bp the court vitb refer-ence ta any part the attorneys migît bave bad in the securlag oi the petitio n,.ad Interrupted the court ln tue midut a Mba tali ta vaice bis owi oplii on nthe.part. Aftervardis b, delared that b. vau caivincel Judge Persoas as preludiced sudq that th. affidavits bad beau svorn 10 in 2Il slacerltp. The disposition o! thus case vas the. finit thlag up Ibis marning. At- toruey Orvis vas not au baud at Bie oclock aid ai effort vas made ta la- rate hMn.Ris fallure ta appear an time delaped the. action af court tycive minutes. ARIRSTED ONA ClIAR1iE 0F ,TIEFII Telephone 1453 M IdS Setter î,repared th&i, -Y fbpense ever 1. do tour wofl. J. M. Graves. AUCTIONEER 144 Elmwood Are., W.ulr.gsa, Illinois, Soneme befor. unsking pour laie DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE da.- lu ts10a .210 taud 7t085 p.s OIt.'e ove, jSay i'umiture store. SPEtIAL ATTENTION TO THE EYR LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. 1. L TAYLOR Office in First National Bank, Building gocs:-1 to :3:35) %ad to lteqlden,e quiBroadway. opposite Park Llu.,rî3vinle. Illinois. DR, GOLDING DENTIST Hlourt 8 to12 a.m.--1 105 p.M. Over First National Bank (<(lice Phone 19-J. lte@. Phone 1i7-J. Libertvvile.tIllinois DR, £ . KCHURCHILL Physicien and Surgeon ,Ofice o.-.', Deker & Bond'. Dru-e flore Hourslt 0A. M. 1ito. 7toS8P. b. OPecitat utention lu Ste. Kar, Noste and Th.'a GLASSES PROPERLV FITTED' Liberyvilis. . . Ilîlinois DR. EFLH. SMITH. DENTIST. 3vMB LA£& OUM 'TIiONAL SAMS arUm-S tc "A9a. m. aid 1 to ô p. an. ùAlLY. LIbertyvifle lillaols PUBLIC AUCTIONEEEING Clome.t attention pal ltearra.ghn auction,îaie. and best rtelia handi Iug Rame. Ail k1nda of borm., wagons »0 harnees for male or sebelage at ail timon, HENRY SINE Phone. 148 or 48 MON ClTY BE. J. La REDDINO, D.V. M., VEaTlRIARY SIJR020111 oraduai. Chlifo..Vet Office atI esidmi, 77M$ * Ave. Phase lUêW. sj: DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNE OSTELOPATI4IC PHY&gcIAlh. O1 M ffia ie Eour ý' U Sudaym bp Apiiojatueit Oalpr Talking iachines u :'.è- French, Germean, Itaîliena si Spanlsh LanV#ssg Oufint. JAMES L LYMH 25 Wesa 1mbe 31.. gsas Dr. N. W. SOcm&oe'-, OS b t Oa N$c I bgsmemI l. u WAUK8OmAt"04,mi r4gg ELHANAN w. coLuy Attomnesy-Law Moniey ta o A on Good Approvesrteu RElate. Office ln Triggs Buildng. LIBERTYVILLE, . ILNI. LYELLfiLuom Libertyville - Effie!.é i.»Ce ButfIdnos Res.'Phone 1l2-R. Ometphsem MAPTIN Cr- DBCME uilles Upp. 11h Bt Electrie Uam Jfflee Phone 848 BON. pb4 18688 NO)RTH CHICAL.f! PAUL MAC GUnffI. ATT'ORNEY AT LAW. libertyvije, Illinois DIR . O. F. UTTRFIELD, YETERINARy SURGEoNg. A5515ANT ITATU V5TEINABIÂ. LtbertyvMle.Ilîlinois. 1