CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jul 1914, p. 11

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LARE COTJNTY inIDEPENDENT, FRIDAY. .TIJY 3, 1914. RfOIS 30. slow) m ot treesf but la omaMI, lit Bn.. bat lis m ar- everal mer et Sof a 1, dur- e vo- y and iayfng ted la m that 1 wlth clared iditioti ery la he de- sud f th,) VED. 3651 or. Ju. ast. of the. North of bis biter- tay in Kron Icontracta bht! been aaked, returnable aection B, Crawford Connity,$149 i'11,TO oic However on June 23rd ah.e managed Wednesday. C. W. Jlensen & Co., Chicago. sef"t-dinLcabo.1a0l bPoeLbrCEa Mr. Oab had recogniz.d the tact lions A and C, DeKalb oCunty, $7,299 t rn ableai eoebrha that had Judge Pluanensa decision, and $21,399. SBtO S DEATH 'WA baud could Prevent ber. The Coroner gone against the commision t e' i-' Allen J. Parrlh, Pare, sectiomr e A * 'ea eem n to tbnk that the cause of the prObabi>' have been lmPoaaIble. The $10,236- LALJSEUD Y JLiICIDE Tuls dePartment had n part lu the commisaiorn wouid have been power. H. G. Ooeîitz Companiy. Oak Park, ILnVetitatlon, as ht was a dlean cane legs toawardl a single cotitract. section A. lAke Count>', $19,900. Ms ayHrbt uhe of s ourscide' Lets Batch of Contracta Goveruon Dunne cOmnMuted the se..- ys. Ma ye of t Dgtrnk JOHN ' T. JASS SPringfleld, DL, ,July 2.-Ficrtified teuces or four convicta in the jolie Mr. Vn 5ke *f.CtChief etOH Police.EN by a legai jvictony, the Illinois state peniteuîkary for gced worc doonMC0l ige Police Say. Che fPlc hlghay 011Q=8810 Wenesdy stte mde uderthe barton syntem, twsothevinofJe23d commision Wednaday __________aBtaBlate hour that the local police awarded the firt batch of contracts 'MADE AN INVESTIGATION. received word trom the lwamvkee for naterlals sand construction ln con. The BoOginoamBilne". Police Mrs. Ilerbat died and the>' were sitton wmtdetii. bIlinoft e ew A omad imo a je alonubeiaed aLetter Shows That on Different asked ta notA! y lra. Van Dyke, the Thteai rnonds Arthelois ion% meok on yld& e bu noug y frene Occasions Young Worman glrl'2 mother wbo lives ln Waukegan.. Fb sitiuolig hecominon t5S.. ay ameba g lty for bot menew ws cnvy Power wasîbrought hy certain Delab <is. o » I' re e i off Threatened Her Life. taher nuavlice newa ove Count>' taxîîeypes, wlmo aaught to en-.aitO no »aivre ,ver s«Uaes a beggar. ____ obrb oieolcr joîn thm-e tete commission tnom pur- and à, physicai ditabilty ln a aburco Waukegan, lune 30. Mme. Van Dyke naid il wae impossi- chain cmpt ndmatrll.Th a. f income. for beggIng ln a profession hie for her to go ta Milwaukee tat. cba' nin he suntand mate ial e a-Dot ioked don upc. la tudia." The suspicion thal ilrs. lHenry ter.ithe fumnerai samd rondu<-t an in-! weo m loy nte nuit, who omli lerbst of Milwaukee. daughter Of, vestigsuion 0f ber own as ibe bad toi PeLny which faiied ta obtain a con- WW i .Codd One, wantt Mmmi.J. A. Van Dyke, 213 Madison ata>' ber. &bd takts care of a feeble- tract fom the commisglor, , contend- lMnt and viewtuleat Place. Bath. mileet. committ.d suicide on lune 22, maked fth WukesnF o lica eàsta make ed that lnasmncb as the new rnd îaMw and tollets on mçderu Principles. Thb.lias been confirmed ln a letter re. skS he exken police t ain did not anthorize the commission eK- OI Mt mt;o adapted for heaitb nr& ceived by the local dePamiment tram an Investigation. eexrsdth presly t purhas matr" tat oif et Ile la ozay lremved for the ltme chier cf police of .Milwaukee.Th,,;opinion that ber daugbten eitben bad preai' t prcasemaerain tht Oujour f aaaeugema tonriste andti acomunItted suicide or hati been the body Could net legal>' malge sncb peo eptioalon ok.mther aspeetedber daugbten bati 0 ou ly tut oble rea, wel Wnwin ditbeen a suicide buit anked the police ta ito o fu ly List Of Contracte Awarded hisse heere. The magnificentsout.-1learo ithe detsl& .In respona. tu ,aiMtVa Yewsboehard lSk la grandimma. Diy six trains ate letter h,;dited by Assistant Cbiot Tho. ien aeen by a reporter ibis mrnmnng ifatenial and construction contractq1floigti ria ttelte el ali et y te cmmIsloersfoiDw.aul parta et the globe. Fr. view Kt Tymmeli the fOliOwiug leiter tmom the llwgthariiofheetrtl. aRm et b> ' SprmigfiesctonloKthe.loTely lake-Hotel Guide. Milwaukee chi or ifpolice wa.s neceIV. 1mW of the detalae. ____________$.25,an____o.1 1 ol m daugbter when she got F. F. ga, pnngfel, ecioe* Long______ dthi mRouch bd y oodwenincrn 9auon Couty, $225. sdacl- ekTeLn aRnhu.Milwaukee, Win.s m 9,11 arried that no go odcm K. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' araon ont,$.0. Wouaot mind my wito's having .Jue 9 o114 e the matcb for ber busband was not Henry Welcb, Springfield, sections tho@1a word'aaid Mn. Henpeck. "if Thomas Tyrroil, Esmi., ber equal lu any way." Mmi. Van Dyke Bi and C, Sangamon County, $9A03. ahe world only burry up and get te As't, Cbiet of Police, bed Hene to easldr oh E. Bretz, Sprngfleld, section ltl"-Lipmincott'a. Wankegan, 111.buethe-m Ydgtrmaid D. Sangemon Count>', $4.030. i-alng1yom etbtalbUrenydutemrid Grnd& raa. repot scIo, ean i*Rpyngt or fhlm b. vwas caring for bennes ln the Gnud &Gmsam.Frepon, sctimiLOST-Lihm rai eward for mîm(oveci' the 27tb Inst. viii seay il eppeans that corral et Fort SheridsmN A. Ogle County, $21.400. orm î>rtaining to thme recovery of -1 Mrq. Henry. Herbit wh0 vas living, "Tii, last urne 1 nsv rny daugbten UavidEwlug Construction compamn5' black ar.d whitîu ferale Beagle hound1 uith ber-n bsanti et 156 Sixtb vwas two yeams ago. Then 1 vasic,, Bioomington section A, Iroquoin Coumin.Lstent m-n fa'- long Lake, MI. Non s .treet, in thia city preteuded ta tae ansd sked ner ta come sud ses me. ty, $15,890. fy Dr. %V A Bellowe, Waukegau, 111. camblle acid on ivo previous occa- She stayed one day and Ivo nigbta. Campbell & D)obson, Bloomlugtan, Juiy 3-tf niong, but It turned Out te b. xater- T-bon-1aha tecelveti a telegram ftrain Steps Are Again Being Taken Which Means the Utimnate Consolidation of Banks. SAYLER WILLING TO SELL? The North Chicago State Bank ePres. Almosi Ready to Ac- cept Terms,_'Tis Said. Anothen me h ai been started wbicb han for Its ebecit th. consolida- tion of the two North Chicago banits. A meeting vwas heid lust Monda>' evenlng sMd details dincusi.di but-no- thing definit vas doue altbougbh I realiy van «epced sanoticement ofý the consolliSation migbt be made te- day. The deal la nsidito b. slmilar te that launnbed noms time ago-'for the punis,. <t the Sayler bavà lintereste by the ther &iak-vicb starlt]d up nome montha &go. Itla recalled that the Seul van on nt the tin. the new battit as launcbed wbereby it va.q expocted the consolidation might litbe place evèn befor, the new ban', oplen.d Its dooms. But, . hitob Braie, the deal did net onusummnale and Ithtis th, new bantitcPm-uea andi the two have siree been minning opposition. Carl F. Sayler, as bead ef the aid banti, vas the one whoae uuwillllng- neon te go ahed wlim the orngluai deal. îlew"ver, It la nov sai that h. again bas been appraached snd ibal lie la esdy te consummate an arrangement wblcb vould mean the lurnlng aven te the new banti, cf is mecrtltes, rmlosi, etc. Il la gm-îv-ally fuît at North Clhi. cage that lhe Ivo bauba viii mers. witimin e very short lime. The plan lm. if lthe Imerger la madto have the banli loeated Iu the uew building. CONTAACT LET FOR COUNTY STATE AID ROAO Continueti Fromt page one). County Job. lie was questioneti about liii Plans and naid ln substane% "W. are neady te begIn vork mest an soon as v. ign up the cantract whlch, 1 ahomld ulîiwonld b. vitim- lni teu days froindate. -We are in shape to rush the vomit alang vitb ail possible Iaiem-d and Iil wiiillibe pemaps 60 tiays te complet. lime Job If conditions are ail rigbt. N.od Lakes Canty Help "We alltendeavor to ine al the Limbe Counny labor that la possible Wë bine ail aur teansud vii use. ierhaps a dozen on mure, depending on lthe nature o!flthe soli, etc. "Ounrm a 8nov deing a $35jo< 'm-m-ut rond Job t lHighland Park, FrE'd Johnon beiug lu charge, life la lthe man T have seul over Imth Ala ('ounty Job sud hb. yul be placed In charge o! the Job ln your count>'. Nature of Roand "bu noami varies atm regardse im wlu*b <if counete. The averag. vidthi (d thte concretu' uNaiantteln femI, sonie iuaceâ lim-ng migbl The- houloi- m-r of macatiani <on ceci aBie lef ront r tmm 6 teet lu vidtt. Thme exact ieng-h ofthlie road la 10,60f) fmi-i. êcet or LamiteVilla limia. "'We bave coraidenablî' vontmn hamnil but ihave arrangudtPt a liiegmmmml force andl ample, machiner>' un the Lakemm' 'O"tlY job, ta ive lbhi-imn One orthlime hut oadR wu cen lîmild sud do i aitsno as w,' posnibiy can tut gel a gond Job timoug." Declisin Perm 'lae Action tudgu .lusser of Sycrnmore Wedîîe. day handed duwn a dpecmion that ru'. unî-d lime lent bannier tle este, hiliway earmtnaslon'siwimrovmeul uf Illinois made nurden the Tc. tate- alid lxv. lie gave the comisstion th,. right te luyin> tn ovumaterials. Au heuer afler the decîsion vas gven ir, Chicago the tate commis- sion vas awamdlng contmsctns for venli an 200 mles et higbvayn tbromgoîî tie nînte te lie "concreteti." For the work ucari>' 2000,000 enclin of cenent was dellvened. It was that purchane ot cernent Ibat had braught the court action wbich lemîoraril> delaYed the work. Tbe commissAon had arranged to bu>' Its owu cernent, and ils rgbt to do so under the Fiee bill had been cou- testeti le. Judge Slunaer'a court et Sycamnore. Rullnq Favons Commission Attorney General Lucey sud V. f. Duncan, ateorney' for the Marquette Cernent Company,. the fortunale con- tracter for material, aiîpeemed befure Jmdge gluseer Wednesay in the Couuty Building, Chicago. H. ruied that the tate ecommission wan emt- k ::red lnbi3rthe matrial. A.D anh, chairman uf thiecern- A\ seiliiiig tat is siiigîîl:iiv iîelpfi f'oî thv t'mi îiumîis Fii ui - Over 21 itaterials ati a ranîge otf styles t] scasoin. Sone t mt'tiîese dresses haîîding, but %vort1i as liigh as $8. î'uw at off y .. ....... ... .....' SiIk Foulard and White Suimmer lestS1 f le S-eaio he very out- these: epe3 ii l tiiose desirinîg a uew tht ss >0 inî the lot, of al the desirahie fft aie the rnost popular oif the are oîîlv siightly mussed froin L50. Thiey ah go tornor- 95 daYv, eonsistiîîg of dresses sncb am have iit-vei beeîî uflet d before mt t lus pîiî.(e. Of~ daixit y îiateriais ini pliiîw~hite ourtîgîiied. Very original tirinîîning effucts sllown in thet. i Splendid va~l- A New Lot of Summer Dresses R9eceived Today Shuio\ntg alI the îîewvest anid îîîst desiraiv mut'iaterials, iii beaîîtifîii styles, featur- iuîg thte lonug tiîiics nîmc iii sii hdcinaîîd. Real].%,hig values 87 at ...... ...8 7 Children's Dresses That Will Imniediately Appeal to Everyone--"liey 're new, îliffeî'eît, orîiginîal. Iii light or dark culors. The whlite dresses prcttily fiîîishied with lace ort' tiibi'oidery. liu ail sizes at these prices prices: 43c 95C For the next two days we are going to seli ail our 7.50 and 10.00 coats ini a variety of styles and mterials, ail sizes at .... 00 Our 10.00 and 12.00 Suits in the new style serges and mixtures, light or dark blue, satin 69 lined, plain or fancy styles, at.......69 We boug#t,2009 White Skirts for this great before the Fourth selling, of fine Ratine, Pique or Pop - lins, the very popular long tunies and1 overdrapes featured, finished with buttons-m ail sîzes, val - Women'aSHouse Drease-Of good washable gingha.s ini a variety pf stripes and check patterns. N- turing only the newest 1 td triimuning effects, at ouly..KW ues 11~1<) 4.00, we bought ail the samples in this lot that'~s why we cau seli thern at............................ ..... 14 For the Fourth the Middy is Quit. the Thing- Espee(iiilI v su if it's one fî'unî "Ileýiit's"-mostly becatuse t lî'y 're different. Toumurrow wc 1à show a lot uofîlew mnes at ............. A Tub Sillc Wast-In wlhite, with jicat stripe cf- feets; t-ollar of fine emhroidered, daiiity linen, in short siceves. Just the waist for- Simnmer. Usual- iy $2.5<) for these three days they'îc Af only - .. .. ...... ..................... ... .7... 1 4 AznothÀr Lt of Wome's Fine 'IlDrapFor house uiýd weer,e4f finest tuatëriale, i.1 and dork Moors. A spien-- W" dâ~ ~~~lime, it only ...... I 1ber huaband, telling ber to go bMle et once. 1 received one fetter fron her aXter that. She aaid ber huhand had scolded ber because the had stayed so long "I ca-'t Imagine what iflduced my daugbter to ber ùwn lite. The laIt Orme 1 Saw ber the seemed to b. hapPy but Of course that was, a long Urne ago. The wbole tbing la a mys.9 tery to me."1 Mn. Vani Dyke was very bitter In1 her denunciation of her daughter'a huaband. She laya that as soon asi Be la able she la going to, bave ber daughter'a body Si'ought ber anmd In- terred in a local c.metery. Mrs. Herbst, or Mary Van Dyke se her Dame was before the was mar- ried. was weil l nown in Waukegan an ebe had lived here many yeara. of ber nudden death Proved a ahock to, ber many frienda ber,. lira. Van Dyke deciared thia mcm Ing that noq~ that ah. haa learned t7e cauae of ber daizghtera d.atb ah. ln- tends to ]et the matter ment. 8h. dOeO not oe timer, la anythir« mort to be don. SEIEM A LOB? WOMAN OMeier Walîace or BOIyMer. was iu Kénosha fluaday Imakting ~eh for Mrs. Alfred Turner. and4 twenty- neven andaid te, bethe i. le orfa prominent attovn.y at th@ fIaola City wbo has been miaaing trom ber home1 *Ince Jun.e I4th. The. won,., ionf home late ln the evanlmg without a&> - lut rhere the waa going.t mms.Wiilia4 Coos m amluathi. w b e i a e ' u i t ~ . é . om b r e e t 4eW thie k of NDBaib tbetdwbfi uhthte bore of Mr, &MM kW& Imaciffna. *bleu w-e recem*y damgel byfin. H erm a n Go ld b.g 0 o ulli E trick treet, bas depertied ha Cmapa3jlm I II, w b h o b , v iii a a s u a b u s- mnen visitr for seitral voek. mi Jeunette rvbw la vwtins with er a&unit M .. , t àeut o s0 M arion Stree t afien n o. as a ul 5.5-' ou with george Sppey o. Mr. sd lrs. George Wsgnr ui- te rta i ue d a s t m i p u s M r S u e a i M n, sd iae. P oO 1ow u'ofC ~i a . Mr. sd Mm. G le rtA of Ph"nt Vie. sand Mr. and Mrs. Pffd Wà#wr of OraylakeL. WillJam fflVey, Jr., ntrtalaed a number of Mrende et bis bos.m North Pa'k-sweute at**y a&tgs noeu a leuwasof ht wtbdy and- an eaIîyable Urne vas lad. Thi e 542ity adepodt *ad Mq«hiioW Pt %PMaO r uhools m- rbà dla th aChicq Btgd iii n su s a t U* 'attreotod rn aibet. toftièn by;tbur *8I4ti,;andti Utu buiug*o. f iff Wi h o "&kem T bevs-91B15 s For Men Who Want More Size and Power-A MoirèIm- wT'E build on the sanee Unes as the HUD- SVVON Six-40 this larger, mcire 1Pwbrful Six. ýThe wheel base ie 135,, inebs In lânes and equipment this caris alinoet i.den- tical with the OJUDSON Six-44 described in our book. The main difference i ini the divid- ed front seat. This feature eiubles'o otis of car eaeiiy to change seats if deoired. Ias tosocil1bltymIt furnlisbe5a mai, fh1~O the front seat without the. .i o f 'the ioredoor. é It permuljs of a seat construction ,snd upho1s- teriîig t.bat makes for con-dort. It meures a secure ad easy driving position.1 The engie is larger, developig 55 horse- power. The tires are 36x4,1/2 îk~S. %%m are four forward speeda with direct drife on third speed. * The eige of thie car tends a distýntiS n d (iignity wbich, is preferred' by msuy lrnyer. the third year of the H1tD&)flkix- '1. Durig its first year-before the udvent of srAgUer Sixes-it outsold..any c4I,: =!ixin t he vôr1.d.It now ha'- thouuandt fý od amnoiîg ntorists. ljike ouri' xlx"z been greatly inproved. Thée -81 54 is for men wbo want. big cars"sn*iýais as have cost, with six-cylinder engùes truý$,- 000 to $5,000. It offers ail they c waot in îrnpressiveneas, quality, power anid sizest.he HILTD8QN priceof $2,350. Yoau Will flnd it bard to discover, & mesoQfo r payuig more than this price for a Sr~. There is nlonee-in eistence save smé,ler output, or the wish to gain clais throu-gh a price-mork.. The more youi learnabout the HU1DSON the less wiil over-price gttract. The,,1UDSON Six-54 embodiçs ai we kuiow how to offer to men who waut bilÈ dis- tiîiguished cars. We offer it in comparjeon witiî the highest-prieed cars on the màrýket.' l'le foll0%tîig are the prices of 1915 HUD- SON cars, f. o. b. Detroit, Michigan: MODELS PX~ Six-40 PIb aton ...... ............ ...... Six-40 ReAdster ... . ...... ........... Smx-40 Convertible Roadter,,--.--- 1,750 Six-40 Coupe... . ..- ...........-.... 2,15 Six4O Lirno e ..........xi....e..... .... 2,5w0 Six-54 Phatton.. ............ 2,3M' Six-54 Limousine ...... ... .. . . .. 3Y500 Or Itobm~st ern ie, Evbamson A naouncingthe Gréeat Summer Dresses of th The following items give you an idea of t] of-the-ordinary values presented in F1gwed or plain Voile and Cr4 Dresses for Street Wear at On' 1.95 . 21095

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