NT $ AY, 1 '.40.,1914. ninNtboi WOII3N OUT FOR COMMUIERY0FAT tl8ofti ,WMýCOOK o NY, NOW. Pr.. ttd Who, DePârted f~ .... meNus ta< lu to Great Extem* A' »nias Ago* tggt. ~~ h t iAat 1*,btma. ai ~Aû~4ADOED. g&.i 'Ils -"uw A1M and dded: y " ....... Ile rmark rai to urchage Tells of Young ai, ifto .~~~le el former ta takl4i M i4é bmbytem lm" cf mea rA ,ai b, remar? à!;1"* oie ~ ang h. sd tbOi report ora ~litC the womU Waukegan. July 7. Od uThe. mystery whlch bas surrouM'ed manouNkl 19 utt ril ru.dl i.li a I tia teifrti Mareng W i-a n r steadily growing lu dia'arueo MreKxieyai Houve melo dsa.uM is.4 .......~..altoH !d *d III ru» as a Republi- 1MreK 4 cH.nloa option 71 0I optto aio parted from, North Chicago bord nomes.-TbOr. 105 1l - IIMI r . g o,~g o a a d h o a f liet petowam tMd thte tcia tii paeutaol et ibbî ,Pese towm Ince htMj 0.T iu oe r a atoi e ao *î*r-bt Pt~tlehn ctle roeeled tsCiyh a theait of- o at m of dif îbolie deitcde ture au tic mesag Fa. a gn cieI tk ~ la th ui &PM* h* à 11?fl *tt to g eta t ites a. oiqyt. i Hartvard W He a d h e Irq -em- J!Ufil IIW? ofT1h MoHir? Id@i _neMh umua md fat m" 1.ýwâ atar cabatt ferUui c6t »àt ntn thredo!te~ r orh .-wih 3 tl. eI#> *dab b tors à 1,rorcd y obrie lya s,~~... anuu place for sûme utaa &-der r5 shul aiiaa décide Mb th b aAtive tu l nt telephnam o!U rle Neulethe roai entrat ter the spk 3"17 ait h forga laegvehpc e ari -llfbst elolAbri#hee nI Héol. «» la d~imat tes Nol . te*u. * e wrd me bYn ....~~it Io selleman ift enr ageeen em oo« ho thelegull la;b ti- ao W JOD W.à* Frun ofa~Ie M(cHery col% libet placéa fore aürget cotill foe UNLIK MI ~ tur DETR g..........aaP~a lw 'i vei fee tAt f m tii.ê ada disan City.sy Daiw i - be- Y ulstc etfeNa 5.O4Ll hP qlOS40 Uj < "' "'OW af ""Zt ismuù héw .ùt. fhit» Fai ...... o oi t , l la tincs, ite tt.a wa tiiei S -1a Yr Herald gavedr yaio o te Firi a<ry! te l r e Igténm fMel yhl ...... bc bWt drmVlb D_@ $Ma fild vd" ll f to ify sý I beI dîIY Ure morruiln e te io.fh h&eb éo t ho IMo4i eodt Wtu d-ue Mrai Ëeen.n buttiq werq ore no MdV~ nome 0 ort atblt ir léd viei fat r-i~<~ ~~O>tad1.0 jim~ 1, uffIO&¶«I% ho suprort hci i.aI ah. Pei to HnIr*ayr Pb"*yM orta J.rts tf menth «0at abol!Uepperoe O ea lwrmnyu O ta' go. m sh w o av fioi la foI» ieet I a40 RES............ ilsa hat, Viii o cW, Ibé buste M elte laCYi.l u I u. itmn b aec IM lt WILL ded BEC ME VOIObl s.l 00=1Y* ta opos le ar'hkcry é "_* the Iïiar« NôtL~AE ccF Cc cm orat orl~ 265jý= u Mr. ai am" ____ i4 ou f. ActoM I72îne UUE-kîaebrOT 175 ~~~~~*h hl~k AuQ thUs 4o ( N AaserloIa Tetegr.ph tlutd tii. erroràl hI autag «Kp>l IllvS *onic5~ ....ocria .... Wui theymaetea tii crd i ldeas orf Cou slely u pe- ....." L a,0hý Uev Dçâcrt of 'WPo -ofa * e P. 'rip su h e atwÂ& n 145~n o.uoîwm -1i or-I Étauhàaq "àl o! t0s rouir Iioe>. hae ir. t. t Fab't teM o -l by b r- vr Hara~u ld. IfI n ous afl yy ânee foermiqs$iUi q. a opège o< tu. 'W *eaa toda la »era n la gfefl It . oblp de. PT* tou tterer an .400q &or I âïl and 1àvliaol t#ed mm be fon tht tIfp! d lley w 41 IS rhgldT&rÏ1î M M rt radla** 2. Svle e* stu é lai e daI ....... ofl - >,O otaéUi ut1 Jod ,tl taiwde bégim oitedl Se 1*- inai ott Qu..tU ull dur th S e . an a-anef te . a suoof~ i -h »pr hs r u*bi âf i jo« end iit-h elgniï - S en h fi dyet.mtt vaeo.l erlp ar tis tioéori fILvrlu i.btob i ........ fieb '00.hr hmfewut he " C 5.l~ejt limll eNr hrai u lmast 600 thee câtoud duta1 etf tb ýppe " IL.. lua à f 'er o or o lb. yobume muot. l vois ..........ertnen Theor Qoren m 1<>ua ..........t> o *l4e leé seitffr4.pt.L scl ofor te $'Iff la the » D toi Pi .AI T Tht. Ciic by t e r o rdup n m tr , Wlo a ilboisol 4ead dd ms 'Vi Ik to cl c q. -t om'1 Butie la sin ae a 1 male ton W - proi- ' hu ublcfor thle o! i c lie Of course- gn fuath ars'et oe fSim 340tt, viesU 1a &eM ias*« "r cocene doaa anda ai th4 7 but_____________the______________ oqla-- mmdte martub tonal, 81-000 Corn__________________________