Musin Petticoats A lot of exnbroidery trinmed $1.00 and $1.25 values, only 71)r Petuticoats Stripe ginzhain petticoats, 50e and 75e values at only 29c Womn's Vesta LA fine ribbed, éoft finishy, ular l)rice 15c, at IOc ~Boys' Un ion Suits &Whe weIl kîîovvî'(iîîîc Voros Kînit 'mit-s; aIl sizes, at - 39C Women's Hose Afine, I>Iaek ribbed liose; ou15eIS vallue, at onlv i1kI Women's Hose '-j .1< aid dsilk ie lio-e i v t or blaek, at oi 1 19C m e re s Gloves Fine lisle two-button style; black or whitié; very special, 19C Beits A lot of oMd wash beits; plain or fancy, at only 5C Pcttkoats 0f silk messaline in ail col- orn; $2.48 values at 1.49 *Shoe Dressiti Whitmore's quick whte and Albo 10c size. Not more than two to a customer, at 6C Cbildren's Coats A lot of slightly mussed white pique coato in exuail sizes; valuew th, $1,25, for 4*ý M4ddyBltues Slijhtlv soiled. of COQd quai- ity material; values to $1.25, A lot of good styles, in whitej sergeeoatB; flne $10 values, at only .1.49 AIl Wool Sklrts fBlack or navy serge, the new Jmodels; w orth not leas than $5, at only 2.79 Fine Skirts A splendid Ue of $8 skirts in many new styles and cloths, 4.85 Children's Drese A pretty line o! Sumnier dresses, crepes, linene, etc.; white and colors; new trim- -juing effects; values to $3, 1.49 In wite and inen co lors. -Ptty cellar and cuf s; col- Ored boIta; $3 values, at 1.19 YOU Wil1 bels.. Prfii te Se Such Là voly W*b s 5.1 ing for 3o LIttie 1foey During this sale we offer 1,500 fine white lingerie waists. Lace.and embroidery cf- feets, high or low neck. Short and long sleeves. Taken from our $1.49 and95 $1.98 tables. Clearintg peice ............... C AUl $8.00 8M1kWalsa, Olang Bae$14 Al $5.00 81k Wsas, Olarng Sae._29 AUl $10 811k Waints, Oloaaig Sale_ $4.48 A ReaIIy, Mai Just ThnkofItl $0aud $12 Buta, For $5. We decided that every suit in the storemust godur- ing this sale, no matter what the coet. Stylishly made of serge or' fancy *mixtures, satin lined. gorme plain taiored; s others trhnnied. You should get a suit at this sale at this price A su CLO'tH SUIT FOR ou@S This lot consista of ail suits former- IV marked $15, of fine serges, whip- corde, worstede& mixtures; plain or fancy yl, clearing e69 sale price6001 ?liddies for Summner This is no doubt the most popular gar ment for the bot Sununer days. Something cool and inviting about them that seenis to appeal to everyf one. We've sold a lot of them this season, and are going. to clean up what is left of tbem for just about haif what they 're really worth. Dur- ing this sale the Ille Middies at ..98 $2.0 Middies at ......$1.25 $2.50 Xlddiea at ........... 1.50 r.fAing It is custornary for merchafits, twlceeach year to hav i ..reason, or other not been dIsposed of asqulckly as h pate YOUR wants, correctly and gaudethe. stocks ex~ other. This JuIy Clearing Sale was, Instltuted to clea tion of profit Is secondary, fact is we"ve cut clean to t BEONS ng;" a rn.'ost-thorough'one, corne, we'II p 5 OISSA TUROAM Y Ij1h.11h andd, o- rvelou s Selling;in Women's -SàiVLJE$[;2j ebu GarIxmets, Piced at 18fad LS rp styles hw;om This sale coxrdng just at a tune when you need a ligbt, airy Sux-umer dresa; at pieies that Rglr$ lts laigBal we know positively w ilI appeal to you-hecause such dresses as theffe 1 . were neyer offered at these prices. A mnost beautiful group of voile, crepe $ .'~95I SAVE .0 1 Save 'and gingham dresses in plain or fanv inateriais and styles; lace and ciii- N EIE 1roidery tri-nunied, ail sîzes. Some just slightlv inussed but worth up to 3 fier.. es aili of our Our- entre1 $5 Voile Dresses at 2.45 rfDESF o tej* 2i> kis nhe of.$ Lace and embroidery trimmed, in white and îîoveity effect; this scason's most «»~ select styles; Juiv Clearing Sale...4 5 $8.50 Silk Dresses $4.98 This lot includes nîany of our xnost desirable -tvles in silk foulards, light or dark colore. Lace or cnîbrotdt itimsbed. RuleA ski-t cfeet. Cica.i ng Sale pice.....t 49 $3 Wash Dresses $1.49 I this group you wiil find dresses of every kind; of flnest gitîglanis, cbambrays,.linen, pique and ûther materials. Low or high neck ClaigSl rc .................styles. Neat skirt effects. All mies.i1.49 $10 Whbite Dresses $5.98 Stout Woman - We pride ourseives orn al-, ways heing able to pr1oper- ly fit the woman of miore than average proportions, and the Summer season is no exception. For now, we have a iuigbty ciever Rhowing of dresse i in splendid voiles, crepes, or- gandies, etc. Not siniply large sizes, but dresses et along lines to fit the stout person perfectly aîîad at Clearing Sale prices. The $10 dresses, for This is gettinig into our very prettiest stylves and iaterials; inany noveity Itn effeets featured iu this lot, in ratine,organdies, erepes and voiles; finishi-I ed most plcasingly with velvet andI lace; inany eolored dresses also shown J iii tis group. C learing pr e ..........__._.._.................................. $20 Summer Dresses at $10 Here you wili find the "cream" of our immense dress stock. Beauti- fui splashed crepes, rie ciothbj, corded crepes, organdies, unusuallv elever novelty styles included, with silk or kid beits3. Many Roman *tripe ideas being tastiiy dcpieted. Skirts i long tunie nm ideas. Clearing Sale price only.. ...... .. ........I................ . 6( $2 flouse Dresses at 95c $1 go&s" Dresses at 59c An unusualîy gooti varietv of *ing bani, percale and chambray dresses, in liglit or dark colors; newest styles; our $2 lime,95 Clearing Sale price ...... .-.... This takes lu our line of $1 dresses and some slightly miussed $1.50 qualities; light or dark colore; al sizes and, styles, Clearing a Sale price -....... ................ .. 9 Mail Orders Filled Uncle Sam is getting to be a Imigty popular shopper for those unable to attend personally. We wiul fill your mail orders prompt- ly and carefully, sending ail or- ders out the saine day as recciv- ed, by prepaid pareel post. \Of high grade madras and percale, stripe patterns, 29e value at M9 f i nl e w hlite ~go Piquie, 1- a t fie q u alites, and linen; new tneandi over$2,8 5 drape styles; in Whbite sat- ail siZes. ('lear- hen petti- ing Sale prî~iveat, witb at 1 .25 values, at $1.49 6c You'l i ve EveryDla Save Cide' Uer. 33cwash dresses in ail colors, and white; sizes to 6 (;0(- valuies, dt- 6.......27c A lot of good !$3.50 raincoats in tan; ail sizes at only E~u You 'il be agreeai SA~V waist that le gett I HE $1P dernand every da *finest material in vcry original an I evarried out. They possessethe See the new pnms for Suni- mer ini a variety of shapes and trixnming effeets.I Muslin Drawcrs A good cambrie muýlin; plain styles, Clearing Pricq loc Le With A sort of cleaning up Of ail stocks that, have for some been expected. Ut Us impossible for buyers to antici- rlght. Hence the accumulations in one lUne or an- ut such merchandise, and during this time the ques- 'core" on everythlng---we're golng to make the "clean- our car-fare on a Five Dollar purchase. A àBIOGER - Boetter . groatur Sale Than Han Ever been Held hy -Ibis Store, ple lot o ai sskirts the desirable st-vles of ie-and *]MoPlil. isolllc 1 withi 1)ittan trillî. Save Save flere îîîîîîî W om ' s <îu ~~Vi t t ai lî,uoîîi ils,ine% te r iMa1tus ize, (bil . . ' ucs, .ît l'or this the sea- ..79c 'il r e îr skrits (if e matter- 1-west de- ,4 vallues 98 You S pend Save Iffcre 53C dresses- the -Luix- or"" ruu f I. o il t s t x 1 e i ni Sdari, i-oi- ors;~ l 47c Volinlei's xîî ite sati 1u piv t fi - caS, n<i îi lnr vi gl t for 1 .Stîrltriîer, diî bliîe paraI;<ti ý2 xalues, tuexv- et, suîluift l's I)îrîîug t li i s Clearinug Sale 95C Slrpi'î 'd ,t t his Savu îug on a rmore iîoliilar un jil, ~<'te It's the 'WrlnI waist pf ~fiqiiî iens, <lev ba '$2 look, ' a Iji( JU1.0 IA sîîlendid line of outing and ait I bats. Thie xashable kirid jor gooîl Iooking corded v'elvet UderWaiSts -Chiidren 's muslin underwaists -ail sizes-lSc values, at loc- "6Pun.-Ch"96To For this Ci1e a ring Sale We SOffer Exceptional Corset Values AIodSunnir corset of a fine niesh waateria1 in aIljedji Iii st s 1e \(1', mbodeytop; four sup~porters ; a stYie fo<r e figure; (lIear-50 anre Sale piceý 0 v isit to thiis depari tnent a saving as well as a pleas- ant one, Nc 're going to offer several splendid nîod- els at these reduved prices: $1.00 Corset for -79c $2.00 Corset for. .$1.69 S$1.50 Corset for ý$1.39 $2.50 Corset for. $2.00 Last Time We're Going to Mention Coats The Prices They're Marlied Will Speed them onTh.eirWay Tihis pîromîises ta 1w the final xxard ihn st *xlisil rants, the pioper lengths and xvîughts sbown; black or the popuiar shades of blue, brown, grel anud otiters. The sty' les w!ail <pea Ita o *vo, for tlie-.\ have proven thiuei iopîtiarity. Siik linied or mtiined. Plain or neatly trim- umcd, at thlese ver.v itajsuaI(l u îýaliigi re ii*s. $8 Coats at $2.95 $ 10 Coats at $4.95 $12 Coats at $6.98 $16 Coats at $7.50 $20 Coats at $9.98 $25 Coats at $11.98 Clearing Prices on al Women's I& Children's Footwear Ladies' W h ite Nu-Buck Puiups-lThis Seasoli's Ilae t piîîtlar Juliq; ail sizes andt Ladies' Gun Metal -lii Ba- 1)v P>oil, M ar'xv.ane an I pimil sxle.The fmuîîuiius .1 nli aa row naîîke, -$3.t ex' aluies. 19 Boys' Velour Button Shoes A siual<)vyoY11t-Iug nu- Jluoe I ic btuei x\\cars ~< 5., u i1.85 2'm irs isx ustaîu, lpatenît anud <li Ladies' Soft Vici Kid, Opera or Com- monsense Style Slippers A cool001 , ! bu mtoai uiîibliiu'iuutlace axfords: iliper for tlu uout; 15valuie 7UL liiokeuiuî d faît iluia les; sailli' Little Boys', Misses' and Children's valîues up b to ) sizes ta 5-,95 Tan Bafefoot Sandals - M~Il , j I ieau.iIngSale l95ice . t......... .45c, Children'3 Dresses at Clearing Prices A. ,.reu cteri tng wil be nmade- un thus sectitn on aceount of tho enormiois stock we have on the tables, white andi eoiored, ail sizes 75c values 43c 1.50 values 95C 3. O0values 1.95 5.00 values FINAL CLLAN UP ON MILLINLRY MIe are going to try and dispose of ever.v bat in the stock during tluis sale. The prices prevailing will insure their specdy departure. For ilistaire: $ 10.00 Hats at only $2.48 Little Boys', Misses' and Ohildren's Tan Play Ox- fords $1].>2 a.111(11.5098 value ......- -- ......9 8 Misses' and Chuldren's Kid Button Shoes-Witli mnat kid tolps; soll extension soe;$1.50 antdi.75 Vles ..... - ..... 1.29 MVisses' and Children's White' Canvas Two-Strap Slippcrs - Witlt extensiont soies; xur $1.25 ai 98C $1,.50 %aus No reasoîlt ta eave the littie tots go withoîtt ai tout at tluese prices. It's the final clean- îup oal t tlesc t.armnits; no exceptions; eX- vix' euîat înarkt'd ut Ilaitanid less. 811k andi eluith iu aterials. Blaek amnd colors. AI sizes Sto 15 ycars: $3.00 Coats for. $5.00 Coats for._ ...... 1..... . 48 .. . .. . .. - -- - -- - $7.50 Coats for ........ $3.75 $ 10.00 Coats for-.......... Children's Underskirts .Made of gootl iii îslin. A 635c garnîclint tOliiiy $4.25 Hand Bags 0f good leather; in the new nuodels;$ý1 antd $1.25 values, 09C Col A lot of splen, eîs in ail si BraE 0f good qualil ton hack, enh nied, 2 Knit A lot Of boys' waists; regul il Muslin Wornen's tuci andi lave trir style; 91 71 musi The new front, lae t Handk 0f good qualil ifled; our Boys? Boys' knee p strongly înade Corset 0f naingook, brI eytrr Dressini 0f lawns and ials; values 21 Silk 0f moire sul colors; valu. Children 0f law'ns ai colors up to ui YIzEz~ Kimnonas Wonen 's crepe kimonas, in new patterns; $2 values at 1.3 Petticoats Black Petticoats of good sat- teen, $1.00 values, at only 37c WFomen's UaioeiSuits Fine ribbed, lace trinimed; reg- ular 25e value for AIwy CIe Children's Hose A Nwliite r i Ilack siIk i 'le Ilose; ail sizes, at 0111V 19C: WVomen's Aprons A fl!l SiZc ligllt 0or dark 1per- cale apron; 35e value, at 29c Women's 1 A fine ieree ia rirent: regr 3m1 YoIl likv t bis deîaitinent of!mroin îstaiîtly; jiot oullîhecaîse W aukegan's Host Popular Shoe Parlor anairofexvIlnsivc ne;ss, norJ>y aus e o'peer 'h ,i vftu o(iiI\ '. liîs lîx ivlre, or tuie great xariety of st ,v it a obvg-iîî o hie servioe etne yaso xetN Iliake's ij islus lleîîss to ee tlat evei. v oin ;îîand ehilîtiis propvrlv tit ird; these ane the ei\ lielieiots <of tthe <IiargchIeilt adsoce o! s 1,t lus dî,ariieîit. \'('Nt tinoi- 'von ']-e in the store visit tItis wil lilns, if oîuly t,,lok. The pluasître will be noitual. Crepe W4tst& Beautiful floral dosign ; the new styles; yaluies to , at only «2 ab Wash Dres A new lot gos into this Clearing Sale; light and dark colore; $3 values at 1.98 BOYS' WASH SUITS 01' White, bline and tan tIiaterials, ele(veily triiitiied witl materiais Of eontrasting Cr.0 t U Clearing Prîte(,(s P , ý1,$i257 BOYS' WOOL SUITS Of Mnediumu weighit mixtures; plain or Nuorfolk styles; iight and dar kPolors; iii I izes; $4.0 and $5.00 vaiittt r cd 23 Muslin Petticoats 1)eep embroidery flounce; firme quality at only 47É Silk Ribbon Afine talfeta in aIl colors; regular 19e value, at the yd. 1221C - 1 1 K