* . . '~ *-1 Thoi 4hneand opmsaftng Off ~io iig heCams A.L BOCK WAS AVITM ~Wo KownHos uc-1 Nor* mClrmwnert Sel'place viioe pickpociets rqm s» bilai on ii aeti c su* *m s @a Snea £511 r ~.ete t oeto~piits*long laP . I ocsupeatudent tii. ewotlc une, vas ocf tue OU bt ie ceeioedtula gn »W, t ib WM the UlYmitaoI Neva wuet lie mIter: le" WDooovicrefiles il lis'hi Roan ieneChicago, tejeipoal b..bdeso fcu- *118 t the cir& Street glation *~Stiethie usibet, hici vue p.iSi ii wspO20bitta, ta psy ,-i8=lb fa Vatke. Ha care- ilie imilet am thle bo la hb i p pochaI- Somody, 5p éute'la ai oves mire ,crlb .,etbtod tIo v«Mtmd i te Boissupect a mai lu$ sphicèks haveé ct " ye4 et loea « a , 1T . , eq1 MEwjun T AT RUCK'S AKL intasU t lm* wIbcomtsa Dftu rsber . as ic became over Mg,«baAlsRUCEl 3A3M qulchly gruw citiie Druc u L ke, Illncl. m mbe to it t«,M*aawtv"_ ocahF s a A u o Dr. LE. l4 ý july 7, 1914. nmàorerrié vs*esr. otiscianfTr-k iaisa natopwauilesun-* iTu"o - Ca'i 4o the WWs. 1% bS*tua ,so- iN W To the Polks et HOM*-j the.flooru, otheruaZPM 9,mMtuatrp h miii mmdei ies.Do Th uirOf the c*Iip bas ut goeemral rellton, le the arrivai of UP miit ewthiikl* f14 p"FLotl .hum WU*aiBL alsbyan snd 'P adte*had i BwwaMu-vu a ANOTHER 6011ll TRIP, T00- 12 basai=fou voco he eatfl tana ndmaWuade t ou eaaon TRIP, TOO. '1' %iiet1scn-ii.ioulk en. sDDORFOLW lbESW3 m iime eMis.*a.ll.butell ,sni% tape iiit hu.tOrand Yi"Mr mlmtVa afoliwao tt 3mteon .00«di *-e- -, l h.th * "'ton o'Iock snd lilu lt ." Our 8"% <a' * 4lé, ef' O ngt i'> pol11tgýl#t the Auto a* &.4 p a ova tjbytguâa ndii oimf lrt a foecm l1e laended miii a thc lat@ arrivaâtor thévaa, a pic- t a lnansa Juncmtion mai places alaonom tha on tyor iê.beLOtfatfi u4vs r t mdTruoks "% Satlstà@- route. Hîngu ni e4> p. ta he dute trva i.d atTenm onlàt ésiteu.Oragrt1nioWouus vumi-vaat -Sudin-FaisAf. TU a sls te4mteptaceibis body ,ilt 1, etbonhand mi10 &mrn, Il il dinnr Ibis evoUWt au mlxccoctt. laPI essaieanMr ieeu -*We;. WW a 5ed5tha n"e tiie mot voalerfilthat bas bien e«* mmra. OtIi 14.vmackol OiiCIgiola ~-Madethe trip hotvden 3 Mad12 bae a iguecla te voUraS.W pe 80ca. cful o! traitiSgoade ~bf Os taff latbe " .U &sport- Auto trus t. ~fut uperc6dWlb* 'cie'k aie uosNiois. . iem- 'lo fafl ,uovu airS, ltai t obav a nu gl e littii oay The tberaaklng of frais, -the. vhlpettal ment Wfth Ml.m ai Dovit and Mn, uiraaa aua mtmvngbuêode.-.roqrgg s lonS nil «d"ies tii.asn la h be I? ose 0 t6 u alaC ubtO red 17 cfti. resmethyiv>'tom i faLoche SU iltL5.A u dSa Ofthei lod olfectse bçm sth*. distance the ai rirs toe ha ?liil- rebdltoatcumt pse ee lasv e ffl &bot tbovri la the breemes. lTh. nght spent ud'inaner Maisev-nat MAY heo btainei ure le ta o.boIMbie.c. ly. , ion? 1ma maibomries v.te. bfitl tolpipeaiaot hi nlgt pun fr ti.Bru lme Wm e~m ail ~umpud aofcabuile hU caLIt uiztouslngtat utoab Mns h.bue a Job ucylag aa lvi n lghtbruts an o .fla Um asanieor, tie piyOu- der the. igit Of the. lOrousmac, tO mlie »c»"aI38pt cabcf roltoe Ma bu, ng à*ti"t maco Dut ptie m o for goelrt " WYPtl@ V 0ia ftteuck'i. ils- alma, aet l m vfture ,aM i d a es e bo rm di. P ort Gvia a tocal pB ut b u i f at o b. t hetli breezea er a re mo tovu andlho eab Af u bélcf M ciu ap u Mil5h re fo1*~ tui. <a îlesc, c Umm . eyC an& car spe ta mla m ia- a-t l t . i e u -I a 7 b -j oaleite hFo ro&8 * 4k "ytai akesane 1 I ty»ot e wVé laM I ror . ob freqete peeular aCcidet Bu h un OIUi ailre p ateM roloa5oegn ae mot nte sr t -lbury a llet newn M oqisisa m nth&efuse. h prgbreze ar kOvu Oly ab qart o blW&'"P«rea"5l"vs Cty.,aThedIncid eoW rai u'** lkacin fthe physicien bai consclOugly, an fatier admotitet of bremi, 9. qUrta et ml»iil poundu movei la otitO gIllla thblune."ralaigt S*~wMd qgc mo are knowr1 OlY lairausfor mil but of butter Md i.10, pom l ofuévoee 'Tie gre«tl Obléèftu 10moving f uroi- -- avn 'ie flal@e."' .v4d ie WON=stro uessble Der. thei. historiait" are mloep- Uvo tie usi teais. propamimISS. n n it tcait'q- l ta llies go tong GQU" muée Itr ! ii "un l rape l l ti.mlsaca vlunnsvu l-tu oba .- a rtcO eeerc elaila irls' lebeel Il'làa tated thttu aisBalhukrl#lu~lô itr fth "o- a rppd a, ath ueoMs thn W n , arteacnd-TacherafliBtiue u Wttoamu mre ro. lhe oftelcktii, Ti eeto!the dïmaid creted sMues dsturbei nt iy ltheclicitag1go g mialrdne oon miboat- articlej. M l.Th c?#:oooecrfr ta - ell m, MIs Untli, !ulielthe _ selu!MatOep amide dtiut" mmi"dutiei ladbd iuifeoveruton.ulabcamp e& typovritor or tetopiione b Oel.t c lm : , = te camp ,until 1 00 P. ii i opre o lua i ovt i b e 5 " M is b ut 1th in h.4 -bt bm5t f or t h*ye s. t e ai é s f ePumas l offo i d y td th what m dey hlm bas hiom! T i . le - raw4lle We ' twol"8 bao fl54ey AbitI hIt'a hemtu citielailahawu etSj pprcbeeecf 4an8o, t pe.tTCi .reS rtotd us liaI 0oneutember cofveryplme mt ofr.otichae Ie la a jj juoïd~WI vpb i piscsp uovs* 1 7 8Icti lie choir, Ru"aie ietcn, vmset the vue a iauiiDaltêV icit la 1100r oc rectory am i Mx'e-ekk Ibis imouhi: .Min GOMceW7we Mrtiay. Vialors ctho erveu g.±iied bri«bt oyei o lite aim iuàPfrla.tle evisirgcon- 3110 evrycite vau prenat t 3:*à. Oru mei- ",Mie ra;M.an Çs m,. tuaaaW« or la I gl rt eil- y. T. BOmeut 0amirM. amm iras, Thougi lhe urgt iiindnme iof gmu- Wamm Nelson A. teeIle, Jobn W BarO& .j iwuivlie memberu o! tue 'mota E.Gr',WlttIaMj. umti. Srmp wvt oe on lbhenaMeocf tie* aMer aMd Mis. Cbai-Y' Wffl dWhicgo Te@Mem anowe te 'iolaf 4grmclcily endréditlb.Vuse oflcte rte e l ttrbuse olpeciand" - carstue choir motorod 10 the labe 81- the bai licka tavitingli. Vilimoe rivng at 9.00 a. - na. oodmisht. lm udseyIPOn r-rivaie- ib oe- - teme imbamt u a zeet . i' LMna »Oot1eV ae uê- L»ThRA FD. > ITH OHICAGO. 0 z te mebawme" mmoeî lb u â YN M ox iaot un.8ne FINDS I>M'YU -' Mise Grecs ei. ebld e"buesne Mb.~ -ve ml av reliedCi&emeieve Th8.t Withthe for Cncnnati. Obio. viiere they vol, W*léts sihe TraIeExtension et Laki front sper.d heu aummer Vocation iitn . S ii ai04-Peelisdeit 0 Prk, lit joUd R e relatives ai frlamds. îW 4 é * IWkauie. iclrlc -3J*109.Neise.bmah bu lal e - 14 t1be vlom u-pêcourt yeeedr. The cse ou f Jobak eWset tii. csitrsMnar v.mg UNSIGHTLY AND A MENACE. latrii ek wdfor. dlsoritî omduc ukomt urOi Uw si wtoda t as pt ovf unt riay. 9* bt U *U ltaI tes vas re Swept StfllttIIe WUI FOrDi chemlai oceey wvas tiIm __vi~bu lm pir . aPoor Saokgrotnl f«r 111 for ilSoriohîcndctmi ru wus met Ove? tot ta - 1 l~IPet atPo.t Uamatinaiaàs iven a las fine Sa ~ ,U~lie elva if ii. gn- -a almllsofeace. tk~e. vh bu Mi D5*U F radu ovt t t ceextension o! Laie'Acmilo.fmnfrmtuPr- »DUSUItIOUet vas - aen toe rot *a s ema asurmre. ctizen* bYterlgu itmiimet 1e veiil ut »é6e-otumMdhe reanesareno wndein wacdisposition M.-CQ D~O esacOo - meS OR mo ia Dow# in te be maie o! tii sieloton forme thelr guidai schgol iplc cWt. s Si alaS ba - psures 4li mai. cf bbrais rouçdhy *st day Jntîy 2. l'he follovini commit. MN h h fai mnuta DaMulaMaaate ils uaslghtiy % Shaoaove? tue te« ver. appclaOte aarrange fer am bu sod tho pftie o0*aeléétnl ile cftue îrot>oeivan et«sias.the da". qw du riéar bu e a " « b buildig stands as a allant mon- Soicting Coummltee- -VIXd'- w- fMd VM la Iccisi up uotu10Ilis gblsa ive qf lu . . f DTa .1411 palmeaio n. u imtbut lierete ta ittii @stiment Leslie Davie ______________ connectai viti t Ilatho oyes cf the, PrimesCcmmllee- citisens. as tiey fait to dtermlne Tom mnn»ey ~A "" ~ ~ Just uhare mal respect moli he ac- Rltanr Dasci 4 »1S -Ncorisi tie ur'slgiity ruina. Jobhn<artloy PInL~A IK.i!î£~ T ho gray forai of tue lire svupt Spors Commltee- IUL~UAl~) U JJJstructure vitu Its myriade of steell ianT litho raf bers standing ocul i agisauttha WII M ivilat - bacgroundlfortu a verl u=favorabe s ot el eary t au air ltt S.gmeo O t ail plite tu the voysger viio gels bis 1Raeement Cofâittee- liaCsaa oftitieiMo an ilaPu Pitciiei rt ves, ef the. city of Waiegai M. C. Docker a h bi dae o bal yuhaday~ train the bau o! lie tacomins temm- Chartes Orttey. leM oa t ha Malontreetot tunidset. Only a portion o! the structure it te lie plan tiis lOB' b Maielt liiteating te Norliveet stars by the remainu tu greut the ecyeof !the via- plcnjc one o! t4e fineSt Or glyes li scqee f4 ho 1. Two rrata nOtta 0' 11r vbile lie jaggei and, Irreguilarthiib. hc dit a il lib. wlse a rrthe N. W. team Ultho ti wlltruaiyllit e aUeias& ait7g».ethuchltiiet thteOi lnsàmi.Thie fouture cf te game W prosîpice la lie grand caitOR. la ryigoie tte piybit cfSmith. And-rmond Th're valla o! lie structure iDot ODJY = =i Mi 3esCnner cf Chbicago a TiOrtap via vere tlght t ter.througi present unulghtiy loaturea but tiîy vialing aI tue Tang ho m u0(e teé viole gamotbier pullei do- are cosdtoi a menace ai velI. Naval alas . Misse FOWvIS tve* a ssis plays liat té,big lg eaguers Chlin plaîlaS bcti iew&11valua sch pafty te her guaWite ulsmter. W 'i.ld mi». Tb* Norhbvai t lao! tue ung:aboe romains are runnins OMs Vas the onl estthat biu heaten a ri a! belai truc Iy some o!fiThebsjadi«c!ttue iicly Wml *Ibo Napa Ibis usean far. liaI vu e nmaascaY, ver t te uppue over. ocuhurimutt ait qvmeng te mIl cg janet Ib y te scoretcf14 la0 7-'The bhiding lt e u tOa s"i i t committees tlt PIaleJUl IF The RNM bave vS 20 games out ~of ttMy tocfa r a iept afMd Il la Misa Mabble MKiuny lavest possible tiat t mal sebîe ta " MO' o~I n ber nvacatinwbilqh île O l apff 'nelleup le ailduous: mont, la vhlch iront ît vouli s*re- vt'lalva i emtetoWmsb R4P5- N. WEST- îy carry disaster buaMY lucklemals Pe Ti. iohyerima 8unda sciait C Wlch son tint vouti chance to be tuilis Vuhagma beli their plenlc mI Flim U~Ua P vIIr8 aido,,. .Park iodai. K1iAWoa se Mll$s The. lofty mci. mInci of tic buili- lir. sm it. Hanson Moil chIure. »M$»" 1 arOinglitS also saas Itbelie nds a raturani îailerday rtrma vsitut ç ~ ZB 4itbtiti 2menace 1toIl. and p-rtlyi i * th gt>d Park. seD Ludie vlciity.Th ii ilsand miii empoyi Tb* fsmllîciofG. Cudaiî18-tu Or P Pria o! lie puaiplingitoi fiel sm Il tue Vadilortu vittan relativs CI UbOltUa uori o! darnoclela haN &Og vO? JO* Ersuseof Mlvanc att a? Oliver wveritg lire Mnd veaffer veeieitd w notinor vtiTom liWt e ' i 9 0 O 0 -1 structure. ý 0 --4 Mrs. Leter anisec@Miss I'lOe #A.IM esueTeos its uesn om u a emm Mse esCig iies Lu-kg Terlep. 'haz- Pu a 0, la à mai boXe i re o l M zIr!Lesteri- via asIed t« ftrw" lg_» dm08a* . 1.by 4««" dlaissalir Olcertain. rm».Wt bt a a* WWM oi ââiý Moans1,te ru stweépeaon Olt tue vttîhs. ty 1845*ast mioyale tip, eaffe bet*0thave boui<li idoncs sîil tuItm u t"afront ses mlclkqeq ______________ ullia t eydteetion, uniere? hor Oiy spah «tiiFubi o! JuIl lx2 *4 hiit-pver malflntgumghe s imytv ay. 40 Menaitla tie pittgraph 1a bi1av iells MeUle WillIaàs primaT teîhl - tee-M -the - Bâst - -IN-- - - -,. v.-M« "boom, ,'itubiaI pusmt Md iv 11 du mue dadIii esbmte ~U»>' Wsahltsaamd t* baga «1%w * Ii Oi.r KAY4O-Sale on Quallty W * * --Udt St6remuMlins ClearanceOf. Làdies' Clearance of Ladies' Clred -Dresses ae' Lades - Dresse%, Figured Voiles, rps aue pt 2 Raias, and lawTs, f5.8vaues, very spe- Loti .1. **19C cia.l forThtrsday at Lot 2 . . . . . . . . 79C Lot.988 Lawns and Chat. Dressing Sacques Chilkren's.Rom I~e Kmonas15C Large amsrtment of styles pi c earaneos U6 nse $b50 values; while they last and lcolors, very special for Big cersanct !Cide' Thursday at Rmesa Bar galin , Our Corset üêDpariment Cleaace of! Cdrsts, ail are 'well known miake& Specia for thursday, 9 *J EmbrEidwed bt rufflos, -sp eçial?.S2c Dutcaps- SpeciaI Lot of Made '61,.ghame',largeas- Ladies' Corsets sortment ôtcélois at To clearat -1c _ 9ç 1.8to L& s 1 Childreri' Waists' Muslin and knit, button tape f astened, very special while they last Rathh~taui5 4- - -~ 1, 5Octo9S -vv dit Dol nul nul am frai lail lni tien Sied il Wai aunx alth la b taln od m Lest AMi Ri etai Ritti AI Wes Ma"i Rua Dai, puer &An. Edas moni w been rli. John phen HSI Ne old colle John Davil Imasez atabi' eci Mahi "aI Joey lace, ili Hazé heth Spoi Oro itobe Mloor ford: bid iy. à am vera FI cita ùru * Robe] Wedi Judge Eayl * Aot 1