CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jul 1914, p. 6

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s., Pare Six The Few Accidents That Did Happen Wore Not of a ReaIIy SernousNature. FOURTH WAS CUITE 'SAN E.' policeAtrbd u bs asa Re a- son Why There Were 30' Few Accidents Moere. Deapite the tact tuat thera wera fun saaê-Pmui s emlat"Irnt,- Waukea tuis 7ar, the celebatlan ai Yaurth tues year was markedby very few ac- cidents, bareiy a friiction &f those wWhbave occurred here Ir% soma yeu arsat. Thie la due ln large Part. t la b.lievad, ta the.supervision o! the police, Who uaw to It that the celebration did ne't became toa bais teraus. It was a noticeable tact that the number ai blank guns was aimait nagligible. This was true aa wltt. regard ta the large cannon crac'<ers which aiwaya have proved such a menace. This yaar the Waukegani dealers bought nothtig larger than the tour or five lnch cracker, which while dan- garous efflugh, cannot ha compared with the tan and twaiva Inch crackers which hava been sold tu ther yeai's. "I cannat express how gratified 1 arn that Waukegan had such a Sane Fourth tiis year,- Thomas Tyrreli, assistant chiai ai police daciared. ,.. have noticad a growtng tendency toward tbia for the last iew years and I blleve the condition will graw bettar eacit year. The iact that there ware su faw Faurth ai July accidentt. titis yaar la iroof that thls te a aiep in the right directior.. Prababiy the moat serlous accident McCORMICKIS,SUED. DRAYIMN 4ÀRIY. DIES IN TENT.COLONY. CoePoe& Pape have flieti a iMre ntIcksan o ai ebq l, M omc inLake county HCIN A RUN eviakehua be annitu r thea court, lp bahaif ai 0. L. Nielteo, a cor- WA ON IOUTTU lent three or four monthe, passa>t panter vito on May litvas varing IlA I IJLRhI ay 8unddy morning et five-thirty on'tire McCormlcit praparty. Lake For- &..--- 'clock. Dunirg tire time seasn et viren the MeCormicit autamobile Thrown From Wagon Into the hers she vas careti ion by officiels man hmmidao. Road Wheri Herses Swerve I Knox county. Han remains baie Ha ciaims his vrtst vag iratiiy ~ î;* been shippeti bai-k ta Galesburg for eprainati andt irt hiestoctar eays e inaS h> îlyîO Side Street interment. wiii neyer have a stroni- vrlst ugain.'M N a ro Ha vas unabla ta vont for a mantir., MMUY AOA LOSELCALL .î KITÇAT Tira chauffeur ves dtiving tire car, , Herbert Battisiord, who ila ngug.d Mns. McCorrnick and ather mambersIn the. draybng business in Waukegan Ou ai the family blang bn it. vas mare on les. eeriously Injitr NORTH HIA and narrovly escaped dtauth on -thH FINE» ONCIiAI«iE Furtit ai July vhen humteàm of REA A AR I T FIIRD ON c ~hanses ran avuy, throving hlm ben-a. À ÀAVS vily te oneaside oi tira roand. Boer"Nm eofP plRprtT I~3Ij14tINiJEIj< j 'lof Peopie vho, vara In the patirh NubrofPOefprtTa fil E ME UN tire matiiy dashîni- barses bi a close, They Were Rcbbed-Local oeil.People Were'Nipped.' HI N U D Y The accident took place on State_____ istreet, North Chticago. juat ebout te ALMOST CAUGHT THIEF. lake Gastiso Not Satisfied ta tima the parade vas passini-. The____ Self in Wholesale Quantities lhanses b-aante frgiteneti et emi Frank. Herrod of Waukegan thIng anti statet d in sdov tire -According te the Plce. street . Battieford triati in vain ta Feit Hand in Pocket But the hlthem in check. Thief Made His Escape. HAD A PARÎTY IN MIS HOME. At Thirteenth sre h os ivarvedtet the rl-ht. A large number Pickpockets r-apena ricir harvest Souttb Side Man Arrested on fl iPeople ware gatire ai atibis cr.r- at Nantit Chicago on tir' evanini- o! Charge That He Threw Cpf - net andt iry leapat beci out aiftira tha Fourtir accordini- ta reports ni-- fee on Floor of Home. way just In tire nic'( ai timeaos the cel-rat iy the- Wnuiegan artndNtir eveying wagon, swta&bng tram aida ta Chicago police. It lasasit thav pîte, Weukegali, July 6. s'âidte arapot. ther4ama an naiffi> tirat tira> hati Jacobr Gestioni 1109 McAistar ave- A Mils futhor doien tiranitreet tuit made' a grooti iaui batore th(f n pre- nue hid a littie party et iis home automobiles v-ae ranv up beaidc serv'a vas discovareti. Frankt Harnai Suntay aiternoon. Accontini- to e li te rndotiana on etirer aide. Tire ai Belvîdare virai-I. WoukegRn. vas 8 poica hae served drinks to ail of those irne ieadet e course tiractly ire- neair victiro buh faittIhe "dlp's" bond vho îîîanathent'. But, that voult have tvean tira tva machines. Tuene tit In h is poctet In timegav ehe iri hi-en ail ru-ht se tan as titi police ara not si-arntaelie uicient room but Iti from beini- robtiati. Aitiroîtti ir got cotîcerînet liait Gastiso gone no fur- soma manner that seamati littIe lesd a o oati oo aitnt'e fahiov i-ea un- tuer but il vas vitra liaoversieppath..ran omiracle tira wagon, rnitti ab lle t0 detain hlm. the hoittîiary antibai-an ta oeil bei-r te thraugh vitirout doini- mucir damage'. 4ugusl lusinuwtrf.toi Bluff sîreet outahdprs ivita appiietiaatlbis home ma t: It was soma distanée futonier doýa.Wnukai-an. tîindhbs pocea I pIckd aof tae poice stepped In andi asst't.tlted ,tra- hat the hors-s vent' $20In cash sud a note for $20. Lare.. their authority. broui-ht l a ebhit. the police picitad up pilecas ai tht- Tirt- coiinat tînt Gastiso Naus set Bottisiond as tirmavo aut os the noie ah, r ti ati etie orr i înîg boeri-atlout a licence iras recelirwai-on5w-rvdIai oeThrteantir aIrai-t tionnam arsranti hy picing if worn. ed b> tIie police Suutdy afternon. Ha eullInto a sirapaleas heap In tha abla te resnuîne ittlulils fornme:, ceitl Assistanit Chili- Tyrrail andti aptainj rond as iir e iraiSbai-n ctepulteti tin. vas that wviic bafl 'Manerll, thea I? Lions %ventte thein Gastiso hmne Nvierthere. People vira nmn up fount hlm A toretgner reparti- tel Chiai Ra-k. year oit son ci Etivant Ciiff. Tite boy tter"c founti tri- report miai net tacon breatini- ireaviiy anti ire atnpeari-iStli tenwaii tof Nlofllr Churaio tiraI aenia- haiS purciaiet e "flovar-pot'" et a lo- Oxaggerateti. Tha> toutîti savait men hi- sertously fInjurati. tii-a of bts lirai lest $16. cal store, firat finquirini- for sonna sort titi-ni ahon> tIiy pîaed anti-r arrast, Dr. Conneli v-os cali-t adlire lias A persite nt report has It that one of finavorits tiret vault ieh absoiue- laitng tiroir nanras aevteseA-tenaiS te tir scen- vitit al possible sion lait o purse containini- somo- iy ete H va aaunti itb mlt ta h-fu- oitiS ae lit ocastatio aste In the meantima Battiafond thin c ver $100. Tire mans naine tirat the flover pal. ha punchaset iiaa Tînt cana vas lielti lii Police court batl hi-en placet Ln on automobile and oufti n'* hi- secured howvien en harmiess that ira couli boit It bnDhifore Police Magi-strate Walte'r Tay- tira tntp to tira hospitai vas stantad A îtofa empty purs" es i- bis 1-ent virile il vent off. lor this rnornîn- and ialion tht' shnow- On tire n-a> the automobile ovartook pi,;ý ti <reu r thne Pourteanth streat- look tat ilta a point neor tira Edf fni- tuade Gastiso uns finail $100 and the Conrad andi Hart ambulance. Tire incr iàd aisea azlini tii- 5rat-t cai, son court station on tira ni-ht ira- ots as a riarunîni te bea e ittia more driver offeret te tata tire injurati man trark rîfrere itnev i-vftent, hiSd hi-en fore tira Fourth anti ln tira presenca &uàreful lin future. Gnsttso bas a il. lnti conVèat-arc tiera nat ai tht' thrrn aiter thi- tirbi-es bai ex- ai several compenions placet t or ceuse whîicn îît-rmIts lanim ta condîîct a va> ta tira hospital. trac tid the rooney. One nf thesa the i-round anti applied a match. Be- bai-r %%agon aîîd rli hi-ir ln virole- At tire mention o! tire word hospita' r'lînse cîontaincd a cariS viticî show, fore ha coulti step hock Ihare vas an eule (Iuarnitties ant ieIn sougbt to put Battlatord prIckatitapalis ears anti cd Tt tu-tungco-te1 Tony O'flnler.l ai explosion viicir nucitlati in tire n lire tit-icîsé, Ihat lie thouglit tiis daciaret ie haouldt (9io thera. Pan- Warrt<ecsn. Anather uelongeti t0 face. temponarily linding him. His gare trilm the rtii-i-e of se'îilng any suasion availeti nothtnt, anti final> hae <tant,, E. Schaffcr af Evanstan. campanlons took Man te a neanry vs i coeas litt out ei the automobhile andtil! ann rnther halongi-t ta Gior-e Hem- bouse andi aet is face. Still ine Other Police News. mata bis way borne. rtîk a! Laite Farest. Some of thava couit not ses. Tiran ire vas taken 0to Charles Sousman of tîne South Sida eimt'- parne" rontainet no mark oi thte office of Dr. Gourla> wlinae his r-ai arresteti Sîiiîtay afterîîoor on tit-heE IIJJ~I uticuîiration. humae vere attentat. Ha vas thin ,o.pîiî ni iii. wtt..'Y -InLihantl5A 1 Tt waq abotut nine-tIrn> in lire ai-i-o taitier. uome. ît us blibevet rs eye- rrinv a1iured lier. but tirea a potinrl 9ric r befUr i-h-ors an> teiita repart vas sigirpcaub ha îee. ut 'cifïei- about th int tchenî fluor ha- RL FUSED IN U - rrtrnd ln tirat ptrkpociaets vana ai Foilowing la e Ilst o! tira accidentst Cause- tiigi titi îot suit hlim. Sous- ur fn tira crow-d. iHArnaiS vas tha tirt loit place ln Wauitagan ai mi b a arid lni Police court fi IUwhJ~I U i io umade itis ni-part. Wtth hii redbt ai tira Fourtit ai Juiy: iiunrrnitg and1 unnn tut' protmîse tiuat ION RL eS E aO. Ile1f andi cuIt h liraiS hi-in ln tire MERRILL CLIFF, 12 yeae aIt son 1.nit ' i' l uîr t a fiii Foîirtrtiith streat park. As i- vas ai Mnr. and Mrs. Etwrd Clif:; flower- v-. >11e . i- ina ftuorci w ore Ctyo Zion alttmni ton a treet car et lire Staan- pot explodat ln face. burnini- hum s- if lie %,a arrestai ai-aie lia wanld gi-t Asked to Be Let Out (i Pay- Ieý- stri-et station ire fait a brand suir varaly; leens enletinet tiret si-ht 1,- Ligist tie tîne poice Cati iie ing an flid ludgment. nien hi. pocket. Whlrlini- around lira ofbth i-yao ml-ht lia affectai but iun gria îteti the iranti hefori- fi coulai lie physîcian nov hllevas lira viii ha htulbHoi !Nri hcgonaiWuîgs uyi iittîirawn froin liris pockpt. Ha bail abne ta sava boys si-ht. Treatat by arrestei oun Sunday for securfîni llquorj hJutue Wýhitnay NlIonday retusedti t0 he baby hI bis armes iou-aven anti tire Dr. ourly. or a innîr v, ho bas beau placet on, grant a v'it ai Injuncttvn staylng an (hi-f manageai ta jerk ave>' and dIsap- cracka axpladei 7n iris aut, ie- tIre hlacklist. Tht' bay land hean toit exacutian in e Zian Ci>' Case inao!îv- Penrn he i crovd. Harot. itoveven cracierexpode lnbisban, lce int te do ti ulntI persîsti-ti A fine ti-g se fire points ai Jeu. Tire axe- sacunati o geoa lok et hlm anti ai- Ing thumir àan farefingar qulte seera- vas huni- ovar lmi buucl viii ha un- cution la ion betvaen 190fl und $600. tarward gave bila Police a goad de- ly. TieatedéiryDn.Kalvsky. , rtcted ili case lira t detectea tau SeveraI years ai-a a judinmatt rein icriptftu. toav I podnD' tra Oiak catritg ctlnr vioation. enteret against tha City ai ion ant As seon as Chi'st Racittnavei re- ___________________carridg tire Cty oaffciaIs. Juat liatore giami cel>ad7 yar af the pickpocket» ne rolilsI in luCiguret palier ta for ont a offiMce thaga offcbi peli t he hostau.>? ta thre location, and caniatt- fuse;, rlght eye badiy burnat vire OY B LA S KMJotgmt'nt out oi tihe City treeasury andi et an Investigation but vas alite t,) povder flart up. Treated b>' Dr. turnet it aven ta Birfrif lnt who lacata no suspicians loakini- cirarac- Am0eue. 1 w ir IN IIE f iri the exacution. Ttic, sirifi In tara. rie thifnks thre thiaeves muet - ANDERSON; taY pitol ex-, aIîI%,L MOF tomn paît the ntoney tai W. G. Voliva hava seau him appnoacit andi mate ploda>? ln is band,. lecenatini one orrit ani~gParty. goond tem escape. hie luxgera mai-rl. Tneantid by Dr- FIVE WEE KS' TLuE "Thhe present clty Maffcos i%'la are Thse heitef pnevalile tiret tht, Gaurley. _____members of the Theacrtie ,anty rov thievas mb-ght bava corne tard uNIKNOWN BOY, bande burnaiS byodmiti htnh fIal tlin a>e'.Hrrdl oprywt exploolon ai a firecreciter; treatet by George Smith, 12 Year UI nin udh tite t the mfinai et trt a cnpi- f. Baot ar ncapony v$th Dr. Clueiroe. Highlanid Park Lad, ConSid- ai tunar ovo pochi-ta Insteai ni froto natrotiedthlie strefti un, tihe hope tiray UYNKNOWN BOY, irand bur-in. b>' ers Himself Unfortunate. tne City' traasury. They appearT'i bea. mitht non &cross the ialbav% as Hon- firecnecker; treatet by Dr. Beriter. fora Jutiui Dannefly racentay and i-t roiS tet confident lie wotlid ir able ta JOHN ItOLENC. 8 yeers it, re Gorge Smithr, a 12 yaar it or- 1 'mo laIssue a nev vnlt "« eiection Identit>' tham but thaîr (litst vas nt otdini- au Tantb mîtreet; sitot In the Phran living et Highland Park. te a tiractetl agiabt tira men wlia vere suricessiol anti It vos finoilv aban- irai of tihe nd viti a biank cent meuit unfortuoate yaungsten. ofliciMeais et thre lia the ud,-ment donat.1 b juge., Bamn iacanted. Fi>oveaites ai-alha vas broui-ht was peaît. In thus vay It vaa Ilm,,-d Chi Recitenvaldta fai th bllai UNKNOWN BOY, about 4 or 6 yaara ta County Physicien Brao of Wattke te coiiact motm thase maen andti Ien 'that Chicago pickpockets rouit lae ol>? rasidbng an thea South Sito; irnt, i-an nu- Suporvisor T. NI. Clanrke ai t tairn tae mai rebcit ta tir* îyo e- trca aNni ucoh Ierned andi tacartet b>' dynamite Hfighlandi Par'.. Tire boy bila fellan !ZlCin.o tie tactae tle aNlre Cehiao b Mp; attentat b>' Dr. 10oIaY. villa ai pay atMn hia lroken hii arm. %fonday dafandants te tbia anian thi-ne. As neariy ais ceni ha leamneri navard Diasuar, Victon>' 6treet- Dr. Brao etucat the fracture, pla- ýappeanedt u court anti asti- i an ln-, tire ireater Part ni tira pitbni- ai huart bul bandsent cartritige explotet ing the errai ln a. paestan paris cait ueinrsrian th" collection on vokt as dions ln the cirw Ïn lj baud. Ne tg1 yeans ait. Fanor ve wees lire yaungoter vent ltha exaculion. Jutige WluIuiey denleti wa veitini- for tira streot cars. Tirea B«~ ecoti h vira a seau near the araunt vitir ie err a lb th lin. île th Prayer ai tira petitiea, tire tirievas ware able ta pi>' thene. la Mdse= court station Saturday nigirt vas caned for et the Laite Count>' arîous profession vîtiraut tetectian.. veste inaeSt mnte irattiea vith santanlum. A number ai parties haIt a plcnîc R.uo= cndiea, juslng them as swortis Then an Wadnesdey he lippat en et Druce's Lake an 'the IFourtir anti The Waukegan Cil>' tenon vas vic- «Mv wl tioey ver. explatitai. It tae kitchen fonr ai bs home anti ln ail reliant raving anayda etii-httul roriaus bath Saturdsv anti Sunday. gV «prsiang tiai nobody vas sari- fulit is mmm vas doublild under hie ria.tîît-tr am nteFutrio onu rtbody. Titane vas a stiat. Tii ttme -y lan teoate >' tire cor froml tic ari as fratCture>? tva incis f Ui. Coutraý big veOklY-NMD aniS vinnini- iram the Chicago Weaglî- « a0paet 16"0 âmi aboya the former break. IPENI)EN. -mn udyatron a4 ï%o b*m aa'.dyatenin I ~ I <.WVOft,~~hr~ I UPau&e~$an 0Netvs Cooenty ~ I I NONE RECEIVIED FOR LESS TH 9) FOR BALE +1 We bave a nomrnt ' f ti. otrtiesfoîr 1WANTEO mie or reuLt ir> d A10u rbry. to se) ai ville.. partictlari -- -- - -- - -- - -- ndepender FOR SALE OR RENT-9 rouns oufe. &Il convenieucas, large barre.corner WANTED- Buributt tîourt and Park Plape. Il. C. Of rroît 8 Gleson, i.ib..rtyvillp. o.li11 Ail the 4l ~ iruito.ana i FOR SALE-Guod agred and ssrvicabiy eliruble an. entend horpees, prie... reamouabile. Phare borry paUM 46. N. E. 4;atzert. î3I.i Have h. NEWCONCERN IS AK FFC TO MAKE y (>y5sff(> 11 SECURED;, TO COME HAD CHASED BSALLOONS. PÂMTEI E ON 1ST 0f AUQUST aitn hll Iml a Ir EAD WITH PISTOL; oO othea oit unutual came Lt A Beci Spring, Manufaoturing six Q'clock TlWs"mdyrornng when SIX Year Oid John Drinka Se Has rraned t Core frm ifibs: --My tw.> OUSIy Wounds Ludmella Mi% Carthage,, Missouri. ym vntgo ta work. A lOUal tore tM'nek, Aged Twelve. la«O9up hblucons thnesa dys IT EMPLOYS M h»ecayt hs ABOUT 75 MEN. Th»y , work-h wautta 'DIDNT KNOW WAS LOADED', Conoern Is a Growlng One and Ig O Oou hr »lTb ht'Catide- er u Doubtless Soon Wili h- u u-o ooq asIr gnih My BlakiWhen bReaiity oth-, crease ItsCapacity. ".1Wt* flor. Eu. or. BOYS-Loadd Them. _______ imme yongS.rsbotieU cMU of I"didat know it waa Negaotiatiane which have bean an dldn't go tu their work. heiàt 106r hange orhChcg font for nome littie timte were closed them. if bed bad timte ho wauld BundaY momuint &bout ton o'clack thie marnaing when the.contrant was hava don@ It. butlb. didn't, Wouvies 11WLudmella Pétrsait, a Il signad Which wiil bring a prosperous 80. Iti pTuueauUd that tUN Touags. year aid girl living at Ljncoitt. aud and grawing iuduptry ta the City. The tls ref&i.d ta bad notiar day off, 8Ieveth srei a btiiti concern la known ai the Laggett & Thuraday. cbatag ballucina. e-a hti h Platt ffedspring Manufacturing Com. -bond witl a ballet Sred front a pistai pany ai Carthtage, Ma. Ti.he u la the ha" o f John DÉina, e y.are ba ta be locatad In on. hiait ai the owaid i D -15 STRU Kold. a litti. tellow living as Eleventh Cyclone Pance.Company building on Madiaon street which for nome Ilttle ese- treat near L4ncaln. The. huilet-n time hue bean accuplad, by the Frank- ~~fN toed the. girls@ boad 1dang9raugly nasir lyti R. Muller & Caoupany plant, man- = S REE VÀ ON the lutter velu. The. X-ray wiii b.e ufacturera aifttabstone.t The sealis ~nV in-' uid tnu ~a iqtlrt ta detarmine the. stn opn cayol ne-hali y j V U A IF prmtloaonatibla. aa. ai the spaclous huiaing. wblch leavas À OBUY t riav oatbion 0 te talprefor plaoty of ronna for tine new tactory.fothaeb mdt PbeorI Tha Laggatt & Platt concarn lennt Was Trudging Across Street Ior flar t mlgbt bladgad near the anew venture. as tha Company 00W brain. han tlnrae brancines. One ni these Io With Penny Clasped in Hand Tii. Drinka boy b.d sacurati pass. in Winnipeg. Canada, asiother lu St. Loubianti the thîrd In Carthage. The WheniShe Is Run Down. slen ai a tay pistaI which liaitibea" oneinWâuegn wlitratefou 1:10 u s h eoot blank cartridges an the. littia later iltais llannedti t open sttîliM TE 5 I H SP A..Furh At the "me tinte ha eecured enotîtar branch ha Pittoburgh. M_______IN HOSITA.someamurtn. Ti.crrit, The' triadi, ni tIe conrerro are thinnnmeit=Itn.Te cat ig u or f iu i!îtidoiiliig the plabnt Parent and Child Both Lay in s*praored taeb.ob at tbut9itil4 ai (artîrage, M~to. as it laothot (lutte nmrn other boys had placet! S au acceýsiI- ui tie sîîpi,îyoriwîre Beds - Father Bowed n @hat in them. au5((1 îi e i l auîiecu aedthe Grief at Double Tragedy. The Petraneit girl passeti the Dri., ztnp(ii, SteielnaId '%VireCoaucny ka bone an her vs7 ta church. John a]ut i laSte lniSu iuk<'n PtaY aukegs.n. July 2. Driika iras playlng in iroqt ni hi, * inn' 1 lcai lîr atkeantIa Little Beatrice Gabrielsan. ageti 3I Il hr I us içl adt'îîirt t on-0 - ~ Yeats, l l Yn.g ina alittl. white b.d homesvi ti the. tay pislt. iî@ d Tî ite le-.ahurrofith ei-ncoinrtétthre home of han Parants, Mn. andi «Look ont or Ilil shaot yno,.'li t lled iage fia o!tte oncieuMsAto 'Gbllo, UV Weih- 1criati piàyrilly ua iehapointed the re.- prlaelreiîlantt .a I ngton street. sufering fraWVlnJurles vierabr.Tegl dsenI frront the -Amer. a tSteel anîd NVra Wiirh sire ustaloati whan sitevasvoartbe.Tigrlaisenhl Comnriy inil!he manrufacture of tha strucit hy West sidae treet car rwa 1ehootlng bianit cartridgee and srIb beti springs anti by iaving tire pianotlier home et about 6:30 ociock Wad posed the gun vas ioaded with the locateti lient- the Ceint of slîipplng will nesday eî-anlng. la the Jane )1]eAtlesnoeaotlaint ammunittion. 8h. val5. be greatiy raduceti. ter hospîtai maoy blockt away lies the some little distance awmy.ï Wlipitheriretad is fthisaConcern orotlier of the <huI. tIr%. Anthony . Tmnt frald, sire callid bock camp e b Wiikegan tu look ver en (i abrî..lson. alie In a white bied. bot1 aI)r.4etiSi tesîthua î,fed îytht' unavare ut the accidenit ttaI bas hi-- ta'0hlm.t ofîr. the altri sivlcire y t-Il ier lite dauglitter. i-d.lmost an lite apoliathe, boy pull- oite %N hic>, tIcheuibetotr epile bail I ittle iieaInice vasnon w Ye ha trizger and a shot rang out. ffin TtIch iht on a ntl track car No. 31 on the li-n iihrge of A second lober thet'lgi ecreameti and pirct-rni tse nirevint- heiig ruiîn Ni.torman E. Zeiliand enoductor A. dur-t ain Iiiu, wirith I. Thteiuld. Johnson, rrh.n ai-e attt-mît-d .li ta l tet e dwaik. blond spurtinir - , , i ',rrtni r,'çr-..with fric origlîý rntmna tiny haie hInlier heeti. Pas. ut rl :irî. ii-r ma%. ni t rshy tan te lher iassistarnc çkra1can- di-ai iras to liai-c bten clo.-ii (:sud>, store te, sîend aîît'uuny that haltied iehir hehi-r honte a few docte binir hien gi-irn te lier a fn-w rotnîis i>irnietling rg ev,-utet. ThiIs iornîng i- ieore , îy lit-r tatier. away. Dr. Jolie>' of North Chicago tureee liad in 'bd stncopan loi Theib iltrrîdging alongi- , iith ti-ewân cummoneti and ha carati ior tho, la-t'eretr lndtî citatîîî tigLnîly ctasped In lier littie'chîlde injurI". e . i ntendte u o i 1s t' FI Inetobesi h auad hall eltupil quit'ty froîn tbhetît-X.ray In an e ffort te tell iist cIner leti-relaitconoandtilp la hiii- in îîît uent on goini- te tht' iandi ctînc~v i-- a oceotîi t t tanglit stor. lier aunt wvho lias bei-n Io here the buet les sa tmat ha ceau that poasily tht' plant may ut'eb in gallir the' weliari- of tht' bot>,-tell how sariously tua :hlld iras beau l ri-adinesitetann iry tht' tiet of Aug . lt nîhtn-i ov-e i ut tuet At it'e atarI batweani 60 anti-,Fm 1 hepluployd ad ths n m other to th,- hosîîîîal seieraI da>.- bri-n belhe dmploeti imehre g iomisseti tht- tle neandi atart,-d site ANDtu tlnne. Te gretrtiurnter of ire lok,-rber ip ntedthephi-K. L S LOSTAN pi risgtes tCi t'yo! rohîintf-dthie apirroachîni- car. 5h,- caît. elu lIi î a d te tînt chîlti. Thea itile girl coný1 W NB .6 m tînued i er iay acrosltîe trai-itsali____ MAN .ftvL.Vb t' when slipre tnachroi the outie i Thr-e hilu so! i ol itihue base blIa 'MAN 'WH LWED sde sheauddenly groi-th man- tiaun itis-d a % Iciory ain d a tat ti îng of tectit antistarteti bai-k n.tatnIlerit-tliSaulasaîiSn accse iirth e -t.rceitt audy' n U IN A BARN DIED AT Ta( phldaprernly b lot noti-ti Iay,, gaints. lioct'telii-r .arided hl he apo f h tetcarfrra a eatlîî- otitht' Foitliat PIculý' T iE SANITARIUM made tht' motoeffortgsounde IFourtetneî1 i-ctlY in t'e patin of tht' car. Suie haiSiPature anîl ttheconîlîlloîr of thêk Frank Brownm, Former Barten- îrost'i one- rail anti vas t-iirr grouiti mad t I m lpossible te pIa1y der, Succumbed on Sunday domr lAieo ber whS thiki clir i r. . auirîniliki- basee hatt. Loa u P. M. to Tuberculosis. lier mai> fi-ct froni the tracit. ~t mais ount o! the luit'ut, ni icCouit « lîttît' body îantiog Inbacruropli-' anijury, andtIllornunttîobup th«. HE WAS FOUNI) [M A BARN. beap~. crvsimdaay~op-trect'iiingt'eni. Recently Supervisor Bairs tesptao shdtow waioire the Found Fellow Living in a litte irn i ay, cxpecting teofinti ber Y I N A Barn on the South Side. pikd ni) anti carried Iinto the home. Pb)slclans vert' hurrletiiy soin. 'Waiykayan. Joiy 6. moneti anti an examination of the Frank Bron,n.27 ycors nid, ira ne- chltis injuries wera made tie I a cetyws on iin uaban idfounti thatsire inas austainad roi ner- . cenly ua totît lvît- In hao.tiltous Injurias. The apparent extent In tint Laite County Sattitorluro Sun- oi her Injuries consiate«f ofC t4uslond day aftrniaolul Deatin sns due ta tu. on tiraliait ehouldar anti threio'he berculosis of Whlch lie hait bean sut- Whara inaehIl calma in contact vitit ferig fo som litie lme.the c-ar. As lte ciil vas thtra-n to, ienig in snna itta tme.the Mtrent wlth grent farce Tt la pas- Tt Waz only- receotly thatt heua ns sbble but hes not as yet beau datS- set plight vas calladtetothe attention minet Whether siaesustained Intternat ai tira autliorfttes. Suîpervisor George Injurias. Bairatais-raceivati a repart tir*t de- et The fathar of the cllild te amployat tWlntirnop Harbor andtitoks tripis spfita tire iact that Braonvas suifer- ta anti fromt that piace ta thue City, . ing ai the white Planue ha vas living aach nigirt anti marning. He as 1 th B S In a bars hn the greatest squear. Mn. bovat iIn satines vth tira double caiamlty titat ras efeal lis borne lloney C Baltstov investigateti anti the Conail- witirin tha lait veak. - V tion le tound ira-grsdescription. Wltneuessoaithe accidente state d zslstosar hras atCo Ha at once repartailthter mattar ta titat the matormen vas net et fouit lu ever usrbv eompetenî s rscsIolonit rî. Dr. Brao anti the mon vas namaveti andti tîttlie matie tutilla attempta te charte. We gdnti our onu lees aed maie te he ake ContySantorum stop tiera c en ie iasav tire danger .mm trames te Ieht t artlcular el.. 10 tnt' aiteCouny Seitonum vreaof tine child- hie liadt ince been givan every poasi- bicattntin. istileas bdi po-Wouiegon. July 3. MANUFACTURINU OPICIAN grassei ta sucin an extent. ioweîer, Ttiert'a enteraiS the linuonihie >that tirea as tio chance te oavi-litse Dativ arm nantit of Waukt'gan anti WAUK!GAFi) , ILLIN blite. occupiatf hy John F. Rouser, some Bronona ormarly was bartennter for tinnedtirith ie bouts of ]est ngihti Antan Dudek. t. I lsaliS lie startat nlstols anr o'a rticles of hanr- . BA~IR ST O1 rdrlîtking hcavlly and titis ls saidtiet nese. Tht' matter wa reportaiS to ehave heen respoosible in a large de- tire Police tiepartmant thisa aternoon. MNFCUEO gree for lus pinysical condition. Winen Tire articles stolen coîîslstad of the tollovng: oni-rofi Unesa. , fouran G an lie contractel consttoption bis fiania homne sirops, one britila anti set aal M r i n 1seemadtetatiisert hlmnaenti beini- un- otiner portiona of hannesa. rablla te oronlhacoulti not provita hum AIl of tire Iarnesstolo-n vas ni-w, o u e i L oiwith living quartera. anti Mr. Rdusar places e valute af $20 -olI on It. Hi- statas tiret h iittboue FOR SALE-Klriek Ho useatt large lot. ltqirie of Il. A. ['rotin. . -4.-tl POR 8AL.E-Mllinery cand Dry, (Iieds business. Iuî1uire M. A. P['tnne. ..42tf FOR SALE-@ roon u ne s ud 2 lots. bargain il taken at once. meconidlit. Jisquire af E. W. ColL>y. 4- FOR SALE-Pperuvian Ejuinea pige. tu- 29- L. (42t4 FOR bALE-A sitwrbet î,f Baopebuî.. sas.,mboa! ar su b.ato. Pri(- reaotn. abis. N E. Iiatzert .- e42t SFOR SALE-] 2 toue Tiiittihy lay on grouud, oLfap.iC. C. i upalaod. P42.1 FOR SALE-Rotai andi Resaurant Fur. 'Ilehingo. lainotoat Stjour own pries.. elso gasioliue tank holdiug 12.7gaUle. with pusnp andi bomse complet.. for $46. Libertyvuli.. Howe. c-42.1 FOR RENT-7 roont liat orer flasC o. o00mceOn 9ilwJuk.-a venîe. liqutre (el Cil.Kaisr. P-42-1 Report of Condition of tbe At Lteryîlle . O.. tate of llteol,. et the Go"., and tMeoun« .. ...... . t, e..e.d and Uneered... 6 U W dsluseecure e>eUltio» ..iot0a 6 Oit, .Bod, te. u..î .... Po l $., i uit 0i Bond%. Sevunties. Keti.loti,..,th.iî . ...k .. ... .....O > 65 . - a» inouu.. tirnIturead itum 1t.mBa0 Mue 1ruiNatio. i atiks It t er,.. age,,........ 16,42-91 Dua eotti Stato- suid PrIv ie Batiks s-J é3arluge klsol, ne4 Me- tM -.,b 91ri le.- . T. KE, ('O17'TY s E r> ý.FÉ-tDAY. JULY 10, 1914. Iii i au de your aI rat F. Rtobert, TrOBACC( Earn $100 ori-. Dr.a WAN TE O- Wo.tir. WAN TEI>- vllbe, PhonJe WANTEO- trck grarde or montl back addi Lut Ban & rt. W.++ lfot i.<i cianiîa i t1 iatti litA re .e00 Vr,i-iui,tiai ltatir une,, N ti- ,j andCetes.. ns,,;LOST-Tuî jda , ,Uni,- - ir i nl, n P. t ý iuskegoa 1-u 4 2 abouit i' > ~î»i 9Z44 .qs i Cania mi - pii - 1 C ,ii0-« ' Ttnir- pnein r i.-i Ott, - . . . . llhiîi.ltuîttun-n nl ii- I.niîMONEV Ti 11t-rnî'iilu-it 1 di liaik Fesia,.e. i- -,ate. -j l.- ai vi. 11,i 8 r1 , - 'MARRY I- t. U F iiir i.,.r --m. ai' dille 1li - Sos.. tir n n a ,1r l,, i ,, ri- ith ,, u-l1hi f5 il n ix >lui2,; lai l >iilir - ,o 7 wri tl-Ius fr IntieineLiSLt adb--reati by .95.000. i 'i - Repart af CondItion af the HALLOWN FIR3 NAIONL ANK Th, No i1i- at tIiý- - Ait inr l 1,ir rrn' ftr utu, t thelC ire-ibiuiiuarr ciii,- n i. --- ii, >0 r--r mi -tai ~ rrainîage il ïeî'îvut 7.1 li) auuigan - Biueii se t-el. li e t"rn.î.ither i l,,.il îa mont 7 ut O ký. .. - . . .. ... .-u. Funtinibusiness.r A s i. r,>uîo i- ai HiatuS, bebni- cons] Banker... inru ('au ailc n Ld onI nil as ea a,, iroP.- .n o- e ho.î tube,- E nder- r i rlaa rî1t-m. ni-aK, tOt'u uil ,t-, uuua iuv t e myears as a n.awliri u -rRecr70eitcb ut 4 wa; Stade l-Bauk. Irvsi u7 il.5 Rt'iur 'in17elot1.Clin5f 17.0:Lii 01 Total--sai.r2efeatedtheir Caia t4riABLrtTIîS Interestini- carpital lob nine sý -non-ortit. seat bniitd and-iir.5--W0.c0'eiOed pitcher, Ni > Tans.-. taid ...... 4,4 t1-1 * eered frr tai.,e,, 2 -uimen, hls w * honeiBaiS Non- in-.alhg--it 0-<egama. Tht e u tae an i i-et Ilarî sini 1 Daonseri,, 1....- r1ans1 n-l amas $Ches - t indeb d ercîoi,,îits jeit run i-beik tis5. 26 1)....d i-ifi eaievcI of iien 7,Irua77, dayî for tt -Time crti i"'of uner""i " a t'le ale er 0 i-lift- otiicr rince ., some goat dae rtiSeit is ......- - - - . 24n1Isi Suntiay. -postal sar-lý ei ootn - r- Total .a'.22t A cail w IITATE OFILLINOiIS.ttiUTiY OF LAKE. gaIi-n line It - inuS, o suemi.y vurn ibai tihe osure rosir tirahi esiteisat t ro te the btil uit at Sswiete ircsaC S. Seelv îitRi i-vy. Cathier as Injunt r scrbýIbed seit 'tOoi-v.10befiie t l hrv OU0fnom ierI i~5t LYELL H. MRRIS. Nohurn Pubie. t-aiothtira1 orrc tes: . tTAYLOR lamoitile t vS WALROND f ount the G. SHRCeiaeil ' D irectors. placetd ln i ta tire Me Iflmepentiant reader? BE ONE. i-en.

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