CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jul 1914, p. 1

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LAKE TWELVE PAGES C'OUNTY INDEPENDENT LIST 0F PUpILS FORMER RESIDENT 0F STATE FAIR SCIIOOL - E RNSADA FIRST SUPPLY OF NEITiIER OISENT Word lias bO ea eevD IN ofWAh OF13ERS FREE STUDY Emnil Schuoltz. wii olst1w iijealle FISII PLACED IN deatb of Iowa 0f.Mrs. llradfold Owen, frida ar tRI.îll i lettîng N OR TARDY IN C».In11hat for thetant year andhber TO MANY STUDENTS ""<onîr arkfo ati rtino e A E _S T R _____death was flot unexpected. She wattgrar i îand aithne park àiid Itisr de- L ES S T R Y Lit ncuds hoe n outr brninWarren township and spent Oe osIli that modern tanid. nul be Lis Inluds Tosein ounry many yeare of ber lre ln th5.f vicin- Is Oe to By From 15 to 21 rce at once. Recerir rare- ineetsata Thousands Upon Thousands of Schools Who Have Perfect M it. John eaierbflGrand avserse, Years of Age Who May 1n fîi ark he ogt h-ci, P nrt giv. Black Bass to Find Way in Record of Attendance. Wauk:gan; Mr.Laura King, Lake Compete for Privilege. fui n tl bub i.lipîr i to Lakes of County. Villa. and Mrs Mary Smith, South _____il the raciiig sport will mnarrant the WILL GET CERTIFICATES. Buttnick street, wa'ukegan. IT 15 A RARE OPPORTUNITY. IfiiiiiiIitatUotl of the p'arti Planîs haveLCA _____:-1cii mrade for a mo(rrv cli- eet t OA ANGLERS JUBLIANT. While Some of the Schools RE*MARRIES BRIDE Sudnsjh Ws t ak he ci-3îYmeetigly e1 t ado bn il atWork of Placing the Fishin Have But Few Several Have Competitive Test Should th- parti On Jiily 216thî 'taon are un ý Fîfty-Two Lakes of Couinty a Large Number in List. 0F 14 YEARS A60 AT Apply to Superintendent. lnray for a tiiree*fita<ra i 1111no-et WilCnueW cs ________1,'-ied laie litith ..:-', rainji i l osu W es The record of the students b1th@ehr Hn ot motn m l ý M1red(a h ' ,:ln. 'l h nlr different country echools ail oýer the A Q IET 'EDDIN6 n nthe:: ai ni- Iiria of a >orh n fo-i d <bat 11-1 i., ii in haveaflg:catis.- for county wbo have been ntitber absenpt airngth i-sdi-l- aithei- i , f îî ýjsiieîd ofr ai fardibat'o>en'nmpitei andJabiiiatiorî for three mîilionibiiicin shors tary au be n uScompi lated nd Rom ance W ith Divorce Courts faim viiooi. aer,- tr a w i-T F Y ~ E Ebasa frym," wortiî more t han $,l ashPhase Endsfor aocal 1ually largebPSAY EY ER flamber of chiidren who are enfitled a8hs nsfrLcl frtlaeiîdî,t- ri (i iii at '100If they al imaturei. aili elkicilked t etfctswihare given out. Woman and Gurnee Man Of the bi u front 119P TE T UE ii.~mi hestile batheniviai Srn The eblldren always strive bard to 1U e n ilb itiitýloe h encore tissus certiilcateir and when BOTH ARE PROMINENT. i-le 0for tlnr urciîîiî-r UltriuItuiira I lattes andsrpaiîisoi northwà-u:i-rv. tbey ecore oneIt lu anIndication gotPINTI OF 1 À1 A UN .and nomtilîasietrnIlilinois, litia roone Bidn . To. ifrelo aa wih eitetpî (iii0f1yorueni whl( h iegan ail iiaiîîrîav. theY haveelertîed much effort te re. Cupid Reties Knot Bnin *ymnlàjî he inen r ~f,~ sii iaiiiilii s fih- a rr i li frain fromi belnatardy or absent. It H. Hl n omr ieA. o- naioiar iab nîi u i w tohMSerOt b- Tr he tiîr withe lis o(l ie iifm la much barder for the cblîdren who Hl n omrWf f fclieetlmrtlr.o l fr ilh h it w attend the country ochools te main- ter Long Separation. rL--iii fcnii>-iutisrjiora i arrant for the Arrest of in 1,ake county. Frontî sacré e- riîlll tain a Perfect altendance than Itlaluthle cri-ai agricuifurai. nîeclîairiaol h lte nMitnyr ln the Cty for they have much fur- Waukegan, Juiy Juiy 9. and eiirîîatiiial i-ahiblîs or the stati: Geo. Dunford, and Wife. and f onilaki n tJlletind r airfl ther to go tae chnoo an their facili- An Instance where cupid rptied the fair. aoi, ilroîîglî such agcncy. flore1 .tasloticTh nke rv tiez for r.acbing sctiool are more IlM knot atter à perlod of aimont fourteen fully lu hiîlorîiîandilitest the rcni BROUGHT INTO COURT HERE ernmialr lac Ti- ankkeerI t of fate. that long ao, wau dlsplayed of lillitoln,. and the acibevî-nients ,, Constable Says Shotgun Was ce nriaadeiluen llr lit la a notcworthy tact that tha 1Il the secret marriage of a îîromlnentsuv h gtfrntesalgne WaUconda achool had the geat« 1roaidlent of Wadswortb. P. H. Hill te lier cilizen-îîs a denîoultrated by thi- Pointed When He Went to adjtsh conservaftion comnmission as flambOr Of Puriie wifb perfect records bie former otite, Mr». Margaret Strang displayii on exhîibio.SevEeution. cbl forerait o n o ie on Hilliof Waukegan and which occurred AyServey oyosr 5 nduîdir ______adan-e ilan eer r eof hei- y aitbougb the Antîoch scbooil lea close a mw onm. aiMn ay. 21 o ve 5an ne ln ve octvdb second. lnnmre of tbe ichools tbore The remnarrtage wau the culmination iaefag-lelibefCOiiii ereDn-;Î rf o An- e ommonwealth to stock tfs waterz la buttQne of the puplis Who bas main- of a romance that had the divorce as for the sclîolarslîltis in this school and; tloch have been placed limier arreaf wIalth filfî su eef ail -demande. The tained a erfect rcord. j important phase ir. lits existence.lis iviSl t f ile lis appmlcationi for, on a warrn wmoth1,isHdsrbuon arstefrt epln talna a prfec recod. wîî aThe couple were divorced aimeut sald ainpoihtirientin lwriting witb the; Feiter, a rntirswosnto h iewisH. dnthprt oIinoiaste irn te5o retired Ant la à trcnanof thospartof will tourtenthe artilicial Polownglaa utof hoe ho forten ye.ars &go eacb wending superintendeut of achoQîs of hip Cotin- on a charge of havlng driven hini cultivatiot of black base "fryo." iccaiv certificates for baving attain- their way. but doubtlesu. the flame ofi ed a'perfect record: love klndled in their hearts. Mr%. Hill ty ou or before Jliy 25, 1914. from tlieir place at',the point of a More blacko basa "frys" ahli follow. Gagea Lake. Schoo-Haine, Wright, Imade ber remdence at the home of a Acommittee- coneisting of the couin- ebot gon which b. laye they titreat- and ln addition roi tles fhan 50.000,- Leslie Hawthorne. John lCerry, Dimis daugbter ln uhis ciy.fy auperintendent ef ichoolu. tite res-1 ened fe discharge. », couple were '041 b llack îîerrh or wali-eyed pike Assat, Fý« Bak.The umariage of tise couple came as Âme, Fanc. Bak.a complets surprise te their many 01 Roelfii.r Schol-CarrolilPal-te-friends ln Waukegan and- Wadswortb. Oas, -Violet Porteoaa. Gertrude Hecit- Early Monday morning M. H11l de- stm*cil.r, Nellie Huntington. Ernat parted front Wadsworth, whither ra Rita. tolWaukgan and together witb hie Antiech - hol Abert Tiffany, prospective bride, departedl for the Wesley Conrad, Aretas Icuehlman. i Indiana Gretna Green, Crown Point. Mat 4 IillebraMa. Sentith HarrIson.There they were quietiy Joined ln ma-P Marson" trimonY et the parsonsse <of the Preb- Russel Kuehîman. Lesta SavaIge. byterlan cburch lu tliat city. Dalay Richards. Gerald Pierce, Jeu-I Af ter the marriage SIr. ilîl accom- ice Ranyard, Vera KInrade, Genel- panied by bis wife returr.ed to Wa*iu- vile,. Plerce, Alonzo Runyard. Mar- worth where the gr'oom bad a bunga- low ail equipped for the entrance of puoilIa gavage, Elizabeth Tenbrog- bis vite. He fallii e oInform bise Iran. Susan Tiffany, Carnie Horcher. friends of the marriage. but in some Edna Richards, Mernilil Sabin, Ray-, manner it leaked out and at nighffall mond Tylor.about 200 of bis frienda gafhered mondTaylr. bout tbe residence of -the newlyweds Wauconda Schoo-Robert Black- 1anaithe littie utown of Wadsworth bum. Clarence Jenrks. Irving Brown. rang tbrougbout wth the charivari EugS. Stroker. Arthur Stroker. Eu- that foliowed. gene han bad a perfect attendance ne- The bride aM groom lnvited ail of thbe sereneders loto the residence cord for tour years. bis brother ban where they were the guests. of the beeu tardY but once in the eaime pe- couple at a wedding banquet. riod. Blancbe, Humphrey, Gertrude Johns, Dorthea troker. Ray Lam- PASSES AWAY AT MER ph.-., rsnctg McCormick. Marvin HOME IN ROUND LAKE. Hughes. Wayne Crabtmee, Melvin News bas been received of tbe Btoe. death of Mm. Ruth S. Memili. widow Bro ks' S mphonya Orchestra Notht ChIcago, South Sohooi.-Har- of the tais George H. Merrili, former NDMR the direction Of C. Z. Bronson. This la the. orchestra whlch bas juif ri-tuned fromt a ive-years' world old Wilkinsion, Rode Kapheim, Ra. deputy warden of the penitentiary et U tour. I ufmu hogotfeladngcnmufe fteetr of;e.ellywl nw 0Cl Celle StandaL. Dorothy Punit. Bea- Joliet. lMme. Merrili dled Friday, July I 8fmu hOgOttelaiccm nte fteetr ot;epcal elkon1 'i trîcCooQ , O Ebba Josephson. Vercelle 3. et ber homne ln Round Lake, eithte cage musical circles. Litcfied, nnaCook MarieMiloyage f 7 yers.Mrs.Merillwen te SOuom0f titrefeafure numbers te bestagedi by thls orchestraisaaaflamber of sailor songe, Black Fiorent huntln Joh bieAnHa t ael ok , a te M I onldRo unda e 0f 73 e ain s19 Mme.nd Mfrril went ta sng s and other descriptive elections, There iii lis especaly strong vioin, n llo, trio and quarfet appearatce. JohnHar, Mbell Kabei, DoaldRoud Lite n 100,aud or ve ~Y~ One Of the greatest and mout chsrming Musical prograni rendemed during the cufire season anywhere in AmuiJ Davis. previcue hand lived ln Green Bay, Wl5.. Ca will bu put on luntitis clty by the Brooks Orcheutr-a on the fourtb day of the Lincoln Chautauqua progamt. Curea SchoOl-MadeIaIne Thom- vbere ber son, Fred D. Mierrtll, lu as- assen, Luchla ftrang, Engene Barn- sistant district attorney The other Ident of the ('ounty Farmers 'Inslfute, brought teo Waikegam this morning *frys*" are fo be culfivated. stable. Evelyn M oCullough ll dred eRound r Len a dM e E. C . W eerr ofl and th e c lairnian f the eou iiy board and w ere arraigned before p olice T h e irst c nrsignm int, a'ich w ill Mabl Zmmrma. f Blvder.of sopervisurs lhane ieen appoiîîted Miagistrate M'alter Taylor. bc ribairiliutfiîl front the prinafe isii Lake. Ville Schoo-L.oule Koelotra. to select the boys. White fine cîîarac- As neraly as crin be learned front car of the comnmission. bas been ln Joey Nadr, Edna Wallace, Hsrry Wal- Wat"eurY Schi5kýeHarold Stan- ter of the test set f0 select the dele- the assertions nmadie iy the plaîntiff, irîtsaiîr lirce lebh. i. They wer,, lace, John Wallace. field. gaies 4s ieft iargely lii the liaids of Duinford and lis aifi iîurchased some culfiated on flicefafes artîlicialîn Hilghwood Sohool-Olga Rehrwald. Fairfild Schoo-Lillian Helmuii. tfl'a colîîmittee. if us SggiefiŽd iîy gonds of? lm for airicli tbuy dId not nî'soejI)onds atS Sîring Gi-e, whicin Hazel Smiths, Gertrude Smitb, Eliza- Aptakimic SchOoo-Mabel lHerman. tue commission that the- examnîatioii pay. He vent lutin court, ý.nd lent a are now f acres la exteit, and wili beth OConnuor. Grange Hull Bchooi - Blanche ahoutid be or eîcîîcliaracter as viii: iudgmnet againsit lrem bIi-à ecureil sumn r.. iiireasi-d tf0:i5acres;. C. fB. Winthrop Harbor Scioat-O(ordon Becity. l'irai Test flue abîlity of theecuit. a writ of execution. Wltb a Constable Wliifford, stafe Sit culturiet, will Spencer, Myrtle Jacobsen. 1 Lake Zurich Schoo-OQeorge Wolff Ilidafe f0 observe carefuily soe obt- lhe ernt b fthe. Dunford home ari4 have charge Of flic distribution. Gryik. Schoo--rmnk Prasier, Arn Schoo-Mildren Underwood Jeet atîd mitik a fair report upon ît. started lto ievy on the articles for Tl'le commîoission wlîlch bas inaugu- Robhert Heard, Evelyn Culver, Jessie Jolinston Schoo-Bertha johfiston Second-To lieten te a falk or lac- wbich he sai]lil iaita received no rat ed ibis mone under the administra. bloore. William Lasco. tftre and f0 reproduce tîte main ponts. pay. uii <f fion Dlnne la Compoeed of .White Schoo-Elsle Leonard, nlos- Williams choo-Darlq efttsmie. Tiird-To prepame and write an lu-. 'Ihen. accordiug f0 his story, Don- <' J. Dittiiar. lresident. H.* *V' aie Leonard, Hilda Thomforda. Dedge Schooi-Harry Wedge. terestig and ntruefine repiort Of ford odered luts wife ta o ge m an- Meeteran and .1. f. flickman. They Grubb Schoei--Beatrice Hock, dt- Spsuldlnge Corners' SchOl-Elmner wiiaf be lias seen and lieard. other :room and ge-f hie shotgun. havîteî nseîlan is under way and tord Eoit. Anderson, Lois Carman. Lyle Faut Applicatte viii report fe the Office This vas done, lie sîtys, and ibis wen- ail! iiiake tir,-lîîkes and atream, of iddlecomba Schoo-BesBle Cudda- Theodore Spaulding, Alice Carman. of the supernteîîdeit of scitools of POn vastî,oiuteil rienaclngly at the tIllnoi lang ftle mut popular lu by. Alfred Âmes. Murreil Rasmussen, Leone Kraft. thelr respnective couities Satumday ait- tvo men and tiiey acre ordered front the c-ountry for grume fiahing. Emmena Scitool - Ida Runyard. Maddsn Schoo-Henry Epfler. Ben- eruicon at 2 oclock, Augut 1, 1914, the place. Thcy say that Dunfordl flack basa f*rys" distrihuted 1nom, Vers Nelson. nie Epiter, Lucynde lMiller, Evelyn for examination. The naines of nie veM a bout iflu sucli a busineguubîke vlinmatuare liti uo yeare and at pre-c Hocicmday School-Clara Edmonda, Miller. boys appointedl as deiegafes to repre- muanner that lhey lbad no doubt htop retirce ad o l il Cbarley Gallagher. Warren Cleveland, North Prairie Schoo-Joe Gticiten. sent the several counfties lunftle boys, vould shoot If uiîey refueed te leave. SaBli non- sbiiiied front Vermont. WestL Florence Gallagher, Belle Truax, Walter W. Scot, Mary gc«>t. state fair echool of 1914 te be sent by Tbey went. Virglnig-< Arkanisas )ind PMnocongir% Alc. <3alagher, Ellen <allagher, Ag- Ivanhoe Schoo-Henriette finycler. the respective county superintendente But only fe a jusltice of the pence wouid bring 25 cents a pound. Them ne* Cashmore. Lake Bluff SchooI-Vloý*t Cols. Of Aclîoolu fe the secrefary of the cona- et Antioch before wbom tbey swore pIre uudouibtediy would drap wlf b9 Murray ftosol-Leoiora Dietz, Blae Avon Conter SchooI-43arg Huc.mis. silaon, Charles P. Mlles, Springfield, out a warrant for the arreet of Duu- a big hontec suppiy. I DIetx. Edward Dietz. er. Mabaile Sheldon. Itabert Shellon on or before Auguet 8, 1914. fard and bie wife, This vas turnedl Tii-ne are Ino Suner hlackill(anser bmWf Day Schooi-Cella Klein, Lu- Irving Sheldon. Leu fiselden. BannIe For furtben Information address tue over to Sheriff Green who mode the lattes lu the country than thonse of i) alle Gesen, Sheldon. Aice Leng. satperintendent of schoole. arrest. norf hem bIllinois and the only treserIl Fox LakteSohooi-George Stanley, Hubbard SIrhool--.Lydia Pimbîman, the la'tes orfisconsin bave attracted ta Robert Stanley. Stilfford SholLiiAmas, Trous Tbe 91aukegan dandinais an Sun- Put Mer on thse Bout f.ihherien sway f rom tbem n Wedwrth4chdF-egth MorockNotingam. aY efeted he trog nely rga.' i Ebad-"Ars youawàM su y jr cause cf the tate alid given theeta I Wd swý orsth e o Sipî tes, oun ottkahis e n. j m etB o ks iday dee atc d i Ceost an y . lubor an-th atlit takes three-fourths f My ne.. the Propagation and cons ravtion of ,i Jadgs M é r it au rello 5uu le kV n lla s o a -Janns Br o o r hlied e slita d ady tompStu ~Me t your d mes#uakars bills?,,1 the fish, gid M r. W itfrd. W aà Eay Ma Noloc. Jmiei-'~', Mri OOP Noth hicgoisya 910 sos-e - mt-Good gràceoas'W-bat do yoa are dolng sometblng ne lnnIlîlinois. If Wright bhg.JaateRolier, DièmmoAId Laket. hool - Esthser do vtt th. eutsi of yogi monsyll- J Heretofore comsoirs hv e - l~~~Mdg4Gor'trKnigge, WIV0M POU 1.] Lais, Cofly'ubit weely-INDL ________ bmncnlin hmsler ae.a n ee j ndopilientiade taem»vo eetmr ' ASKS COURT'S PERMIS- SION TO CHANGE NAME. NMme. Lena umigsba lled a pe- fit ion ln circuit court asklng that she ho alloved to resume hem malden name of Lena Fels. She relates In hem pet ition that she vas born ln Wauuýegarn.ln November, 1178 . Ber father s name wes C arle s Peis. On May 4th she vas unîted ta marriege to Frankt R. CummIngs. Oln Mfarcb 29. 1910 uhe uecured a divorce from hlm thmough the %fperlor court of Cook uoulity. As a nesuit she vish- es to le giten aufiîority ta change ber naine. CANDIDATES WILL HIAVE OPPOSITION eMunro Has Opposition for Leg- isiature and Foss Has an Opponent for Congress. LOCAL MAN IN THE RACE. Every Indication That the Pri- r maries in September WiII Prove VeryLivejy,. That liieme 'n li e oneor te me- riest 1legisiune lbcbs lu the blstony tif the eiglîtl district ai the primarlis or, 9 t-ibrh, lu indicafed by th, fart that there viii be olPosltiun aIl aloug fuhei-lii-. lIn lti-congresîonai figiit tiiere a:so vili be a epimted con- rn-est for trere are fwo czirmdidare.s for the dei-flfirafirand relubican nomin- Foulosvuiig fis a liaf of the candidate, Who ou Safiirdny ihed prima-j. pet: tions fur primery oominations wltb Secrsiary of State wooadset Spnng Thomas B. Grabam tDem.) Rees Herbert Camr (Prog.) Edward D. Shunfleif (Rep.) James M. Woodman fRep.) FOR CONGIIESS-..... .. .... .... .uMalcolmn B. Starrett (Dent.) Jobti F. Waters <Demi Chiarles M Thomson (Pnog.) George E.Posa (Hep.) Hienry D). Capilaîn iRep.) The niaine of Fayette S. Munro of Htighlanîd Park as a candidate for beg- isiafume froni the Eigmfh district dosa flot alîpear but it Is possible tbat hlm name did 1101t appear lu t Ime for filling on 5sf urday. The 11sf of names sent out frona Springfield dosa DotInclude those mres lied late in the affernoon, The 11sf of names does no. gise ne- cegaanly, the Position lu vbIcb they yull alîpear on the ballotfi la said hovever that MOr. 'tlunlro Posfîvely vilI hi- a candidate. The fart thaf Mm. Camm elso, le a candidate viii make nu dîffenence. At a recent county central commlttee mueeting ai Libertynulle Mm. .Nlunro me- relved the endorumeuf of the meeting for the Position f0 vhlcb he again aspiires. Au Einounced In the Sun. a iew daysq ago James Woodmen of this î-lty lu ta bc a candidate for the legîsia- tome. Mie naine appeers amoug tiiose Who Illed their petitous aou Saturday. Some of the petitions veme fbled lu persan and sainie vere semt througl the mils. Au predicted sonte 1ittiè fume aga George Edimiumd Fusa le ta see'i bis jold seat ilu Corigresa as the reîîresen. I tatine f-rom the Tenfli district bîut be4 le nof unuiipoeed for the nomination. 1 little la kuown here of Mm. CapItaîn. S111 wlîlî eacl Party repreownted thei 'WIRE THIE VES ACT. 7 IVE AT WADSWORTII A .A. Hiant, a detec tîVeof the Chu- ~ rago, Milauikee & St .,ulRai2ayth Co.. vent to Kenosha Thrday and i askedth flc c-peration ofrtheplc depa rtrneut lu an effort 10 locale a i baud of vire tbîeveu vbIch bas been de wonkiîîg befveen Wadsvomtb and Mil. hg eau kee Thousando 0f dollars' se-rth e Or copper vire bas been stolon by thîs gan ansd ut Is alleged that the vIre hae been sold to Junit Shape et cities It riean on creatjve vont. llinois vîli h teep money st home vben its lak"eshl and etreamu are properly suppll-ed et, eith fish. Blacit basa nov shipped lnu heme brlngs 25 cents s pauMs. MWlth uo a plentiful sUPPlY ai home thîs prîce li bhouid.drap tb about I&eSnts- xaM V lave a profit te, the flahormen. Ws et are encouragIng farmerla toPut thelr.* waste lands lutu baus and pombcS Po4d& . tra s I . *, VOL. XXII.-NO. 43. WAUKEGAN WEEK LY SUN LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YBAR iN AIIVANflL START WORK ON $990,OWIRUSS STA. AT N. CItw Government Chief Engineer at Last Has Selected Sultabe Site for the Station. WORK WILL BE, RUSI4ED.- When Completed It WiIl Be the Largest Inland Radio Sta- « tion in the Worfd. Work on w bhat iii be, the larget lnland wirecess station in the world lias been tated aithtle (Great Lait«s Naval Training station et Norths Cu î-ago. The plant wilI Include tvo 40e i fot etieei towene 600 feet apet. a" apparatis amd an Instiction bail. -1'h buildings wili e'of brick sud terra- cotta and wuli co8t $s50.000. Wlsen the station in completed If viii ha Possible to seuil or recelive metsmee beleen there and Panaima and aut Principal stations along both the At- lantic and Pacifie coaîs. This One O? thse biggent sdvantelest for messages can ho reayed f rom on. oast to the other, and Ibs ill maille thé, goemnient Independent orfU ai aI egiaPb Unes. There ls no fesMbl vey et the prsent time In vhich iss.- > pages can bc relayed. Proposais er ealled for om. lit. dc lime ago and these vere ai4 et Wahinton ob ai S l The Contrent vswu ~ - ny ting lefI to do then vu« te Mc cure the Most advantageos spot ta- the grouinds of the station tc, reé the tovers. The governmnt's chief engifeerals- rived et te station lthe ltWak gsi-t Jane anq hAs bven Unit. ever usée He hep gog.o vsie aidera t ho thse hast pwI 5~ for e location. In bis Investigation ha dlonaveed that there seems t o bcoSnudrahia0 lodestone In places aithtie station ani ie annunts fonrfthe fact tisaI ligist- ning hep strucit there sceraI ime. He bas aimed ta avoid tises depomils lu Osabihing the tva big tavers. 1 The Plan of the gveument biltW rush tie completion of tise tva -- ers and uhe other buidings u as sdlY as Possible and maner tie cnta-set theY muet ho completed long batos- sno v fli e. T bus injod a of & fav Ionthei il l ho possible ta endi ati recelve messages et the Naval Statio. he govemnient Intends ta spe LO s epenge, In making tie statios. m* at the bigigest enihbest lu tie vo#td ûOVERNMENT WUL INVESTYiATETU DEATH O0F TROOPER Every Indication at Present le That Ne Was Murdered and Thrown Into River. Tbe mysterlous desth of William Mannintg of Boston, a trooper lan h* 'ftb U. S. C svalry et %'at Sherid an whose body as fond in the Ccag» River tva veeis ago, l la b.hoInvesi. slned by the Wsr Departmaint ow crding in a report rou iWauaqom inday nigt. Repreacentativis, AM&Me J Peters of Masmachasetteheasitkeli the War flepartmant Wtrailca Mais - tangs Mqvamnt» tW ascetaif M ha 'as murdered. nMangnVs1o60". r i-. D em nin N a n n in g 0 o y niaia. bleu, vas xpeedng a MIe- bou brson vheft thelies. aofhia dalb was recetvad. The facts in conneection witb tie oopr's dath leiave lttle doubla lel te minds of hls frinds tiat he I mrdered. He, vaN Wt Chicago vils vwo or three friands trousPoil Sasi n. The last tey sair of hle ha bad quit.e a um frioney ta hie pS,%.- et Wien e falled to islam ta tisa fort li as ait iraI Iouhuse aideuil- d. Thn tierCicio riv«s- geop bis body. 'flre vasno UOaib la hie pociets and even a mier ela et coe vich ha bad beq vaei~g - were gon., This led the »»» oism.. uert at thea ime tisaI tbaa- lme M r itte dubt, bnt ho Seb" m lls ooped to robhh U e M*& IX E N Plw Wi

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